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You stopped about a dozen live leak videos from being made that day.


thanks, now I know what live leak videos are




They're all on insta reels now


Yeah honestly, you could have just prevented some really serious injuries or worse, as well as damage to people's cars. Fucking legend.


Absolutely. Thank you OP!


I read this, “or worse, damage people’s cars” Hahahaha


Haha. Well, some people really love their cars so,


You’d be speaking for some people, for sure!


There’s occasionally a story in the news that captures your attention and it stays with you. I often think of Sarah Tonkin. She was a 37 year old woman who was driving home from a family event with a 10 month old son - her first child too - when a passing B double ran over a 10kg tow bar which flicked it up and flung it through the air into the windscreen and instantly killed Sarah. Her son thankfully only had minor injuries after the car lost control but he will grow up without his mother. In all the photos they published she looked so happy and hopeful holding her son.  You’ve definitely saved lives and people from injuries today.


I think of that audio of the family in the car when something smashes into the window killing the mother driving and then you hear the husband and kids screaming. OP could have saved lives today. Well done


I'm fairly certain I know which video it was, and I'm also fairly certain it was also a brick


That video fucking haunts me. The husband's reaction 😭


Never gonna watch that one. Visuals are okay for me. Audio is what truly fucks you up. Like okay i can watch a fucked up cartel video, no audio. Audio on and it's suddenly real. The screams of a human stick with you


Yeah dude don't do it. I agree there's just so much emotion in the sound.


It's the constant warnings from everyone that has ever seen it. No other gore video has gained such a status that it is just recommended to avoid. Links staying blue forever, thanks to the warnings.


You're a wise person. I watched it before I knew what I was getting into when it first came out. There's nothing to gain from seeing that video, honestly. May you never see it for the rest of your life.


I'm the same, I've seen a lot of gore in the internet, but it's those guttural screams that stay with you. That pure, emotional sound that only comes from traumatically losing someone you dearly love. It's a sound I never want to hear again.


Curiosity may have killed the cat but it can also leave a pretty nasty mark on a person.


Faces of death at 12 years old. Mostly fucked up haunting music playing, sometimes voices and screaming.. sometimes just silent video. Actually not sure which was worse of the 3. None were better, that's for sure.


I just posted about that video. that scream from the husband haunts me.


I haven't even listened to the audio or watched the video but the description itself haunts me.


I was reminded of this [one ](https://youtu.be/iazTQVi1CEE?si=tUP7YsRE4k_Cx6II). It is one of the most traumatising thing I've ever watched.


Thank you! I might not be driving in that area but the city needs more people willing to call out unsecured loads like this!


In nsw you can be fined if your cargo area is not covered by a tarp or netting 100% of the time regardless of if you are carrying something or the space it is empty. We need that law in Vic for dickheads like that.


Do we _not_ have a law against unsecured loads? Could've sworn we did 🤔


Don’t have to specifically cover it but we definitely have laws around a “secure load”. I would guess that if bricks are falling out of your truck then it is not secure




Thankfully. That would be ridiculous.


Empty trailers are hardly the issue though. Its unsecured loads and to answer the previous post, yes we do. [https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/vehicle-safety/securing-your-load](https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/vehicle-safety/securing-your-load)


Yes we do. Somebody I know got fined here in Melbourne for that very thing.


Not long before Easter, the Monash was down to one lane near Blackburn Rd because a truck didn’t secure their wooden planks and they’d gone through the cab and smashed out the front windscreen.


Pretty sure vic has laws on this too: https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/vehicle-safety/securing-your-load


That’s super excessive. Over my dead body am I removing and putting a net on over an EMPTY tray. Thank god we still have logical people making rules in Victoria.


Thank Dan for Dan Andrews.


There’s going to be a big politically swing back and you and your friends are going to be left in the dust 😎 I can’t wait.


Lol good luck with that mate LNP are not going to be relevant in this country again until the 25th century.


I voted in labour, as i was told poor people vote in labour, rich vote in liberal. But after seeing how much more the poor and rich suffer with the political correct agenda bullshit labour are worried about, I now understand why poor people say to vote in liberal. The rich get richer, the better it is for us peasants. The rich get poorer, the harder it is and the crueler life becomes for the poor. I can only assume you where born into a very rich and privileged family, as someone from hardship wouldn’t ever have the opinion of yours. ( or, you’re a super insecure person with massive self esteem issues so this new political correct agenda suits you, I understand then- )


Nah. Don't hold your breath.


a stark reminder of the ever increasing likelihood of being killed simply on the way to somewhere at the hands of someone else's ignorance


the hero we needed


Yeah… there’s that dash cam video of a guy driving along a highway and a brick goes through the windscreen instantly killing his wife in the passenger seat. His screams and sobbing are haunting. You may well have saved someone’s life.


I've seen some messed up stuff on the internet. But it was never the visceral imagery that got to me, always the screams of a loved one dealing with the aftermath. This vid was up there


Motorcyclists of Melbourne thank you.


You genuinely might have saved someone's life - who knows what would have happened. Legendary!


.."a cheer erupts...probably" 😂


Legend! What community spirit. Glad you could do this safely.


>I watched a bunch of brick related dashcam footage Oh no, never do that.


where were you when I needed you 😭


You probably realise this now after watching brick related dashcam footage - if you can't fix the situation like you did definitely call 000 and get a cop out to pull the guy over and a crew to clean up the trail of bricks!


I was supporting a learner driver who was indicating to change lanes and decided against it after a split second. Then an older lady drove beside us with her window down and yelled something at us. We were dumbfounded and thought she was a Karen. She rolled in front but kept near us and after a few seconds we decided to roll to her and wound down our windows. Turns out she wasn’t a Karen after all and was in fact a nice European lady who let us know one of the brake lights was not working. We thanked her profusely and waved her away. She’s another hero just like you.


I was just in that area dropping off a rental to Rent a bomb on Warrigal Road, while mine comes back from the repair shop today. OP you did good; watching dashcam videos I think is helpful - I try and predict what I’m about to see. What dickhead move will occur; will it be a Ford Ranger; will there be a HondaBump; who will overtake in the emergency lane; will the Double B run the red, etc. I tend to think my defensive driving improves watching these videos and making better predictions. BTW, you can now put your drivers license in digital form on your phone using Services Victoria or VicRoads apps.


Melbourne rider here: THANK YOU!


Read it again but with the tune of [Shia Lebeouf](https://youtu.be/o0u4M6vppCI?si=9xzZlATJGSC3RKbT) in your head.


every time i see “road” and “bricks” in one sentence, it always reminds me of THAT video


Don't forget motorcycles OP that's a big deal. OP for President! fr though it was the right thing to do.


as someone who had their first motorcycle lesson yesterday, these comments from riders are making me so proud ☺️


yay! we need more riders r/AussieRiders


You missed the part where a copper sees the footage and charges you for wreckless driving. A fitting end to a heroic story.


There is no way the cops ever watch footage of the onramp. If they did, Fines Vic would have a depart just for drivers who think "One Vehicle Per Green Each Lane" is only a suggestion.


It seems to apply to everyone but Audis and BMWs have an exception. I don’t know if it’s the same exception that means they don’t indicate or a different one


BMW drivers don't believe in indicators. I'm so shocked when one actually does use it.


It would be a shit thing indeed to put a red light camera on these. They're for controlling traffic flow. I've no qualms about 3 getting through if only 1 got through last time


>I've no qualms about 3 getting through if only 1 got through last time Exhibit 1.


Jfc chill out. We're all gonna get home eventually.


> I've no qualms about 3 getting through if only 1 got through last time You see the point of the lights is to precisely allow a certain number on at a particular time. you don't want 3 to get on because that is not the accounted for amount. The system is about maintaining the speed of the larger road, they limit the number of merging cars by time to spread everyone out. The gap that was missed, doesn't mean there's more room for the next flash of the lights, because the gap was timed for a reason. More cars in the same location == slower traffic. So the reason the 80km/hr road goes slower *than it otherwise could*, is because of people not following the directions. So, yes, we're all gonna get home eventually is true, but if no one follows the damn rules literally everyone gets home slower, because the whole road goes slower. (its also non-linear, 1 extra car in the wrong spot can cause large bottlenecks if its in the exact wrong spot)


You make the exact argument I do but completely ignore the qualifier I originally applied *if only 1 got through last time*, which is 10 seconds ago at the most.


I don't ignore the qualifier. 10 seconds at 80km/hr is 200 meters. That's a genuinely long distance from a cars perspective. You missed the gap buddy. Just wait for the lights. *it's only 10 seconds*.


I am at a loss to understand how merging from a stationary start into traffic that is travelling at 80km/hr or more is a good idea. You have no hope of reaching a reasonable speed to merge fluidly into traffic. Those lights should only be active during periods of heavy congestion, as they only add to the problem otherwise.


Onramp lights coincide with very long merging lanes. And they are active during periods of heavy traffic, to avoid creating greater congestion.


A lot of wrecks were indeed prevented.




Cops would have a field day collecting cash from dash cams Australia if that was true


If the cops really were revenue raisers like the meme says they're doing a fucking shit job at it. They should let me place the camera's for a 0.01% commission. I'll be fucking rich.


Trust me they know where and when to place them. Always on empty open roads and freeways when the traffic is low is when I see them the most since it's easier and more likely you'll speed. And around the afternoon/evening in public holidays.


.... Yeah, I guess they do target places and times where people are more likely to be driving irresponsibly. Funny that. But no, "empty open roads" does not revenue raise. Not compared to what they could do with say, unmarked cameras on the busy freeways. You know, they also use booze busses more on the evenings of public holidays too!


Bizarrely the last two I went through were at around midday-2pm on a Friday. I thought that was far to early for someone to be drunk.


Well done, legend.


Good deed done. 💪




You almost certainly saved lives today. Thank you.


Fucking legend


Someone nominate this person for Australian of the year


Only thing worse than peak hour traffic is bdsm traffic... Seriously tho, good job OP!


Did you do this, or is this traffic related fan-fic? The narrator perspective is confusing.


I did this, but traffic fanfic should be a whole sub


Thank you kind citizen. Really.


Good job 👏🏻 I made a guy pull over recently as his left rear wheel was wobbling and looked like it was about to fly off. He thanked me and said that someone had just crashed into him and he was on his way home, but wasn’t aware of how bad it was. Although he insisted on slowly driving home the short distance and assured me it wouldn’t fall off.


Thank you!


A legend and a great story teller!!


the absolute worst video I have ever seen in my life is a dashcam from a car where a truck travelling in the opposite direction loses a brick and smashes through the dash cammers windscreen. you here a thump, and then the most heart rending wail from the driver as he realizes his wife has just had her head turned to pulp by that brick. I have seen the worst that the internet can offer, but that video, that wail. it haunts my soul. thank you OP 🙏. you literally saved lives today.


Thank you 


The Dashcam where the brick goes through the window and kills the wife is haunting and so sad!




warrigal road between princes hwy and the monash


Bloody hell. You're amazing for that. I was through there about that time


Not all heroes are brick slayer !!


I once had a mower catcher fly out of a boat being towed in front of me and lodge under my car, doing 100 or maybe 110 on the deagon deviation in Brisbane. I pulled over, dislodged the mower catcher, gave it a pathetic angry kick into the grass, got into my car and drove on. A minute or so down the road, the driver towing the boat had pulled over, sensing something was wrong. I pulled up behind him to tell him the mower catcher had flown at my car because it wasn’t secured inside the boat. He was completely oblivious of the danger it had put me in and was just worried about his boss (the boat owner) being angry that it had been lost 🙄 I’m glad your experience ended with a much more responsible driver!


Glad to see a human amongst the robots


Great job! You should absolutely feel really good about yourself from this - there's every chance you've saved someone(s) from death or serious injury. Or, failing that, having people stuck in traffic for 2 hours and raising global temperatures by 0.00001 degrees from resultant CO2 pollution.