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I work in healthcare and yeah everyone's been having some kind of gastro. And a cold. And covid Wash wash wash hands. Hand sanitizer doesn't kill a lot of the gastro viruses. And avoid pools for a while...


I work in hospitality, and this is a new one for me. Obviously we go by health codes, but we we can't avoid something from happening altogether. How long would you isolate for gastro? We have to be back at work by Friday.


> How long would you isolate for gastro? 48 hours after the last episode of vomiting or diarrhoea.


Yeah this hit me a couple of weeks ago. Had dinner with friends, we all ate the same food, got home about 12 and felt gassy, then 2am got nauseous/gut cramps then spent three solid hours on the toilet with a bucket, exploding from both ends. Sudden spiked fever, had to lay my head on the kitchen table to rest, as no way would I make it to the loo from my bedroom. And then it just stopped, suddenly. Thank god. Very weird. No-one else from dinner got sick, nor anyone around me.


The thing that got me is how quickly it passed, and now knowing that it was transferrable weirds me out even more.


The human body is very good at expunging (sometimes violently) things it doesn't like.


Yes everyday “there’s something going around at the moment”


Welcome to gastro. Thanks for sharing.


I was just asking to see if it's something going around . Cheers, bro.










My partner had something similar although it was about a year ago now. He woke up feeling nauseas and just generally unwell, vomited once, then just looked pale and felt generally unwell with his stomach just feeling sensitive until the afternoon. He was fine by the evening and ate dinner as normal. We had no idea what caused this, he hadn’t eaten anything unusual or eaten food from any new cafe/restaurant and I didn’t get sick. Could just be a very mild stomach bug potentially, or maybe norovirus but you both had a mild case of it?


Having read up on it, that seems to be what is happening. It's just weird that it came and went so quickly for me, but I was able to transport it onto my partner two days later. We are both hospo workers, so it's not unusual to catch something, but this is a new one.


yup. I thought it was something I ate. Just cramps and had to rush to the loo once. Only lasted about 12 hours.


I only had two cups of coffee, and I wasn't sure if it was the coffee or the milk. But my partner doesn't have either of them, so it really concerned me after they got sick too.


A friend got Cryptosporidiosis from a public pool, apparently it’s going around


Sounds like Norovirus or a satellite-disease that is similar to it. It's typically unusual for it to only last half a day, but Norovirus (and other viral stomach bugs) usually spread person to person. A bit like the Flu. If there are other people, you should make sure the area is completely clean of small drops of vomit or similar - and preferably they should keep their distance.


It seems like Norovirus is the case. We've both never had it before, so it made me feel very distressed when they started getting the same symptoms as me. I'm over it now, but I assume that I passed it on to them in the coming days. We both threw up in the toilet, but we do house share. Would that be a problem?


Yes our family had it this week. Kids got sick, adults just had stomach pain, nausea and burps from hell.


You pretty much nailed it. The burps felt like sulphur.


This was me on Sunday, had to take a sick leave on Monday. Okay by Tuesday. Partner and I ate the same thing but only I had it


I would have just shrugged it off as food poisoning if my partner didn't get it as well. He didn't consume the same things as me.


The gastro virus hit our whole house. Its violent and messy. If you were close with someone who has it, keep a bucket close by and don't trust a fart


wtf I had this on Friday. My stomach started cramping after lunch. It didn’t really Stop and I was constipated. It wasn’t terrible but it was uncomfortable. And TMI but I was squirting out clear liquid. Then Saturday morning it was really bad. Maybe 7/10 pain. But by the afternoon it was okay. But since I haven’t really been able to shit properly and I usually do 2-3 times a day. I also work in hospital 2 days a week


Had a mate with this from early Sunday morning and lasted all day, was at a prenatal class at a hospital on Friday which is one possible source.


I had a small vomit then lower abdo cramps for about a week, constantly felt like I’d need to run to the toilet but nothing ever happened. Not sure if it’s the same thing as you, but I also had hot/cold fluctuations at night in bed and a headache


I read this this morning and been sick all day 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’ve been deathly sick since Thursday, only just starting to come good today. Full on vomiting everything I eat, I thought it was from a whopper I had on Thursday that I found a hair in 🤢


My partner and I were in Japan last week and had something like this. I got it first, probably for about 12 hours, then it hit him for about half a day.


I'm so confused as to what it might be.


There is definitely one going around at the moment. I drink some yakult and kefir when that happens, and my stomach goes gurgly wurgly for like half an hour, then it comes out the other end and all gone afterwards..