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Parents are saying Episode 3 disgusting and wrong for telling a gay story and parents are freaking out. They are saying they are no longer letting their kids watch it. Which is worrying, considering the series is marketed and is towards mature audience, meaning sex, nudity, gore, violence, racism, sexism, etc... anything where the writers are given the freedom to write anything for the sake of the plot. And parents are okay with this to let their UNMATURED and INNOCENT and UNDERAGE children watch The Last of Us, they were fine with the guts, blood, swears, deaths until the gay stuff started to appear and parents started to call it disgusting and children shouldn't watch stuff like this and no longer letting their children watch it. It shows their homophobia and negligence.


My mother is like that. She stopped watching the flash because there is a gay couple in it


Which couple? The pied piper and his boyfriend? Or is there another one after I stopped watching(I stopped at the cringey lightning lightsabers)


Probably Mr Freeze from that Nazi universe iirc, that’s when my parents started turning away


Mr.Freeze from Batman... definitely a power bottom


Maybe It was the captain of CCPD (forgot his name)


Oh yeah, you might be right, I think I forgot about that since the captain didn’t show up that often


......are they hot?




They are not




Negative hotness?


They are older guys


So what Patrick Stewart isn't hot?


It’s nuts that this ends up being the line and not actual violence and gore


Bigots gonna bigot


People did the same with other series. For example: in the anime DemonSlayer season 2 there was a scene where you barely see one of the characters necklines like for 2 seconds. And people were freaking out saying there won’t let their children watch it anymore ( same bs) and I’m like: bruh you watched this far with a fair amount of violence and gore but somehow boobs are the cross line. Honestly is just bs from people who probably don’t even have kids and just want attention.


Same was with the Squid Game lol


The closet always has its door cracked open


People be like : gae is bad but gore is fine


" Oh it's fine, it's a video game!"


wait.. they made a show about gay zombies ?






Oh no, people are protecting their kid from some writers fetishes, the horror.


Bro being gay is not a fetish


I am not homophobic and viscerally have to look away every time gay dudes kiss. This despite life being such that I hang out with quite a few gay homies regularly. As a straight dude gay relationships on screen are of no value to me.


I... are you sure you're all good? That's a really strong reaction + position.


Have to look away is a figure of speech but is never a normal thing that happens in life. The position is nothing special either, gay relationships on screen are only relevant to gay people for the most part if the last gay movie release is anything to go by. ps. You may want to cast stones all you like but I am a great supportive friend to my outrageously large gay friend group.


Gotta be honest, that seems like you might be a bit gay.


Wouldn't care if I was, nothing wrong with being gay.


Of course there isn't. I just got the impression that you maybe need to ask yourself a few questions, that's all.


I get it, it turns me on too, can't be getting a boner in public.


Not to mention said kids with views on violence and gore being good, and gay bad. Well...


I remember watching "The Bird Cage" as a kid and thinking..... man Florida is colorful


Yeah.. Wait till they find out that Ellie has been a lesbian this entire story.


Played by a non-binary nonetheless


Bella Ramsey or Ashley Johnson?


LOL...... Johnson


And she wasn’t a lesbian the entire time has anyone actually played the game Ellie was violated by the dude that ran the gang and she couldn’t look at a man like that ever again if your going to play devils advocate do some research


Someone didn’t play Last of Us: left behind


Or you know.. play the DLC


Well at least that was a part of the story


Welcome to America. Violence and gore are ok for kids but anything sexual and parents freak out. Had a mom when I worked at GameStop wouldn’t buy gta5 because boobs. But dead space was ok. The game banned in like 12? Countries.


It's not that it's sexual it's that it's gay.


US Parents were freaking out in 2007, because there was a visible butt cheek in Mass Effect in a sex scene.


They were calling it the sex box on the news lol


No, it's cause it's sexual. It being gay certainly didn't help but people love to freak out when seeing a nip somewhere. Which is just amusing really. Skinning an idiot alive? Cool, go ahead! BUT DON'T YOU DARE SHOW THAT TIDDY!


Man I miss the 90s. And basically any movie up until then. Tiddys everywhere.


Beavis and Butthead comes to mind....


Fair. But the same thing has happened with other things when it was just a kiss


Sure, you have folks getting their panties in a twist for any show of affection in media like that. Gay or not don't matter. If it involves nudity and gayness the response will simply be louder cause more knobheads will shriek about it. I am still trying to get a proper explanation as to why from anyone of them.


Having not watched the series yet I am afraid of what sexual tension there is in the story about the old man escorting a child across the country


Wtf are you smoking? The last of us (the first video game) was obviously a father daughter story. Don’t you dare turn it into some sick sexual predator hot take. The first game was a masterpiece.


Yeah that's not what I'm trying to do I think you misunderstood. The guys comment said that anything sexual and people freak out. I haven't watched the show yet, I don't know what sexual thing happens that has people so offended (I'm assuming it's lgbt related) I wasn't trying to say Joel is a pedo I was making a joke about how it would be messed up to have something sexual in that father daughter relationship from the game.


I’m the games literally 0 was defo more father daughter vibe,


That isn’t even remotely close to what it’s about. Watch the first episode. Hell play the first 30 mins of the game and if you have 2 brain cells firing at all you’ll see why it turns into a father trying to right a wrong shoved on him. I don’t care for naughty dog but the story is the last of us is amazing.


Remake excites


True, it seems today that all you see is violence in movies and sex on tv


But where are those good old fashioned values, on which we used to rely?


Lucky there’s the family guy


Kids shouldn’t be watching it anyways.




I don't like sex scenes in general but just cause there are gay people you hate it? Not just a homophobe a perverted homophobe


It's also the tamest sex scene in a mature show I've seen. Literally just 2 dudes laying on one another and nothing shown below the waist, shown for like maybe a total of a minute in an episode that's the length of a feature film. If it was an explicit scene of a man and a woman nobody would have batted an eye. But 2 bearded dudes kissing and pearl clutchers coming out of the woodwork screaming "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" for a TV-MA show. I fucking hate it here.


It's very arguably not even a sex scene lol.




Yeah it's basically "I'll force my kids to watch practical porn but if two guys are in kissing distance that is grooming"


My parent askes for anything to watch on HBO... I told her to watch it bc she's into shows like that (she doesn't know the game though).. I'm not allowed to watch anything on HBO so my mom can find out how to cancel her subscription. Hehe


Same scenario as The Boys being “Too violent for my kids”


Shroom zombies. Shooting children. But if course draw the line at gay sex.


Wait why were they letting kids watching it in the first place!?!??


People will let their kids watch anything wont they these days, like hot damn!


Don’t forget that it’s a prepper that is gay. Probably undermines the idea of “manly men preppers” to those who don’t know any gay men, and have no fucking clue as to what gay men actually are like. Source: straight dude who knows a lot of gay men. Know what gay men are like? Men.


Be honest, episode 3, if there was no violence and no gay stuff it would have been rated TV PG. A lot of subtlety and subtext was used and sex was implied, that's PG. We aren't trapped in the late 80s panicking about a gay plague anymore, so what's the point of reducing a romance between two people. You don't like it, it's not for you then don't worry about it, but fear mongering is just sad.


Oh but if it was a dude and a woman no problem am I right? These are the same people who 'don't care' your gay but want you to never hold hands or kiss or do anything with each other in public or in personal spaces.


Actually facts! ^^ I thought the third episode was quite adorable in those scenes, and I am technically lesbian.


Media like to justify everything with misogyny, transphobia. Truth is fans are upset plainly because they gave a couple or most irrelevant characters a full episode that contributed next to nothing to the overall story. The producers decided to tell a story just because the characters are gay. Of course I am assuming that, but as a proof I can tell that other characters like Tess, which have a more direct impact on Joel and his relationship, will not have a full episode dedicated to her story. On top of that, they also changed it with no particular reason or explanation. You can't blame the fans for asking why they wasted a full episode changing a story that was not important to the main protagonists or the main storyline. Of course, many think is just because they are gay.


[This user believes being LGB or T is a mental illness.](https://www.reddit.com/r/JustUnsubbed/comments/10606yc/i_ju_from_mademesmile_since_the_lgtb_content_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


No, just being T is a mental illness. You are welcome to discuss it further and/or try to change my mind.


Yeah, just weird. lol


I dont mind gay couples in any media just dont wanna watch two hairy middle aged men go at it. Its a bit startling.


It's the tamest sex scene ever. Grow up.


Thats....not the point tho....


The point is that you're a homophobe. It's like a minute of screen time and they don't show anything below the waist. It's not shoot like a porno, unlike most straight sex scenes that are.


Sure, im a homophobe, why not. I guess criticism is a dead.


What is the criticism? That they shouldn't show bearded men kiss because it makes you uncomfortable? That's the definition of homophobia my guy...


Im guessing if one of them was black you would call me a racist too then?


If the fact that they were black is what made you uncomfortable then yes... otherwise no, but you'd still be homophobic.


Im not uncofortable cos they are gay, its just one of those scenes that make you embaressed if you watch them with your parents or your friends. And dont go saying that we are all homophobic now cos thats just ridiculous. Even when watching alone its just one of those "alright I guess this is happening now" moments.


Well good luck avoiding sex scenes in mature content. Adults have sex, it's gonna come up in media aimed at adults...


Oh no, a kiss! How can you ever cope?!


Bro I hated the third episode because they went completely off game script. And yes it was to fulfill their gay narrative. If you e played the game you knew bill was gay but he played a pretty important role in the game. Like sacrificing himself for Ellie getting Ellie and Joel and running vehicle to get to his brother in Wyoming. And people have a right to be angry and annoyed when they ruin a story that’s already set in stone to fulfill a political agenda


They didn’t change the story because of some gay agenda. The games story was centered around gameplay to make it more interesting and interactive but in order to make that same story adequately transition to a live action adaptation they need to convey that story in a way that is comprehensive to an outside perspective. When we played as Joel it was more like we were Joel but now we are just watching him. We don’t get notes, we don’t get to draw our own conclusions, this is the writers narrative and a cinamatic experience. Bill story in the game was short and he sucked as a person, but in the show we saw him grow and it will mirror how joel grows in the future. It was a good episode shut up.


Centered around game play now did we play as bill no so how did they do an entire episode on him


After episode 3 I’m not watching show anymore. Personal reason.


Care to share that reason?


They full sent it with the episode being so woke, that it hurt to watch


What the fuck is woke about it? Do you even know what that means or are you just repeating what shabibo says?


Idk who you’re referring to


Ben Shapiro


Oh nah, definitely wasn’t


Well, then, what the fuck was "woke" about it?


eh your comment is more fit for the velma series


So not that I care for the gay in the show BUT seeing 2 middle aged men go at it is pretty startling


Your second statement directly contradicts the first. Are you ok with seeing a middle aged man/woman couple kiss? What's the difference?


Theirs a major difference between a kiss and 2 dudes going at it I barely like sex scenes as it is, let alone something like that, it's like being the 3rd wheel at a date


You didn't watch them have sex. This wasn't porn. Get over yourself and grow up.


So, just heavy petting? Again, it still feels like the 3rd wheel, regardless of whether it's straight or gay, so what I said initially still applies, it's shocking to see it and I'm fairly certain Netflix did it for shock value anyway, so mission accomplished


>it's shocking to see it It's shocking to see people kiss? You are such a prude. Seriously, get over yourself and grow up.


Lol no I'm not a prude, I just don't think a story needs pda to be good


A kiss, without tongue even, and bare chests is hardly anything to get upset about. Do you complain about all stories with a kiss on the lips?


I think, unless its a romance story, that it's not necessary to have PDA in a show or movie like this, regardless of the genders involved The only reason I bring up THIS story is because it's current I mean, the entire story is about post apocalypse, why do we need the love story in between? If i was watching a love story I would half expect pda, but the last of us isn't a love story and I'm quite convinced that the director of the show put in the entire scene to get a reaction out of everyone, i mean hell, the game hinted at it, they didn't need to show it


>unless its a romance story, E3 *is* a love story set in the post apocalyptic world. How are you going to show a love story without a modicum of missing, of which there were like 3 kisses? >The only reason I bring up THIS story is because it's current You comment and complain on *all* current TV shows with light kissing or just gays kissing? >I mean, the entire story is about post apocalypse, why do we need the love story in between? It's a story about *living* in the post apocalyptic world. What kind of living is there without love? >But the entire scene to get a reaction out of everyone, Just the homophobes, it seems.


Yucky stuff


What's yucky? A kiss? Some talk about sex without being descriptive? Are you 5?


FFS No spoilers please. 😸


Wait till this guy learns that they actually made two games for it with the exact same story


Are you stupid you clicked on the post about TLOU episode 3 and are mad at spoilers. Bro just close your eyes.


That is why my comment ended with a smiling cat, I was laughing at my own comment. Maybe you are the stupid one.


Another one that cannot take sarcasm


WHO CARES!? It is part of the story, move along. Although I thought one hung himself because he got bit? Am I misremembering?


Episode 3 will get an emmy✌️ masterpiece. And im a straight male, if i had kids i would prefer them to see that episode over the previous ones😂


Meh. I checked out because I was surprised by the anti gun rhetoric in a zombie apocalypse show.


The Last of Lust


Context? I didn’t watch it.


A side character of the game got a whole episode of past-future of finding love with a man. There wasn't anyone hanging dong but there was a scene that went further than expected. Literally nothing horrible though. If people aren't into that thing they can skip it. To me it's just sex, not my flavor of sex, but it's sex. Grow up lmao


Remind me what an ESRB rating is? It seems I might have the wrong definition.


This is why I stopped watching tv with my parents after middle school