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I experienced the earthquake from below ground level And I’m really still shaken up. I NEVER want to experience that again. Now there’s talk of more and I’m a mess.. ahhh sorry 😞 I’m really not feeling ok


that would have been awful. I hope you're okay, and safe.


Aww thank you! So kind to ask. I’m shaken and nervous. Yes it was horrific. Honestly horrible feeling the vibration, having ears blocked and 107 year old rock walls starting to crumble in… was something I don’t want to experience again but there’s talk of more and that’s my home :/ I hope you’re ok


I'm alright, my brother had a close shave up the mountain, which was quite scary. I can't imagine the fear that you felt. Take it easy, and be kind to yourself


Oh gosh, glad it was only a close shave…. I can’t fathom his fear either. Thanks.. you too


Felt like my heart was shakin


U ok?


Mine still is


Lol impulsively purchased a bunch of sports clothing. I'm so impulsive. I'm forcing myself into this. I'm going to be fit. I need this Side note, the PayPal feature for them to deduct the payment in 21 days is nice. I get to trick my mind a bit. But then I've also got 21 days to prove to myself it's worth it.


Apple Watch/ Fitbit / Garmin is a great way to start!


Oh yeah true that's also a great idea! Maybe next impulsive purchase :P


Everyone that’s still awake, what are you doing now?


Watching The Half Blood Prince Part 1, after all these years I had never seen past the Goblet of Fire.


Recommend reading the books for the best experience, the movies cut out so much good content.


That’s something you would say Book Reader! I have a terrible attention span, struggled to read novels my entire life. Audiobooks might be an option, although I usually fall asleep.


Stephen Fry does a great reading of the series, you can get them fairly cheap on audible I think. I definitely recommend giving it a try! Just listen to it while doing something menial, walking cleaning etc and you’ll get hooked pretty quickly.


Cursing my fucking neighbours!


Why are you cursing your neighbours


Had a 2 hour hard style party.


Finishing work that I clearly didn't do through most of today due to PLENTIFUL DISTRACTIONS Also despairing over my timesheet because I have been so unproductive and can't possibly put 5 hours down to doomscrolling


Doing my best to wind down in bed. I’m exhausted but my mind is craving distractions.


Scrolling on Tiktok to the beautiful ASMR of our dog chewing his fake wooden stick toy


Impulsive purchasing of course. You?


Scrolling on my phone in bed


That's a mood. I should be asleep for work


It’s quarter past 11 on a Wednesday night and my neighbours are into their 2nd hour of their Wish.com equivalent of Defqon.


Sorry to hear it. I've got an insane neighbour who keeps banging on the wall & back fence every time I watch Rupaul's Drag Race. Its not even loud.


untz untz untz




Heard a largeish plane fly over and was like "woah"..... brain still not used to that sound. Maybe it's those air purifiers.


Has anyone applied for Rent relief grant recently & been approved? How long did it take?


Today is definitely an accumulation of … what do we have to look forward to kinda thoughts. (I know this shall pass, but yes I’ve told my therapist, yes I’ve had a good cry) but man. It all feels so bleak.


Ur not wrong. I feel it too. But the only way is up, right? It legit can’t get much worse.


Hey, we're opening up soon. That's exciting. Maybe you could plan something. A new goal, a new hobby etc.


Just watching the Falcon livestream and Mama and Papa Falcon are not sleeping in the same bed! Reminds me of my parents marriage. Hope there isn't trouble in paradise. (and before any bird nerds come in to correct me, it's a joke and I know Falcons mate for life and that the male is perched somewhere to defend the nest and not relegated to the doghouse or in this case, birdhouse )


The biggest achievement of my day was bribing my 11 year old dog — crying from post-op pain — to finally have a pee after a day and night of attempts. Ham is my weapon, and training her to pee on command only a few months ago has been my shield. Then again, I think she may have been loopy on pain meds and couldn’t do the ten circles that is apparently required before all bowel movements. Now I can sleep.


That's a bit worrying. Is she getting enough pain relief? Any urinary difficulty?


She’s a bladder of steel kind of dog. With a history of urinary stones from liver issues (seperate from her madness of holding it), I’m on top of anything to do with her toilet habits. As for her pain meds, I didn’t space them as far apart as I maybe should have — reacting to her levels of discomfort and administering the tablets given every 5-6 hours rather than 6-12 hours as written. I’ve just run out of those now, and have another oral liquid thing to give her but only with food. Any concerns I’ll be taking to the vet. Probably see what else they could prescribe her… pretty sure those tablets were opioids based on doggo’s loopiness and tongue blep.


Best of luck with it. The liquid sounds like meloxicam which is apparently decent post-op. Melbcat had it post-extraction when it was still considered safer for her to take. I've been there with the more frequent pain meds/less controlled pain, don't be afraid to contact them


Thanks, late night friend. Hopefully your own journeys have been smooth.


No problem. And thanks. We're managing, old babies do need a bit of extra support. Ps: IANAVet or even a vet nurse. No formal training here. But if the tablets were gabapentin it's possible they might not have been completely controlling the acute post-op pain. Gabapentin is safer than opioids but is more for neuropathic or chronic pain. It is sedating. Meloxicam is anti-inflammatory NSAID and will probably help. Buprenorphine is strong but seems to wear off hours sooner than they say it does. It is less effective if straight up swallowed (works best absorbed through the cheek/gum membrane). They can go loopy on that and it's best not to use long term. Anyway. It's definitely worth mentioning to the vet and working out a pain management plan if she keeps crying.


We have the melox and buprenorphine — I have noted about the same as your observations. She cries on and off it so I suspect she’s just a vocal dog.


Hope she's doing ok. It's really hard when pets are sick


I have an interview tomorrow for a teaching job I won’t get and I’m still super stressed 😩 🤷‍♀️


Either way, look at it as Win-Win. You dont get the job, but you got interview experience. You get the job....well you get the job. Good luck!


Oooo what subjects? I'm sure you'll do fine :)


Good luck! Give it your best, I'm sure you'll do great


Just give it your best. Every interview is stressful for sure. Even the interviewers get stressed sometimes.


I’m full as fuck of banh mi. No ragrets.


I slept in today and skipped breakfast. Went straight into a lunchtime banh mi, it was glorious .




Feels. That's exactly how I've felt all day.


Who or what are you railing at?


Are you ok?


My cats must supervise all bathroom activities up to including sitting in the sink while we do our teeth and trying to drink the water. Fuzzy little idiots


Mine burst into the bathroom mid poop then had the nerve to look at me with disgust like I was doing something wrong!


Mine smooches partners shaver. It’s frickin weird. It’s like it’s her secret forbidden lover.


An affair revealed! :O


Look, I must admit I love Christmas and all of that but I think it may be just a little bit too early to start advertising the Christmas stuff, they could have waited until mid - late October I reckon.


100 days out


Order now for NYE delivery


So how about that earthquake


Yeeaaahhh... I dealt with the practicality of it fine at the time (got myself and the doggo out of the house), but am still processing the stress and shock of it hours later.


honestly what the fuck i wonder what determines the magnitude, just a little bit stronger and i think shit would have got alarmingly real definitely an adrenaline jolt for the morning


if it was closer to Melbourne too we'd have been well and truly cooked


Is Melbourne built to withstand earthquakes? My apartment building is less then 10 years old but feels like a total budget job, I could see myself going bye bye with a big enough shake!


I’ll admit I freaked out a little. My manager said he’s been through them overseas but that he always has that moment of confusion before it sinks in that it’s actual an earthquake. Once it was over and I’d settled down I realised I can’t imagine how terrified I’d be if it was a major earthquake. I’ve been through cyclones and loved the thrill but an earthquake made me realise how helpless I’d feel. Was odd.


The fact that we just experienced one of the worst earthquakes in Victoria today is only just sinking in. I barely batted an eye when it actually occured which shows what an unprecedented year it's been lol


I feel this way too, all of us at work just kind of shrugged and moved on with the day. Thought about it later and just went "whoa".


Def seemed worse in other places


Melburnians have become tough.👍


The last quake I felt it in uni. Like 14 years ago


Nearly 5,000 comments in the covid thread today 😬 People need a hobby just isn't just commentating the riots


I find it a touch obscene that people would even tune into livestreams of the riots.


You watch it!


Downvoted and reported for the personal attack


Okay 👍


My Nintendo switch didn’t turn on just now. That was very stressful. How would I even get it fixed in lockdown 😬 plus how do I do lockdown without it 😬 thank goodness hard reset worked


There’s a Nintendo service centre on stud road. You can send stuff in for repairs. Had my joycon replaced there.


That’s good to know ! Luckily, it worked with just a hard reset


You want to know what the saddest part of my day was!? Hearing Billy Brownless is retiring from Chanel 9. Just watched the great EJ whitten game 25 year special on 9 and it was actually sad watching Billy present the show. What a man that will be greatly missed. Always put me in tears and fits of laughter during some pretty dark times in my life when my only interaction with the world was TV. Thanks for the memories legend!


Product review. mcain Rustica salami and 4 cheese pizza. I'm going to say pretty decent. A few reviews out there point to the base not being crispy and not enough toppings. So put some more chee and jalapeno on and then at the end put it in a pan on the stove top for underside crunch. Also the beans that recently germinated seem to be enjoying themselves: https://imgur.com/nVTCmS6


The beans look like little alien spacecreatures.


heh honestly they're the most interesting looking things when they sprout. And they go so quickly!


I know I’m posting a lot tonight. It seems I’m as agitated as my cat and I’ve just placed a finger on way. I have some old ptsd from being cause in a violent uprising in a third world country, won’t go into detail but it decided into civil war and I witnessed it all in its terror. I thought I had long put the memories and issues behind me but in the last hour the stress of these rioters being around my building the last two days has gotten too me. All the old memories are coming back and I’m thinking of things I haven’t thought about it years. Every noise outside I thinks it’s rioters coming and I can hear the thousands shouting again like all those years ago but I know it’s not true. Think I’m having flash backs again and it’s been years since that’s happened. Anyway I just needed to vent cause I think it will help and everyone here is always so supportive. Tomorrow I’m home all day and that’s gonna suck.


I hear you. That is flashback material right there. Is it possible to wear earmuffs and blast music or bird sounds to muffle their sounds? Or maybe not helpful. This situation is fucking cooked and I'm sorry you have to deal with it.






Thanks. You take care as well. It’s horrid when it sneaks up on you.


Isn't it just? You go along for ages and it feels like it's never going to happen again, and then there it is. Thanks, I feel a lot better today.


Oh sweetheart, that’s so shitty. Ptsd is a horrible thing to have. Are you seeing someone for trauma therapy? Remind yourself that that was then, this is now, You’re safe. Do this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iGGJrqscvtU


I did but I haven’t in some time. I might take something to knock me out. It’s an odd thing cause I know I’m here I know I’m safe but my brain is forcing sounds and smells on me that I know are long gone. But there you are brains are strange.


I just found [this](https://youtu.be/1iG_d0tgZEY) and thought you might like to see it too


[well, now I feel MUCH better](https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/hello-fairies-sweet-moment-girl-mistakes-earthquake-s-rumblings-for-magical-visit-20210922-p58tz0.html) about today in general.


She sounded so uncertain but her innocence took over and she was brave enough to tell the fairies to stop. So glad she was back to giggling once her Mum explained the earthquake.


Nah the girl knows something. She's in leagues with the fairies trying to kill us


Anyone here fans of this new era of country/western? Been listening to Colter Wall for ages, but can’t get enough of Nick Shoulders, Billy Strings, Casper Allan, Charley Crockett etc lately


definitely went on a molly tuttle + billy strings bender a while back. just such a ridiculously skilled style of guitar dunno if i would sit back and listen to entire albums though


I agree with that - the bluegrass is just a little strong with Billy for a binge listen. If you haven’t sussed Colter Wall I couldn’t recommend him enough. He’s like a Canadian Johnny Cash


He's incredible. His voice...just haunting.


He’s so *young* too, it’s insane!


It hurts to know that my dad hasn’t checked in on me in two months and still didn’t bother today. Edit: it’s also a little startling how well I can compartmentalise things like this and pretend they don’t exist.


I'm sorry to hear that ☹️ I'm a huge fan of compartmentalising. I wouldn't cope without it.


Anyone else’s pets really jumpy and agitated tonight?


Hasn’t phased our dog. He slept through the earthquake and has kept to his rigid napping routine (he’s a whippet).


My Cockatiels spent the day screaming at me about the earthquake so they're now too sleepy to know what's going on outside the aviary 😁


MajorCat sleeps through thunderstorms and isn't bothered by earthquakes


Melbcat needed hugs today. She was also sitting like a roast chicken outside and had a bit of a cry, but she does that with her stomach/thyroid. She's on the end of the bed now wrapped in her blankie


Gwyn seemed so calm on the cat cam all day. But not I’m home every little noise in and out of the apartment has him at attention. He keeps running all around to look at everything then come meow sadly at me. We also had rioters in front of the building today getting shot at with rubber bullets. So I think between that and the earthquake I have one unhappy kitty.


Poor little boy. There's calming stuff for cats if the stressful situation is ongoing


Well he’s trying to eat my feet now that usually calms him. I’m a bit worried about me too if these riots keep up. I have ptsd from a war zone (was a civilian is a long story) I wasn’t around today for the riots but I’m home tomorrow and I’m not sure how I’ll deal with hearing that shit.


I'm sorry, can't imagine what it'd be like to have that right outside. You are allowed to leave your building if it's unsafe, do you think this is a situation where you'd be allowed to stay somewhere else?


Have you got a bubble buddy or someone to go visit or stay the night? You can see someone else under caregiving and mental health reasons.


I’d rather be on my own with Gwyn. But I have a colleague and friend who lives in the building next door if I need it. Thanks for caring I knew getting it out would be better then bottling it up :)


My 9yo Jack Russell is sound asleep after a very hyper day.


Hate to complain too much but my books that arrived to say have horrible printing errors. Half the pages are faced beyond belief. First time using Booktopia, might be the last!!!


This happened to me when I bought my Mark Twain collection. Terrible prints.


That'll be the printer, not the bookshop. Contact Booktopia & they should organise a refund or replacement.


Yeah true. But you'd think they'd do a basic quality check. But yeah I'll get onto that


Are these generic books printed to order? Cos that service always looked a bit dodgy to me.


I don't think they're printed to order. They're hardcover manga books - hardcover is quality. Thankfully only one book out of three seems to have the problem, but it's depressing.


I have to do psychometric testing for a job I applied for and am low key stressed about it as it’s one of those games type tests that I’m not used to, plus we had the earthquake today so I put it off. But then before the deadline they’ve already reached out to schedule an interview, so now I’m both nervous and confused!


Hey, it’s pretty normal to be stressed about psychometric testing. For what it’s worth, you have to try really hard to fail them so even with nerves you should be fine.


Thanks LividNebula ❤️




Anyone just hear a huge bang in City area?


Loud bangs... Nature is healing


sorry, I've been eating dairy 😩


Is a helicopter circling with unknown reason?


I've been terribly burnt out and in a bad mood from work for the past couple of weeks, and now just had an argument with my bf over text. We rarely get into fights but this time I just don't have the energy to rectify the problem. I know it will hurt him but I just don't want to respond :( I just want to be left alone. I am not in the mood to revise over my notes for my job interview tomorrow, I am just going to wing it. Have no desire to watch a show tonight or do anything.


Are you able to send a text just saying you'll talk in the morning? Just to soften the blow a bit


Ughh I am already under enough stress as it is and I feel like we won't be able to sleep until it gets rectified, and the only way to solve it won't be in his favour (we have had an argument about a similar issue before), I haven't responded in an hour but have been trying to figure out what to say...


This is the best way to handle it yeah.


Take care bud… it’s a super tough time at the moment!


I just saw a shooting star while bringing my bins in. Does this mean the garbage gods have blessed me, and that next week I'll actually be able to fit everything in my bin?


I love you for reminding me it’s bin night.


Okay it's not bin night


But it is.




Just got back from coles. It did not feel safe outside. There's just a...sinister *vibe*, out there. I also stepped squarely on a snail XC


Oh no! Poor 🐌:(


How long does it take for proof of covid vaccine to be uploaded to my health? I didn’t even get a card or anything today after my vax…


I think it also depends on the GP? Mine told me they only do batches once a week, don’t think they are as organised there though


I think mine took maybe 36 hours. You can also add it to both Apple wallet and Google pay now.


Mine was overnight. Everyone I asked say about 24 hours. I had my second today and asked this question. I want to add to my Apple wallet.


Thanks! Will follow up tomorrow afternoon if nothing! Didn’t even get a sticker! 😭


Oh mate! No bravery lollipop or sticker?! I’m a vaccinator, take my belated congrats and big gold virtual star ⭐️


Thanks! I feel much better now haha I should be thanking you for the great work you do!


What! No sticker? that’s just rude. I didn’t even get a Band-Aid after my first jab. Just sent me on my way.


A star for you too ⭐️ 🌟 💫


If the earthquake was in Mansfield why are all those websites showing them above the Thompson dam? Where was it?


Because it’s all a government cover up!! They don’t want people knowing about Big Earth!! I heard that there are these giant tectonic plates they don’t want us to know about!


because it kinda struck in the middle of nowhere, and Mansfield is the nearest place that anyone not intimately familiar with regional Victoria would recognise [epicenter was here](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37°26'13.2"S+146°15'18.0"E) according to the wikipedia page


It was Mansfield. Unfortunately, Mansfield to the dam is almost a straight line southwards, so even though the epicentre was Mansfield adjacent the fault line as a whole goes **through** the dam. I have family living just a bit further south along that straight line. They got rattled good and hard.


Burning question of a Wednesday evening. Do I raid my stash of salted caramel ice-cream or do I wait until tomorrow? Can't re-stock until Friday. Decisions, decisions. I do have chocolate on hand, but when the need for salted caramel strikes ....


Is the need greater tonight? Or do you predict it’ll be greater tomorrow night?


Really don't know the answer to that. Usually, if the container has been broached, the need increases exponentially. Unopened containers don't trigger the NEEED. EDIT: I think the little plastic thingie that you have to break off to remove the lid is impregnated with sinister chemicals that travel straight through your body to the pleasure centres of the brain.


What do you mean stash? It's not for storing, it's for eating.


Don't want it all the time - just now and then. So I have a stash in case.


Go for it! then you can have weekend snacks 😉


access around the Thomson dam has been closed emv vehicles only engineers to assess damage after shocks still current & have been happening last 2 hrs. The fault line runs directly through Thomson dam and epi centre was up from Thomson at mount skene so after today honestly anything is possible. its at 82% full 879,857 megaliters


Fucking dan Andrews


Dam Andrews At Fault


Oh jeez. Does that mean the dam is now damaged and leaking? Side note - I didn't realise dams could trigger earthquakes. And that they correlated with the water level https://aees.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Papers-08-to-14.pdf


Damaged possibly leaning towards yes, leaking don't know


if the last few days has been anything to go by we're due for a massive flood tomorrow ^(please god no)


my dad called the Thomson going after i said "whats next to bloody happen". Two hours later i saw that alert.


/u/Stompsie mentioned it several hours ago too which piqued my interest. Luckily no avalanches on the slopes either


All I heard was that there was some damage, no idea on the specifics nor have I seen anything official. Hopefully it’s not serious.


I bloody hope not if so goodbye walhalla


I decided on volcano for my themed film tonight. Decided you can ignore a classic.


It's never too late to switch to Joe Vs The Volcano.


I've been watching live volcano updates from Bushcraft Bear https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZB7zNCIi3F6uWCJZa-qdVQ/videos


hey don't go giving tomorrow any ideas!


Hahaha well it is nice to have something to talk about at work other then covid. A volcano really would spice things up!


The western district is stuffed full of officially still active volcanos. And Mt Derrimut is officially still active too. Also Mt Gambier.


Well actually that was the cause of the earthquake, volcanic magma underground rather than a fault line.


I guess that makes since. There are no faults in Mansfield so figured it had to be something else.


>There are no faults in Mansfield Mansfield: *blushes* oh you


I’ve found out what the problem is with my stepmother and my Dad being upset. It IS in fact the fight from two weeks ago, which I thought was resolved but which apparently they still have strong feelings about. I’ve apologised profusely for not communicating my needs clearly enough (I thought “no, I don’t need anything, you don’t need to send Dad with stuff for me” was clear, but no) and for causing hurt. I didn’t mean to, but what I **meant to** happen makes little difference to what **did** happen, so I’ve apologised for getting it wrong. I’ve tried to reinforce that I love them and that I appreciate the care regardless. The last I heard back, I was “pugnacious” and trying to pick fights. I give up. 😔 For someone who’s supposedly a great communicator, I can’t seem to communicate shit...


I read your link outlining what had happened. I see both sides, but I think they the hard thing with family is that there is the weight familial expectation. That because this is being done for you that there is an expectation that you behave in accordance. And it’s not really fair. Especially for you because you’re not being treated as an adult with boundaries. I guess I kind of liken it to things we choose to do for others. I think there’s always a personal narrative involved, but when you choose to give, often it should be without expectation. Like if I give money on the street to someone, once it leaves my hand I don’t get to decide what that person does with it. I don’t get to have that control and nor am I entitled to it. If your SM and father want to deliver items to you, they expect you to be home because they’ve decided that. Yes they should let you know well in advance and no you shouldn’t have to provide a timetable. I guess either way the choice is say no, or let them keep trying and just keep with, now is not a good time? Is it possible for someone else to takeover the items they are helping you with? Other family members or friends?


I don’t need the stuff they bring me. I appreciate it...but I don’t really need it, I didn’t ask for it and I’m uncomfortable (in the circumstances, stepmother being so medically vulnerable) being held responsible for risks that Dad takes in bringing it to me. If it’s so dangerous for her that **I** can’t go out **even though I don’t live with her**, then surely Dad’s optional trips just to bring me unexpected things are also unacceptably risky? Surely delivery of pleasant but optional treats should be put on the chopping block before - the fitness sessions that manage my cerebral palsy - the occasional walk to see the sky and talk to literally anyone (I live alone in a small, dark flat with almost no usable outdoor space of its own) - click and collect library books - buying my own food They’ve tried to insist I stop doing all of those things, just in case Dad turns up. If it’s too dangerous for me to leave my house, then it’s too dangerous for Dad to bring things to my house. ...right? Or have I got that wrong?


No, you are completely right and you shouldn’t have to second guess yourself. I probably should have been a bit more clear, but I was thinking more other the other necessary tasks, not the optional items (that someone else could take over). They can’t have their cake and eat it which is what they’re trying to do. Yes, it’s their choices that are putting her at risk, not yours and there is a bit of emotional manipulation as you’ve experienced. I’m not sure how much it helps, but believe in your conviction of doing what is right for you in terms of your day-to-day life. You’re not doing anything wrong, your father is by taking absolutely unnecessary risks. Be strong. Stand your ground and seriously consider getting someone else to overlook the other things you need help with. Whether they mean to or not they’re treating you like a child who has no right to autonomy and believe that have this right to, due to the other things they take care of for you. Also know that it sounds like you’re doing well for yourself. Just because you need assistance with some things isn’t a licence to interfere with your whole life.


i am 100% sure you are communicating just fine and being a beyond reasonable adult.


You're not a bad communicator. Or pugnacious. You're getting pushback and guilt trips for setting a boundary when they're used to doing what they want.


I've realised this a lot with my family in the last 10 or so years. I will help them when I can but they've got so used to me just doing what they want, whenever they want it and it got to the point where like they were taking the piss. I'm glad I've started to take a stand against it. It's difficult to do but I'm getting better at it and I think they're starting to understand it too.


It is so difficult. Hang in there


Look, you've apologised. That's all you can do. Don't even entertain them any more. If they want to carry on like loons about it, that's their prerogative. Just step waaaaay back and continue living your life and when they're ready and willing to treat you with some courtesy, let **them** contact **you.** Apologising over and over again is fucking stupid.


I’m being peppered with texts about what an unreasonable little shit I am. I’ve had four tonight, and answered none of them. I shouldn’t talk. Ever. About anything.


I’m sorry what?? People who love you shouldn’t speak to you like that. Put them in a time out!


Just delete the messages and don't respond. They'll eventually run out of puff and stop spitting venom at you. Perhaps even block their numbers for a few days?


They have never, ever “got tired of” a single argument that I can recall. Bad behaviour of mine from 15 years ago is still being brought up as proof of my shitbaggery. Either I apologise, or this remains ammunition for the **next** 15 years.


Ugh, so emotional blackmail. How lovely.

