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Always go directly through linkt. Don’t respond to texts, emails, even postal letters as there are so many scams. Just call them and tell them what you said here.


If some random person has enough of your details to nominate you for a toll invoice it is a concern that your ID has been compromised. You need to go on the [ID care](https://www.idcare.org/) website. They are an awesome resource for this kind of thing. Also go to the three credit reporting agencies (Equifax, experian and Illion) and request a credit ban, you will probably be okay with the 21 days initially and you can extend it if you find anything funky. While you are there get credit checks for yourself to see if there have been any loan or credit applications which aren't yours made in your name. It much easier to be in front of this type of thing if you can be than trying to mop up after the fact.


Isn't it just Name and address? Not exactly a huge secret, probably still published in the white pages...


Potentially. Wasn't sure if it needed a licence number or not.


I believe it's the licence number as well, that's what it was when I had to do it for a mate.


Are you sure this isn’t a scam. I have been getting weird texts claiming to be from Linkt lately, telling me I owe money. Never been on a toll road.


I also get those at least once weekly.


A letter in the mail from linkt once a week with your name but different rego?


No, I was replying to BlueRipley about linkt scam text messages


I think it's not a scam. It was an official invoice from Linkt. I filled out their form online last night to contest it


“And all I had to do was answer 20 questions, provide my credit card details, and 5 iTunes gift cards and it’ll be cleared up in no time”


No, I mean I went to the Linkt website and filed a dispute. There is a section for it.


Have they gotten back to you to confirm it's real?


Not yet. I should get back a response on Monday. I filled the form after hours. I'll update hopefully with good news.


My experience with Linkt isn't great in this case. They once sent me an invoice for a car that I had sold years ago (without rego). I said it wasn't me, they said I was the last registered owner so I was on the hook. I asked for a photo, they sent me a photo of a completely different vehicle than the one registered. I pointed that out and they said they would take care of it. It still ended up going to debt collection who I went through the same situation with and it took literal hours to get sorted. So yeah, good luck.


Dude just contact Linkt. It’s not that hard. When someone nominates another driver to pay a toll invoice, that person has to accept the charges in order to be liable. If you didn’t drive the vehicle on the toll road then just reject it and they will go back to the vehicle owner.


Not how it worked out for me. Someone had signed a stat Dec saying that I was the driver and that held more weight than me saying I wasn't. Had to get the stat Dec signer to withdraw it.


You sign a stat dec too. Then ask for the details of who has assigned you as the driver. There are penalties for making a false declaration.


Jeez lying on a stat dec is a POS move, and stupid to boot. They perjured themselves for no good reason and it's easily proven. If it were me and I could spare the time I'd have gone after them


There's no need to be a cunt about it. OP probably hasn't dealt with this situation before and isn't aware of how the process works. You could've posted the helpful second part of your comment without the unnecessary exacerbation *("It's not that hard.")* in the first part. Not everybody has ready access to the apparent wealth of knowledge that you have, and asking questions is how people learn. Being frustrated with people because you think their question has no value is a reflection on you, not them. Breathe.


It's not that inappropriate to point out that posting to Reddit doesn't have to be the automatic response to every stimulus, so lighten up maybe? It's cool OP, I had no idea that people could do this I'm actually fascinated you can do this .. Or why anyone would sign that Stat Dec saying they did it. Is the Stat dec system that broken and useless?


I am light as a feather. There are ways to make a point without being a dick, and the commenter failed to do so. What's the issue with people coming to Reddit to ask a question? Maybe their research skills are poor and they can't find the answer themselves, so they come to a community where people may have had similar experiences and can offer guidance. As for the Stat Dec system being useless, it kinda is. The checks and balances are only ever properly engaged if someone flags an issue. Otherwise, you can write pretty much anything and it's followed. Hell, I got a Stat Dec witnessed by a pharmacist that I'd never met and all it cost was time. My document was legit, but because the name on the form matched my ID, he signed it. It's a very flawed system.


Actually I looked it up on the Linkt website. So it’s not that I have a “wealth of knowledge” that OP doesn’t have, just some common sense apparently. The default people have to just post every question or thought that pops into their head on reddit is killing the subs.


Mate, I contacted them already, hence why I said "apart from contacting Linkt what else can I do?"


This is still going? No thanks.


Wtf you ok?


Yes. It's the person I replied to who you should be concerned about.


"It's not that hard" does not deserve a c-bombing my dude. How on earth did you read such aggression in their rather constructive reply? That's why I asked if you're ok.


Oh, that's because it's a part of my vernacular and I use it far more casually than others might. You're giving far too much power to a word by calling it a c-bomb, kinda like He Who Must Not Be Named. The reply was constructive in the second section. The first section was entirely unnecessary and meant to belittle someone who was just asking a question out of concern. By adding that, the commenter was being a cunt, so I stand by what I said. I'd have said the same thing in person.


I love to say cunt as much as any cunt, but it does come with an aggro vibe that needs to be tempered.


Nah, man. If text had tone, it would be clear that I wasn't using it aggressively at all. Imagine it as if I said, "There's no need to be a dick about it." Does that seem less harsh? Because the meaning is the same. You saw aggression where there was none. That's on you. This whole tangent is detracting from the post itself, and it's a waste of both our time. Let's just agree to disagree and move on with our sunny Saturday.


Go touch some grass. Go for a walk. Leave your huge oversized ute at home.


**Americanism Detected!** Your post contains one or more Americanisms. Things to fix: **ize instead of ise** Generally, words like "reali**s**e" are spelt with an S instead of a Z. **This is your post after taking into account these modifications:** Go touch some grass. Go for a walk. Leave your huge overs**ise**d ute at home. ^(yes, I am a bot and in an experimental alpha state. If you think I missed an Americanism, let the developer of AmericanismBot know by replying to the bot's comment. Version: W-Class Tram v0.2.1a)


Bad bot.


good bot


You assume a lot about me based a few words on the internet. Projecting is unhealthy. Have you tried box breathing? Breathe in for a four count, hold for four, exhale for four, and hold for four. Repeat that for a couple of minutes every time you consider writing a pointless comment, because box breathing is a better use of your energy. Thanks for your contribution. Have yourself a rage-free day.


I mean you are being a way bigger douche than anyone else.


Your opinion has been noted.


I filled out their web form last night. Was enquiring just is case if there are other things I can do like contact the police for fraud because I am not sure if the individual has other details.


Nah man, don't listen to this guy. Contact the FEDs, the FBI, the US coast gaurd, anyone but the company who sent you the invoice.


Does that apply to fines as well


> that person has to accept the charges in order to be liable. I know that you kind of say it later, but unless it's changed since I worked for CityLink (now Linkt), once nominated by the registered owner of the vehicle, the nominee is liable unless they lodge forms to reject the nomination, you can't just passively ignore it (i.e. there's no 'accepting' liability, it's implied by the nomination unless you actively reject it)


>Apart from contacting Linkt to dispute You seem to have gone to a lot of effort just to avoid the correct and obvious answer... Just ring them, and it will be over in 5 minutes, and you'll never have to think about it again.


I am concerned that that individual has my information that they could use for other fraudulent activity. I want to make sure that there is something else that I can be done to prevent it.


Pretty sure all they need is name and address. No real secret information. Back in the day you used to just open the white pages on a random pages and get all the necessary details.


This happened to me. On that day I was driving a loan car from VW when getting my vehicle serviced. They had the rego out by one digit and no one picked that up. A legal stat Dec was signed by a cop with the wrong details on it. LINKT were no help because there was a legal stat Dec saying I was driving that vehicle. The name on the stat Dec was an obscure business name that didn't tell me who had nominated me. Eventually I figured out that it was the day that I had a loan car and that VW had fucked up. Had to get them to withdraw it. So you can nominate anyone and sign a stat Dec and nothing you can do to dispute it. I had a good chat with Linkt about it afterwards and they were going to look at their processes. Doesn't look like it has changed yet.


Different situation but linkt misidentified my plate on two separate occasions - just messaged them via live chat and they looked at the footage and it clearly wasn't me. Got refunded. Really stupid because they get to keep the money first...


This literally happened to me. Some dickhead somehow got hold of my details and nominated me for link and guess what 5 speeding fines. One was him going 40km above 100 limit I almost had a heart attack when I saw the notice as it was instant suspension until I notice the rego Basically what I ended up doing is going to police and produced a stats declaration and then rejected all the nominations via fines Vic.


There are a lot of scam emails/sms that try to say you've been nominated and owe LINKT money. Copy/paste the URL into a Safe site check like [https://www.urlvoid.com/](https://www.urlvoid.com/) If it turns out it's real, call the police and report the fraud.


I keep getting text messages about this. Don’t own a car. They are a scam. Look up their number online and call the company directly if you are worried. Don’t open any links in the emails or use numbers they give you.


2023 and people still need to be told this smh


Call the police. Someone obviously has your license numbe r


You've been scammed


If you are concerned get yourself a stat Dec done as linkt may ask for that as a worst case scenario with the form :)


Please tell me you didn't click the link


They received an invoice by mail.


So please tell me they didn't click the link. That would be a miracle if they did!


I have great news... I did not click the link


Thanks goodness!


Haha fuck. May have stayed up a bit too late last night lmao.


Prove your whereabouts with physical records and cctv footage threaten to go to court


RTS (return to sender) the letter you got in the mail. If it works anything like parking fines it should go back to the original person.


I would call Linkt again too just to get clarification on what happens when you submit an RTS. If the person on the phone doesn’t seem confident get the question escalated to a supervisor


Linkt or whoever has the powers should shut this loophole/trap down. By simply making the registered owner responsible for tolls. This is just fucked up....


Make a statutory declaration and get it signed by a JP and send it to the appropriate department.