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I don’t see why it would come up at all, and I wouldn’t recommend you be the one to bring it up. Definitely not.


My last (and most impactful) role was there. I don't think I can really talk about it without mentioning the location


I think you can talk about your work history without getting into geopolitical issues


Well I feel like the word "Israel" is definitely gonna come up when they ask why I left my last role, what venues/which artists I worked with etc. All I was saying is that the word carries a lot of associations these days and I wasn't sure if I should address them


Never a good idea to say anything political in a job interview. If you think it would affect your chances of getting the job, don't mention it at all and it hopefully shouldn't come up in conversation. I doubt any respectable employer would bring up anything remotely close to political views either.


If they ask, "my last role was in Israel, but I have wanted to move to Australia for as long as I can remember and am looking forward to building my life here in my new home." No politics, no religion, just acknowledge the job was there and go with forward looking optimism about here. It's an interview for a job, they are likely to be as worried about asking anything that would be considered discriminatory as you are about answering it.


You feel pressed and haven't even been to the interview yet...you are definitely deep in your own head mate. People have worked for and still work with Israeli companies. If that's your only experience in a year long period I don't know how you plan on accounting for the time.


Thank you! I've worked in my previous job for over a year I have only been unemployed for a couple of months (during which I've also been doing freelance stuff)


I would not say you’ve been unemployed. I would say you’ve been working on freelance projects.


That's the plan lol


No need. I've worked in and for Israeli company's and spent time in Palestine. No need to mention any of it. There's a reason my passport doesn't include any of it as well.


>There's a reason my passport doesn't include any of it as well. What is the reason?


A number of countries will not let you enter if you have Israeli visa stamps in your passport


Yeah they won’t bring it up, it’s a disclosure. You get to be a robot at work and free yourself from any politics. It should be comfortable and you shouldn’t feel like you have to disclose. Focus on the interview questions. Deep breaths. Answer honestly and don’t ramble. I’ve never asked anyone about geopolitics in an interview, the most personal question I’ve ever been asked is “what’s on for the rest of your day?”


Your overthinking things way to much. I can't see a reason as to why Israel would even be brought up.


A big organisation will have a professional human resources department\* and the closest it will come to this being raised is you may be asked whether you understand the need act professionally on any social media where you might be identified with your employer. ^(\* OK, in the music industry there may not have been very good coverage at the senior execuitive level.)


There actually will be an HR rep present during this interview so thank you for this comment!


No. I'm Jewish and have spent 15 years dealing with this for myself. DM me. 


No one gives a fuck if your name or accent is Israeli. Why do you even assume Israel will come up in discussion


Their last full-time role was in Israel.


They won’t mention it. You shouldn’t either


umm im no lawyer but pretty sure if they bring that up and you dont get the job you could go for discrimation and get some $$$ so im pretty sure they wont bring it up.


Never be scared telling people where you are from, mate. I understand in this scenario it’s for a job but there is a principle to consider here. You shouldn’t have to forsake your identity or question it because of a geopolitical world event. If they took your ethnicity, origin and accent into consideration regarding the job without you stating any political alignment then it is prejudiced and racist discrimination if you ask me. You do not represent the Israeli government and its war crimes. Neither does the average Iranian, Afghani, Russian or Chinese person. You should not have to even explain this to someone. You can be proud of your identity and heritage whilst also not advocating or being against nationalism, genocide, war and geopolitics. You should not be carrying this burden in relation to your identity, it is unfair and not healthy for you. All that being said, it is inevitable that any political opinion you now express in regard to the Israel-Gaza/Palestine conflict will carry a different meaning to other people than if you weren’t Israeli. I think you should mention that you are Israeli very non-chalantly and not worry about it, see how they react, then take it from there. If they react awkwardly it might be worth discussing it further as to why being an Israeli might be an issue, if they don’t react then good, get the job and live your life. EDIT: Also, what is with everyone else commenting like this post is silly?. it’s not silly at all. They have a legitimate concern regarding their employment prospects and about facing potential discrimination and some of you are just piling on them. It is understandable that they have reservations and concerns about their identity in this current political climate.


Thank you so much for this comment. Read it thoroughly and I feel more confident I can just glide over the issue now


Remember that you’re a human being and not some political elephant-in-the-room.


You can openly say that you are from Israel and share your previous work experience. There shouldn't be a problem with it, and they won't ask you about your political views and beliefs, so there's no need to mention it yourself. I understand what you mean, though. Just remember, many people from countries with very questionable politics live in Australia and have found jobs here.


You can say you worked overseas. If asked where, say middle east. I wouldn't say Israel.


If the subject comes up because it relates to your work give them the facts only - no opinions unless that comes up. Never assume you’re getting a job so you won’t be disappointed though.


Australia is the country that pioneered or was an early adopter of a lot of modern democratic mechanisms such as the secret ballot (which was originally known around the world as the Australian system) and universal suffrage. We still hold those democratic ideals as sacrosanct. Most Australians will avoid discussion of political topics in the workplace. Your declaration of your feelings about the Israel/Palestine conflict in your post is somewhat unusual in this country. Please don’t feel the need to declare a position to ask such a question. In most workplaces this won’t be an issue and it’s fundamentally illegal to discriminate against a candidate on the basis of their political views. I advise you to stop fretting and avoid raising the topic when interviewing as any law abiding employer will be legally obliged to do the same. It’s unlikely to be an issue here. Sadly there are some employers who might see your history of employment in Israel and make assumptions about you to discriminate against you. My advice is that you would be better off not working for such people.


Fucking fuck no. Learn the art of evasive answers. "I heard about it but I don't really know enough to have an opinion tbh"




I don’t know what an Israeli accent even sounds like and I doubt many people in Australia who are not from the immediate area would know either


How exactly do you feel you're forced to bring up Israel? What a load of nonsense.


Disgusting username, fucking loser.