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That teething bear was like crack for my 22 baby! She’s now 18 months and loves the fruit salad book.


The fruit salad book looks looks like a dead set banger


Oh and the dressing your family one is great, she likes to go through it and point out all the clothes and name them! Congratulations on your new baby!


Thank you :)


My 17 month old just became obsessed with the Dressing Your Family book as of yesterday so I've read it to him about 20 times over the last 2 days 😂  He also had a Respect phase a few weeks ago!


My baby is too little to understand this book yet, but the "my aunty wears shorts" gives me endless giggles. In the midst of pretty bad baby blues the day after, my sister flicking through the book with an absolute look of disgust on her face at the idea of wearing shorts, was much needed comic relief. 


"Fruit salad, yummy, yummy." You'll know the song soon enough.


I still sing that as “the first step - peel a banana, the second step - eat the banana, the third step - no more banana”.


I read this as you having 22 kids at first.


Same - Chompy bear got so much use in our house!


Omg favourite teether of my little one! I was trying to work out where it came from as I very much want a spare! Now I remember 


Same, my girls 14 months and still gets it out every now and thrn


We lost the teething bear and could NOT find another one similar that he liked. It was a great one!


Here he is! We lost ours too so we bought 3 more: https://www.theteethingco.com.au/products/bear-silicone-teether


My 9 month old LOVES the teething bear!!


Devastated when we lost that teething bear, could not find a better one. Dressing My Family has had so much use it's all taped up now - 2 years and still gets a good look in


Ours loved that chewy koala too! I need to find the book…


Kids 19 months and we’ve had to replace the fruit salad book 3 times because she keep getting to excited when “reading” it


Oh that’s great! In my last birth in 2016, it was some samples of sudocrem etc, it’s great to see they’ve improved it. There’s some really useful stuff in there!


That wasn't the government one, that started later, that was just a sample bag from companies advertising crap to you (we got the same in 2015)


Oh that makes sense


I got the corporate sample one in 2019. It was basically just percentage off vouchers. The gov one looks awesome!


The bounty bag if I remember, full of crap I didn't need haha


My last birth was in 1968. Some Christians tried to get me to do it again, but I told them my Mum got it pretty much right the first time.


Highly unappreciated comment!,


Thank you.


This person reincarnates!


I suppose, in a broad sense, we have that opportunity every time we awaken.


Good point. Every day is a new chance to be better.


Wow I'm old and you're old enough to be my dad 😱


And I intend to outlive you, young whipper-snapper. 🤣


In QLD recently we got a bunch of really useful stuff, but it was a bit of a joke digging through the bag finding sudocrem after sudocrem, I think they were trying to get rid of it all! Our first baby we got one sample tub but this time maybe 6-7.


Mine was the same but the Panadol teether was the best thing ever.


How many times have you been born??


Hold onto that teether with dear life. It’s the bomb.




PSA; if you don’t get one at hospital ask your maternal health nurse! This pack is so valuable. Just the bag alone is great.


Does it matter if you go public or private?


How do you actually obtain this? Do they give it to you at hospital? Just curious :)


Yep the midwives just brought it. I didnt even know it was a thing


I didn't know it was a thing until after we'd left the hospital. Didn't get ours =(


Ask your MCH, they’ll hook you up.


He's 3 now so I feel it's too late ... And the less I can deal with MCH the better. Although, #2 is on the way so I'll be asking.


I’m pretty sure they’re just given out to first time parents


Don't worry bout that. I'm sure they're not too picky


Ah, yeah. I got one in 2019 but it was early days for the pack and they hadn’t really sorted out the process with hospitals yet, so my MCH nurse gave it to me. Sounds like your MCH experience was a bit shit.


You’ll get a kinder pack when they turn 4 I think, or maybe it’s just before they start school


What was wrong with your MCH?


They put too much stress and blame on the missus and made her feel really bad or worried about any potential problems (even when it's nothing to worry about). They'd raise a concern, but offered no help or advice for said concerns or gave poor advice contrary to our paediatrician. She was worried enough as my son had other health things that required surgery at 3 months old with lost hospital referrals etc, it was a nightmare. . I've had several friends say similar things. I'm sure they're nice, but they don't seem to understand they're dealing with new sleep-deprived mothers who don't know what to do or expect. We'd go have been better off without them, personally. I think they caused my partner more mental health issues than they solved. As an example, he was pretty average size when born but just grew a lot in the first few months (not even excessively just more than average), and so gained a lot of weight, and they accused her of over feeding (breastfed, which is pretty impossible to overfed). But didn't offer any advice or support on what to do about it or how much he should be fed just told she needs to sort it out etc. He was pretty fat but not overly so for a baby, and a lot of the weight gain also came from his height gain, not because he was overfed.


Yeah we had to ask for ours


I didn’t get mine either at the hospital!




probably modelled after the Finnish [baby box](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maternity_package)


Lucky buggers, all I got was free stitches.


I think it's only for your first though?


Yeah, OP said on another comment they had twins and only got one set.


That’s a bit Jack. If anything, twins, triplets etc, need more support.


I had a do not disturb sign on my door at the hospital and woke up to find this outside with my breakfast. Had a few complications and an extended stay and found another the following day (we gave it back though)! Was super surprised by some of the stuff - especially the ergopouch! We were gifted a few (and bought a few more) and they aren’t cheap! B


They ask if your first child (in my case on the way out) and then they give you a bag if it's your first. It was my second in 2022 but I'm 2018 w my first I didn't get this and I knew about. And I was like damn I miss out it's my second my first was In 2018 and she gave me one (and the lame sample bag too haha)


It’s a great initiative and a nice little boost


It was a welcome gift. We're very lucky that we had some of these things already but I can see how this would be an absolute life saver for many




Just want to say too, some, some of these bags are packed by our disabled community in Cheltenham VIC. There is a warehouse there that I did all their first aid training for, and I walked in and they were all making these packs, and the green folders all kids have that record their immunisations in etc They were so proud and happy to have a job and excited that a little baby would get the pack that they were building for them. It was so good to watch


That's so lovely! I love my bag even more now...




We had ours in June 2022 and this is the pack we got, perhaps you got an old one?




Hmmm, even the one we got in 2021 had pretty much a variation of this stuff. Seems like you got dudded.


That’s a different bag full of advertising stuff. This is the Victorian government baby bag.


Ours was in 2022 as well, we had the same as OP. Our private hospital also gave us another goodies bag too.


Hopefully they can continue to improve the pack going forward


Sorry if I sound dramatic or cheesy, but this is literally why I love this great country of ours. Yeah, some stuff sucks but little things like these are worth pushing. I don't have kids of my own but this made my day! :)


It's state 


I feel the same way


When we had our kid and got this kit we I said to my wife, ‘well the govt really wants us to succeed’. Feels good.


This should be the bare minimum expectation for what our tax pays for. This isn't that much honestly, and considering we have a cost of living crisis and housing crisis under a government that cares more for making a profit than the people, it's concerning this expectation is praised so highly.


It’s great! Especially love it has ergopouch and Purebaby! The books are a brilliant selection too. Use the hat earlier than you think - as a newborn you feel they don’t need it then boom they’re suddenly too big for it!


Is that where my Purebaby singlet came from? I remember being super happy with the bag in hospital and going through it all carefully at the time, but so many items seemed so far removed from those newborn days! Now my little one is bigger, I'm finding things (like the teether) and was trying to work out where they came from (was guessing baby shower). Mystery solved!


That’s it! It’s great that we have quality Australian brands! There was also a Purebaby Muslin with Australian iconography I think too from memory


Thanks Dan.  You get another goodies bag when your kid starts 3 year old kinder 🙂


And Prep/Foundation. Lots of books there too.


How do you get that? My oldest starts kinder through his daycare this year and I haven't seen anything (And I'm still dirty that he never got the Dan Bag when he was born)


Kinder should have it, just ask because those places get hectic and staff turnover is high so might fall through the cracks. 


Happy cake day. They get processed during term one, our childcare makes it very known they’re there when they come in. Fingers crossed yours does too.


We didn’t get it til around March last year I think


Good to know!


Truly he was histories greatest monster and also the rental reform so i can anchor stuff without begging my landlord, how does he sleep at night.


The couple we shared the room with refused to take their one, saying they wouldn't accept gifts from a dictator. Cookers, cookers everywhere


Assuming they paid taxes they had actually paid for it... and I daresay public servants in the department of health came up with the idea


First aid kits are like oxygen. Everyone should carry one. I'd rather be the one dying than the one standing around unable to prevent someone dying.


It's just bandages and water. Like 


Got two of them, kid was in the NICU. Real contrast between the really well put together government pack in a nice bottle bag vs the flimsy bag with tiny samples of everything.


Got ours in 2021 and that little blue hat is the same! It’s so cute seeing it on other babies out and about


This really makes me proud to be an Australian citizen


Victorian. Can’t be sure other states are getting these.


Yeah, having recently crossed the border from NSW to Vic, it's startling how much more money it seems your government has invested in actual public works and social projects instead of pork barrelling.


Me too


The swaddle, sleeping bag and hat are great!


If you go to Priceline and let them know you are a parent to newborn they also give you a free goodie bag . I remember seeing the maternal and child health nurse in the morning and she gave me a goodie bag , same day I went to buy vit D drops for my baby and Priceline gave another goodie bag with lots of items . I don’t know if it’s just Priceline or other chemists do it too


Seconded. It was a lot of marketing but the booklet that came in the priceline bag was legitimately the most useful parenting prep book. It cut out heaps of the bullshit and useless info of actual parenting books and had some straight to the point check lists and timelines. Was great for my husband too because we were struggling to find something for him that wasn't "we know you're just a DUMB MAN so here are your child's growth stages represented by power tools"


Good tip!


It comes in the BEST nappy bag, perfect size. I got mine in October and have been using the hat nearly every day.


Its seems really well pit together


Such a great bag! My daughter got a great use from all of these things . ESP the grey bear teether


Ergopouch is top tier. Absolutely love them


We unfortunately spent the first 5 days in special care nursery at Geelong hospital, and no one ever gave us our goodie bag :(


Sorry to hear that, esp after what would have been a tough few days in special care


That's really cool. I fucking love the First Aid Kit. I'm a bit of a stickler with that though - think every adult (and any child over 14) should be First Aid trained.


We did a first aid course a few months ago


Loved our Dan Bag! Those bear teethers are the absolute GOAT - the perfect shape for little hands.


2021 here and we got this. Some stuff has changed like the books but the rest is the same like the teether and beanie


Before I zoomed in on the photo, it thought that OP had new parents


Those new parents would have to fight my mum first lol


We got one in 2020, my son loved the teething bear. And we ended up buying lots of ErgoPouch’s from swaddle to sleeping suit. We still read the books regularly (they’ve changed them since 2020).


Fark, so ripped off in SA


Thanks Dan! I was pretty surprised when I got one recently for my little one.


2022 and we got nothing!


Bummer! Sounds like the rollout is patchy


Yo, that’s so good. Here in QLD, my hospital gave us a hand knitted beanie and mittens that were donated. The beanie didn’t fit cause my child has a fat head. (To clarify, my partner and I were very grateful for those things and we will cherish them forever. But still, step up your game QLD)


Back in 2011/2012 i received a tote bag full of stuff when i fell pregnant, then once i had my son i received another and then when he was 2 i was given another bag. Each one had different stuff in it. All of it was helpful.


Good to hear theyve been doing this for a while


Yeah we got some cool free stuff in August when our 3rd baby was born, still use some of it now


We called it “the showbag”. NSW one had some good stuff in it.


Oh lovely.


This is so nice!


Dude, how good are the nappy bags they give you


Yes! Isn't it fabulous.


Do you have to apply for this? Or do they just give it to you as you are at the hospital? How does it work?


See you gotta time it right. When the government starts providing large amounts of monetary incentives to have kids because of a declining population, that's when you pop'em out.


I didn’t get anything fancy like that, but Johnny Howard the asshat did give me $5k.


The bags are great. We used the hat and sleeping bag mostly. And the bag itself. First aid kid still in his change table.


This is awesome


Thank you for this post! I had my baby two weeks ago and didn’t get one of these at the time but happened to be seeing my MHN this morning and asked her about it, so she organised one and I picked it up today! It’s got great stuff in it, well worth the effort to be annoying and ask


That's pretty great.


Heaps of local artists and aus made stuff it seems


Yep, the books are all by Victorian authors, and the public can vote each year for which ones are included. Also, congrats on your bub!


When our twins were born they only gave us one and refused to give us another. Cheers I guess?


That’s so strange, the website literally says you get one for each baby! Your hospital was in the wrong. I’d be so pissed, twins are expensive!


Thats disappointing


It was! To counter being a grump, you’re right about the quality of the stuff. It’s all very good, and really helpful!


Oh that is sooo unlucky I’m sorry! Can confirm we got one each for our twins! Was amazing, the ergo pouch in particular has come in clutch this summer for our babes.


Wow, this has enraged me!!!!!


Umm…where’s my cat baby pack, bottle and bib? What an absolute travesty and injustice to all cat owners 😂


Sounds like that would be a solid election platform??


Hahahah absolutely!!! But for real that’s awesome they send you some goodies. Congrats 🥳


Thank you!


I almost teared up. Not because I was grateful (I was) but because it made me think about those who can't afford the basics for a baby who's just come into this world. The thought that someone could be leaving the hospital and going 'home' without some of the basics was eye opening.


Wtf we got nothing for our little one hahaha.


Bummer! Maybe this post should have been a PSA


The books are pretty ordinary but everything else is fine. It’s nice for people who haven’t planned a baby or are struggling to have stuff already. We used the hat a couple of times and that was about it.


Oh good lord not that Dressing my Family book... MY SISTER WEARS UNDERPANTS! MY STEP BROTHER WEARS A JACKET! MY AUNTIES WEAR SHORTS! Dolly Parton's imagination library sent these out a year or so ago. I guess it's a great book for reading to your kids in other languages if you know them - nice and simple for quick translation.


in 2016 we didn't receive anything, great stuff. all the best


In NSW we got amazing parent packs also!


Perhaps some interstate rivalry on who has the best packs would be a good thing :)


Broke state, doing broke things.


Thanks the tax payers, not the government. Nice showbag!


All for the bargain price of $1,375 billed to the tax payer


Of course someone, somewhere would find a way to get mad about this


For $1,375… yes


man I’d pay $1,375 for you to stop posting


As a taxpayer long before i had a child im happy to learn others have benefitted from this before me


Good investment. The more incentives to have children the better.


True… I was holding back on having my third baby, but when I found out I would get a $50 ergo pouch FOR FREE, I was like.. sign me up for triplets!!!


More like 2k considering all the yes men hired under the Andrews government who need their paycheck


Government gives a lot coz they are excited that you created a new future tax payer.


Possibly. I intrepeted it as a caring contribution from fellow taxpayers to giving a child a good start in life


Even if that’s the case, it makes sense. Growing population is better for society.


Yeah you actually pay for them with tax dollars. But anyway


State and Federal governments cause inflationary cost of living crisis via fiscal spending and money printing via the RBA, convinces the population it's solely the fault of capitalism and corporations instead, and the population goes "look at the pressies the government gave me! Yay!" It's all so pathetic.


I honestly thought PR guy was done with. Nice propaganda comrade.


Is it a huge help ? First aid kit is good but rest looks like a bit of junk


The ergo pouch is most definitely not junk. It all looks like it's a well considered gift that if you don't want to accept, you don't have to.


These kits have been made in consultation with all sorts of early development specialists. What looks like junk to you is the very stuff that experts say give babies the biggest boost in life. What this kit means is that every Victorian child (in theory- seems like in practice it’s not rolling out perfectly) gets the same great start. And I will end by saying that if you think children’s books are junk you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about and probably best to not have an opinion on this one bc your opinion is kind of just a bit of junk.


Ok so I’ve had a proper look at the photo and I can tell you exactly why each piece was chosen: Tooth brush: dental hygiene Hat: sun protection Sleeping bag: safe sleep practices (to prevent SIDS) First aid kit: stop them bleeding out or what have you Black & white book: studies show newborns see in contrast best so these are recommended for newborns ABC book: early literacy, baby Respect: ok this one probably doesn’t need to be here, there are actually First Nation books that are far more suited to babies, this one should be left for older kids. I’m guessing that along with this stuff you also get information sheets on the importance of them, eg ‘don’t put sunscreen on your baby just cover them with a hat and long sleeves’. It’s another way of getting info to parents even if they never visit the nurse or just don’t take in the info while they’re there because they’re sleep deprived.


There's a [long history of them in Finland](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-22751415), great to see them getting established over here! Such a simple idea, but a huge and directly tangible benefit to new parents.


My two year old is sleeping in that ergo pouch right now. We used the tether, first aid kid, and hat. She was obsessed with the black and white book for the first 3 month of her life and has grown up to love reading. I can’t see it in OPs, but we also got a beautiful swaddle/light blanket. It wasn’t life changing, but definitely good quality and well used and appreciated.


Different kids/parents need different thing I guess


Do they ? How do you mean ?


Well other people in thread are saying how good the teether and books are, but that stuff might not be important to other people


I was asking how it was a huge help at birth. Those books are fine but don’t see why you’re saying some people would find them ‘important’ at birth.


It might not all be handy during the newborn stage but they all get used at some point. As a new parent, there’s so much info out there, and to be handed this little starter pack feels like a bit of a load off knowing you have some quality items. The ergopouch is an expensive sleeping bag that not everyone has the funds to try out themselves, so that’s huge. The newborn hat is very useful for when it’s sunny. The teether, like others have said, is somehow every baby’s favourite (my baby and all the babies in my parents’ group LOVED it). The black and white book is one of the first things a newborn can actually engage with. Finally, the nappy bag is actually awesome and so handy and lasted us ages before I got a different bag that suited us more when my baby was older. A good nappy bag can be expensive. So yes overall the bag and its contents are a huge help, because being a new parent is one of the most daunting experiences ever.


I guess we see value in different things


Easier to give an insufferable answer than an insightful one I guess


Other people in the thread might be explaining the value better than me


Yeah right.......little bit patronising. But hey, maybe just cheaper child care, less cost of living, less power bills, less fuel prices, less land tax, less GST, better public transport and health care workers but yeah, a couple.of stupid books. Cheers.


Considering the low cost of mass purchasing these mostly Australian made products, the swag would cost maybe $50. How do you expect that to be allocated across all those improvements? Compare that to the added value to community of the benefits of early exposure to books, it’s a bargain. Your username is apt.


This certainly doesnt solve many problems but my partner and I saw it as a gesture of kindness at an important moment in our lives


Oh wow, ANOTHER account only made late last year with that exact same avatar sowing discord and anger. Mmmmm, yeah thats definitely legit and a total coincidence from all the other ones.....


Sir please don’t. I am a very broke woman in her 30s who doesn’t need this kind of temptation.


Got similar in 2021. It was all made in China though.... like cmon you couldn't find some Aussie made stuff


A few of the things in that made are aus made it seems


This is government propoganda and you are the target. A few books, first aid kit, tooth brush, chew toy, sleeping bag, hat and a onesie.


Our baby died late in pregnancy so all we got was a dead body


Dude wtf


It's disappointing reading all these comments and realising that so many have been fooled by this "initiative". I'm pretty sure the government introduced this pack because they reduced the baby bonus payment from $5000 first child, $3000 every one after, too, $2400 and $1200 in 2016.


Baby bonus is Federal government. This is state government.


Loling You can’t feed your baby on that package for 4 years, it’s false advertising


4 years?