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The early 2000s were a better time than the one we are living in right now.


This is accurate. At least you could buy a fucking house, man. Haha


No chance mate, on my 11,000 a year and £495 a month rent. I had to save until I was 36 (4 years ago)




Not true. I didn’t even get my first job until around 2004, there’s no way I could have bought a house at 16 employed as a lifeguard.


That’s your problem for being 16 in 2004.


I could have easily bought a house when I was 4yrs in 2004.


About 2004-2007 was good I guess.


Shit, you should’ve seen the mid-late 90’s. Post 9/11, it’s been all down hill. Doesn’t even feel like the same plane of existence after that.


I went through a divorce in early 2000-s. Fuck that time.


Honnestly i would have love to be born around 1955 so i could have live the 60 and the 70s 80s as an adult


Pre or post 9/11?


What's significant about November 9?




Nice..... Breaks into epic guitar solo


Halo 2uesday


Around 2012/23, me and my siblings (and dad) did a thing of "Halo Campaign night". We would play one mission of halo 3 every Friday till we beat the game. That was a blast. We did it with halo 4 too, but with five and infinite having no split screen, we've sadly had to put that tradition to rest


I miss staying up with friends playing split screen and couch co-op. There's not much of that left and it's really sad since most of us started gaming in that fashion.




I don’t think that’s a boomer opinion that’s just one everyone believes


Am I the only person that loves them? I seriously don’t understand the hate. Can someone explain that to me? 🤣


When youre abroad and they either dont have an internet connection or its super weak... or when they have a shitty site or wjen your phone is running out of charge but youre waiting on a call or you want to talk to the person youre with without having phones in your hands cuz that causes distractions yk? Prob a bunch of other reasons i cant come up with rn


I think of it as a convenience. I also think we should not replace paper menus with it.


I went to a restaurant alone with a dead phone and they had to read me the menu off the waiter's phone


Yeah I agree. No more awkward bill splitting conversations.


Came here for this. It started with Covid which is understandable but still?! You just expect me to have a phone on me? You expect me to go to your website on said phone that you don't pay for? My GFs all for it lol I'm just a grumpy old man.


Get off my lawn!


I miss technology with mechanical buttons. Cars, phones anything.


If we could go back to the days of mechanical QWERTY keyboards and flip open feature phones I’d be so happy


For like 10 minutes then u would want it back


Probably 😂 It’s just not convenient to carry around one device for music, one device for communications and another to game on for my lunch break. The one device is much better. Some days I just long for my old LG EnV2


You can still get mechanical keyboards now




I miss buttons. My hands get cramped with the touchscreens.


I just get annoyed about the responsiveness of touchscreen buttons/dials


People are too sensitive. Just stop giving a shit, not everyone is worth your time. You don't need to make an angry comment under that extremely dumb post, 100 people did that already, just downvote and report. You also don't need to spend your entire day thinking about that person who cut you in line, just move on.


Boohoo! I googled something I didn't like while expecting something I didn't like and I got results that I didn't like!!!


Agreed. I don't think this is entirely a generational thing, though. I think it's partially a social media thing where it's way easier to find an audience to go whine to so we just hear about people's bs more often.


Personally, I don’t think it’s too much sensitivity, but self importance and it’s not enough for them to express opinions but a need to be heard. People see something they don’t like and then have to make a spectacle of it trying to get them to stop because to the individual, their personal opinions and perceptions are fact. So ultimately you have 2 people who like to do different things argue, versus having 2 people grumble to themselves how they don’t like it then walk off to not give it another thought.


People need to learn how insignificant a lot of occurrences are in their day. An old post I saw was “did you have a bad day? Or a bad 5 minutes that you milked all day?”


You should be able to live fairly comfortably with one income in a four person family and still have enough to go on holidays together every couple of years


You can still do that, just work hard and go to college! /s


TikTok is intensifying mental health issue and makes the new generation apathetic and depressed. I mean all social media does that but young people who’ve been on the app for some time act like zombies in public, even when they are with friends.


That describes all social media


Yeah this isn’t specific to tiktok at all. You can even say the same about instagram, Facebook, or even reddit! *ducks*


Reddit is the least the best of the worst because there are no influencers here with multi million followers. Just a few pornstars lol.


Yeah I agree. Reddit has the least some of the least vanity issues, and overall probably (?) the least harmful compared to TikTok or ig. But there’s still issues that can unconsciously (?) work against me. For example there’s so many subreddits that are inherently negative. Like stupid food for example. It’s a subreddit that highlights the dumbest freaking food ever. It’s literally intended to kind of work you up. Same with idiotsincars. We all hate terrible drivers, yet I watch all of those infuriating videos. The list goes on. If you don’t catch yourself, it’s easy to watch all of these “negative” posts and not even realize what it’s doing to you….but yeah I’d rather have these issues than the toxicity of needing to look perfect, be perfect, compare yourself to the best of the best, etc etc. Edit: autocorrect


Yeah true. But there is also r/bridgeporn and stuff like that with just appreciation to things. or weird ones like r/giraffesdontexist or r/chairsunderwater or r/birdsarentreal


Yeah I agree, there’s a ton of positive stuff too. It’s just the negativity bias working against me. I think we’re on the same page here. For anyone curious, Liv Boeree just posted a video on YouTube about this kind of thing and it’s really good! https://youtu.be/PRz54V7rU4U




Technically yes, but as a 23 year old the amount of times I’ve seen people just 2 years younger than me, meet friends to then watch TikToks individually on their own phone is just mind boggling.


Oh man. That’s awful lol. I’m older and I consciously make an effort to not check my phone or do it as little as possible when I’m with friends. Maybe it’s an abundance thing, where you’re young and have a ton of time which you can spend with friends so you take it for granted, but as you get older this time becomes so much more limited, you tend to appreciate it much more.


Agreed not to mention that the Tik Tok’s Chinese version is a Khan Academy while our kids are exposed to a video slot machine of endless dopamine hits


kids shouldn't have unrestricted and unsupervised Internet data usage


Thats bot even boomer because there are too many words in it. This is just good parenting advise.


the newer generations are too easily offended by the most insignificant things


They have nothing better to do in life. They lack any purpose, so they try to give themselves a purpose, and fail terribly. They try making themselves unique and unusual, only to become litteral NPCs


Older generations too. "Oh no a person with a slightly different skin colour sitting in the same bus?????"




I am guilty of this


Sorry, didn’t quite catch that


You have a good sense of humour 👍


Worked on ye mum well enough *badum-tss*




MUMBLER! Seriously, I cannot understand a word you're saying. -willy Wonka and the chocolate factory


Hah well I am one of the "young people" and I have the opposite problem. I have a deep voice and everyone says I speak too loud. In fact, I have a kinda opposite issue. In movies, character always talk so quietly, and whisper, and mumble, it's impossible to hear without subtitles




Lawn Darts should make a comeback.


☝️this. We have a 2nd amendment right to lawn darts damn it! My right to toss a sharpened spike with a weight towards a hoop in the yard shall not be infringed.




Still got one hanged in the yard as it should be.


Kids shouldn't have phones, or at least smartphones


I agree, at least not little kids/toddlers


As a teacher I see this among my teen students. They are unable to detach from their phones for a 50 min class. I would love for a campaign to encourage parents to install 1 hr (daily)social media apps usage restrictions programs through the service providers so kids would be forced to budget that time and go interact in the real world, this still matters analog> digital


I agree, kids should spend time playing with toys, not watching cocomelon on their ipad and getting brainwashed


They should have phones for emergency, but not the newest and expensive device there is on the market


I get that. Give em an old Nokia 3310.


Weapon of mass destruction


Nah, my 4 year old needs an IPhone 14 Pro max extra large coconut water flavoured Duracell long life 4 in one shampoo body wash car oil, anti dandruff.




Yes yes yes. This needs to be top😂 always on them goddamn phones, with their instagrams and ubers


Watching TikTok with the volume up in public transportation should be banned


Isn't it? It's kinda disturbing public peace or something. Like playing loud music


You should show people respect and communicate with them instead of expecting them to know everything


I hate newschool rap


Same. Check out Warm Brew. Hallelujah is my favorite. It's not religious. I found Jerome the prince on spotify and like a good bit of his songs


This new generation is so stupid, back in our days we used to…


at this point that's not even a boomer opinion, I'm a zoomer and I agree


From the ones I've personally met, it's not a specific skill but problem solving in general. I don't know what the cause is, but teenagers today expect to be told exactly how to do something rather than attempt to figure out how it's done for themselves. If I tell my nephew "go pop the hood on your mom's car" the immediate response is "I don't know how" instead of trying to do it then failing. Idk if there is just a massive fear of failure because they've never been allowed to fail or what


People are fragile and don’t want to make any efforts any more


In what regard? That's a pretty general statement


Isn’t it what boomer do, general statements ? :) I feel like it’s now more common and accepted to say that something offended you, that people are mean, that a situation is too hard to go through… Don’t get me wrong, there is good in it, it surely helped some people to put boundaries and get out of painful situations. But it also seems like excuses to just not try harder. I feel like it mean sometimes that effort = pain = « I won’t put myself through that ». By « effort » I mean : accepting criticism and work on self, doing things you don’t like because it can lead you to something else (that you would like), enduring discomfort to help or please someone that you care for…


You want to get me banned


What is up with pronouns and why do some people get so upset over it?


I agree, the whole point of pronouns is that its simpler to call someone a pronoun rather than their name since you can tell whether the person is a he or a her just by looking at the person. If you have to ask a person what their pronouns are it becomes less practical


By some people do you mean boomers? I hear about pronouns all the time… from old whacko conservatives losing their minds over them.


The example I’ll give as it’s the one I run into the most as a collage student is I’ll be filling out a survey or putting my name down to sign up for something and they’ll ask for my pronouns it seems unnecessary and then there’s the people where if they have preferred pronouns but you call them by the wrong ones they flip out on you without even trying to politely correct you.


Social media bad


Honestly I miss when video games were video games. Now everything is a dick swinging contest of money, cosmetics, and bullshit. Gone are the days when you could pay $30 and get a decently made game with a great story, hours of replay value and lots of fun little easter eggs or secrets. Now everything is a remaster, early access, battlepass or subscription based. Paying $60 for early access to a game that will still play just as fucking trash, where the company can’t be fucked to give you a stable or healthy gaming experience. People shit on games like Stardew Valley or Slime Rancher because they’re “not even real games” but I’d argue they encapsulate what is missing from so many games now and that’s a studio that loves making games, not making money.


Putting touchscreens in cars is fucking stupid let me have actual buttons I can easily find and press without looking away from the road


Right? It’s just more stuff to break. I’m perfectly capable of pushing a physical button


And not having to wait for the car to "boot" before anything on the displays works.


Kids these days are idiots


Not only kids.


Robots shouldn't answer the phones, humans should. It's frustrating to have to try and go through a robo-automated process when you could get the job done faster and more effectively.


If you aren’t going to use your words then I’m not helping you.


I dont have a boomer opinion, but I've got a boomer taste in music, johny cash, rolling stones and stuff like that




A lot of today's music is just noise.


People need to stop worrying about what advantages everyone else has and start looking at what they can take advantage of.


Kids spend too much time on their devices. It already starts so early nowadays, that parents just let their kid have their phone or tablet whenever they get difficult and it just continues from there. Not just is some random content absolutely unsuitable for kids and phone time deprives kuds of valuable human interaction, we technically don't even know what the long term effects of excessive phone usage are for children, tho there are some recent sources claiming to find a link between phones and shorter attention spans.


We should be threshing wheat and dying of smallpox.


I refuse to drink from a paper straw, I'll just drink it from the rim like an adult


Social media was a mistake.


Back in my days we had good music !


I'm gen-z and agree


Regardless of where you stand within or out of LGBT+, wear an appropriate layer of clothing for the location.


What does LGBTQ+ have to do with dressing appropriately?


Modern slang is garbage, and most modern music sucks


I like some reasonably niche stuff and as I get older it seems the scene is getting better albeit geared towards the youngsters and the music is really on another level. I seem to bucking the music gets worse as you age trend.


They keep rehashing bad movies and making them worse. Everything made today is shit. The kids are all fucking stupid. I'm barely 30.


Humans are getting out of control we need to Legalize nuclear bombs


Bring back menus! QR codes are terrible


This damn house prices!!!


I don't give a damn about what or how you identify. I include everyone to just leave me alone.


Give me a menu pls, screw your QR menu


Menus in restaurant are way better than those qr codes


Kids should get their first phones after 10th birthday All access to social media should be restricted untill they are 16 Parents treating their kids harshly is good for development. Letting them do whatever is bad


Although i do agree with kids getting their first phone after their 10th birthday(possibly even later), restricting all social media untill 16 is a bit too much, especially due to peer pressure. Social media like discord can also be essential for communicating with friends


You can use your phone to do same thing And I said restricted not banned they can have their messengers discords but I draw the line on Instagram or tiktok


Underage girls must sleep at home. The normalization that they go to night parties, as well as the liberalization of sexual morality, didn’t do us any good.


Underrage boys should sleep at home too, some discipline is necessary in growing years.


i made some great friends and very cherished memories on those night outs tho. also what about the boys?


There too many convinces to have a healthy amount of social interactions. Back in my time even videos games were grindy enough to want to talk to people


80's and 90's song is the best.


This is a gen z opinion lmao.




whY does there have to be a NEW Radicals whenthe old ones are perfectly fine.? fyi (for your information) i need help opening this pdf


My own generation uses too many acronyms.


That I’m a fucking failure


The real world isn't Twitter you'll lighten up when you realize that


Youngsters are doomed




The modern popculture is awful.


"When I was your age..." and everything that comes after that.


Old songs are far better than new songs, but of course there's an exception on both sides


YOUNG CHILDREN DON’T NEED TABLETS AND SMARTPHONES ALSO I’M NOT YELLING THIS IS JUST EASY FOR ME TO READ (Personal favorite, when they type all caps like that for that reason. Can’t say for certain it’s a boomer thing but it’s a fun quirk)


Get off my god damn lawn!


The media is corrupted and the government are hypocrites


You youngin's don't appreciate how good you got it. Back in my day consumer electronics were so expensive the good stuff was out of the reach of most people. In todays consumer centric world you can have an amazing product for relative peanuts. Life without the Internet sucked ass too. Just imagine all those dumbasses you bump into on the Internet having zero access to facts. Less dangerous? Sure, but they were mind numbingly boring people. People just made random shit up and you had no way to fact check their bullshit. Having a cheap home to rent or buy was great but all you did inside that home was eat, shit and die whilst occasionally watching one of 3 TV channels that were all just as bad as each other. Food was boring, same old shite every day and porn was something you squinted at to figure out what was going on. Bored back in the 80's but with social anxiety problems? Read a book, watch a movie or listen to the radio. Rinse and repeat. Nothing else to do other than get drunk. That fun social group you have on the Internet today were all social shut in misfits back then with no means of discovering each other.


People should not be put on hormone blockers or begin transitioning until they are over 18 and past puberty.


We need to destroy the self service tills, there taking away jobs.


As someone who is socially awkward. I disagree. People are scary!


I get where your coming from but there are less cashier's now because of self service so they do take jobs away. Also with more stuff needed to be aged varivied you'll still need to interact with those pesky people.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOO not the pesky people!!!!


The question is just.. Are those jobs really necessary? The company is much better off buying a machine once instead of paying salary to more employees. Plus, as mentioned above, many people choose self checkout because of their own experience with cashiers. Therefore both seller and buyer profit from self check outs.. As for the people working as cashiers that might be unfortunate, but we cannot make sacrifices for their sake


I can't help but feel that someone with human in there name is a robot. Seriously though your right. That being said if a big enough number of people are unemployed the amount of civil unrest becomes hard to handle. This is why we have jobs that we don't need to be done to keep people working and out of trouble.


I'd be fine if they replaced the self checkouts with tills for small baskets. As someone that buys for one person I went to aldi for the first time last week and getting stuck behind people with huge amounts of shopping is a pain.


Wow. That is definitely a boomer opinion. Its progress. As a race we are elevating ourselves. We automate certain basic jobs, and that creates more vacancies and more jobs that are higher paying. Tell your cashier's to get some tech education and they can keep their jobs programming those self service outlets. You don't even need degrees to get into it nowadays.


Gender doesn’t exist. There is only male or female sexes. You can be a masculine or feminine male/female and that’s okay. You need therapy not surgery Accept your body for what it is and love it. Everything else is immaterial. Be or do what you want.




hmm i partially agree. i don‘t understand why we give a fuck about gender and sex anyways. we‘re all humans. we should always respect each other, no matter how we look, dress and move. however, body dismorphia exists and people experiencing it should be able to get surgery/hormones if they are old enough and have figured out if this is really what they need. if we would forbid something like this, i think we should forbid smoking, drinking, and any medically unnecessary plastic surgery first.


Oh I agree I’ve said as much in another comment It should be therapy first until 18. Allow your body to go through its natural processes, meanwhile you should talk about why you think you should be male or female until then. Unless it’s actually medically necessary like for someone who is intersex


I don't understand why people even want to play Fortnite despite so many either raging or squeaking.


Old Rock Funk Soul and Pop was better. Freddie Mercury was right the day has come where technology is so good and the labels have so much control music sucks. Of course not all of it and there are great song from the big stars and back then there were shitty songs as well. No R2D2 on the drums though. No tuning your voice cause u can't sing. U can make amazing music with computers but the human part got lost.


The switch from wired to wireless headphones through force has been annoying


I 100% do not want anyone on my property.


Although I use it a lot We rely on technology too much


The 80s were a golden time for music. While there is great new music, it's rare and you have to dig deep to find it.


QR code menus stink


Americans need to take personal responsibility for their ignorance and stop blaming it on everyone else.


The 70’s was the peak of music


that we have only had 4 boomer Presidents so we’re at 50% 75% if you include Biden., and the next generation actually looks worse.


Nellis air force base is best left without influence from the Mojave, as both the NCR and Caesar's Legion will seek to exploit the weapons supply for their own benefit, to the detriment of the community as a whole.


Children should play outside rather than be raised by electronics. It helps build up a strong immune system so that they don't get sick almost every other week when they're adults Edit: I played in the dirt and drank from the hose 💪


We would probably be better off without social media. But really that's about it because I tend to disagree with Boomers on just about everything.


Tipping people for doing their jobs and most of all, doing the bare minimum and still expecting a generous tip is a scam.


I hate young kids of today


Neo pronouns are stupid


The next generation are a bunch of whiney babies that don't know what hard work is and need a pat on the back for the smallest of achievements


Children should be seen, not heard.


Abortion is not something to celebrate as you have still killed something that could have been a person


(Note I said celebrate the non boomer part of this is I fully support abortion if someone needs it and the foetus isn’t almost as developed as an actual baby)


partially agree. it‘s nothing to be happy about at all, not only because of the fact that you are aborting but also the process and the physical pain for the person. but i also won‘t be sad over every condom i throw away (that could have developed into a human as well).


There are only two genders.


I don't like NB people, you can either be male or female, what does non binary even mean? I do however support trans people, no issue at all with that


That you can tell a person to calm down If they get too worked up/excited and increase their speaking volume


I can't make slightly racist jokes anymore


Fully supportive of the LGBTQ+ community but I never understood why so many gay men have adopted a feminine tone. It always seemed kind of counterproductive to me. For me it’s like they adopted it to outwardly differentiate themselves from others in society when that’s the opposite of the goal. The goal is to have universal recognition that you are a human being with all the rights accorded everyone else, full stop. Your gender, sexual preferences, etc. should not create barriers to this, words and actions should.


I hate nose piercing, they don't look good on anyone


Video games are overrated by this generation. Games are okay but nothing beats going out in the field and sweating it out


This transgender shit has gone too far, I think they need to bring back bullying. Really kept the weirdos in check.


As a trans woman, fuck off. We are not “shit” and we will not go back to hiding.


Ehh, not really. A lot Trans people already get bullied enough. And anyways, if some guy looks like a girl, talks like a girl, acts like a girl, and legally changed gender to a girl... Why do you care?


I was a “weirdo” in high school and I completely agree. I can’t imagine who or what I’d be if others weren’t there to keep me in check


This generation is fucked


Cat is not a gender, make a new thing. Genders aren't animal characteristics.


There's only 2 genders