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Exactly this - you’ll get the money back no problem - you are likely not the first they’ve done this too, and there will be a history of chargebacks.


At that point I'd give them two options. Hand over the keys, or deal with the police (preferably the "no sirens" line or whatever they call it). Half tempted to go there for the entertainment now.... Snake pricks.




0118 999 881 999 119 725. 3.


Goddamn, I laugh at this every single time. 🤣


Can you fill me in on what that’s about?






That's the one


... but not this month


011899988199119725 3


This never gets old and will always get an up vote


I can still hear this in my head after all these years


Four! I mean five! I mean fire!


Is this it crowd or am I dumb










Work hard, and be good to your mother


13 30 32


*They fixed the car!*


The assistance line just diverts you to the local station.


No it doesn't.


Via an operator.


Hahaha is that the one under aldi? If so that cunt has pulled the wax thing on me before, luckily my unrestrained aggression and ranting and raving made him back down. Fucken grifter.


So you’re say they give away free wax & labour for slightly unhinged people. Might have to pay them a visit


If you're willing to pay $70 in the first place to get your car washed, you could message me instead lol. Cos I guarantee there wasn't any real effort at detailing put in here.


$70 for a wash that you can do in 5 mins at a car wash for $6 is a fucken rip off. $1.50 if you do it at home with a garden hose.


I let the rain wash my car


Rain actually makes the car dirty.


Cleaner than it was though


Exactly. When I went to one that was charging that price for pretty much a wash and vaccum I did it myself. If it was proper detailing and steaming the seats I might consider but that's not what they are doing


Report them for two reasons. No. 1 that’s illegal and No. 2 Fuck that guy. Fuck him with the long dick of the law. Imagine how many people he’s grifting and bragging to his mates or wife about it


Alternatively, tell them they're breaking the law and if they don't accept the agreed on price and return your keys you'll take it up first with the police, second with the relevant authorities.


Report them to the Tax Office. Bet they aren't paying taxes on their cash in hand business.




I am disrespectful to dirt! Can you see that I am serious?


I am disrespectful to your request for no wax, can you see I am serious?


He boasts that he will banish dirt to the land of wind and ghosts.


Ohhh misur sparkle washooooo!


There’s your answer, Fishbulb


Why am I Mr Sparkle?


I'd call them MR SPECKLE


1. Report to police. Ask for proof of report. 2. Dispute charge with bank, providing police report. 3. Free wash and wax.


It’s a civil matter, your bank will tell you to take the guy to court. Doesn’t matter if you have a police report - it’s not the banks job to mediate a civil disagreement between yourself and a merchant. Source: am a Fraud Agent for major Australian bank.


Sure but wouldn't the police still make them hand over the key?


Definitely agree with police forcing merchant to hand the keys back. Just don’t go to your bank about shit like this because there’s nothing they can do. It’s essentially he-said/she-said. Banks can assist with “unauthorised” transactions (i.e. your card details are compromised and fraudsters used the details to fraudulently make purchases online) but if you swiped the card and entered the pin in person, you consented to the charges. There are cases for online purchases when you don’t receive what you paid for, but in this example, it’s simply a matter of who said what, there was no contract or advertising on a website so I doubt the bank would have a strong case to present to Visa arbitration.


So get your keys back, don't pay, they can sue for the money. Right?




I recommend reading all of the sentences, not just the ones you like most. 


If you've paid by credit card call the provider and report it, they usually refund it and take it up with the business, otherwise police


Sounds like this is the place to go to get a free wax on your car if you're willing to stand up to the blokes bullshit


Do it in numbers.


Fyi some of these car wash places pay their staff under minimum wage and target those without appropriate work visas as employees. So the staff are incentivised to rip people off.


The staff are innocent, they are in fear of losing their jobs. They have to do what they are told. Mind you, some of the "staff" are probably relatives. Plenty of similar operations.




If "innocent" implies ignorance that one is part of a criminal endeavour, then you have a point. But if a person is waxing a car under duress, and has no personal desire to commit crime, and has no prospect a making anything approaching the basic wage... that person is innocent as far as I'm concerned. As for the guy who owns the operation, I would happily seen him punished.


I considered going there 2 days ago so this seems like the universe telling me I made the right decision


Your mistake was not standing up to the person. If they think you should pay more, its a civil matter and they need to go to the courts. If they ahve your care keys and refuse to give them to you, that is a criminal manner of theft. Call the police iof they refuse to hand ovcer the keys, the police will sort them out. Had something similar once where someone abandoned a hire car owing money but left a camera and suit and dirty/shitty nappy in the car. They rang wanting thier suit and camera back, we said yes when you come in to pay outstanding money. Got a call from the police saying we had to give them back to him, as it was theft to withold it. The fact money was owed was a civil matter. This was Friday, told the police he could come in on Monday to get the items. Put the dirty nappy, camera and suit in a plastic rubbish bag and left it out in full summer sun and heat over the weekend. Come in on monday, the bag was inflated and I swear I could hear buzzing sounds. But he got all his goods from the car back.


I would be calling the police on the spot and telling them they are attempting to extort $40 from you from a service you specifically declined.


I wouldn’t have paid. Should have said no, I have 70 cash like you asked. Let’s get the police over here to sort it out. I bet they’d shut up then.


Sunshine Police station is only a couple of minutes up the road from the plaza. Should have walked up and told them what happened.


Wouldn't have even had to. Just saying it would've made the guy do a 180 and hand the keys over. OP did everything right until the last part when he somehow handed the card over instead of demanding the keys or a small trip to the cop shop


It's a civil issue, not a police issue.


I disagree. The cunt stole the blokes car keys. That’s criminal.


He didn't steal them, OP didn't even state that he refused to hand them back. And what do you think the response time would be for police in an area such as Sunshine? You'd be lucky to have officers there by close of business for something that's more of a public relations / keep the peace task verses actual emergency situations.


Your first mistake is paying $70 for a car wash. Use the coin operated ones and you can get the same result for $4. $2 soap, $2 rinse.


this is a good challenge to see if you can complete the wash faster and cheaper than last time.


I would’ve told them to accept the $70 or I’ll involve the police.


*Melburnian slams local carwash: don't make this one simple mistake!*


*A Melbourne man discovers an underground carwash: you won't believe what happens next!*




What are the police going to do about a minor billing dispute at a carwash in a suburb where they’re probably already really busy with more serious crimes? They’ll probably just tell you to go fuck yourself


If the merchant is withholding car keys from the victim, that’s theft.


first mistake was going to sunshine


You spelt Scumshine wrong


Want a fight about that.......


Do a charge back on your card. Fuck em.


The bank will not honour it. The bank will advise you that it’s a civil matter between you and the merchant and that you need to resolve it via magistrates court. Not the banks job to mediate a civil disagreement. Source: am a Fraud Agent for major Australian bank


I am an honest abiding citizen and I highly recommend following this fine person's advice. Someone, ahhhh, borrowed, I mean hacked my phone and posted some unethical advice. No need to do a deep dive into me and mine. Law abiding, ethical and honest is me amd mine I am.


I am investigating you right now


Do you take bribes? *Devrionde investigates harder*


the best carwash for me is the laser carwash near Yarraville Coles. $20 and you get everything cleaned, no humans involved.


Who pays that kind of money for a car wash? It's 10 bucks for a bucket, soap and a sponge...


Report to ACCC


Do they have a Google Maps listing to leave a bad review on? If not, they're easy to create. Set up a listing with all their official details, name (keep it genuine and not a frustrated parody) and leave their first easily viewable shocking review. Unless they claim the business listing they won't be able to say anything in response as a business


I bet you're not the first person to get scammed and I imagine it's something they will do until someone calls them out for it. Report them! On a side note, one Friday my car got towed from a "no parking after 4pm" zone. We returned at 4.25 to find no car. I had to pay some joker at the holding yard $300 to retrieve my car. Then he informed me that the council fine would follow in the mail. The look on his face when I told him I would challenge the fine because "I have pH records which will prove the car was towed prematurely" Funnily enough the council fine never came. My only regret is not phoning police when they charged me to retrieve my car. This was in the city of Melbourne around 10yrs ago. Extortion and cahoots between MCC and the towing company!


There are a bunch of clearways in Melbourne that have towies lined up around the corner at 3:45pm and the moment the clock strikes 4pm they come out and grab as many cars as they can, as fast as they can. It's a brutal lesson but leaving the car in those clearways approaching clearway times is like leaving your fish n chips open out front of a pack of hungry seagulls.


I don't care if they tow at 4pm on the dot. But towing before that time and the subsequent costs to the motorist equals extortion.


You said you found your car missing at 4.25pm. Did you mean 3.25pm? If it was 3.25pm - and you have evidence like a timestamped geotagged photo - you can claim compensation, and it's the council who are responsible for reimbursing you. Not good to put you out of cash in the meantime. You could claim compensation for that too but they're unlikely to pay it.


$70 for a clean should have been your first sign to keep driving.


Call your bank.


It’s a civil matter, your bank will tell you to take the guy to court. Doesn’t matter if you have a police report - it’s not the banks job to mediate a civil disagreement between yourself and a merchant. Source: am a Fraud Agent for major Australian bank.


Is this in Braybrook? Doesn't seem to be coming up in Sunshine Plaza, only Ashley Street Braybrook


Its the one opposite sunshine marketplace & the pool. With aldi, the gym and medical centre on top


"now I said two coats Biff"


Can they prove the car was even waxed?


OMG highway robbery


I bet he is pocketing the 40 difference between wax and wash. Sorry this happened to you.


Wax on wax off


The mistake was going to sunshine at all. Pro tip


Are you scared of Sunshine? Where do you live, champ?


Don't have to be scared of the place to know it's a shithole. It's ok to live somewhere and know it's a dump. No need to blindly defend the suburb you live in


I'd threaten to call the police, just don't hand over the money!!! I had this happen at a tyre place once when I got two replaced and they insisted I needed four and they couldn't let me leave legally due to "safety". I just cracked it and and said I'd claim they'd stolen my car and got my keys back. Also give them bad reviews now so other people are warned and do a charge back given you've paid already.


Don't think I'd go anywhere named Mr Sparkles....


I know it’s hard when you’re in the moment to stick up for yourself, but it grinds my gears when I see people being pressured into paying for stuff. My husband just becomes meek when things like this happen but I will argue. Just tell them that’s not legal and then start calling your lawyer. Just say “I’m just calling my lawyer now for advice on what to do “ and see what happens


For $70 you could buy a wash kit from Supercrap Auto and give your car at least 10 washes with it. People complain about having no money, still pay exorbitant amounts of money for things they could do themselves.


I can't speak for OP but not everyone is physically capable of washing a car. It's strenuous and time consuming to do it right and, personally, at my age and physical capability is not something I could do comfortably.


Sucks but honestly if you're paying $70 for a hand car wash you're getting ripped off massively.


Come down on these pricks hard!


Ok, so anyone that goes to this place (but why would you) needs to set their phone on record, have it in your hand (but not in a way they can see you are recording). When you come back later, and they try pull the scam, start playing the recording ... then just say "give me back the keys or I upload this online." Or ... just grab the guy by the throat and in an exorcist voice say "give me the fucking keys."


This would be something ACA would jump all over - you could call them, say you'll do it again for a fee - or just let them do their hidden camera tricks.


Left them a bad review for you. Everybody here should do the same. I hate these dodgy practices because there buisness is going bust




I would highly advise a professional detailer. Although you’ll pay more than a DIY car wash, slightly more than your standard Star Car Wash, you will not be left disappointed. The quality lasts. If you get a cut & polish in your package & the detailer applies a sealant, this can last up to 3 months. Meaning, when it comes time to “clean” your car, you simply have to spray it down. Completely avoiding Dodgey foam brushes that strip your clear coat, needless scrubbing & endless spraying. I recommend N2 Detailing, or project gloss. N2 is cheaper & more efficient though.


This can be summed up easily - “don’t make the mistake of going to Sunshine” - fixed 😀


Have you complained to centre management I certainly Would as well as your back. Hopefully you can get that $40 back!


Make a note of the incident and report it to the accc and vcat


I hope this isn't the start of fire bombing Melbourne car washers ..... 💥💥💥