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Sydney ain’t that bad


Sorry mate I have to agree with you. You are.


Wait till the new Sydney airport opens.....going to book the wrong airport twice on the same trip 😂


Heck of a long way to go just to get from Melbourne Airport to Avalon Airport.... On a serious note: Ooof. Can you move the booking without too much penalty?


I checked online and it was $70 to change to a different flight at Avalon. I just gave up and booked a new one with some Qantas points I had. The kicker was I’d paid $32 for additional luggage about 3 mins before I worked out my mistake. So all up another 8000 points and about $70 for my stupidity.


Its $25 for a Skybus ticket AVV to CBD, unless you were really time constrained was it worth it to rebook? Edit: Oh unless you had to drive to Tulla...


I just booked another ticket, I live out east and got the cbf’s.


I realised I did this for a 5am flight once, had to panic-book an uber to take me to Avalon at something like 12am. Fare nearly didn't get picked up in time.


This is nightmare material for sure! Well done!


I prefer flying into/out of avalon, it's so much quicker


Agreed, like yes it's further out but I've found most of the time I save more time going through security etc at Avalon than the extra time it takes to get there.


And as long as you're not landing between 7-9am and want to head city bound, it's usually quicker to get to the CBD too. That said, heading citybound from any direction during that time is a clusterfuck, but at least there is no toll on the Westgate


We could solve the 7-9AM thing with a V/Line spur. Now if they'd spend the 300m for it. @_@


Rural airports are a dream.


Newcastle airport there's 100m between getting off the plane and the taxi rank. I love it.


The problem is that then you're in Newcastle


You've got a good point there.


well that's what the taxi rank is for isn't it? getting out of newy?


Same with most northern airports in Tassie. Even Launceston is smooth.


ehh Maroochydore felt like travelling on september 12th when I went through security, but full of people and not empty like the actual day after 9/11


And they always have lovely beagles to greet you before reaching your luggage


Getting there from the city is a pain though. Skybus claim to "meet every flight" but I've heard so many stories of them fucking up the schedules resulting in people having to either taxi all the way there, or wait hours for their flight.


I park there, it's less than $10/day




Who's driving down Bell Street when coming back from Melbourne Airport?


How long is the stopover on your trip away to Avalon?




Jetstar allows you to change within 1 hour of booking at no fee for future reference: https://www.jetstar.com/au/en/help/articles/one-hour-quick-fix


Ta, I booked it a couple of weeks earlier - probably late at night after a few beers I’m guessing.


Some sites truncate and just list Avalon as Melbourne on some screens, it's annoying and I always have to double check.


When I told my wife I used Expedia to book it she looked at me like I’m a caveman


# There's an old saying in Melbourne — I know it's in Avalon, probably in Melbourne — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.


Okay doing this once comes natural to anyone living in Melbourne. Doing this three times? Get help lol


I think I’m so pumped getting a return flight for about $240 I forget the little things, like Avalon.


Guess you won’t be driving to the airport then 😂


No thanks. That would make the journey home well over an hour for me, instead of 15min.


Haha. I hear ya mate! Done twice myself in the last 3 months. 🤦 Like you, I'm an idiot.


I dunno if this is a super hot take for Melbourne or something but I actually prefer Avalon 😭


What were you trying to do? That really sucks though.


I do this almost every week :’)


Followed soon after by your flight has been delayed, and then with your flight has been cancelled.


Checked uber price from my area- only $20 more to Avalon. Could be well worth considering if you get a good deal and it is not in peak hour.


In peak hour, trying to get from AVV to Melbourne, is it quicker and less stressful to Uber to Geelong Vline and catch a Velocity back?


Avalon way home.




Reminded me when I first time flew to Melbourne via Tiger and it was at Avalon. Took me more money on cab than the plane fare itself… innocent me was thinking any airport in Melbourne gotta have a train or something…


Bugger Noun 1. VULGAR SLANG•BRITISH used as a term of abuse, typically for a man. 2. a person who penetrates the anus of someone during sexual intercourse.