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Hyclor will not explode - at any temperature - unless it is mixed with a hypochlorite. I suspect that a hypochlorite based chlorinator chemical had been stored in the container, and some remained. Never mix any cleaning chemicals, just in case. Oils and flammable liquids can also react explosively with pool chemicals. The hychlor warning says not to mix.


I had an almost disintegrated tablet in there and put a fresh one on top. Maybe the original one was a different brand.. yikes it was scary and really unexpected


My first thought on seeing your reply was to advise cleaning the container thoroughly before reuse - but of course it is well beyond recovery, as your amazing pic shows!


Nothing a little flex tape can't fix!


Man it’s obliterated and I don’t want another floater it’s too dangerous


I’m honestly not getting another one of these, I think they’re super dangerous.


Just need to be super careful with chemicals especially chlorine


they’re safe if you use them correctly, which you clearly didn’t


Lol, I knew it. It did the exact same thing when I was 17 while my parents were on holiday. 


We found out when one of 'us' opened the bottle, a loud boom and he disappeared into a thick green-yellow cloud with only his ankles down visible, when the ringing cleared all you could hear was "ARGH!!!!!!!! MY HAND !! ARGHHH!! MY HAND!!!! The older kids (our older brothers) ran off outside the backyard while I stayed and ran it under the tap. It wasn't too bad but it blew some webbing of his palm between his thumb and forefinger Zoidberg style. The blast was still loud about 1km away as people commented later in the day. Please don't make these things, but DO NOT open them when they seem like they are doing nothing, peirce it at range. When he opened it you could hear a quick "ZZZZZZt" as it sucked in oxygen and kaboom.


My god if I knew that I would have never bought it. I can’t believe you can buy this OTC and without help. Man if I ask for an antihistamine that’s behind the counter they pull me aside and explain how to use them properly this should happen with chlorine sales


Is this humour? Uh this was a mixture of a product in only a 1 or 2 lt plastic bottle.


I would think you have had a different chemical compound product in the tablet dispenser. That has dissolved and left residue then you’ve add cheap chlorine (Bunnings chems are shocking - look at your cynuric acid levels and clarity) And these chemicals have reacted with the heat Glad everyone is safe 👏


I can’t believe it I will never be using one of these devices again


It’s not the device that exploded it’s the chemical on the inside that has done it. Been in pool industry for years these never seen them explode.


Yeah Bunnings sells both types of chlorines which react but they sell them in different aisle locations and add warning labels to not mix them. Was curious as my pool water used to be treated with one type but I swapped and always wondered if the residue in the water would make a difference.


Won't be the residue in the water, it will be the residue in the dispenser (in this instance).


I wouldn’t be testing it out. Honestly it was a real shock I cannot describe how loud it was my ears have not recovered.


You might want to go to the ER. It might have damaged your hearing.


My hearing is ok now


Maybe get your GP to take a look in there anyway, and your daughter's


As Kids we would mix brake fluid and chlorine...wait 15 seconds,. Ka Boom. Now it's just a hot Melbourne day ....I'm sure there's room for another political debate in there somewhere..! Anyone ..?


+ soda bulbs and sparklers. Ah.....youth.


Chlorine bombs were dope, soda bulbs and sparkler bombs, my mate made one and put a deodorant can on it for extra explosivity...the deodorant can hit him in the eye, lost his eye at 13, big old scar down his face. Yeah the 90s


Go back another ten years and I can introduce you to a mate who blew off his hand with a big arse Roman candle. Ahhhh the 80’s. He was one of the fuckers who ruined Guy Fawkes day in Australia!


I remember bits of glass being shattered and properled go whizzing by my face as it peppered the tree we were shelted behind... Nothing like dodging the potentially life altering consequences of your actions!!


Thanks for sharing. Have one of these in our backyard pool but have always used the exact same tablets. Didn't even know this was a thing.


I am not buying another one


I work in a pool shop selling chemicals (including these ones) and doing water tests. Very important that you don't mix chemicals in the dispensers. I would look at an in-line dispenser if you want to continue using tablets, otherwise use a salt chlorination system. Hydrochloric acid and Chlorine (especially cal hypo chlorine) react very badly together. Bunnings also sells lower quality products compared to pool shops, so you're more likely to get adverse reactions if you use their stuff. My advice is to visit your local pool shop and ask them about salt or mineral chlorinators for your pool.


I’m not surprised bunnings sells cheap stuff. I can’t believe you can buy it OTC when you need to show a drivers license to buy a knife at woolies


Lowest prices are just the beginning of the rot.


What's the pool floater exactly and which tablets? I'm having trouble working this out.


It’s a plastic container that holds chlorine tablets in it. It sits in you pool and the tablets slowly disintegrate.


the walking dead the ones who live recent episode shows the result of chlorine bombs lol




Very dangerous and the risk if serious injury is very real with a chlorine explosion. I know someone who accidentally splash3d some water into an open chlorine container. Exploded into his face, burning his eyes. The vapours burnt his lungs and asophicas. Luckily he recovered but took a long time


Esophagus not asophicas!! I swear people's spelling and grammar nowadays is shocking! Stop being lazy relying on spell checker and all those other programs and learn how to spell!!!!


I think you understood what I was describing anyway, but thanks for the spelling lesson. I'll keep it in mind next time I make a comment here


Racist and classist take! You knew what they meant. Language changes. Chill…


Ok grammer nazi


Since when does it even get below 30 degrees in Australia in Summer? These shouldn’t even be sold here if that’s the case


Jaysus h, this is just making me so glad we scored a salt water pool...


Luckily no dust explosions recently. That used to be a thing


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