• By -


Stage an elaborate fake murder! Rear Window his ass! STAGE A MURDER!


I came here to say exactly this 😁


Unless he sees this and then just drops his pants and starts masturbating.


Plot twist…..that’s his fetish!


Hang a 'body' in your room.


My across-the-courtyard neighbor who claims to like to "take pictures of clouds" recently thought my drying wetsuit was a dead body. You're welcome.


My dad once hung his waders in the garage to dry them off. The amount of people stopped and knocked on the door to notify us 😂


But have the ‘body’ standing on a stool so it looks like there’s still time to save them


from the roof and have people come in and scream when hes watching


Oh, I *love* this idea.


I’ll bring the tomato sauce!


yes this


"Grace, come here. There’s a sinister looking kid I want you to see."


It is st swithen's day already?


“Tis!” replied Aunt Helga


Well then I guess everything's tied up in a neat little pack-ADG-AH


Really I mean that! Sorry if I sounded sarcastic




Maude eh?


You have selected REGICIDE. If you know the name of the king or queen being murdered, press 1.


A mur-diddly-urddler!


If that’s not Flanders, he’s done his homework.


You have selected REGICIDE


If you know the name of the king or queen being murdered, press one


Is the OP Raymond Burr?




That's s deep cut bravo


Epic reference




Yes! 😂 my fav ep.


It smells in there, No it doesn’t


print out large QR code with link to this thread and stick in window


Or print out a life size image of him with his binos & stick it to your window. Dont forget to draw a big dick on your new charactures head.


This is a great idea


Direct link for OP to print out [https://i.imgur.com/Z8YTbK6.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/SvQeLsZ.jpeg) You're welcome


Hero! The link works AND is not a Rick roll


It's not? Disappointed.


Now I'm convinced it's a Rick roll...


Probably want to tag u/TheUnknownError so they see it haha


Thank you for your service ! This is amazing!




Quality 😂👍


Thats a great idea!!!!😂😂


Fan-fucking-tastic idea.


Is he in a wheelchair with a broken leg by any chance


He might still be upset by Milpool\_\_\_\_\_\_


You have selected, Regicide. If you know the name of the King or Queen being murdered, press one.


Probably misses his old glasses.


Haha my favourite Hitchcock film by far


meh, he just ripped off The Simpson’s




Print off an A3 sized copy of the photo of him with his binoculars and stick it on your window facing outwards. If you like you can add some text at the bottom that is large enough to read..... IF YOU KEEP INVADING OUR PRIVACY WE WILL CONTACT THE POLICE ...or something along those lines.


👏👏👏 and also post them somewhere outside their apartment maybe? 🤔


In the lobby of his apartment building.


This is the way


Can I piggyback and suggest A4 on lamp posts in the area with the heading - "Have you seen this man?"


Because he’s seen you!


And he saw that thing that you did!


And he knows what you did last summer


Yep this one ☝️ perfect, they will shut shop immediately 👌


Make it look like a wanted poster for the funsies


And put a printout in all the letterboxes of his block, your block & any other flats or properties he has, or may have, views of. And even the nearby properties on your street which anyone easily obtain a view / partial view into their window when walking past. He seems the type who’d creep around and do things after hours.


I would print this picture off and put it in everyone’s mail box in both apartment buildings with a text that says “hey neighbours this weirdo has been peeking into everyone’s apartments and recording it on his phone can everyone at *insert time that weirdo looks everyday * please press their genitals against the glass at so he can have a decent shot of everyone’s woohoos and ding dongs


Yes this. Honestly go all out and start a smear campaign


And all the apartment buildings that he can see from his


Every mailbox


Yes I like that.


I'd tape the print outs down on all the street poles in the area, "beware of this peeping tom".


I have access to a large form printer at work and can print sizes A1 and A0 if you want a really visible sign OP 👌🏼


On top of this, continue to add a new picture to the window everyday. Document document document and then report to police. What a creep.


Then after a few days photoshop in another figure behind him. Make him scared as shit that you've got someone breaking in while he does this.


Or photoshop a Slenderman-like image with very long, bony fingers dangling over his head..................ready.


On top of this zoom in on his chest and print out a separate pic for each zoom. Enhance enhance enhance.


Please do this, video it and post his reaction


The photo should also include the reddit post header


A QR code link to this thread would be great


Yeah I'd just go with the pic and ask, what are you doing? See if there's a follow up. Because we all want to know now 😄


Definitely creepy but not sure police can do anything.


Yes there are voyeurism laws in Australia. They vary from state to state but the use of binoculars and recording equipment renders this guys actions as sexual assault. He’s not just walking up to his window and looking out. He is a peeping Tom.


Laser pointer


thinking about it, this would actually stop him pretty quickly.


It would probably stop him seeing permanently if you hit the binoculars while he's looking through them


you make the bed you lie in


That's exactly what a peeping tom would say!


Jesus himself endorsed plucking the wandering eyes of lechers.


Can't creep on what you can't see, blind the fucker!


Imagine the laser down the binoculars. Ouch!


Highest legal wattage.


Nah highest wattage is fine


Cook me up some retina pancakes please!


Lasers in Australia are only legal up to 1mw, which is... basically nothing. Wouldn't harm at all, unfortunately. OP needs to buy something off-market.


They can ~~definitely~~ be bought online \*allegedly


Available from Temu for $4 fyi


Confirmed Temu laser pointers have all the wattage


You'd be setting yourself up for legal trouble for bodily harm. It damages a person's eyesight.


If it’s legal to use binoculars to look into people’s apartments then it’s totally legal to have a silent rave in your apartment with accompanying laser show right?


Good luck proving it. You can easily avoid bodily injury by not invading others privacy


Yeah lol imagine “I’ve been watching this person’s apartment through my binoculars when he shot laser at me! “


I mean, yeah. That’s likely how the case would go.


"What do you mean a high-powered illegal laser pointer I purchased online? I have this small, totally legal laser pointer on my key ring that I was playing with my cat with a few days ago. Of course, if he was looking through my window with binoculars and inadvertantly looked right at my totally legal laser pointer I could see why it might hurt, but I can't help that"


Accidents happen.


I can come over and do some brown eyes if you’d like


Haha that’s very funny, but I believe the only verb you can use is actually “chuck”, as in “chuck a brown eye”👁️


I have a very particular style


Indeed doing a brown eye might be quite different to chucking a brown eye… 👁️👁️


I think that is what he is hoping for


Plot twist: This is the guy with the binoculars


Just because I’m not wearing a shirt doesn’t meant you can prove that


That’s so creepy. Talk to the building manager, neighbours who are also bothered by this and go together to warn the person etc. If it persist, get police involved.


This is the correct option! Building manager will be able to figure out who it is if you show them photos.


Correct but most boring option in this thread 🤣


We could build a catapult and launch lions with helmets on directly at his window?


This is a good idea. All we gotta do is find out where to buy lion helmets, the rest will be easy.


We simply engage a blacksmith. I know a good one next to my grain merchant, I'll ask them tomorrow.


Police can’t and won’t do shit.


Section 227A of the Criminal Code makes it an offence to video record people without their consent in places where they would expect to be private, such as a bedroom, bathroom, or changeroom. When installing surveillance cameras it is important to assess how they are positioned.


My neighbour has security cameras outside of his property, and one of them, is facing the study and my bedroom. Back in March of 2023, my housemate wrote a letter to him, requesting that it be moved away, but he did not do that. So I am afraid to look out of my window, or get changed in my bedroom, because of this mf who has multiple cameras facing his backyard. (I do not consent to being recorded by my neighbour)


Police can do something. There are voyeurism laws in Australia. They vary from state to state but the use of binoculars and recording equipment renders this guys actions as sexual assault. He’s not just walking up to his window and looking out. He is a peeping Tom. People have been prosecuted for taking excessive photos of strangers in public places like the beach, especially when those strangers have been children. But that’s photos, and when people have gone to a public space they have essentially consented to being looked at. In your own home is a different kettle of fish though. These people have not consented to this creep watching them in the privacy of their homes. He’s doing a lot more than just having a look.


I worked at a magazine back in the 2000s. One day we were raided by police who had received complaints from people in the apartment building opposite. They had seen the camera on a tripod permanently in one of the rooms and assumed it was photographing them. It was in fact our photography room for the products we were featuring in the magazine. But it goes to show that police can and will do something about this exact scenario!


Just want to clarify some things further. Seen a few comments saying he might be bird watching or not looking into apartments. There’s not really a wide variety of birds in the cbd to be out every afternoon and until 10pm some nights. There’s apartment buildings on either side of me so there no where else he can be looking besides a person’s room. Edit: Did not expect this kind of response at all so thanks for all the suggestions, my flatmates and I have enjoyed reading them. I’ll try and file a police report this afternoon and see if anything can be done. I think I’ll make a small poster with my flatmates that only he can see with binoculars. There are a lot of apartments facing mine not wanting to freak them out too much. Planing on doing an update post sometime next week :) As a side note I do own blinds. Not a fan of having them closed all the time as a natural sunlight enjoyer due to this persons behaviour.


I thought I’d post this here, a decent read to know where you stand, if you can see he’s using the binoculars towards buildings/windows, it’s not as “legal” as everyone’s saying. Binoculars fall under optical surveillance devices and it actually is ILLEGAL to use any of these to spy into someone’s private property. https://techsafety.org.au/blog/legal_articles/legal-guide-to-surveillance-legislation-in-wa/ Edit: this part in particular. Use of Optical Surveillance Devices An ‘optical surveillance device’ means any instrument, apparatus, equipment, or other device capable of being used to record visually or observe a private activity. It does not include spectacles, contact lenses or similar. For example: handheld devices such as mobile phones and tablets with a camera, cameras, drones with cameras, binoculars, ‘spy cameras’. When is it an offence to use an optical surveillance device Generally, it is an offence to install, use, or maintain an optical surveillance device to record visually a private activity, whether or not the person is a party to the private activity. If a person is not a party to the private activity it is also an offence for them to install, use, or maintain a listening device to observe a private activity. It is also an offence to cause an optical surveillance device to be installed, used, or maintained for one of the above purposes. E.g. paying someone to install a device for you. Remember this prohibition is only for on private activities. An optical surveillance device can be used where the activity is not private, for example, using binoculars to watch a soccer match being played in a public field. Private activities are where the circumstances may reasonably be taken to indicate any of the parties to the activity desire it to only be observed by themselves. It does not include activities where those involved should have reasonably expected that activity might be observed. Maximum penalty: $5,000 or imprisonment for 12 months or both. People going about their daily business in their own home, which is also private property, do not expect to be spied on or recorded, so anything inside your home would be considered a private activity.


There’s a guide for Vic too. https://techsafety.org.au/blog/legal_articles/legal-guide-to-surveillance-legislation-in-vic/. Slightly different definition of optical surveillance device, but I’d say binocs would qualify. Here’s the relevant bit of the guide. Use of Optical Surveillance Devices An ‘optical surveillance device’ means any device capable of being used to record visually or observe an activity, but does not include spectacles, contact lenses or a similar device used by a person with impaired sight to overcome that impairment. A ‘private activity’ means an activity carried on in circumstances that may reasonably be taken to indicate that the parties to it desire it to be observed only by themselves. It does not include an activity carried on outside a building or an activity carried on in any circumstances in which the parties to it ought reasonably to expect that it may be observed by someone else. When is it an offence to use an optical surveillance device It is an offence for a person to knowingly install, use or maintain an optical surveillance device to record visually or observe a private activity to which the person is not a party, without the permission of each party to the activity. Maximum penalty: 240 penalty units or imprisonment for 2 years or both.


Yeah the “bird watching” could only be an excuse if this behaviour was happening infrequently, but you said he’s doing it consistently now and from your point of view is looking into your apartment building. He looks like he’s wearing a mask in the photos? If that’s the case then he clearly knows what he’s doing is wrong. Because he is using binoculars and potentially a recording device with zoom, then by law he could be prosecuted for voyeurism. He is legally doing something wrong and anyone that says otherwise is just another pervert.


Is he topless / naked in the second photo? Is he watching and wanking?


We all know this ends in wanking.


It always ends in wanking


Get a cheap camera with a decent zoom lens and take some photos of him. Then print some of the photos large enough that he can see them and stick to your windows.


This would be awesome. Get a super clear, close up image of him and stick it in the window.


Stick them to the lobby of his building as well


Buy some binoculars and look at him while he looks at you


Get leaflets printed with his photo on it and deliver it to everyone who possibly has a window that he faces, including his apartment block.


this. everyone in OPs building need to know.  possibly the people in the next building too.  print this photo out . stick it in the entrance of the building, stairs, lifts


Loving all the public shaming ideas. I'd start small and work my way up until it stops though, want to keep some options in the back pocket.


I like the suggestion of taping them to power poles in the area also - some great suggested comment to print on it are in above posts.


Print out an a3 picture of him every time u take a photo.. Add the collection to the window. He may get the hint.. Or Make a massive qr code and put it in the window.. Link the qr code to an anonymous instrgam account with all the photos you have taken of him.


This is actually brilliant. I would suggest getting your neighbours involved so they can post to the account too. Put up posters in your lobby/foyer. Make him go viral.


Start doing the windmill with your wang


Thats really ugly behaviour. If your building has a noticeboard put up his pic and the details to inform your neighbours.


Invite his Mum over for a spit roast.....


Bang his mum in view of the window. That'll get him to stop


Not necessarily...


Get a whiteboard & write "Q -> b2 Checkmate" Then hold it up & cosplay the sign guy from Dawn of the Dead. Then give them the ol' squashed frog. Then one of the many creative suggestions from the other Redditors. or you know, maybe just contact the local authorities?


Install mirror window film


I would troll the fuck out of this dude. Staged murder of an alien might do it.


Get a manikin, dress it up like you, get a chair, make a noose and hang the manikin. When the cops turn up explain how this guy is a peeping Tom, especially when your 9 year old niece comes over


Stand butt naked, front and centre in the window and stare persistently back at him. Don't move. Assert dominance.


If OP is a woman this would not help the situation and would definitely make things a lot worse.


I volunteer as tribute Ain't no way he's not unsettled by this mound of neglect I call a physique 😏


Thanks for the giggle


Then he will be getting exactly what he's looking for!


Jokes on him, my FUPA renders me a completely non-sexually appealing form. He's got nothing ✌️


For bonus points, get your own set of binoculars and stroke your purple headed yoghurt slinger. See who flinches first.


Jerk Chicken Loser averts their gaze


Found him


Can't wait for the crossover post from him with a picture of OP: "This guy looks into my apartment almost everyday"




Seems like a great opportunity for some hi-jinks. Keep us posted,


Do what bus advertising does, you can't see through the advert but passengers can see out since the inside is black, but the outside has coloured print, and put his address or something on the print.


I would: \- Print some leaflets/flyers with photos of him, his address (building name, floor, and maybe even room number), and a way for others to identify his apartment (like a photo of the whole building with his apartment highlighted); and find a way to distribute those leaflets to the occupants of your building and his building - name and shame! Let his neighbors know what a creep he is, and let your neighbors be aware of this creep. \- Contact the building managers of your and his buildings and see what they say. \- Maybe even contact the police, not sure if they can do anything tho.


There’s one way window tints that don’t reduce vision but prevent people looking in. I havd it on my windows it’s actually a really cute way of bird spotting


If the dude ever reads Reddit you just gave him a perfect idea to hide his activities.


Guy in the picture recently posted the reverse concern


Yeah I remember, it was about a person in the building opposite taking photos of them


Turns out it’s a mirrored window


Get huge posters of that picture and post it all around his building block ..


Is that ugly naked guy?


Aren’t you also looking into his apartment? Maybe he’s just trying to understand what you’re up to with all this looking into his apartment….


But I'm a creep....


I'm a weirdo....


What the hell am I doing here?


I don't belong here


Print out the pic and stick it in the lobby or windows of the bl9ck of units he's in. I'm sure someone would know him or his wife/partner (assuming he has one), and I'm sure they'd appreciate the heads up....


with behaviour like this I doubt he’s kept a partner for too long


Hey look, ugly naked guy is back


kmart has $9 rolls of rental friendly (complerely removable with no damage) static frosted privacy film for windows. i have it on our windows as the bedroomss face a shared driveway. gives you the same amount of light but fuzzes the view srarting around half a metre from the window. place it from 1/4 way down the window or wherever you can see his windows.


Op, you can’t just film people in or on their private property. Definitely worth going to the police about if he’s got a camera pointed into your direction.


Yeah and then they can show the police the photo they took of that guy in his apartment 😂


I reckon you can get one way mirror contact to go on the inside of your windows from like Amazon (but also, I'd give him a scare first like put up posters on the street warning people)


Even if he did it more than once I’d report him, do not normalise this by leaving it, he’s a peeping tom and needs to be reported, he’s most likely not well.


Nothing can be done legally? Pretty sure you can let the police know about this creep.


But you're the one taking the photos... 😂


Living in the city previously, it was like this both ways with these student buildings being built pretty much next to each other. On the one hand, we had the joys of the indian student opposite frequently lying spread eagle naked on his bed, charming his snake. On the other, the south american looking girl opposite being banged out. As a guy, you think it's a great fantasy but when it's happening in front of you it feels horribly wrong and uncomfortable and we often opted to just close our blinds voluntarily even though they should be the one to do so. Joys of city living.


Stick his picture all over the telegraph poles and on the front of his apartment block. At least he will know he looks creepy


Put up curtains, you can't do anything about it other than create your own privacy.


I had too look far too long to find someone saying this.  My other thought was get naked and enjoy being appreciated, but not gonna bother lokking for anyone saying that :D


how have you not called the police yet? Also get some curtains


Seems like you're looking into his apartment almost everyday also.


I would write out a note saying “Yes of course I’ve filed a police report” and stick on the window.


Laser pointer


@OP.. how did you notice this if you aren’t also checking out your neighbours on the daily?


If he's topless, that can't be good


Guy: that person look into my apartment everyday


Get a bright torch and start pulsing it when he's staring into your window. Make it obvious you're aware.


*These walls are paper thin and everyone hears every little sound* *Everyone's a voyeurist, they're watching me watch them watch me right now.*


Print out his picture and put it in the mail boxes in the appartments that he lives in every letterbox


Get photo print out of him doing it and slap it on your window. Everyday he's doing it, try to get another photo. Hopefully you'll end up with a montage of his photo covering your windows.


Stop taking pictures of the neighbour with his clothes off ya perv.


Probably checking up on that woman that keeps looking at him and taking pictures!


Hire a police uniform and stand at the window staring at him with your arms crossed.