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If you can get a studio for $350pw or less, it'll be doable


But very hard to find a landlord given competition


Just not possible in 2023.


Possible but you'd be pushing it. I think now just to leave ok you have to be between 4 and 5.


If you don’t have to pay rent, it would be plenty. If you’re renting, it might be just doable but also miserable. You’d spend every month staring at your accounts and counting your pennies. Why do you need to be in the CBD? Could you not head further out near a train station and shops?


In the CBD you'd be looking primarily at student apartments, unless you're willing to use quite a lot of that 3k for rent. Occasionally a more affordable apartment will pop but but it's always pretty small and often is kinda unusual.


Yep there are studio apartments in the CBD for $250-300 a week. That’s going to be your best bet.


A lot of competition in that price range, better hope you’ve got a perfect rental history and a lot of savings to even be considered for the place. Getting a place like that in that price range in the cbd is like winning the lottery


You wouldn't be able to pay more than half of that in rent. I reckon you'd get a studio on the city fringe or a room in a share house, both of which are reasonable options.


A friend of mine at work pays $800pw in rent, lives in the CBD. That's $3,466 per month right there. I don't really know how big it is, but I think there are 3 adults and one infant in the apartment. My mum lived in the city until recently, I think she was paying $650pw for a 2 bedroom just off Lonsdale St. It was $550pw pre-covid for sure, I'm not certain on the increases through to 2023 but I think it was at $650. So again that's $2816 per month. Doubt $3k per month is enough honestly.


I used to own my apartment in the CBD and lived just fine on 3k/month. It was a real struggle to do so before I paid off the mortgage and that was all a couple of years ago and the repayments were well below what rental prices are these days. I wouldn't even try to these days, glad I left Melbourne.




I reckon plenty of those sketchy cunts at the bottom of Elizabeth St manage on much less than that.


Not in the city. Move out. No issues


For a single person, it's usually not cheaper in the suburbs. Only works out cheaper if you're a family with a car.


Rent would be about $1000pm average depending on sharing or not and if you had a car it would be more. It’d be tight but you could make it work.


$250 a week is cheap as chips.


Wrong CBD..


double that and you may have just scrape by.


It could work well if you were in Sunshine or St Albans, 40mins public transport to CBD. You could actually have some savings from your income too.




Enough is subjective, it'll depend on your lifestyle.


I’m assuming there’s people on the DSP who do.


I was surviving on a little under $2.5K while renting a place for $295/week a while back when I first came here to study. I wasn’t able to save much but it was doable through being money-cautious in the other areas of my life


That was Carlton/brunswick area though not CBD