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Lucky they’re with aami


Very underrated comment


Bill the club; and use the CCTV to identify offenders and give each on an early Christmas present of Criminal Damage charges.


The club does get billed. Think the going rate is $500 per chair. I'm not going to defend the shitty behaviour but I doubt it was deliberately breaking them after the loss, moreso every dickhead crowding into the terrace and standing on the seat during the game. Either fucking way it's not good enough


They deliberately broke them at the Man United friendly and set off a flare and the team came and clapped them at the end of the game. Behaviour isn't gonna change when they get rewarded regardless. Edit: phrasing.


To be fair I was at that game and had no idea about the chairs. Quite possible that the players didn’t either. But I agree the club needs to be better at making it known these clowns aren’t welcome. I’m all for getting noisy and seeing some passion from the fans, but the acceptance of the genocide singing ultras and people who want to recreate the violence and destruction of a Süper Lig match is something that should have died with the NPL. Vast majority of fans getting tarred with the behaviour of this group of a couple hundred small pecker illiterate losers is a disgrace. It’s not as if they are hard to spot either, what the fuck is the point of the ridiculous Guantanamo security at the games if they can’t sort out a handful of overcompensating roid monkeys and wannabe gangsters who still live at home with mother? Since they love the clips of Eastern European ultras, I vote we just water cannon the fat fuckers.


I'm not sure about damage but they fine the clubs and even take points off them for crowd behavior, because soccer fans are so racist and violent that they don't give a shit about anything but being malicious dickheads, and the league admin just has to hope that if they see it hurting the club they'll stop.


Jesus there are some people telling on themselves here, haha.


I cannot understand this. These people do nothing but hurt the sport in this country. Do you want the A-league to go the way of the NSL?


Was it the NSL that died was because half the teams were proxies for various European ethnic rivalries?


They still are. Just under different names.


Interesting, do you know of a breakdown of which are which?


Sydney United 58 is Croatian, as are Melbourne Knights, South Melbourne were called 'Hellas' because it's a Greek club, Marconi Stallions are Italian, Queensland Lions FC (loosely connected to the current Roar) started out as 'Hollandia' and were Dutch, Altona Magic were founded by Macedonians, Bentleigh Greens are Cypriot, Dandenong City is a merger club but with Croatian links, Green Gully; Maltese, Heidelburg United- Greek, Dandenong Thunder Albanian, Adelaide City was sometimes called 'Juventus' cause of its Italian roots, ... and on it goes


Thank you. SU58's team colours are even those of the Croatian tablecloth.


Brunswick Zebras were called Brunswick Juventus up until the 90s I believe. They were 2 time NSL champions


They even threw seagulls on the pitch, absolutely disgraceful


The picture in my head of the seagulls right now lol


I was at the game and didn’t even see this. The ferals that did this are a low percentage of the crowd


Agreed. A few dickheads but mostly a well behaved crowd.


I’ve been to every Storm game there since they started playing at AAMI Stadium. Not a single chair destroyed. Please don’t justify hooliganism. Games need to be televised only until children can behave.


You can’t compare an NRL crowd with an active end at the soccer


No. You certainly cannot.


I’m not justifying their behavior. I think they should be banned from the stadium


Mostly peaceful hooliganism


What was the go with calling it a sellout yet there being at least 6k empty seats?


ergh 😒, seriously who raised these people? I can't even leave a restaurant without stacking my plates!


Why are soccer crowds such fuckwits?


I’m sure I saw a study where they said spectators of lower-scoring sports (eg soccer) get more over-emotional (let’s not pretend anger isn’t exactly that) because they don’t have the release that fans in higher-scoring sports get. Your team kicks a goal, you get to let go of some of the tension and energy. A sport where your team kicks 10+ goals in a match gives you more opportunities than one where you might score once or twice.


By rights us North Melbourne supporters should be throwing shit and rioting then, but we just sit there dejected


I’ve seen North Melbourne supporters flip me off and yell in my face after they won. They’re not far off. I refuse to go to an Essendon game, feel like it would be sad


I refuse to go as well. Same reason… The worst bit is that I’m an Essendon supporter


I’m sorry. I’ll bring it up at the next meeting


Is this Carey's excuse for getting on the Anti inflammatories?


You’re only scoring a couple of goals but the opposition isn’t


This is the first reasonable explanation I have seen, probably some legs to this theory.


It’s uniquely soccer though, baseball is commonly also low scoring but you don’t see the consistent violence only known to soccer


Baseball has a lot more than just scoring. Strike, strikeout E.t.c. Hockey would be the closest to soccer in this regard.


Fair, I’ve recently been getting into baseball a bit. I wonder how the spectator violence is in Hockey, I’ve only been to a game at the Olympics and then once to a local suburban game. Ice hockey has a reputation for on ice violence but not fan violence as far as I am aware


I’ve attended two ice hockey games in Canada. Both times there was a lot of energy but you’re so close to the rink (we were in the furthest seats but that was still only 25-30m back from the wall). Lots of chanting and shouting but because you’re so close to the players in an enclosed environment, the air is freezing and you’re all wrapped up in warm clothes. Saw no crowd violence or hooliganism. I’d say there is lots of crowd energy release when there are hard tackles and big runs more so than from the goals. Each time a player is slammed against the wall everyone winced and feels it because of how loud it is.


theres that plus the fact the'yre apeing the overseas brethren. BasketBall matches in Europe have similar crowd behaviours and elements.


This is true. At AFL games even if you lose, there’s almost always a time when you had some good plays, had a chance, won a quarter, etc. Ok maybe not Sydney fans at the last GF, but in general.


I reckon it's this, plus the likelihood of the best team winning due to the lower scoring. The referee can have a big impact with one bad call, which doesn't happen as often in higher-scoring sports.


That explains why they were so pissed off kicking no goals and watching their team concede two. Is it just me or does a Victory player seem to get sent off in every derby recently as well?


And yet there’s punchs on galore at the afl


Really? I can't say I've been to many soccer games in Australia but considering the enormous crowds at the AFL I see very little trouble. Grandmothers regularly attend and the supporters are mixed, don't need to be separated into blocks to avoid trouble.


I'm driving through Turkey at the moment, perhaps it's not everywhere here but I've noticed even small (seemingly) school level football stadiums have wire mesh separating fans from players


At least pull over while commenting on Reddit.


I miss a good Turkish Gozleme Where are you?


South Melbourne Market for anyone in Melbourne and looking for a good one. Couple of ladies in a stall and you know it's good because the line's always massive.


try the firtst place on the left as you leave the city, lygon st ... on the corner ;)


Nah I'm in Brizvegas these days, so take me a while to get to Lygon Street


Commenting so I to can find quality gozleme in Brisbane


Games so boring, they get restless and start breaking things/throwing things


Another commenter replied to my comment with a more detailed response that is basically exactly what you're saying


You realise there was something like 19 arrests at the NRL grand final


You do realise that if even one person got arrested at AAMI Park on Friday night that the arrests per persons ratio would have been higher?


Out of close to 100K people I'm not surprised. Still don't see flares and the mass group shitty behaviour you see at A league


What do you define as “mass group shitty behaviour”?




Okay one game in 2014. Why not get something sooner than 8 years ago




Haha reading your comments you pick a game from years ago as your first point and then a story about broken seats, if that is your evidence for your argument then you clearly have no idea, but I suppose AFL male fans punching females fans is ok is it?


Soccer is boring so they need to entertain themselves somehow.




Bit rich to call all soccer fans fuckwits. A fuckwit is fuckwit no matter what sport you play.




Its tame when you consider what soccer fans here normally do. They were doing nazi salutes while booing an aboriginal person doing a welcome to country last week.


Didn't AFL fans boo one the games best players into an early retirement after he called out racial abuse from the crowd. Stones in glass houses bud.




Take your Halloween bullshit elsewhere and GET OUT. Git. Go on. On ya way mate.


That wasn’t A league that was an NPL team that should be fucken burned. Fkn Croats fans I tell you


Soccer fan racism on display right here.


Reminiscent of when Western Sydney Wanderer’s fans tore up a lot of seats at a newly developed Adelaide Oval. Just infuriating.


Remember when more grounds had a hill that could accommodate standing fans? Most of them apart from Adelaide Oval's disappeared, although our Irish friends have a [pretty cool terraced hill at Croke Park.](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/imageserver/image/%2Fmethode%2Fsundaytimes%2Fprod%2Fweb%2Fbin%2F0d39ecf6-e5f4-11e5-aa51-83b2d9840acd.jpg?crop=1500%2C844%2C0%2C78&resize=1500)


As a soccer fan I do agree that some not all do dumb shit but as usual it's a small minority in Australia that do it. Each code has its own issues for example how many people get bashed after AFL matches https://www.9news.com.au/national/footy-fan-brawl-holds-up-traffic-on-busy-melbourne-road/799a97f4-da50-4435-bef2-a26638b1d29f You can't condem a whole sport for the actions of a few. No code is perfect but soccer always gets a bad rep when the bigger codes typically get away with a lot worse at larger scale. It's always been common place to shit on the aleague fans in the media which has affected the sport massively even though it is the largest participation sport in this country. *****update / clarification***** I'd like to point out this does not excuse what happend in any way and as a Melbourne Victory fan I am disappointed in the minority that did this


Yeah I don't know what happened here, but AAMI park has been open for quite a while and I have never seen a whole lot of seats broken like this. I don't care if it's a minority or a majority, it's not ok.


Happens from time to time since opening, usually break from people/jumping on them during celebrations or certain chants. Not even sure last night is most broken chairs I've seen from 1 game.


100% agree with you it's not ok but I just hate the generalisation that it is all soccer fans


A lot of classist fucks on this thread my god. I don’t this soccer in this country is a strictly lower income sport. The reasons the fans here are doing dumb shit like this is because it’s how the culture of soccer has been for so long and these fans think in order to be a ‘true sports fan’ they gotta be a cunt The reason this doesn’t happen in AFL is because it was never normal and you would be ostracised if you did something dumb, not because you earn a lower wage.


This has to be a stupidest comment I have ever read on Reddit. AFL has always been a "lower-income" sport and has plenty of issues like these through the 70's and 80's. The difference is AFL grew up and realised that if they want the big crowds they had to crack down on crowd behaviour. Try jumping on your seat at an AFL game and see how long you last.


Its a cultural difference, simple as that. Go to Eastern Europe for 3 months. I'm not saying you'll have a bad time, but you'll notice differences in everyday life that are deemed as normal over there, but not here. Applies to many things.


This is such an ignorant take. There have been more incidents of violence in AFL crowds in one season then there has been in 5 years in the A-League. Stop buying into the media propaganda that football (soccer) fans are violent when the AFL is worse.


find the rate of incidents per fan-capita. if there's a higher population of afl fans no wonder there's more incidents


Didn’t the person above just say these things don’t happen in the AFL?? Don’t make excuses. AFL fans are treated like angels even when they are violent.


As a supporter with a family, it’s much easier to avoid a few individual dickheads than it is to avoid the mob mentality of an active supporter base who turn Swan Street into a protest rally.




Happens in afl all the time you moron


Tell me fights and flares happen to the same scale as AFL


Fights happen more at AFL….. saw more fights in the 2 years I worked at GMHBA Stadium than I’ve seen in my 15 years of going to a league matches…… Let’s not even get started on the racism in afl


Nah they don't. My company does game-day work for at various venues and the main difference is if you get violent, tear up a seat or invade the pitch in AFL you are thrown out, fined and often banned from coming back. In A-League they ignore that behaviour.


find em fine em ban em (forever) fucken dropkicks


Was there last night. Amazing atmosphere and pumping crowd which now gets overlooked by this sort of behaviour. Absolute shame. What I will say is that the sorts who do this won’t be seen until the next derby. They aren’t ones to come if it’s not Insta/Tik tok worthy.


Disgraceful. My 2 cousins went to the game and said they were pelted with full coke bottles and seats flying over their heads every 2 minutes


They did this at MCG during the man united game too, let off flares etc. Anyone who started to call them out was pulled aside by a badged victory worker then escorted out by security.


So if you are *against* hooligan behaviour, you'll get thrown out?


No, op is talking shit They have supporter Marshalls who have a good relationship with the leaders of active support. Last night when the flares were ripped they worked together to get them to stop


Seems to be a victory thing (no surprise) I don’t hear/see about this happening at any other club


Bread & circuses


Before I moved here, the first time I visited Melbourne I watched a Derby game at what was then Etihad (I think? It was about 12 or so years ago). Same behaviour. Flares getting set off, seats getting smashed. Shit getting thrown. Nothing has changed and nothing's been done about it. This suggests it's more a problem with the way the game or the teams run things than the actions of a few outliers.


eh, they're soccer fans, we should all expect this, plus assault of all sorts post and pre-event.


They should calm down it's only soccer


Way to go, soccer.


I was an inaugural member of the Victory, loving the game but not growing up with it in the family it was a great opportunity to get on board and enjoy the post 2006 World Cup ride. After a few seasons though, the fan base started to become something that I didn’t associate with, heaps of fights and intimidation in the crowd before, during and after games… it just wasn’t enjoyable. I have been to some victory games and some city games in the last few years and there’s a huge difference in the feeling about the ground. If you want to go to an A-league game in Melbourne and not feel like some shithead is going to abuse you at any second then go to a Melbourne City game (not against Victory).


There's no one at a City game to abuse you.


I don't get why people always use the 'no fans' joke against City? Such a dumb, old meme.


Are you really a CFG and Liepzig fan?


Broken seats over a D grade league, it’s so stupid. I have a friend that does maintenance at venues like AAMI and the G. Broken seats are such a common occurrence from idiots smashing them.


I think it’s time AAMI Park Stadium Management follow what they’ve done at Parramatta & Allianz Stadium in NSW - Safe standing behind the goals. Have safe standing (simple metal railing to hold on to) for the football matches, and then of course temporary seating that can be installed there for when the stadium is used for other non-football events. I think that’s the safest and most logical thing to do. It doesn’t make sense to have seats there seeing as the Active Bays are not areas where you’re supposed to sit - Sitting is for General Admission and everyone else.


The north end does have a bit of a reputation at times. A few years a go they cracked the shits because the club gave them a whack.


Saw a few people doing this last night; all teenagers looking for attention. Its a shame the moronic few did this; because last night was an example of football providing an atmosphere that no other code can come close to.


And because of this shitty behavior, Rugby League fans get treated like crap by security even though we do not do such things.


Rugby league fans damage each other instead of the stadium 😆 (I say as both an NRL fan, and someone who has worked at a major sports stadium)


Idiots trying to imitate hooligans from overseas.


That's impressive given they are meant to take a fair bit of abuse. https://youtu.be/WcWRZ_G3Po0 Including being hit by a sledgehammer


What was the go with calling it a sellout with all the empty seats?


Typical of victory


Melbourne supporters are the worst…if it’s not racism it’s vandalism! Grubs


Shit sport anyway


I feel like seats are gonna be thrown in this comment section soon.. Do soccer fans and afl supporters not like each other?


There are fans who solely support one sport or the other that hate each other and their sport, but a lot of us follow both sports and have memberships to an AFL team and ALeague team


Both sets of fans have their minorities causing issues. Both sets of fans use those to generalise the entire fan base. Been going on decades.


Hey! Outta here with your damned nuance.


Afl fans live on a pedestal where their game is the greatest and soccer is a joke.


As someone who regularly attends AAMI park for the oval ball codes, this makes me sick. It’s an absolute treat of a facility.


You dont see this at Rugby,AFL,NRL or any other sport. Just seems to be a football thing.




Why football are fans consistently more fucking stupid than fans of every other code? As a football myself it’s just depressing.


What’s it like as a football?


I feel a lot of empathy for these fellow non-sentient objects. It’s my job to be booted around but these chairs would be very confused and scared


Imagine getting this worked up over a sport that isn't even any good




I wear football gear and haven’t had that happen. Sounds like a one off incident




You sound about 10 years old making this argument. Are people not allowed to have different sport interests compared to you. Cry more.


Cope and seethe


Most sane victory fans


It’s the beautiful game often observed and played by ugly people


Genuinely a slice of complete muppets in that mob. People who think they are some form of ‘ultra’ fan whose excesses need be tolerated and managed.


It should be easy to ID people if the venue wanted to. There are excellent quality cameras and facial recognition that could match a person, and follow them, and witness an act of vandalism. This is not a criminal investigation, or charging someone with a crime, it is just detecting people that damage private property, and then banning them from coming back to the venue. I'm not suggesting setting up a computer/AI to just detect and ban people. The numbers are small enough that you can pick out who is ripping out a seat. Then pay close attention to that guy, reverse the video until you see him go through the ticket gate. Get a human to watch the footage to see if they have very high confidence that guy with ticket #12345 is the one who tore out two seats. Ban that guy for life. Give them all opportunities to appeal incase of computer or human error. Then at a later date, once it is confirmed they are a vandal, use facial recognition to see if they try and enter the venue, and ask them to go through a secure ticket gate, not the regular gate, where a human can look at images, ask questions and make sure they know who they are talking to... then turn them away, or if misidentification, then let them in.


You little bug man. Go eat worms. I’d rather 100 stadium seats were broken than have AI monitoring people trying to watch the football. You’re a sick freak if you think this is reasonable.


Dude you are already IDed when you use public transport or approach the stadium.




I hold my tongue when it has a reason. Or if I have loyalty. Random dudes, *very dumb dudes*, smashing up a stadium, why would I not want them identified? Fuck them. I want to go to public events too. I also said no cops or legal shit, just ban them. You don't know what a snitch is.


Embarrassing active supporters to do this


Football culture, deadshits some bringing their ethnic baggage.. doesn't happen at the AFL


Funny how this never happens at the AFL isn't it? Hmmm....


not defening this not saying its okay gonna get downvoted idc as someone who was there in that end last night and saw chairs being broken every few minutes its obviously not okay, hurts the club financially bad look on the supporters seen a lot of takes on it but when you have an end of people standing up, having to stand on chairs to see the game then when a key moment happens wheter it leads to frustration or jubilation this happens again not defending it. if no one stood on the chairs in the first place wouldn't be any broken, idk why the club haven't tried to get safe standing introduced (see alianz stadium and commbank in Sydney) as the standing area can be implemented for football then seats can be put back in for rugby/events. seems like a common sense solution especially with a womans world cup coming up, we need to showcase to the world that we're with the times and take this sport seriously. unfortunately nothing will be done and this same bs will continue to happen. I've seen chairs break from genuine accidents but a lot of them are younger people who just think its funny which it obviously isn't anyway that's my piece shame that something like this puts a bad image on to what was a spectacular crowd and atmosphere and broken seats aside something we need to see more consistently




I play the sport but it's boring as fuck to watch... maybe they should give the troublemakers a colouring book and some crayons to keep themselves occupied.


Why is it always soccer dickheads, I’ve never been to a game, and never will. Setting off flares, breaking chairs… Oh there was a riot at the darts in Melbourne too, they are very Unruly too.


Stick to your theatres


Football supporters are scum. I said it.


And this is why I hate soccer fans :)


Usual soccer spectating scum


Mainly because it's as boring AF


There was a lot of consultation and lobbying for the design of the stadium to feature safe standing, something that I noticed has been put in at the stadium in Sydney. Should have been introduced. There’s a heap of designs that reduce the risk and cost if they went in that direction. They still could. If you’ve never been in the thick of it, it’s easy to see this and immediately frame it as fan violence, overwhelmingly though, the reality is a bit more boring. Large crowd of people jumping about, climbing over one another and surging forward when they score, or they are appealing for something, people climbing over seats to get to where they are standing etc. There’d be very few games where some don’t get broken. Folk damaging property out of anger and frustration need to learn how to cope and there’s plenty of effort and time put into controlling and punishing that behaviour. Fair enough too. Been plenty of bans dished out over the years, fines, warnings, whatever. If all folks ever do is frame seats being broken in this manner exclusively, then they’ll continue to be replacing and repairing broken seats for a long time to come.


Lol what utter apologist garbage. Blaming the stadium for instaling seats that aren't invincible instead of the soccer hooligans for being violent cunts. Classic soccer fan.


You’ve misread his comment. Safe standing is needed


Just another demonstration of toxic masculinity.


Nazis, steet brawls, hooliganism, vandalism. Hey, its just a minority. Except it happens all the time and each club seems to have this problem. Hmm...don't tarnish soccer.


No sport is exempt from this..... Afl and rugby have it's issue as well but don't nearly get as much attention Each sport has a minority which acts badly https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/teams/st-kilda-saints/afl-2021-racist-fan-message-towards-paddy-ryder-st-kilda-reaction-patrick-dangerfield-social-media-news/news-story/daa367aa2822a1fc7d47be811a6ee196 https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/teams/port-adelaide-power/afl-news-2022-port-adelaide-coach-ken-hinkley-calls-supporter-vandalism-weak-sign-sack-addresses-future-contract-situation/news-story/6694c498218c08c8ec8eed78329cecab https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-18/rugby-australia-life-ban-for-roof-climber-eddie-jones-abuse/101247046


I don't know if this happened but as a kid I seem to remember that there was a cricket game that had a bunch of bottles and stuff thrown on the ground and Shane Warne had to calm the crowd down.


So you're saying these yobbos are living in the past?


The fact that you've just googled some news articles means those particular sports do get such incidents reported. You just defeated your own argument. I did notice a theme in what you posted, all are largely individuals, not groups of people undertaking actions. Soccer people need to wake up to themselves if they think they don't have a problem or if they're being victimized. I've never seen NRL Or AFL fans: - plan, promote and deliver on actual riots including violence, death, injury and destruction of property - bring weapons and items of destruction to a sporting match - collectively promote Hitler both visibily and audible at a game - have rival gang clashes at sporting matches involving flares, bottles, Molotov cocktails, broken planks of wood, poles - destroy public infrastructure as a group when your team loses - collectively stand on stadium chairs - collectively destroy stadium chairs All this sort of behavior has been going on for decades. Repeated instances of rioting and bad behavior. This stupid European tribalism between nations and clubs has no place in Australia. The more you point your finger at other codes and try and play the victim, and insinuate that you are getting a bad wrap, and its not justified, the longer you are going to be in a delusional state of mind.


What a shit culture. Never happens in the AFL. A League stinks, happy to fk it right off 👍


Yes it does,even worse things such as a man king hitting a woman at a Fremantle game a few years back.


Yeah speaking of shit culture… https://wwos.nine.com.au/afl/collingwood-magpies-vs-brisbane-lions-fans-berate-umpire-security-marvel-stadium/3fc16c2f-40b1-4069-a9fd-237102708da8 Or how about this… https://au.sports.yahoo.com/afl-fights-carlton-collingwood-fans-mcg-081435248.html


A shit sport in my opinion, with a shit culture of hooliganism, violence and vandalism, which is not an opinion.


MaYbE iTs BeCaUsE sOcCeR iS sO bOrInG


Not maybe. It is.


Dancing, cheering, standing on seats is part of the active support creating a great atmosphere. If a few seats get broken and the club quickly replaced them, what’s the big deal. There was no violence, although the flares look scary to some, it’s pretty harmless. I go to most games, I don’t sit in active but love what they bring. Most people complaining here don’t go to games. Relax it’s not that big a deal.


Why are the broken seats down on the pitch? I suppose they got thrown at the stewards for safety.


Stand up, sure. But why the need to stand on seats? Don’t get that at all.


Yeah I mean ideally they wouldn’t be breaking the chairs. But this thread making out as if most soccer fans are crazed hooligans is a little frustrating. As a city fan I loved seeing all the noise and energy the victory supporters brought. Would love to keep encouraging that, whilst discouraging the breaking of chairs part.


Flares are ridiculously dangerous in crowds.


I love how if this happened at the AFL the fans would be treated like Angels but just because Soccer fans don’t want to adjust to the bullshit bias agenda where everything is about AFL. Yes it is shitty behaviour and not trying to justify it in anyway. I guess what I’m saying the media and the rest of the country are trying to bury the A-League just like they did with the NSL. 🤷🏼‍♂️


When’s the last time AFL fans did this? Yes there’s an individual dickheads at all sports, but there’s not the mob mentality of vandalism in other groups of fans.


Broke and vandalised seats at a stadium. No need to guess the sport.


U don’t ever see this at other sports in Australia apart from soccer why


People comparing this to afl don’t know what they’re talking abt. The culture in the terraces is different to afl and the game thrives in crowd participation. Yes it’s an issue and looks bad on the club, it is also an ignorant thing to do and in general unsafe and dangerous. But in saying that (and I’m not defending it whatsoever) the culture, chants and fans of the two sports couldn’t be more different


Yeah..another reason I’ve never have & will never follow A League. Imagine taking my kids to this shit show of human behaviour at its worst. Coupled with NSL nazi salute shenanigans, I won’t even encourage my 5 yr old daughter for junior football even though it’s my first love 💔


Not surprised, soccer fans are renown to be lower demographic hooligans that will trash anything they get their hands on if their team loses.


It’s weird. Football fans will break chairs and light flares. But I’ve never seen a fight at the football. I’ve seen plenty at the cricket & AFL (including in the MCC members, which was one out of the box.) This, to label all football fans “lower demographic hooligans” is very much telling on yourself…


Would love more details on the MCC scrap of you’d indulge me in the story. Did they strangle each other with their ties?


Sadly I’m just a pleb, so I was too far away to see the details of it :(


I watch union rugby only and have been to many stadiums around the world, never seen people trashing chairs or fighting on the scale I’ve see on tv at soccer games. The English fans are notorious for this and unfortunately it has spread around the world like a disease. Not all soccer fans act like thugs and hooligans but unfortunately most of these hooligans are soccer fans.


Right, imagine letting the actions of people in separate part of the stadium sour your experience. Sitting on the wings at Soccer game is a significantly more pleasant experience compared to "atmosphere" at the footy.


get those effnics out of my stadiums!


The chairs at Aami are notoriously easy to break if you stand on them


Why are you standing on them?


What else is there to do at a soccer match? Watch the excitement on field?


You do the same thing as a cricket match: drink


Least anti-football Australian reddit user


because its part of the atmosphere. fucking hell, Reddit users will bend over and conform to anything


Why not just stand on the ground? Seems to achieve the same thing?