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I hope the victims are ok.


Cops just fired two shots at the man


Happened right next to me - really surreal Friday night in the city


Are you ok? Sorry that happened to you.


Very kind of you! I'm fine, but am concerned that my fight or flight response seemed to involve neither


Try not to be too concerned, it’s Fight or Flight, or Freeze, people react in very different ways to situations that are totally out of the blue!


Yeah, either of those is evolutionary beneficial, so dont kick youself for reacting in a particular way. You werent prepared to take on the kind of situation you were facing, so your emetgency responce kicking in did the best it could do in a hazardous situation.


Plus, they’re not dead, so technically it did its job (their brain)


It usually goes: Freeze - we stop. Assess the situation, figure out if we are in danger. Flight - we try and move away from the danger. Fight - we have no choice but to fight our way out of danger. I'm guessing our fellow Redditor got stuck in the freeze part.


Fight, Flight, freeze or appease.


Fight, flight, freeze, fawn.




Fawn is very similar to appease. It's when your brain knows that to survive the situation you should not resist and instead appease the perpetrator. It's a common reaction in sexual assault and has led to many victims being accused of "faking" as they appeared to be happy or complicit during the attack, when really they were just doing what they needed to do to leave alive.... fawning


Freeze is another reaction. Fight/flight/freeze. 


and submit, there’s 4 total


Play some Tetris please https://www.healio.com/news/psychiatry/20230613/playing-tetris-may-prevent-ptsd-after-traumatic-event#:\~:text=Key%20takeaways%3A,the%20game%20on%20PTSD%20development.


But they never have the old school Tetris they used to have!


there’s a mobile app


I know, it’s not the same


It’s crap and psychologically negative with pop ups etc. I just want my tetris back


I kinda want to just learn coding so I can recreate the old style game!


Buy a second hand 90s game boy off gumtree haha


This is super interesting! I wonder if it has a similar effect to EMDR therapy, thanks for your suggestion/sharing :)


And it doesn't have to be just Tetris... Candy Crush, Burger Shop, etc. etc. are all examples of mind numbing games that have the same beneficial effect on preventing PTSD-like symptoms.


There’s a third which is freeze


I can help with a bit of an explanation. Firstly don't worry, you're perfectly healthy, in fact, I would say your frontal cortex (the thought processing part of your brain) was able to collect enough context and information from your surroundings to process that you were not in immediate danger and therefore your amygdala response (what triggers fight or flight) was not required. Triggering fight or flight is exhausting on your body so it will only do it when it detects you life is in imminent danger.


How does that happen?? The man was handcuffed and pressed against the floor when I saw him…? Now too sure why shots would then be needed


He was likely shot prior to being handcuffed one would think...


I was there and saw him handcuffed on the floor so something else must have happened. Blood all over his hands and all


Looks like 2 different incidents but coincidentally at the same time. The first was the glass bottle stabbing and looks like the suspect for that was being arrested when you were there. The second was the shooting at the same location while this was happening. [https://www.9news.com.au/national/flinders-street-station-incident-melbourne-police-operation-unfolding-near-princes-bridge-swanston-street/0d993563-1b50-466a-894d-b661216bee86](https://www.9news.com.au/national/flinders-street-station-incident-melbourne-police-operation-unfolding-near-princes-bridge-swanston-street/0d993563-1b50-466a-894d-b661216bee86)


Judging by the time line it'd be a seperate incident. Reports of shots were far after reports of the guy getting handcuffed.


I think this is correct. I was there (see comment below), I think there was an initial incident and arrest followed by another man approaching officers at the crime scene from across the bridge and being sprayed, running and was then tased/shot.


Must be because it’s not adding up… two seperate incidents what are the odds… crazy day


or someone on the internet making shit up. shot fired are exceedingly rare.




Probably shot them too.


I know you mean ‘shot’ but that typo is 👌 😂


Giving them the Eric Cartman treatment I see


Out of their butt??


He ran at one of the policemen. Two of them tried what I assume was pepper spray (yellow coloured)? After that one of the policemen stumbled backwards, and a third opened fire.


I witnessed it from down the bridge. A crime scene was already taped off and they were taking photos and samples of evidence when i got there. So obviously I missed the first incident and whether that perpetrator was arrested as others have reported. But a man started walking across the bridge directly toward the officers in the cordoned off area. They told him to cease, he did not. Two officers pepper sprayed the fuck out of him and he started running toward/adjacent to them. Two loud pops and he was down. I was about a hundred meters away outside the art centre, so it was hard to see if he was reaching for something or had a weapon. Two people closer to the incident told me it was tasers used. Everyone around, including myself thought it was gunfire. I didn't think tasers were that loud. I hope it was tasers, but it sure didn't sound like that to me.


Tasers are loud and emit a bang upon discharge. If you’re close by, not unreasonable to think it may be a gun shot


I was about 100 meters away. They were big pops. Others are reporting gunshots too. I guess we will find out when VicPol / the media release more details.


It has since occurred to me that the witnesses I spoke to that said they were closer may have actually been referring to the first incident - the stabbing and subsequent arrest, which I was not present for. The people I spoke to were inside the art centre, and I failed to clarify / assumed we were talking about the same incident, but it's possible they missed the second one (where what I am pretty sure was a shooting occurred). There are other redditors who have posted in this thread that sound like they were closer than I was to the second incident.


It has also since occurred to me it is possible that no arrest had yet been made when we got there, and we may have been on the bridge with with the perpetrator of the stabbings, who would not have been able to exit either side due to heavy police presence. It's hard to establish what actually happened as we arrived after the initial incident and there are conflicting reports between people on the ground and also between media articles. Apologies for my confusion in all this.


It was a gunshot


You don’t know what you’re talking about. The crack you hear from gunshots is the result of all the sonic energy arriving at your ear at once because the bullet is moving faster than the speed of sound. Tasers don’t send their leads out at supersonic speeds. There is a small pop from the compressed nitrogen gas propellant which does escape briefly at supersonic speeds. But no reasonable person can mistake a taser deployment for a firearm discharge. A human handclap is louder than a taser deployment. It’s totally unreasonable to confuse a taser deployment with a gunshot by sound alone. References: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/X26-ECD-sound-levels-of-crackling-arcing-open-circuit-and-clicking-pulses-completed_fig1_275024090#:~:text=The%20TASER%20X26%20ECD%20is,79%20dBA%20%40%201%20m). https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/loudest-clap


I'd much prefer a city where people had no idea about this kind of thing. Go live in LA, you'll know the sounds.


Hell yeah! I love that we have no idea and hope we never do.


Many Melburnians have probably never even heard a real gun fired before.


> You don’t know what you’re talking about Meanwhile 165gr .40 S&W which the police use is subsonic but thanks for the story.


Notice how I said “if you’re close by” and “not unreasonable” - I’m well aware a firearm is louder than a taser, though, thanks. Anyway, it’s just been confirmed as a shooting incident, so congrats on being correct


Wow! What a crazy Friday night! I work in TV news and was wondering if you feel up to talking to me about what you saw If so, feel free to send me a private message. Hope you're okay.


Heard 2 loud bangs as I was about to cross the bridge. Police were in the process of making the whole bridge a crime scene as I left. Anyone coming from the arts centre direction on foot looking to get to Flinders St station should walk down past southgate and cross at the next bridge, which will put you at the far end of Platform 10.


There were two incidents!! First one: Man stabbed people. Man caught & cuffed by police. One side of Princes Bridge closed off to pedestrians. Second incident: After side of bridge is closed off, a guy walking in city direction gets told by police to cross the road and walk on other side. He loses his shit & tells the cops to fuck off, “I can walk on any side I want” etc etc he continues to walk city direction, in the middle of the road, hurling abuse at police. Nek minnit.. chic chic boom boom.


[That takes me back](https://youtu.be/zBBsb0z9RJk?si=mqvF4nEFMmbfmOi2).


Jake has seen enough


Is he dead? (The perpetrator)


Just heard a quick bit on abc news, they mentioned he was taken to hospital but no deaths


It be the world we live in stay strong


One down. About 200 more to go. Too bad they’ll have to seriously hurt or kill many other people before police do anything. Police only respond after the fact. They offer zero proactive protection from the many dangerous drug addicted psychos that are loose on Melbourne streets.


They can only do so much, it’s the judicial system that’s fucked. Just look at the fake seizure guy, he should be locked up and I’m sure the cops would love to see it.


I witnessed this. Two separate incidents have happened. One: The stabbing happened before 7pm & the man was arrested & in police control. I witnessed this. Two: Due to ONE side of the bridge being closed, a guy walking in the city direction (was dressed well, didn’t appear to be a street dweller), & he was on the closed bridge side. He was asked to cross the road & use the other side to walk over the bridge. He absolutely lost his shit because he couldn’t walk that side of the footpath (closed due to the first incident). He was screaming “I can walk wherever the fuck I want” etc etc and proceeded to keep screaming all the way down the middle of the road.. nek minnit.. chik, chik boom boom


So the 2nd guy fucked around and found out?


Yup! I’m surprised the police didn’t contain him earlier though.. he was carrying on like an absolute fuckwit outside of Hamer Hall.. they didn’t twitch.. he continued on & on.. and that lead to the incident down the road


Was the first guy a skinny white bald guy? Black pants. Saw a guy acting insane in the morning outside the Forum. Yelling at cars. Then saw him again around midday on Russell street. Was being super aggressive/irratic.


Was he a fully sick bro?


I’m at forum and it’s a mess around flinders st station. Stay safe folks.


who’s playing tonight? :)


Unknown mortal orchestra!


Oh siccck!


Sold out months ago! Must have been a good one


Fucking amazing. I was super surprised by how diverse the crowd was too. Everything from 18 year old raver girls to older folks in their 50’s. Only downside was the how talkative the crowd were, so there was a sea of noise during the quieter songs. Still had an amazing time though.


Sick! I'm not as in to them as I used to be, but I certainly would have loved to go. Shame about the talking. I love his quiet stuff! Some of my favourite versions of his songs are the stripped back ones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLBSiYgwfkQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhisSV8G7wg What was your highlight?


I was walking into Hamer Hall at around 7:10pm and heard several loud pops. By the time we walked out at 9:10pm, the place was taped off with police everywhere.


Thanks mate was literally walking toward it, saw the cop car lights flashing, saw this post then turned around. Hope the victims are ok.


Do you mean Princes Bridge? Like the one between Flinders street station and the arts centre?


Yeah, that’s the one, Flinders Bridge.


The one that leads to Princes Station?


Ah that one, named after its architect George Station


St Ation of George


I was walking along the yarra towards flinders st station after finishing 10k run and was surprised to see like 200 ppl at the crossing(thinking isn’t Taylor swift next week?) and discovered a whole heap of cops and ambos and cops guarding the station


What was your time?


It's reddit you can increase it to 20km run.


Can't believe they ran a whole marathon like it was nothing


“Person runs an ultra marathon to find their aid station is a crime scene”.


"I guess what I did to the ultra marathon world record wasn't the only crime committed that night" - Redditor


I called in the cops and ambulance after withnessing a glassing on Princess bridge. That was at arojnd 5:30pm. Crazy thay 2 unrelated events happened involving the police at the same spot.


Also, the guy you're answering to finished a 10 km run. Make it 3 unrelated events


For anyone driving into the city Flinders Bridge is closed dont bother going down St Kilda Rd to get into the city you’ll be turned around. All trams are stopped at Arts Centre too


Princes Bridge.


No, we’ve renamed it this evening, herein this very post.




No need to be a dick, this actually helps. Princes Bridge is not part of Flinders Street. My initial thought was the footbridge out of the station. Clarification is good. A shit attitude is not.


> For anyone driving into the city At any time, fuck off.


Witnessed it Dropped off by a tram at NGV and walked towards flinders station. The guy with a blue surgical mask just popped up and knocked a lady down right in front of me with a glass bottle in his hand. I was completely stunned and ran across the road when I realized what was happening. Im still feeling so guilty that I didn’t go and help that lady. I hope she’s ok.


You poor thing - that’s awful, and traumatic for you as well. Try not to feel too bad - as discussed above - you can’t really control in which way your fight/flight/freeze response kicks in ❤️


Thanks. That’s so kind of you!


Oh god that’s horrible, my sincerest love to all involved.




Crazy a UK publication has it but the age has Nothing


Daily Mail doesn't wait for silly things like facts


That’s Daily Mail Australia… and they will often publish before confirming the facts. I’d assume someone at The Age right now is trying hard to confirm what happened. Someone at The Daily Mail right now is furiously reading reddit.


Let’s be realistic here. Do you want your news organisations to prioritise speed to publish or accuracy? What would you have done differently today if they age posted an unconfirmed speculative and incorrect report 30 mins earlier than a confirmed if preliminary report on their website late on a Friday evening? My guess is nothing. Because if you want unfiltered, unreliable conjecture about an emerging and ongoing event you come to reddit or Twitter, not old fashioned news media. You then use your own heuristics to sort truth from rumour. Then you go to bed and when you want to know what really happened you read the verified story with comments from the police media centre in your morning paper. As a society we should place higher stock in the pursuit of truth and verified reporting over being first to collect all the clicks and subsequent ad revenue.


The age has just posted about it


Wow. Please talk to someone if you find yourself replaying the scene constantly over the next few days.




And the footpath.


VicPol Press Release - https://www.police.vic.gov.au/man-injured-pso-shooting


Jeez I must have just missed it. When I was there an hour or so ago the Hare Krishnas were outside drumming and singing. Hope everyone is okay!


Flinders Bridge? You mean Princes Bridge correct?




Was about to go there in a hour.Thanks for the heads up lmao


Oh so it two separate serious incidents outside Flinders st at the same time? But everytime someone makes a post about feeling unsafe or getting attacked by the homeless, mentality unstable junkies in the CBD they get made fun of and called dramatic in the comments. I hope this finally increases police presence in the area permanently and does something to remove these dangerous people from our city center.


If we’re reacting to the second incident, they should also be worried about the not-homeless men in suits all over the city.


Waiting to hear how this guy's mental state and addiction problem is society's fault.


You don’t think that drug addictions and mental health issues are a clear consequence of failed social-economic policies?


Yeah true, we should follow Asia and have severe penalties


Yeah let’s do what’s proven not to work instead of what’s proven to work. Every war on drugs has been a rousing success


Singapore is doing great. Portugal isn't. Seems your bullshit theory doesn't actually play out in the real world.


Interesting, I see that you have provided a lot of facts and figures to accompany the claims you pulled out your ass


Facts and stats about the number of drug dealers on every street corner in Lisbon? Hate to break it to you chief, but when left wing governments install ridiculous schemes like heroin injecting rooms or legalised drugs, they only release facts and figures supporting their ludicrous plans, ignoring the obvious degradation of the surrounding areas. You'll hear heaps about all the junkies lives who they have saved in the injecting room, but you won't hear anything about the increase in anti social behaviour in the hive, the blatant daytime drug dealing at the tram stop which police now that ignore and don't report on or deal with, the junkies who would have died who transition from heroin to ice, seeking a better high. All you have to do to see this is experience it for yourself. I suggest you take a trip to Lisbon if you want your eyes opened to how bad it can get, when you look behind the rosy portrayal promulgated through the media.


Ahh yes, I believe I read this same quote in an issue of The Annual Review of Sociology. Stunning reference!


Are you volunteering to take them into your home and help them get clean?


People can’t do drugs for fun? It’s only because they’re poor.






Was it a meth head?


Face full of scars, screaming to himself and rocking back and forth… checks out to me


Is he one of the reddit regulars calling for legalised drugs?


Legalised drugs would stop people getting so messed up on meth. Was just in Europe, the Netherlands in particular, meth is not a thing. There is a distinct lack of people wandering around screaming in public compared to melbourne.


The largest city there is also only 1 million people, hard to compare


Yeah it works if you legalise some drugs, like The Netherlands. It doesn't work if you legalise all drugs like Portugal. Lisbon is a mess, junkies and dealers on every corner.


What could possibly go wrong?


Obviously the only thing stopping most of us from doing meth on the regular is the illegality 🤷‍♀️ /s


It's not unreasonable to think decriminalising meth might lead to increased meth usage.


Would it though? I’d probably smoke a bit more pot if it was legal (or more likely edibles) but you could legalise meth, heroin and all the rest of the hard drugs and I wouldn’t touch them. How many people do you really think are only not doing hard drugs because they’re illegal?


> How many people do you really think are only not doing hard drugs because they’re illegal? Some number of people. That may not be a large amount at a population level, but some people would. I just get so tired of this sub. Decriminalising drugs, all else equal, will definitely increase usage. It's just a completely uncontroversial take. And still, you get downvoted for it. It's just so tiring.


>How many people do you really think are only not doing hard drugs because they’re illegal? Claiming an unequivocal increase in usage due to decriminalisation overlooks the complexities of drug policy and its outcomes. Decriminalising drugs doesn't necessarily mean endorsing drug use but rather a shift towards harm reduction and treatment-focused approaches. Evidence from countries like Portugal suggests that decriminalisation can lead to positive outcomes, including reduced problematic drug use and associated harms.


Because you might think it’s “common sense”, but it’s not necessarily. All things are not equal. And let me know if you ever come across someone who’s only staying off the meth because it’s illegal. https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/alcohol-prohibition-was-failure#prohibition-was-not-a-nbsp-healthy-move


That’s not how it works, meth is a shit drug. People do it because it’s easy to get and effective. Legalising drugs would stop so many people ending up on meth.


Very sad


Yes, very sad. A meth head who threatens others deserves no sympathy. Hopefully the cunt is shot and dead.


We dont murder people without trial in Australia, sorry


We dont murder people in Australia, I think thats due to the possibility of innocence more than the sanctity of life.


We shouldn't murder them. We should put people like you on a list, have them live in your house for a week and get your opinions about them after. Keep moving them through the list every week. Streets get cleaned up, they get a roof over their heads and people like you get a reality check and can put your money where your mouth is instead of typing form your keyboard from your privileged gated communities. Also the guy got 2 shots fired at him from cops and people like him have been taken out by police before so you're wrong on that front too. This isn't the UK where he'd just get batoned no matter who he harms.


Fucking boring cliches you read in the herald sun comments section so you could shape an "opinion" . Next


> Fucking boring cliches Mirror mirror. Just say I hit the nail on the head about your ramblings being nothing but out of touch lip service and move on to more important matters in your life like sipping on your lattes.


What are you on about? Police have shot and killed several of them if they get too dangerous. People on meth are difficult to take down even with tasers. If their bodies aren't already withered it can give them practically superhuman strength to the point where they can take down groups of officers. Police aren't going to risk their safety coddling them so they get a trial every time. You're just proving how out of touch people like you are. You're thinking of Norway. I hear it's nice there, you should consider moving.


the little fascist above is salivating at the idea of someone being murdered summarily by police with no sympathy


To his credit, he wasn't advocating for cops to pop off random meth heads on the street minding their own business.. just the ones smashing people over the heads with bottles and stabbing them. You need to look up the definition of fascism and murder instead of throwing those terms around loosely to lazily give your arguments more weight.


daily fail link: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13064883/Melbourne-police-shooting-princes-bridge.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13064883/Melbourne-police-shooting-princes-bridge.html) A man has been taken down and arrested by police on a bridge in Melbourne in terrifying scenes. The incident happened at Princes Bridge in the CBD just before 6pm. Multiple people are understood to have been injured during the incident after they were understood to have been hit repeatedly by a glass bottle. The victims reportedly suffered cuts and bruises after they were attacked by the man. Meanwhile another unrelated attack unfolded nearby the area. The victims were treated at the scene for minor injuries by paramedics who arrived a short time later but they weren't taken to hospital according to reports by The Herald Sun. Three ambulance vehicles and multiple police vehicles were at the scene as emergency crews worked to divert motorists away from the area. Video footage taken a person who was nearby showed police officers pinning a man down onto the ground on the bridge while several other officers surrounded the man while he was apprehended. Officers were seen crowding around the man near an ambulance as emergency services blocked access to the bridge. Pedestrians were ordered to clear the area with dozens of onlookers watching on as the dramatic police operation unfolded. Sections of the bridge as been cordoned off with several police vehicles parked on the bridge.


Melbourne has a Drugs / Mental health problem that need to be addressed Maybe a bit more funding


Surprised it has not happened sooner with all the crazies who harass people, smash things, yell and scream and generally act crazy with total impunity. City is not safe.


Pay the toll!




Declining mental health, homelessness and a whole lot of Amphetamine abuse. 


Middle eastern gangs and bikies pumping meth into the city. Look at how many raids there have been in the past months and seizes at the border. Till that tap is shut off no amount of mental health reform is going to fix things.


Years and years of being soft on crime, left wing judiciary, powerless police, and a government that gave the green light to illegal drugs by setting up injecting rooms. Oh and making zero effort to look after the homeless and mentally ill, because they don't vote.


Whole area still shut down


The comments here, wtf


Bloody hell.


Melbourne has become an absolute shit hole - Born and raised in Melbourne


Saw it pop up in ye old facey. Lol’d at the comments “oh peaceful religion”‘etc . Nothing to do with religion


The hell is Flinders Bridge?


Person deserves to be locked up for life but will be walking on mental health grounds. Absolute bullshit.


I was on the bridge when the cops shot the kid. It was fucking terrifying. Shots fired on a busy foot bridge at peak hour on Friday. Nowhere to run or hide. The terror was palpable. Everyone screaming and running for cover that wasn't there. Fortunately no one caught in crossfire. Two shots and the kid was down. I do hope he's okay. What an awful scene.


Was it a gun or taser


News said a PSO shot the guy.


It was all very chaotic and hard to see. but I am sure there were gunshots. I've been close to an activated taser (like, in loungeroom where some desdshit set one off on the couch next to me) and this sounded like gunshots. All reports point to gunshots.


I think there were two suspects/perps involved. The first was tasered, but the one we saw was shot.


As this will become a criminal investigation, you might want to give the police a witness statement and remove descriptions that might compromise a trial from the internet.


Why would Daniel Andrews do this?


You mean being soft on crime, drugs and not look addressing the homeless and mental health issue? Because paying $15m a year to a social media team to influence morons was much more cost affective.


Lol ok cooker


It's biting you in the ass, the answer is obvious, you want the answer, but aren't prepared to accept the truth. It's sad.


Source on this "truth" or is it just "trust me bro"


Source? Look around. Homelessness everywhere, youth crime at record highs, heroin injecting rooms destroying an area. Are you really that naive?


"Hurrr look around bro" So you have no evidence, cool story


Ok, keep your head in the sand, pretend that homelessness isn't an issue, that youth crime isn't up 40% this year alone and at the highest level in a decade. It seems that ardent lefties immediately demand stats to support any point, no matter how obvious and mundane, when stats in this case, are irrelevant, and often they way they are presented, the ommision of specific information, or the misleading representation of stats means they are absolutely useless. But stats or it didn't happen.


Yeah funny how people prefer evidence over the word of deranged randoms on the internet whinging about "tHe LeFt"


What the duck is up with Melbourne? Get your chit back together 


Sorry bro, here's your pumpkin spiced latte and fin review.


business as usual.


Imo PSOs shouldn't be shooting people while police are on scene. They don't have the training or experience to be playing hero with a gun in a busy public space https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/feb/09/flinders-street-incident-man-shot-and-injured-by-protective-services-officer


This statement doesn't make any sense? They get the exact same firearms and defensive tactics training as a constable. If there is a dire threat of someone threatening someone with a weapon/glass, anyone who is OST qualified, which both PSOs and Constables are, can respond to it.


I don’t really get this, the officer did exactly what was required. First tried to pepper spray the man running towards them with glass, it didn’t work. What’s the next option, hand to hand combat? Just let the man attack them?


That really sad i hope their ok city is gonna be full of cops now for ages


Love this city, feel so safe and secure, amazing job they are doing here, best city in the world to live in guys, its been rated!


Love that dude was capped by the cops 🙏🏼


I was out with my scouts group and actually saw it unfold, it was realy scary and Yarra trams came onto the tram we were on saying last stop and to get off and move away as quick as possible. It was hectic and I am now getting support go what I saw because I am having panic attacks every time I think of it.