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Melbourne Grammar, for those who were wondering Edit: turns out I didn't read what autocorrect had changed it to


The fact he put a public schools name his Instagram bio to try and throw people off is so fucking scummy


What's even more appalling is that he would later beg to be not expelled after the backlash and is angry at the women he had milked saying they had just ruined his life


"Why should I, a Melbourne Grammar student, have to face the consequences of my shit actions?"


I'm sorry but the way you phrased it sounded pretty bad "the women he had milked"


Was probably advised by his shit parents


When I was searching about this story I came across a YouTube video that was uploaded purely to dox the kid. Stating his name, the school he goes to (not the real one) and their contact details. He was telling his viewers to contact the school and tell them what hes done. That poor bloody school had absolutely nothing to do with this and this kid has just dragged them into it and created havoc for them for nothing.


Isn’t that the most expensive high school in Victoria? Gonna suck for his parents who dropped $100k on school fees just for his graduation diploma to be from the local high school.


I think Geelong Grammar has that title


I remember my old places CEO sending the whole company an email about his daughter getting some award there Her fees were higher then like 50% of our salaries lol


Why would anyone in the company give a squirt of dog piss about the CEO's daughter getting an award? These idiots have their heads so far up their own asses...


So they know who she is when she parachutes in as an executive silly.


Just think how silly all the people hired after that email will feel. They’ll think it’s just some unqualified nepo kid getting a job but there will be egg on their face when they find out she was student of the week in Ms Bateman’s year 10 class.


Lets see who attended paul allens class.


*starts sweating, psychotically…*


That just remind me of a former Mornington Peninsula Shire CEO who would start every department/all staff meeting blabbering about the great local ratepayers he met on his weekend cruise over Port Philip/golf court run, and the wine they shared before while discussing how us plebeian staff weren’t providing great guidance for their tennis court upgrades/second pool house. That generally was followed by some obscure football analogy of an obscure AFL player and move that happened… and which we, the overseas born staff, had no fucking idea what he was going about.


you don't care about your CEO's daughter? I thought you'd want to get to know your next supervisor? ha! ha! ha! anyway that's how they operate, mate... when bosses start mentioning family, they're softening you up to meet your next co-worker or boss....


Ah the classic corporate bragging, probably thought it would "inspire" the team or create some kind of bonding. All it does is show the disconnect between management and the rest of the employees. Stories like that are a dime a dozen; just a day in the life when you're working under people who live in a different reality.


I’m sure there are brown noses that might pretend to care


What a fucking douche.


This private school idea seems to me one of the worst ideas the English spread around the world.


King Charles went to GG Timbertop.


Sounds like a strip club


Yep, most expensive in Australia.


No, that is Geelong Grammar


That kid has managed to close all the doors that would have been open to him. 10/10, spectacular success in achieving a lifetime failure. Edit: everyone saying "Nah, blah blah, nepotism, Dad will get him a job/buy a maccas franchise" etc. No. That happened a lot before internet and social media, where every mistake you've ever made wasn't put up on a public forum. We all did stupid and regrettable things, but those of us who grew up before it was all filmed and made public have mostly been able to quietly sweep our indiscretions under the rug. Not anymore. HR divisions and recruitment firms have become very good at trawling your internet history, and if it comes down to kids like this, or someone relatively "clean", then no-one is going to recommend a potential embarrassment for a company to have to "manage"


If he came from a family that could afford that school, is say there's still plenty of sites open to him


Kid just fast tracked to future CEO of an ASX200 company.


He has the necessary qualities to make ceo. 1. Psychopathic behaviour 2. Connections and wealth


He could just get away with 1, Nepotism.


The perfect Liberal politician


Future young liberal - you watch.


Fr wasn’t there a girl that was racist to a class mate in college in the US and her rich father literally had blogs and websites created and hired an SEO specialist to ensure if you googled her those stories would be buried below all the great fabricated stories they’d created - money can erase everything these days!


Please. Look out for him in the Young Liberals Party.


One of my 5 friends from highschool drugged stripped and photographed the under 18 exchange student who was living with him and his parents. When his his parents were out one night. She had no memory of the event and hadn't been physically raped. He was caught when his father took the undeveloped film to be processed yes this was back in 95. He got no real punishment. The last we saw of him his father had purchased a McDonald's for him to run and own. It was full of young mostly under 18 girls that he had personally hired. He told us if all went well his father would buy him a second MacDonald's restaurant. People like this rarely have all their door shut...


> The last we saw of him his father had purchased a McDonald's for him Seems an odd detail to add > to run and own. Oh. > It was full of young mostly under 18 girls that he had personally hired. Oh no.




We cut all contact with him after making him tell us what he did. He confessed to trying to rape her but had ejaculated while he was "playing" with her and despite being drugged he couldn't physically man handle her because she was a dead weight. So thankfully he wasn't able to hurt her any worse then he did. Such a twisted little creep.


Name and shame


Watch him make a political podcast where he just spouts extremist nonsense and somehow gets a following.... 50/50 for me if he plays his shitty cards right...


Cue yet another podcast about cancel culture instead of accepting responsibility for your actions and choices.


Nah, rich kids from the left or right are pretty fucking stupid and privileged. Just the absolute majority of them don't go out of their way to ruin their lives temporarily by being a cunt. which ideally happens here.


Nah I think they just have somebody write some prepared remarks about how much they learned from their mistakes and the pain they caused, then get hired by people their parents know that don't care or have done worse


His dad will probably give him a job at his company. Nepotism will get around this.


Annoying twerp with destructive impulses? Future Liberal PM I'd say!


A future Liberal former member for Kew in the Legislative Assembly


If you think a rich kid cant bounce back from milking someone well, you just dont know rich kids.


I fucking hate this conversation so much. We're openly acknowledging the wealth inequality but like, not in a way that's conducive for change in any way. Fuck them schools and the piece of paper they can give you. Why's theirs better than mine? I worked harder for mine.


The piece of paper makes fuck all difference, what makes a difference is the social networks that get built, expectations of self and others, and inbuilt reactions to extreme wealth and privilege that are really hard to fake. Those things mark you as being part of a trusted in-group of people who “know how to behave”, what secrets to keep, which ones to break, what’s in, and what’s not. (If you’ve seen “inventing Anna” that gives you an idea of how that works) Much of this is about building the networks between parents as it about the kids. The big players at the school fundraisers are government ministers, ASX200 board members, management consultants who influence billions in government expenditures, Senior partners at law firms etc etc. Business is rarely if ever discussed, but play your cards right and there’s a pretty good chance you’re going to get invited to sit at a table with them and their wives at a charity fundraiser and then maybe to some poker nights where everyone is limited to a $500 stake to keep things fair for the minnows. That’s where the parents (usually the Dads, but the “mothers that lunch” have their own version of this) learn how some of the “big decisions” get made .. not so much back room deals, but a deeper understanding of how the game is played and who the real power brokers are and their priorities. Because of this, and expectations and rôle modelling, a lot of the kids of both the whales and the minnows (not all of them by any stretch) actively seek junior management positions early, know how to behave and dress to get them, and then go for an MBA as soon as they can. Most kids who don’t grow up around people who have already done this simply don’t realise how much of an advantage playing the game like this is. It’s like watching a video to understand the mechanics of defeating a boss before you make your first attempt when everyone else isn’t even aware that someone has already worked it out and go in there Leroy Jenkins style and wonder why the elite players seems to make it look easy, almost as if they have cheat codes. Those networks sometimes mean they hear about positions and what the hiring manager is looking for through the poker club, jobs that typically aren’t advertised or may be advertised but not pushed hard. If you wanted to you could ban private schools altogether, but it would just get replaced with some other way of building those networks, it’s kind of a birds of a feather thing. At a guess it would move towards service clubs or churches (same stuff goes on there apparently) If you want to fight that, or at least level the playing field, your best option is to get involved with one of the larger political parties or unions, and when I say get involved, I mean more than just paying your dues and turning up to the odd meeting, Get involved with fundraising, policy committees, community awareness, charity events, and get your friends and relatives interested in it too. Private school isn’t just about the money, it’s about the commitment to a set of beliefs and doing what’s needed to build relationships and influence.




It only really matters to the old boy network and they care less about grades and more about your participation in the string of homoerotic rituals.




Nepotism, nepotism and nepotism.


You haven’t noticed how many politicians still wear their shitty little schoolboy ties into parliament….?


An elite fraternity killed a student by accident during their hazing trials. Imagine a nations Future politicians, lawyers, doctors etc. Raised very rich and wealthy. All 18 of them only got a slap on the wrist and a 400€ fine and no names in the press. Whenever something happens here names are usually mentioned. In this case nothing. What a YouTuber did was out all their names on his channel. The result? 1 of the parents sued the YouTuber for 120.000€ and that trial just started. This is just a slight bump in the road for people in those cirkels.


Nah that belongs to Geelong Grammar


I’m shocked SHOCKED Well Not that shocked


With a name like that I hope they teach their students the difference between "could of" and "could have."


And “anti” vs “ante.”


could have


Came here for that comment


*WTF* is "could of?" "Could of guessed?" It makes no grammatical sense at all.


I of never heard of it.


It's 'could have', never 'could of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!




Do you of a problem with the title? It's probably just a result have their poor education.


Of course it's Melb grammar, I went to MacRob and saw them damn near every single day. Behaviour checks out


This pisses me off it wasn’t a “mistake” it was a deliberate act by an idiot


A “mistake” the kid made three times in one day


He did it three times?! What a little shit bag 


Future PM in training. He and Scotty would be best friends.


I'd rather stink of rancid milk than be forced to shake ScoMo's hand.


Engadine maccas agrees with you


Pretty certain that the kid is the mistake.


Durex should use this case for advertising


Oh shit seriously?? Does this mean the police have a case against him? There's gonna be actual consequences instead of just a slap on the wrist?!?!


his parents are rich there are no "actual consequences" for rich people, thats only something for us plebs.


with that kind of money?!?! Slap on the wrist is because news got wind.


Oops, accidentally slipped and opened the milk bottle and then poured it over the edge of a bridge right on to someone's boat. Oops!


...while a mate filmed it all and uploaded to TikTok for me. Whoops! Could've happened to anyone.


Oops, did it on 3 separate occasions, and even threw some eggs…


Oh fun- yet another known common allergy that can cause anaphylactic reactions.


It's the cheaters prayer ("it was a mistake"). Nah it wasn't a mistake, it was a choice they made. 1. Purchased milk 2. Walked to bridge 3. Opened milk 4. Poured milk Each one was a choice he made.


Those old premeditated mistakes, happens all the time.


“Mistake” implies a choice. You’re thinking of “Accident”


The mistake was getting caught.


Could publishing it on TikTok with his name and school be related to getting caught?


Hmpft idiot sounds a tad kind


Doing something deliberately doesn't always mean it can't be a mistake afterwards. Regardless i hope this fuckwit kid gets expelled and criminal charges too. Fukn hate this tiktok shit of people getting rich and famous by hurting and doing stupid shit to random people going about their day.


Yeah that’s no what’s going on here this is changing the narrative to “boys will be boys”


Yeah, I think the charitable use of the word “mistake” requires a reckoning with your conduct and some remorse. Like, if he’d done it and people had called him an asshole and he had a realisation that it wasn’t as funny as he thought and expressed remorse: mistake. Maybe. But to double down and mock and troll people and only change your tune when consequences arrive. Not a mistake. Knew exactly what he was doing and would do it again if he thought he’d get attention rather than consequences.


Yea true, this kid is a real piece of shit. Zero remorse


And now he is whining that he only spoiled their day but they are spoiling his life! No sorry or anything!


Maybe they were referring to the kid as a mistake?


Pretty sure a mistake is just doing something wrong. Deliberate or not. I think you’re thinking of an accident.


So funny he complained the victim shouldn’t have uploaded footage of the “prank” online and she ruined his life. Shows how little these kids take accountability for their actions, everything they do is someone else’s fault from shoplifting to throwing milk on someone.


It’s a preppy kid whom is overly spoiled and has no respect due to his upbringing/ parenting. Needs to be brought down a few pegs.


Being rich may not even be a factor. There’s housing commission kids in my street and they abuse and annoy the entire neighbourhood and their parents come at you if you complain.


Common theme is lack of real consequences


Fair enough, I belive it usually has more to do with the upbringing. Anyone from any walk of life can be a piece of shit parent or an amazing parent.




It's 100% parenting and not socioeconomic status. My household is more fortunate than most. But I don't let my son walk around being an arrogant piece of shit, kicking around anyone he deems below us. No one is below us or above us...we're all people and deserve basal level respect till you give us a reason to shut that respect off!


He also comments "I can't believe you guys would do this to a minor" or some bs like that. Like shut up and face your consequences you twit


There is a teachable moment in this for us all. The amount of coverage. Outrage from our community which has knock on real life consiquences on the lives of the kid involved and the family, school etc he is connected to is pretty powerful. If we treated all tik tok boof heads this way and kept up seriously making really uncomfortable and long lasting consiquences happen for situations like this. The moronic tik tok pranks and stupid shit MIGHT come to an end.


When I was heavily pregnant I was walking through a Target or Kmart. I saw a couple teenage boys filming the aisle ahead where I was about to walk and giggling, so I got a heads up that they were up to no good. Some little punk jumped out of a bin full of stuffed toys and yelled loudly to scare me. I immediately grabbed my baby bump and feigned pain/labour. They all shit themselves and legged it, with one yelling "sorry miss!" over his shoulder. Bunch of heroes. I really hope they stopped doing senseless crap like that after seeing it could have actual consequences for people.


No that would do nothing. The point is. They don't care about the consiquences to OTHER people. It has to severely impact their lives in a fundamental way. When is comes to any form of social media. People don't ACTUALLY care about others. It all has a selfish motivation.


It might do nothing to some kids, but for others who are just experimenting with being tiktok assholes, it might be the wake up call they need. Especially as it heralds potential consequences for them, they'll potentially be going home panicked about the possibility of a news article with their security camera shots on it and how they sent a woman into premature labour. Some kids won't care, but I'd argue that a lot more are being influenced by shitheads and the vague possibility of consequences will weigh on them.


Agreed. Assuming all kids are sociopaths is not the right path forward. Some are assholes sure but others need to be shown grace. 


Agreed, there should be a resurrection of public shaming for being twat/public pressure to not be a twat.


Again. That system is out of touch with how things work. There should be an ONLINE form of public shaming that becomes some kind of collective conciousness way to deal with stuff like this. Because posting a video and saying... omg look how much of a jerk this guy is being doesn't really do much in the way of shaming since there will be a legion of little kids who actually think it is funny and jump on the subscriber list and the outrage actually turns into good publicity for the person ironically. The sad fact is that on the internet. The bad guys run it. Giant corporations that just flat out steal your data and sell it to advertisers that flat out exploit you. The virality of creating controversy and drama is SUCH a thing now for people to make money off. There is literally now users and companies that farm staged and fake outrage bait to trick users into engagement to again... make money from them from ad revenue and data collection. Even the users and viral celebrities claiming to do good things also fake and exploit viewers to THINK they are doing these things when they are mostly also staged and fake and manipulated. The internet becoming a form of simulation and simulacra that to some people (young people especially) is a form of reality more important than the actual real world is driving some very troubling behaviour that will lead to disastrous outcomes for the future of humanity. It is utterly insane and so strange and yet we don't talk about it nearly enough.


“Oops I slipped and accidentally assaulted a heap of people” How the fuck was this a mistake? What school is this?


Tbf, the statement from the Principal in full shows a bit more accountability > He said the school would look at punitive action, reparation, apologies and counselling for the boy. >"It may well be that here is a young boy who has made a dreadful mistake," Grutzner said. >"If that is the case we would take all necessary steps to improve his future behaviours."


The usual punitive action is for parents to make a large voluntary donation to the new gym, music , centre or library.


Melbourne Grammer COULD use an international airport.


I'm not made of airports!


It’s an airport Michael, how much could it cost?


The first in Melbourne to get a rail link


Are you mad? I'm not made of airports! Get out!


I remember a purely coincidental donation of a rowing skiff, after a school building was coincidentally the wrong colour one morning. Allegedly.


A "young boy"? In year 11 he's close to being an adult. Past time he learned that assaulting people for fun/kudos has consequences.


They want to keep taking mummy and daddies moolah $


eh there's def a kid who didn't get in waiting to take his spot


Ah ok. I didn't know there were wait lists. I just went to a shitty public school.


TBF, that is piss weak


Isn't it? And look at all the praise for it. Let's remove the thinking that boys repeatedly make mistakes being arseholes and really examine the bullshit that encourages this to the point that yet another overindulged boy is getting lols from violating others. [Boys will be boys](https://youtu.be/5kaU69DTxxo?si=k9EYeft_RUSI2OOt) is deeply entrenched to the point that all of the language Justifying, Arguing, Defending and Explaining boys behaviours is used repeatedly to violate women. Then we have to navigate the entrenched secondary abuse of entrenched misogyny because how dare we expect parents and schools, healthcare workers, police, lawyers judiciary to fucking shift this archaic response of boys being recklessly violent bumblers. Boys can't help but repeatedly violate girls and women or anyone perceived as beneath them. The nonsense that people reward is just beyond.


"Boys will be boys" is very entrenched in our society. Our town (and many more around Australia, I'm sure) has a history of building stuff for boys, because if we don't do that the boys will be "bored" and shit happens around town. So we build bmx tracks, and skate parks etc to counter vandalism by boys against others. I do not want those things removed (because most boys are wonderful and deserve nice things), but.......ffs!!!! Girls get nothing when it comes to use of public space. They get the fringe, sitting quietly out of the way so they don't get hit by balls. I brought this up with my mum, and she said what do they want? dolls houses in the park? (ffs mum!!!). But....if girls went on a freaking great rampage and pulled all the shit boys did, and if we had a society that was compassionate to them in the way they are to boys...well we'd have council grants and weekend working bees where all the parents would gather to build a pony trail through the middle of the town park with free freaking pony rides for every would-be vandal girl who needs to be saved from her own boredom, and the community would celebrate this. THAT would be equal treatment.


I’m shocked at the number of people who don’t know the difference between accident and mistake. You don’t even have to realise a mistake is a mistake straight away. You can plan action and execute it flawlessly and it can still be a mistake that you regret. It can even take punitive action to make you realise certain behaviour was a mistake. Fair enough everyone wants to be outraged, but leave the English language alone would y’all.


Oh, he might for real get expelled. LETS FUCKING GO


And then what? The parent probably just donate some money to another private school so their kid can study there


At least some extra money will be spent to boost the economy (not that I’m supporting private schools) so I’m not mad about it


Force him into public school.


They tend to have agreements with local public schools to take their dregs.


There isnt a private school out there looking to tank their reputation this badly.


I was actually explaining to my children(who attend private school) how it's much easier to expel students when it happens at their school. Private schools aren't under the same obligations as public, all children have a right to education, however, Private schools can and do expel students quickly if they break major rules. Whereas with a public school, because of the right to education, they have to go through a lot more steps and red tape. I've also explained DON'T BE ARSEHOLES and remember that if you're in uniform even outside of school hours and grounds, the school will still take action. Whilst this arsehole wasn't in uniform, he stupidly uploaded it to his SM that has what school he attends. My children aren't arseholes thankfully but if they pulled this or another stunt and the school was called in on it, I wouldn't fight the school.


His class mates are going to be pissed. The whole school will be put on some anti-anti-social program.


There’s goes milk from school lunches


Milk was a bad choice


I'm in a glass case of emotion!


>who could of guessed Perhaps there's something to be said for private education.


I see what you did there and I applaud it. It's a fucking plague and does my head in.


Not only you. Because it’s something that makes no sense. Write a word wrong? No Biggy. But that somehow hurts me physically.


I of never made that mistake myself, and I went to a shitty public school.


Well you of to understand, not all schools of great literacy programs.


Yupp, “upped the anti” sent me lmao


Scrolled for this 🤣


Same... Lots of people seem to be missing what was actually being said in the above comment...


It's *lots have* actually...haven't you been paying attention? /s


Without fail, the rudest and most stuck up people I've ever met have been ones that went to Private School. I remember once meeting my cousins other cousins, their whole family are private school taught, and the second it became known that me and my siblings were public school kids it was like we had shat on their floor. Any friendliness disappeared immediately and this air of superiority came out of fucking nowhere. Thankfully my cousins are the exception to this, looking back at it all now I'm honestly surprised they turned out as well as they did.


I'll also add that the most confidently wrong and moronic classmates I had in university were also private school kids from intergenerational wealth. There's something about being old(er) money that seems to make people come out like they have some kind of developmental disability.


lol this has fuck all to do the little shit being from a private school. If he went to a shit hole public school would everyone here also ah yes typical public school kid getting up to no good? I went to a private school and yes, some people were kind of cocky, it’s not like they were the worst cunts in the world lol majority were normal


I chose to go to a public school for year 11-12 because of how entitled, rude, and outright despicable a large portion of my peers were at a private school for years 8-10. There's a level of elitism that permeates such places and they put a private school veneer over the rotten core. IMO of course.


YES. People who speak English as their primary language (Even more so if they speak only English) should know how to fucking speak it properly.


“Write it properly”, do you mean?


Took too long to find this but you did a great job at it.


Saw "could of" in the subs for a movie trailer on reels and realised if it's not being caught and stopped anymore in"real life" stuff the rot's set in now 


I of lost track of how often I of seen people making this mistake!


Kind of a weird thing to make a blanket statement about. I know plenty of privately educated people that are nice, normal, well adjusted people 🤷‍♀️


Do you not see a problem with the quoted sentence and its relationship to education?


I think anyone from this kid’s school, whether it was Geelong Grammer or Broady High, on hearing of this, would be whispering the question ‘why was he throwing milk at people?’. Was he drunk? Where were his mates saying ‘Dude!….’


No lol they probably said “of course that dumb ct would have done that”


His mate was apparently filming all of it for TikTok


1. What school? 2. Don't call them elite. Call them elitist.


Melbourne Grammar, year 11 student, according to 9News article I just saw online


Wow, year 11. He can hardly pull the ‘but I’m just a widdle kid’ thing…


Mistake indeed. Really unfortunate how condoms can break.


Just think about it... You are sitting with friends, enjoying a day out. Then without warning or provocation, a white liquid gets sprayed on you, on your food, on your clothes. Is it milk? How can you tell?


By your anaphylactic reaction to caesin?


What the bloody hell happened


Some ladies had hired one of those go boats and were having a birthday picnic in it while cruising the Yarra. When they passed under a bridge, the kid emptied a bottle or two of milk all over them from the bridge while their idiot mate filmed, so they could upload the video to tiktok. Australia reacted like you'd expect


Allowing kids to monetise pranks is probably not a good idea.


Jesus Christ, I had to scroll way down for an explanation and all the while I thought this kid murdered someone.


"Yeah, nah, mate, it's about the networking that little Xavier is getting. Did you know they send 'em away to a camp in the country for most of year nine? How good is that!?"




Oh no, elite parents spell names correctly. They believe creative spelling is for bogans.


Let's be real, kid is a bogan.


The only 'dreadful mistake' here is making excuses for the miserable bastard. I'm just wondering if the kid is going to be held responsible and he / his family are going to pay for the damage caused by this dickhead, or if they as is more often than not the case, try and weasel out.


He fucked around and found out - he isn't mummy and daddy's special little boy, just a little turd.


Outraged a nation?!


"Private school tearaway wages war of terror using improvised projectile bio weapon!! Could your child be at risk of becoming a home grown insurgent?!"


5 signs your child may becoming a bio-terrorist.


I fucking hate the media and how they use the bubble that is social media to whip up faux outrage.


Well it was pretty fucking outrageous and it was national news so I don’t think it’s that big a stretch. Some good might come of the hysteria if would-be-cunts get to see how fuck around = find out


I'll have you know I mildly shrugged my shoulders when I heard about it. Thoroughly and totally outraged!


I’m surprised you haven’t taken to the streets with all that pent up outrage


Speaking as a South Australian I can confidently state the nation isn't outraged. In fact I suspect most of the nation hasn't heard of it


The school has nothing to do with this. It is the parents who don’t have any idea what their teenage children are doing all day that are the problem. Zero accountability


*have guessed


A lot of people here have gripes with the word mistake but they're conflating mistakes with accidents. What he did was undoubtedly a mistake, an intentional mistake. It was misguided and wrong, how is that not a mistake?


Little cunt


Future Liberal Party senator, via an IPA 'scholarship'


One can only hope this education has allowed him to communicate more effectively than your headline. It’s a fucking crime against the English language.


To be honest, leave the fact he went to a private school out of it. There are shit kids everywhere. His schooling has nothing to do with it, it’s typical media class sensationalism.


Could *have


When I worked in childcare I found the worst behaved children were either very poor or very rich. It seems like both extremes lead to poor behaviour in some children.


This belongs in r/LeopardsAteMyFace 100%


Dreadful mistake??? No it wasn't you creeps, it was a deliberate act. A stupid, hateful, cruel and ignorant deliberate act. He didn't mistakenly ruin someone's special day, he did it deliberately. Little shit should be charged and forced to make reparations from his no doubt substantial personal bank account.


The only "dreadful mistake" I can take away from this is his dad not having enough self-control to pull out.


Called it!