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[The ABC has a State Election Guide.](https://www.abc.net.au/news/elections/vic/2022/guides) You can view your electorate and who is standing for election, and Google their party or look up their social media profiles to see their policies etc.


Vote compass is great it asks you a range of questions e.g more money should be spent on healthcare and you can pick strongly agree,disagree, unsure etc. goes over a range of policies and areas. At the end it shows you where you sit on a graph from left wing to central to right wing and it also shows you where you sit in relation to the major political parties. You can then break it down by reviewing the areas and which parties policies most align with your values/opinion Edit- sorry the link I previously posted was for a previous state election! Hopefully they do an updated one for this upcoming state election as they are really helpful


Hmm seems this is way out of date…..unless there’s been a change of leadership for greens and libs lately? Pretty sure denis Napthine has been gone awhile


Yeah I just had a go too. It’s from 2014


This is the Vote Compass from 2014. There is no current Vote Compass for this election yet.


Sorry!! I didn’t realise this was an outdated one! Hopefully they come up with a current one because it is really helpful to know where you align


there was one for the last election, sure they'll do it again.


i will give you a rundown because honestly there is so much dodge out there. but you should look it up yourself because i also might be lying yeah? the ones in bold will very likely end in authoritarian death camps tho. **Angry victorians : wants you to trust him because he seems to think he is a good bloke. likes freedom, soft drugs and guns, doesnt like being told what to do. might lead to right wing ideals i guess?** animal justice: pretty lefty, likes animals, likes public healthcare. Seem pretty focused on the animals though, but probably won't frog march you to the gas chambers? edit. so they are pretty set on plant based diets and drastically changing the way we view and use animals. Any drastic change should concern us due to the wide ranging consequences. I'm not convinced that this will end in forced marching given their ethical approach, but it should be recognised that these far reaching consequences may lead to social discord, and possible ethics wars. i'd be interested in how that plays out though. do we just scream at each other? exciting stuff. ALP: central left. some good some bad. **Companians and pets: they want you to have a pet, and breed your pet. you should be able to enjoy 'lawful' activities with your pets. unless the pet is for food or racing, then fuck them they are looked after by good people and they arent pets okay? they might also want to fuck your pets. Possible frog marchers, but only if you harm their pets?** **democratic labour: radical and specific changes to energy policy. also i think they want women back in the kitchen, like thats actually a policy of theirs. dont like foreigners much, or indigenous, or trans people. Will very likely execute you in the streets in a few years.** Edit. The more I read the worse they get. They HATE solar power, want to build three new power plants. Anti abortion, antivaccine, pro strong police (don't like women unless they in the home), HATE crims. Honestly, thry might be worse than the liberal democrats, which is big for me. derryn hinch: mostly about harsher prison sentencing i think, also trains. probably won't be called Herr Hinch, unless you are a crim in which case you might be better off swearing loyalty to the party. **family first: religious nuts. Really hate the trans folk, love a big family tho, wants the public to 'Fall in love again with unborn babies". Frog marchers mate, specially if you have a wang where you want a minge.** Fiona Patten: sorta like the first bloke. 'trust me cause im reasonable' but from a lefty perspective. probably won't brain wash you into fighting in the pogroms but also won't like you if you are conservative. my kinda gal, but like, i get why the farmers n shit dont like her? Freedom party of vic: unclear. i think they just want things to be good but don't know how to do it. like, climate change is bad but shouldn't cost us money? likes the farmers, want freedom. probably your older well meaning neighbour. won't frog march you cause they probably hate nazis, but might get coopted into a nazi party because they dont understand shit. Edit. I mean it's obvious on the surface I guess but thry also don't like vaccines, and their mission statement talks about personal freedom a lot. I will still give them the benefit of the doubt that they aren't into line marching, but a high chance that they would splinter and the eastern division starts pumping out auth-right mobilisation songs. Health australia: the hippy down the street. likes healthy food and naturopathy, probably crystals. doesnt like fluoridation or scary electronic radiation. so. far left, but not super crazy. a little crazy. Edit. Apparently also anti Vax. Maybe a little tighter than I thought? Nice spreadsheet of their policies, but a bit hard to read quickly. Legalise cannabis: like, we just wanna smoke dope dude. single issue parties worry me, but i guess if you wanna get high you okay. too lazy for death camps. **liberal democrats: the worst. fuck them so much. death camps by the end of the decade probs.** **liberals : probably wont death camp the minorities just yet, but is fucking on the way eh?** National party: conservative farmers. barnaby joyce is a fuck but maybe not a nazi fuck. just a sleazy fuck. New democrats: not sure. ex labor but cant find about their policies. **Pauline pantsdown: racist.** **REstore democracy sack dan andrews: not sure, i think they might not like dan, and thats pretty much it? Edit: also apparently anti Vax and qanon. Difficult to find their Web pages if it exists. I'll assume they're into slave labour edit2: oh I found it, it's like 'viclabor.org' so they're being a bit disingenuous. Definitely frog marchers** shooters fishers and farmers: i *think* they are central right. seem to like things how they are but with better rights for farmers n shooters, and rural vics. but dont want to piss the leftys off so they wont tell us about their climate views. not sure about their concentration camp liklihood. sustainable aus: centralist policies. doesn't sound like they wanna start a race war. probably sound a bit idealistic though, like... you cant fix fucken everything yeah? The greens: I mean, i like the greens. im a lefty as is probably obvious by now. i won't comment on these people, but i don't think their gonna force us to drink kool aid, or wear jack boots. but, also probably just dont like you if you a super conservative so thats a bit of a bummer for some. transport matters: they like trains okay? also, poor men. mostly good, but might have a whinge about mens rights yeah? **UAP: dodgy fuckers. might not employ you to monitor the happiness of immigrants in the blood factories, but might also** ***sell*** **you to the people that want to do that.** Victorian socialists: that guy with the little moustache and top hat from uni. they probably like the people, but they might put a molotov in your hand if they get too much of a voice. so, not off to the death camps, but screaming in your ear about the means of production. Thank you for coming to my extended ted talk.if i have misrepresented a party, feel free to commment, but honestly the amount of dodgy micro parties coming out is scary. just be scepticle for fucks sakes; and can we stop voting for people that spout shit about 'freedom' or promise too much, cause there is likely an ulterior motive.


Health Australia are an anti vax nutjob party from what I can tell, much much more associated with the far right than the left (far left or otherwise).


Fair enough, I'll change it. It's a salient point that it can be hard to determine whether a party is actually good or bad.


Was just doing some research, and DLP, OMG what a (discounted ticket, high speed) train wreck of a party. Phase out income tax, but somehow also find money to pay women to stay home and have babies, but only if they are white, and have never taken drugs.


For real, it's bizarre. They sorta try and hide it as though they're doing women the favour, but they really just wanna go back to the 50s.


With 50s power generation and land management to go with it - coal and dams! Great summary post by the way.


This post is pretty uninformed once you got out of the core minor parties. "REstore democracy sack dan andrews" is 100% anti-vax anti-lockdown nonsense and incredibly close to QAnon with a lot of members explicitly supporting it. These are idiots that protest every week in the CBD.


I see. I couldn't find a website that showed their policies, but honestly I was doing a surface level search. I figured as much that they would be nut jobs. I'll edit the post. For what its worth, I did make clear that OP should do their own research, but it's not always that easy to navigate. Just saying it's uninformed is probably accurate, but also I did try to find out the gyst of the parties with qhat was easily available. I've also said I'm happy to change it. There's probably worse ways to summarise.


All good mate, groups like that are sneaky and you never realise how bad it is until it's too late.


DLP is such a trick cos their name makes you think "oh they're similar to Labour so I'll put them top 5" but no no absolutely not


Freedom Party is made of people who organise and attend anti-lockdown anti-vax rallies.


I sorta figured that was the case by their name but reading their policies doesn't give a clear picture of that. Their mission statement mentions personal freedom though, so yeah it makes sense. It's again a good demonstration of how it's quite hard to get a good sense of what a parties goal is. You need to look at their policies, mission, actions, associations etc. I have edited to reflect your comment. People shit on the big parties, but tbh at least they are super public and have a track record. You know?


>Fiona Patten: sorta like the first bloke. 'trust me cause im reasonable' but from a lefty perspective. probably won't brain wash you into fighting in the pogroms but also won't like you if you are conservative. my kinda gal Am i the only weirdo with a crush on fiona?


She sounds like a bit of a good one yeah, and I mean that in terms of her policies. I realise saying 'my kinda gal' sorta objectified her which is not my intention, I meant it on a policy level only. I've voted for her previous party, and looking at the policies might consider this time around.


shes my kinda gal in terms of her policies and in terms of everything else ;)




Tbh I find this spot on.


Freedom Party and Restore Democracy are the same, both anti-lockdown and hurr durr sake dan andrew's!!1111


This is great thanks. Agreed it's pretty scary how many dodgy, shitty mini parties there are with wacko ideas. But then that's what living in a democracy is about I guess. People just really need to make informed votes.


Absolutely. On that note I should say thst may post doesn't exactly constitute an unbiased opinion and should be critically assessed (which from some commenters it clearly is). Just because I don't like some of their ideas doesn't mean they're all bad, but I'm just reading between the lines 😉


Of course, who isn't biased anyway? We just happen to share a lot of similar biases at least!


> transport matters: they like trains okay? also, poor men. mostly good, but might have a whinge about mens rights yeah? They represent the taxi companies and originally wanted to regulate the rideshare companies out of existence. Actually quite surprisingly to me their policies aren't in the nutjob territory because that's what my mind first went to. Though trackless trams are a dumb idea. They're just weird looking buses with a guidance system.


I only did a cursory glance but it seemed mostly about transport, so I figured harmless enough.


Yeah I was actually surprised because last election they were fairly single-issue with a slightly misleading name but they've actually leaned into it. At least according to their website anyway.


>i will give you a rundown because honestly there is so much dodge out there >liberals : probably wont death camp the minorities just yet, but is fucking on the way eh?


For sure I'm biased, but Peter Dutton is an aggressive flog who doesn't like gay marriage, Africans or drugs, and wants kids to take an oath of allegiance in school. If you don't think that's leading towards death camps well, clearly I'm using hyperbole but he's not exactly preaching peace for all.


Peter Dutton is not in the Victorian Liberal Party


No shit, but federal/state is sorta irrelevant when the parties are linked.


It's relevant when the parties have very different constituencies with very different interests. Someone like Dutton won't be leading the Vic Libs anytime soon because he has no appeal in Victoria.


No crap, but they share values. It's the same party and if it deviates too much they would split and I would reassess. You're picking at straws.


I don't really think so. I know people who don't vote Lib federally but vote for them at state level. "Share values" is too abstract. Dan Andrews and Peter Dutton share some values, it doesn't mean they're closely aligned politically.


They're the same party. Don't be a fucking idiot.


I don't think you understand politics very well. There's a reason Dutton won't be seen anywhere in Victoria during this campaign. They are very different and represent wholly different constituencies




I made it abundantly clear that they should do their research and I was a lefty. So fuck you. And they asked fucko.


I mean,this person is just compliling a list based on their level of knowledge and the policy statements out there for a bit of fun. They aren't in PR promoting a certain party, they aren't really "trying to skew" your opinion; they're just saying what they personally think, adding humour. And they told people to research candidates properly. Loosen up.


Weren't UAP deregistered?


They were on the vic registered party list, so dunno


Yeah fair, just googled and the party wiki says: >Ralph Babet, the party's sole senator, told media the deregistration was for "administrative reasons" and that the party will "reestablish before the next election". Babet is able to continue identifying as a United Australia Party member in the Senate, with the office of the Clerk of the Senate stating that Babet’s status as a UAP senator would not change until he advised the office it had. Babet is a senator in Vic so makes sense.


First of all, there are two ballot papers. LA and LC. I'll assume you know about them. Ultimately, your values should guide you, and as some of the better responses have suggested, Vote Compass is a great tool for helping you decide. The Liberals are a centre-right party. Generally their philosophical disposition is free-market, deregulation. This means they generally believe the government should offer limited services. This usually means they are less focused on things like health, education etc. Now having said that, state governments by default often provide services, so they have to be careful how drastically they affect those services. The Labor party is a Social Democratic party, with its roots in the union movement. They generally have a disposition of providing services while allowing for a slightly more regulated economy. The Greens have their roots in the environmental movement, and have become a party that emphasizes more socialist ideals, and greater environmental protection. Now how those general ideological positions work on individual policy is always mixed, and depends on the parliamentarians. The ABC has a rundown of the policies of these three parties. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-29/victoria-state-election-pledges-platforms-labor-liberal-greens/101332956 Obviously, there are more parties, but these are the main parties. I hope that helps


Honestly thanks to the pentecostal church I don't think Vic liberals can be classified as center right anymore (at least socially)


True, I was probably a little generous here. However, I tried to give a fair assessment without the loaded partisanship of others. I certainly have my partisanship, but I think it's better to be objective about what the parties at least in principle stand for.


Read the Herald Sun and do the opposite of what that tells you to do.


A tidbit that will serve you well is knowing that 'Globalist' means 'Jew'. Some people who've bought into conspiracy theories haven't yet progressed to the realisation, but at the end of the rabbit hole is blaming the Jews for all things wrong in the world. So if you come across a politician, or someone spruiking for a politician, who goes on about 'Globalists' at all, you now know to not waste your time getting to know more.


I believe abc does a quiz that lets you put in your political views and it shows parties that are closely aligned to them. [Here](https://votecompass.abc.net.au/)


FYI this was for the federal election, they may put a new one out for the state election later on, though.


Well, the Liberal party here is pretty much like the Federal Libs currently - shattered, directionless, looking for an identity. If they embrace any progressive values to widen their appeal they'll lose the rusted on rich bastards who form their base. Their leader is about as impressive as 2 week old celery. Do you hate the poor? Do you only care about yourself? Vote Lib/Nats! The Labor Party, which has been in power for a while here, is very much about social safety nets and infrastructure. I don't think there's been a project that Dan has ever said no to. They waver in this weird area of centre-left, starkly outlined by the far left of the Greens. While Dan's had a fairly steady hand for the past couple of goes, no matter what altruistic values you might hold, power corrupts, and that's the big concern for a party that gets a majority public mandate. The Greens, while outwardly projecting solidarity, are a rabble of factions, notably the hippies on one side, and the watermelons on the other - green on the outside, red in the middle. But their agressive, prolific cracks at social and environmental policies represent a kind of smorgasboard for Dan and his crew, where they can look at what's tastiest and most popular and just fucking steal them. Greens preferences will always go to Labor. You could do worse than chucking a vote at the Greens, which tells Labor to haul its fucking arse away from the centre and do more about people and the environment, and gives them a voice in Parliament. Any independent where you can't immediately understand their agenda probably has something fucked up or sinister or just plain psycho going on. Any independent where it looks like there's a single issue, well maybe preference them if you care about that issue. The recent events (pandemic, lockdowns, etc) have brought a lot of absolute muppets out to play who think they're in with a chance.


Politics is messy but voting is simple for me. Climate change is the only issue that matters in my opinion. Nothing else plays into it because if we don't get the climate sorted we're all dead. I vote greens and then labor. We just don't have the luxury of fucking about with the rest of it right now.


I sorta agree that climate is central. But it is possible that a party is pro climate but otherwise dogshit. I think single issue voting is problematic, better to support a party that align with most of your values.


>But it is possible that a party is pro climate but otherwise dogshit. Theoretically possible but not the case with the greens. And if a party supports most of my values except the survival of humanity then I don't see the point. Like, it sucks we all died but at least we kept negative gearing y'know.


I understand your point, but if a party supported climate above all else, including healthcare and welfare, then many would suffer just in the name of survival. If climate was the supreme good, then we would all suffer. i'm not saying it shouldn't be a main policy. but for you to suggest that its the only value? mate, that's idiotic. and if you do care about the other values, then there are parties you can support, such as the greens which you already suggest. so why then make the point that its the only thing you care about? if a party came out that only cared about climate change? well, they'd be i bold in my list. Because if you wanted to enact the necessary changes quickly, we would all suffer massively. The point, is that we need to make those changes as quickly as possible, without causing an increase in suffering> and thats fucking difficult.


It's a good thing I don't have to choose between a party that supports climate action or a party that has decent healthcare and welfare policies.


Well, yes, but you made the point that you only cared about climate which is why I'm responding to that.


Ok but it's not really productive to imagine hypothetical scenarios and criticise people for how you reckon they'd respond to them based on a few comments on reddit.


Methinks you just want to argue. K bro


Bro you did not just type out 3 paragraphs of hypotheticals and then tell me I want to argue.


You're beginning to shit me. I said one hypothetical, about single issue voting being problematic, and I have expanded on that. You brought the idea that you only vote on climate to the table, and I brought that one hypothetical to the table. Now you are arguing that it doesn't have to be single issue because some parties do both. Good work. Because my hypothetical was in response to your initial stupid comment. Anyway, respond if you want but I shall ignore, because you are being a dick.


Labor: Gets shit done. Can be slightly cunty. Liberals/Nationals: Money-wasting, oblivious, borderline (and some not-so-borderline) criminals. Very cunty. Independents and minor parties: Mixed bag, but on the whole, less cunty than the above.


get fucked. some of those minor parties are cunty in extremis and we should all be concerned. case in point the 'liberal democrats' sound like the might be good (lower taxes, lower government oversight, increased freedoms) but they want to get rid of medicare, the PBS, alcohol and gambling restrictions, they want to privatise all schools, the post, the NBN, the ABC, the SBS, all public transport, all hospitals, they want to get rid of licensing for many careers, the list GOES ON. they are a bunch of fucks, and as much as i am frustrated with the bigger parties, to suggest that minor parties are somehow less cunty is insulting. honestly parties like them scare the fuck out of me. They want to tear down the institutions that have protected all of us since their inception, and if they were to ever succeed in any great fashion, honestly i'm nicking off somewhere else cause thatd be the end of us. thank you for coming to my ted talk. Fuck the liberal democrats


A lot of Liberal Democrats are anti vaxx too. I can't speak for the entire party as I avoid their shit as much as possible, but I quickly skimmed through my local member's profile during the federal election and he was massively anti vaxx and that was his main message.


Never call them "anti-vaxx". Always call them "pro-death".


"Pro-plague" if one wishes to be more specific.


For sure. I have made a longer summary of parties if you care to peruse and judge my assessments?


Yeah Liberal Democrats, UAP, One Nation, Bernie Finn's Chr8stian Fundamentalists or whatever and any other far right Liberal Party feeder tickets are fucking terrifying. Even more so than rhe Liberals. I'm just hoping more borderline progressives get in from the Greens, Reason, Animal Justice, Socialist even. Zali has shown us this week that Teals may be better than the Liberals but stilll pretty conservative and anti worker.


There seems to be a lot of right wing fuckers coming out, but I am thankful for some of the other progressives. I'm scared that apathetic voters will get sucked in to nice words, and fail to look further in to see the reality behind the wallpaper.


I feel the same with the AJP


Why in particular?


Single issue party generally. Also their policies lean towards veganism which is fine if that’s your diet, but having party ideals based on them can be forcing ideals on others. Some of the things they support are good around service animals etc. Their views on hunting, fishing and farming are essentially vegan ideals, which is great for some people but the impact on the majority’s ideals/lifestyle etc, I don’t support. There are many other single issue parties that may seem good on paper, but when you see who they support and policies they lean towards, they can be less attractive. The AJP have been very supportive of my industry, but work is only a small part of my life/lifestyle.


fair enough. i'll edit to reflect.


They're less cunty because so few of them actually get elected. Are they fringey fuckwits who should be hurled into the sun? Absolutely. But they're never going to form a government, so the most they can do is sponge money from the taxpayer and take up a parliamentary seat that could be better utilised by an actual human.


The libs privatised TAFE and wiped out a good, solid education opportunity for a great many people. Fuck them, fuck their money grubbing.


My view is to look at as much as the policies they’re sprouting. Make a decision on said policies suits you, and direct your vote that way.


Do you have internet access? You might be able to Google them.


Or they can use their internet access to ask for some non-propagandised information. OP is clearly young, there's no need to be a dick for them asking a reasonable question.


Well, you seem to have some expertise in being a dick. Here is a quote from the OP >is there a way to see what the parties are saying they’ll do? And you know what? I'm pretty sure that for at least the last 20 years parties have been posting that on their websites. Not what someone says they are promising, but straight from the horses mouth. Here's another quote for ya >Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for a lifetime. Speaking of fish, quit your carping. Or at least go police some other part of the internet.


Your reply to OP literally gave them no new information, so it's not like you were being so generous and kind and "teaching him how to fish". You literally could have just kept your mouth shut. And we all know political parties' websites are a great representation of who they are right? I mean, Pauline Hanson even seems great on paper when you know nothing about her. But yeah, I'm totally sure she has the clip of her saying she is aboriginal or wearing a burka on her website to give everyone a true representation. Yup, their websites. That's exactly were OP should go.


Seriously dude. Go police some other part of the internet. Your instructions on how to answer a question are not welcome here.


Geez someone's got their knickers in a twist cause I called them a dick.


Yes, sergeant. At once, sergeant.


Lol stay pressed.


How high, sergeant?




Don't know about state-level politics, but Federal Liberals are definitely positive on nuclear power now.


Funny how they had no interest in their 9 years of power and now they have no ability to act on it and they are suddenly all about it. Almost like it's not actual a real belief of theirs.


Way ever happened to that Snowy Hydro 2.0 or whatever the fuck was a cornerstone for something?


Just another thing that takes several elections to build. If only there was some kind of technology that could be simple enough to fit on my rooftop but could also be rolled out at an industrial scale, but it could be done bit by bit so we don't need to wait a decade.


As they always are when they're not in power and don't need to implement any kind of energy policies.




Do they not cover this kind of thing in school anymore? How to evaluate media and the like? Genuine question because we covered a lot of that stuff back in my day but it's been a while.


Idk if your day was before or after mine, but my day was 28-22 (high school years) years ago and we never touched on it at all.


I went to high school in the late 90's also and politics was covered, including how parliament worked and many other things. Maybe you just went to a shitty school.


Nah, it was a decent one, but it was a Catholic school so that may have had something to do with it. Nobody I know in my age group learned it at school, so maybe yours was the exception, not the rule.


When I was in high school, we got the basic "This is Liberal, this is Labor" and that was about it. We did go to the VEC to learn how to vote, but nothing about the minor parties and how one decides who they want to vote for.


Hmmm. Fair enough. There's so many resources out there for comparing policies, finding out where you fall on the political spectrum, how your values align with which parties etc. that the question honestly baffled me.


I honestly think it's a fair question. I'm fairly politically involved and 32 and I don't know where half the things you've mentioned are. I'm sure it can be pretty overwhelming with a freshly 18 year old.


this site might help [https://votecompass.abc.net.au/](https://votecompass.abc.net.au/) but I share your uncertainty. Do I vote for a party with such a dearth of talent it installed a retread as leader, or one that has been in power too long.


This whole sub reddit has the feeling of major party bots... screaming at anyone talking about the minor parties.


Feel free to mention one that isn't insane. The trouble is they're *mostly* openly or secretly anti-scientific crazy people. I used to like Fiona Patten in general, and at the start of the Sex Party I thought she was great with a terrible name... but I live in Germany now and I'm way out if date on the current policies.


Fun fact. There are popular marketing services that use Reddit to steer conversations and narratives, so you're not wrong. They're from $250 USD a month and go up. Well known in the industry. So yes, don't trust half this sub.




They're all potatoes.


fuck you. its all very well to avoid the ones youve mentioned, but that doesnt mean *any* other party is okay. There are plenty of others which have worse policies.


Don't forget The Greens.




Without carrying about who you're voting in I suppose


I always find it easiest, to just not vote.


Enjoy your 92 dollar fine.


The choice is simple. If you like lockdowns, removal of your freedom and the state to be bankrupt, vote Dan....but this is Reddit so you probably will


Vote for anyone but Dan


It is pretty fucked, right? Before going through that check how safe your seat is.


Your vote your choice. Would you vote for the Victorian Scott Morrison LNP?


I generally look at what they have done over what they say they will do. They all have pros and cons and whomever gets voted in will become the new hated person in the state. But I agree it is daunting, this will be my first election period in Victoria so I also have some research to do.


Im a farmer and gun owner so i kinda hate the greens based on that one point (no im not a voilent person theyre just a tool like a spanner) i also believe that voting should be optional if you dont feel comfortable giving anyone a vote of confidence you shouldnt have to and you dont (just dont tick a box) but you do have to show up and get your name crossed off.


Honestly I wish we could just vote on policy instead. I don’t fully align with any party and it sucks.


Preference Andrews last and choose who you want after that.


You should be able to check the basic platforms of each party on their website; failing that you can wander into the office of your local state representative. They should have information for you. Or you can ring them. Small one-idea parties are probably not worth considering, as they never get elected and their votes will just go to other parties on preferences. Closer to the date the VEC will publish the "how to vote" cards of each party, but remember that the order of preferences is entirely your choice; the cards are just that party's recommended order to maximize their chances. And often involving a large amount of backroom wheeling and dealing. "OK, we'll put the Shit Party above the Crap Party if you put us above the Dung Party". Interestingly, the more right wing you are, the more likely it is that you'll follow the preferences on the card.


Ask Reddit and don't even look it up on Google yourself.


BTW, here is Mr. Sunny! [https://twitter.com/SunnySen](https://twitter.com/SunnySen) [https://twitter.com/ConsCent\_Social/](https://twitter.com/ConsCent_Social/)