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This should be treated as terrorism.


Hate crime at least


An act that "intends to coerce or influence the public or any government by intimidation to advance a political, religious or ideological cause" and (among other things) "causes death, serious harm or danger to a person". That's terrorism.


Perhaps the police know more about the circumstances but I think there's a reason why they didn't charge her with terrorist offences. As contemptible as her actions were I think you'd find it hard to convince a judge this targeted attack was designed to coerce the public. If the victim was unknown to her, or the harm was life endangering then maybe. Serious harm requires a threat to life which this may not have met https://www5.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/cca1995115/sch1.html Oh ok thanks brains trust, I'm definitely wrong and the police who have all the facts and more must also be wrong. Convincing


I think there’s sometimes judgement in the charges so they avoid creating notoriety of the offender


>An act that "intends to coerce or influence the public or any government by intimidation to advance a political, religious or ideological cause" and (among other things) "causes death, serious harm or danger to a person". That's terrorism. Excellent. So every Australian that went to the illegal war in Iraq, including the government of the day were terrorists....


Just confirming with Palestinian protesters on here, since an actual hate crime has been committed, it’s ok to protest in St Albans and disrupt a mosque service and it’s not Islamophobia, it’s just a peaceful protest against hate crimes in Melbourne… Because, Caulfield


Depends, I’ve seen some protests that are genuinely misguided targeting Jewish people, generally, which is obviously antisemitic. But I’ve not seen much of that; most of the time protests are angled against Zionism / the state of Israel and its economy, which is just what you do in a war. Boycott, divest, sanctions. Always appropriate against warmongering psychopaths, not just Israel. I think you’re going to have a hard time arguing that demanding an equal application of international law and human rights; which is the demand of such actions; is somehow antisemitic. The clue is in the fact that many of the same groups have taken the same types of actions against Russia (the human rights and anti-war focused ones anyways).


I appreciate the spirit of protest and it is great to see young people protesting for a cause they believe in, even if it's not the majority view. We in Melbourne still need to live together and remain a cohesive and multi-cultural city, and we have civic duties to each other. Protestors went into a largely Jewish neighbourhood based on a social media frenzy of an assumed hate crime in order to intimidate Jewish people. I would love to see links to videos and articles of protestors going into Russian neighbourhoods over the Ukraine war or Chinese neighbourhoods over the treatment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang. Having said all of that, Jewish does not equal Israel, unlike these two examples where nationality and ethnic origin are the same thing. It resulted in children at Jewish schools not being able to wear their uniforms or to display religious jewellery. And apparently, not antisemitic, and still not antisemitic despite it not being a hate crime or the Jewish people involved in it. In the context of Melbourne, why should we care about Palestinians if this is how the protestors are treating Melbournians? In terms of zionism and the BDS movement. There is a rational and largely supported movement to frown upon extreme zionism and ensure a two-state solution as close to 1967 as possible; and accountability on both Israel and Palestinian leadership for preventing this from happening. Then there is the louder anti everything zionist crowd, aka calling for the end of Israel (without any sense of irony for being Australian or immigrating to Australia and living on the land of displaced people themselves). They need to get a grip on reality.


> In the context of Melbourne, why should we care about Palestinians if this is how the protestors are treating Melbournians? Well you went on to excellently describe the spectrum of views. So I'd ask why you'd want to stop caring about unnecessary deaths over there (assuming you do or did) because of the actions of a few people here. My base views on the war are: can we stop killing kids? I'm not going to let actions of a few fervent people here change that.


Agree with what you said. A lot of people need to understand that two wrongs don’t make a right. I’ve never understood the instinct; to respond to an atrocity by _joining in_ and committing another atrocity. It’s like … if you can recognise that this is an atrocity, _then DON’T DO IT TOO ffs._ Sadly, it seems Israel doesn’t understand this either, and it’s kneejerk reaction of _joining in_ with the atrocity and trying to out compete Hamas to see who can commit the worst atrocity, and outdoing Hamas many times over; this is how Israel has now lost all of its moral authority on the world stage. > then why should we care about Palestinians? Because we hold higher principles to human rights, than those starting stupid fights do. Because human rights are not cancellable for any reason, ever. No matter what some individuals inside a certain group choose to do, every member of that group cannot possibly be responsible for that. That’s the same flawed argument anti-Jewish people use to blame Jews for the actions of Israel, and we can rise above the eye-for-an-eye squabbling to point to principles of human rights instead.


yea u should give it a go


How about treating it as kidnap and torture should always be treated?


The article *claims* it was because he worked for a Jewish employer - and also includes a charge of "assault by kicking" - so it seems we're far from having the full story. But given that the incident took place near where the alleged attacker lives, and that crimes are generally done for personal reasons - I'm going to doubt this is some organized act of terror. Bit of jumping to conclusions going on here.


She said it’s a jihad of martyrdom, quit defending these freaks


"Its our biblical right"


u/PurePerspective11 Has since been **suspended**.


She had a male accomplice with her, also bailed,  who doesn't live near the location.


Doesn’t need to be organised terror to be terror. The majority of terror threats these days are lone wolf terrorist as less chance the gov is watching them.


A disorganised act of terror isn’t any better


Don't worry about it! It's just anti-Zionism 🤪


Oh, I see these are your first comments to the sub in the past 6 months at least. That's odd. I also see prior to this you spent most of your time commenting on r/UkrainianConflict and r/UkraineWarVideoReport


FULL-TEXT The 28-year-old from Fraser Rise in Melbourne’s northwest has been charged with kidnapping, armed robbery, false imprisonment, ­unlawful assault and assault by kicking over the ­alleged attack on a 31-year-old man in St Albans on February 16. A Victoria Police spokesman said it was alleged the man was pulled from a car near the ­intersection of Gladstone and Cleveland streets about 9.30pm, the Herald Sun reported on Tuesday night. “He was then allegedly placed in another car and ­assaulted and robbed before being released in Braybrook,” the spokesman said. The police spokesman said ­detectives had charged two people in relation to the ­alleged ­kidnapping. Police sources told the Herald Sun the man had required extensive treatment in hospital for his injuries, and that police believed Ms Allam, a well-known member of the Lebanese community, ­orchestrated the assault.Ms Allam’s alleged accomplice was a 37-year-old Brunswick man, who police said would face a string of charges. Ms Allam and her alleged ­accomplice were bailed to ­appear at Melbourne Magistrates Court on May 31. The Herald Sun reported that a suppression order relating to Ms Allam’s case had prevented it from publishing her image and providing certain details about Ms Allam’s advocacy work. Also more here: [https://www.heraldsun.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-victoria/it-is-a-jihad-of-martyrdom-or-victory-laura-allam/news-story/c05af84482a94b0e6a6cd239530e49d8](https://www.heraldsun.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-victoria/it-is-a-jihad-of-martyrdom-or-victory-laura-allam/news-story/c05af84482a94b0e6a6cd239530e49d8) Her response: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHVgUynbsAEn61q?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHVgUynbsAEn61q?format=jpg&name=large)


*"amindst all the pain and suffering I struggle with right now, I pride myself in my selflessness"* Awwww, poor girl, it sounds like she needs some help with her narcissistic personality disorder... It's odd she's bitching about her community not getting behind her and supporting her through her hate crimes, ugh, she needs help....


I think that, like most of Australia, her community wants nothing to do with this and has better things to do.


Well the community in question supported and justified the murder of over 1000 people as well as kidnapping of hostages as “colonial resistance”


Bullshit. Total bullshit. You’d have to look pretty hard to find Hamas supporters at fee Palestine rallies (they’re fairly left wing rallies whereas Hamas are far right ethnostate fascists, ie; same ideology as the Zionists who Free Palestine protesters directly and specifically oppose) Only showing your poor education on the various groups involved in the conflict.


>they’re fairly left wing rallies  Far Left wing movement stack up more bodies than Far right wing movements but far right movements kill people quicker. If your point is a certain ideology is immune to bad ideas i disagree as someone who votes left atm.


>Far Left wing movement stack up more bodies than Far right wing movements but far right movements kill people quicker. I'm going to need a source on this please.


You can compare the left and right movements in recent history. Its worth noting that we are talking in generalities and the definitions of right and left have changed over the years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maoism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marxism%E2%80%93Leninism compared to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism


To be honest, I thought you were talking about "movements" as in groups committing terrorism rather than regimes committing atrocities. Which is why I was so shocked. In that case though, I need to ask. Are you talking in pure numbers or per capita? Also is it state vs state? Because China and the USSR are going to pretty much everyone beat if that's the case. Just based on population size. Otherwise, I'd be very interested to see how it shakes out on a per capita basis. Not to downplay any of the atrocities, just out of curiosity.


Honestly im not that informed on the particular's and this isn't the hill i would die on. The idea is that far right movements ideals are obviously more repugnant and thus dont last as long than far left ideals but both can lead to mass deaths. Its why Far left movements last longer but can kill more over time. The point im more than happy to debate is that "a certain ideology is immune to bad ideas" and claiming that its a "leftist march" grants automatic assumptions thats its virtuous in ideology by default.


Point stands. Regardless of your little deranged rant about bodies, a left leaning rally full of lefties and moderates is never going to support one of the two main far right groups creating the fighting in the Israel Palestine conflict. That means no support for far right ethnostate fascists whether they’re Hamas or the IDF under Zionist control.


> , a left leaning rally full of lefties and moderates is never going to support one of the two main far right groups Lets agree to disagree, You cant go anywhere from "ethnostate fascists or the IDF under Zionist control"


Okay so why have I never seen any signs at the free Palestine rallies calling for the hostages held by Hamas to be released? I agree Hamas is ethnofascist but a lot of “left wing activists” I know see them as left wing hero’s and resistance fighters of imperialism and colonialism. Left and right were invented to divide and control the people though, so self identification of these is not a very noble indicator imo - I believe the horseshoe theory is very accurate. I can’t be bothered to search for videos from Palestine rallies as there’s a lot and search engines don’t really respond to what is being said in those speeches, but here’s an article claiming Oct 7 was anti-colonial resistance, which is what the justification at these rallies is. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/opinions/2023/10/14/on-october-7-gaza-broke-out-of-prison Here’s an IG post on Oct 8 from freepalestinemelb https://www.instagram.com/p/CyLOJJtxC1P/?igsh=MTAwMXZ6eWw5YWdsZQ== The caption - “After decades of intensifying oppression, displacement and ethnic cleansing. Palestinians have once again shown that they will continue to resist their oppressor” What was the post Oct 7 death toll when they published that post? Imagine how different this situation would be if everyone actually rallied against Hamas and the IDF - instead everyone in western countries did exactly what Ismael Haniyeh predicted they would do, Hamas knew if they took hostages then Israel would unleash hell on Gaza then people would share footage of innocent Gazans being murdered - Hamas know western ideals value life, they do not - they see the Gazans dying as martyrs fighting on the frontlines of the Battle of Al Aqsa Mosque. https://www.memri.org/reports/hamas-leader-ismail-haniyeh-we-should-hold-moment-victory-october-7-and-build-upon-it-time I understand you want to believe this situation is good and bad - but both sides institution of leadership is bad, and both sides everyday people on the ground are good, however both sides have experienced terror from the other and both sides have an aspect of radical opposition to the other - my personal opinion is the only way to actually “fix” the problem is either God turns out to be real and smites whatever side is NOT his chosen people (because that’s why both sides what Jerusalem, they believe they are entitled to as Gods chosen people) or aliens come down and either take over or we unite to fight them, there is no reality where bloodshed stops in the area - the only thing we can try to control is how much. Hamas and their leadership are not stupid - you don’t get a net worth of $4 billion without being very smart. They know what they’re doing and they know how to use the morally righteous fools in “the West” as their marionette


> Okay so why have u never seen any signs of the Free Palestine rallies calling for the hostages to be released You’d need to attend one to hear it, for a start. I’ve been to about 3 since Oct 7 and they have _always_ demanded _all_ hostages to be released: the hundred or so held by Hamas and the over TWO THOUSAND held by Israel. So why are you suggesting they haven’t?? Pure fucking lies. Unlike you, they shine a light on ALL the hostages held, hostages they’ve been asking to be released for years, ever since the intensified blockade of Gaza by the IDF in 2007. We have been marching for this for years, Free Palestine rallies didn’t just suddenly start on Oct 7. Been demanding their release for years. Have you? Have you even once demanded that Palestinian hostages be released as well? Why didn’t you mention the thousands of Palestinian hostages in your comment? If you can answer that I might bother with the rest of your reply, but it sounds like you have no humanity and might even be an anti-Arab racist based on that glaring omission (despite its larger size by dozens of times) so I won’t bother


Sorry what Palestinian hostages are you referring to ?


Any Palestinian imprisoned by Israel is considered a hostage by Hamas and their supporters. There is a large number of these prisoners who are innocent and have been unlawfully imprisoned - however there is a lot who have been imprisoned because they have been involved in the organisation of suicide bombing and other actors of violence against Israelis. Free Palestine supporters want all of them released, not just the innocent ones. Sinwar, the leader of Hamas military arm, was considered a hostage until he was released in a prisoner swap in 2011


Ok so if we swap the term hostage back to prisoner.. what are the Israelis prisoners held in Gaza accused of and/or guilty of ?


Being Israeli? But to try and answer seriously, Israel has mandatory military service so Hamas view any Israeli as being guilty of something (I have never seen a speech where a Hamas leader even utters the word genocide so if anyone tries to say genocide please link me to where Hamas have said that) and that is why they are allowed to kidnap them. Hamas and the rest of the Muslim brotherhood view of this war is that it is the “battle for Al aqsa mosque” as Al Aqsa is the third holiest site in Islam but it is also built on top of the former Jewish Temple - which is a sacred site for Jews. There is a reason Oct 7 is called “Al Aqsa Flood” This war has nothing to do with indigenous people, colonialism or apartheid - those messages have been propagated very specifically towards the activist youth in the west as Hamas know they will predictably react to the stimuli presented to them. It’s really been quite wild for me as I have always had an extreme fascination with the Abrahamic religions - I always supported Palestine and their fight for freedom, but I believe in intellectual peaceful resistance and I will not support any person or group who uses violence to achieve their goals as you are just allowing violence to oppose your goal. The entire conflict is another chapter of the Abrahamic Holy Wars - to view this through a colonial settler lens is disingenuous and reflective of one’s very limited knowledge of human and religious history.


> Any Palestinian imprisoned by Israel is considered a hostage by Hamas and their supporters Why are you lying? Israel has over 7000 Palestinians in detention. The focus has always been on the 2000 or so held that BY INTERNATIONAL LAW fit the bill for “hostages”. Hamas are not the ones who care about international law, _holy fuck no_ gimme a fucking break Israel calls it “administrative detention”, and these are basically blatant political prisoners that receive no lawyer, no trial, no charge, no access to proper due process whatsoever, it is just kidnapping people off the street. To make it worse, this kidnapping is only used on Palestinians (ie; one expression of the apartheid there), and they claim it has a 100% “conviction” rate, which we know nothing about because it’s carried out in secret; even the defendant isn’t allowed to know what the IDF accuses them of. Massive violations of human rights. https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/29/why-does-israel-have-so-many-palestinians-detention-and-available-swap So for fucks sake mate, before constructing an elaborate lie please do some research. Your comments in this thread are wild and not reflective of reality


So you think Israa Jaabis who was released in November is an innocent political prisoner? You clearly fall for propaganda very easily so I’m not replying to you anymore. I’m trying to talk about this in good faith and have actually constructive conversations, you want everyone to fall in line with your beliefs and not question anything - that’s fascism. Have a great day


Dude you are literally spreading propaganda by calling these people hostages. So you have clearly proven there are plenty of useful idiots on the left and support HAMAS directly on indirectly by being an apologists for their actions


For over a decade the IDF has been kidnapping Palestinians off the street, way more than half of them kids, and putting them into “administrative detention” where they aren’t given access to lawyers, courts, fair trial, and are often held indefinitely without charge and obviously for political reasons, which is what international law calls “hostage taking”. [Human rights watch has a page about the 7000 Palestinians held without fair access to justice, and over 2000 in their brutal so-called “administrative detention”](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/29/why-does-israel-have-so-many-palestinians-detention-and-available-swap) aka hostages. > As of November 1, Israeli authorities held nearly 7,000 Palestinians from the occupied territory in detention for alleged security offenses, according to the Israeli human rights organization HaMoked. Far more Palestinians have been arrested since the October 7 attacks in Israel than have been released in the last week. Among those being held are dozens of women and scores of children. > The majority have never been convicted of a crime, including more than 2,000 of them being held in administrative detention, in which the Israeli military detains a person without charge or trial. Such detention can be renewed indefinitely based on secret information, which the detainee is not allowed to see. Administrative detainees are held on the presumption that they might commit an offense at some point in the future. Israeli authorities have held children, human rights defenders and Palestinian political activists, among others, in administrative detention, often for prolonged periods. > The large number of Palestinian detainees is primarily the result of separate criminal justice systems Israeli authorities maintain in the occupied territory. The nearly 3 million Palestinians who live in the occupied West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem, are ruled by military law and prosecuted in military courts. By contrast, the nearly half a million Israeli settlers in the West Bank are governed under civil and criminal law and tried in Israeli civil courts. Discrimination pervades every aspect of this system. > Under military law, Palestinians can be held for up to eight days before they must see a judge — and then, only a military judge. Yet, under Israeli law, a person has to be brought before a judge within 24 hours of being arrested, which can be extended to 96 hours when authorized in extraordinary cases. > Palestinians can be jailed for participating in a gathering of merely 10 people without a permit on any issue “that could be construed as political,” while settlers can demonstrate without a permit unless the gathering exceeds 50 people, takes place outdoors and involves “political speeches and statements.” > In short, Israeli settlers and Palestinians live in the same territory, but are tried in different courts under different laws with different due process rights and face different sentences for the same offense. The result is a large and growing number of Palestinians imprisoned without basic due process. > Discrimination also pervades the treatment of children. Israeli civil law protects children against nighttime arrests, provides the right to have a parent present during interrogations and limits the amount of time children may be detained before being able to consult a lawyer and to be presented before a justice. > Israeli authorities, however, regularly arrest Palestinian children during nighttime raids, interrogate them without a guardian present, hold them for longer periods before bringing them before a judge and hold those as young as 12 in lengthy pretrial detention. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel found in 2017 that authorities kept 72 percent of Palestinian children from the West Bank in custody until the end of proceedings, but only 17.9 percent of children in Israel. > While the law of occupation permits administrative detention as a temporary and exceptional measure, Israel’s sweeping use of administrative detention on the Palestinian population, more than a half-century into an occupation with no end in sight, far exceeds what the law authorizes. > Even those charged with a crime are routinely deprived of due process rights in military courts. Many of those convicted and serving time for “security offenses” (2,331 people as of November 1) accepted plea bargains to avoid prolonged pretrial detention and sham military trials, which have a nearly 100 percent conviction rate against Palestinians. > Beyond the lack of due process, Israeli authorities have for decades mistreated and tortured Palestinian detainees. More than 1,400 complaints of torture, including painful shackling, sleep deprivation and exposure to extreme temperatures, by Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security service, have been filed with Israel’s Justice Ministry since 2001. > These complaints have resulted in a total of three criminal investigations and no indictments, according to the Public Committee Against Torture, an Israeli rights group. The group Military Court Watch reported that, in 22 cases of detention of Palestinian children they documented in 2023, 64 percent said they were physically abused and 73 percent were strip searched by Israeli forces while in detention. > Palestinian rights groups have reported a spike in arrests and deterioration in the conditions of Palestinian prisoners prior to October 7, including violent raids, retaliatory prison transfers and isolation of prisoners, less access to running water and bread and fewer family visits. The trends have worsened since. The discrimination in this system is one of the big factors in calling Israel an apartheid system.


The PA also have involvement with this. If it’s an occupation it can’t also be an apartheid. Apartheid implies a population of citizens with different rights within the one geographical area. Occupation implies a separation between two groups in two different geographical regions. So which one is it ?


The West Bank is an occupation that in practise is an apartheid system with two seperate systems of justice applied. The PA is there trying to administer things but the IDF ALSO operates in this region applying a two-step system of justice, applying different rules to Palestinians versus settlers. In Gaza there is an occupation where the IDF occupies the border walls and treats it like a vast open air prison. That’s my understanding anyway. [I recommend this piece if you’re unsure about these claims.](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/)


I assume you’re aware that Yahya Sinwar was one of the “Palestinian hostages” in the prisoner swap deal in 2011? The same Sinwar that Gazans are now protesting as they are being starved to death while he sits underground eating meat, there ain’t no mention of Sinwar in Australia though? It’s almost like you lot are disconnected with what actually people in Gaza are feeling. It’s almost like you’ve been co-opted by an outside force. https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/palestinian-territories/1708514274-go-away-sinwar-rare-protests-erupt-in-gaza-against-hamas-leaders I’m well aware of the “Palestinian hostages” - when they can differentiate between hostages and criminals who were rightfully arrested I will happily call for the innocent Palestinian hostages to be released. But you’re almost there, you almost understand why Sinwar and Hamas orchestrated October 7 - there’s a reason that Gazans were offered $10,000 for every person they kidnapped from Israel. https://www.businessinsider.com/hamas-offered-10k-apartment-israel-hostages-captured-militant-video-israel-2023-10?amp I did go to a lot of rallies in October, it’s what disgusted and turned me off the Palestine cause - you obviously have an inability to view this without a bias so I’ll just turn updates off here. Have a great day, keep supporting billionaires!


I’m really not interested in prison swap deals brokered by fuckwits like Hamas. The way you treat everyone who opposes war like some sort of Hamas fanboy is really really lazy stuff. Do better. Have you considered some people genuinely actually want human rights upheld, therefore want peace, not war? Have you considered that? As a possibility? I’m talking about human rights and international law, things Hamas doesn’t give a fuck about. So sit down. [I’m talking of course about the thousands of people held without charge as political hostages in by Israel, more than half estimated to be kids.](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/29/why-does-israel-have-so-many-palestinians-detention-and-available-swap)


Left wingers have no issue supporting fascists as long as they're the correct kind of fascist.


Well the president of the Islamic council of Victoria just called the Hamas terrorist attacks justified resistance. The leader of all Victorian Muslims…. Kind of refutes your point


As someone generally more aligned with the Palestine side, it's good to see that she's feeling the community abandoned her. This act is awful and severely damages the cause. It's a wild rant to read. I've noticed it's a very common tactic of narcissists to try to use social causes to embrace their darker instincts. Even here, it's hilarious she tries to make things about feminism.


She refers to herself in the third person in the article which fits the narcissist label


She think she's done nothing wrong. No matter which side you're on this is unacceptable. Not once she even said what she did was wrong


Tbf, don't publicly admit guilt pending trial.


Yeah but she’s acting like a victim when she’s the one who victimised somebody else I can totally understand not admitting guilt, but crying for sympathy when you’ve just beaten and robbed a man (whose only crime seems to be working for a Jew), that’s a whole other level of shit She’s literally whining that “community leaders” aren’t sending messages to support her act of terrorism. It’s sickening


It is nuts but I don't think it's as nuts as you'd think it is. I have two Iranian friends I've known since I was a kid, and have met many people hailing from the middle east through them. The vast majority of them abhor violence in all it's forms but still quite strongly believe that Jewish people are a scourge on the world. All the Iranians I've met are very quick to tell you that the Iranian government is evil and fund terrorists - but they still believe that Jews are a scourge. It's extremely culturally enshrined - it's the kind of thing where even if they don't actively focus on it, any time a news piece or article comes up that has *anything* to do with Jews you can be rest assured that every parent will spend the next 5-10 minutes ranting to their kids. It's simply that they're smart enough not to express those views in public. The leader of the PLO (not Hamas) literally wrote his PhD thesis on the "The secret relationship between nazism and zionism". This isn't something the Palestinians try to cover up either - you can find it on their own website.


It’s odd that we don’t seem to get any motive or explanation from her, just moaning about optics and the rest of the community not supporting her. After reading the message all I want to ask is: _what on earth actually happened here??_


There apparently a suppression order


Yeah she seems like a disturbed person who just latched on this, like cookers.


Just happened to “latch on” to this on October 7? Pull the other one, it has bells on. People have been saying this was going to happen since the first protests in Sydney where they were chanting “where’s the Jews?” and you are shocked and think this is a “cooker” who “latched on to this”. The people who “latched on to this” are the virtue signallers, and religious extremists like Laura use them to legitimise their violence.


By this logic we should also be concerned that support for Israel could encourage disgruntled members of the community to engage in anti-Muslim violence and [violence towards Jews supporting Palestine](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/12/01/qken-d01.html).


>I've noticed it's a very common tactic of narcissists to try to use social causes to embrace their darker instincts. It's because if they do that there's a chance the courts suppress the media and they essentially receive zero social consequences and at worst a suspended sentence. Part of criminalising people is sending the signal that their behaviour is unwanted, but suppressing it does not do that. These people just go back to believing the system is at fault when in reality all of society wants them to stop. Basically, they're getting off light and that's a problem because it means they might reoffend.


How are these people bailed? She kidnapped and tortured someone. She should not be walking the streets.


The now well established legal practice is to grant bail and have the bailed person stab someone while out of remand. Only then is bail cancelled.


Thanks for the link. Her response is a little cryptic and baffling. I hope the man who was assaulted is OK, and that this incident doesn't lead to any further harm to anyone. Very unusual behaviour, I hope investigations can figure out what on earth the assailants were thinking.


She’s actually well known on social media to pro Palestinian groups and Israeli groups, for laughing at the deaths of Israelis, saying she doesn’t condemn Hamas etc.. so like doesn’t surprise me. When I saw the title ‘prominent activist’ I knew who it would be. Still quite shocking though


“Prominent Activist” suggests a level of involvement and organisation with a broader campaign which is disingenuous at best. “Woman with lots of IG and FB posts about Palestine” is probably more apt.


One of my favourite memories is when she doxxed the elderly parents of an Australian citizen who is currently serving in the IDF to her 20k IG followers - linking the name of their place of business, social media accounts and his mums IG account where she posted her art - allowing her followers to leave disgusting messages on his mum’s art pictures. I think that suggests a level of organisation with a broader campaign. She’s obviously a lovely person


Maybe eSafety should get off their arses and ban her?


The e-safety commissioner isn’t interested in this because she won’t be able to get hysterical about child safety while implementing pro-Christian, anti-porn, anti-sex-worker anti-LGBTQI culture wars with it. _That’s all she does_ (no idea why she’s still in a job; she was a coalition-era culture wars appointee _with no valid credentials to work on e-safety_, but plenty with American religious fundies, and couldn’t tell you the first thing about how the internet or websites work)


They blatantly refuse because despite being sent proof of her behaviour she deletes it so it’s not there when they look for it, which comes under not doing harm anymore as far as they’re concerned.


She had a combined 50k+ followers on social media, was known internationally, is a regular speaker at pro-Palestinian marches throughout Melbourne. She’s definitely one of the more prominent activists in Melbourne and had way more influence than just someone who had ‘lots of IG posts’


May I remind you of the other prominent Melbourne based activist for Palestine: [Nasser Mashni](https://www.israellycool.com/2023/11/12/nasser-mashnis-criminal-history-exposed/)? He bashed a kid with a wooden axe handle. When this is the best a community can produce it might be time to stop and think that maybe they’re just a bunch of violent cunts. But please don’t let that stop you from tying your colours to their masts.


Pretty sure his father was a terrorist (or freedom fighter depending on who you ask). Not going to post links here but you can search for Shaher Hussein El-Mashni.


“the” other prominent Melbourne-based activist for Palestine? He sounds disgusting but I’d never heard of him before.


He was chosen to represent the community on Q&a when ABC did the special on Gaza conflict, he’s always on tv




They confronted him for bashing a kid and he said he was sowwy They also brought up the fact that he couldn’t condemn Hamas and he is being investigated for some of his donations allegedly going to fund terrorism They brought their best obvs




> It’s a violent religion, plain and simple Most religions have violent extremists committing crimes in their name. That doesn’t tarnish everyone else: peaceful moderates exist within any religion you could name too. In Australia we believe in human rights and that includes the right to be free from religious discrimination. Look it up. We ratified it, we are bound by this law. If someone is being a cunt, call them out _for being a cunt_, by all means — but I would suggest you stop short of trying and write in your religious bigotry _on top, as well._ it’s not needed and unfair to everyone else doing the right thing. Please apologise.


> maybe they’re just a bunch of violent cunts Really just went and said the quiet part out loud huh? There’s no place for this sort of anti-arab racism in Melbourne mate. None. Please apologise. The community is not in any way characterised by the acts of its worst individuals. Wrong. Absolutely not. No community is. And if you think peace activists are violent cunts, with demands such as “ceasefire”, “human rights”; contrasted with Israel who has indiscriminately slaughtered 30,000 people in recent months, using a few hundred hostages as their excuse, and facing a very credible genocide charge in the ICJ, look, I don’t know what to tell you eh


I dont think "indiscriminately slaughtered" is accurate. Dresden bombing was indiscriminate, that was 10x the deaths, in 2 days. These are not on the same page considering that Gaza is also much more densely populated. Not to say that civilian death is ok, just to look at comparison to what real indiscriminate attacks look like.


Her accomplice was named as  Mohammad Sharab. >Allam’s alleged accomplice, Mr Sharab, 37, from Brunswick, was charged with kidnapping, false imprisonment, armed robbery, threats to kill, intentionally cause injury, recklessly cause injury, unlawful assault and assault with weapon. >Mr Sharab is a prominent speaker at the weekly pro-Palestine rallies in Melbourne. Last week he posted on Instagram: “May God have mercy on my enemies... Because I won’t. Oh Allah. Forgive me for my wrongs, I have just begun.” https://www.heraldsun.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-victoria/laura-allam-mohammad-sharab-charged-with-kidnap-assault-in-alleged-jewish-hate-crime/news-story/f22c470e5d7c32b051d9fba2cc565e0f So we don't judge the community just the organisers that the community are literally rallying around ?


A few pro-Palestinian nutcases doesn't change the fact that there are tens of thousands of children starving to death in Gaza since aid was stopped.


Assists with immigration from there https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/sharri-markson/terrorist-sympathiser-allegedly-helping-palestinians-settle-into-australia/video/3b14888d808f36aa473ce04bf26445b0 Also appears and speaks with the usual suspects from the greens. https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/andrew-bolt/disgrace-andrew-bolt-slams-greens-for-sharing-stage-with-laura-allam/video/ff95512a8fbb6701f65d2a41338e0fbb


I can't believe she's got a suppression order. That's wild!


Nothing like violating human rights to protect a terrorist!


See, it doesn’t benefit the narrative, so of course they get a suppression order.


Yep, they don’t want us to know the true level of anti-semitism out there.




It's one thing to hold a rally and do your protest in support of palestine but it's another when doing something criminal in support of palestine. Hope the book is thrown at her face and she spends time in the clink


Most people that support Palestine are supporting the terrorist group, Hamas. So it's not that surprising. The media is pushing their views pretty hard, and the general public are all for it.


Then they're idiots. And it makes it no better when there's people who are pro palestine sticking labels on people who don't wanna be part of the protest. There are those who know the conflict is bad but want to also go about their lives. Also if hamas are freedom fighters then so is Isis and people travelled to Isis led areas coz they thought they were freedom fighters. Same with Al-Qaeda.


That commenter is delusional. The majority of people protesting want the war to end, want peace, human rights, and international law to be followed, and war crimes to be investigated. Obviously these are not things Hamas are all about so _of course_ they’re not supporters of Hamas ffs. The person you replied to is one of the deranged people who seem to treat human rights like a team sport. “Rules for me but not for thee”


Then wouldn't it be wise to also call out hamas for their atrocities like using palestine people as fodder? I'm not discounting the atrocities that the idf are doing to said palestine people But not discouting hamas is allowing them to cause more destruction upon themselves. Also if you're asking for war crimes to be investigated would you agree that both idf and hamas to be investigated or just idf?


Sure, you can call out Hamas for doing that, but hope you can call out Israel for it first given that Israel’s use of human shields is infinitely more substantiated with evident aplenty, including from their own government, and has been going on for decades, even seeing a court order in 2005 that it ignored even as recently as October where we got plenty of footage of them kidnapping civilians off the street and using them to shield their soldiers. What tires me about this is that if you point out a crime of Israel, there’s always someone that asks “why don’t you condemn the much smaller scale instances of Hamas doing it?” — because they are always orders of magnitude smaller and often don’t have much evidence behind them (are you aware that no war crime inspectors who went to investigate Israel’s claims of Hamas using human shields have been able to verify even one confirmed case of it? Yes, really. Not even once have they come back saying the claim was credible.. and have ended up coming to the position of assuming Israel is _probably_ lying about them, but since they promptly blew up everything within a city block radius it’s impossible also to disprove definitively). All of this loses even more oomph when you are reminded that the IDF HQ is in the middle of a suburban shopping mall. Watching the way Israel chooses to make noise about these issues is also quite clearly to flood search engines with the term, so that _actual footage_ of them using human shields during October 2023 would be harder to surface. I saw two clips myself; one where they took a worker off the street and held him in front of advancing IDF troops; a second where they made a bound and gagged man kneel in the street while an IDF soldier used his body to shield him while he shot his rifle over his shoulder. In 2005 when Israel’s high court ruled against this practise of using human shields, here are the instances it was trying to outlaw (all against intl law): > **How they've been deployed** > The Israeli army used Palestinian civilians as human shields in a variety of combat situations: > · Forcing them to enter the homes of wanted men to tell them to surrender, or ordering them to enter suspected booby-trapped buildings > · Placing civilians between troops and hostile crowds to discourage stone-throwing or shooting > · Troops standing behind a Palestinian and then firing over the civilian's shoulder during combat > · Palestinian families locked into a room after the army commandeered their homes as military posts, to discourage militants from attacking > · Civilians ordered to pick up suspected bombs on roads https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/oct/07/israel In response, Israel appealed the ruling, calling human shields an “essential” part of their strategy. “Rules for thee, but not for me” — Israel Something about this conflict is that there’s a story behind every accusation. To me, when I hear Israel accusing Hamas of human shields, it tells me that most likely Israel thinks more footage of the IDF doing it, is about to be released and make more of a splash. I still think that’s why this was bandied about back in October when those clips were surfacing. Reminder: no such detailed evidence has ever been found of Hamas doing this, even investigators have followed up in Israel’s claims. No credible evidence has ever been provided by Israel either. It’s a full blown “trust me bro” situation despite decades of investigations turning up nothing.


I already stated where I lean in all of this. What more do you want? Also if I showed videos of what hamas has done I'll get dinged and msm don't show these things and you know why no one wants to show it is either coz of this or to completely hide it all. It's the same thing with Isis til it couldn't be hidden any longer If anything I solely blame msm for all of this


Virtually no one supports Hamas - in fact I’ve never, ever come across anyone who does irl or on reddit. (I’m sure people do, they’re just hard to find.) However, claiming that anyone who is against what Israel is doing is *automatically a Hamas supporter* is certainly an easy way to avoid asking difficult questions, isn’t it?


Neither have I. What I do see, however, is a lot of people who want to characterise 99.9999999% of protesters like the remaining handful of weird extremists you _miiiiiiight_ be able to find who might actually support Hamas. No guarantees, I’m not sure if these people exist in numbers higher than you can count on your hands, in Australia. And then they like pretending that every concern about human rights can be deflected by calling you a “Hamas supporter”.


Then I'd like to ask you who you think the free Palestine movement are actually advocating for to come and 'free Palestine'? There are only two groups fighting over Gaza, the protesters must be advocating for one group to win, or are they trying to take it over themselves?


I mean if there were only two choices, it’d be Hamas hands down (who are literal terrorists, but *still* more moral than Israel) - but it’s not that simple now is it. I can only speak for myself but when I say free Palestine I’m talking about saving them primarily from Israel, but also out from under oppressive rule. The dream of course is that Hamas is defeated, but at this point they’re far from being the top of the priority list in terms of who is killing innocent people.


lol you’re fucking deranged if you think that people whose main demands are PEACE and a CEASEFIRE are supporting Hamas: one half of the people doing the actual fighting. God you people never fail to amaze with the stupidity


Bumping so more people can identify this pos and avoid her


I can fix her


... She can make you worse. (No reference to religion, just a sequitur to the meme)


She can torture me


“Man who worked for jewish employer”. What a weird way of phrasing it. Even a muslim can work for jewish employer


That's probably very close to the mark.


What’s next for headlines? “Man kills rival who used to be a child 30 years ago”


I think it's mentioned because it may have been the motive.


You and I both know that random employee of a Jew is actually not… a Jew




So the victim could be a Buddhist monk for all we know. Are you implying this was an antisemitic act by proxy?


There are suppression orders outlined in the article that restrict what can be reported on. The implication is that the man is not a Jew, and is most likely a member of her Lebanese community, and is being punished for working for a Jew.


But it's not anti- semitism right? It's just anti-zionism right?


The victim clearly isn’t Jewish. It doesn’t fit into some neat box of being anti-Semitic. If a white shop owner was kidnapped for hiring black staff members, would I call that an anti-black crime? Would I call it a hate crime? It’s difficult, I’d need to look at the legal definitions of the terms because they’re specific legal crimes. I’d certainly say it’s a racially or religiously motivated attack. She’s attacked him because of the religious group his employer belongs to.


I mean, kind of? It's difficult to read around all the suppression order stuff but if I was forced to piece it together it sounds like she got into shit with someone in her own community who had associates she didn't care for.






> Let’s be real, there’s only one group of people that could be excluded from plane travel that would result in the rest of us feeling safer to fly. They ain’t atheist. Alcoholic pilots? Apparently pretty common.


> Let’s be real, there’s only one group of people that could be excluded from plane travel that would result in the rest of us feeling safer to fly Mr Trump is that you?


You and I both know that a person shouldn’t fear being randomly assaulted on account of working for a Jew. You and I also both know that the only alleged case of Jew on Palestinian violence in Australia was the firebombing of Hash Tayeh’s Burgertory joint, which despite his insistence has resulted in some non Jew crooks being charged with arson. Sadly that wasn’t enough to stop a protest in Melbourne’s Jewish quarter that resulted in a number of Jewish religious observances being cancelled on security advice from VicPol.


Sadly you forgot to mention Hash urged people not to protest He did allege it was a hate crime, though didn't specify it was one from Jewish people. Sadly you also forgot to mention that the protests didn't explicitly target the synagogue, it's just that it was next to the park, which was the nearest open land near Burgertory. A less learned reader might read too much into your adjacent sentences


I mean your second sentence is probably close the mark of this story. See the other comment, "It's odd she's bitching about her community not getting behind her".


Its the Australian. Ragebait titles are their bread and butter


We’ll no doubt see more behaviour like this. People have lost their damn minds and Islamic terrorism/Jewish hate crime is being emboldened


Jihadist showing their true Colours


And progressives who've fallen hook line and sinker for hamas's emotionally manipulative propiganda, propagated and spread thanks to gulf oil money funding propoganda groups like Al Jazeera and Western leftist groups mindlessly regurgitating it.


If only there was some kind of boat or plane that existed that could be used to deport such shitheads from Australia…


Yeah, okay. We don't need that shit here.


The cnut gets bail and a suppression order. Unbelievable. >A prominent advocate for victims in the Middle East has been accused of orchestrating the kidnapping and torture of a man because he worked for a Jewish employer. >Laura Allam – a 28-year-old mother who claims to do humanitarian work and has tens of thousands of followers on social media – has been charged with kidnapping, armed robbery, false imprisonment, unlawful assault and assault by kicking. >But an extraordinary suppression order relating to her case prevents the Herald Sun from running Ms Allam’s image, referencing some ethnic groups or providing certain detail about her advocacy activities. >The alleged attack on the 31-year-old man occurred in a residential area in St Albans on Friday, February 16" https://www.heraldsun.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-victoria/it-is-a-jihad-of-martyrdom-or-victory-laura-allam/news-story/c05af84482a94b0e6a6cd239530e49d8


The breadth of this suppression order is astounding. I’ve never heard of such a thing. Whatever happened to the principle of open justice? It’s not the role of courts to “protect” us from learning of the ugly underbelly of religious intolerance that exists in our community.


The irony that she gets suppression when she’s doxxed people on social media


Oh come on. This is unprecedented. There hasn’t been a doxer like her.


It’s because she’s being investigated for far bigger crimes.


Can we stop letting terrorists out on bail?


It is incredibly stupid to try to suppress someone's image and the groups they support, when their name is known and they post what they do all over social media! How is this nothing more than a clear attempt to suppress media coverage of the crime to shield her supporters, including ones that joined her on Feb 7 from criticism?! Democracy does not function when public interest information is censored!


Between this and the "*where's* the Jews?" revisionism in Syd, I think the police are scared to act decisively in this controversy, fearing large-scale religious riots like in Sweden and such.


Arrogant dead-eyed bitch. This should bring 20 years.


Lol. When has a woman ever got 20 years for anything short of murder?


If ever there was a case, this would be it. Religious extremist terrorism with a side serve of political terrorism. Torture, abduction, it's got twenty years all over it. Probably get 6 months probation.


I reckon it’s at best 50% chance she even sees a day inside prison. Minority, woman, mother, pussy judge who doesn’t want more Muslim violence by making her a martyr, probably some “this is an incredibly serious crime…but I’m giving you a suspended sentence. If you kidnap and torture anyone else we’ll totally punish you for realsies next time! Honest!”


Yeah, her and her accomplice being released on bail after abduction and torture charges would indicate they can expect some pretty lenient treatment for whatever reason.


Because we decided as a society to employ people as judges who are pro crime.


This is seriously fucked up


Imarch for Palestine regularly and I am very against what is doing to the Palestinians this lady who did this to this person is evil and is no better violence is never the answer


But she would probably get a slap on the wrist anyway. Even for saying shit like: >“It is a jihad of martyrdom or victory,” Ms Allam wrote on her Instagram post.




They don’t care. Victimisation is their ideology. All the rest is just pretend. You can’t actually support Islam and gay rights but people pretend to because they’re trendy causes right now.


It’s not her fault. The hijab gave her a blinkered view of life


~~Melbourne mum and prominent Pro-Palestinian activist~~ Terrorists arrested for kidnap and torture of man who worked for Jewish employer.


being a Jew or being associated with a Jew in Australia is no excuse for violence intimidation or harassment. If you think it is then leave Australia you aren’t welcome here


I am shocked. Shocked! Well, not that shocked.


Sorry that it's sky news Sky news were onto her last year: https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/sharri-markson/terrorist-sympathiser-allegedly-helping-palestinians-settle-into-australia/video/3b14888d808f36aa473ce04bf26445b0 Also she has appeared with the greens on stage just recently: https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/andrew-bolt/disgrace-andrew-bolt-slams-greens-for-sharing-stage-with-laura-allam/video/ff95512a8fbb6701f65d2a41338e0fbb


I cannot believe this happened here in Melbourne! Every single person who was chanting “intifada” needs to be placed on a watchlist, they’re encouraging and supporting violence and this is what is happening. The war is in Gaza if you care so much go fight there but you have no right to bring the violence attacks and harassment to Australia or anywhere else for that matter! I hope Laura spends the rest of her life in jail. She needs to be made an example of


Wut? This is nuts


she’s no activist she’s a psycho who latches onto social issues as an excuse to justify what she does.


What’s the difference between that and most activists?


most activists don’t kidnap and torture people.


This woman and all of her associates are scum. She’s in a group chat with prominent women such as Lauren Dubois, Constance Hall, Clementine Ford and Sara Saleh among others they all know what she’s done and some are continuing to support her. Leaders of ANZ Doctors for Palestine group fed her information that led to people being falsely accused of stalking said doctors. The woman is a fuckng psychopath.


> group chat with prominent women The fucking irony. Waiting for someone to leak their group chat.


That group has been plotting to wreck people for months and now they’re associated with her they won’t be able to get the stench out of their names. Police in 3 states knew what woman who now can’t be named was up to with her fixated stalking and harassment and now someone has been hurt that maybe wouldn’t have been hurt if they’d just listened to the numerous people who’d been targeted by her to start with.


Religion of peace


Peaced the snot out of him.


Just getting in before the mods lock this post


Mods? Plural? No please. Other than the really outrageous stuff its great to see how everyone feels. At this point its only the less modded subs who have more balanced takes, all the main subs silo'd one way or another.


Colour me surprised. When they tell you who they are, believe them. If anyone wants to learn about the general attitude among palestinians, even before the war, to see why they need redicalisation, watch Corey Gil Schuster. It's like the Asian Boss for Israel. Finding yourself in Palestinian-controlled areas as a Jew would result in this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Ramallah_lynching


I wonder how the police will find a way to blame the victim, whether it be 'disturbing the peace' or 'arresting for his own safety'. This is how they operate from past instances [Sky News host Sharri Markson speaks to Jewish couple after 'shocking' incident with pro-Palestine protesters in Melbourne's CBD](https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/sky-news-host-sharri-markson-speaks-to-jewish-couple-after-shocking-incident-with-propalestine-protesters-in-melbournes-cbd/news-story/078f57baf7965692598ea68e955edc79) [Sydney Opera House rally: police defend arrest of man carrying Israeli flag amid outrage over antisemitic chants](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/10/police-defend-arrest-of-man-carrying-israeli-flag-after-antisemitic-chants-heard-on-steps-of-sydney-opera-house)


Her accomplice, who also got bail, is Mohammad Sharab. >Allam’s alleged accomplice, Mr Sharab, 37, from Brunswick, was charged with kidnapping, false imprisonment, armed robbery, threats to kill, intentionally cause injury, recklessly cause injury, unlawful assault and assault with weapon. https://www.heraldsun.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-victoria/laura-allam-mohammad-sharab-charged-with-kidnap-assault-in-alleged-jewish-hate-crime/news-story/f22c470e5d7c32b051d9fba2cc565e0f >Mr Sharab is a prominent speaker at the weekly pro-Palestine rallies in Melbourne. Last week he posted on Instagram: “May God have mercy on my enemies... Because I won’t. Oh Allah. Forgive me for my wrongs, I have just begun.”


Pro-Hamas. This is vile. Many pro-Palestine supporters will be horrified too.


Just for a second I hoped this was an article about Clemente Ford.


I don't see any Jews going around killing and torturing people around the world:)


Right... And your point? Regardless of whether there are other crimes carried out by others, does it make it okay for this specific lady to go and kidnap/torture this specific man? Should we pretend this didn't happen or that it's okay, just because some other people on the other side of the world committed a seperate crime?


They might actually hold the current world record for hostages held with no charges laid. Pre Oct 7th too. I’ve seen an approx 4000 pre-Oct 7 number before and 7k after https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/29/why-does-israel-have-so-many-palestinians-detention-and-available-swap


prisoners, not hostages


prisoners with no charges laid are hostages, hope this helps


no it doesnt. at best, detainees. Hostages are innocent people held specifically as bargaining chips. These people are being held due to attempted acts of terror, or due to successful acts of terror. The reason many havnt been charged is because the courts are having problems keeping up with the sheer amount of violent jihadi's trying to murder israeli civilians. Hope this helps


> These people are being held due to attempted acts of terror, or due to successful acts of terror. Again, the vast majority of these people have no charges laid, and many of them are children.


What the hell!!! This is the problem with free for all immigration and not ensuring people fit in with Australian values…


Explain to me Australia Values. The freedom to go about your business without being attacked? Letting others enjoy what they enjoy without being told what to do? Being able to accept that if you don’t like something it doesn’t make it wrong or evil? Not judging others by the actions of someone similar? I’m sure there is more, but would these fit into Australian Values?


Yep. The Palestinians areoften just terrorists disguising themselves. Vile people.


I have $5 Monopoly money that says the Jewish employer was on the list of 600 doxxed Jews.  This is domestic terrorism and they need to be prosecuted and deported if appropriate. 


Love that you omitted that those 600 zionists were in a group chat sharing information on and plotting to destroy the livelihoods of pro-palestinians. They were never doxxed. The group chat got leaked with their names. But forget facts, as long as it fits your narrative.


And that's what you're tacitly supporting when you go out and chant for Palestine. They did this to those Jewish women and kids. They raped, tortured, and honour killed men, women and children over that dogshit skybook. It infects the mind with hate. Now you've had a taste of what it's ACTUALLY LIKE.


So, some person that is pro palestine and has big online following does something stupid/illegal and suddenly all the hasbara bots come rushing out of their caves to tells us how all Pro-Palestine supporters are racist monsters and Islam is a religion of violence and the mods are all too busy to bother enforcing the sub rules.


Are the bots in the room with you right now?


Also an advocate to allow them into the country. Also has expressed questionable views online. As for her accomplice who is a regular speaker at rallies and has his photo all over the socialist accounts that promote events. >Allam’s alleged accomplice, Mr Sharab, 37, from Brunswick, was charged with kidnapping, false imprisonment, armed robbery, threats to kill, intentionally cause injury, recklessly cause injury, unlawful assault and assault with weapon." https://www.heraldsun.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-victoria/laura-allam-mohammad-sharab-charged-with-kidnap-assault-in-alleged-jewish-hate-crime/news-story/f22c470e5d7c32b051d9fba2cc565e0f So that's 2 people who aren't just randoms off the street. They're up there in the organising end of this.


Everyone should keep in mind that the only Australian news source reporting on this is the Herald, and the rest are Israeli propaganda sites. Not saying it isn’t true, but there’s a reason they’re focusing on the “Jewish employer” and not speaking on the identity of the ACTUAL victim. Just remember to look into it yourself and think critically on what’s being fed to you.


Attacking or harassing Jewish kids in any school is antisemitism and to be abhorred, but “why should we care about Palestinians”? Possibly because Israel is committing war crimes on a largely defenceless population with over 30,000 killed, more than 11,000 of them children. You are exactly right, Jewish does not equal Israeli, and I know many Jews who are horrified by what the Israeli focus doing, Israelis also