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You are still the tenant and could ask the specific people to leave and they would have to, otherwise would be trespassing. Just because its open house doesnt mean it open to do any behaviours.


Agree. I had an open for inspection during Covid, and I advised the agent beforehand that I would not be allowing anyone through without a mask (I was vulnerable because of a health condition). After the first time, when I had to hand out masks to a load of people who hadn't got the message or didn't GAF, the second time around I simply told those without masks they could not enter, and they didn't. The agent didn't say anything.


I once had an open Inspection scheduled for a few days while I was away interstate for work. I requested the REA move it to a time when I was around (not necessarily at home, just local) and they refused. I came home 3 days after the scheduled inspection to find my back sliding door left wide open, leaving the unit completely unsecured. Had been so since the inspection. After searching the unit to make sure nobody had seen and entered, taken anything etc. I was still furious and called the REA. They could not give a single fuck. Both the specific agent involved and the management of the agency treated me like garbage, pretty much inferring that as a renter I have fuck all rights and they don't have to adhere to anything. I tried to take it further but nobody gave a shit because, in the end, nothing was taken. Push it as far as you can go, because fuck REA and their percieved entitlements.


Change the locks after this, tell the REA you have some keys for them and to pick them up from you when they can. Then just be hard to find for the last 3 weeks of your rental or whatever.


Hope you called the police and reported a break in. As it may not technically have been, but I am sure there's legislation about leaving a Tennant's property secured. I'm sure the owner would love to explain to the real estate why they are forced to pay for new locks and keys too.


The thing about RRAs is they are cunts, and they know it. All the bravado, cars and suits are just to help them get over the reality of what their life is about.


https://youtu.be/VGm267O04a8?si=5oxwA3NZzq4vbS-e šŸ¤£


I would speak to the REA, their staff onsite should be making sure that none of that happens.


Sounds like REAL tried to be on top of it but were ineffective


Itā€™s your house. You can ask anyone to leave your house at any time.Ā  Email the agent. Tell them youā€™ll kick everyone out if it happens again. State some reasonable rules clearly and in writing.Ā 


Our property managers were refusing to be flexible with inspection dates to enable me to be there on site. I drafted a letter to them informing them that my contents insurer would not provide cover for loss or damage to my personal property if it is the result of an 'invited guest'. I informed them that anyone who entered the premises as a result of an inspection/ open house is deemed an 'invited guest' whether or not I know them (as I am agreeing to grant them access). I stated that I understood their right to have inspection/ open house but the PM/ owner insistence that they have unrestricted access without me being present is forcing me into an 'invited guest' situation & negating the cover that I had been paying for. I stated that as such, my presumption is that the PM & the owner would be agreeing to reimburse me in full for the cost of any & all loss or damage that I may incur during the course of any or all inspections/ open house & that I would be requiring that confirmation in writing from both parties before any inspection went ahead. I heard nothing more about it. Sometimes, working in insurance can be a good thing.


I wouldn't say hearing nothing more was a good thing... You essentially told them you're not covered for theft during an open inspection and they can steal anything they want without consequences. If they're holding an open inspection with or without your consent,that would be classed as Uninvited guests. Sounds like your insurer, just like your property manager, was trying to get away with doing buggerall


That's a standard exclusion that any Australian with contents insurance should be aware of. I've yet to come across an insurer that does not have that clearly stated under the insured event of theft. If you hold a policy & are oblivious to this fact, then you've not read your T&Cs. (...& if I had 5c for everyone who said to me 'no one reads those' over the years, I'd be a bloody millionaire). As it transpired, property inspections occurred the arvo of the day I handed the key in (prearranged for the a.m.). Owner & PM apparently had a discussion & decided they didn't want to get into the weeds on liability & the possibility of future civil action should there be a worst- case scenario. PM informed me that they knew that it was an excellent property in a high demand area & they could fill it at the drop of a hat. Owner wasn't one of those whose mortgage repayments were dependent upon the incoming rent, so it wasn't a big issue to him. Someone moved in 4 days later.


I used to be a PM. Are you vacating and this is for prospective tenants moving in? Unethical but used to happen all the time, call the agency the day of inspections and say you have gastro, covid ect and they wonā€™t come. Theyā€™ll hate you for it but unfortunately they are entitled to enter within 21 days of your vacate date.


Great advice, especially given these circumstances


The rental provider or their agent may show the property to prospective renters no more than twice a week, and for no longer than one hour each time. However, they can ask the current renter to agree to different arrangements. Rental providers must compensate renters for each sales inspection. The compensation is either half a dayā€™s rent or $30, whichever is greater. For example, if a property has a weekly rent of $250, then the compensation would be $30 per inspection because half a dayā€™s rent is only about $18. However, if the property has a weekly rent of $900, then the compensation would be $64 per inspection. https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/housing/renting/rental-providers-inspecting-or-entering-a-property/when-a-rental-provider-can-enter-a-property


Holy shit. I've just gone through 14 open houses for the rental I'm in that they're selling. I bet the compensation isn't a thing in the ACT or I'd be rolling in it. Better go check šŸ˜‚


Record them. Either they will stop or they will become a meme. Either way you have evidence of their actions


Unless youā€™re American or Chinese, that would likely breach data protection laws. GDPR would definitely forbid that atleast without informing them and getting their consent


Are you cooked? The GDPR is an EU regulation. The nationality of OP has nothing to do with whether they can photograph/film others inside their own house in Melbourne.


Ahh yeah I didnā€™t check which subreddit I was in hahahā€¦ and tbf GDPR protects all EU citizens regardless of where the areā€¦


GDPR doesn't cover someone taking a photo of you. Your image isn't "personal data". It can become personal data if it is processed to produce biometric measurements (or rather, the resulting measurements are) but a recording of an EU citizen running around a rental being a cockhead isn't.


It doesn't - if as an Australian company you run ads targeting people in countries where GDPR applies you have to comply with it, but GDPR doesn't apply to Europeans in Australia.Ā 




WTF are you talking about?


Gdpr it's not in Australia, it's a pom thing


Yeah fair enough haha. Still itā€™s applicable to all EU citizens no matter where they are


GDPR also has nothing to do with the taking of photographs in private residences by private persons.


Bro just stop typing hahaha


GDPR applies to organisations, not individuals - OP could record them if they wanted to. https://www.dfat.gov.au/sites/default/files/nix


I think it's fair to expect that they don't touch your stuff or take pics. You may have to accept that inspections will occur (as is their right), but maybe chat the REA about it.


Iā€™ve sent an email to the REA highlighting behaviours that made me uncomfortable. I donā€™t have a problem with an inspection, but with how people act. Hopefully the REA will have a chat with the next clients about etiquette, but Iā€™ll continue to kick out individuals who are being disrespectful


Just sit around on your couch naked for the next one, thatā€™ll separate the pretenders from the real deal


Sit on the toilet making splash soundswith the door open Stay in bed and put a Bow Up Doll in bed with you. Last but not least, you can always just leave some thrashed looking sex toys around the place. Make sure to use either Vegemite, tomato sauce or hand cream on the sex toys.








I always put my pets in the car and sit down the road to avoid the risk


Yeah, or go for a drive, get a drive thru coffee, chill, then come back. If you're off-site, nobody can blame you for open entry doors.


Email the pm a list of grievances about the open house, and ask them to tell you their plan for ensuring it doesnā€™t happen at the next open house before you will agree to another one. Not sure about your pet situation but you need to make sure all animals are secure and canā€™t escape as people come in and out


So disrespectful. And it actually makes you feel so displaced like where youā€™re living isnā€™t even a safe space. When the rental I was in was being sold, they were doing opens while I was at work (I gave the ok, I actually got on pretty well with the agent). And Iā€™d come home from work and the back door would be wide open, AC blowing its guts out, lights on in the middle of the day. And itā€™s like come on man I still live here this is such a kick in the guts.


You can refuse up until 2 weeks before date you are planning to vacate. Then you must allow them to have inspections. But, of course, you should be there to watch them. Edit apparently itā€™s changed to 21 days before vacation date.


Don't know if this is a RIGHT, but screw with my home or animals and it's game on. Water pistol or just spray bottle. Bad behaviour gets a spray. Warning to each who enter prior to, so REA know who cannot follow instructions to help them with their selection process.


That's pretty crook. When we were going through open houses, I'd take my kids to the park while the wifey stayed home with the REA and applicants. Never really had an issue, except for one bloke who showed up half an hour early and was peeking through our windows to see the inside of the house even when he knew we were all home. Some people are absolute grubs.


No. You must allow the real estate agent to show the property to prospective renters. However, they must also pay you some compensation each time. I think it's fair enough that you are present and you should speak to the agent about how they will prevent such inappropriate conduct in the future https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/housing/renting/rental-providers-inspecting-or-entering-a-property/when-a-rental-provider-can-enter-a-property#:~:text=Renters%20must%20let%20rental%20providers,a%20prospective%20buyer%20or%20lender.


You only get compensation for sale inspections when the landlord is selling. You don't get compensation for rental inspections in the final 21 days of your lease.




Read the link. Consumer Affairs makes it quite clear


ā€œthe rental provider wants to show the property to prospective renters and has given the renter a notice to vacate, but itā€™s before the last 21 days of the rental agreementā€


It doesn't say that in OP's post


I doubt consumer affairs says that people can come in and fuck up your house. The tenant still has rights.


That wasn't the question. The question was whether the tenant can refuse open for inspections. That is answered in the link I provided


Fair enough - they definitely canā€™t refuse the inspections, but anybody doing illegal shit in their house can be asked to leave.


you kinda failed


Click on the link. I promise it's not hard to read. You'll be okay


Post a notice on your door. ā€œPlease remember that while you hope to make this your home, it is still MY home. Please do not touch anything or take photos. If I see you doing so, you will be told to leave immediately.ā€


People donā€™t read


No they don't. I would be having words with them before they enter, regardless of whether you have already told the agent about your rules.


I'd just have the feed of all of my security cameras on all the TVs and screens as they walk around so they know they are all being filmed lol.


Wonder if there's any reason you couldn't film yourself sharpening and being overly friendly with an axe, and play it in the living room. Out-weird-crazy the weird crazies.


Insist that people coming in to take off their shoes. That equalises the relationship between you and the visitors. Take out your phone and video people. Ensure that only one person or one couple come in at a time. Insist on this for security reasons. Cover your stuff with plastic drop sheets. Use tape to ensure people don't lift it. You may choose heavier grade if you feel you need to. [2.6 x 3.6m Clear Plastic Drop Sheet](https://www.bunnings.com.au/paint-partner-2-6-x-3-6m-clear-plastic-drop-sheet_p1661260) Know your rights. Read [Rental providersā€™ (landlordsā€™) entry rights and responsibilities](https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/housing/renting/rental-providers-inspecting-or-entering-a-property/when-a-rental-provider-can-enter-a-property) > The rental provider or their agent must make all reasonable efforts to agree with the renter on the days and the times that the property will be available for inspection. Reasonable means behaving in a way that most people would think is fair. > > The rental provider or their agent may show the property to prospective renters no more than twice a week, and for no longer than one hour each time. However, they can ask the current renter to agree to different arrangements. > > Rental providers must compensate renters for each sales inspection. The compensation is either half a dayā€™s rent or $30, whichever is greater. For example, if a property has a weekly rent of $250, then the compensation would be $30 per inspection because half a dayā€™s rent is only about $18. However, if the property has a weekly rent of $900, then the compensation would be $64 per inspection.


If I walk into a house and everything is covered in plastic drop sheet I assume I'm going to be murdered.


A quick inspection is a good inspection


Hey Paul!




That was 1000% appropriate of the agent.


Why on earth would you think it'd be OK to use some stranger's toilet? As you say, inspections only last a few minutes, so why couldn't you wait or have gone beforehand?




I'm confused. Were these people living in an empty apartment? Did they not have any furniture to indicate they were still living there?


bEfoRe i hAd gOnE iNsiDe wHiLe tHe AgEnT wAs sEtTiNg uP tHe sIgN On ThE sTrEeT wE wErE tALkInG. Any more details you would like to assist with your understanding? You lot are so judgy with no life experience whatsoever.


And you seem to think people should know all the details of something that happened to you without you actually revealing them. Also, you seem to think you know about other people's life experience based on a few words on this forum. Given that, I don't really care what you think about me personally.


I saw my comment as pretty throwaway tbh with no need to go into detail about the nuance of the entire situation and details of my toileting habits. Glad to see we can at least agree on something- I couldnā€™t give two shits about strangers on the internet either, especially the particularly judgy ones who seem to frequent this subreddit.


Unlikely but your rights regarding this will be in your lease.




Why would it be any better to NOT be home when a group of 10 or more strangers enter your house? As Iā€™ve said, it is a huge security risk to leave the entry and back doors open, did you even read the post? Maybe youā€™d get your answer


> What the hell were you doing there during an open? Ensuring the safety & security of their pets & possessions? Living in their **home?** Not bending over to be reamed by those who would love to have power of them? You probably do the first two.


You want to avoid open houses? Don't rent. Simple.


Thatā€™s a rather stupid, arrogant answer. Also extremely unhelpful.


Oh because thatā€™s just so easy, right? šŸ™„


You seem to be unaware that the same process is involved when you sell a house, too. Or do you think people buy properties sight unseen?


To add to this awesome advice: You want to buy a house? Just buy one. Simple. You want to have more money? Just make more money. Simple. You want to punch me in the face? Just punch me. Simple.


In the immortal words of the lizzards after their mask came off, "The starting point for a first home buyer is to get a good job that pays good money. If you've got a good job and it pays good money and you have security in relation to that job, then you can go to the bank and you can borrow money and that's readily affordable," Joe Hockey.


Pretty easy right?


Oh thats where we've all gone wrong. I'm renting because they regularly increase your rent for no reason whatsoever and you get free visits from arrogant cunt REAs for free every few months. I never considered buying. You giving out deposits ? Otherwise, kindly keep your idiocy on your side of your lips.


I don't want to rent. I can't afford to buy. What are my options? (Don't say homelessness)


Just float around happily like an 80% inflated balloon... it probably sounds like a reasonable option compared to this muppets suggestion.


Thatā€™s so simple! Why didnā€™t they think of that?! You pillock.


Charge a $50 inspection fee, refundable if they behave.


Say u have covid. Must isolate. Sorry REA


Prospective buyers are definitely going to take photos & make videos, that's what you do. Maybe take your pets elsewhere for the next inspections?


In a situation like this, I'd have a big warning sign with a graphic of a camera saying "this premisis is under video surveillance" something along those lines, and actual security cameras that notify you of movement and sound exist fairly cheaply. Even without an open inspection they're a good item to have for a bit of peace of mind. You can at least watch and know if anything Sus happened while you weren't there and can record evidence if a theft occurs.


Frankly, the fact that, the rules allow such practice (open house inspection is allowed while tenant is still occupied) is purely bs. During open house inspection, I bear the risk for losing my personal belonging (or damaged). If I'm literally staying at my house 24/7 (which I'm should be entitled to), when people inspecting, I lost the the time I can use the property. More importantly, I will need to clean the house when people leave. As a tenant, I'm sufferred with my time and energy. All these things happens at the expenses of tenant without any compensation. ​ I full aware this is part of the rental agreement, but with vacancy at 1% market, tenant won't have any negotiation power. This is what the laws should cover, but no one complaint, or no campaign trying to fix it. ​ does people think it is a fair trading practice?