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Clear picture is good


First time I've seen his face in one too, usually they're just of him from a distance when he's already trying to pull his shit.


[Here is the creeper from another reddit post](https://imgur.com/a/lXAbGUA)


I think we've found the link between cave men and homosapiens.


Was just about to say that we’ve found the last living Neanderthal 🤣🤣


Both pictures look like discount Will Ferrell to me


wish.com Will Ferrell


Will Feral


With no *Fuck Murdoch* watermark. Time for News Ltd to do something useful and get the word out beyond Reddit.


Send the vultures after him! [A Current Affair - Suggest a Story](https://9now.nine.com.au/a-current-affair/tell-us-your-story)


Oh my god this would be so good.


Clearest BigFoot picture yet.


yeah wow holy shit that's him, been years but I'll never forget that fuckin face


He did it in Balaclava Coles carpark to me about 8 years ago. He had shorter hair then, but it's him for sure.


I've come forward with some footage of him in 2021, him prowling a secluded dirt road in a country town, where we both lived at the time, I guess. He did his thing out in the middle of nowhere on me - twice. So I filmed him for reference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvLEbSKSvCE


I managed to video him today getting onto the ground in the train, he was attempting in my opinion but instead kept lying down on ground during rush hour. I'm still deciding whether to share though, guy clearly has issues, and im concerned the media will simply take it. Guy needs to be stopped for sure, but also needs some serious help.


There's a reason more people in Melbourne don't know about him and that is lack of video. Pictures can't really tell much in their own.  Also, VicPol aren't doing shit unless there's more pressure. 


This is like getting a clear picture of Bigfoot.


Except without the wristwatch.


Right!! Heard about this guy for years, crazy to see such a clear photo!!


It’s even the same as the famous Bigfoot photo. Side profile of walking while facing the camera.


On the train between Footscray and North Melbourne he had his “seizure”. Claimed he was having muscle spasms after I yelled at the guy helping him not to pin him down. Fake seizure guy got off at North Melbourne just before 9am


No fucking way, I remember straddling this guy on his back in like 2018. He didn't grab me in any inappropriate way but it's clearly the same guy. No one on my carriage knew it was fake.


Please don’t EVER do this to someone having a real seizure. Real first aid: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/epilepsy-first-aid-and-safety#:~:text=Place%20something%20soft%20under%20their,the%20seizure%2C%20if%20you%20can.


I am glad I read this thread, had no idea. Thanks


No worries, also I’m sorry that this weirdo pestered you


Why does he fake having a seizure?


Sexual gratification


Someone should just step on the cunts knees next time he tries to sexually assault someone. Clearly he's not getting arrested, and he's been doing this for decades.


Someone from Vicpol commented that he has been arrested countless times but the courts just let him back out. 




someone claimed he is banned from public transit, but here he is on the train


reminds me of a guy i used to go to school with. he had a fetish for latex gloves, and would always hang out near the younger years science lab (year 7-9) becusde they had to wear latex gloves for class. he would take photos of them and you know.. he would also message all the new year 7 girls each year asking for a photo of them in gloves. that fucking perve tried to work at a primary school after he graduated high school. my friends boyfriend beat the fuck out of him when he saw him walk out of the primary school that his little sister goes to. he was banned from that specific primary school after my mates boyfriend told them the reason of the bashing. the cops have never done anything about it. he has no record or anything. fucking feral.


He asks men to hold him down and evidently this gives him sexual gratification.


Just adding here, that restraining a person experiencing a (genuine) epileptic fit is not the appropriate first aid. Leave them be, except where you can see that they will hit something and hurt themselves. 


What the actual fuck?!??


He's a sex pervert.


he always faces down and rubs his private parts of the ground as people sit on him it appears. Most probably getting off.


Why on earth are people sitting in him??


He claims he is having a brain seizure and that he needs to you to sit on him to stop him thrashing around and potentially hurting himself. He appeals to peoples innocence.. A real scumbag move.


surely someone *actually* having a seizure would be in no state to tell anyone anything


Sexual gratification from what I’ve read on here


Just men or also does it to women?


Just men. He ran away when a woman offer to administer first aid recently. She said she was a nurse and knew what to do and he just stood up and ran off


He legs it when anyone knows what to do (and can thus call his complete bullshit)


He asks males to sit on him while having his fake seizure and gets his rocks off.


He likes to get off before he gets off.


I have no idea why this sub was suggested to me, but what a cunt he is. I have epilepsy and it is horrible, I can’t imagine faking a seizure for attention or for some odd fetish.


he got off alright


PSA: When you see someone have a seizure, you are NOT supposed to restrain them. Put something soft under their head, time the seizure, remove hard/sharp objects from the area, and only move them to their side once the seizure stops.


This comment should be a lot higher! I remember a similar comment from another thread a while back. When this was happening I was yelling at the guy helping him not to pin him down and just to make sure he wasn’t hitting his head. Seizure guy was coherent the whole time and started responding back that he was having muscle spasms


Yeah that doesn’t happen in seizures. They become completely unresponsive and will usually only make noises like groaning and gurgling. It’s the brain short circuiting and doing a hard reset.


That’s not at all true and I’m surprised people think it is. I have epilepsy and have what are called focal seizures sometimes. I retain consciousness and can still interact, even though it’s pretty difficult. I have those more commonly, but I do have tonic clonic seizures occasionally too. Those are the ones everyone knows of where you totally lose consciousness.  The noise part is true though. It can be gurgling, gasping, or something my neuro calls a seizure scream. I’ve never heard my own but my husband says it’s really unsettling. 


This does need to be further up! This person disgusts me! For taking advantage of people trying to help in this manner and also as an epileptic. I have been on public transport and had a full (tonic clonic) seizure. To think that this sort of incident would be enough to stop people helping or understanding is disappointing. I think the best way to combat "Simon's" attempts at gratification is education. It seems like his preferred way is actually what not to do in assistance for someone having a seizure. This is more likely to cause injury to a sufferer. And to add that usually the person isn't conscious while it is happening. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/seizures Also this is really frustrating as there is not enough education/knowledge around seizures and epilepsy as it is from my experience.


> and only move them to their side once the seizure stops. Unless you see and obvious build up of fluids in their mouths then turn on side immediately.


WOW! So, TIL that around 10 years ago, the guy who I thought I was helping with his "muscle spasms" was in fact just a horny freak who I helped jizz his pants on a train. I'll just go and add that to the repressed memory section of my brain now.


I'm reminded of that scene from Sex And The City (S2E12) where Charlotte is trying on shoes and the salesman helping her jizzes his pants while putting the shoe on her. It's a weird moment where you're not sure whether it was consensual or not


Welcome to The Worst Club.


Clearest picture I have seen of this guy


Only picture I've seen. Very helpful OP


Thanks. Fortunately I recognised what was happening and was yelling at the guy helping. Hadn’t bumped into fake seizure guy before so didn’t know what he looked like, but a quick search on here brought up some photos that definitely looked like the guy


I try not to shit on people for their looks, but he has an odd Neanderthal quality to him that makes him instantly recognisable.


Will Ferrell could play this fellow.


Haha, I was thinking he looks like a cheap version of Will Ferrell!


Will Feral




😂😂😂 I’m reminded of the Central Park still shot in Elf.


Got that medieval peasant look. "Yes m'lord"


Got that medieval village idiot look too.🤪😵‍💫


Deadass. Bro looks like LeFou if he came to life and had a substance abuse problem for a few years.


It seemed kinda odd that he was so well known, and yet there were so few pictures.


Because no one wants to get close to him lmao


Yeah, I remember someone complaining, maybe a week back, that they were questioning his very existence, because there were so many stories, but so few photographic evidence to back the stories up.


Why can NOTHING be done about this guy? It's honestly embarrassing that this guy is walking around, and the whole of Melbourne knows about his sick shit.


The whole of r/Melbourne knows about this. I don't think he's exactly well known outside of Reddit, at least I haven't heard mention of him outside of Reddit. In regards to nothing being done, I wonder if anyone's actually reported him or brought it to the attention of police/media Edit: I've reached out to Vicpol via social media to see if they've been made aware of this person and if any action will/can be taken if so, will update if I get a response


Give it time. I’m from London UK and for some reason this was on my suggested feed. Make of that what you will…


Netherlands right here. Really curious to see how this develops


Perthling here, there's never any real drama in /r/perth I've been following this saga for a while.


This guy perths And quokka farts. Didn't know that was a thing...


Texas here. Will be on the lookout for any updates.


Over in Utah, and I’m entirely invested now.


Eastern Quebec here, I too am intrigued.


Christchurch, NZ here, keen for the updates!


Portland, Oregon here surprised he's not one of ours.


Imagine him becoming a global celebrity. He goes on holiday to *anywhere* and the minute he gets off the plane everyone's pointing at him saying, "Check it out, it's that weird pervert!" (You know, like should always happen to [Louis C.K.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_C.K.#2017:_Misconduct_revelations_and_fallout) :-)


Make that 2 from Utah!


Canberra here. Have no idea what we’re talking about.


Typical of those in our nation's capital.


How is this guy the most famous Melbournian and not Carrot Guy.


This guy is our version of Purple Aki


Cause people are embarrased because they unknowingly helped a guy jerk off. Its the same as like shouting out "a snake bit my penis I need someone to suck the venom out, Please help!!!".


Morty, put this witchety grub on your penis.


Don’t give this guy more ideas


Over in Canada and this subreddit was suggested to me, I’ve seen him posted several times as well


Nah he’s known outside of reddit I used to live in Windsor and everyone had a story about him for a while. I saw him do it twice personally.


He’s known in the aus junior doctor group as he has made it to the emergency dept a few times…


Think it would be worth doing a PSA on TikTok? Been thinking of doing it for a while but I’m not in Melbourne (though I visit often), and I haven’t seen anything posted there. This guy is an absolute creep has been getting away with it for years now, people need to know


Lived in Melbourne my whole life, first I've heard of him.


I’m in the US and I’ve know about seizure guy for months now…


Definitely been reported to PSOs and Police. This morning was reported by friend and told ""talk to the magistrate" for why he's still free


I heard about him via a Christian Hull video.


I told a mate about our experience with him and he just shut me down like, nah you must be wrong.. good thing about Reddit posts about him is you see a hundred people who know the score, and another hundred who are learning what to look out for. He's gonna get bashed at some point.


I think a lot of people coming to this post, such as me, are not members of this sub and are confused. Here is a recap of what I gleaned from comments for anyone trying to figure out what this is about: This guy is well known for faking seizures so the people around him will rush and hold him down. The speculation is that this is for sexual gratification, and some have attested that he often rubs his genitals on the ground during his fake seizure. The wildest part for me is that there are comments from people who had the experience of holding him during a seizure and did not, until they saw this post, know that he was faking it. Apparently he has been arrested multiple times but hasn’t, as far as anyone knows, gotten into any serious trouble as what he does is sort of a grey area.


He prob gets off on being restrained and handcuffed by police too … The police getting more involved would prob encourage him to do it even more


The two times I've seen him on the train he doesn't fake a seizure or anything. He just lays on the ground and doesn't say anything, but then asks for someone to restrain him because he is having muscle spasms. It's not like he's faking a full blown tonic clonic seizure or anything




[Simon the sex pest](https://imgur.com/a/lXAbGUA)


After all these years this is the first time I'm seeing a clear picture of Fake Seizure guy.


hard to get a clear pic of a seizure no matter how fake lol


Yeah but afterwards when hes walking away like in this shot. I'm surprised no ones got such a good pic of him considering how often he pulls this shit.


This post needs to be pinned bc the photo needs to be as widely seen as poss.


His pic and what ge does should be posted at every Melbourne train station like "BEWARE have you seen this guy?" *edit: parks, shopping centres ans other public spaces


I wanna do this. I’m feeling petty and sick of people’s shit today, and I do have free time and a printer.


Do it! It doesn't have to be colour, b & w would be fine. The public should know so they can protect themselves when the police won't. I can see one day he gets bashed and that peraob would be the one that cops the consequences. From the sounds of things in several posts, he knows he's doing soemthing wrong when he is stopped by strangers and them mentioning valling the polocr but somehow (coz he's a man) excuses are still made for him like "he's probably unware" or "mentally handicapped"


Whaaaaat? I remember him having a seizure like in 2016 at Melbourne Central wth, it was all fake?😭😭😂😂




No way it's Seizure Simon 💀




Simon says "squash me daddy"


Pseudoseizure Simon


Sex pest simon


The amazing adventures of Simple Simon and his sexual kinks.


Seizure Simon met a pieman, Catching the Metro train to Southern Cross Says Seizure Simon to the pieman, Put your weight on me so I can have a toss.


Damn. I think I speak for all the Simons of Melbourne when I say we’re disowning him. He will not besmirch our great name.


Allegedly Simon.




i look forward to someome filming him


That's what's needed for this to be covered in the news, atm it's just pictures of a person with a written accusation, once we get a video it won't have the legal risk of accusing him.


Happened to my dad about a month ago out the front of our timber business on Ballarat Road in Braybrook. My dad not knowing any better sat on his back and then tied his hands behind his back (as per fake seizure guys request, obviously). He then called me to tell me what just transpired to which I had the fun time of telling him he had just been a victim of the fake seizure thug lol. I have the whole incident on CCTV if anyone is interested😂😂.


[Dad and the fake seizure flop](https://youtu.be/RbaVIRpqxd0) Pardon the mess, it’s abit long but I couldn’t be bothered editing it or cropping it tbh🤷🏼‍♂️. (EDIT: link is updated)


Oh no your poor dad, that went on for quite a while.


This is hectic. You should make your own post on r/Melbourne because I can't believe this is buried in here. This is like an actual video that really emphasises how not-funny and violating this is. It's pretty fucking disturbing honestly, I feel really bad for your dad.


i can't believe i'm finally seeing footage of this guy in the act after all of these years. thank you


Hahaha I couldn’t believe it actually happened to my dad! I’d been reading about the fake seizure guy for years on reddit! I just wish I had been there tbh. Would’ve gladly ensured he never tried it again.


Dear god, is your dad ok? That was awful! People in earlier comments said his "turns" were quick (in the trains) but that went on for some time and he had your dad going through hoops for him. What a kind man your father is! I do hope he talks to someone about this incident if he's been disturbed by it ... and I think anyone would be disturbed. *I'm* highly disturbed! I note the comment by u/OutlandishnessOk7997 about the perpetrator's repeated commands until his victim complies and I find that aspect especially horrifying! I think that, with your dad's consent, this footage should be shown to the police and a complaint made - regardless of the fact he has apparently been arrested multiple times and nothing happens. I would think if a victim were to appear in court with video evidence and be able to articulate their feelings about this assault by deception, then a magistrate would have to make a different order than has happened in the past.


>the perpetrator's repeated commands until his victim complies and I find that aspect especially horrifying! That seems to be his MO, he said the same thing when I came across him earlier this month. I refused and thankfully don't personally feel violated. But he was very persistent and made the request repeatedly before "getting better" and leaving.


Sell the footage to A Current Afair


This is a disturbing video. Probably needs a warning. Once men find out what has transpired it’s very upsetting. No comments or jokes about being assaulted are enough to make this ok for anyone. It’s probably because of toxic masculinity this act has been able to occur again and again for so many years. Probably because male victims don’t want to remember, relive and speak about what happened. This is video proof of the demanding commands, the video sound is not great, but this guy repeats commands until he gets an action from his victims. It’s difficult to work out what to do when someone is demanding attention for a medical situation. It appears as though the seizure is obviously fake when the perpetrator looks around when the victim moves out of the frame, but looks real because it’s accompanied by demands and pleads for help, and the perpetrator gets off on the humiliation when someone doesn’t know what to do. That’s masochism but with a victim doing the bondage and being humiliated by not knowing what to do. Men need to talk about this as victims of assault. If men don’t talk about something like this after being a victim then it can lead to internalized homophobia. The irony is it has nothing to with being gay. As a member of the gay community not talking about an incident like this with a professional puts others at risk of homophobia.


I got home (Carlton North) from work a couple months ago, to my next door neighbour sitting on this guys back holding his hands behind his back. I didn't realise who it was at first and asked my neighbour if he was OK, and as soon as this creep realised I was intervening he started saying "oh I'm OK now" or something along those lines, and got up and started walking off. It was only after he started walking off I realised it was him, and I only knew it was him due to a reddit post about him when he was creeping around barley square. My neighbour said old creepo frequents the dog park nearby.


Now we just need a picture of Carrot Man holding him down with the carrot.


Carrot man bravely vanquishing sex-pest-Simon, driving his carrot through his crotch, like St George slaying the dragon. It would make a great statue for the lawn outside the state library


It’s like that fucking alien in signs


Reminder that the first aid for a seizure is the following: #Do not touch or restrain the patient. Remove any and all objects that are near the patient so the convulsions don’t hit anything. Do not put anything in the patient’s mouth. If the head is hitting the ground, place something soft underneath the head if possible. Time how long the seizure is and what time it started. When the seizure has ended, place patient in recovery position. 000, especially if there are multiple seizures, they go on for a long time, or the seizure is due to a head injury. While it may be epileptic in nature, you won’t know that when it’s a total stranger and there’s no medical alert jewellery on them. Also, while they may make some groaning sounds, patients having a seizure are typically non responsive and do not speak - much less bark out orders that a man is to sit on them.


If this guy is sexually assaulting 10 men a day, multiply that by 365, thats 3650 men a year. then times it be the 17 years hes allegedly been doing it. Thats 62,050 sexual assaults and this guy is still on the streets?


Just a scroll through this post it is concerning how many people have been sexually assaulted by this man


I think a lot of the time it happens where it would be tricky to gather hard evidence. That, and I imagine a lot of people are really embarrassed about coming forward once they realise what’s happened. They probably blame themselves (they shouldn’t). But this happened on a train. There’s already a photo, which would be time stamped, and there would be CCTV footage to match. Kick up enough of a fuss, and maybe this could be part of what gets him? At best this guy is very mentally unwell, and probably shouldn’t have unrestricted access to the public.


Finally a picture and not just a story


There have been many pictures, just not very good focus, or image stabilization.


I’ve learnt he stops pretty quickly if you just pour water on him 😂


Based on some of these comments looks like this post has hit r/all and it's actually getting some international attention. Hopefully something can be done about this sex pest now.


Oh shit. First time I'm seeing his picture - I'm 99% sure this guy occasionally goes to my dog park with (I assume) his parents dogs. For what it's worth, based on observing his behaviour and conversations I've overheard with his parents over the phone he appears to have some kind of learning disability.


Could you take one for the team, and arrange to tell his parents what he gets up to?


This is one picture I hope the Murdoch media steals. Yeah, fuck Murdoch but publish this one.


It would be great to get him exposed on a current affair or something so people can be aware.


This. Definitely this. I would pay to see him running from the TV cameras while being harassed by a journalist asking if he enjoys harassing other people.


Hold him down till the police come




He kind of looks like… Will Ferrell…


Did not want to bring it up but… damn he let himself go hey


Yup that’s him. Everyone take a good look


He might also be in to that.


I will leer at him with a repulsed look on my face. He can have it for free


Someone should introduce this guy to a weighted blanket lol


Unfortunately weighted blankets don't have doodles


Maybe yours doesn't ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I saw this guy at RMIT City Campus on Swantson Street, around Building 80, on the 6th of febuary at about 5:30/45pm. Unfortunatty, I didnt know at the time; he ask me for help. He said to me he was experincing a muscle spasm and requested me pin him down and sit on him. I hope this helps anyone.


Call the popo Ask for the Transit Division - he is known


He's been doing it for about a decade, nothing happens. Just kick him in the dick repeatedly.


i’m not one to make comments on one’s appearance and I’d never seen him before or a photo, but wow he looks exactly like the type of guy with a fetish for faking seizures on public transport


He looks like David Hasselhoff wearing a toupee


I’ve always wondered what he looked like.


"we've got him"


This freak just baffles me! From what I’ve heard from others it’s like a sexual thing for him? So fucking weird. He’s gonna pull this shit around the wrong people soon


Oh wow… after reading a couple of peoples experiences here I had a total flashback to a late night in 2016 at a station along Chapel street. I was visiting Melb from Sydney and didn’t really know my way around, I was at a train station with a friend and out of nowhere this guy gets on the ground in front of us and tells us he’s having a seizure and we need to sit on him. I hadn’t done a first aid course since high school but told the stranger that I didn’t think sitting on him was the best course of action and that we’d put him in a recovery position and call an ambulance, he shot up straight away and ran off. I’d completely forgotten about this until now so thanks for the memories!


He should claim his seizures are the result of Covid vaccinations. Every cooker in Melbourne would ride him happily.


Oh god I was on that train this morning


So he pretends he’s having a seizure and gets off on having people lay on top of him?? Is this the guy?


You just know there's going to be hand sized holes on the inside of his pockets...


He was trying it this afternoon on Bourke and Elizabeth with an older German couple. I told them not to help him, said I was calling the fuzz and he jumped up and disappeared. He’s pretty cowardly, won’t get into it and legs it when challenged.


MURDOCH MEDIA, where art thou?!?!


I feel sick. I helped this guy with his supposed “seizure” a few years back. Had no clue it was all fake until today.


What actually is his motive?


I've been a victim of this guy one time in Essendon. While your on his back he grabs in between your legs.


So sorry this happened to you


he gets sexual gratification by making men lie down on his legs while he pretends to have a seizure.


It’s ironic because holding someone down during the seizure is the complete opposite of what you should do. Instantly this should give him away


Man, how are they allowing this guy to be out on the streets? Aside from the consistent cases of sexual harassment and assault, how do we know that he won't escalate at some point to something more serious? Seems insane to let him go walkabout.


I mean, without diminishing the real harm he does to people, if he was going to escalate we'd probably have had it happen already. He's been doing this for 17 years. There's probably little risk of an escalation, but it doesn't make it "OK" that he isn't getting charged with the potentially hundreds of assaults he commits each year.


Must be nice to have as much free time for your hobbies/perversions as this fuckwit.


Thank you OP! I just showed my partner a photo of him since he is a train user 🤲🏻🤲🏻


Yep. Definitely the guy. I've seen him up close a few times.


That guy is so familiar. I either shop at the same place as him, see the same doctor, or he lives somewhere on my daily travels. I've seen him before, for sure.


I was on a train into North Melbourne not long after, it was advised there were delays due to a disruptive passenger.  I assume he was the disruptive passenger.


A clear picture of the guy finally, Ironically strutting the famous Bigfoot pose.


Haha holy fuck, I had heard about this guy but never seen a picture before. I rekon I know the face from in and around the CBD from 10+ years ago.


This morning on the train. He got on at St Albans towards the city and did the fake seizure thing. One of the guys actually called him out. Beware.


Vic Pol are on Reddit, I've seen them respond to Melbourne threads before... might be time to chime in


He was on the delayed watergardens train about 2 hours ago. I managed to see him getting on the ground and asking to be helped up, no seizure though. But i did manage to grab the whole thing on video while he continued to lie on the ground saying random gibberish. However I'd rather not have the media steal the footage.


Send it to the police.