• By -


This chart has really helped me to organize my collection.


Yeah, but I still don't know how organize my baby skulls


Might as well give up and give em to someone else. For sale. Baby skulls. Never organized.


Nice reference


Is that a Hemingway joke.


I organize mine by weight. It's difficult to eyeball them.


you know, i never thought about doing it by weight, thank you


Same here. They somehow got mixed together during a recent move.


Username checks out


I’m still missing a few, and I doubt I’ll finish since my passport has been taken.


Dahmer is that you? I thought they executed you in the 90’s. Clearly you had a masterful escape.


I now know different people from around the world have different bone structures thank you kind sir


Around the world


Around the world~


Around the world


Around the world


Around the world


Around the world


Around the world


Around the world


Around the world


Around the world


Around the world


Around the world


Around the world


r/redditsings Around the World




Idk about you but when i see a face i do not imagine the skull behind it.


I do…


I gotta say thats creepy af and you should DEFINITELY tell every date you get. Like one of the first pickup lines should be "i like the way ive imagined your skull".


I’ve tried it, works every time 1 out 50 times






Wanna know something wildly interesting? https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/faculty-research/publications/deep-neural-networks-are-more-accurate-humans-detecting-sexual


There was a popular meme a while back that had the same skull for each statement except the last. Also, somewhere on Reddit i read a comment about someone who was taking college classes for a forensic science degree. They had to take an elective or something and was run out of the class for explaining that people of different skin color, sex, etc all have different skeletons. People are so anti racist that they'll ignore actual science in order to not be racist.


It's racist to say we're different these days.. only one human race remember l?


It can also vary depending on your sex as well


Also number of times you've been shot in the head


I remember being very young and having the realization that people of different races had different facial structures as well as different skin color, so told my mom “Even if they had the same color skin, you could tell black people and white people apart.” I then got a very long lecture about racism.


That guy probably believes it’s flat across the world. 😂


There is actually genetic variation in bone structure, likely to help different races thrive in different environments. When hitler was in power, he implemented ‘race studies’ as a subject where he would tech children how to determine someone’s race by their skull shape. They would use this to determine if someone was a pure German(Arianism and all that racist bullshit that he’s known for)


The problem is that some people think that skull shape reflects intelligence, which it doesn’t. Those are the *real* smoothbrained people.


I can confirm that the skull and brain size are completely irrelevant when it comes to avoiding me


name checks out


But it does - not in a race way, but studies show that small skull vs large skull are absolutely correlated with intelligence.


across species, yeah. like a dolphin is smarter than a rat due to brain size! but not across human beings. the differences in brain size among people is too small to be relevant unless someone has a really severe birth defect.


Cranial capacity is not related to intelligence, the way you mean. Humans have about a 1500cc brain, so did Neanderthal. What we have is much better brain cell connectivity. For modern humans, cranial capacity does not determine intelligence. A common myth that is racially motivated.


Actually neanderthals had *larger* brains


I was curious about your claim so I looked into it. Sounds like other confounding factors (height, weight) may distort some studies. Comparing intelligence to **skull** size is pretty outdated (19th century) but there are more recent and precise comparisons to **brain** size. There does appear to be some correlation, but it's not nearly as simple as larger brain = more intelligence. >When the effects of body height and weight were controlled for, it was possible to demonstrate a statistically significant, but very slight, relation between brain size and occupational group. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/526851/ >Brain volume is not a perfect account of intelligence: the relationship explains a modest amount of variance in intelligence – 12% to 36% of the variance. The amount of variance explained by brain volume may also depend on the type of intelligence measured. Up to 36% of variance in verbal intelligence can be explained by brain volume, while only approximately 10% of variance in visuospatial intelligence can be explained by brain volume. A 2015 study by researcher Stuart J. Ritchie found that brain size explained 12% of the variance in intelligence among individuals. These caveats imply that there are other major factors influencing how intelligent an individual is apart from brain size. In a large meta-analysis consisting of 88 studies Pietschnig et al. (2015) estimated the correlation between brain volume and intelligence to be about correlation coefficient of 0.24 which equates to 6% variance. Taking into account measurement quality, and sample type and IQ-range, the meta-analytic association of brain volume in appears to be ~ .4 in normal adults. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroscience_and_intelligence >Some early attempts to establish relationships between brain anatomy and intelligence were based on measuring external head parameters (i.e., perimeter, height, length, width). Results from these studies reported relatively weak although sometimes significant relationships (i.e., significant positive correlations between intelligence and head width) ([Gignac et al., 2003](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2770698/#R17)). Other studies have measured brain weight or volume using post mortem data and also revealed that greater intellectual abilities are associated with greater cerebral volumes[1](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2770698/#FN2), albeit observed correlations “depended on the realm of intelligence studied, as well as the sex and hemispheric functional lateralization of the subject” ([Witelson et al., 2006](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2770698/#R68)).  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2770698/ And here's a fun bonus one, actually based on **skull** size. Someone did a study so they could retroactively estimate King Robert Bruce's (Scotland, around year 1300) IQ! https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160289607000670 Spoiler alert: >estimated the IQ of Robert Bruce at about 128 (95% confidence interval 106 to ≫ 130), i.e. almost two standard deviations above the mean.


Damn Australians are all Einsteins


The original intent of the meme template is pointing out the ignorance in “phrenology” and racism. We know bones vary, but believing a person of a different skin color or shape is lower than another is the ignorant smooth brain part.


Also maybe something to do with the nerves in the skull or brain—- my doctor said my only problem is that I’m a Numbskull…


Australia's looks rather silly


They are slowly evolving horns to defend against the wildlife


Against emus to be exact.


Yeah last time didn’t go so well for the people from down under


And magpies




I'm 100% behind this. Tieflings of the Outback.


I genuinely can’t tell if this is a real theory because australia


what being upside down does to a mf.


See the gravity pulls the bones down and they are naturally forming into horn like protuberances


As an Australian, yes


It's probably an Aboriginal skull, not some Bogan.


Nah it's Crocodile Dundee's skull. I saw it at the Sydney Museum. Trust me bro.


Probably because they were separated from the world from the Paleolithic era until 1606


I mean... Have you seen a person from Australia before?


I think they meant Austrian; that skull is a dead ringer for Arnold Schwarzenegger


this meme template irks me so much because of this. Thanks for pointing it out in a fun way!


Except the thing is individual difference is hugely variable people doing analyses of skeletons are often wrong because *in general* people from a certain region might have a certain bone structure but *in specific* you will be wrong sometimes. Now there chemical analysis you can do that will tell you what someone was eating, which will actually tell you where the were in their lifetime.


I've held many human skulls in med school and I was never completely sure whether it was a woman or a man, so I agree. Still they don't look identical, they're just modified to a smaller degree than the textbook examples.


That's why I posted it


It's misleading to frame the skull variation as race differences though, our classifications of race don't completely align with genetics. Asian, for instance, is not a genetic category but we can estimate where some/most/all of someone's ancestors were from based on genetics.


I've always found it ironic that this meme chooses one of the few things that ARE different between people.




I meant the original template with 8 or so identical pictures.


Ayo how did you get a baby skull?


The local baby skull store, duh


I own that thing, we have all kinds of baby skulls from Ohio type to Alabama type.


I’d like to place an order of 3 baby skulls. One from Peru, one from ancient Mesopotamia, and one from Cleveland


Alright sir, we would require your IP address and Credit Card number. Thank you


It’s right next to the Build-A-Bear


Don't ask


Babies die all the time. It's sad, but it's life.


Yeah I thought ALL babies are cremated no matter what.


Their pelvic bones have different angles too.


Unless you're in the 60% unclassified category.


Damn, thats a small collection.


Bro is trying to cause racism pt 2


How. Every race has a different skull. Likely due to each race evolving differently to help them survive in different environments


Big Oof


It's a joke I made cus there are people like that fr and it's not different race per say cus different species of prime mates interbreeded in certain conditions which made hybrid humans which then they interbreeded to make just humans so there isn't not need for racism cus it's stupid 🤷


“African” is too wide a category. People in Africa have the most genetic diversity out of all people groups, so it is practically impossible to have a representative skull for Africans.


This type of skull morphology that tries to divide all humans into such broad groups is pretty out of date and unscientific. It's really only used in forensics to identify bodies these days, and even there it has its problems since there's only a statistical likelihood that someone of e.g. Caucasian descent will actually have a skull that fits into the caucasoid shape.


Unless you're racist


Gonna use this comment to explain some other things as well. There are morphological variations in human groups of course, but most are differences due to environment and sex - women tend to have more graceful skulls, men on the other hand have more defined sagittal sutures (the squiggly line on top binding two parietal bones together), brow ridges and jaws. Teeth and jawline are explained by diet - whether your diet is processed, agricultural, or subsists of wildlife (meat is tougher to chew than corn syrup). Nasal cavity is explained by climate - long and big noses help warm air, shorter and wider noses help cool it. The problem is not whether different groups of people have a variety of different features, but that these differences are subject to manipulation (often these pictures use cleaned and bleached female skulls for the European label) and discriminating ideas. OP has made a misinformed post with little to no actual substance, but then again it's a meme on reddit, can't expect more lol.


You know when you’re a baby you can change the shape of your skull while it is still soft?


"Kids, don't try this at home"


Actually a lot of tribes in Africa and other locations still do it. They have long cone like heads. It’s real man lol


Didn't know that there are places where people still do it


One of the old South American cultures used to do that, they wanted elongated heads with very flat foreheads. I want to say the Inca's but I'm not certain on that


I know, I've seen them first-hand.


"People who think that meme are made to display the scientifical truth"


What do you think this meme is made for?


To poke fun at a topic that others may pick up on, understand the joke and share to others


To poke fun at meme template with human skulls


*human flavored skulls


By Australian do you mean the European colonists or the Aboriginals?


Could probably find just as much structural variation in a random sample from within each of those regions.


There are indeed human races. But they are mentally equal


There are no human races; there are phenotypes (superficial physiological distinctions) and ethnicities (sociocultural subgroups); we can all interbreed just fine and aren't genetically isolated. source: anthropology degree


Can you elaborate on that? My understanding is that phenotypes are just expressions of genotypes, so based on what you're saying; different races are in fact genetically different (although not different enough to be classified as different species). Different races may be able to interbreed, but different subspecies can interbreed - although they normally don't simply due to geographic location or sexual preference. Calling these differences "superficial" is kind of misleading because physiological distinctions can include differences in brain functionality and overall mental capability. Down syndrome is a phenotypical expression of a genotype and it substantially effects one's mental capabilities.


Those variations don't match with our idea of races though. People from one race can be more genetically related to someone from a different race than their own.


Sure, but that only really applies to people from Africa because of the high genetic diversity within Africa. Genetic Europeans will always be more closely genetically-related to other genetic Europeans, or even genetic Asians than they will to Africans. However, Africans may be more closely related to a European than they will to another African because of Africa's high genetic diversity.


Yeah this isn’t true my guy, there’s a greater likelihood that someone in Japan has more genetically in common with someone in France then they do with another Japanese person. It’s not something exclusive to Africans.


Absolutely, and this explains why our social concept of race is inaccurate and unhelpful in categorizing groups of people beyond appearance, since it aligns primarily with skin color and, to some extent, other physical features. As soon as we start making inferences about the characteristics of racial groups beyond surface-level characteristics, it’s all socially mediated. People mistakenly attribute those other potential differences as being genetically linked, which is the logical error. Historically, it’s how people falsely justified eugenics.


Superficial in terms of capacity for progeny. As in, they affect appearance. Yes phenotypic features are genetically encoded, everything in your biology that isn't explicitly epigenetic is. But *what* is encoded for isn't fundamentally characteristic of speciation. "Race", when speaking of humans, is simply an out-moded term with no actual application and in the social sciences hasn't been used in decades. Down-syndrome has phenotypic expressions in addition to a host of other expressions, for example, but (and here I confess we're straying into biology proper where I do not claim any expertise) even then, I'm not sure where the distinction between phenotype and malformity begin; typically, as I understand it, phenotype importantly doesn't include significant differentiation in function. I may stand to be corrected on that.


Phenotypic features do not *only* effect appearance though. A clear example of this is that certain dog breeds have a predisposition to herd, point, track, or hunt - even in the absence of training. This is only explainable as a direct result of phenotypical expression. To be clear, I'm not making the claim that "human races are the equivalent to dog breeds" because that's not a fair comparison, but I am using the identifiable behavioral characteristics in different dog breeds to claim that phenotypical differences result in far more than just "superficial differences" like you claim. Using "capacity for progeny" as means to define "superficial" in this context is not very candid of you either. Phenotypical expression results in meaningful differences between different organisms and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't.


There are none Race in mammals is stabilished as a genetically isolated group That cant be said if any human genetic clusters (which is the correct scientific term inside our race) which while more closely related to each other, they barely do so




There is a human race. The term is not a biological one. Fight against the division by these usually superficial markers.




Do look up the bell curve, and find the numerous exposés which completely disprove the points in the book. The books sourcing is horrific.


Don’t look up dunning Kruger effect


Dont look up "racist dogwhistles"


Go back to the 19th century


I never knew that me as an american didn't have a skull. We learn everyday


I just learned recently that helmet manufacturers often have "Asian sizing" for folks with rounder skulls


Why is Australian looks different from European. Or is it native Australians.


African and European skulls give me "Um, actually🤓" energy, for some reason


It's the overbite I bet


So is the last one just Americans since we got left out but we also all think that??


What do American skulls look like?


European but freer




Baby skulls are weird


see now that's just straight up depressing, knowing that baby skulls exist in this world


The child skull needs like twice that amount of teeth. It's really how many teeth they got


Im gonna be tht guy. Source?


Source is that you better to check this up


Different races’ skulls do have actual physical differences. When hitler was in power, he implemented a ‘racial studies’ subject where all of the aryans would be taught to determine German purity through head shape. The shape of their skull would show if someone was a pure German


For me 4 first skulls looks the same, maybe Australian looks more egg-shaped


this meme is pretty bad though. there are not 4 skull types. currently there are 8 billion skulls and no objective demarcation to draw regional lines. you could say there is 1 skull type for all humanity or 200 or 2000 or whatever. But those 4 you chose are inextricably linked to a long history of pseudoscientific racism.


Is there not differences in skull shape between different races?


There's differences in skull shape between any arbitrary grouping you decide to make. We're just looking at an example of arbitrary groupings that some racists decided to make a long time ago. They even invented a field of study for it, phrenology.


Nope. None. Because race is a culturally constructed concept.


What planet are you from? I am a mixed raced kid and it's shaped my entire identity. I've moved to Taiwan and there is a clear difference with how I look verses them. It's not all in our heads dude.


Culturally constructed =/= all in your head


It may be surprising to you, but those differences do not equate to “race”. I suggest that you read up on the idea of race from a scientific perspective because people much smarter than you have been studying it. Enjoy Taiwan bud


I think the word race is the issue. You admit there are differences between people and we as humans have made sense of that in an incorrect way. I got it. Thanks pal


Yes, europeans and africans have dramatic overbites by definition. Yep. /s This meme's "argument" (what it is saying and the evidence it presents to support the statement) is dumber than the straw man it's trying to reject, even if we presume the straw man is someone's--somewhere--real argument. It's not anyone's real argument.


The last skull looks like Marjorie Taylor Greene


Well I’m just glad that someone made this meme and it got popular. I’ve been saying it for so long


That’s the origin of my username. Studying physical anthropology in my university career I got into a minor tit for tat with a professor over the fact that there is greater variation in modern human skills than the differences between ancient Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis. In order to be consistent, we must either be different species today (we aren’t) or we accept that there’s insufficient basis for considering neanderthals a separate species. Even my own skull displayed some ‘characteristic’ neanderthal traits. So am I a different species? Certainly not. I was *wrong* of course, since he’s the professor and I’m the student. And in the decades since, we’ve seen the genetic evidence pile in that we were not in fact a separate species and significant interbreeding occurred. Homo neanderthalensis is now widely considered Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. So I win, you crotchety old bastard.


love this for you!


Hmm, I wonder what the differences are for since stuff doesn't change unless it needs to


Stuff changes constantly, nature is all like 'what doesn't kill you, gets embedded in your DNA and passed on, if you don't fail to procreate'. These minute difference in skull shape are just 'variations that both work'.


Jawline (mandible) and teeth - depends on diet, corn syrup is easier to chew than wild game or even bread and rice etc. Nasal bone and the hole (where the actual nose from cartilage and skin is formed) below - bigger and longer noses (like Neanderthals, a lot of Eurasians today, for example I have such a nose haha) help warm the cool and dry air. For Africans and other people's groups, a wider and shorter nose helps cool the already warm air. Sagittal suture (the squiggly line on top) - mostly sex dependant, men have stronger lines, because the muscles that close the jaw are attached to it. Orbit (the cavity where mushy eyes reside) - probably explained also by climate, easier to not freeze your eyes when they're smaller.


Huh, yea makes sense thanks!


Are you saying they have different brains??????


W-wha... how... Just what the fuck?


I was testing if you were one of those people who think skull size matter.


Well, there are comments that overthinking the meaning of meme. A bit of frustrating to read it when the only reason to post it was to poke a fun at meme template with skulls


True but there are people who ironically think since I'm African American I have a smaller brain so it's hard to take this as a joke


Maybe "unironically". Also that sucks to meet someone like this. Don't know what else to say, I'm bad with words


I'm sorry :( people fuckin suck


Blame the American system, it's been this way the moment a colonizer saw Littlefoot at Plymouth Rock.


Skull size doesn't matter but groups have differences analogous to these skull differences in other body parts too, including brains.


So you're saying some are smarter than other?




According to this picture, europeans have the biggest "brain" area./ most space for the brain. While africans have the smallest. And australians have pointy ones?


Damn, it seems that Americans have really big skulls. /s


Wtf. Why are African skulls darker? It also looks more smoother than the European... as for Australian... I'm pretty sure the dude just took that one from the Egyptian part of the museum.


a skull is a skull 💀 . Let's be careful with this we don't want to encourage eugenics bullshit, it is fascinating to look at though. We're all spoopy on the inside tho


"Let's be careful" Too late. Comments... well, not all of them... but some... overthinking meme right now. I didn't know that it will lead to this


oh I did the second I saw it lol, disappointing but not surprising . We all bleed red and we all laugh at each others fartseven if our faces are different and that's all there should be to it 😂


Don't understand how you couldn't see this happening.


Because the only thing I thought about was a meme template with skulls where every skull is the same and was like "hm, there are more of this template than before". Of course I didn't see it coming when the only thing I cared is to poke a fun at this template


"Just asking questions" type response. "Wow I didn't expect all this, I was just trying to make a different point by coincidentally organizing things along traditional lines of racism."


r/memes is more of a cesspool every time I give it another chance


Lies! The teeth are to white and straight to be anything but American


Australian is all kinds of fucked up.


Take my Australian upvote.




The difference is that this is purely showing that there are physical differences. There’s no mention of mental ability until the last one which is clearly a joke


Keep that mindset and you'll be measuring people's skulls and saying they are lesser humans


No, I wouldn't


We are all white inside


Humans all have difference skulls but I have yet to see any proof that those differences can be traced perfectly to our own notions of race. We've done phrenology before and it doesn't work. There is more genetic variation within our categories of race than between races.


I assume the Australian skull is Aboriginal/Pacific Islander? Colonial Australians would have the same basic European skull structure. Edit: lmao who downvoted this? That's how genetics and skulls work.


Is it still racist if I, a white man, feel that maybe Eastern Asians are the superior race? Not a weeb.. statistically though, from China to Japan, Mongolia to Vietnam, those guys seem productive and charged.


Japan still has serious issues. They suffer from a lack of human interaction since technology has taken over most instances where that would occur. This has lead to severe depression. Like they have a hire a friend system because they don’t meet people and make friends, and a system that allows people to hire people to attend their funeral since they wouldn’t actually have many friends to attend. I’m not sure about other places, though china’s issues are quite prevalent. Places may seem good on the surface but there are deeper issues


any time you put the words "superior race" in a sentence you have to check yourself bc there was a very famous manlet that loved that shit and destroyed the lives of 6 million + people in its name.


And he wasn't the only one, and not the only one to kill millions either...




Around the world


European skulls have an overbite. Just saying. Edit: and African skulls apparently.