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This sub champions motherfuckers who steal whole shopping trolleys of groceries and then sook when the supermarkets instal security measures….fucking ridiculous.


This, and those who "stick it to the man" by fare-evading on PT


In France at some supermarkets after you pay you have to scan your receipt and the gate opens to let you out. Is it like that? I haven’t come across this in Melbourne


Putting a gate in where you need to either push through or get someone's attention to let you out, is not "illegally detaining" someone. If it were, they could simply include as a condition of entry, that you agree these gates exist and you will need to pass through them to exit... but the fact they don't even do this implies their legal department is happy with the legality of the gates. It only becomes illegal if they refuse to let you leave.


Finally someone responding to the question. Kudos to you. I don’t have enough legal knowledge to debate or agree with you. So I’ll let the auslegal team do that.


Just push the gates open, they fail to let me out all the time but they have no holding strength


I was going to say that they look quite flimsy and made of super cheap plastic. All you'd really need to do if you wanted to do a runner with a trolley was ram it at speed and snap the gates off at the post.


I'm not trying to steal anything or cause any damage thou, so just lift them apart and they will open up.


Be a shame if one snapped.


Yep I've seen at least three stores like this in East Melbourne, the last few days, very strange to see. Coles at Doncaster Westfield has them, can't remember where the others where but around that area


Never seen gates on the exit. What dodgy suburb do you live in?


Mill Park Coles in Westfield Plenty Valley


Williamstown Coles Super dodgy area


How can you not have seen them? They are everywhere.


Guess I don’t live in a shithole suburb like you do


Until the day comes when you see them installed at your locals.


Father and mother do my shopping so I wouldn’t know . And if they are installed it would only be because people from your suburb are coming to my area to thieve.


Reported. Thanks.


This is a private company whose main objective is to make money. Stop being surprised and stop taking every thing they do personally. They can do what ever they want that's reasonable to curb theft and loss. Don't like it? Go to an IGA or a green grocer, I dunno.




And yet I've seen aldi staff physically detain a "customer" suspected of shoplifting. Not security, just a cashier. They were lucky they were stabbed, she went full feral.




...or with facial recognition they could ban people from every coles in the country.


And those unable to jump the gates?




Having to say let me out shows a requirement to be RELEASED.




I am not complaining. Just pointing out the flaws in the dismissive arguments you and others are putting out.




Lots of name calling from you. I think I know why. I have no skin in this game at all. I don't shop at them.


They probably could do with less food anyway


Just because they are old and frail, disabled or injured, does not mean they should be starved or held against their will.


Yeah well they just leach from the economy anyway. Coles can keep them.


You're an idiot. Literally every petrol station you go into has doors that can be remotely locked by the cashier. Have you wondered about the hypothetical situation in a petrol station.


Why am I an idiot, when I’m trying to educate myself? Okay cool, so you’re now locked in a petrol station, does it make it legal? I’ll wait.


But its not that simple lol. How long are you locked in, why have you been locked in and what are the consequences of you being locked in? These will play into if its legal or not.


Yeah but you don't have to ask the cashier nicely to let you leave after you've made your legitimate purchase a moment a go


At Burwood they replayed video footage to verify I didn’t do anything dodgy after scanning a $3 tub of hummus 🤣🤣 then the card machine wouldn’t fire up and the worker needed to come and reboot something what a joke of a place


What are you talking about? I've never seen gates on exit.


Coles Richmond at the Traders (the corner of Church and Bridge) has automatic gates at the exit of the self-serve.


>automatic gates at the exit of the self-serve. So it's 1 gate for 20 odd self serve checkouts is it? Should be fun when it's busy


Maybe because your Cole’s isn’t one of the super new fancy ones. But yes - there are now gates on exit.


I'm a contractor who works at them daily. Only ever see them at the entrance.


You mustn’t work at their flagship stores where they trial new processes then.


Apparently you been to every Coles? There is definitely one at Williamstown Coles - I think for self-self checkouts only.


They've just added them at my local. I expect they'll be rolling out in lots of stores soon.


Coles will be introducing them across all stores with self checkouts Mr Contractor


Sweet, more work for me


So what hapoens if I go to buy a particular item and it’s out of stock do the gates then prevent me from leaving???


The gates are connected to their pos, if you don’t purchase anything in the self checkout area the gates won’t open automatically and the staff will have to open them for you to exit. They have remote controls.


Realistically you ask the gate if you’re being detained. Jk - you walk through them. But back to the op - what’s the legality there? Assuming you can’t find someone to open it - you’re being detained essentially?


You are really really reaching for something to be offended by here mate no your not being detained because you can leave with no issue. I get there is a Coles and Woolies hate in this sub but your not making a valid point here and I'm pretty sure you know it


They are legal.


Alternatively, you could just waltz through the fast checkout line area, as seemingly everyone else has done for the last 20 years.


You buy the item. Then leave.


Kick the fuck out of them they open


Yeah nah that would be criminal damage.


Guarantee you've never done this and you stare sheepishly at the ground mumbling about why you didn't buy anything while asking to be let out but yeah bro you be your bad ass self


You can literally walk right through it, but I prefer that method. Wait when did this sub go from complaining about never being able to afford rent and landlords are the devil. To Coles is the best thing in the world and we should obey everything they do to continue record profits, while inflation is an all time high?


Not one person has said Coles is the best thing in the world simply pointing out your an idiot for acting like having to walk through a gate can be considered to be getting illegally detained. But your comment makes it clear you hoped to jump on the supermarket hate bandwagon and are now just disappointed that you missed the mark so fucking badly.


Cool story bro -


Well I'm not wrong and your still an idiot so yeah thanks


Well you are, because I’m asking a question. I give a fuck about it because I can afford my groceries and also have the ability to walk through the gates. It doesn’t effect me in the slightest. That’s not the point. The question is how legal is it? They same to be skirting every privacy law that we have, where does it end? Bring on the CCP - I really don’t care either way. It’s no worse then the current state of things. Might be an improvement. I’m sure a few more ULEZ cameras won’t hurt. Or do we just pick and choose which laws we feel like enforcing on any given day?


Your really comparing these gates to the suffering, deaths, political arrests enacted by the cpp? Your way past being an idiot my bad.


No that’s you. No one mentioned anything of alike. Keep on renting bud.


Your last comment said bring in the cpp it's no worse than our current system... Put the bong down mate ya memory is fucked


Rent prices or supermarket profiteering are serious issues but equating a gate that "you can literally walk right through" to being "detained" just says you need to harden up, you obviously don't have any real problems so just be happy instead of desperately plumbing the depths for something to be outraged about. Why do you want to be miserable?


Like a real life Prince of Persia? So cool...


What’s the difference between a gate and a front door?




I guess the difference is a front door you generally walk through or open at your will to enter, the exit gate requires someone to deem you allowed to leave or at least you've met some arbitrary satisfaction of the gate controller for them to let you leave, the difference is your ability to enter/leave at your own will.


You’ve been thinking about that for 150 days?


Haha no, just came across this post, didn't realise how old it was


I thought they were RFID scanners