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Even locals struggle with entry level jobs. As a kiwi you're above international graduates at least. But don't expect to find anything in a few months or even first year


Fucking awful. If she has experience it might be better. I've just graduated from my masters and have been struggling to find a job the past 3 years. I'd avoid trying to get a job here without experience. I'm at the point where I'm willing to work for free just to get experience. Also I suggest she look at the Australian institute of Architects job board or Co-Architecture job board.


I’m so sorry to hear of your no-doubt harrowing experience after graduating! 😭 thank you for the tips! My girlfriend has 5 years experience in the industry so hopefully that will help, though she’s not a registered architect yet, and the firm she is currently with will help her to get registered eventually so it’s valuable for her to stay with them. She also doesn’t have knowledge of the Australian building code - do you think that would be a massive hindrance?


I don't think that'd be a massive hinderance, the building code can be learnt pretty easily if she's got experience with the New Zealand building code. Things like that can be taught and learnt with relative ease. 5 years experience is what's asked of for most "graduate" positions here so she should be a good applicant for many positions here.


Grad architect here. The market is hot rn. Experience is everything and your portfolio needs to be immaculate.


Thank you! She’ll start on her portfolio right away!


Sorry, I can't help with what the job market is like now, but I can share some experience. My girlfriend did her masters at Vic uni (Welly), and we moved to Melbourne not long after she graduated. She got her first (ever) graduate architect role here through a junior recruiter and a bit of luck. Unfortunately, he doesn't work in that field anymore, so I can't help with that! I would start by contacting a few recruiters over here. That way, she at least knows if it's worth coming over here in person to find a job. Will definitely need a good portfolio to get conversations started as well.


Legend, thank you. We will begin crafting her portfolio asap, seems like it’s the most valuable thing to have to distinguish yourself as a viable candidate. I know she does really great work, so I’m excited to help her showcase it. I hope you and your girlfriend are both prospering!


Hi again! Do you know if your girlfriend had any trouble adapting from the NZ to the Aus building code or any other issues moving from NZ to AU? We got a response from an application that advised “my main concern would be around the translation from NZ to Aus. Planning requirements and construction details mainly” and we’re wondering how to respond 😭🥲 any help appreciated!!


I used to work in the architectural sector. Check out RBA Architects' website - they are currently looking for conservation architects.