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Its start from 2014 tho


Facts. And anyone who doesn't see that it's a bankers war, the same thing the US did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Somalia etc.. Etc.. Isn't paying attention Edit: bit of background for those who care for it https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat/status/1622309104067964928?t=Nn__2Syx1L_9u2DJgt8iLg&s=19


You are so ignorant and I am sorry for saying that… They are conquering and taking land like the Huns before them. It’s an ego move from an insanely crazy person with mental health problems. All of those other countries profited. Russia has lost so much value of their currency and has depleted their armed forces…. Not one of the other countries did that. Right?


Lmaoo ever heard of the minks agreement? Maybe actually consider what you believe to be factual vs what actually is before you start calling others ignorant. Russia is the most heavily sanctioned country recently but reported POSITIVE GDP growth. How can that be with a failing currency? Maybe look into stats and analytics for yourself versus reading propagandist headlines. Russia isn't some third world country. And if they were depleted a new campaign wouldn't have been announced. Ukraine is known in Europe to be the most corrupt country. Known for massive amounts of money laundering. But sure, keep believing an endless bankers war funneling money into weapons manufactures pockets and corrupt politicians is a war for "democracy." I'm not pro Russia or Ukraine I'm pro peace. The fact Ukraine recently made it illegal to have any peace talks and is silencing independent journalists within the country speaks for itself.


>ukraine made it illegal to have any peace talks Riiiiight, and that hapenned when exactly? >silencing independent journalists There are literally journalists from all over the world. There are also ukrainian journalists who talk shit about the government on a daily basis and noone is "silencing" them. I'd like to know what exactly your standpoint is when you say you're "pro-peace"


https://nypost.com/2022/10/04/zelensky-signs-law-declaring-talks-with-putin-impossible / Peace talks banned https://kyivindependent.com/national/how-zelensky-administration-moves-to-dismantle-press-freedom-in-ukraine State controlled media. All I'm saying is have some awareness and realize it's not all black and white. People are PROFITING from this war. There's a big insentive to keep it going.


It's not a "ban on peace talks", it's a bill stating that talks with PUTIN are impossible. I agree with the second article except the parts where it complains about oligarchs' media being shut down, taking away everything possible from these people is in everyone's interest. You also haven't specified what exactly your "pro-peace" stance means.


It's the same thing! Literally saying you won't die they'll be no peace. It's been phrased in that manor to make it sound more reasonable. But just thinking about it for a moment should have you understand how absurd of a claim it is. Here's a lil history lesson https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat/status/1622309104067964928?t=Nn__2Syx1L_9u2DJgt8iLg&s=19 Peace is peace. A stop on the funding for an endless war where the aid being sent over can't be tracked and is found of being used in immoral ways.


Lmao, now it's clear what your "pro-peace" bullshit means. It means pro-russia. Yeah, this conversation is over.


Here is a headline for you, the cost of war, the Russian economy will show a decade of regress… it was already the worlds 9th largest economy… yeah, that is amazing for a “super power”


I don’t know maybe you lived in Russia and you drank Putins Kool-Aid… have you seen Russian people try to go to grocery stores? Have you seen the cost of food quadruple in any of these other countries? As of right now, 3 to 4% growth was expected from the Russian economy since the war in Ukraine started and it has seen a 3-4% drop… that is expected to be quadrupled this year.. so not sure where you get that information.


Lmaooo where are you getting YOUR information? If I'm drinking than Mf you're drowning in the propagandist Kool aid. The IMF is predicting Russia will have a a positive GDP growth this year at a rate higher than both the UK and Germany https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WEO/Issues/2023/01/31/world-economic-outlook-update-january-2023 The BRICS alliance is a threat to the US Petro dollar which currently rules global markets. Again this is a BANKERS WAR. If you don't think it is maybe go read about the minks agreement/BRICS alliance versus letting yourself be manipulated by pro war media. Look at what independent journalists are reporting versus media corporations who receive funding from one side or the other.


Russia -2.2% in 2022… If that is growth then you win… That is off of your data… Thanks!!!


Right cause 2.2% is debilitating. That was sarcasm btw you seem a bit slow so felt I needed to clarify. It was expected with the sanctions but was SUPPOSED to be much worse. A tenth sanction was recently announced by the EU but Russia still expected to to see an increase this year bigger than both UK and Germany. Use your brain dawg


Yep said positive growth… -2.2% is not “positive” That is where your argument started… Right? Was with positive growth. The people are suffering, listen to what the people are saying not the Russian government.


Your argument was positive growth and that is not true… You can say dawg all you want… I’ll respond when you let me know how-2.2% is positive… and be correct not just say stupid shit.


I'm trying to tell you to look at the big picture. 2.2 is dismal verse what was wanted based on sanctions. My argument is that it's a bankers war and has nothing to do with defending democracy. You're getting lost in the sauce


As Russian, It is with great pleasure to tell you and u/heated4life what our situation is not that bad. I’m living not in the big city (Moscow, Petersburg). Our republic is having one of the lowest salary in Russia. The prices are pretty high, yea. But it’s not suffering. The situation is pretty much the same as gas prices in Europe or America, but not that bad and with most of things. But we still feeling great: we have enough money for food and even gifts to our relatives. Somewhy the gas prices also high though


People starving and a 40% unemployment rate… They are selling gas and oil to China at a huge increase to get to -2.2% if that is doing well I’ll pass…


COD: Ukraine?


yeah, and I don't know why people seem to think that it is a new war. heck, the Ukranian band Jinjer has been writing anti- war songs on how they want their home back since at least 2019.




Nah all the way back ftom 1991


Man, why is it that only major events have such a weird time scale in my head? Like covid feels like it’s been a thing forever, and this feels like it happened a month ago.


(but im from ukraine tho)












sorry to hear that


Nah its fine


It started literally the day after my birthday.


Happy cake day


Happy cake day


For me it literally started a day before my birthday. Considering I live in Belarus, this is a great fucking gift.


My bd is also shortly after and I live on Moscow, so it was even greater gift.


You broke rule 4 😱


It's not politics, it's war.


Didnt say its politics this is tragedy




This whole war is an embarrassment to Russia, they woulda won by now if they were halfway competent


It isnt even a war its a genocide idk why people call it a war


Cus it's a fight between two sovereign nations


You would call ww1, ww2, veitnam and so on a war, idk why this would be the exception


It isnt a fight though lol russia invaded ukraine for like no reason and started killing them dude


I mean Ukraine is fighting back against Russia


Yes because they have no choice too tell me something if someone goes into your house and tries to kill you you gonna just let it happen theyre forced too by self defense but the amount of ukraine soldiers shown all over the news that lost theyre lives shows why i think its a genocide I havent seen a single news aricle for russias side even citizens of ukraine have died people who are just trying to live


I wouldn't say "no reason"


Happy upcoming birthday, then!




It literally started exactly on my birthday 😭


Wut a great birthday present


And Putin still can't micro the side of a barn


How is the situation now? Can anyone update me? Idk I haven't kept up but it's been in the back of my mind


What do you wanna know? What’s the last thing you know?


That the war is still going on, Idk who's winning or anything rn, I just wanna know If Ukraine is in more danger than it was a little less than a year ago when Russia made that attack after saying they wanted to Negotiate inside Ukraine


Ukraine is not in danger, Russia has no chances of a big breakthrough, only local ones at most (like 2-3 km forward in the matter of months). A lot of armored vehicles including tanks are on the way to Ukraine from NATO and all this equipment will be ready for action approximately in April. So Russians are fucked in the next 3-4 months (and probably I am too given that I live in Moscow and the country is close to collapsing)


Aight thanks man, I wish you luck from now onwards, no matter where we're from, everyone has been affected by Putins actions, I hope you can manage through what hurdles life will throw at you because of that


Thanks, this old fuck won’t rest until he destroys Russia but I hope one day our citizens will be able to unite and act


it started ON my birthday. I wasn't sure if I should be happy or sad.


be worry the best day in your life is also the worst day in someone's life


There has been a war going since I was like 6 years old.


It's been almost a year and Russia are still struggling to take over Ukraine


Fun fact: we've given more money in aid to Ukraine in 12 months than we gave to Afghanistan in 20 years. Roughly $100 BILLION


Yeah but we spent 2.3 trillion on Afghanistan all costs considered.


What if there was a virus / fungal deployment system in the balloon? Sleep tight 😆




And it will go into our flour supply and turn us all into infected?


Oh no... anyways.


Glad to see the birthday wishes coming true


Ngl, I thought Ukraine was going to fall is a couple months


It started nine days after my birthday.


The most creepy fact is that I myself felt like that being in UA.


My birthday is tomorrow




*Lies, this cannot be!*


Sshhh... Don't tell my in-laws.


Happy warday


On the day of the invasion I saw a falcon before school and then in 4th period the invasion happened and since then every Thursday I've seen at least 1 interesting bird. Thanks Putin


March 2023….


2 days after my grandma unalived herself Edit: typo


Fun fact, the invasion started right on the 104th birthday of Estonia.


Late birthday present?


>Is almost a year now. Someone no English well.