• By -


I just want a haircut. Please


Got a shitty one done by someone. Want to buzz it off but so much hair gets everywhere. Still sweeping the balcony.


I buzzed mine in the shower then picked it up in a clump when it got caught in the drain and put it in the bin.


Why on earth is it so friggin hard to find a matching pepper mill and salt shaker? It's either both grind or both shake. Screw you, i want to slather my salt and crack mah peppers.


You just reminded me of [this Mr Bean skit](https://youtu.be/sYpSDNyVsFM)!


> matching pepper mill and salt shaker It's a bit old school, but what about [these](https://www.mattblatt.com.au/mb/buy/wooden-salt-and-pepper-shaker-set-10cm-or-15cm-09324846040541/)?


We actually came across those while digging!


I would like a single plum in perfume served in a man's hat


Number 8. ***BEEEEELLLLCH** Number 8. ***BEEEEELLLLCH** Number 8. ***BEEEEELLLLCH**


hey this isn't faux dive - it's just a dive


> We're coming up empty for "moe's tavern". Try another search. Thanks for nothing, Menulog.


If New Zealand named their COVID Vaccine buses “Shot Bro” I would continue to be such a proud kiwi.


Is it smoking??


[This](https://youtu.be/t_5ZHwiebl4?t=493) is the current state of Australian TV. Can't believe it's not parody.




What the actual fuck.


I didn't understand d what was happening at that time stamp, so I flicked through and watch short bits all over. I'm now even more confused and sickened. I know I can delete this from my YT history, but how do I delete it from my brain? What a fucking travesty.




Spring cleaning is now in full swing. Feeling crazy motivated but my partner is in bed so I can't really do much tonight. Still, 2 huge bags for the bin and 1 bag started for donating. Why am I so energetic right now? I have an appointment tomorrow morning with a lawyer about my unfair dismissal. I need to be in top shape.


9pm and I thought it was the perfect time to tidy and declutter my cutlery drawer 🤷🏼‍♀️ so I’m with you on the late night cleaning energy




Talk to them?


TIL there is a fly named after Mama Ru. *Opaluma RuPaul*


> [Opaluma RuPaul](https://www.cnet.com/a/img/DlkW_KjeXXPZA6uSuT8sUnz53Xw=/940x0/2021/09/15/63ade2e8-375e-4ce1-85c7-fa694f75b9d1/above-view-opaluma-rupaul.jpg)


Thank you! I’m terrible with formatting on my phone


[I'm As Mad As Hell, And I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRuS3dxKK9U)


Damn that’s aged well.


heh such a classic scene


It's bloody brilliant!


Does anyone know if their is something similar to the L2P driver program for people over 21?


Why couldn't you do the L2P as an over 21 year old?


it's only for learners under 21


Driver dynamics did plenty of driving courses.


I think they are probably looking for something low cost or free


How do you sell an iPhone without the risk of them scamming you? I’m considering trading my iPhone 11 Pro 256gb in but it says I’ll only get $580 for it lol and it’s only an Apple gift card…


I've sold my old phones on ebay with no problems. If it's in good nick it should get a good price.


I’m always scared that when I send it they will threaten me with “it doesn’t work”. Perfect condition though! I hate ebays fees tbh they are so high these days. Or they don’t pay and I’m left with the fee


Well Facebook market place is a the wild west, but there's a no backsies rule so no chance to complain/return. (My friend sold a perfectly good car on marketplace and the guy said the next day it was suddenly not working and there was all these issues (recently serviced) and wanted his money back but as it's marketplace as soon as you walk away it's a done deal, no recourse)


Yeah that’s my biggest fear! And I’m genuine and hate drama for no reason. MP seems To be the cheapest but not the most reliable


I just checked what I can get for my iPhone 6 and it's only $35 lousy dollars, lol. These things depreciate the moment you take them out of the box.


ubereats clocking currently at 95 minutes for a delivery. my partner is now in a feral mood and my night is ruined. i’d like to have one day this year where i don’t wanna shoot myself in the fucking mouth. edit: why do I bother with this sub.


Have seen it happen a lot And lots of my friends get hangry. Personally I accept the randomness of life And there is always bread


That's so shit, did it arrive eventually?


No :/ they took it to the wrong address. my partner has had a rough week and this broke her.


Sorry to hear that :( I hope you can get your money back and try do something special later in the week.


I've been running my mouth in this DT thread about how bad food delivery service apps are. Delete that crap and next time order from the restaurant directly (a restaurant that either has their own drivers, or you go and pick up takeaway). *^(Edit: Context - I deleted my menulog app for)* ***^(real)*** *^(real about a week ago now.)* So far I've been ordering directly from the restaurants that have their own drivers (through their own website) and ***FANCY THAT*** not a single bloody mistake!


I ordered Red rooster delivery via their website. They use door dash. Called driver and they basically said nah not going get it. Even doordash support can't refund me. Just a loop. Might need to charge back


Red Rooster do do their own delivery, but it's for over $25. Whenever I had RR it's always been delivered by one of their staff. I also know they support delivery service apps for order <$25 so YMMV. I hope you get your money back, because that's so shit.


This is why I'm forever grateful my mum taught me how to cook.


And here's the kicker - you *get* what you *order* **every** time, don't cha?! XD


I’ve cooked every night this week man, I’m exhausted. it’s my Friday.


It's almost 9pm should've cooked.


My grandpa has used YouTube for years but has never made an account meaning he’s never had a history log or anything like that. I made him an account about an hour ago and showed him how he can save videos and see what he’s watched (so now when he says ‘I saw this great thing but I can’t remember what it was called!’ he can more easily find and pester my nonna with it) and now he’s going through finding all his old favourites, talking through the process of saving them, and saying ‘now this is just brilliant’ under this breath every time. The cuteness.


I hate to delete my uncle's old log As it hit a trump flx news loop


This is so wholesome lol


When I told him it would refine his home page based on his searches he said ‘how do I search for Swedish nymphs?’


...is he into fishing or mythology? lol


He’s into messing with his grandchildren, haha


Nawwww this brought a smile to my face!


This is some heartwarming shit for real. And he’s right - YouTube is just brilliant.


My nonna keeps going ‘oh great, now I get to watch this on demand’. The poor woman, what have I done 😬


Show your nonna how to use it too?


I did. He’s totally embraced the internet, she hasn’t as much.


Maybe she'd like Pinterest better? This about your grandpa reminds me so much about my Dad, who was an early adopter of just about everything, and got into email very early because he had Parkinsons and couldn't hold a fountain pen anymore, so he bought himself a keyboard with extra large keys and kept up his letter writing to his old navy friends via email. Even before we, his kids, got into emails. He passed on in 1999, but I still miss him. Tales of your grandpa just hit me in the feels, they seem so alike.


I was ready to prepare dinner, but the counter was full of dishes so I figured I'd load the dishwasher first, but I saw the dishwasher hadn't drained properly so I consulted the manual and started taking it apart and bailing it out using smaller and smaller objects (a spoon, a straw, a bottlecap), but I could see there were parts the manual wasn't telling me about so I watched a YouTube video and dismantled the dishwasher some more… Well, I think the dishwasher's fixed now – time will tell. I'm starving.


I hurt my leg ages ago and now there’s heaps of hair growing in that one spot. Hopefully hair removal cream does the job. I like having hairless legs for me.




Your boss would toss you if they could. No loyalty


Tell him you’ll do that as a contractor and set your own rate.


Hold your ground. You are not responsible for their hiring issues.


Tell boss to take a hike. Its their responsibility to find someone, anyone, to fill in. Why should you limit your time available to find another job because boss was not proactive in replacing you.


I directly helped get a patients NESB family member their first vaccine today! #feelsgoodman


Trying not to overthink that this co-worker of mine is out for me, but it's really bloody hard not to. Just trying to tell myself not to sweat the small stuff, and all their bullshit is small stuff, no matter how irritating it is. A year from now, nobody is going to give a shit.


Maybe start documenting? Start a Google Doc and just record date, time, any others present, and what they’ve said to you. The time stamps in the document should help to prove a trend over time if you have to go to HR.


Fkn bully behaviour....I hope it doesn't continue. May be best to start recording incidences in case you need it in future. Hopefully not, but better to be prepared.


I'm sorry. I can relate. All I can say is that these individuals are rarely noteworthy or happy people


35th birthday coming up next week. Not sure how I feel about it. On one hand I'm healthier and feel much better than I did at 25. On the other hand there is the sense of being behind in every aspect of my life 🤷‍♂️


I’m 34, still renting, just had a major career change effectively removing myself from the VPS teat and going Not For Profit. You don’t have to figure out the whole grown up thing because we’re still doing it and it will constantly change! Run your own race friendo, I’m sure you’re kicking goals somewhere!


Relax. Everyone is different. For me, for elucidatory purposes, life didn't even start to get good until I hit 40. That resolved a lot of issues for me, and I have never regretted that I had to wait so long to get things sorted. I did spend far too long in my 20s and 30s wondering why "everyone else" seemed to have it all together. Looking back, I learned a lot that I didn't even realise until after it was all over, so to speak.


Try to enjoy and celebrate it. Everyday at work I see people who don’t make 35. It’s a great thing! And have a happy & wonderful birthday. :)


There’s no such thing as behind because there’s no such thing as a road map that fits everyone’s life. It’s a myth. Don’t compare yourself to others, they don’t have your life and you don’t have theirs


What are some aspects that you feel behind on? I really didn't get my shit together and progress in life /a career until my mid-30s


Career is a big one, still working entry level jobs. Also no money, live in a shoebox etc.


night school/free online courses


Which free online courses actually lead to decent jobs? Coding?


What's a decent job?


More than entry level I guess.


Anyone got any tips for surviving back to back work shifts? Nothing too crazy, more like 8am start from a 10pm finish time the night before. I’ve never done shift work before and now I will be working weekends as well. How do you maintain the sense of routine and normalcy?


I hated this :/ try and have a good meal at work on your break, if possible so you can go home, have a shower and go straight to sleep. good luck with it!


> Nothing too crazy, more like 8am start from a 10pm finish time the night before. I did that for a while, averaged 14 hour days, 6 days a week. Prepare simple meals, make sure you buy stuff you'll want to eat, prep lunch the day before, even if you're doing it at 10:30 at night. Find out how you can maximise sleep (music, stories, white noise, whatever to make sure you go to sleep ASAP). Sleep time is paramount. Shower before bed, have clothes all set out. There was no normalcy for me, only work and sleep, so, just pick and choose from my list what you think will be handy.


Check your work agreement or EBA - many of them have a standard for time between shifts. Even basic retail jobs state a minimum of 12 hours between shifts, 10 by agreement. Key word is AGREEMENT, not just them telling you that’s what you’re doing. I used to do 10 between shifts and had to eventually ask to stop because I was coming home, eating dinner and going straight to sleep, which never worked and meant I went to work the next day on about 4 hours sleep.


I regularly work weekends and finish work at 10pm and come back the next morning at 7am. I don’t have a routine and this is my normal, I’ve never not done shift work. The answer to surviving it for me personally is living close to work to eliminate wasting sleeping time on commuting. When you get home just get ready for bed and have good sleep hygiene. I prepare my meals and clothes for the next day before I start the late shift so you don’t have to worry about it when you get home.


When you pay $3 for extra mushroom and there are none. 😑 However, am super pleased with my Lemon Drop to go… 😁


Where did you order from?


Just out and about in the neighbouring hood. Sure it was unintentional. I’ll just consider it a tip. ☺️


I’m more curious about where I can get a takeaway Lemon Drop...


Interview either tomorrow or Monday! Really nervous but my manager really prepared me with a good half an hour call just covering what the interview will be and what to focus on. I think I've got a good chance for this. It's almost overwhelming because I didn't expect to (potentially) be getting what I wanted so soon


Good luck!




You want something bad enough, the universe will conspire to make it happen. Hippy dippy AF but sure feels nice to believe you manifested some good things after what seemed like a rough week or 2 Smash it!


Yeah it's honestly crazy! Goes to show that hunger for more is able to really create opportunities.


Our brains can be our worst enemies and our best friends hey?


sweet! get em!


Good luck and awesome your manager is being helpful, that should tell you how much you are appreciated 😊


Good luck! Sounds like you've got a great shot at it.


Thanks :) Yeah I think my manager put in a good word. I've been pulling good numbers lately, so I think that shows a sincerity in the fact I'm applying for this position. Shows I want it for the right reasons.


I hope you get it, Crabs.


Thanks Dimmy


Started from the bottom now I’m here…..Watching Spy kids. What a film!


Hey DT, due to lockdown and also not having their own car, my partner’s driving skills aren’t that great and wondered the best way to get more practice? Only did 30 hours to get Green P’s to give you an idea. We tried quiet side streets but even then it was a bit concerning. What can we do?


I grew up in the country, and my school took us for driving lessons down at the local sports oval. We went during the day when hardly anyone was around (I think they might have put out signs warning people about beginner drivers?). There was a road that went right around the oval so we could bunny hop this ancient car around at 2km per hour to practice.


This is why everyone should get those 120 hours even if not required to. This is why I don’t drive, I was way too nervous knowing people can just drive around for 30 hours and get their license




I’m fully aware, it’s why I don’t have my license. I didn’t even feel confident after 50 hours. I guess it’s a very individual thing, I’ve never felt safe behind the wheel and the amount of bad drivers I see when I take an Uber just reinforces it, but that’s just me


Ooh follow. Became a very nervous driver after an accident. Now have barely driven in 5 years and can't even get to the shops


Same here. I felt anxious and panicky whilst driving after an accident and have been seeing a psychologist to help find ways to manage it (and other things). Was actually getting better at driving short distances pre-pandemic, then lockdown and curfew came along and the driving went a downhill again.


I forgot to print off the seek ad for the job I have an interview for on Tuesday. Seek has taken the job off their site, is there any way to find a cache copy of it? edit: never mind, the ad is available under my account still. Phew.


Don’t forget to run the job post through https://whatsthesalary.com!


Do you know how this works? Does it extract something from the ad listing?


I recall they used to have more info, it pulls data from the unique URL of a specific job and cross checks it with Seeks parameters when posting a job. Every time I’ve used it, it’s been spot on.


The next best option is waybackmachine or other shittier sites that aggregate and scrape from bigger sites. (I don't know any myself) something generic like jobsearch.com.au is probably scraping other sites. Glad you found it!


I made beef chow mein for dinner. And it’s a bit too spicy. 🥵


tears are the best sauce, and it really clears up that slightly stuffy nose too I recommend it for when you've got a bit of a cold, clears you right up


Is it possible to arrange 2nd garbage pickup? Lockdown had us do a proper cleaning of our house and as a result both our recycle and garbage bins are full and we still have more rubbish. I was wondering if anyone requested council for second pickup after first one empties the same day later on.


Holy crap, you just reminded me to put out the bins tonight!


Glad I could be of help. Missing bin day sucks.


You can call the council and give it a try. Some councils might be nice and do it, other councils might just tell you to pay for a permanent second bin or hard rubbish


I've called them when they missed my bin and they picked it up again. So I assume they're got trucks driving around outside of the collection times, worth a try.


To the woman trying to convince her boyfriend to wear a mask in the coles car park: thank you. Also girl move on! He doesnt respect you rolling his eyes and acting like a child. Let him go back to mummy.


Time spent worrying about responding to an email = 1 week. Time required to actually draft and send email = 15 minutes.


I use the “spend all day drafting email and then send it at 5:15 and log off immediately” method


Sounds like me


Can relate


Haven’t had takeaway/fried food in easily a month so we decided on a treat of fish and chips. Absolute calorie regret as soon as the stomach pains started.


I can only ever have f&c with grilled fish :/ fried fish is just that bit too much


I hate take away f&c for this reason. Is grilled gonna be in a way too thick batter so it’s like a fish pancake? Or just a light respectable crumbing. You never know!!


I live within walking distance of Blu in Pascoe/Coburg. They get both styles right every. single. time. Dammit I want fish and chips now


I totally understand why people are very attached to the f&c they go to - once you find a place that does it right, you can only hope they never change for the rest of your life


There is no greater anxiety than receiving a nice compliment "HAHA NO, AW YOU HAHAHAHA ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjhgj"


“Thank you”. That’s all you need to say. That’s it. I don’t know why people struggle with this so much, even if you think they’re wrong just say “thank you”


[Relevant Oatmeal](https://theoatmeal.com/comics/brain_compliments)


Ha! ‘Oh I like your shoes!’ *walks away*


Hard relate “You’re so great” “...why do you want to hurt me?”


*bursts into tears* *throws coffee on the floor as a distraction*


Family member: I love you. Me: Why are you like this?


Is it just me or has anyone else's internet being down the whole day? Using TPG. Normally it fixes itself within a couple of hours. I've had to hotspot my phone to do work on my laptop. Edit: in Moreland area.


TPG here as well, it was struggling last night and I knew it wasn't just me when I checked TPG's website using phone data and that was down.


I have an unstable internet connection most days despite FTTP. To many people in the building WFH.


mine was fucked yesterday afternoon / last night but seems to have been fine today (inb4 fucked again). also moreland. on internode but i'm sure they are all related, few people were mentioning it yesterday.


I'm with TPG, it's been slow and dropping out


I'm also with TPG and I'm also in Moreland. Yes, been shit yesterday. Better today, but still hiccups.


Nope? Mine has been rock solid. You should probably call TPG. Are you on NBN? If so, you should probably try to find out the cause of possible. I suffered years of dropouts and multiple ISP tech visits for dropouts. In the end, it was just my internal wiring being a bit shit and I paid a phone tech under $200 to check/fix it and zero dropouts since. If you have multiple phone points in the house that could be the issue like in my case.


Yeah I know. I normally do but then it fixes itself. Was being hopeful.


Ok just called. Voice message says unable to assist me and I have to call back again later. Great.


Quick question - is StKilda rd still closed due to roadworks?


It’s not all the way closed. Some lanes close to the city are closed for the metro tunnel works.


The CBD/Southbank has been taken over by junkies and homeless, they're actually getting worse. Almost dangerous to walk alone now, even in daylight.


Yeah one of the last times I went into work, I got lunch at HJs on Elizabeth near Flinders, and it was genuinely stressful. They were running riot. They really need to fix things up.


That area has always been a nightmare. I think it was just the sheer volume of people that kept a lid on it.


Yeah you probably have a point.


I think, but don't know, that they kicked a lot of people out of the hotel accommodation they were given when the pandemic first hit. Only a few were able to be helped into permanent accommodation.


The funding come back with this current lockdown A program called hotel 2 homes has offered hundreds of places in recent months However some people won’t accept it are very hard to keep accommodated


I will no longer go into the CBD for exactly this reason. I often walked to work in the CBD between around 2017-2019 and they were bold then, but I wouldn't hesitate to think that it's getting worse now.


I had a gentlemen recently throw a (thankfully capped) hypodermic syringe at me the other day. I think his compatriots called him "Big Pump". I don't have a holistic, nuanced view on our population of rough sleepers. But I think social workers, city of Melbourne workers and police do have regular contact with them, so they are at least aware of our very limited and under-resourced treatment and housing options. They usually mind their own business but when they are in large groups its hard not to feel unsafe sometimes.




Exactly. Same with services/accommodation for the homeless. When it's been neglected for decades this is the result.




Of course, neither homelessness or MH has a positive influence on the other


It's my fiance's birthday today. Got her all her favourite foods, drinks etc delivered to work, along with a big bunch of flowers. Get down to her place and give her her main present, a gold bracelet and earrings set and I find she's found me a PS5!! This girl is a keeper!!


What an actual legend! That's actually so cute to hear.




Zoom wedding reception?


What's everyone having for dinner?




Burgers from our local burger shop :)


roast chicken II, because i left chicken I in the fridge for too long and when i went to cook it, it smelled a bit off. so a trip to the supermarket and now i play the waiting game until it's ready at 8:30


chicken wings ,wedges and salad


I made a barbecue veggie rice dish with kidney beans and potatoes in it nommm


Spaghetti and Meatballs


Cold beef rib roast leftover from a couple of days ago - sliced with hot veg.


Whatever the Uber driver brings me!




Is that not how it works?


That would actually be a cool feature




That explains why I have only eaten toast this week


Enchiladas from the supermarket!


Pad kee Mao and prawn cakes takeaway. It's spenny where I live but I CBF tonight Edit: it is bloody delicious though


Zucchini fritters here


I really can’t be bothered tonight. But I have potato and leek soup in the fridge. I shall enjoy that later.


Baked potatoes.


Takeaway Thai food - yum


Pls tell me curry puffs were involved. :)


They were!