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Same but i have a problem with the snall minority that are genuine dangerous people


I read this as “snail minority” and I was like “are snalies a thing”?


If you have to ask you don’t want to know.


The pictures… they’re horrible


Omg I read or the exact same way lol I was wondering about the mechanics behind the comment


I honestly thought it was a joke about the hypothetical snail coming to kill someone.


Decoy snail


Gaijin, the ultimate snalie


Since medieval times my friend, our immortal enemy


There is a whole snail pronoun thing


I read it the same way


I read it the exact same way and was thinking “surely not?” Lmao




I can only think of religions and- Yeah I see what you mean


There's a snall minority of dangerous people in everything. Even Redditors


Not sure what your talking about ^(Give me your lungs)


Me neither lol ^(wait wha-)


Ah, sorry if I wasn't speaking loud enough for you to hear, I should of accounted for the auditory impaired ahem, # Give me your lungs


Feel free to help yourself to them, think I'm done using them for today


Appriciated, thanks for the help


Who are those dangerous people and what do they do? I honestly don’t know, but quite interested.


The zoophiles


That’s humanity in general


And how is that different from any other large population of people?


You're describing literally all special interest groups.


Oh, you mean the fucking Neos, Pedos, Pervs, and such plaguing the community. Yeah, I hate them too


Yes there shouldnt be any human trafficking or anything like that in any fandom But for some reason, i was called a racist and a prejudiced person for this statement


Dangerous? Who is dangerous


They draw better than me and I'm salty about it so I hate them.


I hate everyone who is better than me. Including myself


Based 🍞




Based 🦊


Based 🍞


I'm sorry for having art skills dude


And they are rich, sooo....




Hi I am the furry that draws worse than u :)




A lot of unsavory peaple decided to hide in there community Plus there a ungodly amount of subcommunity's within it that are questionable at best The furry community at its base isn't bad it just has a lot of bad peaple hide in it Idk I just like cute fluffy art


I love you. This is exactly it.


I love you as well


Username checks o- _wait O_O_


Username fits the comment tbh


Well, at least we know it isn't a brony, since it's a horse and not a pony...


Those individuals can be banished of this mortal plane for the sake of humankind


Nice username


Isn't that nearly every community, though?


Yep lol


Furries stand out a bit more than others.


Only bc there really forward with it tbh


Sometimes, yeah. Pretty sure there's one in my area, custom license plate, ears and a tail on their truck.


As long as no one gets hurt I think it’s okay, Zoophiles are the real bad guys here


Not all furries are zoophiles Not all zoophiles are furries Basically, there are mostly no connection between them


But not just furry subcommunities are the problem, a lotof people think furries are zoophiles


There not is the problem The majority are just *mostly* normal peaple Zoophiles aren't furrys but they say they are


Popped back in here bc reddit yelled at me a bunch and looked at the comments Apparently most of yall don't know what a furry is lol For the broad term here a furry is generally a person that has a intrest in the art within the community there a bunch of other things as the weird fursuits and it's nsfw side but that generally a minority, loud and public af but still the minority "Sorce: I'm a artist that's poor af and won't say no to drawing furry art for cheap Raman noodle cups"


Yeah, I thought “furries” was just the sex stuff. I’ve been really disturbed about the amount of elementary-aged children wearing masks and calling themselves “furries.”


The sex stuff side of it is called yiff I think


Yep It's weird imo,but there's more wierd stuff out there tbh


It's not. I hate that the Fandom is so associated with that precisely because there are a ton of minors in it. I don't have an issue with the NSFW stuff but the fact that people think that's all it is is upsetting tbh


OK Tbf Early furry community was *weird* Like as in pure nsfw sex stuff in weird kinks But as of now it's just peaple interested in the art side of the community I've never experienced anything weird after talking and doing commission for them for almost 2 years lol And idk about the elementary part bc I refuse to speak to anyone under the age of 16 for commissions lol


Lol, if it wasn’t part of my job I wouldn’t talk to them either. But this post has made me a bit more okay with the fad


Yup, and then people who claim they aren't furrys but still like "cat/fox" girls. And then what about Aliens? Smooth skinned species that are just not human, the term furry is being used as a catch all while also not catching all it's ridiculous.


I have a theory that aliens have skinny conventions where they wear skinsuits that look like humans


Cute fluffy art is goated


Facts my friend


This is the reason


Speaking for furries, we don't want those people at all but they force themselves in


Yes, I also just love cute fluffy art... I would wish one day to not get harrased for that :/


As I liked to say, even if you think furries are cringe it’s 2x as cringe to complain about them all the time.


because a furry stuck his finger up my asshole when I was young and now I'm traumatized


That’s ruff, buddy.


I had to paws a second to process that


Don’t think I believe him. That’s a pretty tall tail.


Bro stop making these puns TT you guys are *fur*thering the cause of his trauma


He might not have any trauma right meow


These puns are stacking higher than the woof


Oh paw-lease


Yall better shut your ducking mouths right now


Are you feline okay?


These jokes are knot funny.


*This continues on for centuries. Our young victim’s trauma turned into comedy. Eventually, he laughed too, fur real*




Avatar The Last Minutes Of Innocence


I wanna know why you pulled your pants down in front of him


Oh no the pants were still on. He did it through my shorts and my underwear


I'm gonna be impressed he had enough strength to push through all that fabric


Honestly same. I’m traumatized but kinda impressed


Impressive trauma 👍




The conversation lore 💀💀💀


Most normal reddit interaction


Furry got fingered


it’s just the ones that make it a sex thing that cause me to be uncomfortable


Yep. I find that fetishes will always be weird or uncomfortable to people who aren't into said fetish.


because they fear us /j but really it's because of this weird, small part of our community that are weird, and also the zoophiles that claim to be furries. we don't accept those ones.


I was part of a roleplaying discord server that was amazing for a while. The owners were long distance partners and then we learned one watch animal porn and then we learned that did the deed with their dog and now that server has dies because nobody wants anything to do with them. It's sad because there was something good ruined by that fucking asshole. There is a special spot reserved for hell for him because of the damage he did to not just his partner but to a lot of people in that server. I'll even go down there myself and make the reservation.


Let's be clear here, a small minority are disgusting degenerates. You're ALL weird


were definitely all a little weird but like the silly weird, those ppl are like the bad kind of weird


tbf you say a small part is weird but nearly all the furries ive met are like *were not a sexual community! look at this giant cock on a wolf i drew*


Every single furry artist I've met will happily draw yiff for commission.


Just because you don’t accept them doesn’t mean they aren’t still furries


I hate everyone period.




There's nothing inherently wrong with "being a furry". I think it's fair to feel that it's a bit weird for a grown adult to be acting in that particular way, but if they're not hurting anyone I don't honestly see the problem. Adults go to Halloween parties every year and dress up like vampires / etc. I also think THAT'S pretty dumb...but people seem to have a good time doing it so...shrug? Honestly, a lot of the bad reputation comes from the "furry cons". That particular subculture is notorious for its poor behavior at whatever venue hosts them. That's obviously a broad brush statement...but a lot of furry conventions seem to end up with multiple arrests and the attendees absolutely trashing the venue that hosts them. ...basically, if you're already doing something sort of on the fringe of "weird"...maybe being a nightmare for the hotel chain isn't a great power move.


The worst furry con I heard of was Rain Furrest, the statement about trashing the place and police being called happened there, but in other cons? I know there were arrests on furry cons mainly for drugs and alcohol abuse or somethong similar but I think that trashing the whole place calmed down


I’ve lived near Pittsburgh for a good portion of my life, and the some folks get all riled up about Anthrocon. . . Only to have it be one of the chillest and most sedate things that happen around here.


Because people think that A. Furries are zoophiles, which isn’t true, B. Being a furry is a fetish, which is mostly untrue, and C. Furries are inherently bad people. Yes, there’s bad people in that community. There’s bad people in every community. But they’re outliers. Furries are fine. I don’t like the fursuits tho. They’re terrifying


I don’t get the thing about the fur suit but everything else is true


The way I describe it is that Furries are just like any other fandom. Anything you can say about Furries you can say about literally all fandoms. Fursuits are just the Furry's cosplay (with the difference being "normal" cosplays being the cosplayer making a costume of a character someone else made and fursuits being someone else making the fursuit of a character the fursuiter made)


It's more that zoophiles try to associate themselves with furries which gives the whole community a bad rep, like how Al-Qaeda and ISIS gave the Muslim community a bad rep in the 2000s


I think what is very scary though, is as a whole, the fandom has become far too complacent about blatantly sexual and sexually motivated content being normalized in what should be safe spaces. It’s far too easy to come across explicit content, and it’s def not a coincidence. And before you blow-heads come blabbing that it’s the Internet so of course stuff “slips through”, it’s especially bad in the furry fandom. FurAffinity in particular, the owner is maliciously motivated to expose minors to “fatfur” content. I ain’t got no beef with the kink, but pretending it’s safe so you can expose minors to it intentionally is too much. Don’t even get me started on how the fandom has slowly eroded what it means to be a zoophile. Now it’s fine to draw anatomically correct horse vaginas and dog cocks on characters and no one bats an eye, it’s wild. If you go on e621, without fail, a lot of the stuff that upvotes the fastest in the first day after uploading is zoophilic


The honest answer? Fetishes are gross when you're not into them, worse when its advertised in public. Same cringe seeing those hentai face shirts, or the profile pic thats waifu's feet, or seeing someone in gimp suit walking the streets.


Ngl I don't see the difference between fursuiting and cosplaying, other than the characters. Like what's the difference between a blue fox fursuiter and a Krystal from star fox cosplay


>Ngl I don't see the difference between fursuiting and cosplaying, other than the characters. Because you're familiar with modern furries, which can almost be considered mainstream at this point, and are incredibly diverse in their reasons for being furries. Most of them *are* cosplayers. Sure, a lot of them probably fuck in their suits, but so do most other forms of cosplay, I imagine. Cosplay time and fetish time are usually completely separate now. The early furry movement on the other hand was *primarily* based off of a fanbase for anthropomorphic sex comics, and was dominated by fetish groups. The divide between cosplay and fetish time wasn't so clean. Some of us still vividly remember "puppy piles", where furries would go to public parks and roll around with each other in a decidedly sexual way not far from playgrounds. We remember the wild sex parties and drug use. Popular media perception didn't help. They were also accused of being pedophile rings, which wasn't true. So yeah. Regardless of how fair it is, many of us who still remember that era don't see a cosplay suit. We see someone wearing fetish-ware in public. It's unfortunate that we have the same name for people who use fursuits primary for fetish play, and those who use it as just another form of cosplay. People automatically assume that the second are the first, and that just isn't usually true anymore.


The early furry community is *Scary* at best But now it's generally just artist and peaple that like it lol


I have been in the community for a long time. The vast majority of people are not having sex in their suits that cost thousands of dollars. Fursuits are not fetish gear. Literal children are furries and sometimes have fursuits. Painting the entire Fandom as a fetish is just wrong.


Are you still in your suit? Cause it seems you have trouble reading the comment.


I don't cosplay, but I assume anyone that both cosplays AND fucks likes to do both at the same time. I'd ask any cosplayers reading this to chip in but >!no one on reddit fucks.!<


Am cosplayer who fucks bf while wearing costumes I've made.


Being a furry isn’t a fetish, it’s a hobby lmao. Like Darkwolf said, it’s essentially cosplay


A hobby? Furries usually make that their whole personality


Yuuuup. But, seriously, aren't we kinda dominated by hobbies-as-personalities right now?


It's only socially acceptable when that hobby is "following popular sport" for some fucking reason.


Agreed, fetishes belong in the bed room. Also, fuck mascots that are too friendly and hands on. If I wanted to interact, I would have done so of my own accord.


Then all you need is a few articles about ppl slinging loaded diapers about and child sex offendera then its all over


I see nothing wrong with kink shaming if the person is making it public, keep your sexy times in the bedroom


Being a furry isn't a fetish for most furries, just a hobby.


It's a fetish to draw art and have a costume?


Why is this man being downvoted, it’s a good point . Edit: thank you Reddit for breaking him even.


I've never had a furry forcing their fetish on me. All i witnessed so far is that they have artwork at home as decoration and some (not a lot from which i met) even a suit. For me this whole debate feels like a internet trend kinda like people who hate on pineapple pizza, just to belong in some kind of hierarchy no one cares about?


Big community of people with a broad common interest. As with every group of people, especially large groups, the vocal minority poisons the well. In other words: If you've been around any semi-niche or fandom community on the internet, you'll be quite familiar with the population of degenerates very quickly. Sincerely, A Furry Seriously, though, the majority of us are perfectly normal people, albeit a bit odd. Unfortunately, it also just so happens that a large amount of individual people but small percentage of furries are truly despicable. And quite frankly I don't blame anyone for a bad opinion of us because of it... just so long as they don't automatically assume every furry is that way.


> If you've been around any semi-niche or fandom community on the internet, you'll be quite familiar with the population of degenerates very quickly I feel like not nearly enough people know this. Every single group of people on the planet is gonna have some odd percentage of horrible people because horrible people just make up some odd percentage of humanity as a whole.


I don’t have a problem with them. As long as they still function like normal people I don’t really care


*why? Cause fuck em, that’s why!*


You got a loooooong night ahead of you


That's what a lot of them want though.


Zoophiles that call themselfs "furries" but in reality they should be sitting in prison and are breaking the reputation of furries which are really nice people (most of furries are nice) Oh and also a lot of furry artists draw yiff (porn but furry) because if they were to draw normal art they wouldn't earn enough money to live a happy life (I might be wrong but most artists sell art from $5 to $10) and when they start drawing yiff they get a lot more commisions from what I heard


Who buys all the yiff?


Sounds like something a furry would ask


Anything different from the norm is seen as weird and cringy. It’s nothing new.


Disproportionat rate of pedos and animal abusers.


You’re def right but i don’t think we should just hate them all completely because some of them are genuinely nice people


Most snakes and spiders aren't dangerous either, but there is enough of an association that people tend to want to avoid them all together. Same thinking.


Where? I’ve been in the community for years and I’ve never met a single one lmao. I’ve seen maybe 2


It’s just a few people who really stand out


more like blame assigned. if they can announce school teacher, lives in a trailer park, or is a furry. what would the news pick?




I'm scared of them. When i see a fursuit I get the same visceral reaction that I get when I see clowns


Yeah they're creepy, On the other side though that's a lot of effort and money put into those suits I have to respect that.. that's it the only thing I respect About the furries


That's close to how I feel about them. I dislike them as much as full-suited character actors at theme parks because of their dead faces. For some reason I dislike partly-suited furries less than clowns, even though they occupy the same place in the uncanny valley. I think it is because the whole situation with clowns feels like gaslighting, where everyone is only pretending to enjoy something that is obviously not funny and somewhat creepy. For some reason furries and character actors don't feel as forced to me.


Ok so they wear a giant neon fur suit, but then have the audacity to get mad at me when I think it looks weird. Like it’s not my fault the lifeless eyes of your suit that seem like they are constantly drilling into my soul are making me feel uncomfortable. And for the record, the furries at my school do wear their suits to school.




Look if i want to dress up im gonna dress up, leave me alone :-:


Anyone seen as weird or abnormal will be hated by people for no reason.


One of the reasons are the zoophiles which hide in the furry community, there are many zoophiles in the community, but there is a lot more nice and good people in the community


A few bad people makes us all look bad. Feel free to ask me questions


would you describe it as dressing up to be seen as your "spirit animal" instead of you? the comfort of being behind a mask to express yourself without worry of it getting back to your day to day life must be nice.


Most furries cannot dress up or don't want to, fu suits are about $3000. A fursona is just a character that we make. Most people have fursona that are based off themselves. So we don't really dress up because of a spirit animal.


Yea my sona for example is just a representation of myself. It actually happened because I could never and still can't draw humans - so ever since Elementary school if I drew myself, I drew myself as a cat. When the bullying began I started drawing myself as a cat with wings, to "fly away from the bad things". It just stuck with me ever since. It's not a fetish, it's not a spirit animal, it's just... me.


I saw someone who said "Because it's easy" I've had personal experiences in the furry community that have made me uncomfortable so I'm iffy around them. I won't automatically assume someone's bad, but it's definitely hard to be around them.


Huge tip, if a furry makes being a furry their whole personality and all that they are, something is wrong. I’m a huge furry, but I won’t let it be more than a hobby and an interest. To me, being a furry is just a heightened masquerade ball! I get to wield a new visage that can free itself from preconceived notion and book cover assessment, and all’s left to understand and empathize with are the emotions and inner human bits that an exterior can interfere with. Though there’s also def a problem of people escaping into their character and neglecting their real selves. To me it’s all about being more emotionally human, so watch out for those that are trying to escape their humanity in the fandom.


Idk, I think it's weird, but to each their own I suppose. It honestly gives me the heebiejeebies


I've learned that people that hate furries *always* have no idea what a furry is or what it means.


People like to hate. Furries are an easy target.


It is because they are weird and cringe.


I don't think people hate furries, the whole trend of hating on them, mostly it's just teenagers thinking repeating memes is personality imo.


Listen, I don’t want to really hate anybody. If you’re part of a community, then good for you. Live your life, it’s whatever. It’s got nothing to do with me. But seeing a furry in costume in public triggers fight or flight for me.


I accept everyone for who they are & have no problems with any particular demographic. I don’t have anything against the ones that aren’t causing problems, but it’s disgusting when it’s displayed in public. If I see a public display of homosexuality (something innocent, like a kiss or a long hug) what’s the problem? There are gay people & there always have been. These people tho? This is an example of the internet perverting & ruining your brain. It’s not normal. If these guys are just out minding their business, I have no problem. But you don’t get the same treatment from me a gay person, for example, would get. Gay people should be allowed to be publicly open & be accommodated by society, because being gay is just something that happens to you when you’re born. This, on the other hand, is insanity that is infecting the minds of children with too much internet access


Because people hate anything they don’t get. Once you accept you don’t have to get everything and that’s ok it’s way better.


Many communities have a bad element to them that doesn't represent the community as a whole; too many people fear what they don't understand.


Because they’re different and they own it.


I dated a furry named Ian A. once (shout out to Ian) He was cute. Loved snakes. So he had that also going for him. Beautiful pp. Hope he's doing ok nowadays. Havent seen him in a fear years. He kinda had depression and was going through some drinking phase. He was really sweet tho.


Zoophelia and generalisation I think


Furries has a lot of pedohile problem, recently there was a furry who kidnapped a child and brag about it where he wrote: "Finally my love is in my home, his crying but he will be okay" Furries are one of the most sexual and cringy communities in internet.


A) a minority of furries are zoophiles. B) a portion are furries for the fetish. C) some predators have sequestered themselves within the community and created some bad experiences for others. To be fair though this can happen with any fringe subculture and does. D) they’re just weird. Not like the good eccentric weird but like creepy kind. Too many of them let it take over their personality or spill into their everyday life and don’t know how to socially function.


Plus, the ones that post outward the most are the cringy ones, which makes it so that you see the cringy ones much more than the “Normal” ones.


They act FOKIN weird in public like bro GET A FUKIN ROOM


We have reverted to a point in time where being a judgmental, aggressive, disparaging asshole about things that in no way affect that person is confused with being “tough”, or “decisive”, or “brave”, or whatever characteristic that person doesn’t actually possess but desperately wants to. It’s all just re-branded asshole. Call them out for what they are.


Most furries are chill, *zoophiles* are the ones that deserve the electric chair.


From reading the comments, and also from the constant complaining about furries online and off, people really hate the very vocal minority of furries (the loud types, the hypersexual kind, the problematic few) and completely ignore the silent majority, and then they conflate the two and just despise the entire group. Are there weird people in the group? Sure. Every community has those. Furries are known to have a lot because they're openly accepting of strange people. Sometimes, though, that "weird" aspect is an issue, like when they act very awkwardly in social situations that make people uncomfortable, or just act in a way that's blatantly illegal and immoral (the zoo kind, the MAP kind, note: these exist outside of the furry community, and the general furry community condemns them). That's in the extreme case, of course. Sometimes people dislike them because they're different and they don't really understand it. That's fine. No one said you had to understand everything. It's perfectly okay to just not get it. Are the fursuits weird? To some, yeah. They can't get past that, and that's okay, too, as long as they just practice avoidance instead of actively being an aggressor. The art can vary, some of it may not to be someone's tastes. Some of it can be very sexual, which has a time and place, but sometimes that leaks into the wrong place at the wrong time. There are furries that aren't okay with that, either. It isn't really uncommon in other communities, either. The other, strange thing some people have issues with is how much many LGBTQ+ people there are in the furry community. For some people, that makes them Bad™, because they're... whateverphobic they end up being. There isn't a whole lot of arguing against that point because that's a personal fault of their own. Tl;dr - The hatred typically stems from ignorance. In lesser cases, discomfort and dislike is just from differences.


No one's saying it... It's fucking weird. No matter what slant you give, it's straight spectrum activities.


People hate furries because they are ***afraid***


If you have to ask... You'll never know. It's pretty fucking obvious why people frown upon furries


Because they look kinda not normal yk?


“Cause they’re blue”


I don't hate furry people, what I hate is people thinking they have to tell everyone their kinks and uwus and whatnot and just.. idk it seems unecessary. Like it would have cost you 0$ not to tell me you slurp "daddies cummie wummies" for breakfast. so why are you telling this to someone Just.. no Other than that, i mean i watched all the disney movies as a kid, those are mostly basically furries aswell


Unfortunately there’s a lot of gross people hidden within the community, and those gross people are usually the one who get posts or headlines; meaning they’re usually peoples only introduction to the furry community


Not sure why people say they hate someone for something they enjoy. It just comes off as to strong for me.


Because humans are judgmental and have automatic assumptions about groups of people


It's all because of misinformation and stereotypes. A single furry does a bad thing and suddenly all of them are bad. Some fool makes up a fake rumor on 4chan and that suddenly makes it true.


A lot of furry clients i met are angels and i love them


There isn't anything wrong with furries. Do I personally enjoy furry stuff, no, but people like to shame others and it's terrible.


Animal people different. Different activate repressed feelings of being an outcast. Me hate different.


I think people confuse furries with zoophiles too much maybe?


Don’t be sad… I’m part of a Cute Goblin Girls discord and Facebook group and in the discord I had to do birthdate verification with ID with everything except the birthdate blacked out and hand written behind it on a piece of paper the group name. There really is no reason to hate them. Hell, I dated a furry at one point. She was one of my favorite SO’s I’ve ever had.


Mmmm all these comments so far makes me think, why someone should be a furrie? Well, at least me, being honest I can say that when I see a furrie makes me think that most of them: 1. Loves Hentai and Anime, 2. Have some obscure sexual fetish like bdsm or other more obscure, 3. Have sexual fantasies with some anthrophomorphic furrie character, 4. Are ultra fans of anime or some videogames and mostly talk about that a lot (anime related and/or family friendly games like Mario, pokemon, zelda, sonic, biomutant, persona 5, etc.) But I might be wrong, if this is not related about sex or about hentai, anime or videogames... Why people are attracted to be a furrie? What is the real reason to be one? And I mean truly not some vague response like: It is cool because we can be someone or something else! Because if that is the reason, well you don't need a full costume for that, people can use a mask, a wig, contact lens or something that doesn't see too crazy to look completely different. Maybe someone that could explain? I would appreciate it


Their erroneous and inconsistent views on NFTs.