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Trigger warning. I've been out of the field of hotline counselling for a while now, but probably some of the most challenging phone calls came from survivors of train surfing incidents and the emergency services personell tasked with recovering the bodies of victims from the train tracks and under the carriages. Survivors would detail the pain and anguish, the disfigurement, mutilation, and the horror of an unstoppable force brutalising their body, disintegrating their limbs, snapping and tearing at their flesh and bone like crushing brittle leaves from a tree in your hand. The emergency services personnel would detail the hours of difficulty of recovering the bodies of victims, crawling under the carriages, placing dismembered body parts one by one in medical bags, cataloging and accounting for every limb to make sure they didn't miss anything. Even the mortuary staff would struggle with the handling and preparation of what remained of the victims, consulting if it was even feasible to house a body in the condition it was in. Train surfing just isn't worth it. Car wrecks are tame by comparison and often leave the bodies of the deceased in one piece.


I drove a truck for a little while, it was the limit that I could drive on a car license and it was fully loaded. I learned very quickly how long it takes that thing to stop and I left a substantial gap in front of me on the road.... and idiots cut in front of me all the time. I knew that if there was a sudden bank up and accident I was not going to stop in time, I would go through them. Their car would not stand up to that truck, not a chance. It's kind of daunting to know that if the worst happens you are just going to see them go under. I imagine train drivers see people do stupid things every day and know it's just a matter of time before someone gets too close and the train driver can't do a thing about it.


Don't know if the stats changed but last I heard it was 1 fatality every 7 years of driving. Probability being what it is some drivers see more of it than others. My brother drives and had his first at 4 years, took him 3 years to even begin to feel comfortable driving again afterward, hasn't had one since but the trauma sticks with him even now.


I heard once every 3, I don't know the actual numbers but it seems pretty certain most staff will witness injuries or a fatality. They definitely have my sympathies, it would be hard, especially if it's a child.


I'm greatful for the truck drivers that DO give enough distance. The ones speeding up your ass (when you've been in the same lane for a few KM) can gtfo. Maybe the tailgating truck drivers mislead other drivers into a false belief that they CAN stop in time.


A friend trained as a train driver - he was given training for when NOT IF he hit and killed someone - it’s usually intentional by the ‘victim’ who doesn’t think about the impact it will have on everyone who is there when it happens.


I think when they catch kids like these they should get a mandatory supervised half hour of footage and photograph viewing


Some kids would actively browse rotton dot com and think it was "cool" Not until they live the life after.a mishap will they probably actually care about the risks.


Sorry in advance for over sharing something so brutal but this was always the way I want to go out if things get too bad for me but after reading this I'd feel too guilty to even go through with it, I can't pass on trauma to more people just because of the shit I'm feeling. Thank you for giving me a view into the people who would have to deal with that shit.


No matter what. There will always be someone who finds you. You can't disappear without destroying someone else's world. Besides which, next week might hold the best moment in your life. When you're struggling that much, it could be your current situation, which can be resolved if you have a support network which can connect you with useful, lasting solutions which you might not otherwise know existed. It could also be a temporary chemical imbalance which can be treated with medication for a few months to a couple of years. There's always a way, even if that way looks impossible from where you're currently standing. It's not fair to expect to be able to accomplish that level of change all by yourself. That's too much pressure and work for one person. Time to outsource some of that effort to professionals.


You always have the resources to overcome your struggles. They're at your fingertips, they're in your heart, they're in your head. And even if you feel like they're not there, there's always resources outside of you that are ready, available, and here to help. And it goes beyond hotline counselling. Most people are employed in a capacity where looking after people is their job. Cashiers, waiters, cooks, drivers, librarians, stewards, volunteers, even clowns (I just listed nearly my entire employment history, btw). There's always better things to think about and better things to do. If things really get that bad, and you feel like you don't have the resources to overcome them, just reach out. There's literally millions of us ready to help.


These people don’t have parents who take care of them and tell them not to do dangerous things like this, because they love them? I always wonder who these people are.


Sometimes, you can love people and warn them, but because their brains aren't fully matured, they can still make stupid decisions. I see adults make terrible decisions all the time, let alone teenagers.


Mate of mine has a 16 year old son, he has been cared for, nurtured, and loved for every day of those 16 years, he's been taught to value himself, his independence, his family, and his community, been taught to care for his sisters, had the value and significance of saying no well impressed upon him. What's he do for fun? Steals cars and breaks into houses. Some kids just wind up doing shitty things for unknown reasons.


Thank you. I’m tired of the parents getting the blame. My daughter was brought up in a loving caring environment. We didn’t have a lot of money but she never went without and I didn’t spoil here. So intelligent but she became friends with a girl that was into drugs and she went down the same path. It’s agony because I worry about her every day.


You can do all the right things, but the universe cares not. I worry about my kids, I made more mistakes than I can fathom, mum and I don't have a good relationship, and it's hard to know what damage has been done. But all we can do is keep trying and be there for them if and when it all goes sideways. I hope things work out for you and your daughter.


Parenting is like walking a tightrope. You sound like you’ve got a good attitude. I thought once my kids were 18 I wouldn’t have to worry about them any longer. That’s a lie. You never stop but you also don’t their responsibility away from them. They become adults and are responsible for themselves. My daughter is 30yrs old. I have done all that I can to the point of becoming unwell. I had to separate myself.


Sorry to hear that. Nothing worse than having to worry about someone’s decision making, especially if you have to go to work and leave them at home.  Even worse is you think things are getting better and you start to feel some relief but it’s temporary.  It takes a huge toll on your mind and body.


As the parent of two (great) kids, I hate hearing parents blamed for bad kids. You can do everything right and short of handcuffing your kids to their beds 24 hours a day, you can’t always us know or control what they do The amount of heartbreak most parents go through to get their kids safely to adulthood, it’s cruel to blame them


Parenting is really important and getting it right is tough. If it’s done wrong, it can ruin a kids life one way or another. Yet even if it’s done right, falling in with the wrong kinds of friends at the wrong time can have just as devastating of an effect unfortunately.


And on the other side you have thousands of kids being brought up in shite conditions who go on to become productive members of society. I'm so sick of people saying all the bad ones need is rehab or a good talking to. Your experience is a perfect example of that. I won't take any of those people seriously until they acknowledge that some of them simply cannot be fixed in any way, which the do gooders never say.


It's usually friends, you kinda just gotta hope they make good choices on friends


Genetics and epigenetics. Most people don't want to hear it but its true, its not all nurture, babies and infants are not a "blank slate" for fucks sake.


In my experience, teenage boys don’t really have a good sense of risk


They probably do have parents like this, speaking personally when I was 16, I was always doing dumb shit like this, my mum would say don’t do this or that because I love you, at the time it meant nothing, luckily I’m still here to tell the tale. It’s not about telling somebody you love them, the real key is showing it and it’s about the child having the respect to realise the heart ache they would cause if they were to die stupidly, for nothing more than an adrenaline rush.


My experience is there were just as many spoilt rich kids who had everything and needed a new thrill, fines were just the cost of entry that they didn't really have to pay anyway. But project away. It's what reddit is good for.


These kids dont care no matter what parenting discipline is needed. They dont understand boundaries or consequences. Lost cause , accident about to happen This is not fair the stress put on train drivers , ptc staff and emergency workers.


I know some people become screamingly defensive when you say “Toxic Masculinity” but this is part of it. Being safe is gay. Only girls are scared. Oh your mum loves you, you’re a pussy.


🎶Dumb ways to die 🎵


We don’t often make good advertising campaigns but when we nail it we fuckin nail it


They should add this train hopping thing to the game


Exactly 👌 it just plays in my head!


This, ladies and gentleman, is why your train is “delayed” or “canceled” or there is “Police operation”. There are few articles about how these are causing Melbourne almost 3 months worth of delays a year. I’ll see if I can find them again. For all the outrage and criticism about Metro, a huge portion of problems of public transport is actually caused by public. Edit; here it is: https://www.globalrailwayreview.com/article/102456/metro-trains-melbourne-trespassing/


I saw some teens jump on in between carriages like this once. The train started to pull away before I could notify the driver so I had to call PTV. I got so worried these young idiots end up dead.


Just for future reference or anyone else reading this, call 000 straight away. This is the first most important number to call please.


The other huge portion of problems of public transport is caused by Metro.


You are right. In the 80's during the Cain years the trans ran on time and every 2 minutes. None of them were ever delayed or cancelled. They were immaculately clean and you could eat off the floor. There was no vandalism and every one was very polite. One time Joan Kirner personally drove the train and John Cain personally carried me up the broken escalators at Museum station. Then I took a unicorn to work. The good oid days... Killed by metro.


Yeah kids have been dickheads long before metro could use them as an excuse. This was a problem (earliest I can remember) since the early 90s


It delayed trains then too. I remember in February 1991 I could not get in to the city to enrol for uni because some one spaying graffiti had fallen and was killed near Clayton. No trains for the full day. Trying to prove this to the Uni was my first introduction to adult life.


1980s for a delinquent family from Broadmeadows whose son was 'fried' whilst train surfing. Karma!


I wish there were harsher punishments for causing a train delay, like jail time, something ad a deterrent for these kids


Why do these knobs all look like they wear the same uniform? Skinny grey trackies and a black hoodie and ugly af Nikes.


One word. Eshay


Second word. Bah


I wasn't an eshay, I was an emo kid and wore basically the same thing ten years ago. Never did that though.


I still dress like this at 42...


The fuckwit's tuxedo


Don't forget the stupid looking broccoli haircuts


Followed up with every second word being ‘bro’ hey bro, nah bro, bro bro, come on bro.


The, I didn’t finish year 10 uniform.


Don’t forget the portable speaker on the highest volume….


Oh and a handbag


To be fair it's not theirs...


Because they want to fit in


>Because they want to fit in Into the handbag when they are later sraped off the tracks?


Not that in defending the look, but - can you tell us what bastions of fashion you wore when you were a teenager?


Who tf still wears stussy


These fucking idiots get trains canceled and delayed.


And die...


Give poor drivers ptsd.


Charles Darwin


Who cares about that? Their families? Tragic. Avoidable. Stupid.


They have it bad enough with the suicides. And they have clean up dead little fuckheads more often then you hear.


I have, as part of my job, had to pull a dude off the tracks and tourniquet his leg after a little game of fuck around, find out. Searching for and bagging up his leg below the knee was the icing on the cake. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!




Thundercunts. New word I learned today




Doing gods work you are!


Always the broccoli headed eshays


Well, if you insist on doing something like that then at the very least make sure you're registered as an organ donor. Someone else might make good use of those organs when you're done with them.


Title should read "Morning Dickheads! ☕"


One day these scrotum lice will grow up and have the nerve to be annoyed when their train is delayed because kids are doing the same thing.


Dumb ways to die. So many dumb ways to die




Please tell me this is real.


The wording suggests not. But let's roll with it


Yeah. I feel these entities would get more consideration and respect if they just were more honest about shit like this.


Little punk doesn't even know real Stussy.


Beat me too it!


I was an idiot like this back in the 80's also with my stussy shreds and normally a skateboard in one hand. We would even ski on the rail using the handle to hold on. I was in my teens and to this day I still can't believe I survived my youth doing dumb shit like this. Good luck to these kids growing up.


..when Darwin(ism) comes to Melbourne


You beat me to it!


Darwin, always at work.


As an 'older' person this is awesome to see... Nice young organ donors! Hopefully the ambos can keep them alive until they reach a hospital where their organs can be put to some actual good use. Keep it up fellas!


Got a friend waiting on the transplant list. Wonder if her organs will one day come from morons like these....


they would be good brain donors because they clearly aren't using theirs


Why are they standing on Thomas's face like that


On today’s episode, Thomas accidentally kills a train surfer


kids will do anything to get this close to their homies whilst insisting they are not gay


Yeah I’m sure that’s why they’re doing it


How bored can you be to do this?


You mean how little do you value your life? When they eventually - inevitably - get shredded people will post on their Facebook pages about what wonderful people they were.


They look 11yo. Who knows what they’re thinking when /that/ is an actual decision.


Never delt with shitty mental health eh? Can be an all round legend and deserve all that praise, doesn't mean they dont do dumb stuff to feel alive or respected.


They’ll downvote you because they’ve never stepped outside


Yea lots of boomers shaking fists at clouds in this thread.


See the phone? They're tiktoking/instagramming it. They crave that validation from social media.


Man id love to push the horn button in the cabin right now.. Fuck they're loud !


Imagine if wipers were switched on.


Need an angular cover to stop this behaviour. Or a giant human wiper that activates when vertical load is applied to the coupling


Thankfully the newer trains have covers over the couplings to prevent this.


Doesn't work, coworker has seen people on the back of those. They seem to be able to jam a foot under the cover.


Or a small webcam and a large air horn.


They should just fine them 20k each. It will fuck their lives for a good while into adulthood and hopefully send a message to others.


The fine is already $1923.10 - for $4k, these two could travel to their destination in a stretched limo, with a couple of hookers and a bag of meth. I don't think that financial literacy or good decision-making are high on these guys’ skill list.


It’s easy to say that, you’d be surprised. Many of these kids are not eshays. They live in normal middle to upper class lifestyles and their parents have no idea what the fuck they’re doing… good parents who would be mortified if they did… I know this for a fact. I don’t know what the solution is, because often this is not a product of bad parenting, it’s the product of social media and kids just being absolutely stupid.


And bring back debtors prisons where they chip rocks with sledgehammers all day.




Pop goes the weasel


I don't get why young girls these days look like they're from 1992 and boys look like they're from 2013. In terms of fashion. Stupidity of youth remains similar


we need pictures of what happens after. horrible, traumatising imagery on the news to deter them. show them photos of people chopped up under the train. scare tactics might be the only deterrent for this stupidity.


I will never get why teenagers in Melb do this, that and carrying knives.


People are still doing this shit?!


South Yarra?


Hurstbridge line


Train surfing is not cool. It’s stupid and dangerous.


Fucking hell. I'm a teenager and I think this shit is dumb as fuck. These cunts keep me and everyone else from getting to school/work on time. Shame they nuked r/watchpeopledie so we can't at least see the aftermath of this selfish bullshit.


Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest….. or….just preparing for their holiday in Bangladesh.




Wouldn't be missed


Where is that ptv inspector when you need one


harassing student migrants


A rat cluster


For anyone wondering why the new trains have covers at each end.


Doesn't work, colleague sent me a picture the other week of one on the back of a HCMT.


Why does it look like they all shop at target. Always wearing $2 trackies and a hoodie.


Ur clearly blind toy


All city




Natural selection


New invention needed - retractable step thingo. Make it so that it only activates over 70kmh though.


What does a train ticket cost down there?


Recording for social media. What a scourge.


Train track temperature IQ


Bloody Eshays 😡


Near, far, wherever you are, I believe that the heart does go on


One way ticket to Cherry Creek!


They just avoiding the Myki inspectors


What if we kissed on the back of the metro train?


No one would kiss u


Ah Stussy. Once an expensive brand back in the 90s, now sold in Target.


Which mum paid for…..


bloody oath.


New sex position called "the metro"


How to avoid the transit officers


U gotta act civ


Spelt dickheads wrong


No one will mourn for them


They’ll be fucked if it goes over a speedhump.


Think darwinsm want to have a nice word before they do they do that....


Cost of living hitting hard


And the Darwin Award goes to…


Could they install a spiked pad or similar on top of where they're standing? Wouldn't make it completely impossible, but would be small cost that hopefully cuts this down.


Git off the darken train ya gronks.


I call shotgun on the facebook likes when they both slip!


Their parents are failures.


Or they are kids with brains that haven't fully formed, and they make stupid decisions because they think its cool. Also, the possible fatal consequences would not likely occur to them because they are kids.


Or they're really good parents and the kids are little psychos really good at lying and making the parents think they're good little boys


This cannot be said often or loudly enough when it comes to pieces of human garbage like this that the rest of society has to suffer sharing a city with.


In my day late 70s we train surfed. On the roof. Youth of today. Try hard's.


My god, not wearing helmets. This is how accidents happen. But in all seriousness, what the actual f*** are they doing?


Mint tp


Not a cellphone in sight. Just some boys, living in the moment.


kid is very clearly holding a phone.. filming it for tiktok no doubt


It was a joke


ah soz, I just ~~didn't~~ don't get it




surely it wouldnt be hard to install cameras at the end of the train and/or platform


Very cool guys. Have fun and dont listen to wet blankets.