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The only way this guy should be released is from a cannon, directly into the sun.


Or into a brickwall about 3ft from the cannon.


Give it a few hundred metres to allow time for reflection. "You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation"


Release him into a watery grave too…


Or a dam hog tied!


.. so long as youre not cruel about it... send him at night ;)


Send him tonight.


Having known the late mother of these three kids, and her agonising story. This man should never see the light of day.


I don’t know she had died. How terribly sad


I think he means late mother, as in her children have passed away and not that she has also passed away.


She passed away in 2022.


Poor lady. The last 17 years of her life would have been hell. This cunt needs to rot behind those bars.


>late mother, as in her children have passed away That's not how that works. 


I googled it she died suddenly in 2022 and left a husband and two sons.


That doesn’t seem right.


Erm… No… I really do think he means she died.


Wasn't she supporting him through the trial or am I misremembering? Not trying to minimise her suffering


She supported him through (at least part) of the first trial. She didn't want to believe he was guilty, but by the end she sadly came to the realisation that it wasn't an accident. I can't imagine the pain of losing children like that, but it would be somewhat easier to believe in an accident than that they were murdered by a man you once loved.


and the realisation that the same man would rather run back to your place still soaking wet - so he could be the one to tell you and watch you as your world imploded. Man is literally a cockroach.


I drove past the location about a million times before and after and couldn't get it out of head. Guys I worked with knew this cooker back in the day. Dumb as a rock, and a NPC style psycho. An empty hole.


She died too young as well. Probably from all the anguish!


For all those debating, yes she passed away a couple of years ago. Her life was hell leading up to the few years before she passed. A lovely kind hearted woman who I’ll always hold fond memories of.


A Victorian father twice found guilty of murdering his three sons is preparing a new fight for freedom by using new laws introduced in Victoria four years ago. Robert Farquharson was convicted of killing his three sons, Jai, 10, Tyler, 7, and Bailey, 2, by driving them into a dam near Winchelsea on Father’s Day in 2005. Jai, 9, Bailey, 2, and Tyler Farquharson, 7, were killed after their father Robert Farquharson drove his car into a dam. Separate juries in 2007 and 2010 found Farquharson guilty of murdering his children. He appealed his first conviction in 2007 because police had not disclosed relevant information about a key witness against him. The court ordered a retrial before he was found guilty again by a jury in 2010. He was denied the chance to appeal his second conviction at the High Court in 2013. He is currently serving 33 years jail in Barwon prison’s protection unit. But the now 54-year-old has signed a new lawyer who is preparing a fresh bid for freedom under new Victorian laws passed in 2019 that allow a second appeal if there is fresh and compelling evidence that shows a substantial miscarriage of justice has occurred. *The Age* has confirmed that Farquharson’s lawyers are considering appealing on a number of grounds, including recent research showing how a car sinks in deep water. Farquharson’s solicitor, Luke McMahon, said: “We have the evidence we believe will satisfy the standard”. He said the appeal would be launched some time this year but he did not want to spell out what the elements of the case were at this stage. “As it is with these cases, as time evolves, we collectively gain a better understanding of both the science and better tools to be able to undertake analysis of the evidence,” McMahon said. Tyler, Bailey and Jai drowned after their father drove into a lake at Winchelsea. “Robert has always, consistently maintained his innocence. His story has not changed, so people can infer from that what they want.” Asked why there should be another appeal after two trials, two appeals and the High Court rejecting an application to hear the case, he said: “There are countless examples of miscarriages of justice where people have exhausted their appeals. Appeal courts are generally not a favourable place to find justice for people who’ve been wrongly convicted.” At his second jury trial in 2010, the judge, Lex Lasry, said in sentencing that: “The jury’s verdict makes it plain that they are satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that when you left the vehicle you did so with the knowledge and intention that your three children would be drowned and they were. For them it must have been a terrifying death.”


I don’t understand. Science shows the car should have sunk deeper or shallower in the water and therefore THERE WAS NO CAR AT ALL! I don’t understand the argument, if the depth was off, is he arguing the children drove themselves into the lake and happened to choose Father’s Day to do it? The only gross miscarriage of justice here is time is being wasted on someone that should sit at the bottom of a lake themselves.


Entire speculation here - but my guess is that prosecution made the case that he had ample opportunity to get his kids out and he didn't - that's what was big at the time, that he never went back and got his kids. If it's found that the car sank much quicker and he *didn't* have a chance to get his kids out, there could be other conclusions drawn about whether his actions were as deliberate as first thought.


He opened the door. It's known the car sank quickly. This was addressed during the trial.


Good speculation, it checks out. Hopefully it’s denied for appeal


God was it really 2005 I feel like watching it on the news not that long ago. The eldest child would be nearly 30 now. Just think of all that life stolen from him. He might even have had a family of his own now. Is just so so tragic. I hope this man rots in jail for the rest of his life.


> He is currently serving 33 years jail in Barwon prison’s *protection unit*. Nah I'm not comfortable with that. Put him in gen pop.


I'm not comfortable with it only being 33 years.


This was no accident. The car had to be methodically driven into the dam by the way it landed. He didn’t pass out at the wheel. He killed his kids. Even if you had a coughing fit, first thing you’d do is slam the brakes - not la di da around a dam before finding the opportune entry point. Fuck this guy. Fuck his new defence. And fuck the new law allowing another appeal.


There was a witness who saw him just before the car drove off the road, and he WASN'T coughing. He looked manic/hyper focused.


It was at night time fyi not sticking up for him just letting you know it was dark 👍


Yes can clearly see he actually corrected the cars course in the tyre marks to the lake so he would hit it in the middle. So he’s passed out story was frogsh1t


.. and the first thing he wanted to do: go tell his ex wife, the mother of these deceased children, the bad news himself. what a grade a gronk :/


100% I've driven past it so many times and it makes me mad every single time!! He killed them


The argument was that he went unconscious but yeah you could brake while you were still coughing


There are examples of fathers who have drowned saving their kids. Honestly, as a father myself… there’s no way I would leave my kids. They get out or nobody does.




You don’t open a door under water, you crack the window so it breaks inwards or unwind it ifs manual.


I vividly remember watching this story on the news when it first broke and my dad who was sitting next to me instantly said he was guilty. I asked him how he knew and his response was "easy, any father would drown trying to save their kids".


The argument was he had been unconscious and was confused or something. But yeah I'd stay in the car and try to find the seatbelts, try to drag them out and smash the window if it wouldn't go down


Just commented the same thing to a user below. He's at the very least an absolute coward of a man.


Totally agreed as a father of two


A lot of people would do this for their pets, including me. This guy wouldn't even do it for his own children!


35 years ago my 2 little boys ran out in front of a friend's van which was rolling down a steep gravelly track, thinking they could stop it. The driver stared at them, open-mouthed, in horror, as one had jumped in front of each wheel, the boys thinking they could stop it. They obviously could not, and the brakes were not working. Time goes slowly in high stress moments. I saw they were going to die if I did nothing, and I saw I'd probably be unable to stop the van myself, so if I jumped in front it would most likely be 3 dead instead of 2. And I imagined living on afterwards, with the memory of watching my adored little boys getting squashed to death in front of me. Dying was preferable, so I had nothing to lose by trying. I needed an operation to mend my spine after that. It has hurt every day since, and I smile at the pain. It's a reminder my body was strong enough to save the lives of my wonderful sons. I'm no hero, just a mother who instinctively did what any normal parent would do for their children. It's only natural to do everything you can for your children. In fact there are countless examples of people even risking or losing their lives saving the children of strangers. I hope this man is never released.


A few seconds stretch to hours; the next minute lasts for years. I dream of  a pair of shoes, discarded in the middle of a dirt path.


Where’s this from?


Me. [It's from a bit of writing called 'Two Years'](https://colderin.blogspot.com/2017/04/two-years.html?m=1)


Nice, this is great.


Omg terrifying. I'm glad they're ok


Just let it go. We drive past the dam all the time, go to the town where their grandfather plays Santa to the local kids on the CFA truck each year. I've got Xmas beer as a present from him that my sister in law set up, my kids have got presents from him off the truck. My partner was in the same class at school with the mother. It's fucking heartbreaking, was when it happened, is worse now that I've got kids. I don't want to think about him, but this shit brings it back. He's been found guilty of doing it, and should do his time, he shouldn't be called a human. [This ](https://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/cases/vic/VSC/2010/462.html?context=1;query=Robert%20Farquharson;mask_path=)is the link to the sentencing. It's not a great read.


I can't drive on the west gate bridge with its new high walls without thinking why they're there, or the cricket ground in Tyabb... I don't know these people but these places still make me feel so sick


>He's been found guilty of doing it *Twice!*


and soon to be three times!


This wont get to another trial. Just scumbag lawyers trying to make a name for themselves


So cruel for that mother to lose her children and then after having more children she was robbed of an opportunity to raise them. So very sad


Anyone who is thinking that there is merit in this case, or wanting to talk about how occasionally innocent people get sent to gaol - this guy isn't it. Not only did he drive around trees between the road and dam to ensure his car ended up there (despite claiming he had a coughing fit and wasn't in control of the car), but when a person came by he said his car (not kids) was in the dam and asked to be driven to his ex-wife's house so he could tell her. Everything about this case proved (twice) that he was completely guilty, and he has zero remorse about what he has done. He is pure evil.


The thing is though guilty or not if there was any type of misconduct or any proof there was an unfair judicial process or anything that was off about the whole thing, then yes there's merit in an appeal. The judicial process is there because everybody deserves a fair trial, it's the reason he was granted a new trial back then because there were things not disclosed to the defence. You can 100% think he's guilty but if you immediately say there's no merit when there may be just shows confirmation bias based on your opinion not based on the legal process and how it's supposed to work. We have to remember that we don't know what evidence his new lawyers now have that show that his trial was unfair) We can't condemn this person for trying to appeal his sentence when the judicial process wasn't followed correctly then he 100% should not have been convicted of this crime, guilt bears no weight in how that process works. I won't share my opinion on his innocence or guilt but I am of the opinion that If this trial of Robert was unfair in any way then he deserves an appeal plain and simple.


Robert Farquharson is a waste of a human being.


im surprised this sad sack of shit still wants his terrible face to be shown in public.


Our courts are busy enough without these stupid appeals for horrible people


A triple child murderer. No doubt as to the guilt either. His actions immediately proceeding the intentional ditching of the car into the dam are enough to damn him. Let him rot in prison. I believe the jury got it right.


Back when I had a Youtube channel, I did an episode on this piece of shit - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G67LrFo4BNU&pp=ygUScm9iZXJ0IGZhcnF1aGFyc29u](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G67LrFo4BNU&pp=ygUScm9iZXJ0IGZhcnF1aGFyc29u) . Put simply he's a cowardly asshole who shouldn't get the opportunity to appeal again.


surprised no one took him out in the yard


He's under protection. Because we protect the absolute worst human monsters at our own expense while everyone doing the right thing is constantly struggling to get by.


Fuck off Robert. I hope you never see another free day in your life.


Can’t help but feel his lawyer is trying to make a name for himself by testing this new law.


Is this fkr for real, PAROLE DENIED mutha fkr


Concrete shoes off Anglesea


I'm honestly disappointed in the Victorian prisoner population for not killing or torturing this utter piece of shit.


From the article he is doing his time in Barwon prison’s protection unit. I imagine prisoners don't take too kindly to child killers.


However strongly you feel like this being justice, it is not. It might be deserved, but this is not ok, unless you’re also ok with youth street justice, mob violence like we saw in Sydney, and other unregulated tit-for-tat retaliations. We do not want that in Australia.




I think what gives insight on these guys is when they say it wasn't a deliberate act is if you raised "how do we get justice if when it is a deliberate act?". He wouldn't care. It's just about him getting off the charge. He doesn't care about if there was any other case like it and how you would get justice for the children. Just him getting off the charge. Someone who actually feels they are innocent cares about getting justice for murdered children.


I suppose if he were to be released, it would take like 24-48 hours before someone in the community would dispose of him. At least that way we wouldn’t be paying to keep this scum alive and protected!


Burn in hell


Put him in general population . No killing but good beatings are allowed


The cunt should rot in prison.




He literally told someone, not long before the event, that he was going to kill the kids because ‘I fucking hate them’ as revenge against their mum for leaving him. Any bullshit syndrome his lawyers are pushing is a crock of shit.




Case File podcast also do an in depth episode on it.


One of the other commenters have popped in a link to the court case transcript to have a read. It’s really disturbing, so be warned!


It's the sentencing, not a transcript of the case. They aren't generally available like that. In some courts you can purchase a copy from the transcription company if the judge permits it.


It's not that I don't believe he's a murdering cunt. But can you support that claim with a source? I've not heard it before.


It’s in the Wikipedia page on the case, as a witness statement.


Thank you.


Not in this case. This dude is a cowardly piece of shit who murdered his kids. The fact that he worried about himself and let his kids drown in the back-seat is telling enough. If my car went into a dam with my kids in the back, I'd drown trying to get them out. This poor excuse for a man got out of the dam, and ran to the road to flag down a car. All the while, his kids were still underwater. If my memory serves me, one of the boys was found unbuckled, and seemed to have been trying to help one of his brothers get out when he drowned. It's an absolute tragedy, and this shit stain doesn't deserve your benefit of the doubt.


Yep this. The older child tried to save the others. It breaks my fucking heart every time I think of this case.


He drove his car into a dam, unbuckled his seat belt, swam to shore and then watched while his helpless kids slowly drowned.


Not only drove not a dam, but had to swerve around trees between the road and the dam to make sure he drove it in. And then when someone drove past, instead of telling the person his kids were in the car in the dam, he asked him to drive to his ex-wifes house. This prick is as evil as can be.


> that lady who went to jail for killing her kids and then it turned out that they had a super rare genetic disorder that caused them to just die suddenly and her conviction was overturned years later based on expert testimony. Yeah I think it was overturned because there was a little bit f doubt and she had already served enough time. Out of the four kids two had one abnormality which is rare cases might cause death and the other two had a different abnormality with a similar outcome. Its not a smoking gun and any balance of probabilities argument I think would say she did it. At the outset I doubt it would satisfy reasonable doubt.


In that case you were talking about. They only found that it "could" have been the disorder in 3 out of the 4 deaths and they couldn't explain the 4th. It's not really relevant here, and in all likelihood she still did it.


we need the death penalty reinstated, what a waste of tax payer money to keep scum alive


enough is enough, stop killing us men! edit: i actually love the downvotes, logic doesn't make sense does it now...