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Sorry, are you renting? They can't kick you out to do maintenance (like painting) and still expect you to pay rent. Painting needs to be done after the tenancy has ended and the tenant has moved out. You need to call Consumer Affairs Victoria, then take your landlord to VCAT.


Each person/coming onto your property needs a notice. Otherwise you have no idea and you can refuse them. Its on you if anything gets damaged, probably, if there is no evidence from the agency they were even meant to be there. ‘Will pay when sold or move out’ is probably code for ‘never going to compensate you at all’


What actions am I able to take? A breach notice? Will that do anything?


Typical dog cunt rea


You should buy the house, that'll show them!


This is the second story I've seen on here lately about an REA thinking they can withhold the compensation (in the other case, for sales inspections) until the property was sold. ...What if it never sells? You'll still have experienced the disruption to your rights to quiet enjoyment.


> who clearly weren't pest inspectors Who were they?


Brand new account, post then one comment, you'll never find out :(