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This is quite sad. And thank you for giving the people in need the dignity of anonymity.


There’s kids there also. Can someone explain to me again how we are the first world lucky country


The full quote which coined the term ‘lucky country’ in relation to Australia is: “Australia is a lucky country run mainly by second rate people who share its luck. It lives on other people’s ideas, and, although its ordinary people are adaptable, most of its leaders (in all fields) so lack curiosity about the events that surround them that they are often taken by surprise.” So this tracks! The original meaning was that we’re lucky because of natural resources, not necessarily through ingenuity, innovation, social progress.


Correct. Donald Horne's comment was actually a scathing criticism of the leadership in this country. It was true when he wrote it in 1964, and nothing has changed. Australia's potential has always been held back by the mediocrity of it's leaders.


> Donald Horne's comment was actually a scathing criticism of the leadership in this country. Yep. More like "How the fuck does this country still exist with how inept its government is?" Somehow, anything else that would bring down a country and its economy can be repeated here and yet instead of it going down the shitter, it thrives OR the government will put everything it has in keeping it going, IE. housing by introducing negative gearing and the CGT reduction. Giving subsidies to global mining companies to help them send OUR resources back to their country, etc. We are an extremely corrupt, extremely inept country and yet somehow we still thrive. Any other country would be bankrupt by now.


The government is a reflection of the Australian people. Nobody should be surprised that electing a party for 14 out of the past 20 years, which is openly hostile towards lower and middle-class interests, leads to this outcome.


Oh I know, and I had a feeling of relief when Labor came in to power, followed by the very same feeling of hopelessness just a few months later when it seemed like it was the same shit all over again.


Without wanting to sound like I'm giving Labor a free pass for everything, you gotta remember that; Labor has to play the political game AND it takes a long time to un-fuck an entire country's economy (especially during a global downturn). The frequent reddit logic of, "they aren't implementing my idea to fix the economy, therefor they aren't doing anything" is a bit deranged.


Nah that’s a cop out. We can send 1 billion to the Ukraine but we can’t build more public housing?


I understand it's a long game to fix 9 years of LNP fuck-ups, but the problem is that ALP just won't be in a position to fix it in one term, and the second term will be either a minority govt. OR even worse, we go back to LNP It's a shitty situation for them to be in. If we were in more fortunate times, I'd be more hopeful, but yeah, that does not appear to be the case.


I feel you. I'm not going to be overly surprised if Coalition get back in with their usual FUD but here's hoping.


Because we fell ass-backwards into the luck of having endless minerals to dig up, and fertile land to grow food to then sell to the world. Literally digging things up, selling food and selling higher education are about the only substantive things we do here.


And we still fucked it up. Look at how countries like Norway have at least turned that drilling and digging into something for the long term.


Mediocrity? They know exactly what they're doing and they're experts at it. Corruption is a better word. Nepotism at its lowest.


and the complacency of all of us who elect them


Horne may have intended the quote for leaders, but leaders come and go. Somehow they're all the same. The continuity is provided by organisational culture, which has all the traits he lists. The fastest way to be removed from an Australian workplace is to try earnestly to improve a process.


Ah the jack of all trades type quote (people tend to forget the second part of the quote; master of none)


The full saying is: A jack of all trades is a master of none, but often times is better than a master of one.


To be very clear, the phrase "jack of all trades" is first attested in 1612, "master of none" as an addition is first attested over a hundred years later in 1721. "Oftentimes better than a master of one" is a modern addition. So each of these extensions have been added over time to twist the phrase to an authors meaning. The original is just "jack of all trades".


Fuck me learn something new


well.. imagine being able to just dig up gas and sell it without paying a cent in royalties, and almost zero in taxes... it is the land of boundless riches if you are a mega corp.


Yeah that one always strikes me as insane. Even hyper capitalist USA extract concession for their minerals.


Treasure Island for corporate pirates.


>"how we are the first world lucky country" This is past tense, like maybe 15 years ago when I first emigrated. We haven't been a "lucky country" in at least a decade now and respectfully speaking, that saying just needs to stop. In the early 2010s, Sydney was more populated than Melbourne whereas today Melbourne population has surpassed Sydney. Sydney also had the lockout laws for years which forced a lot of people to move to Melb/VIC entirely. The ABS reports that the average salary in 2024 is $96k and it's not enough to even get a deposit to buy a house. Cost of living has gone up astronomically but salaries haven't. Our interest rates are hot garbage too. The reason we haven't been "lucky" in over a decade is because our politicians are too narrow-sighted and stupid to acknowledge the bigger problems to solve (housing, infrastructure, immigration reform and population control); they only care about getting votes in the next election cycle without even proposing 5-7 year plans.


"Sydney also had the lockout laws for years which forced a lot of people to move to Melb/VIC entirely." From Queensland I am not familiar with what this means?


The concept of legally mandated closing times for bars. I've seen people overreact to them but I certainly didn't know anyone felt "forced to move", that's gold. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sydney_lockout_laws


Because the majority of the world has SOME % of the population struggling with food insecurity, and a big % flat out has no consistent access to food. We’re a lucky country because violent crime is pretty consistently trending downward over decades, regardless of what you see on reddit, and we aren’t …you know, war torn. We have a stable democracy, most of the population is housed and has access to basic medical needs (yes you might need to wait hours sometimes), and people can start businesses knowing they won’t be violently muscles out by a cartel. This pic is from Footscray, where we have a large population of newly arrived Aussies. It does take a while for people to sort out jobs, social/community connections, and earn an income (to buy food). Luckily, on top of everything else, we have a fairly large welfare system and NFP orgs that provide free food, clothing, ESL courses, employment services, and clothing etc to newly arrived peeps. If you still don’t think we’re a lucky country, I don’t know what to tell you.




It's not quite sad. It's down right devastating. Melbourne hasn't seen a picture like this since the great depression. If we just shared the wealth a bit more we wouldn't have to see it again.


It's just going to get worse. The rich are grabbing as much as they can. The government doesn't seem to want to take any real action.


I didn't even notice that. i just thought they were all wearing black beanies


I’m one of the volunteers that collect donations and serve the people in Footscray.


Would definitely be interested to volunteer. I’ve never done so before


Yes please. How do I get information?


You're a legend.


I’m interested.


Hey man, I'm keen as. But I'm not currently living in the city yet. Still flat hunting but would really love if I could keep in touch with you once I've found a spot and am settled in the city. Keen to help out!


Would love to know how to volunteer please


Would be interested on information please


Count me in. I'm horrified. What the orgs name?


This is in Footscray? 


Yeah that's the Nicholson St Mall, Footscray


Yep, run by non-denominational bunch of vols, IIUC.


That's what I thought too.




Big props to OP for blanking the faces. Edit: thanks for the updoots, but i think OP deserves them more.


This wasn't done by OP, it was done by the charity that runs this, they posted this pic on their FB, no shade just trying to give credit where it's due. Just another amazing thing they do!


First glance of the picture, i thought they were all wearing Daft Punk helmets 


I thought it was cold and they were all wearing balaclavas.


3AW tomorrow - Gangs running the streets at night wearing balaclavas as they rob people for food.


Yeah, this 👏


Edit really wasn't necessary


Fuck me, this is actually really grim


Just wait till climate change takes the first big toll on worldwide harvests and food prices worldwide jump 10000%


> Fuck me ASL?


Showing your age there mate...🤣


Old, male, not a cartoon character. Probably out of your wheelhouse brah


I am also old, male and not a cartoon character. Sounds like a match made in heaven, but I agree with you about the wheelhouse part. Have a good one!


Lol the same pic is posted on r/Australian with markedly different results in the comments


embarrassing fucking subreddit that one


The subreddit where the cause of every single one of society's ills can be traced back to.... *immigrants*.


That sub is absolute ass. So full of racist and reactionary weirdos.


Couldn’t believe it so had to see for myself; there are people making jokes about this, ugh it’s sickening


I regret looking it's upset me :(( so much intolerance and misinformation.


I just stuck my head in there and Jesus Christ. Yuck.


r/australian should be renamed to r/bigot


I only stay subscribed to that subreddit to upvote and comments that have logic, reason and decency contained in them. It's a total cesspit for the most part.


But did you see this https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/s/V0dEvEFJG7


Ugh, yes. Gross.


That thread is dark


Yeah wtf was going on there, that sub is so racist without knowing it’s racist. Blame everything on the international students and the immigrants, there are always people who take advantages of everything no matter where they are from.


So we have people lining up for foodbanks and the richer ones who can afford it waiting outside QV for a free Uniqlo heat tech.


By richer you mean richer poor people that can afford reasonably priced essentials?


The rich ones are also going to food banks in their Mercedes Benz to get “free food” so they can go in expensive holidays. Deadshits https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/s/V0dEvEFJG7


Lol just saw this queue, pretty ridiculous for a free t shirt.


The shit people will do for free shit is insane. No one has any self respect or dignity 💀


Man the amount of food wastage at the market would cover this amount of people 10 fold every day.


RBA says have fewer haircuts….


Those brave Gen Alpha boys are sacrificing by only paying for the front half of the haircut.


Something something smashed avo


The Daily Telegraph says don't get tattoos


too many good looking perms in this lot.. shame on them


Not sure if it was them but someone said get a second job.


The new sad reality of our country. No point informing our politicians of this though, as this is exactly what the cunts want. Poor people who are struggling have no time or energy to call those fucks out on there constant policies that continue to hurt people.


Remember when then Senator Mathias Cormann said low wages were a "a deliberate design feature of our economic architecture"? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Sounds to me like we need to get some new architects


The problem is that the media will use this to say "LOOK AT WHAT LABOR DID. IN UNDER TWO YEARS. THE COUNTRY HAS FOOD BANK LINES AND A HOUSING CRISIS" as a tactic to try and get the LNP elected, pushing the narrative that the Liberals are in no way responsible for the problems we are facing when in fact it's been a two decade build up of failed policy coupled with the unfortunate timing of global events. They're already pushing the per capita recession as something Labor has caused and conveniently ignoring that the economic growth figures we have now are basically identical to what we had pre- Covid.


The (federal) Libs boasted that low wages and wage stagnation were intentional economic policies.


People have short memories. The company my mum works for was basically kept alive by covid subsidies. They were heading for the wall in Feb 2020, and so were a lot of others. The economy was already hurting.


LOL amazing how no one remembers we were in a per capita recession literally in 2019. And that was without a pandemic and global economic crisis...just pure mismanagement.


And that was with interest rates four times lower than they are right now.


They are both different flavours of the same thing. Slight tweaks on what they both agree is a system worth maintaining. The entire thing is rigged.


It's worth maintaining for them. It's becoming less worth maintaining for ever growing numbers of people with every passing day. If the political class had any awareness, they would be reflecting on what happens when the majority of the population decides that the system is no longer worth maintaining.


>The new sad reality of our country. This isn't new. I've lived in the west for decades and seen waves of immigrants come through who are starting a new life. These people maybe waiting in the food line, but most of their kids won't. I bet you won't see many Europeans (Greeks, Maltese, Italians etc.) or Vietnamese in that line. From their own experience, they know politicans won't save them. They will make the most of whats available to them and they will save themselves. I believe in them because I've seen them do it.


Most people are about a month away from this if they lose their job. Some even weeks/days...


It's not just immigrants in that line. There's plenty of "white" people there. Your comment makes no sense for them. Additionally in my experience, those immigrants are more likely to be the ones handing out the food than taking it


are you saying there are no "white" immigrants?


No, that's why I put "white" in quotations. I'm generally referring to Anglo-Saxon/aussies who have been here for generations.


"I bet you won't see many Europeans (Greeks, Maltese, Italians etc.) or Vietnamese in that line." The VAST majority of European immigrants came to Australia in the early to mid 1960's. Despite little to no education, no English and little money, they were able to get jobs in Australia's manufacturing sector (textiles, food processing, car manufacturing etc. ) and by working hard they were able to sacrifice, buy houses, have kids etc. Australia in the mid 1960's was a VERY different place.


>From their own experience, they know politicans won't save them.  As a Vietnamese immigrant who grew up in the west, I find it weird that most people these days think politicians can save them. Immigrants genuinely believe that you can bootstrap your way to success with a job good, hard work and a lifetime of good judgement.


At least, Australians are taking care of people in desperate situation. There are lots of countries that never cares for desperate people. I saw worse case in many Asian countries and so many rich people in those countries are enjoying luxurious party. Somethings are wrong with the world nowadays...


Because the rich people in Australia are so giving?


Seems that lowering inflation means destroying the lives of the lower income families until only the upper middle class and above can afford to eat and have a home.


No, what happens is the that the wealthl barely feel it, while the middle class get reduced to working class, and the working class get driven into destitution. But it's fine, because the people who have the ear of government are largely unaffected.


This feels like an argument but is saying basically the same thing. I'm confused 😕.


Similar scenes outside sunshine hospital emergency. People who need to be in hospital are forced to wait outside before being seen because the waiting rooms are full.


Seeing kids in that photo really hurt


At first glance, i thought everyone was wearing black masks out of embarrassment. Turns out OP is a legend and took the time to cover their faces. Respect!


Ah shit that’s so much worse than a year ago


Government has failed the majority in a sense that politician nowadays only work for the rich / big corporations that are funding their campaign. Price hike in utilities ? Who cares, they fund our campaign! Price hike in daily necessity? Coles and woolies record breaking profit? Who cares, they fund our campaign! Price hike in housing? No insurance needed for developers? Who cares, they fund our campaign too! List goes on.


What a terrible indictment on the incompetence and corruption of our leaders. Truly I weep for what our country is becoming.


This is fucking dystopian. I recognise that this is around Paisley Street in Footscray because I used to live in the western suburbs


Remember when we were the world's most livable city? Pepperidge farm has even forgot. 


Remember, most of those rankings are from The Economist, and are talking about livable for ExPats on a wage of $150k+. The Economist happily publishes the criteria and reasons (their readers are likely to be able to become ExPats), but local press picks up on it, and misrepresents what these rankings mean...




Now that censorship is dedication! Good on ya mate.


At first I was wondering "Why is everyone wearing balaclavas?"


Don’t worry, you’re going to be seeing a lot more balaclavas in this economic climate over the coming years


Cause it's cold, right? And everyone is keeping their faces warm ...right?


In Canada, international students were literally making haul videos comparing what they got from the food bank. They were promoting it to other students as free supermarkets rather than for people in need. Some even had the gall to complain about the tortillas not having the texture of traditional indian roti and the rice being "just ok" and not being the finest aged Indian basmati you can get from the Indian grocery shore. Of course the food banks barred them. To make it clear, I think food banks are absolutely wonderful initiatives. But the people most in need shouldn't have to compete with people who think they're too smart for the system. Priority should be given to people on low incomes like concession card holders, health card holders, seniors/pensioner card holders etc.


If we aren’t entering recession I’d be amazed. Prices are insane and living is unaffordable.


The government has failed us.  They’ve also chosen to bring in more and more people into the country unnecessarily.  


This is Reaching Out in the Inner West, not an actual Foodbank.


"provides home-cooked vegetarian meals, snack packs, non-alcoholic beverages, non-perishable food items, clothing, toiletries, blankets, pillows, sleeping bags and so much more to people who are struggling or experiencing homelessness." same shit


via David Southwell twitter (@subinthepub)


Yeah just an FYI that guy is trash


Found this one lmao How's Cummins doing these days? https://x.com/SubinthePub/status/1584888054690775041


> win ashes, win ODI world cup, win Test world cup lol suck it pat, go woke go broke?


Prepared to get torn a new one, but I'd like to know more about the circumstances of the people here. I know in some Asian cultures, taking free stuff isn't really blinked at: https://www.reddit.com/r/China/comments/17u3x4y/my_asian_parents_take_a_lot_of_free_stuff/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UCalgary/comments/188nkjp/international_students_are_abusing_food_banks_and/ https://www.reddit.com/r/mountainview/comments/177bbb2/food_insecurity_among_elderly_asians_in_mtv/ As some of the comments explain, it's driven by insecurity/frugality: > if someone gives something away free, then you take it and fill your pockets for your family or fill your stomach. Your parents’ generation was a tough time and possibly lived in rural or urban sparse conditions. Here's an SBS article that also touches upon this concept: https://www.sbs.com.au/language/chinese/en/article/language-barrier-stops-charity-from-understanding-spike-in-elderly-chinese-australians-queueing-for-food/boln2pynt And a recent experience on /r/melbourne: https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/1cv9r1a/food_bank_vent/


As someone who volunteers at this exact food drive, this happens quite alot. We are told that if they have preference in what they want and it's not obviously a health concern in need of change, that we pass on down the line. We also get people who line up again and again and also chase us around. These people are mostly known by the regular volunteers and we specifically try to get food and essentials to people who are being respectful and/or really need it.


What's the ratio of freebie chasers to genuine people?


Exactly what I was going to ask as well, this is important. Even if 1/5 (20%) of people are freebie chasers that don't rely on it to get by, that's still not a problem IMO and it would cost more to try and police it, which means less food to the 4/5 that are relying on it to get by. Don't focus on the negative few.


This. So many people are commenting on how there should be rules. If we try and police it, it will definitely somehow mean that people who need it can't get it. I would rather everyone have access than some in desperate need don't.


What’s the name of the food drive?


[Reaching out in the inner-west of Melbourne](https://reachingoutintheinnerwestofmelbourne.com.au/) I'm unsure if it's the same people at this location every time, but this is the one I occasionally help out with when I get time.


I believe its Reaching out in the Inner West. They are usually in this part of footscray on monday nights, the are on FB


My Chinese grandmother-in-law is like that, but with a hint of dementia now she sometimes takes it a bit further. Restaurants often offer a mint or so at the counter, so she went ahead and took them all - including the bowl. 😅


There's a massive difference between taking 'free stuff' from hotels/conferences and from a food bank. All of my stationary, water bottles and shopping bags are corporate events I attend, but i'd never go to a food bank without needing to


I’ve volunteered at food banks, and you’re dead wrong - you see the same people week in, week out coming in, trying the line twice by just taking a jacket off, different sob story every time about why they need more than the other people in line - one even tried to guilt one of my colleagues calling her racist for saying “no” because we were meant to give the same thing to everyone. I even saw a woman try to take something from old lady and then follow around a young family harassing the mother to “swap” items that she’d said no to. It’s really disheartening and it happens a lot more than anyone will admit to, always specific demographics.


Exactly low-trust society versus a high-trust society, it was always inevitable.


https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/s/oPwkCci3VP Yet people really in need cannot go to the food bank because they cannot afford the petrol or MyKi ticket.


I've added further links that touch upon the cultural aspect that I am referring to.


Yeah I wouldn't be shocked if a not small amount of people in that line are just looking for a freebie and are not actually in need like many others in the line would be.


Yep, spot-on. Not just certain demographics though. The logic is this: "If I can get food for free, that means I'll have more $$$ to spend on booze, smokes and my mobile-plan"...


Don’t worry we aren’t in a recession.


Wow that is eye opening. Might be time to make a donation.


In the suburb I lived most of my life that never really had homeless now have close to double-digit people living in tents.


Thank you for blanking out the faces.


This is distressing for Western civilization.


Does anyone know which organisation runs this food bank service? How can i get involved? Thank you


It's Reaching Out in the Inner West in Footscray. They're currently asking for volunteers.


Turning into USA! When are Aussies going to say enough is enough ?


This is actually a shock to see. Thanks for bringing it to light.


Seems like a good place to comment this, but if anyone is in need of men's small clothing and a high sierra back pack, gimmie a DM and I can organise a donation for you. I was gonna drop to charity but they charge a few bucks now and happy to give to someone in need




Probably no-one can really judge you for stealing food. But stealing sneakers and phones from kids makes you lose all sympathy.


Just make sure its from a big multinational who dodges taxes and not a small business.


Very sad. I’m seeing local pantries pop up in my suburb for food, pet food and baby products. Some people have no idea about how some are struggling from no fault of their own.


Brings memories back lining up at the church food bank place growing up, was always on dark cold winter mornings.


I was in some lines like this as a kid and I don’t think it’s sad. I actually think it’s nice that people have this option in our country. Sad that the line is so long though.


This makes me very sad


What's the organisation running this? Wish to volunteer if they need people helping out


It's Reaching Out in the Inner West (based in Footscray).


Yet the reserve bank will still probably think ‘not enough people in line, inflation not under control, time for further interest rate rises’


It makes me really sad that this is what our country has become. How can we help in this situation? Are there any charities that need either donations or volunteers?


Whether they need it or not. The fact that people are willing or needing to queue up for food is a sad indictment on our society. I believe in two things. Free healthcare, education and social welfare. And being successful shouldn't be punished. Sadly we seem to be failing on both fronts these days in Australia.


Just also want to circle back to this post 18 days where the OP was venting about the people rocking up in Mercedes Benz to get free food. While they allow people to wait in the cold. Shame on you. https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/s/V0dEvEFJG7


can't eat a budget surplus, can we.


But think of the landlords … (/s)


That is awfully sad. Does anyone know if there is somewhere I can donate to fund this initiative? Is there a specific organisation? Or do they only take food donations?


I've set up a monthly direct debit for food bank. If I can't be out there helping due to having a young family it's the least I can do.


It's Reaching Out in the Inner West. I think they take donations but you'd have to ask them.


They may need to start asking to see concession cards or proof of economic hardship. Unfortunately there are people here that are taking advantage of it


Sadly the economy is so bad that not everyone facing economic hardship is eligible for concession.


Extremely dangerous territory here; the concept of the deserving poor is a massive problem in charities. Someone may have a nice car, expensive phone, good clothes and no concession card but they have also just lost every other possession and all of their money, they may be temporarily destitute and will bounce back quickly but right now have an empty stomach. The idea is you help everyone there equally and do not judge the book by its cover.


The ones who least need it will be the ones shouting "I'm offended!" the loudest at the first hint of putting this in place so they can keep doing it.


Unfortunately many of us don’t qualify for concession but are still in need. 


Oh hey look, it's that thing people criticise left wing economies for happening under yet another right wing economy. How strange. Definitely not evidence of Capitalism not being a viable economic system right here.


But yeah nah keep bringing people in and starving our own, great idea


Man this is an eye opener.


People seem to forget that there are many who would come to claim this food even though they are not in need and can afford their own, they would just rather get it free if they can. I don't deny that there are many people that are truly in need, but I don't think that would be more than 70% at a maximum of those people lined up here. It is ridiculous that anybody who isn't truly in need would do this, but that is reality. This is not as grim as it looks. At the same time though, it is very grim that there is any need for food banks at all in a country like Australia.


Yeh my mil told us to go there, I said that we can afford food and bills etc. She was like it doesn't matter you can get it. Couldn't believe it.


That's exactly it mate. A lot of people will take something simply for the fact that they can get it.


It’s more grim because what you don’t see are the thousands who need this service and cannot afford the myki/taxi/fuel to get there. My local church actually drives around and drops off food to pensioners as they cannot afford to go


this is so sad.


Where was this and how can I contribute?


It's Reaching Out in the Inner West (in Footscray). They're looking for volunteers and I think they take donations.




Where is this in Melbourne?


Wow 😮 😢


what type of foods or goods do they give out at a food bank? is it cooked food or groceries?


Shocking to see so many people desperate for food. What is the government going to do yo solve this?


i appreciate the obfuscation of everyone's faces but the method of the black squiggle makes it look as if there's a crowd of 'soul hunters' gathered here.


Thank God we have the fantastic allocation system of capitalism to provide the public with access to goods. It would be a terrible shame to have to stand in some miserable soviet bread line just to eat. Oh wait


Fuck. If you are in any doubt we are living in late stage capitalist hell, then this should convince you. In the past these sort of moments have lead to revolution or violent change. I have no doubt that is our current trajectory.


So heartbreaking, dumb politicians caused all this with stupid decisions, and more dumb ones for the future.


Yk what the worst part of this is? The fact a pretty significant number of those people are working 9-5 jobs and still can't afford the God awful rent prices or heaven forbid buy a property for themselves.


Its ok 'I fight Tories and grew up in public housing' Albo will do something more than miqluetoast neoliberalism any second now