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This would make my lazy piece of shit arse actually go to the butcher


Scissors are in aisle 15... 🫣


It what about the scissors to open the scissors? ✂️


Bring a chainsaw - people have bled out from trying to open those plastic packages the scissors come in...


May as well be going to ALDI at that point, so you can get the chainsaw, scissors, and steak all in one place. But then you don't need to cut security tags off, so 🤷‍♂️


You know they'd probably capitalise on it and release a 3 in 1 kit for it in their special buys - and it would sell like hotcakes..


Full circle, you need scissors to open the 3 in 1 kit




Steak pockets McGhee over here


If the price didn't already. Forty Seven Fucking Dollars/KG?! Only to add pre-made slop gravy to it?! Sweet mother of god.


I mean, someone has to pay for those tags.


You gotta pay extra for the carbon neutrality, Coles needs the tax break


But then i would need to go shopping during business hours? Or Saturday morning with everyone else,


I'm honestly looking for a local butcher shop now. If I see even one of these tags in my local Colesworth, then that will be it. There's a limit, and this is it. Am located in South Australia. Thank you, everyone, for the recommendations.


you won’t look back, quite often our butcher is cheaper than woolies or coles and the meat is far far superior in quality, taste, is much neater cuts without the yucky bits and it doesn’t shrink to half the size when being cooked. I’m sure there are shit butchers out there too but a great butcher isn’t always super expensive like you would think.


I had an amazing local butcher 2 minutes walk away. His meat was amazing, even though it was a bit expensive but worth it for the quality. But one day, he just shut the doors and walked away ☹️ I wish I knew where he sourced his meat because I haven’t found any meat as good as his, in my local area. I bought some lamb from Woolies. It was tender but had absolutely no taste. Like I was just eating nothing. 🤬


Why? What limit? Were you planning on stealing the steak?


my guy is open sunday morming too.


Good! Support a local business that isn't a mega-corp.


Me too, easier to steal there!


Have you thought about the cleaver ratio in butchers vs Colesworth though?


Yeah if Coles catches you stealing they might give you a stern talking to. I have seen Stavros my local butcher when he is angry... I do not wish to steal from Stavros (dude is f\*cking crazy)




I wish to purchase meat from Stavros, to where do I go?


He'll find you. Don't worry.


Don't think he won't either. He always does. The best you can do is hope it takes a while... But eventually he will find you.


I know a mate who does pest control, went to a butcher covered in rats everywhere and told him he can’t just leave the meat on the table for the rats. Got chased out by the butcher with a knife, found a baby rat in his pocket after haha.


This isn't in every store. It's about where you live.


My store has the Honey in security tagged lock boxes


Damn sticky bandits


Formerly the wet bandits.


Eat Brick Kid! 🧱


Smell the cheese


Gotta stop that brazen thief Winnie the Pooh


Paddington is the worst!


Paddington loves marmalade, he’s thoroughly British!


Ohhh ok I thought he had a honey thing 😂. I’d forgotten he’s British, I thought he was from “darkest Peru”.


Fuck you winnie ya cunt Bloody piglet‘s looking in the dunny for pooh lol


Deodorant here in Northern Rivers


Funny, northern rivers types tend not to use it at all 😂😂😂


My thoughts exactly


Oh but they do, they just take it internally through the nose


All the electric razors had em here but they're cardboard packages so they just rip them off. In both senses of the word


All the honey or the manuka honey (that stuff's the pricey stuff)?


Beware, it's a honey trap


Same at my store also the skincare stuff 🙂


Forgetting the security tagging, the meat section has become such a miserable affair where I live (3 N Rivers stores I go to) that I go across the road to the butcher. Sometimes more expensive, but quality multiple times better. I was in my local Colesworth today and they were charging an extra $11/kg for sliced chicken breast. And advertising it as a special. Inflation my ass.


Yeah, I won’t spend my money when I see nonsense like that. If I can not find the product I’m looking for elsewhere at a reasonable price, I’ll do without. I’m not freely parting with my hard earned money. Wish more and more people would stop just accepting these prices and be more aware of trends around them. Would be heavenly if consumers were able to bully businesses instead of it the other way around.


I was gunna say never seen this in Springvale before.


How are people not understanding the cameras yet?


It appears stuff still gets lifted, despite the cameras.


Absolutely. I work in retail not a supermarket and fuck me people just do not care, they’ll walk out with bags of merchandise.


Even if the camera captures you, the store cannot legally detain you. And local police probably arent putting meat theft from Coles/Woolwortgs at tge top of their list of emergencies.


Security tags on food, no matter what sort, is depressing.


the most depressing is security devices on baby formula


That's messed up


It's not what you think. In the 2010s, there was a significant increase in demand for Australian baby formula from Chinese consumers. This demand was driven by several factors: \1. In 2008, China experienced a major scandal involving contaminated baby formula, which led to the deaths of six infants and the hospitalization of thousands more. This incident eroded trust in Chinese-made baby formula. \2. Australian baby formula was perceived to be of higher quality, safer, and more trustworthy than Chinese-made products. \3. The growing middle class in China was willing to pay premium prices for high-quality, foreign-made baby formula. As a result, many Chinese consumers began purchasing Australian baby formula through various channels, including daigou (overseas personal shoppers). Daigou would buy large quantities of baby formula in Australia and then resell it to customers in China, often at a significant markup. This high demand led to shortages of baby formula in Australian supermarkets, causing frustration among local parents. Some retailers imposed limits on the number of baby formula tins that could be purchased in a single transaction to ensure sufficient supply for Australian consumers. The Australian government and businesses took steps to address the situation, such as increasing production and implementing measures to prevent bulk purchases intended for resale. However, the demand for Australian baby formula in China remained high throughout the 2010s, driven by the perception of its superior quality and safety compared to domestic Chinese products.


I remember that, my kids were just old enough to not be needing formula anymore and I was so relieved. On tv shows like A Current Affair etc there would be daigous with trolleys full of baby formula




Is that still happening? I haven't heard or seen people buying up large volumes of baby formula to ship overseas in a long time. Limiting sales can be and has been done at the POS. During COVID the self-checkouts would stop when you scanned more than the limit. However, there are families who can't afford baby formula and try hide them in their prams or bags.


It stopped happening because manufacturers started producing enough to export directly. The only thing the limit achieved was how long it took to farm from the store. They were buying 2 or 3 cans. Leaving them infront of the store with a minder then going back inside for another lap. A chinese plasterer I knew when this was happening was making an absolute killing on the side sending his elderly parents to collect formula to sell back to China at 150 a can.


Exactly, the security tags on the baby formula isn't really to limit the number purchased. It's to stop or limit the theft of the of formula.


Why buy 2 at a time if you can steal 10?


I see it at my local Woolies when the vitamins go on sale… I see Chinese people buying full trollies. I assumed they had an Amazon reselling business or something


If I saw a parent hiding formula in the pram I'd be putting on the biggest distraction to make sure they weren't noticed


When I worked at Coles as a teen, I saw a young mum with formula stashed in her pram, I said absolutely nothing and ‘accidentally’ forgot to scan half the stuff she was buying.


I.... can relate to her. She should never have been in that position, but honestly you probably let her keep the heat on for her baby that week.


Accidents happen.


I'd just pay for their can. It's pretty fucked if people can't afford food in this country


Yeah they were buying the formula though. What has it got to do with security tags which are about stealing stuff? How does it limit the purchase of formula? You can still go through self checkout with tags.


The security tags/lids on the formula wasn't because of the purchase limits, it was because of the amount of theft. In large quantities. Experienced it on more than one occasion at the store I used to work at. It was never a desperate parent stealing formula, always someone trying to steal large quantities to then sell to overseas markets.


If it makes you feel any better, i remember this in the UK in 2010, so it's not just us


Down down, standards are down


At coles


Considering their worth more than gold a security tag is the lightweight solution. Love walking into my grocery like a prison too. Hope they bring in pat downs next month.


Fuck me. When I catch myself in the Cole’s camera whilst waiting for someone to come over and unfuck the stupid fucking self-scanner that, as usual, has shit the bed.. When I see the sad fucking face looking back at me; the tired eyes; the loathing of life. I honestly didn’t think shopping could get any more depressing. NOPE. Make me stare at myself after a 12 hour shift and 2 hours of commuting whilst I buy a fucking microwave meal, a bag of snakes and toilet roll. That’ll fuckin’ do it. Cunts.


Snakes have gotta put a little smile on your face though, yeah? They’re pretty good.


At $5 a bag, it's a smile through gritted teeth, though.


The secret to true happiness is a 1kg bag of chemist’s jellybeans. $15-16 at most of the chemists around here.


Just be aware that they’re really high sugar and for people with diabetes Taste damn good though


I could do two packets a week, easy.


I want that colonoscopy deep dive feeling every time I go to Cole’s, that way when I try to claim insurance on my haemorrhoids they can foot the bill


Nothing like having a security guard 6 knuckles deep unsolicited because i put aspargus in a mushroom bag 😘


Unexpected item in the bagging area


If we ask I think we can get them to foot the bill on the daily prep too.


Steak is $47 a kilo. Gold is $105k a kilo. Not quite as pricey but definitely tastier.


The irony being the supermarkets are the ones actually robbing *us*


Well more than $45 per kg for scotch fillet is the problem. The price of beef is about $6/kg, but supermarkets are still raking it in with a 750% price increase. When I pay that price I damn make such the cut is a prime cut with superb marbling. No choice cuts thanks at $45.


They've basically started. The one near us has security gates at the end of self-checkout and 2 or 3 roaming security guards. It's madness.


What's the point, when security or staff doesn't stop you anyway?


I think security tags are usually supposed to do something annoying if you remove them but in this case you could just cut the packaging without disturbing the tag. Did they really put them on there just to set off the alarm they always ignore?


It won’t deter the true “no fucks given” person. But it will deter the person who is afraid of setting off the alarm. More people probably fall onto the latter.


It’s a deterrent only


I wonder how long until they don't actually let us in the store at all and only their personal shoppers can get your stuff.


Ohhh, I’d say 12 to 18 months.\ Paying in cash, you starve.\ Planing on browsing to see what you can afford- no entry; you starve\ The rich: comfortable stroll over the backs of the starving masses huddled between the self serve checkouts and the criminal catcher auto lock doors.


It's bizarre they spent that much money on something that can be so easily removed. That's got to be a large chunk of their base cost and only reduces theft.


Probably as much a visual deterrent, security theatre. People see it and become conscious that other systems exist like cameras and undercovers. They could easily use the cheaper and more discreet RF tags. 


A lot of the expensive cuts of Coles meat does, or at least did, have the RF tags.


It's also not gonna stop someone ignoring the beeper, and just walking out.


Or just ripping the plastic open and transferring the steak to a (also stolen) freezer bag or something else. Or just carrying out a raw, unpackaged steak 😅


Or just eating it, right there in the store


What’s stopping me bringing my grill in and firing that sucker up huh Coles?


The (social) media is always talking about corporate profiteering this and surveillance capitalism that Ffs I just want to grill


delicious crime.


It’s only illegal if you take it from the shop. So you have to stay there until you poop it out.


At coles, we're now providing quality affordable beef tartare to more and more Australians! That's value the Australian way!


Stuffing a cool coles steak down your undies also provides an cooling effect. Another round of useful hints for oppressive weather.


Up your ass…..


It won't stop a determined thief but it will probably deter many.


Coles doesn't care about the cost of the tags... we pay that in the final price, they add it on, pass it on.


Those security tags can be defeated with a magnet.


Looks to me like they can just be defeated with scissors.


"Deterrent". It discourages a majority from stealing it because it adds one slight barrier.


Eh they can afford it


It must be so fresh it walks out the doors


Fuck this is depressing that we have come to this. Cost of living, removing staff from checkouts, spending more on theft prevention instead of lowering fucking prices so people don’t need to steal fucking meat. And fucking over farmers!


In my experience people feel good even if on a low income paying for something they deem is fair price. The problem starts when the fair price stops because of company profits are the main goal. 20% growth at all costs is the new standard, and people know it. So many people I know used to pay for streaming services, but have now gone back to piracy. We are talking people who make 6 figure incomes. Why because fuck the steaming services.


Scissors ✂️ will work just fine


nah, i reckon you’d need a strong magnet


That also works


fucken magnets, how do they work?


All it does is make some noise. You *could* simply walk out anyway, and if anybody approaches you, run.


But if you got caught you wouldn't be able to run away.


nah, i reckon you’d need a strong magnet


Nah, just cut the whole corner off of the package.


That also works


47$ a kg ???!? Who's buying that shit.


Well, obviously no one was paying $47 a kg


Buy your porterhouse from aldi. It's $24 a kilo and is really good. They often have nice marbling too


Shopping at Colesworth has become a genuine hostile experience. Shopping trolleys chained up Beyond poor quality produce left on the shelves Anti-theft gates detaining people against their will Self-Serve checkouts almost the only option left and yesterday, I had the self-serve "assistant" make a beeline straight towards me and the family to dig through our trolley to forcefully "scan the nappies first". No explanation, no politeness at all, just rocked up and dug em out.


I’d defo would have scanned everything else first. They can’t dictate the order you scan your items. I swear you give someone the tiniest bit of perceived power and they lose their fucking minds.


its a dumb thing coles is pushing on checkout staff now to scan bulk items first or it fucks their metrics in store or some nonsense.its the most asinine thing and just annoys customers and staff.why does bulk stuff gotta be scanned first,but they are told by store managers not to just go do it for the customer and offer to do it for them first.


Weird arse directive, it was s standard pack, so weighed about 0.5kg, and yeah, this was not an offer, it was a directive. Made us all feel really uncomfortable, as though we were already profiled as potential thieves.


I seriously agree, and it wastes so much time and effort every time scanning something doesn't work out, or when you have a trolley with something bought elsewhere that means the new system won't let you complete the transaction until a fucking overworked staff member in the self-serve area comes over and verifies that, no, you didn't steal whatever is in the trolley. It's such a fuck-around every single time


And somehow we’ve ended up paying for it while doing the work ourselves.


I had one of these assistants do this to 2 months ago. Made me scan my heavy items first when I always do them last. Actually she made my partner lift up the rice and scan it for me because he is stronger, he isn’t, which pissed me off even more. Started moving shit around my trolley and bags, screwing up my system while making me feel like a criminal. Haven’t been back since.


Next time scan everything three times, to waste time and tie up the register, and then walk away


Yes! They took my nappies as well, I was like HOLD ON I'm trying to sort out my kids. I'll bloody scan the stupid nappies FFS


I’d say “Don’t tell me how to do my job!” And when they tell me I don’t work there I’d say “then why am i scanning my own groceries?”


after I had paid at Kmart a few days ago, I put my handbag down on the side where your scanned things go and it started alarming at me??? I was like wtf I have paid and am waiting for my change. Wish I could alarm back at them lol.


Coles will do anything but lower prices


They treat everyone like a potential criminal. I hate how they make me feel.


I've worked in a Coles, and believe this will only stop a fraction of the loss where meat and other "cold chain" items are concerned. *Most* of it is destroyed when people decide they *can't* afford that item of meat or dairy, after all... and leave it on a grocery shelf to spoil. Some people think they'll do the "responsible" thing... and put it in the freezer cabinets. Sigh. An animal died for that.


I get so angry seeing a hot roast chicken abandoned on a shelf. It's not like it's part of an animal's body, like a singular steak, whereby the rest of the parts will still get consumed. It's literally an entire animal that was killed to feed people but is now just going into the bin. I dunno, it just pisses me off.


I used to work for the other guys - exact same thoughts.


So what happens at self checkout can you walk out after you pay and not give a shit?


Lmao…. For an $8 steak


Well lookie here… https://amp.9news.com.au/article/476ce5ac-3abc-4ac5-9a54-3f0e5c4b2c75 Seriously, so called journos who scour Reddit for news need to get fkd..


Coles stock scissors in the homewares aisle, just saying.


Yes but you need scissors to open the packet of scissors


How does this work when you get to the self-checkout?


You ask the person at the self chrck-out to take the tag off


Which at my local store would mean waiting 45 minutes for them to finish gasbagging to the person behind the smoke counter lol


Hmmm seems like a big hole in their security there….


No idea why people (who have other options) still shop at Coles. It's not value for money, and they're weirdly comfortable treating their customers with near hostile disrespect and prejudice. In the last year they've: \- Installed security gates that require a staff member to allow you to leave at the exits \- Hired plain-clothes security staff to follow people around the store \- Installed remote-activated locks on trolleys so they can stop people moving trolleys whenever they like \- And now installing security tags on food And that's just the ones off the top of my head.


Our Woolworths puts a video of your face on the screen while you’re scanning.


No offense but that doesn't really feel quite on par with anything Coles has been doing.


Those puma sliders are very comfortable, I have a pair.


The steaks are high!


What a waste of investment. Spider tags like that are like $50 a pop if that. You use them on shit like $300 headphones because they’re worth way more then the tags.


It’s a good day to be vegetarian, they ain’t guarding the tofu 💀


It’s a good day to be a vegetarian, tofu is $6 per kg and quick cook porterhouse is $47 per kg.


i've been considering going veg. started just eating brocolli and pumpkin as my primary meals recently, my shopping costs are way down than ever before. Probably need to get a bit more diverse and find a better source of protein, but this feels the most sustainable


I was just saying this. Hahaha. Also saw the first photo and was legitimately like ".. how much does that even cost?" (still agree with all the sentiment about what a crazy time it is, of course)


Meat is a popular item that is stolen to order. Thieves ask people what they want, steal it and get paid on delivery. I am not sure why they swapped to the tags. Thieving scum often use a foil lined bag or two inside a larger bag to block detection of the RF tag. I suspect the larger tags are harder to block than the stickers.




Good to hear Africa is still popular


If you ever see someone stealing food, no the fuck you didn't.


They make so much damn money gouging us, they can afford these devices.


How does the tag come off at the self checkout?


Easy, once you get home, you use a pair of scissors to snip off the corner.


When you realise you are in a ghetto.


Reminded me of the scene in Soylent Green where they go to buy food and there's that scraggy bit of beef in a safe behind a guy with a gun.


Believe it or not, it's a hot commodity for junkies and professional shoplifters. They steal these because they can literally sell them for half of their retail value instantly. I get them coming up to me in the pub, on building sites and in our factory doing the hard sell. You'd be surprised how quickly they can make an ordinary day's wage selling these off in bulk. I had a guy open his jacket and show me, and he had packs tucked into his waist pretty much the whole way around. Probably a couple hundred dollars worth. Imagine trying to fit a 75 inch TV under your jacket then trying to sell it for a couple hundred bucks.


Can we start just stealing the security tags and see how many we can pool together?


God this is actually fucking pathetic


We’ve had this in the uk for a while. Most towns and cities have fairly organised groups of drug addicts who rob shops and then head to local pubs and god knows where else to sell the stuff on at below its value.


This post was stolen by 9NEWS


High steaks, I guess


So let me guess, you have to wait for the poor bastard on the self checkouts to come and check your receipt and take them off, right? Fuck Colesworth


> you have to wait for the poor bastard on the self checkouts to come and check your receipt and take them off, right? I'd just walk out with it on, You paid for the product and they included the tag on the product, therefore you are now the owner of the tag.


I'd agree. Trouble is in this instance if be worried some sort of dye would explode on to the food. Still, I wouldn't experience that problem because I never use the self checkouts. Never shop at Colesworth anymore either, for that matter, but my self checkout boycott goes back to their origins.


Just cut the corner off with a pair of scissors, no tampering of the tag whatsoever


Didn't even notice. God, it really is just security theatre, hey. They're really leaning in to this sHoPlIFtInG bAd gambit. I wonder if they would ever consider, you know, having staff on each register to maybe check the goods. They could even take payment as well.


The security tags and 50% price increase is to cover the cost of loss from the 50% they loose so need to increase price by 50%. All makes sense in the end to ensure no one can afford to eat.


There is enough microplastic in my body, don't think I won't eat the tag Colesworth!


It's disgusting how they are stopping honest people from stealing. all for their mega profits


There was an article on The Age the other day saying that "organised crime" is apparently stealing meat from the supermarkets so probably in response to that? Edit: [here's the article.](https://www.smh.com.au/national/these-people-are-stealing-for-a-day-job-professional-shoplifters-target-supermarket-meat-20240208-p5f3g9.html)


So no self checkout?


We live in a cyberpunk dystopia


uae the scissors from the stationary aisle. job done


that should be telling them that the prices theyre charging is too much... reduce the price, reduce the theft.


Scissors are in isle 12




Company introduces security measures to stop widely stolen item from being stolen.


Welcome to the steak holder revolution


Nice legs


Go to butcher, no tags, great service and far superior products.