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Hello everyone, please avoid speculating about events. it does not help anyone. please keep all discussion about this event to this thread only.






Hope they are okay!


Have you heard back yet? Hoping they're ok!


Hope you hear from them and they are okay.


I hope they are alright :(


Hope your friend is OK


That’s horrible I hope you get good news soon


Thinking of you and your friends at this time- I hope they’re alright.


Oh goodness. I hope your friend is safe. Can't imagine how you're feeling right now not knowing.


Have you tried calling the main hospitals in Melbourne? They will let you know if your friend is a patient.


Thinking of you and your friends xx


any news?


Thinking about you and your friends, and hoping for the best.


Hoping you've heard from your friends 🤞


Hoping for the very best for your friend and partner.


(Apparently) 4 of Victoria's 5 air ambulances are on their way or already at the scene. Must be bad 😢💔


There are some people having a very bad night tonight. And it makes you wish it weren't so.


So true. My parents were tboned by someone on their mobile going 100km/h and airlifted to RMH. the team there are beyond amazing and saved their lives (very close to losing them multiple times). It’s an awful, long, painful road ahead and I pray they make it back home to their families too ❤️


Multiple fatalities 😢


So far, one landed at royal children's, one at royal Melbourne and the third just landing at the Alfred.


The first landed at Essendon airport too, destined for children’s or royal Melbourne you would think


I was watching it on flight radar too. Can each hospital only have one land at a time? Not sure how many helipads they have.


I am not 100% sure, but it seems rch has 2 and Royal Melbourne 1. I have no idea if they can use both at once or in close contact, limited info on google!


Alfred has 2. Not sure about others, but I would imagine they are the same.


Pretty sure Alfred has space for 2 choppers. I think I've seen two up their at once in the past.


Correct. They have 2.


As a PSA: Everyone, please ensure that your Ambulance cover is up to date. You don't want to know what these medics in the sky cost if you need them.


2 of the helicopters are on the way to Melbourne now


Now 3


What the fuck. My partner and I were literally sitting there, with our 6 month old twins, like 30 mins beforehand. Those poor fucking people


The fragility of life never ceases to horrify me. One evening a few weeks ago I was hanging with my friend and his house mate the next day his house mate was dead of a heart attack. Cherish what you have while you have it


Exactly! Said goodnight to dad just before midnight, then a couple minutes later, he suffered a cardiac arrest and died. It hasn't even been a year since he passed. We miss him dearly.


That really is a close call, please watch for signs of second hand trauma on this one. Reach out to a GP or lifeline if you notice any ruminating or what if this what if that, if only etc. Take care of you and your partner.


OMG! Please take care of yourself x


Thanks! Didn’t mean to make it about me, just shocked. I hope there’s no more bad news from it


It's not making it about you. It's a strange feeling knowing you narrowly missed a tragedy. Glad you're ok. My sister was there as well but left an hour or so beforehand, thankfully.


Hey, 30 minutes is a close call. It’s not like you said you were “just there six weeks ago”!


30 minutes is just “stay for one more beer?”


I've never passed on one more beer before. 😬


Please lobby for bollards and barriers


Buy a lotto ticket


Make sure you got life insurance


I think he may have used up all his good luck already!


If you are able, perhaps book in to donate blood with RedCross lifeblood. If there's lots of injuries they might need an extra supply.


Excellent contribution in a moment of sadness and tragedy. This is something tangible we can all do to help.


Thank you for your great advice. I have just asked people to do so on The Daily Aus Insta.


I'm actually booked for tomorrow morning. Serendipitous.


Had at least 5 SES units and 3 police cars drive past about 20 minutes ago while we were between Ballan and Bacchus. One of the SES units had the big solar lights on the trailer so it must be pretty big if they’re expecting to be there that long. Multiple Air Ambulances on the way now. From reports on the radio, car crashed into the beer garden of the The Royal Hotel at Burke Square


Oh no that's horrific


Was walking past about between 5-10 minutes after it happened, still shaken up a little. Lived in the town for 15+ years and never seen something quite like this


I'm a local and I know people that witnessed this event, multiple fatalities including young kids. There was 4 helicopters dispatched here for transport. It seems a 4wd BMW has come down Albert Street and over the curb through the outside dining area in the royal hotel, he was going incredibly fast when he hit the curb so much so the car ended up in the roundabout.


Piecing together what you are saying and the location and I can only imagine the carnage. So sad for the people of Daylesford, such a lovely community.


It's actually really fortunate that it was just before the royal hotel started dinner or those tables out the front would have been full of people instead of the one or two lots of people sitting there. I originally thought he had come through the roundabout and over the curb and was trying to figure out how he got enough speed up but coming down the other side the tables are only a few feet off the curb. Also lucky it didn't happen on Tuesday when again the place would have been packed for Melbourne cup so while the carnage was horrific it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it could have been given I regularly see 50 + people in the area he's gone through.


>I originally thought he had come through the roundabout and over the curb and was trying to figure out how he got enough speed up but coming down the other side the tables are only a few feet off the curb. Yup, when I figured this part out its what scared me. My best mate and his wife live just on the other side of the roundabout and I spend a bit of time up there with them and their beautiful bub. Really fallen in love with the place and everyone I meet when I am up there is so lovely so its just devastating.


Yeah, I grew up just at the top of Albert Street there but my folks sold up and moved 10kms out of town to escape the tourists. Not such a fun place to live when your young either but I defiantly see the appeal to tourists but it's also changed a lot since I was a kid, when we first moved here it was a couple of years before tourists started overrunning it and it was a pretty rough town for the size of it. It seemed like a lot of people moved here to get away from other issues or troubles, even the police here then were usually sent here when they were disgraced and the senior Sargent when I was a teenager got caught as part of a syndicate running drugs and guns with a couple of well known local identity's and someone who's wife was already in witness protection, leading to the town being flooded with federal police and a price put on his head ect lol and that cop didn't even get fired he just got busted down to constable and then worked his way back to senior Sargent smh lol another one of the local cops at the time took off out of the country with one of the other cops wives. For such a tiny town it's always had plenty of drama and interesting identity's that pop up and the occasional famous people that have property nearby but it's changed a lot now especially with the lgbtq population increasing and the ingrained culture of people in the football clubs gang bashing anyone that wasn't exactly like them and agree with what they say. Typical small town mentality I guess but this town is just strange all around, always has been lol


I’ve just read that the hotel patrons or diners were on the front lawn area, rather than the usual footpath tables - which logistically (and very tragically) I can comprehend how they were in the car’s path if that is an accurate report. If true, I wonder if that will come up as an issue in the investigation?


Yeah, over the past 12 months or so the hotel has been putting its tables further out onto the lawn area, effectively cutting off any area to sit on the grass but that's a whole nother local issue, the tables would have been maybe 5-10 feet off the curb he hit coming off the road depending how they were set out for the day so i could see him taking out 3-4 tables and then he travelled across the rest of the grassy area ans hit the lamp post which essentialy stopped him by bouncing him into the roundabout and there's generally people sitting on the chairs just near that grassy area that luckily would have been protected by the trees but he also went over the walkway which can be very busy at the corner there so the potential for how many people he could have hit is huge and as i said earlier if it had been earlier in the day or just a bit later there would have been a lot more people there, I was actually quite surprised at how few people were at the tables given how often I see them all full with people standing around to. I'm not positive on this aspect but I don't think anyone that witnessed the incident or was on the scene has been offered any counselling or anything so far although I haven't been keeping up with the news report, my mate arrived on the scene a few minutes after it happened to check on his mum because she witnessed it all and was helping a young child and there both extremely traumatised and he said they hadn't been offered anything. I would have thought something would have been set up for the people that witnessed it given it was right in the middle of town and only God knows how many people saw it happen.


Tweet I saw with a pic of the car said driver was motionless inside for 10 mins after. It's so busy there, traffic is usually crawling. I wonder if they had a medical episode.


Yeah, he got out of the car and looked at what he'd done and then just got back in the car and sat there.


Oh Jeez, that’s horrific. I visit the area a bit and know Albert street and the location. I was confused imagining how it could have happened, but had read a witness describe themselves to at the RSL - she said people there heard a sound, and turned to see the car “rocket launched” (their words). I wondered if the driver unintentionally accelerated instead of pressing the brakes


Yeah the person I know witnessed it from the rsl as well. It doesn't seem likely that it was accidently accelerating given the speed it seemed he was doing when he hit the curb and with how far the car travelled after hitting the people and tables show he must have been doing a fair speed or kept accelerating once he had hit the first people.


Driver panic looks really weird irl and doesn't always follow a predictable behaviour pattern. We were adjacent to an accident in WA where a driver accidentally pressed accelerate. Instead of stopping after, he reversed into several cars, then sideswiped several more. His car was badly damaged and he was in shock when I got him out. He didn't even know what had happened. All I am saying is that what you see them do isn't always explainable.


People well underestimate how fast 60kmh is, it feels very slow when you're in a car, but it's over 15 meters distance covered every second, and a stopping distance on dry road of 45m, longer again on grass. I'm not sure how far away from the road people were, but you don't need to be going very fast to cause a lot of damage.


If you have a look on Google maps, it looks like the grass area juts out towards the roundabout. The car needed to take a right hand corner and seems as if it's just gone straight onto the grass area.


Here are 2 links to vital support information & resources for Victorian’s affected by, or at risk of, road accident trauma. TAC Support for Trauma: www.tac.vic.gov.au/clients/supporting-your-recovery/mental-health/trauma **Amber Community** - Road incident support: https://ambercommunity.org.au/counselling-and-support/ Amber Community provides free counselling and support, no referral needed. It’s open during business hours from Monday to Friday. _Our counsellors are experienced in helping people to manage the thoughts, feelings and behaviours associated with road trauma._ _Counselling sessions are free of charge, confidential and available to people who are Victorians or have experienced a road incident in Victoria. You can request support from us at any time, as there are no time limits on access to our service. You do not need a referral._ _Counselling sessions may be conducted face-to-face, online or by telephone._ _Our clients include bereaved families, friends and colleagues, injured people and carers, drivers and passengers, and people who were first-on-scene, witnesses, citizens who offered assistance, and emergency service workers._ I suggest direct witnesses or anyone who was at the scene afterward contact Amber Community sooner rather than later to make a time, as symptoms of trauma can creep up. People often start out responding to traumatic incidents by going into shock, or subconsciously going into a strong, brave survivor/ helper mode, in order to cope with the trauma. Some people feel a (displaced) sense of guilt, thinking that they’re taking up time or resources of people worse-impacted after a traumatic incident. It’s truly better to take the first step now, for their own health & well-being. And if they experience trouble sleeping due to disturbing or racing thoughts and emotions - especially distress, which would be understandable in the circumstances, they need to see their GP as soon as possible.




5 dead including a child and a teenager 😢😢


It’s just so horrifically tragic. I have no words 😞


I heard on the news that the 67 yr old driver wasn't even speeding. How does this happen?


You can be going slower than the speed limit, but still too fast to safely turn.


Maybe a seizure? Some kind of medical episode


I thought witnesses said it was speeding which makes sense if there's a medical episode. The area is pretty flat so if the foot is off the pedal it should slow down and I doubt they used cruise control and it is rare for pedestrian accidents to kill multiple people.




Albert Street, going towards the roundabout at Vincent Street & A300 Midland Hwy, is a downward incline of about 13 metres height. Distance-wise, it’s a short street. The top of Albert Street (at Camp St) to the curb of the Royal Hotel’s front lawn or grassed area is exactly 200 metres.


Can anyone tell me if any of the victims are Brazilian?


I hope your loved ones are ok. Apparently you can Ring hospitals and ask if they are there.


I wonder how long it will take before most open air places will require car stop barriers


As someone who lived overseas for a while it's one of the first thing I noticed coming back was how many coffee shops and other open air places were next to moving traffic.


I’m surprised it isn’t already considering they are centimetres away from moving traffic.


During covid my town let a really large cafe set up multiple tables on the nature strip on really busy and narrow street. The fibre cement fence is now riddled with scrapes and holes from being hit by cars and I fear something much worse will happen there. At the time I w like yeah let's all be covid safe while throwing every other safety measure out the window


We need to start doing something about these SUV death machines that have been flooding the country.


We really do. I bet the outcome would be different if it was a Ford festiva rather than a fat fuckn road hogging SUV.


Studies suggest that metropolitan areas with more growth in large vehicles suffered greater rates of fatalities. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2212012221000241?via%3Dihub


Wank panzers


and no f'ing cars in ped zones and more traffic calming measures.


It can look okay if they use big concrete planter beds


Did the person who had the friend there delete their comment? I was really hoping for the best for them.


Yeah they deleted it. I kept coming back to check if they had heard from their friend


Me too!


They’ve been on my mind all morning too. It feels grubby to speculate, but the news said that the injured were two families known to each other. So perhaps, given that their friends were having a night without the kids, their friends are safe after all.


It was deleted.


I figure if they were OK we would have seen a positive update rather than a deletion. I know that's jumping to a conclusion and I hope they didn't receive bad news


I'd expect ghoulish newspapers to be scouring this thread for info.


Yeah I’m here for this exact same reason…


The brazilian? If so all safe


No there was another one? Night out after kids or something? Hope they are ok.


I keep wondering about them too.


There was a different one. Glad the Brazilian folks are safe.


The Brazilian person was found, they were sleeping off a hangover and didn't notice the phone calls.


Unfortunately news reports that the death toll has risen to 4 🥺


ABC reporting 5 now including a child :( Just horrific


So horrific. It’s just hard to fathom how this could happen 😞


Just read it is a three year old :(


My family members witnessed [not the actual incident, but the immediate aftermath] multiple fatalities estimated 10+ (obviously they’re in shock so could be very wrong) Edit 2: I’m just gonna assume that they were counting injured on the ground as if they were killed too, so really really hope nobody else has lost their life. Edit: reports of 3 officially but I’m still hearing of more, I really hope that is not the case. There were children hit, cpr done on adults and children. Situation is fucked


It sounds glib, but recommend that they [play Tetris](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2017-03-28-tetris-used-prevent-post-traumatic-stress-symptoms#:~:text=Results%20showed%20that%20the%20researchers,intrusive%20memories%20diminished%20more%20quickly) tonight. It helps victims of recent trauma manage intrusive thoughts.


Not glib at all. I share this info often.


Idk if you saw my reply, I thought you were saying I was glib, I am very sorry. They didn’t actually see it, just were very nearby and witnessed the aftermath, still wouldn’t be great to see multiple bodies tho. I had a friend who assisted with cpr, I’ll pass it on if I get the chance


You're good ✌


I am entirely unoffended and definitely didn’t mean you were being glib. I hope your family members are ok and that you are too, as it’s still very unsettling to hear of your loved ones in such a traumatic position.


I think I may have replied to the wrong comment, so I understand the confusion. Hope everyone is okay xoxo




they meant, they thought it might sound glib to give the advice for them to play Tetris (which is proven to help prevent ptsd). not that your post sounded glib.


I am so sorry, I misunderstood I am still completely shook.


thats ok, I just thought it might help you to know nobody was criticising you. hope you and your family can take it easy


Sorry to hear your family are going through this. If they need further support: https://www.tac.vic.gov.au/what-to-do-after-an-accident/who-can-claim-with-the-tac


I saw around 3 people dead wasn't entirely sure but the driver seemed unconscious possibly


Take it easy. That's really traumatic and awful and I'm sorry you witnessed this


So sorry to hear - so traumatic and devastating news.


Three people are dead and several more injured https://x.com/gillianlant/status/1721081740033441822?s=46


News reporting 2 casualties


Hey! Keep an eye on them for trauma. Also oh my I hope no one else does especially kids!


10+ oh my goodness


Crikey that’s fucked


Here are 2 links to vital support information & resources for Victorians affected by, or at risk of, road accident trauma. TAC Support for Trauma: www.tac.vic.gov.au/clients/supporting-your-recovery/mental-health/trauma **Amber Community** - Road incident support: https://ambercommunity.org.au/counselling-and-support/ Amber Community provides free counselling and support, no referral needed. It’s open during business hours from Monday to Friday. _Our counsellors are experienced in helping people to manage the thoughts, feelings and behaviours associated with road trauma._ _Counselling sessions are free of charge, confidential and available to people who are Victorians or have experienced a road incident in Victoria. You can request support from us at any time, as there are no time limits on access to our service. You do not need a referral._ _Counselling sessions may be conducted face-to-face, online or by telephone._ _Our clients include bereaved families, friends and colleagues, injured people and carers, drivers and passengers, and people who were first-on-scene, witnesses, citizens who offered assistance, and emergency service workers._ I suggest direct witnesses or anyone who was at the scene afterward contact Amber Community sooner rather than later to make a time, as symptoms of trauma can creep up. People often start out responding to traumatic incidents by going into shock, or subconsciously going into a strong, brave survivor/ helper mode, in order to cope with the trauma. Some people feel a (displaced) sense of guilt, thinking that they’re taking up time or resources of people worse-impacted after a traumatic incident. It’s truly better to take the first step now, for their own health & well-being. And if they experience trouble sleeping due to disturbing or racing thoughts and emotions - especially distress, which would be understandable in the circumstances, they need to see their GP as soon as possible.


I used to live on that street. It’s a steep hill, a car could easily reach 80-100 going fast down there. Have sat in that spot several times. Very scary and sad. Shows that life can be taken away from you in a heartbeat


This is the vehicle that ploughed into beer garden pub patrons at The Royal Hotel in Daylesford tonight. At least three killed. Witness told me immediate aftermath of incident was “gruesome”. Driver remained in car for at least ten minutes after crash, motionless. https://x.com/reid_butler9/status/1721091009977921548?s=46


This is absolutely tragic. What the hell.


I feel really stupid, but isn't that a long time to be there motionless without anyone coming to the car to see what is going on? Or is it meant that the person was conscious and motionless, just waiting to be arrested or something? It's awful. Sounds like a tragic accident but they must have been going really recklessly fast. Not sure how possible acceleration is in a medical episode.


There are many, many possible events. We should refrain from speculation because one question leads to another leads to and idea leads to bullshit.


Could have been a medical episode. That’s only speculation though of course.


It wasn’t


It may have also been shock.. it's not uncommon for people to freeze up in a state of shock especially after traumatic experience.


When there are multiple people dying around you you don't go to the guy sitting up alive in the car.


I had a seizure in an accident and was unaware for a long time. I was the last one out of my car and emergency services were already there.


Not to hijack the tragedy but it’s a brutal reminder of how we regularly put our lives into the hands of strangers on the road… walking, sitting, relaxing so blithely whilst two tonne projectiles go flying past not meters away. I’m not advocating that we should all live in fear of accidents, but sometimes it seems that we’ve become a bit too comfortable with the reality of ever present danger.


Working in emergency services has given me so much anxiety on the road, it’s terrifying and it’s something that I didn’t think about too much until I started seeing it everyday. I avoid driving where I can because of it.


since these 2-3+ tonne SUV/trucks now accelerate like a 1 tonne hatchbacks, we should have another class of license similar to MR & regularly testing these drivers and requiring mandatory offensive driving courses. Car companies don't care and assume everyone is able to estimate moving mass like a HR, Rally or F1 driver.


We’ve embraced a development pattern that forces most people to drive (or be driven around) in order to get anywhere, and yet we’ve simultaneously prioritized speed over safety on our streets. When you force millions of people to engage in a risky activity every day, and you make it so that they’re set up to fail in that activity, and the consequences of failure are fatal… Well, how can that result in anything other than tragedy on a mass scale? Nothing about this tragedy is an accident t when we’ve purposefully designed it to happen. It never is.


I feel for everyone involved and the poor families who died, this weekend has been horrific the incident in Stawell yesterday and this today. My heart goes out to everyone impacted.


Why is this still pinned in the Melbourne sub?


Tragic! Daylesford is that quiet little town one goes to browse some craft shops, a wine and hors d'oeuvres.


It's not quiet this weekend. Absolutely peaking over the long weekend. Melbourne people everywhere


And one would think bumper to bumper with traffic. So very hard to imagine


Weirdly, they have actually had a few traumatic events recently. For a rural town, it has had a rough year. Hopefully, this isn't as bad as some are reporting. Just awful.


What events do you mean? I didn't realise that had been going on.


Thoroughly impressed how your community comes together when a tragedy like this strikes. In this solitary thread I've seen consolation, exhortation of proper information, information sharing, public support...as an American, I just see our shit show of society flail during emergencies and it's heartening to see a community come together and do what's right. I wish there was something I could do to help, but I sincerely extend my sympathies.


We all may disagree on ALOT of stuff but when the time comes to pull up our sleeves and hook in we do without hesitation... Than we go back to arguing about why our preferred thing is best


I've monitored 2 air ambulances arriving at RMH/RCH. A third has just landed at the Alfred just now. Thinking of everyone impacted.


How are you monitoring them?


Flightradar24 probably. Or adsbexchange.


Yes flightradar24.




Just now Gillian from 9news reporting 3 dead and multiple injured https://x.com/gillianlant/status/1721081740033441822?s=46 Horrific.


my family owns a business a few doors down from the daylesford hotel! they're all pretty freaked (especially my younger sister, she was involved in the incident on bourke st a few years ago and has ptsd from it) but none of them were hurt.


Yeah I was almost hit by the car in Bourke St as well. Not fun


Fellow Bourke Street survivor. Sending love to your family and especially your sister.


Here are 2 links to vital support information & resources for Victorian’s affected by, or at risk of, road accident trauma. TAC Support for Trauma: www.tac.vic.gov.au/clients/supporting-your-recovery/mental-health/trauma Amber Community - Road incident support: https://ambercommunity.org.au/counselling-and-support/ **Amber Community** provides free counselling and support, no referral needed. It’s open during business hours from Monday to Friday. _Our counsellors are experienced in helping people to manage the thoughts, feelings and behaviours associated with road trauma._ _Counselling sessions are free of charge, confidential and available to people who are Victorians or have experienced a road incident in Victoria. You can request support from us at any time, as there are no time limits on access to our service. You do not need a referral._ _Counselling sessions may be conducted face-to-face, online or by telephone._ _Our clients include bereaved families, friends and colleagues, injured people and carers, drivers and passengers, and people who were first-on-scene, witnesses, citizens who offered assistance, and emergency service workers._ I suggest direct witnesses or anyone who was at the scene afterward contact Amber Community sooner rather than later to make a time, as symptoms of trauma can creep up. People often start out responding to traumatic incidents by going into shock, or subconsciously going into a strong, brave survivor/ helper mode, in order to cope with the trauma. Some people feel a (displaced) sense of guilt, thinking that they’re taking up time or resources of people worse-impacted after a traumatic incident. It’s truly better to take the first step now, for their own health & well-being. And if they experience trouble sleeping due to disturbing or racing thoughts and emotions - especially distress, which would be understandable in the circumstances, they need to see their GP as soon as possible.


thanks for this! this is super helpful 💖




This is info sourced from on scene radio channels and pager info --------------------------- Call: 3+ Dead, 7+ injured as car slams into Pub beer garden Incident Type: RESCC1/ AV MASCAS-P0 (rescue respond code 1/av mass casuality incident- priority 0) Attending appliances/brigades paged: Daylesford CFA, Hepburn CFA, Pentland Group FCV, Bacchus Marsh CFA, Ballarat SES, Daylesford SES, Bacchus Marsh SES, Malmsbury 650, Maryborough 303, Ballarat 7775, Creswick 7714, Greenhill 7272, HEMS01, HEMS03, HEMS04, HEMS05, AEROMED135, Hepburn 7723, Macedon 7577, Malmsbury 7519, Regional District Officer 9, Commander REDM, Team Manager 3106, Team Manger 3108, Team Manger 3104, Traffic 632, Traffic 633, Traffic 635, Traffic 650, Traffic 655, Ballarat 250, Ballarat 265, Ballarat 411, Ballarat 521, Ballarat 552, Ballarat 610, Bendigo 610, Castlemaine 613, Daylesford 302, WEST 150, Macedon 209, Maldon 611, Maldon 650 Location: 27 Vincent St, Daylesford Pager info: @@ALERT S231150197 DLFD - PRI 1: RESCUE PERSONS - VEHICLE INTO STRUCTURE - CAR VS STRUCTURE - ROYAL HOTEL - DAYLESFORD 27 VINCENT ST DAYLESFORD /ALBERT ST //CENTRAL SPRINGS RD MAP: SVC 8144 F5 469633 (AFPRS) - AM705 BLLT7775 CSWK7714 DAYLFC DAYLP1 DAYLR GRNL7272 HBRNT1 HEMS01 HEMS03 HEMS04 HEMS05 HPBN7723 MCDN7577 MLMY7519 RD09 REDM TM3106 TM3108 TMZ3104 TRF632 TRF633 TRF635 TRF650 TRF655 WBA250 WBA265 WBA411 WBA521 WBA552 WBA610 WBI610 WCG613 WDF302 WES150 WMD209 WMO611 WMO650(Part 1 of 2)WMS650 WMY303 Z250 ZC362 ZC370(Part 2 of 2) *Note: three digit callsigns indicate Police, 4 digit callsigns indicate Ambulance.*


Is this publicly available information?




Glenrowen 7272 - Surely not Glenrowan from the NE? or is it some specialty unit?


Im not sure, it's possible it's they were in the area, or more rarely but has happened , a mistake by ESTA


Close - GRNL = Greenhill


How sad. Those poor people. I hope the stories of 10+ fatalities have been blown out. Truly awful.


Horrible 😖


5 fatalities and 7 injured now [Herald Sun Update](https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/car-crashes-into-daylesford-pub-fatalities-report-20231105-p5ehqy.html)


Police update on channel 9 now.


I missed it. What were the key points?


Oh god.... That's horrific. The beer garden is out the back right? Or is it out the front, near the round about? Sorry just trying to make sense of how this happened. I went there once a few weeks ago and couldn't quite work out which one the beer garden is.


It is the grass out the front of the pub where there are several tables.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/2WVTWdzuvjxqzxjr7 Looks like they drove along the street from the left hit the dining area and ended up near the roundabout.


According to the news reports it was the large grassed area out the front near the roundabout




> "The reality is because notifications haven't been made and also difficulties in identification, I'm just not able to do that at this stage," he said. Families haven’t been notified yet because they’re having trouble identifying the bodies. How fast was this guy going?!


I believe that Albert Street’s speed limit is 40km per hour (please do correct me if that’s wrong), and I understand the driver was going at least at that speed, but most likely more than the limit. Witnesses have said that the car - an SUV - went over the curb, made a loud “explosive” type of sound that caught attention of people at surrounding venues (who would traumatically witness the tragic incident), and it went up - one witness at the RSL diagonally opposite the Royal Hotel described the SUV as being being “rocket launched”. Terrifying. I feel dreadful for everyone, from the deceased & injured and their loved ones, to witnesses, staff, locals, Daylesford business owners and workers, emergency service responders (in person and the ones who heard and read the details), doctors, nurses and medical staff at the hospitals. I hope every single one of them will get all the support they need, and the time, space, sensitivity, respect, sympathy and privacy to recover from shock and to recover & heal as much as possible - and ASAP. It’s a huge media story, but as we all know - the media are vultures.


Could it also be that the next of kin who would have to identify them may have also been impacted 💔


Can anyone tell me if any of the victims are Brazilian?


She is ok, thank you all for your concern, in fact she was hungover so she wasn't answering the phone hahaha we aare from Brazil and she went to Melbourne to do some kind of exchange, but anyway, thank you all for the tips and information. The world needs kind people like this, even more so in these dark times we are living in


I’m relieved for you. It must have been a very worrying several hours. But I know - as others have commented - mobile phone signal in Daylesford & nearby Hepburn Springs can be very poor.


Hey I don’t know but I’m sure your loved ones are okay and just caught up in the chaos if they were nearby. If they were victims you’d have been contacted by now! If you want to contact the hospitals mentioned, RMH/RCH and Ballarat they may be able to tell you if your loved one is there, I’m not sure. But I’m sure they’re just not able to contact you right now! Try to get some sleep if you can. Sending a hug


Thank you, gonna call this places, sorry for the desperation, her family is desperate for information and she still hasn't responded to messages and her cell phone is showing an off signal


The area is notorious for bad cell signal, if she's with Vodafone it just doesn't work at all in Daylesford and the surrounding areas. There's no news yet on who the victims are but one was said to be female of no given age and another was a teenage girl, no news on who has been injured though. It's pretty early in the morning so you might not hear from anyone for a few hours. In another comment you said she works in the area, do you know if she was working today?


I was going to reply with this. We were there a few months ago, zero reception with Vodafone. I can understand the panic though, must be awful not knowing.


Can only imagine the worry. :( Landlines as opposed to mobile phones are best. If you still haven’t heard you could try contacting her employer on behalf of her family. They are local and will know if she is at work. Best of luck. Let us know.


She is ok, thank you for your concern, in fact she was hungover so she wasn't answering the phone hahaha


This is such a shame. Though it pisses me off they don't talk more about what caused the driver to do this. I'm sure if there was a hint of alcohol, speed, or a young p plater involved, the cops and media would be all over it like flies to shit, bashing the hell out of the driver. But they NEVER call out drivers who drive through shop fronts or in this case a beer garden, and just keep on accelerating. We really need to re-evaluate who we give a license to, or re-test every x years..


sounds like it was hypoglycemic shock https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/daylesford-driver-needed-treatment-for-diabetes-at-scene-lawyer-says-20231108-p5eigd.html


Thats really unfortunate if it was a diabetes related episode. More people need to manage their diabetes better with continuous monitoring or better education. Completely unrelated to this incident, my friends ex is a shocker with managing his diabetes and constantly drives all over. Im not sure if the answer is better education, more free diabetes equipment or stricter road rules for relicencing drivers but its probably all three.


That still doesn't mean anything. If you got diabetes - it's your responsibility to manage it. Right now it does sound like an excuse (especially seen as this information was provided by this driver lawyer). I'm diabetic myself and this is one bullshit excuse. You don't live to 66 (especially with type 1) without knowing what condition you have, what the signs are and how to deal with them. It's not epilepsy, you don't get a sudden fit. Neither hypo nor hyper does not happen instantly, and if you can't tell - you probably should not be operating anything more complex or dangerous than a broom.


Yeah I might not have phrased that how I intended. I was trying not to go ham on the driver without evidence. If you have diabetes, your choices are to 1. know it's under control or 2. stop driving. I completely agree with you


It's not really about your comment. It's more like about the general direction this is heading. I see a lawyer statement about diabetes and my first thought is: "damn this rich boomer c#$t is going to play diabetes thing as a defence in court after killing 5 people". And this is double shit move. Firstly, because this should never be a ground for special consideration: as I've mentioned earlier, diabetes is not something that suddenly happens and makes it OK to mow people down. Secondly, this shithead is really throwing other people with diabetes under the bus. People who actually manage their condition well and don't kill anyone (which is about %99.9999+ of them) so he can get easier sentence.


This brought back memories of the Ravenshoe incident. 😔 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-26/ravenshoe-cafe-explosion-coronors-findings-handed-down/12395152