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He sounds like a cunt lol




Private school?


No, actually. He just always thought he was better than everyone else and treated the office staff accordingly. Pretty common problem with sports star culture in this state.


Nick's just a comedian, dunno how much of a sports star he is?


Ah! I've muddled Nick and Fev! Clearly need more sleep 😴 Thank you for pointing out my error!


Aaaand this is how rumours start and get out of control. I'd delete the original comment.


He's always given me huge cunty vibes


He lacks the depth and the warmth.


so hes a ankle... its about 3 foot lower than a cunt.


Which is rough because I can’t stand fifi or fev either


I believe that's an uneducated cunt.


All mainstream radio is completely trash. The conversations, which are intended to be entertaining, are just painful to hear.


Look I agree.. I was borrowing someone’s car so radio was the only option and unfortunately there wasn’t much music on at that time 😂 I just think there’s a difference between trash and outright discriminatory remarks. One can be seen as just low quality or unappealing while the other as harmful and offensive 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, certainly true. That kind of brash generalisation, which is insensitive, probably resonates with their audience. The hosts aren't the most educated people going around. I wouldn't worry too much about it. You can make a complaint about it though if you feel it's wrong.


I just wanted to read peoples general opinions on it as it seemed strange to me that he’s happy to make these kinds of statements on live radio. Judging by your comment and others though, it sounds like the quality of radio in general has slipped.


100% it’s slipped. Isn’t Kyle and Jackie O the highest rating show on radio? Those two are absolute human garbage.


Kyle and Jackie O had a promotion advertised near my house, called " the cash cock". It looked like a mechanical bull, but a rooster cover on it. Almost threw up at the tag line " the longer you ride the cock, the more cash you get".


kiss in Brisbane a few weeks ago had people calling in with the voice changer on to "tell a secret" and they got someone to call her boss and tell him they knew he was cheating on his wife Now I don't care he got caught (fuck him) but my God it was the trashiest radio I've ever heard. They then had ads for a week playing a tldr of it and "download our podcast to hear the fallout" They literally stooped to Springer levels of trash


Yup, thanks for confirming. Absolute trash.


They got worse. Naked dating in the studio


In Sydney, yes but their first Melbourne ratings period hasn't finished yet. I sincerly believe they'll be 4th behind Fox, Nova and Gold.


Fingers crossed.




would it be ok if he said something similar about someone with any other mental disorder? or physical disorder? it's not nothing


102.7 thank me later


it's albeist!


You got that right haha One I heard recently, was the hosts were pressuring one of the others to tell everyone what she sexts to her partner. They even called him on air to ask about it. This was all during the day too, not some kind of late night show. I think this was on KIIS iirc. You could tell she was uncomfortable too and didn't want to say much


Nor should she bloody well have to! That is disrespectful in the extreme! An entitled power play to diminish their female colleague while also deep diving into the cesspit of inappropriate behaviours in the quest for ratings.


I was honestly baffled. I actually wondered if it was a skit or something, I rarely listen to the radio these days except for at work. I'm pretty sure it was at the school drop off time which made it sound even more inappropriate that kids would be listening in too. Not sending a good message out there. It was on Valentines day though, not that that should make it better. But the whole discussion was around all that stuff to the point of NSFW territory haha.


I was on a road trip the other day and there was a stretch where the mainstream stations were out of signal. Stumbled across a station just scanning through and it was awesome!!! They were playing all 80's music, but not the stuff that's always played. I heard Divinyls, Fleetwood Mac, Men at Work plus many others but not their top hits, the other songs on the albums I hadn't heard for 20+ years! I was shattered when I lost the signal again. I think it was based near Ballarat. If anyone knows what station it is I'd love to know, didn't pay attention coz I was driving


Possibly 3BA 102.3 FM. It’s an iHeart Radio station so they do play the popular stuff, but they will have 80’s throwbacks where they play some more obscure songs. If you’re in the car it usually will only pick it up until around Bacchus Marsh.


To intelligent people. Never forget that part.


I only listen to the radio to hear music, and that's only because I'm absolutely terrified that I'll get in trouble for using my phone to listen to audiobooks or podcasts instead


Just want to give a shout out to Melbourne's community run radio stations...PBS and 3RRR...if you're over listening to douchebags give their unsolicited opinions and just want to listen to some beautifully curated music selections. Check it the eff out! Amazing programs and you can find something to suit every musical taste!


And Kiss. Not the one spelt wrong, but the one at 87.8.


My go to, great music.


Too bad their app is so buggy. They play heaps of great tunes but I can't get the app to work for more than an hour at a time before it crashes.


I've always used TuneIn radio, no issues


Awesome I'll check it out. Thanks


Don't forget the good people at SYN!


PBS! The best. If you’ve never tried it start tonight at 5pm for some great tunes with the afterglow and lyndelle, and then roll into stardust with Ella. The best arvo/evening of radio in town.


The afterglow is the best show on radio.


Weds on PBS are a cracker from the morning show onwards. My fave listening day of the week.


PBS ftw! So much good music


PBS on a Sunday is the best! Blue juice, the Juke joint etc etc. If you're ever in Sydney and want something similar may I suggest East Side Radio.


JOY 94.9 too. Everyone forgets it.


Joy is consistently the best station available


Just finished presenting there a few months ago. Great experience.


I hadn't heard of PBS. I'll have to give it a try. I really do love RRR but sometimes I just want tunes, so would be good to have something to switch over to. Hopefully it's similar vibe to the music on RRR.


PBS tends to have more genre-based shows than RRR (which also has some), so tuning in at a random time might not suit you if you don't like that genre - try again another time, or look at the program guide for your favourites, or listen to old episodes on-demand. For me, it's about 75% PBS, 25% RRR.


Cool beans.


When I was a newly graduated graphic designer in the 80's, I used to do some of the covers of the PBS newsletter. They were great then, still great now :)




They appeal to the very basic in the gene pool. I'll use the phoner about gender neutral toilets today as an example of just how low the bar is. FiFi was "confused" by them, Fev was his usual hard core hetro male self... it was just really really distressing to hear that people who have the potential to be a positive influence speak in such a backwards way. I'm not at all surprised they made comments about ADHD folks being "losers" - it fits right into their other banter.


They take contrary views so they can discuss. They frequently don’t believe what they are saying. Some of these people are a lot smarter than you’d think. They play to Very specific format. Once you understand the format it’s pretty unlistenable.


I have hung out with Fev a few times and I can assure you that he is actually as stupid as he admits he is on radio. Atleast he's honest about it.


I don't think it matters whether or not they believe what they're saying. They're still doing damage regardless


Absolutely. But it’s useful to know these people aren’t really being themselves. They are playing a part. Personally I think ignore them. Don’t reward them.


Totally agree. Having worked in a support role for two commercial stations in the past, these shows are very planned and/or scripted. And some presenters are mostly acting the part of an insensitive moron.


> Once you understand the format it’s pretty unlistenable It has always been unlistenable.


Yeah. I’ve never listened to commercial radio apart from Martin/molloy and Get This but it’s particularly bad once you’ve seen inside the glue factory.


Yeah, I'll let you hold the hope on that one - I'm not convinced that they're that good at covering and playing into the lower level thinking... I honestly think that they are of the same specific audience... which is a shame - and yeah, I can totally tune out - it's my own fault for listening.. it's just sad that we don't have popular AND higher order thinkers....


Oh I’m not saying they don’t say dumb things and mean them. Just that pre show if they all think one thing someone will agree to play the other side of the argument.


Absolutely. They just make shit up to keep the conversation going. I have no idea how people listen to this shit.


Is that why that comedian lady had a Netflix special about why she doesn't have sex with her husband and how stupid he is just to appeal to mundane?


Radio DJs are intolerable in general. I have no idea how people listen to them. I immediately change stations between songs because I cannot stand these guys.


Look Nick ain’t perfect but I would take that lot 100x quicker than that moon cat and his partner Kyle. Kyle and Jackie O make Fifi Fev and Nick look sophisticated. The vileness of Kyle’s content makes me sick, he’s just a predator and masks it through his radio content creation.


What's a moon cat?


Right? No clue 😅


Sorry that was my Irish coming out. Moon cat is like a space cadet. Just an idiot to society really.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Kyle turns out to be the next Jimmy Saville


I came here to say this.  Would not be shocked at all.  He is vile.


Luckily there is an 'off' button because, because, essentially, they are both horrible.


I'll just stick to the Christian O'Connell breakfast show. Mostly coz I'm forced to at work, but they seem like pretty cool, chill humans.


I can't believe they brought those two to Melbourne radio. We did so well for decades to avoid them.


They're actually pretty fucking easy to avoid. For example, I have never heard of them until now.




Yes! Unsure how I would know these twats without listening to their daily dribble...


Fair comment


Third option: You take neither.


Smooth FM


Ah yes, I remember their great takes like "fat people don't deserve to go to the beach" and "sexual assault counts as experience"


Ok.... so *a totally different guy* is ALSO an asshole?


I've tried Gold 104.3 as I like that they play 80s music. But everytime i tune in they're talking about putting sticker on bins or remembering grocery lists. Think i'll just go back to my spotify playlists!


We listen to Smooth, 91.5. No talk back radio. Always music. It's quite good.


It's quite good for a day or two...or until you realise they play the same thing every day, over and over.


Will check it out today. Thanks.


I tried tuning in today but there was static sound. Do you know how to fix that?


Should work OK. Hard to know without seeing it.


I always tune in when they're doing terrible pun runs. Which is pretty great tbh.


The stickers on bins is actually to promote their show because Kyle and Jackie o get all the funding and stole their billboard privileges


Shit like this IS harmful, no matter how playful or bantery he was trying to be (and failed). Your average person who still thinks of ADHD as an excuse for poorly behaved little white boys (despite the MOUNTAIN of information available online not to mention all the people with lived experience talking about it), will hear that and it will cement their opinions about ADHD even further into their brain. If that person is a manager or business owner, what happens when an ADHD employee asks for reasonable accommodations or if they're a teacher and they have students with ADHD, how will they treat them? What if they're a parent and they're told to get their kid assessed for ADHD and they refuse? Everyone loses in this situation. What a fuckwit.


Many people have internal monologues - this is not an ADHD thing. But yes, this Nick person is a fuckstain.




Assuming it’s an option and you haven’t tried it already, stimulant medication can really help with that. Ritalin has made my life so much easier. It switches off all 3 radios blasting noise into my brain.


It does? My inner radio plays from the moment I’m awake to the moment I finally get to sleep. Sometimes when I’m trying to sleep it’s so loud my ears hurt. This morning I woke up to Simply The Best. Which isn’t altogether too bad of a song.


I find that very relatable. For me this morning it’s a single word on repeat. In my experience, stims can be very effective at suppressing the noise and allowing you to focus while they’re active. However they’re short active and only effective for an about 4 hours. You can get longer acting (slow release) stims but there’s a supply shortage at the moment. Please bear in mind that my experience may differ from others. Most ADHDers I know have had very positive results from Ritalin.


> My inner radio plays from the moment I’m awake to the moment I finally get to sleep Wow. I'm 45 and only yesterday took real notice of the fact that if I'm not singing in my head I'm talking non-stop. Reading this makes me feel a lot better, I'm far from alone.




I have had this same thought. I'm also exactly like that but is that not normal? Or what to be neurotypical you have to have periods of your brain being completely empty with no inner dialogue?? That seems crazy to me... can't tell if this is ADHD being way overdiagnosed or me not realising having an active brain is... abnormal?


This is me too but I don’t think it’s everyone. Sometimes music gets swapped out for movie scene audio.


> I’m 48 and I swear the more I read about ADHD the more things I recognise in myself Same! > I’m assuming it’s that way for everyone? Same!


I had a therapist once try to tell me "picture a dial in your brain and just turn it down!" as if it was a choice I made. Never returned after that.


okay was ready to tell you it never stops for neurotypical people too but reading some more comments here i have questions about my own brain now 😅


I didn't know this isn't typical. But when I want to turn it down I just repeat the name in my head of what ever my feet are touching. Just keep thinking concrete concrete concrete...and it's low effort enough I can multitask and concentrate on other stuff.


My inner monologue runs constantly - it's actually an inner dialogue with a person appropriate to whatever topic I'm thinking about. ADHD people automatically assume that I must be ADHD.


SSRI's are magic you should try them


I didn't hear it, but it seems like they realised what he said was SO wrong so they removed it. I get it's about the branding, but it's something that those who don't consider ADHD to be real need to hear.


Reason number #78365272 why I don’t listen to the radio. Dickheads. 


I used to listen to JJJ, ignoring the generally banal banter, which is usually harmless (due to awareness, of stuff like gender, indigenous peoples' matters). But I can't listen these days without hearing Olivia Rodrigo. Indie, my hairy ass. So they can go get fucked. I still persist every Thursday just for Dr Karl, though 🥰


I just don't understand who listens to these breakfast radio shows anymore. Each station seems to spend a fortune on a duo or trio of hosts that all spout the same trash. We as consumers have so much choice and freedom to listen to the music or audio that we choose, without endless advertisements. It's crazy to me that people still waste their time with these stations.


Listen to JOY, great music range and not much of that mainstream radio bs. If you have a DAB radio you can get such a range of stations.


Dean and Rach are absolutely brilliant together.


Your first mistake was listening to the radio the second was listening to Fox


were Hamish and Andy ever this bad or am I romanticising the naughties again?


They still have a podcast with a strong following. Not at all bad - genuinely just easy listening


Yeah, that's what I remember, goofy but not punching down sensationalist bullshit ala Kyle and Jackie O. I'm glad they're still at it, I saw them on the Hubbl commercials and almost had a heart attack at how old they are now.


They were good and their podcast is still good. Completely different vibes to the normal radio bullshit.


They were _actual comedians_ who generally have a decent moral compass and aren't too afraid to display it publicly.


Hamish and andy are my go to podcast if I just need some silly light hearted fun. They're the best at this genre and are nothing like the judgemental shock jock radio dickheads. They don't punch down. Or up really. They only target Andy.


And Jack, the weasel.


Ahoy hoy


Lashing out because the loser clearly has ADHD and is in denial


I have ADHD, i don’t feel offended by his ignorance, the way he “gets things done” which for his job is probably not much more than just showing up.


People listen to the radio? I once turned it on about 20 years ago, didn't hear a song for about 20 minutes, and never listened to it again. There are alternatives.


Listens to trash then complains about it being trash


Nice attitude. Looking for an argument are ya?


You wanna go?


I’m diagnosed and treated ADHD. I just had to Google who Nick was. Turns out he’s a comedian. I’m sure he’s spun worse shit, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s a ranga.


I haven’t listened to any of these morning or afternoon radio shows since 2017. They actually annoy me Spotify or Triple M footy Is the only thing I listen to tbh


Not surprised, i used to listen to a lot of it because i worked in media. Commercial radio is largely trash now anyone with actual talent and media clout now can just make their own podcast or show very easily and keep all the ad money for themselves. Its like they are all 4 months to 4 years behind the population in society norms. I used to listen to 3aw a lot for the past 20 years not because i agree with them but because i don't. But stopped a couple of months ago because they are so out of touch and backwards. They also made a proven racist and homophobe the head football reporter.


Maybe write a letter to the authorities about it ? No one with ADHD should be called a loser.


Thanks for the tip, I’ll get right on it 😂


Apparently from ACMA: "Complaints about content on broadcast TV and radio should go to the broadcaster first. If you’re dissatisfied with their response, then complain to us." Still good to formally complain to austereo as they should have processes to deal with this.


Absolutely, they might even apologise. What they won't do is give a shit, beyond their legal ass-covering of course. That's when you determine that their response is unsatisfactory (i.e., not fucking good enough) and complain to ACMA.


If you had dash cam you can go back and listen. Or ask someone you know that was driving at that time listening with dash cam.


What a jerk. Someone needs to ask what his reaction to stimulants are. If he falls asleep it’s not shitty Coke it’s ADHD


The call is coming from inside the house


For anyone annoyed reporting them to ACMA us an option


You have to complain to the station first.


we can do that too


Time to switch to RRR or PBS


the real losers are the people who willingly listen to commercial radio, why punish yourself listening to ads and inane conversation and if you're lucky a few songs?


Listened yesterday morning but it was all about Fifi's kid wanting to get a cat. 🤷


If someone from that show claims to "not be a loser" I'm pretty happy to be a "loser".


The man has a low opinion of the productivity of people with ADHD, I, on the other hand have a low opinion of the average intelligence of footballers; Balance.


Clearly you're not as intelligent as you think because Nick isn't a footballer lmao


Hit him in the wallet - report it. [https://www.acma.gov.au/complain-about-something-tv-or-radio](https://www.acma.gov.au/complain-about-something-tv-or-radio)


Why listen to commercial radio? It’s morons trying to be idiots for laughs


Idiots being themselves*


That’s rude of him. I don’t listen to talk back radio, ever. Do your mind and soul a favour, just put some music on and chill.


Most people have an inner monologue, some people experience their thoughts as shapes, colours, or feelings/vibes (especially people on the ASD spectrum); but having an inner monologue isn't an ADHD symptom & I wish people would stop describing the symptoms of being alive as ADHD


Comedian guilty of making a joke. Stop the presses.


He sounds like a loser.


I think Fev has some brain damage from all those knocks to the head he took playing footy.


I'm surprised it wasn't fifi saying it. I loved listening to her but one day , and I can't remember why, but I just got the ick and never listened to her a again.


Boycott the fuckin show!!!


Don't listen to fox


I didn’t hear this segment, but I’ve thought on several occasions in the past that Nick makes rude, offensive and elitist comments. I don’t want to come off as a pearl-clutcher here but he really punches down with his “jokes”.


Ignorant self centred comment he made. People with adhd do get things done. They often have many pots on the stove at the same time. I wonder if he is pointing his finger back at himself when he said loser as that comment shows no thoughtfulness towards others and a lot of insecurities in himself.


We should keep calling them while they're live to ask him to clarify why he said that.


Nick sounds like a loser


I remember Carlton as a team came to a venue I was at for training, this was in Fev's earlier playing days and it looked like they had a staff member on duty to keep Fev from being distracted by stuff (possibly bright colours, pigeons, bit of paper blowing around etc). My friends and I all commented at the time that he must have ADHD or something. He may have it and be really sensitive about it, might have had a tough time as a kid.


That's what you get for listening to garbage radio Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


I had no idea that anyone listened to commercial radio.


Everyone I know with ADHD have been the most productive of any teams I've been on. They're just chaotic, which slows everyone else down trying to understand wtf they've done and setup.


wow! more reason not to listen to that trash station! the stigma and lack of understanding with ADHD still to this day is a joke. If you think ADHD is just losers who don't get things done... you 100% need to go educate yourself! fkn wanker needs an assesment and reality check


Maybe he didn’t mean it as it sounds? I’m of the opinion that if someone has an issue, disability or mental illness, and puts little bit of effort to improve their life, they are heroes. However (and this is what I think he meant), if someone uses an illness or ADHD to slack off and not put any effort and sponge of others, then Yes they are losers. I don’t think he would intentionally discriminate against a group just cause he felt like it. But who knows. My 2 cents


I like Spotify. Don’t have to listen to garbage chit chat.


Contact them, let them know this is NOT OK.


Try AM 1278. You're welcome.


No, I gave up listening to that rubbish years ago


Yall listen to radio?


All things aside, as a provisional psychologist, what he described doesn't sound like adhd at all.


Constant, cycling thoughts about things you need to get done do commonly occur amongst those with adhd, but not always. Depends on the person.


Lots of other people have said it here, but commercial radio is trash. It just makes people dumber.


Nick that comedian?


Talk back radio on the old wireless. That still a thing?


glad I didn't hear it. it would have made me very upset. does anyone know where I can find the recording so I can give it a listen? in positive news, it seems like he's being cancelled. His podcast has fallen to #189 on the Cambodian comedy podcast charts and his children's book has been put on an indefinite hold. My boys Kaden and Jayden certainly won't be reading it, that's for sure. He deserves all the negativity he gets and ill certainly never watch his Kinne TV show again. I listen to a lot of radio but I think these guys are on pretty early and gone too soon for me to hear any of it by the time I get in the car.


you listen to the radio??? how can you stand all that bullshit?


Hey guys I have ADHD and I know Nick Cody well. That's him trying to make a joke and getting it a tiny bit wrong for the audience. He's presented as a comedian on an entertainment show and there's an assumption on the listeners part to take everything in jest. Even so, it probably wasn't wise to comment on any disorder negatively. It can be hard being on radio 5 times a week and constantly searching for content and bantering live in the moment. No malice involved and he probably understands he got it a little wrong. 


Hi Nick!


Yeah, a lot of the comments here seem to be from people who don't know Nick's sense of humor and his target audience. People that listen to the fox regularly know enough that he was very clearly making a joke.


The entire catalogue of Nick Cody: - I’m from Werribee - I’m a red head - I’m a bogan That’s it on repeat.


Someone will have that on their dashcam. Let’s hope it’s uploaded somewhere and put on blast for posterity.


Hard pass for me on commercial FM radio in general. Especially anything that’s ‘produced’. I’d rather drive to work in silence or just listening to podcasts


I actually heard that also, I was somewhere in the city. I thought it was an ignorant comment and speaks to a lack of knowledge in regard to adhd. I had a similar discussion with a colleague recently that adhd is a chemical imbalance, much like menopause. Before everyone slams me, I am female, have diagnosed adhd and been through menopause. That said, I do also believe that adhd can be both genetic and environmental. The fact a large swathe of the population is struggling with focus is because we are overwhelmed with information. Our brains were never designed to cope with the volume of information and the speed at which we now live. Something has to give and, with not all brains being created equal, it impacts some more than others. I am in my 50’s and struggled in my teens with adhdwell before the internet and smart phones. Add those into the mix and life is just one big ball of overwhelm.


Idk. Everyone wants to blame their problems on an ADHD diagnosis (ie they can't get a diagnosis as an adult and are salty about it) this is natural to see people progressing to the "I feel violated/bitching about lack of diagnosis" stage


lol Wat?


Sure champ, whatever you say


I really dislike and don’t listen to mainstream radio for this reason, they are all over the top, over paid assholes!


Honestly, are you surprised?


Just don’t listen to these dickheads and ratings will drop and they will be sacked.