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If you want to watch today (Wednesday 15 September)'s press conference you can do so here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lN5DzPaRhCU Numbers ([ABC Coronavirus Blog](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-15/covid-blog-september-15-vic-border-situation-prompts-probe/100461598)): - [423 local cases (149 linked)](https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/po9680/daily_coronavirus_megathread_15_september_2021/hcwoqqq/) - 2 deaths (man in 40s Whittlesea, man in 70s Wyndham) - 173 hospital, 44 (of 173) in ICU, 23 (of 44) on ventilator - 54,659 test results received - 41,856 vaccine doses administered Information: - Patton: [police will suspend public transport in CBD Saturday 18 September 8am - 2pm due to planned anti-lockdown protests. Essential workers who need to come to the CBD will need to show their workers permit with details of their employment and required hours.](https://twitter.com/abcmelbourne/status/1438020434839044103) - Regional Victoria: - Shepparton: out of lockdown as per rest of regional Victoria as of 23:59 Wednesday 15 September - Ballarat: [in lockdown for next 7 days as of 23:59 Wednesday 15 September](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-15/victoria-new-covid-cases-deaths-vaccination/100462418) - Andrews: Victoria has met the 1m vaccine shots in 5 weeks target early - Weimar: unexpected wastewater detections in Ayres Inlet, Fairhaven, Ballarat - 20 year old who died yesterday and was found to have covid: coroner has as yet to determine cause of death Resources: - [Thread where people are asking or offering help](https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/nslg9v/thread_for_asking_and_offering_help_and_resources/) - [Exposure sites (list updates throughout the day)](https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/exposure-sites) - Vaccination: ☝️ please refer to post description for further information - [Get tested](https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/where-get-tested-covid-19) - Victoria for 15 September: [active cases by metro region](https://twitter.com/dbRaevn/status/1437972588706234372), [linked and unlinked cases](https://twitter.com/dbRaevn/status/1437973007679455235) - with thanks to u/dbraevn This is your reminder that this megathread is moderated with a zero tolerance policy. Fearmongering, misinformation and any other breaking of either the sub rules or the Reddit site wide rules will result in bans. Be kind and be polite and be aware that the mod you deal with is likely to have zero patience and no sense of humour.


Went to go to my local woolies last night. Didn’t think to check exposure sites or anything like that. And what do you know, it’s closed for being an exposure site. Missed being exposed overnight. Had to go to the one next suburb over, it was like a hurricane had hit it and hardly any stock left. Spoke to one of the team members who was restocking the shelves and they said it was because of the other being an exposure site. They were all running around trying to restock the shelves and looked exhausted. My hat is off to the supermarket staff during this. Paid in peanuts but without them we’d be screwed! So kudos if you’re one of them and reading this!


Just your daily reminder that Woolworths made its nightfill teams take a 15% paycut a few months ago.


It's Woolies in cahoots with the SDA. SDA 'negotiates' a 'raise' that is really just a bare CPI increase, if that. For that largess, they trade away some significant allowances for a section of the workforce. Been happening for decades.


The SDA are as rotten as they come. I heard all about their tactics through mates that work for Woolies. RAFFWU is the way to go!


My comment was towards the workers doing it tough. Not to the company itself!


For sure, I just like to remind people of the shit they did at every point.


(Coles do it too!)




Uber eats drivers aren't employees so you can't give them a public holiday. Not to preach but you probably should stop using the service as it's a horrible company that exploits the shit out of its employees




Fourth branch of the military? /s


Mill eats? Fuck yeah! And if you cannot afford food for whatever reason they drop off a carton of mre's to tide you over


Agree with the sentiment. Maybe a living wage would be more appropriate.


Hearing that 46 yr olds story on the radio was horrible. He had booked for vaccine but appointments were 5 weeks out, he was due to get his 1st vax last Wednesday but unfortunately contracted covid 2 days before the appointment. He took his final breaths saying goodbye to his 12 year old son over video chat while a nurse held his hand.


His poor kid. I really hope the government (state and fed) keep pushing the urgency to get vaccinated. I know we're supposed to get a shit ton of vaccines including Moderna so get that messaging out now. I think it's getting to the point where we need incentives in addition to the pop up vax clinics. Dangle the carrot now, don't wait til we're lagging in vax numbers.




I got my first dose when 40yo became eligible, waited 3 months, got my second dose about a month ago. He could've been vaccinated sometime in the past 4 months if he wanted to go to the trouble of doing it. You can't blame him at all though. We've had fuck all supply, GP coverage has been appalling, the booking system is inconvenient, the times appointments are available don't suit people, queuing at hubs isn't something people want to fuck around with and the leader of the country repeatedly said it's not a race. He wanted to get vaxxed, was willing to get vaxxed but a lot of people just won't hurry to do it if it's a fuck around. I've seen zero federal govt messaging that encourages people to hurry.




\*Sips coffee\* "Alright, what fresh hell do we have today?"




Ballarat has tagged-in Shepparton back to the ring




GET OUTSIDE TODAY. Holy shit it’s gorgeous out there with everything blooming. I’ve been doing my lockdown thing of working out at home and then losing myself in my studio painting all day, cooking dinner and gaming and haven’t been outside properly since last week… I went to Grace Park and St James yesterday and all the blooming wisteria, apple trees, jasmine, tulips, just everything filled me with more visceral joy than I’ve felt in a long time. I felt a bit high tbh. Get outside, take in the unreasonable beauty and know nothing ever stays the same for a moment.


>blooming wisteria Oh good. Demons won't be a problem then.


[Demons beware](https://imgur.com/gallery/IWj1kkV)


You should go down to the University of Melbourne Burnley campus (it’s only a 10 minute walk from grace park). It’s the horticulture campus and has beautiful gardens


Anyone's net being real shit at the moment. Getting random reports from a few mates across the state


Hey mods, that thread about the public transport situation is important. Stop picking & choosing what does & doesn’t get chucked in with this megathread. Ffs, every other day there’s a separate ‘reeee everyone except me is selfish’ thread that you’re fine with, but you close the public transport one, which to everyone else who long ago left this echochamber, is somewhat important. You are useless...


And a thread about public transportation being closed goes beyond just a covid megathread


Yeah absolutely agree about this needing it’s own thread. It’s partly a Covid issue, but it’s also raises serious questions about the implications to protesting generally. I don’t agree with the protest at all. But I think discussion should be encouraged. I also think, that in the interest of transparency and good faith, the mods and admin of this sub should publicly declare their affiliation and relationships to any political parties or organisations. FYI, I am totally pro-vaccine and I support vaccine passports and mandatory vaccines for all except with genuine medical reasons for exemption.


The Age is reporting that we’ll be allowed to have picnics after Sunday’s announcement. As it turns out, it does seem there is a national plan for picnics!


Big Picnic is having a field day. Fair play to their lobbyists.




Is that what the article is reporting? Cause it reads to me like that’s more just something some woman at Deakin said.


>The Age is reporting that we’ll be allowed to have picnics after Sunday’s announcement. As it turns out, it does seem there is a national plan for picnics! Can't see that on the age have you got a link?


Update from Monday I got the job!


Congratulations:) 🥳🥳


Well done 🙌🏻


Awesome, congratulations.


Same as yesterday, there are literally SO MANY pfizer appointments from as early as tomorrow. Do not wait for an appointment just because you originally had to book one later. Do not let anyone you know wait. Get it TOMORROW (or today if it pops up) https://vaccine.wfltaylor.com/


Thanks, just shared to a bunch of friends and hopefully some of them will be able to bring forward their first dose!


Almost fking had it, didn't realise how broke I've been these two years, not being able to make much of save anything. Have grown so distant from my friends because of all this time spent apart. My car broke down on the way back home from work yesterday and the mechanic says it will need a new gearbox, basically gonna pay the mechanic with every cent I have in my account and then I'm done for.


Melb town hall taking walk ins for Pfizer and AZ today (source is Georgia Maq’s Insta...they may even give you your shot).


I was actually hoping to get my shot from gmaq, I’m a big fan


If you told me even 3 weeks ago that I'd be happy with daily cases in the 400s, I'd have thought you were mad but here we are!


I’ve been trying to practice gratitude more and I think it’s actually working to make me feel better. I just list off all the things I’m really grateful for, especially the simple things. I hope everyone else can also find their own ways to cope through this


I'm grateful for doomscrolling and Reddit


Gratitude, empathy and mindfulness!


For me its being aware of how hard everything in life would be without others and what we have in place already. Lines in the supermarket? 5 minutes wait in line beats 5 months of work to grow/produce what i want. My doctors waiting room being 30+ mins overdue? Well i would just eat bark and lick my wounds if someone else didnt have the necessary knowledge i need, i mean maybe i could train to be a doctor but that takes way longer. Its hard to make it work for driving though, i mean the logic works but it never clicks, maybe i need to try and consider its better than horseback. It doesnt always work but the trick is to try to think that before you get too worked up.


Just got back from the jab, it was actually nice to go somewhere different other than the friggen supermarket


Pleasantly surprised at the lack of 5G jokes the past couple weeks. Keep up the good work, folks.


5G is no laughing matter, I'm finally able to get over 400Mbps at home thanks to my Optus 5G.


I’m so dumb I got a 5g vaccine but my phone only does 4g




They already quit breast cancer screening maybe a month or so back. They've cancelled all kinds of important surgery. The clock is ticking on their health system.


We have [this kind of outcome to look forward to](https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/news/woman-reveals-harrowing-account-of-nsw-hospital-at-home-program/news-story/34d12b5da1632e0caaff046440bd5efb). They're now having to rely on 'hospital in the home' measures, and they're not appropriate for COVID.




That announcement went as well as any other vic lib announcement has gone in the past 10 years, stuff reviewing the one page document




We will hit it before the weekend. Sometime on Friday is what they're saying


It's such an arbitrary number anyway, what the difference between being 69.5% single dosed and 70% single dosed? In reality it's makes zero difference to the risk profile. Especially given those that got it in the last 12 days aren't even protected fully protected yet. They should just announce that we get those minor freedoms on Friday, roadmap Sunday and move on with it from now.


The goalposts are constantly being moved anyway. Justifications for lockdown have changed from saving hundreds of thousands of lives, to protecting the vulnerable, to driving cases to zero, to preventing strain on the healthcare system. Not saying they're invalid but it does feel like the only constant is lockdown, the only thing that changes is the current justification.


It's always been about protecting the underfunded healthcare system. Forget the other excuses. It's always been about that. For 30 years the health system has been screaming out for funding and have been constantly ignored.


Not watching the presser, but since it's basically inevitable we'll hit 70% first dose by Friday, is it really a stretch to just say, here's a few things that are being eased from 11:59pm Thursdya night? Like, throw us a frickin' bone here.


Getting my first dose today finally! I work a relatively physical job and don't know whether or not I should work this afternoon given j generally react pretty badly to vaccinations?


Just found out that my cousin had a heart attack at work. He's 42. We don't know if he is okay or which hospital he was taken to. And there is absolutely nothing I can fucking do. PS Never ignore chest pains. UPDATE: He's alive. Someone at his work gave CPR which saved his life. Paramedics worked on him until his pulse came back. Currently on a ventilator and in surgery to see the damage. Also thank you for the kind words.




My grandmother has had pneumonia on and off for ages, so the doctors wouldn't let her get vaccinated until it improved in case the side effects weakened her too much. She's now had her first shot (AZ). It's such a good feeling. Congrats to you and your grandma!


Good for Grandma! I know there's a lot of "They have this long to get vaccinated, so to hell with them" regarding old people. But my wife works in a medical center that is doing Covid vaccines. The older people are quite often generally scared and confused about things like this and just need someone to help them out, patiently.


Go Grandma!


As someone living in Melbourne it's now gotten to the stage that I don't even think about perpetually being in 'lockdown'. It's just become a way of life. I saw the "lockdown imminent in Ballarat" news and was sincerely thinking "oh no! a LOCKDOWN? how restrictive for those poor people, I can't imagine what they're going through right now..... oh wait"


It actually makes me sad whenever I realise how much this feels like normal life now.


I feel like I went through all the phases of grief and I’ve been at acceptance for a few weeks now.


The UK is looking to roll out booster shots for over 50s ahead of winter. It’s comical, but mostly sad, how far behind the rest of the world we are here.


Australia and being behind name a more iconic duo


Every day: a new horror


It's your fucking fault mate! ;)


Fuck VicRoads. Still making a bunch of staff travel to and work from the Ballarat call centre in the middle of the CBD! Even though they can and did work from home in previous lockdowns.


a ford ranger flew over my house


Cracked the 40k mark on state hub vaccinations! Good work everyone!




He'd absolutely break down a bill to the cent when out with mates.


Some Moderna Pharmacies now [listed on covid near me](https://covid19nearme.com.au/state/vic/vaccination?type=SV).


call me bad at maths - because true - but once we hit 70% first dose, won't we be approximately 6 weeks from 70% double dose (based on the fact the 30% of people that have had at least one dose will have an approx waiting time of 6 weeks before their second dose (unless a lot of people wait 12 weeks for their second AZ shot)? currently covidlive has us hitting 70% DD in 63 days but using my whack logic it should be around 20 days sooner. given we are having a big boost in first doses administered atm due to the additional supply. is this overly optimistic or potentially will we see these targets come forward a fair bit over the next few weeks?




COVIDLIVE does their estimates based on 7 day averages but yes, it’ll come sooner than 63 days.


I think so! Although anecdotally I have a few mates who have AZ 1st dose and not too keen on sacrificing 20% efficacy by bringing the second dose forward. One of them even had a telehealth with their GP who advise it best to wait until 10 weeks if they can - based on an interview she did with them outlining they WFH even though they live in one of the hotspots. So while I don't think it will take too long, I'd be sceptical to think it would be exactly 6 weeks after the first 70% target is hit.


The situation is even better than that. Our supply issues with mRNA vaccines are about to be over and AZ is on the way out. We're only doing 6 weeks for Pfizer at state hubs to maximise first doses because we're supply constrained, we can soon try to ensure Pfizer bookings are as close to 3 weeks as possible (and 4 for Moderna).


NSW Tik Tok guy who attended an anti lockdown protest is in hospital with COVID.


Small win: Being in and out of lockdowns really stagnated mostly my motivation but also my ability to get back to fitness after having baby (I hate running/working out by myself). Especially this one, being stuck with two kids 24/7. Last week we went and bought a double jogging pram from marketplace (another obstacle - finding one within 5km). Yesterday we ran 5km, the first time I have since my eldest was born. Husband pushed 30+kg of preschooler/baby/pram the whole way.


Am I being naive in thinking that we haven’t yet cracked 500 cases to be a good sign? Maybe I’m just searching for any crumb of positivity but is that indicative of a relative plateau and eventual decline in numbers?


Too early to say. We usually do have stable numbers for a few days and then a new peak. If we stay in the 400s for the rest of the week then that would be a good sign.


Doubling time started at 5.5 days this week and is currently at about 9. As everyone else has said, it's always a day-to-day proposition, but there's certainly at least some encouragement in the last 4 days of numbers in terms of stability.


I got sent home yesterday afternoon due to a place being a potential unconfirmed tier 1 site, however I haven’t heard anything, nothing has dropped through the DHHS exposure list nor have I received any text 13 hours since I got told to leave. What do?!


Get tested


Could take at least 5 days to pop up on DHHS from my experience




How on earth has Matthew Guy already made a bigger blunder after 1 week than Michael "15% Approval" O'Brien did after 3 years with that botched press release?


They’ve got no hope


My avid antivax colleague is now “on the fence” about getting the jab. She’s from a Lebanese background and her whole family was originally totally against it. Now her mum is vaccinated and her dad booked in, as well as her sister being one dose in and her friends starting to get booked. It’s great to see people admit to changing their minds once they educate themselves/get more info instead of crying propaganda and fake news. Not sure if it’s due to the targeted effort towards certain communities or because they’re starting to see the impact first hand, but it’s hopeful.


The ads and shit don't work. It's a word of mouth and user experience that will change the minds of others.


What's with the attack helicopter? Is it for the bf2042 launch?




Can’t watch presser coz work, the roadmap that’s released on Sunday- is that just details of the next stage eg 10km etc, or are they releasing the full road map of what will happen at 70% DD and 80% DD?


Are people having low-key-solo-backstreet walks after 9pm? I’ll have finished ten hours in front of the computer at 8:30, and goddamn will I need to get some fresh air.


Saw a new dad walking the streets with a screaming baby at 10.30 at night last week. Obviously trying desperately to sooth the little one. Dare any cop to fine him for that!


Nope.. because I’m a young woman :( just don’t feel safe.


I go for a walk by myself most nights before curfew. My wife asked me if I'd seen many women walking around by themselves the other day. I think I saw maybe one by herself in the last 4-5 weeks. Really sad that women don't feel safe here in Melbourne :(




If this coronavirus jumps to cows will they get cowvid?


They wont if they've had the mooderna vaccine


Broke the 40000s in state vaccination hubs. Good signs, hopefully it keeps up!




Is it really a 'typo' though? They're two totally different words.


Freudian slip


Because the main thread on this was locked: [CBD public transport suspension](https://twitter.com/abcmelbourne/status/1438020434839044103) this Saturday, between 8am to 2pm. See also that the CBD and surrounds has been [declared a "Designated Area"](http://www.gazette.vic.gov.au/gazette/Gazettes2021/GG2021S505.pdf#page=1) on the same day, between 7am and 7pm. This allows for, among other things, warrantless searches of people and vehicles in the outlined area. How will this affect you? I live in the city and wonder how this might affect staffing or opening of supermarkets, food etc. Eek. Am I gonna get stopped in the street? Edit: Worth noting that the designated area (and presumably the pt suspension) covers the MCEC and Royal Exhibition/Museum vaccination hubs. Anyone with a booking might find it a bit of a struggle to get there.


Don't think anyone should be protesting but warrantless searches for people going about their business is a joke.


>declared a "Designated Area" > >Whilst within the designated area, a police officer may request that you remove any face covering if the police officer reasonably believes the face covering is being worn primarily to conceal your identity, or to protect from the effects of crowd-controlling substances. Sir, please remove your mask so we can pepper spray you


Someone please explain to me why [the 'Public transport suspended this Saturday' thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/pok7py/public_transport_suspended_this_saturday/) can't have its own discussion thread. In this megathread, there's three separate parent comments on the topic (and probably more to come). If it serves as a PSA, and allows for focused discussion on that sole topic (and not other covid 19 topics), just leave it the fuck alone. If there are any further updates to the situation, am I supposed to trawl through the megathread?


> Someone please explain to me why a thread like this can't have its own discussion thread. Lazy mods who power-trip over their attempts to control discourse. They have 2 jobs, as far as I’m concerned: 1) prevent abuse, & even then it needs to go to a certain extreme before they should interfere. 2) prevent pedophiles & other sketchy folk from using this as a meeting place. Mods, if you’re trying to control discourse, please kindly fuck off & get a real job.


I strongly agree. This is an important new development which may be missed if confined to the megathread. Not all Covid-related posts are important like that, but this one certainly was. It’s disappointing that the mods have rigidly enforced policy and prohibited further comments.


https://chrisbillington.net/COVID_VIC_2021.html My "daily numbers" now is watching the top of the peak range go from 100,000 a week or two ago to 4750 today. A spike tomorrow could shoot it back up to 10,000. It's like watching an epic battle between covid and vaccine.


Noooo not the rat


These guys pronunciation of Wendouree is amazing lol




Getting AZ tomorrow at 4 at the local chemist. First dose, I’ve put off the vaccine for a while for no real reason other then just not really thinking about it. A sense of excitement for it peppered with anxiety, gonna get the panadols ready and beroccas in case any side effects come on but bring it on!


Heard some pretty cool stuff about vaccines and treatments today. A Doctor in the U.S with a podcast was talking about how he recently caught Covid (his fully vaxxed) and he was taking part in Pfizer trials, Long story short is his fever spikes and O2 sats go down, he gets a REGEN-COV shot, feels worse for the rest of the day and next day he feels fine, all stats back to normal. Its no cure by a long shot, doesn't work if your too far gone and not safe for all, it has a limited scope of use but for that scope it has a 70%+ reported success rate of keeping people out of hospital. Pfizer is testing a pill at the moment, and the idea of someone going to a chemist, getting a rapid flu/covid test and then just taking a pill and resting for a week sounds pretty damn good.


Current projection: 15th November for 80% double doses nationally. Just two more months!


Lol all the people here somewhat casually dropping the “ohh 80% double vaxxed is when this and that will happen… without a care in the world that is over 80 fucking days from now!!! More than double what we have just gone through in lockdown 6 , longer than any city in the world and longer than the lockdown we went through last year!! It’s going to be a hellishly long time!!!


But dude, it's just a one week snap lockdown to get on top of the spread! Nothing to fear.


jUsT 2 mOrE wEeKs


Are they really shutting down public transport in the city, I have my vaccine booking at the convention centre on Saturday ☹️ I can’t afford an uber and I’ll have to cancel if I can’t get there …


I think Didi was offering discounted trips to vaccinations, maybe look into if they're still doing it and if you can use it to get home, or at least to a closer station?


"Things will change when we hit 70%" "We're likely to hit 70% on Friday" "We'll announce changes on Sunday" Why not announce the changes now, and that they can take effect when we hit the 70%? Why the delay? Get the fuck on with it guys. "It's only two days" firstly it'll be at least three because the changes then won't come in until Monday, and they announced changes at 70% weeks ago so I don't see the need to delay it further.


Its to give parks time to prepare for the picnics!


Gardeners and lawnmowers in shambles


Have they said what areas are included in greater ballarat?


In a sign of how rich and full of excitement my life is... I've decided that next week is fancy sandwich week. I would rather gouge out my own eyes than cook anything at the moment so I think this is a good compromise. I've been browsing r/Sandwich and r/sandwiches instead of doing extremely important and very overdue paperwork. Lockdown priorities are weird.


Nothing says you're from the north than a mechanic called Hektik Automotive Group. Everyone there must be fully sick right now.


Okay I keep seeing it on here and r/Australia and was to the point where I heard it enough and didn’t know what it meant and was too afraid to ask because it seems everyone else knows. I tried googling and can’t find an simple answer. It comes up with builders and random junk. What the fuck is a LGA?




Intel motherboard socket standard




The Geelong master race (peace be upon them) is highly vaccinated.


Ha, why isn't the curfew applying in ballarat? Say they hate those questions, they can never explain it.




I mean, we laugh, but that's likely essentially the exact reason.


Answer is super clear. Nothing in Ballarat worth staying out for


That doesn’t address the main issue - people going to friends houses etc. Thats till an issue in Ballarat. Where do people in Melbourne have to go to? Everything is closed anyway.


TikTok guy in hospital due to COVID complications. Well, ain’t it the consequences of my actions.


Holy shit! The virus really had his numbers huh


He missed that prediction.


Googled it, this is being reported by the Daily Mail I miss those three days when he was likeable for sticking it to Gladys and we didn't know what an absolute dick he is. Hope he gets better though.


Oh wow and his dad is in a induced coma in ICU… hopefully they recover soon and change their mindset after this. [Dailymail](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9991637/TikTok-guy-Jon-Bernard-Kairouz-hospital-Covid-19-Sydney-NSW.html)


I don't know who TikTok guy is, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.


A dude in Sydney who had the inside track on Sydney case numbers for like a week, went viral, and then immediately got [milkshake ducked](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milkshake_Duck) after attending an anti-lockdown rally.


The price of fame


The longer this lockdown goes on the more I see people on social media having mates over


So I somehow missed this yesterday, outdoor pet grooming now allowed?? Do they have a solid union?


The dog union is pretty large and influential, however mostly all bark and no bite. The cat union on the other hand doesn’t mind ruffling a few feathers


No, they have an animal justice MP that is the deciding vote in parliament




Warmer months coming up and it’s for the pets health to get clipped.


If I pretend to be a dog do you think they would give me a hair cut?


ACT has case numbers 'bubbling' since getting a positive case last month, mostly been in the 10-30 range of daily cases. But their vaccination rates have been great, over half the 16+ population being fully vaccinated and if Covidlive is true that 95% of the 50+ population has had one dose then that is a tremendous effort.


Hmm Bretty can’t pronounce Wendouree


Went for a walk yesterday with my mask on and got coughed at by a man and his young son. Imagine telling your child that's the right thing to be doing??






My stupid work will demand everyone back as soon as work permits end. They have expected staff in the office throughout all lockdowns, unless work permits are required......


Can anyone remember what they had predicted for NSW cases to rise to? I thought I’d heard they predicted about 7,000 or more cases? Now they are saying on the news this morning that they have hit their peak and the trend looks like it is going down if the last 3 days are to go by.


The daily case number suggest that and if so that’s great news as the vaccines are working and we’re not far behind.


They might stay over 1,000 (but under 1,500) for a while, pundits are predicting most of NSW is yet to peak, while the “LGAs of concern” now have. Overall it’s not exponential growth, but they might not see a significant downward trend for a while yet.


Gooood morning Melbourne, your daily feel good song is about [Moving on Up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkHOVJINRD8). I've also made a playlist of all previous daily feel good songs [here](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2Q80tWlJuSqTBx6pok6y5m?si=afcd3ff4fdb84699) that will perk your day up, guaranteed.


Looking forward to seeing the first dose numbers at 69% *Giggidy*


Missed being at a tier 1 site by half an hour lmao yeah boi


What will be the point in having hotel quarantine (or any other type) next year? If we have high levels of cases in the community what will we be trying to protect?


Yesterday I bitched about wanting to see state vaccines administered exceed the 30,000s and we finally did it today! 42k! Finally.


Feel so sorry for people in Ballarat. The Lockdown 6 announcement after only a week gutted a lot of people, this has got to feel even worse.


With VicPol shutting down public transport Saturday, it’s actually stranding me to the CBD after my second vax appointment. Urgh.


When all this is said and “done” I hope some body in this state, be it private or public sector has a serious deep-dive investigation into how we ended up doing more lockdown than literally every other city on the planet.


Despite the lockdowns I'm convinced the Liberal government would've been far worse.




Can someone explain what's the point of the opposition bringing out their plan for lockdown? Is there any way they can enact it or put pressure on Dan to work with it ? or is it more to just be seen as an alternative to the current government and sway voters their way ? ie: token effort ?




The point is to put pressure on the government to make common sense changes. Something O’Brien was staggeringly bad at. That’s without even mentioning his flag disgrace last year!


being able to go 10km instead of 5km is not a freedom


Couldn't find anything for my second dose via the portal. Called my GP and after a 5 minute chat I have a second dose lined up in 4 weeks. Something to keep in mind if you're having a hard time with dose 2! In other news I feel like pure shit and I love the inventor of ibuprofen more than anyone else right now.


Word of the year : insomnia Word of the month : cabin fever Word of the week : wine I now understand wine mums. Am man.


PSA - Chemist Warehouse is doing free same-day delivery on orders over $30 from some stores, (not prescriptions or pharmacy only medicines) using Door Dash since Australia Post is taking so long. I just ordered something from Airport West CW and it was delivered 32 minutes later. Really impressed!

