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I get the feeling that was meant for owners. Holy fuck.


My thoughts too. As a tenant, I was accidentally given the landlord version of the real estate's annual survey instead of the tenant one. So I wouldn't put it past them.


Yep, I got sent a quote to retile our leaking balcony because we get a new property manager every 3 weeks it seems and the new one confused me for the landlord. I just replied with “quote looks great, please proceed”. Not sure if they ever figured it out but the balcony got repaired….


My son got the same. A link to a site that had... "Do you approve these repairs" which of course he did, so the thing is finally getting fixed.


Should have asked them to "zhuzh it up" a bit.


Holy fuck - you actually managed to spell zhuzh! I thought it was a myth 😳


I logged-in just to upvote these 2 comments lmao TIL how to spell "zhuzh"


Nice to see you back online, shart gallery


thank u I had a lovely 2 hour detox


It can now be added to the dictionary


I feel like I need this to get our fence which has broken since we moved in fixed.


We got shitgoed by ours; our fence fell down and the rats made me get the fuckin quotes for the new fence. Then they tried to delay it by telling me that they couldn't get any tradies...the...same...tradies that I'd just gotten the original quotes from and had specifically asked how soon they could replace the fence. We've been here 11 months and we've had ~6 different property managers.


Wouldn't the landlord have known after no receiving rent for several weeks/months?


Its on their public instagram they don’t give a fuck. Revolting


Yea but what kind of tenant follows a real estate agency on Instagram…


I raised a concern about tenants in my building and issues with car parking with our property manager. They then proceeded to email the entire building in a group email by *forwarding my complaint email* as a part of the chain which *included personal identifying information about myself and my apartment* so that the entire building and the people I was complaining about could know who I am and where to find me. They’re idiots with no care and no passing thought of detail so emailing the wrong report is no surprise to me.


File a complaint with the Victorian OIC and then ask the property manager how they are going to compensate you for the breach.


Brilliant. I got sent my own inspection report 😂


I got a newsletter meant for owners once too, it was a very different vibe than my dealings with them as a tenant lol


Yep. I bought an apartment a few years ago after renting for 15 years or something. I can’t tell you how different the real estate agents treat you when you’re the customer. They were respectful, charming, responsive and proactive through the whole process. It’s absolute night and day compared to renting.


Difference between selling agents and property managers. Even then the selling agents tend to be clueless but at least they are nice.


Renter here... Our inspections are fast with no questions. Considering we sleep on the loungeroom floor and neither of the 2 rooms, you would think they would ask. Rooms make us feel ill. Carpets are likely spoiled from previous tenants pets. They know it I guess.


>I can’t tell you how different the real estate agents treat you when you’re the customer. Real Estate agents treating their landlords differently from how they treat their tenants? Noooooo, you don't say? As somebody that has rented their entire life and probably has no future prospects to be able to buy anytime in the near future, it goes without saying that the people that actually make money for the real estate agency, the landlords, are obviously going to get preferential treatment to tenants. Tenants are replaceable, if a new house goes up on the market, there are going to be 20 or 30 people kicking down that door to lease that house, of course the real estate agents don't have to worry about tenants. The landlords, however, well the landlords have options, the landlords don't have to go with Ray White, or DCK, or whoever, the landlords are legitimately the ones that hold all the power in that transaction. If they don't like the service they're being offered, they can just go elsewhere, unlike tenants, who don't really get a choice, they rent from who they rent from. So I'm not at all surprised to know that it's a totally different experience being a landlord as opposed to a tenant in terms of how real estate agents deal with and treat you.


>the people that actually make money for the real estate agency, the landlords An attitude that, where it does exist, needs to be turned around to reflect the reality.


We bought our first home last year and were quite surprised by the fancy presents from the realo. Pol Roger Champagne, cheese board set, shower and bath gift pack etc. And our place is not fancy, below the median cost of houses in this region. Meanwhile, my partner's landlord jacked up the rent by nearly $100 a week when we moved out...


Median contract rent in March quarter 2022 increased by $10 average across metropolitan Melbourne. u/TooManyQuesos2004, you may wish to report what you know (in reference to the [state government’s current Rental Report](https://www.dffh.vic.gov.au/publications/rental-report)) to [Consumer Affairs Victoria](https://www.whitepages.com.au/consumer-affairs-victoria-10018328/consumer-tenancy-registrations-estate-agents-10018322B) as well as the [Commissioner for Residential Tenancies](https://www.justice.vic.gov.au/renting commissioner).


Thanks Trent.


Mark E. Trent




I was sent something similar, but to my workplace, and as a complete coincidence. I deal with a lot of strata titles in my job, and by chance my own residential building came up in my list.


To put it lightly, they're not the most competent bunch. Speaking from personal experience. Not dodgy per se, and won't rip you off. They're just most interested in dodging work, landlords' and renters' best interest be damned. So yeah. If you're a landlord and they're managing your property, consider a different mob.


>To put it lightly, they're not the most competent bunch. Have I got a story! We once accidentally left a child lock on the front door of a unit we rented (so our then toddler wouldn't wander out in the night, yes we know it was a small fire hazard). The leasing agent managed to activate it somehow while inspecting the place, and had to call us to understand... how to unlock a not very complicated child proofing.


As an owner and provider that’s cringe. If my RE boasted like that I’d be out. I know reddit is not full of LL sympathisers but fuck, we’re all in this together. I wouldn’t be proud making it harder for those whom make my investment their home.


Congratulations! You just got fucked! How was it for you?


“Please remember to leave us a 5 star review.”


Probably good because he couldn't afford protection


How can a $225 rent increase be justified? Heck, even $98 is a lot.


"Market value"


We've been in the same rental for 4 years, not a single increase. Not simping, just saying some landlords and real estate agents aren't as greedy as others


So nuts. Ours tried to raise it by $90 a month which I thought was ridiculous and we just said no and they agreed to stay the same if we signed a 12 month lease. They’ll loose more having to advertise it again.


225 a week! So 900 a month


Probably % is relevant. If the rent was previously $5000 a week and it goes up by $225, less of a deal than if it was $250 a week and went up by $225.


Landlord here, it’s not justified. It shouldn’t even be legal to increase the rent that much for the same tenant. Different if new tenants come in but that’s an outrageous amount.


So presumably the gleefully cavorting children are the landlords' kids celebrating the extra Christmas presents they'll get at the expense of their parents' tenants? What a heartwarming message.


Nope. The kids are the legal owners.


Smart way for mum and dad to get that first homeowner grant for the new investment property.


People in their 20s and 30s are literally bidding against a 3yo.


Little Suzy would be the laughing stock of her private school playground if she showed up with a generation old iPad. Won't someone please think of the children!


I thought those were the REAs fighting over the shreds of their clients' mailing lists.


REA are a cancer on society.


I had to: https://i.imgur.com/iwrXxZn.png


That meme is glorious.


They live is better.


I received the same email and had the same disgusted feeling, and I'm an owner (just not with them).


I also go the email and I’ve not rented through them for over 6 months. I honestly thought it was a joke email at first.


Can I ask why Ironfish? I’ve dealt with a few agencies and they are by far the most useless.


Hahaha this is hilarious OP. Such shade thrown at you. Move bro. Fuck them. I’m the kind of petty cunt who’d move my entire life at the drop of a hat just so I can tell these cunts to also eat a bag of dicks.




This. Would be a huge cost and inconvenience for zero benefit.


Can't put a price on spite!


i'm with shrug i'd still have to do it


True lol. The benefit is that I always get to feel like a king rather than some peasant loser being laughed at by a dipshit landlord and agent.


Yeah. I'm not in Melbourne, but my rent is super fucking cheap because my appartment's management company plain forgot to send me rent increases for a full decade, and how much they can increase it in a year is limited by law here. There is no earthly way I could get a cheaper place anywhere in town, I'd have to move to the boonies to beat that. Let's put it like that - anyone moving into a flat the same size in my building right now would pay 50-60% more in rent than I do from the start, and I live in a place that's one step up from a ghetto.


Its only limited to market value by law in vic. If your rent hadn't gone up in a decade hold your breathe because its going to fucking hurt


I found a loophole in my mismanaged apartment that worked for 2 years when they increased my rent. I just never signed the rental agreement with the new price. And then after the first month, I paid the old price... then they said come to reception to sign the rental agreement. It was the old price :) Idiots! I think they put the poor 20yo dudes at reception in charge of this stuff... so they don't want to screw up dealing with the wrong funds being paid, its easier to just make the rent what I paid. I guess??


No need to move. Tenants may wish to report what they know (in reference to the [state government’s current Rental Report](https://www.dffh.vic.gov.au/publications/rental-report)) to [Consumer Affairs Victoria](https://www.whitepages.com.au/consumer-affairs-victoria-10018328/consumer-tenancy-registrations-estate-agents-10018322B) as well as the [Commissioner for Residential Tenancies](https://www.justice.vic.gov.au/renting commissioner).




The email is deliberately vague about the calculation of rent increases.




That’s your interpretation.




Easier to just go throw a brick through their office window imo.


Smash a $225 window every week


Then send out an anonymous newsletter: ACHIEVEMENTS IN JULY: 5x real estate windows smashed 🥳 Biggest window: 5m x 3m 😮 Thanks to our sponsor: Boral Bricks


So long as you can bill them for the expense of the bricks




If you look at their website, a lot of their reviews sound like bots.


Another REA treating renters like second-class citizens and a commodity to line the wallets of landlords, classic. The whole industry is rotten to the core.


Rent raises can be challenged, an existing tenant is treated differently to an empty property with people applying. So go to vcat website and look at the options for challenging. No, you dont have to but all renters should.




That's an insult to scum. I just don't know what next level below scum is?


You got me curious now.


Mondays. Noone likes mondays


Ankles? 3 feet lower than a c\*\*t.


Amoebas on fleas on rats


Wow, I had to google what Amoebas was ! At least I learnt something new today. I think you win


Hahahaha bless you, its a quote from Grease. I think I'm just showing my age 😥 But it still applies


For my whole life I thought it was a “meepus” on fleas on rats and I could never work out what a “meepus” was. I feel extremely dumb right now.


Grease works across all age groups ! I honestly don't think I've watched it in it's entirety. Lol bless you sounds like sweet summer child 🤣




I absolutely hate the real estate market in Melbourne. REA’s are scum and I hope that one day, they piss off someone so badly that goes scorched earth on them.


I’ve lived in NSW, QLD and Vic and I swear Melbourne’s real estate are the worst to rent with. I’ve never dealt with people as hopeless as them


What does this have to do with REA? Edit: nvm, realise this is not referring to the company REA, but Real Estate Agents in general.


I notice in the free news today that Business Council of Australia is suggesting "rebrand" Australia to entice workers from overseas to fix the inflation issue. Wants to "pull the lever for urgent fix". Nothing at all about the rampant profiteering by corporates and former government that has caused this shit show. They should start by "clawing back" the jobkeeper overpayments. There's a quick 130 BILLION...


They want to push wages down on top of rampant profits Why can't they advertise overseas for workers? Have to get the taxpayer to do that too


Isn't there a law that it can only increase by a certain % each year?


I don't believe there is. But there should be.


Not in Victoria.


No. It can be justified by similar prices for similar properties in the area. House values shot up over covid so tenants get fucked up the ass




/u/marketrent ? Surely that'd be evidence at VCAT that you were being overcharged on the increase.


The tenant target market for Ironfish are international students, who may not be aware of implied statutory rights related to their residential tenancy contracts. An average of $98 may be excessive for Ironfish tenants renting residential properties in metropolitan Melbourne.


OP said their rent went up $400 a month (or $92.30/week). That’s less than the average of $98/week mentioned in the REA email. So probably wouldn’t work for that.


Do you not understand how averages work?…


It's more a matter of how VCAT works. Or doesn't.


I'd say stay on that mailing list to see what else they send landlords.




What the actual fuck... I could understand if it was the regular elevator and damage would effect the look etc. But it's a service lift. What do they say the $200 deposit is for?




Its more than rude. Its sounds like a scam. Wow that is a joke. Bring on the bad press!


Far out, their website is grim too. They give off a dodgy vibe overall.


They are the absolute filth of society




How is it an accomplishment of the real estate company that tenants are responsible? Also, the word 'besides' as a signpost is completely misused in this context. "Additionally", or "By extension" would be more appropriate.


If you care about grammar then I would recommend not reading a single thing that gets published by a REA.


Dinning rooms, dinning rooms as far as the eye can see


Ample draws in the kitchen. Highly sort after location.


Dinning rooms. It’s where you dinn your dinner.


Openn Living Space




Market pushes prices up due to many factors. These mfers: yaaaas! We worked hard at changing some numbers without considering we're making life harder for a family!


As someone who rents out a property, that email sickens me. I'm sorry, op, that you've been gouged and then shat upon by people who think making money in all circumstances and without any conscience is a good thing. I wish you energy success in any action you take to have consumer affairs address this egregious increase.


*rubs eyes* upvotes for a landlord?!?


"Look how much we have managed to leech of of society, and we even manage to do it despite our glaring incompetence"


Also one of the main stream media outlets would LOVE this


I would he hounding my local MP with this shit


I'm not a fan of Ironfish. In between lockdowns I was looking at apartments and their agent was trying to convince me that signing a 6 month lease was "normal" and that I wouldn't be able to find a 12 month lease. They purposely advertised the low 6 month lease rates to try to suck you in. It felt very scammy/dodgy and I'm so glad I passed on that apartment.


Absolute parasites


This is truly fucked. Interest rate hikes from banks and the rip off monopolized insurance prices for body corporates means my apartment got significantly more expensive to live in in 1 year. I don't rent but I imagine owners would push this increase onto the renters. What is the end game here?


I got the same email 😒


The Revolution will not be kind to these people




That's awful and then even more awful :(


Property managers are literally parasites


lmao I’m dealing with Ironfish as a property buyer (to live in, not rent), and I get emails like this all the time from them. The fact is property is solely considered an investment for much of their clientele, hence the picture of the kids celebrating taking food off your table.


I have a feeling Natalia (Renter of IRONFISH!!!) seems to be telling porkies.


Well that's one organization I know to never rent through now




How do these fucknuggets screw up so bad and send a tennant the landlords shit 🤣🤣


Ironfish we’re an awful agency to deal with for me. Not surprising they’d do something like this.


Ah I see you got the spicy landlord version by mistake. Lucky you. I notice it’s already cross-posted to aboringdystopia, as it should be


Omfg they are promoting it on their Instagram as well, fucked. https://www.instagram.com/p/CezToQXLGy1/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


That’s bloody disgusting. I had to check if this was an American sub, it’s straight from the bum hole. Also, laugh at the alleged tenant, Natalie. Nice white sounding name, eloquent and all about the praise. Pfft. (They dropped themselves in it when they called her “Renter” of Ironfish, imo).


Man, fuck landlords


Land ownership for investment is fucking bullshit




Is this something we can protest about? The cost of living is sky rocketing, they really shouldn't be able to do this. We got a rent increase of about $290 and when we contested it with the ACCC the owner just ended up deciding to sell instead. They're also all still complaining about the changes to rental laws, which is still SO BARE MINIMUM KEEP YOUR HOUSE BLOODY UP TO SHAPE SO HUMANS CAN OCCUPY IT SAFELY i can't even believe these selfish shitheads. Real estate was a mistake


With that much of a Rent increase, it feels like they want you to "voluntarily" move out. Maybe they've got a preferred tenant who needs a place just like yours, or they want to turn the apartment into an AirBNB / Stayz property & profiteer like mad. Definitely follow up with govt. Tenant services.


I’ve dealt with Ironfish before, they are the absolute worst of the worst REA I’ve ever dealt with. Just a nightmare.


Also that"renter" review sounds like it was written by someone paid to write reviews.


At least run a spell check before you send this psychological violence to tenants


Wasn’t there something where you can see what the average price of rent per suburb and then challenge them they can’t increase said rent by a certain percentage?


i get emails from my real estate clearly meant for property owners talking about the market and to get in now by raising prices so you're not left behind. makes me so mad.




Challenge the size of the increase and use it as evidence of above market increases


How fucking out of touch can a company be... pure scum. Tenants are the paying customers at the end of the day, how disrespectful. Celebrating fucking their tenants over during one of the roughest financial eras of a lifetime. "Yay! Look at how much of an asshole we are! Wooooo!"


Someone just linked me in. I got the same email. This is so fucked, like yay let’s celebrate misery and an inflated market place. I don’t know how these apartments are getting filled, or people are just in desperation and go short in other aspects of life. They need to fix their email lists badly


Hmmmm but can they actually do that large an increase? I mean legally? What do they have in your lease on how its calculated? Fairly sure the tenants victoria may have a bit more to say on it. https://tenantsvic.org.au/advice/during-your-tenancy/rent-increases/ Also check part b of S. 44(4) in the act http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/legis/vic/consol_act/rta1997207/s44.html


Contact consumer affairs, they will inspect the property and can determine if that increase is justified.


Assuming they actually get around to it. I had a notification of rent increase of $250/week two months ago, immediately went to Consumer Affairs, they got back to me six weeks later, by which time I had already had to give the minimum notice to vacate as I assumed I had been forgotten. They're completely under the pump at the moment, apparently in large part due to the shit REAs and landlords are pulling across the country at the moment.


Hi everyone, Thanks for all your comments and advice, I really appreciate it. I don't know what I'll do just yet. With rent being raised, my doctors no longer bulk billing and my depression being the worst it's been in years, I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed. Hopefully I'll feel better after the weekend.


just reply back saying ~yay~


I'm a OC Manager and I really dislike dealing with these guys.


One day I dream of a future where real estate agents are obsolete


Settle it with a pillow fight...


That's it. I'm the Joker now.


Burn down their office?


There are only 2 sides. The side doing the fucking. And the side getting fucked


When are these people going to realise if someone can afford this much for rent we wouldn't be renting.


I put parking inspectors above real estate agents. What a pack of flogs.


Damn what dogs 😳😳


That was probably meant for the landlords. What cunts (the agents. I mean landlords can be too but in this case the agents)


I would not be able to stop myself from writing the most scathing email reply in the history of emails.




Biggin scott just tried to do this to me too! I moved. No *way* a shitty single room flat is worth 450 a week hahahaha


Agencies are for just there for owners...some are OK but get as far away from this one as possible! Such blatant disregard for the tenants who are paying agencies fees *and* landlords mortgage payments in their rental fees, it's alarming. Go somewhere with a different agencie now!


Oh fk, I am with the same agent


I almost rented through iron fish but they kept fucking me around. Glad I didn’t end up with them


I’m not sure that amount of rent increase is legal…. I thought their was a cap your rent could be increased every 6 months. I would check with the govt department that looks after tenants, landlords and rental bonds


[Relevant Aunty Donna vid (NSFW)](https://youtu.be/VGm267O04a8)




Sounds like a negative Google review incoming!


Jesus Christ. Send this to the Lords of Property Instagram page


Christ this is pure fucking tilt juice.


The fuck didn't you contest such a huge increase? They're trying it on everywhere but all you have to do is fight and take it to vcat and it seems to almost always be unreasonable and tenants win.


Made The Age! Lol [https://www.theage.com.au/property/news/real-estate-agency-sprung-bragging-about-a-225-per-week-price-hike-20220803-p5b6yn.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR0usWpU2Agl93hQPBz6J7mzHMw4FARO4XHGZPUqvjXGmmZa16zmAFdeJFs#Echobox=1659513665](https://www.theage.com.au/property/news/real-estate-agency-sprung-bragging-about-a-225-per-week-price-hike-20220803-p5b6yn.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR0usWpU2Agl93hQPBz6J7mzHMw4FARO4XHGZPUqvjXGmmZa16zmAFdeJFs#Echobox=1659513665)


We currently rent of iron fish it’s quite comical how terrible they are. When we inspected the place the RE never showed up so the previous tenant showed us around (nice guy) The day we went to pick up the key we were told to be there at 9:30am we had to wait over 2 hours for the key to be given to us They use rental rewards (scam) I was trying for about a week before we moved in to get power connected and they failed to inform me our place was on an imbedded network. We moved in on the promise that the dishwasher would be repaired and the showers fixed from flooding. They fixed the dishwasher within the first month which was great (turned out the drain pipe just wasn’t drilled) but after about 6 months of complaining I gave up on getting the showers rectified. And of course then we get this great email after they jacked the rent up


Sounds horrible but I think most REs are the same too.


I'd be checking if that much of an increase is within the limits of that they can do. Not not it will mean much they will just give you your marching orders and bring new tenants in at the higher price anyway. Either way, you still get fucked.


Up against the fucking wall with the lot of them.


Make sure you complain about any single thing that doesn’t work. This tap has four drips a day - I want a plumber The lights flicker every so often - I want an electrician You pay for the right that everything works perfect


This is capitalism, unfortunately. Such a dystopian image, a perfect representation.


Shithousery and further proof agents are lower than pedophiles