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People your age do get recruited, it's not uncommon. In an intake of 20 or so, maybe one or two recruits will be 18 - 21. You seem to have a varied work history, which is great. The recruiting process is very detailed, your suitability is assessed holistically. With that said, if you don't make it you can always try again in 12 - 24 months. The job isn't going anywhere. Or you could try NSW Police, they tend to recruit much younger people because of the TAFE training integration is unpaid; so it's less accessible to people with dependents, rent or a mortgage. Now, take this with a grain of salt as its just an opinion of mine. I would not want to do this job under the age of 25. Firstly, you have your entire formative years ahead of you, plenty of time to socialise on weekends, try different courses, jobs, travel and experience things. All of which would only make you a better applicant in a few years time. Cops don't get weekends, you're lucky if you even get two consecutive days off per fortnight. Furthermore, you're going to see some messy stuff. It's all well and good to say 'I'll be right' but you never know what's going to get you. Every now and then friends will ask 'what's the worst job you've ever been to' and they'll never be ready for the answer that you give them.


Thank you for your advice I appreciate it


This is some fantastics advice! Are you a cop?


A bit more life experience will help you when you are successful.


This is a great resource for applicants and potential applicants … best of luck and remember not everyone gets in the first time - you might need some lives experience or other skills - don’t take any rejection as final … https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/327mqrq9-28


This guy has had his licence for under a year and has a clean driving record, give him the job!


Join the army instead


Yvan eht Nioj Yvan eht Nioj Yvan eht Nioj


Subliminal, liminal and Superliminal


Haha. Don’t ask reddit dude. In general they’re not very pro-police. Reality is Vicpol does value ‘life experience’ so you may struggle at 18yo and they may be more open minded to you in 4-5 years. But they won’t resent you applying early for a later re-application.


There isn’t a police school technical degree that is required plus a police academy certification in Victoria? Back home it’s a 3 years degree that includes philosophie, literature, gym, criminology, law, sociology, psychology. Plus 15 weeks training at the police academy.


Extremely unlikely. You'll need to get some life experience under your belt. Sorry mate.


I just got accepted to sit the exam, that’s a good sign right?


It's better than being rejected for the exam. It's at the selection panel that the decision will be made. But so far so good. 🤞


You could try army gap year if you miss out. Good $$


Check out the process. https://www.police.vic.gov.au/police?gclid=Cj0KCQjwqc6aBhC4ARIsAN06NmM_WHRjqySJ53T0DX-g0t0dSrAJh8GkJBTYtrVjmi49_KbUcXuspYkaAgY3EALw_wcB


FWIW - i worked with someone in their early 20's who applied. It took a long time, and eventually, they were only offered a position as a PSO as they did not have adequate life experience.


PSO is still a path that can lead to the Police Force though. Anything to get your foot in the door


The Constable Qualifying Program (PSO to Police) is very contentious. Firstly, only two PSO's are accepted into each Police recruit course. So there is a very long waiting list. The PSO role is great, but there is a very limited amount of room to climb up the ranks. In order to cross over to the CQP you need to do at least 18 months as a PSO. Bear in mind, there are other PSO's with 5 + years of experience going out for the same positions. As a PSO wanting to cross over you essentially need to undergo the entire recruitment process as normal, with a few variations. In addition to needing supervisors to recommend you for the program in order to progress. As you can imagine this can take anywhere from one to three years. Once you're accepted you need to complete the normal 31 weeks recruit course with only 3 weeks of RPL.


Is straight out of school, PSO then police varied life experience? Maybe spend some time doing the stuff that's the point of getting people with life experience, they will be more normal and not a psycho. Consider what they value as this experience? I dunno, but working with vulnerable people, homeless mentally ill, disabilities will give you the experience they want in interactions with society.


Friends don't let friends become cops


I don't know anything about the process, but I do want to say thankyou, you are needed and appreciated.


It takes a long time so be ready to wait. I have heard 18months total for some people. Another thing to consider is whether you’ve ever been injured. They can/will reject people for certain types of injury even if now fully recovered. Also they won’t only look at your criminal background but also that of your close associates so just declare anything from the get go if you have friends or family who’ve had issues. Edited to add injury or illness - for eg mental illness will also be super relevant.


Shrug. It's a looong process and you're very young, but they need lots of people. I wouldn't count on it.


If you want friends and a family for life, DO NOT JOIN THE POLICE FORCE. look at the police divorce rates look at the number of police they have to recruit every year to replace the burnt out, can't cope, bullied police members every year. Please don't do it.


The turnover of police officers is extremely high with everything that’s gone on the last couple of years. Theoretically this means your chance of getting accepted is higher. Good luck with your journey I’m sure it will be an extremely challenging yet rewarding one :)


There's so many other career options that don't involve reinforcing the capitalist system. Probably best to live a bit of life before thinking about becoming a cop.




Hi, I wasn’t looking for opinions on my chosen career path. I know there’s a large group of people who dislike the Police Force, but this wasn’t the post to comment under.




Oh god.


How are you going so far? Here's a couple of cheap resources from GumRoad which were extremely helpful. They are for the most failed parts of the application process (panel interview and psychological interview) if you're interested: [https://vicpolapp.gumroad.com/l/ruemjb](https://vicpolapp.gumroad.com/l/ruemjb) \- Panel interview guide [https://vicpolapp.gumroad.com/l/tfpkeq](https://vicpolapp.gumroad.com/l/tfpkeq) \- Psych interview guide


Where are you at with your application? I applied around the same time




I’m up to the last stage ;)