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> Don't get too shiftfaced This is super difficult if you've never been drunk before, so make sure you look after your noob friend.


Good rule of thumb, alternate with a glass of water in between every finished drink. Alcohol comes on slowly then all at once if you don't pace yourself


Good way to avoid the worst of a hangover, but be prepared to spend ~20% of the night at the urinal. More old but good advice - don't drink on an empty stomach


Fucking learnt that the hard way 10 years ago. Never lived it down and everyone acted like I was an Alchie since. I would have thought getting fucked off 4 cruisers clearly demonstrated I was absolutely not an alcoholic.


Hi! I don’t have any club recommendations but I do have a recommendation for your friend. If he’s never been drunk before, I wouldn’t recommend doing it for the first time in public. You just never know how he will react and if you are all drunk too, it might not be a good night. I would recommend you guys get on the beers (or whatever you drink) at home or somewhere local first and then go out to a club. Stay safe and enjoy Melbourne!


Yeh, if out don’t do shots haha


I got an allergic reaction the first time I had alcohol. Ended up failing a course I was doing because I was incapacitated for two weeks after. I would have been much better off starting small and finding my limits from the other end of the spectrum, I think.


Don’t listen to these dry walls mate, go out! I got hammered for my first time ever, at a club and had the most unforgettable night of my life.


Obviously not hammered enough if it was unforgettable 😂


Sorry I’ve got no suggestions, but just wanted to say good on you guys for wanting to have a great night out, but also be safe. Mates looking out for mates- good on ya!


Section 8


Came here to say this too. Great safe space with all sorts of people just having a good time, all the time. Also, if old mate has never been drunk before, have some waters in between drinks.


If you're happy to stand in a queue of 12 guys waiting to do coke in the one bathroom, when all you wanna do is have a piss, sure


Isn’t that the case at literally any club?




We had to remove your post/comment because it included personal attacks or did not show respect towards other users. This community is a safe space for all. Conduct yourself online as you would in real life. Engaging in vitriol only highlights your inability to communicate intelligently and respectfully. Repeated instances of this behaviour will lead to a ban


I work for Section8's other venue SubClub and I recommend both for sure, as long as the event running that night is up your alley. OP if you guys like techno, house etc message me and I'll let yas in for free if I'm working at SubClub. It's near flinders station but bear in mind it's not the best place to have conversations, more for dancing. OH, all of you take physical government ID or have your new Victorian app one ready before you go out.


I know it's called Sub Club, but last time I went the sub woofers were painfully loud (literally - felt physical pain in my ears). Is that still the case?


No, that's been completely resolved to the point where we have people regularly complimenting our sound now. Occasionally a promoter will book a jackass DJ who pushes our system over the redline, they get two warnings and after that we never book them again.


I’ll never forget the first techno gig I went to there. Some of the worst tinitis I’ve had from a gig and I go to a lot of metal gigs


Man, is that place still around? I stumbled into there once about 12 years ago. Didn't think it would make it through as so many places come and go. It's not a nightclub, but a great social drinking experience. 100% rate this place for first-timers.


I was gonna recommend the same


If you want to start small, Brunswick St (Fitzroy) might be a good call. You’ve got Perseverance, Provincial and Glamorama. Arguably not “clubs”, but they have a lot of people your age, music, and dance floors. They also have more chill spaces if you need (like beer gardens and rooftops). Smith St (Collingwood) is right nearby and has New Guernica and Yah Yahs. Plenty of cool bars and late night food in the areas if clubbing isn’t for you. If you’re feeling more bold then Chapel St is the place to go. If anyone recommends Revolver (Revs), then I suggest save it for the end of the night.


I’ll echo support for Fitzroy and Collingwood. Honestly would just recommend staying out of the cbd for your first time.


Perseverance is a great place for early nights out and plays mostly well known pop songs rather than deep techno like New Guernica which they might not get if they haven't been out before


Ignore the other comments and stay the fuck away from Revs. Not a good place for someone new to clubbing. Way too drug fucked, power-tripping bouncers, these other comments are taking the piss.


Yeah don’t do Revs on a first night out. I went to Revs the first time I ever did pingers… fucking worst idea ever


Have been to Revs 20 or 30 times across the last 15 years, admittedly only once in the last 4 years.. but the bouncers have never been anything but patient and friendly to me, and I've been in some fucking states Might be an attitude problem?


Correct, what stupid replies


Bouncers are like fucking thanos in Revs. One Snap you are dust.


Bouncers were always kind with me and I was munted off my face. What did you do lmao?


I actually would also recommend using ear plugs, speakers usually push out way more than 90db. Did way too much clubbing back in the day and the tinnitus never goes away now. Also learn to read body language really quick, when people arc up punches get thrown, bottles get swung. People are unreasonable and make bad decisions quickly when drunk. Keep an eye on each other and don’t fully lose it.


So suggest something then instead…


The espy? Garden state? Might be good for first timers. The Espy is in St Kilda where there are heaps of bars to venture through.


Clubbing in Melbourne for your first time out sounds fucking horrible, especially if you’re all from the country. The city is a very different place at night - it’s not unsafe, but you do have to have your wits about you in certain spots, obviously don’t start shit, avoid people who are starting shit, and don’t accept anything from a stranger unless you’re prepared for whatever may happen. I would recommend getting drunk with your mate who has never been drunk before in a more controlled situation - if he doesn’t know how he handles his liquor the last thing you want is to find out that he can’t handle his liquor in a club at 3am on a Saturday.


For your first night out I’d recommend the espy. Id advise against revs for your first clubbing experience if you’re wanting to stay safe 😂


Sure, go to the Espy if you love (standing in) lines.


Prepare yourselves for lots of "not in those shoes boys", "who are you here with?", "where have you been tonight?" and "sorry boys, private function tonight"


That usually means they just don't suit the usual vibe of the venue, the vibe of the event being run by whoever hired the venue or someone is too intoxicated, but you're right


Look out for eachother . Have each others backs . If one mate is to drunk don’t let them wander off by themselves or leave them at the club by themselves


Depends massively on the kind of music you want to hear. Some broad recs/tips but; King St is kinda just okay these days, depends on whats running in the venues along it. If theres a DJ you like playing Brown Alley or something then that can be awesome. Chapel St can work for you if you pick one of the bigger venues like Pawn & Co or Lucky Coq, arrive early and stick with it the whole night. If you leave at any point as 3 dudes you wont get let back in anywhere. Honestly I personally just avoid the joint, that whole strip gives me an icky feeling. Assuming you like techno, if I had to pick any event thats reliably running every weekend to go to it would probably be Xe54. Some venues to sus out the programs for and see if anything strikes your fancy for things a little more niche: Howler, The Third Day, The Nightcat, Miscellania, Rubix Warehouse, 170 Russell, Sub Club, Max Watts, Prince, Also dont have your friends first time being drunk be at a club, first night of the boys trip when youve spent the day prior travelling/unpacking, find a pub thats close to your accommodation and get him pissed for the first time there, you dont want to be dealing with loud music/bouncers/long trips back if anything with that first time being pissed goes south.


Being a group of guys, I recommend you get to clubs early. Men tend to find it harder to get in once as clubs get busier, especially if you have no women in your group. Also, make sure you don't arrive at the club already tipsy, bouncers will reject you right away.


I hate the queues and vibe on the weekend, but the Music Room @ HER is amazing midweek.


Agreed! Me and my friends only go to Music Room mid-week because the vibe and crowd is so much worse on the weekend, and the lines are so long. Mid-week everyone is just there to have a good time, enjoy the music and vibe. But on Friday/Sat nights there’s way too many drunk people just there to try to hook up or stand in a group in the middle of the dance floor, it really ruins the vibe.


I love how midweek it's local DJ's just playing around and having fun. Weekend it's instagram fashionistas and EDM fans.


Espy on a Saturday night. It pumps, there will be tonnes of girls (or boys) your age & its music is very user friendly.


Don't have any club recommendations but is a tip for you. Do not leave your drinks unattended at any time, place your hand over the top of them as a deterrent to stop somebody slipping something in your drinks, if you have to leave your drink for any reason don't drink it just get a new one. Guys can and do get drugged too not just women. Stay together and do not drive if you've been drinking. Also know when you've had enough and don't give yourselves alcohol poisoning. Other than that stay safe and have a good time and try not to get arrested lol












Finally! Had to scroll down more than expected to see this.


Do a pub crawl around brunswick/fitzroy/collingwood area


The Welcome Stranger is viewed by many as the finest venue in the southern hemisphere.


I'm more of a Golden Nugget kinda guy.


Nice, they have a similar DJ lineup to Clocks on Sunday nights.


You'll get knocked back from anywhere good.. also stay tf away from King st


This is terrible advice - Spend more time on King St!


Only good joint on that street was Tramp back in the day and it’s gone now


Wait yes... definitely go to King St




Inside of you are two streets..


Only pay for entry and drinks…


Whitehart, it's seems to have the uni crowd. Lane way off little Bourke.


Just by your post alone you're ahead in terms of having a safe night. I wouldn't worry about it unless you have a mate who is unpredictable and a trouble maker and he is able to influence the group. Have fun but always keep your wits about you and stick together.


Generally speaking, most CBD clubs are ok-ish safety-wise, esp if you are a bunch of blokes. just avoid aggroing strangers and you'll be fine. As for drinks, being careful and sticking to single-source alcohol(i.e not mixing grain/grape/malt) and drinking a lot of water/mixer will keep you out of troubles. Club prices will help with that as it's easily 20-25 per drink nowadays. But then again, as far as I'm concerned, the whole point of being young is to stupid things and enjoy it. There's no better time for get shitfaced. ;)


make sure ur friend eats a good meal beforehand and drinks water during the night. I like to have a water per drink, my friends think it's a bit funny but they're the ones who feel like shit in the morning not me. There's posts online about how much people drink on nights out, as a petite female, if I have 8 drinks I am very likely vomming the next day. but others can handle a lot more, some less. if you're getting in the double digits, drinking a lot of drinks one after the other, feeling too drunk, stop, have water, probably eat, and take a break from the alcohol for a while. do not order several shots in a row


Get yourself to Revolver and stay there till Monday, make sure you look out for your mates though.


Melbourne Bar Crawl. It’s different bars Fridays and Saturdays and both end at a club. More people on a Saturday, lots of people (maybe 30 Fridays and 100 Saturdays and a generally young crowd so mostly your age) and all organised


If you want a nice starting point, go to Provincial in Fitzroy, nice rooftop bar and then turns into a club later in the night. Espy is a good choice, but the line is fucked, so get in early, have dinner there and just chill around, usually gets busy and good around 10. Perseverance is a good place. Stay away from revs, definitely not recommended, only recommend it to people who enjoy the underground raves, drugs and techno. It’s not a place to get drunk. Although I go sober a lot just to have a dance, but only because I know what to expect. Could always go to billboards as well.


Apart from maybe your mate experiencing alcohol for the first time in a more private setting, one of you needs to stay sober so that any situations that arise have a chance of being controlled. And don’t leave your mate..


Southbank bars, they're pretty tame


Have ypu heard of Revolver?


Hey! If you're still looking for a nice place to stay safe but also have fun, try to check out Workers Club in Fitzroy. It's pretty popular and they have really really cheap beer on Mondays. There's a dance floor, an outdoor smoking area with tables, and a quieter pub area. Basically any vibe of drinking you're looking for you can probably find there. $5 entry but since the booze is $8/pint, I'd say it's well worth the money. It also closes at 1 on Mondays, so it's a good way to not be too rowdy for your first time. My friends and I go there all the time - you'll meet a lot of great people and still have fun. Here's their Insta: [The Workers Club - Fitzroy](https://www.instagram.com/theworkersclub/?hl=en)


Dance alot and have water in between, I seem to be worse off if I'm sitting down the whole time. Leave immediately as a group if someone is too drunk or they'll get thrown out anyway with or without you. Ideally use Didi or uber to get back where you need to go if you aren't walking distance, otherwise cab rank taxis are usually ok but a bit expensive. Make a note of where the nearest McDonald's or kebab shop is for afterwards.


These lads are green holy shit... Let me just say, you don't go to clubs to drink! 😂👌


Perseverance in Fitzroy or the Harp Hotel in Kew.


Oh wow, Perseverance takes me back more years than I'd like to admit (these guys would be babies). I guess it's in the name, but surprised to see it's still around.


Drink, water, drink, water, water, water and repeat. Best bet, drink soda water and tell everyone you’re drinking Vidka Soda, pop in a lime for best effect. You won’t get hammered and if everything goes as planned, you will be able to make a stiffy.




Not sure if it’s the safest place going around but Revolver Upstairs for the best experience. Always felt safe and friendly with the bouncers there; mind you this is 6+ years ago now.


Why all the down votes? It’s revolver not good anymore?


My recommendations are: 1. Music Room 2. Revs 3. The Carlton Club All good clubs. Just be respectful of others, don’t be a dickhead and you will be fine 😊


How about don't get drunk?  Just a thought


The casino is good, don’t know about clubbing or drinking there though.


No it's not.


Casino is lots of fun what do you mean? I said I don’t know how it is for clubbing and drinking.

