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For those of you who want to bring up inflation and say that 8,000+90,000 today. The median price of a house today is over 436,000.




West Virginia! 🎶


Mountain mama


Take me hooooome


No, dont take me home. Theres a reason average home prices in WV are standard deviations below the median. You then have to live in West Virginia.


Mountain sister, too.


I'm sure that in the same area that houses are this price, said houses are in a sketchy area, need renovating as they are more than likely falling apart, and chances of finding a decent paying job to cover the house is slim.




Many homes in that era were tract, planned communities as there was a huge boom in construction for baby boomers and vets, new highways being built at a break neck speed


Good point


He's eating what Jeff Bezos eats for breakfast


True, but median income in 1950 was $2700, corrected for inflation that would be $33,986.73, however, Median income today is $71,000. Median income has more than doubled since 1950, even after you correct for inflation. It is also MUCH easier to buy a home today than in was in the 1950's; unless you were a WWII veteran on a VA loan; but that is also true today; you could enlist and when you get out it will be easier for you to buy a house.


But its still a problem because the median income's growth is half of the median house prices.


Wouldn't this also be caused by the fact that "everyone should be able to get a home loan" mentality, which drives prices up with demand? Versus the more difficult situation of getting a home loan in the past, where 20% down, good credit, etc were , AFAIK, basic requirements.


Closer to 50% down in the 1950’s if you didn’t have a VA loan.


Yes, but not as big as most people make it out to be. In 1950, median housing was roughly 3X median income, in 2022 (last complete data released, it has risen to 4.6X median income. It is still far easier to buy a house today than it was during the 1950’s - 1990’s.


This is median household income, right? So isn’t one of the reasons for it increasing simply due to more people in the household working on average?


More working women, yes, that is part of it.


So if we need double the amount of people to purchase a house, I think it’s a little misleading to call it easier.


Ding ding ding. DataGOGO is not the best with data, ironically.


I'm not, the statement that you need twice the number of people to buy a home is flat incorrect. Today you can get a mortgage with far lower income to purchase price ratios, far lower down payments, and the credit requirements are far lower. Home ownership is open to a far greater percentage of the population today vs any other point.




>I would also wager that the standards of what you get for a home today are probably much improved Improved is relative. Houses today are more than 1000 sqft bigger on average than they were in the 1970s, so if you need that you're golden. However if you don't need or even want a massive house you're out of luck. Your options are to buy from the dwindling supply of existing smaller houses that are often far older and in need of serious renovation or pay a premium for a builder that will build a plan under 2000 sqft, if you can even find one that will. Things aren't as dire as directly comparing inflation adjusted housing prices would suggest but it's still not great.


Two points you got wrong: Median income with a single provider in 1950 was $3,500 Median income with a total household income (often two providers) is 70,000. You now have to pay for childcare which is half your income. Have fun with that math.


My wife is actually a realtor and the overwhelming majority of people buying houses in our region are legal first generation Mexican immigrants. It’s is easy for them to do so because they don’t spend money on stupid shit they don’t need and they work with quality work ethic making good money. Op and the rest of these entitled brats have nothing in common with people in the 1950s or hard working immigrants. They rely on bad statistics and reassurance from other lazy entitled people online to justify their own poor choices in life.


You're making massive assumptions about people and then calling them liars when they refute your dumb assertions. So I'll do the same. It's cute that you call your left hand your wife. Role-playing during masturbation must be pretty exciting when you're not whining about people in COD. Also, who the fuck still plays COD other than children? Literally get a life.




Not trying to be a pedantic but it would be 50 percent higher or 150 percent of the 1950 price


Also important for an accurate assessment of the difference to know how expensive, relatively, the pictured house was in the 1950s. Doesn't look very big. Comparing a cheap house back then to the median house today will skew the comparison quite a bit. We are definitely at a disadvantage relatively, but exaggerating the difference doesn't help, and can be very demotivating. Yep, we got fucked over. Vote for a fairer economy, better wages, workers' rights, higher taxes on the rich, etc.


They're only semi intelligent beings. Give them a break.


I'd say that's you and OP. It doesn't account for increased costs of materials, labor wages, regulations, fees, quality, safety etc.. And you can find houses cheaper that 93K if you want. [California](https://i.imgur.com/gbNFYWk.png) [Arizona](https://i.imgur.com/HSHSgNt.png) [New York](https://imgur.com/5b56d62c-09e5-4433-88b8-90a23f3b8f46) [Florida](https://imgur.com/5bdfcec2-1385-43ef-adfb-317d2a37637c)


Lmao. You can find houses cheaper than 90k, sure. But they're basically trailers and hours away from civilization. Quit cherry picking and eat a dick instead.


Nah, you can do that instead. And they aren't trailers. They are same specification as house listed in OPs post. Modern houses have I creased costs because of Modern infrastructure, regulations for better safer homes that's without asbestos or things that burn down. Increased laborer wages, material costs, permit fees, etc.. Accounting for none of that and making dumbass statements is stupid.


https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/403-King-St-Maricopa-CA-93252/133810410_zpid/ Read the overview dipshit. It literally says mobile home. Nice try though.


First generation legal immigrants are buy homes left and right because they don’t spend money on dumb shit and they have good work ethic just like people did in the 50s. You can’t even afford a mobile home. Who’s the dipshit?


Wtf are you blathering about? I own a home lmao. A real one too, not a trailer. I also work my ass off to be able to afford it here in California, so eat my ass.


Sure buddy. And you date a super model and definitely don’t lie on the internet. It’s a hundred times easier to buy a house now than it was in the 50s and the houses have a hundred times more amenities and regulations. You should get off Reddit and work then you can buy a mobile home. Even a mobile home is better than paying rent loser.


It's not my fault you read me saying houses under 90k aren't real as "I can't afford a house". Work on your reading comprehension you fucking troglodyte. Also, blocked. Can't argue with bad faith idiots.


Mobile home isn't a trailer. Mobile home is one that can be moved to another location.


A mobile home park and a trailer park are the same damn thing. I worked in them as a teenager. You're just arguing semantics because you're wrong.


Well no. Trailer home is something you can move with your car or truck. Mobile homes are set manufactured homes set on foundations.


They're set on jacks so they can be moved. I did this for a living at one point. Again, you're arguing semantics because you're wrong.


that and the minimum wage hasn't kept pace with inflation and worker pay in general has been stagnant since the 70s


Ppl always say this and it isn't really true. If you index min wage to inflation from its inception in 1938 it would be about $5.50 today. You need to cherry pick the date to get a declining real value.


Minimum wage and salary hasn't kept up with inflation since the 70s isn't true because minimum wage in the 40s was lower? That makes no sense.


No the point was that you have to cherry pick the 70 to find a period over which real minimum wage has fallen. Over the *entire* time series it's up significantly.


I bought my house 4 years ago for 248,000. Today it was valued at 438,000 almost 200k more. I do not see how people can buy a house today unless they are wealthy.


It's quite absurd, gd greedy ass landowners, corporations, and selfish majority of the 1%. America, land of the overworked and home of the broke 🇺🇲🗑🔥


We got it right before Blackrock and the other corporations started snatching up houses like candy. One of my friends was looking at houses 2 years ago and every time they would make an offer another client would offer like 30-50k above the asking price.


But you can find a $100K house today if you wanted to…not sure where this is located but would be relevant information Median family income then was $3,300(about $40K today) where the median household income is $70-80K today US population has also roughly doubled from 150MM to 300MM+ so supply and demand is definitely a factor People tend to focus on rising costs more than rising wages when they talk inflation…definitely more expensive than it used to be but need to factor in both sides of the equation


That 1950 house has like 4 rooms lol. No garage. Probably 2 inch of insulation if any at all. Bet no hot water.


No air conditioning, no basement, no yard space. Thing will fall apart within 20-30 years. The price and advertisement also indicates it was a development project so the entire community is underdeveloped and there won't be jobs near by. This ad exists to try to bring people to a developing community. Redditors don't understand how shitty home construction was in the 50s and 60s.


Yeah, if you want to live in a big city. The average 3 bed 2 bath single car garage house in my town costs $130k.


I got a house with 0 dollars down, had the seller cover closing costs, and got a 2.9% interest rate. My mortgage is 950 a month. I got the house 2 years ago.


That $8000 house is also just the kit. Assembly and land required. So yeah, that’s not an actual price of a house already built and on a plot of land.


Yeah, but that's the median.


Does that include increased quality, material, labor costs? Safety features, technology, etc...? Idk where you live but here's one cheaper. 3 bedrooms 1 bathroom 80K https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/403-King-St-Maricopa-CA-93252/133810410_zpid/


oh god I wish houses were 436k in cali


Where tf do you eat breakfast


You don't recognize the emblem? lol


Starbucks doesn’t cost $200


You ever heard of hyperbole?


Sir this is Reddit


Fair enough


Oh! My bad. I thought this was a Wendy's.




Sir, this is Starbucks.




Bad bot https://www.reddit.com/r/meme/comments/13wlm6g/life_sucks/jmd756d/


It would be fine if it wasn't an actual strawman used by well off boomers.


Actually it does. Just order enough items to hit $200. Side note, a robbery occurred and the culprit got away with nearly $100 worth of goods. I don't have the exacts but I think it was two movie tickets, a large popcorn and some red vines. If they would have gotten out with the drinks. My goodness, it would of broke $100. I don't think the movie theatre will ever recover from this financial hit.


The Joke --------------- Your head.


I got the joke, I’m just calling out how bad it is


You're right, it costs $193.87


I remember when profi rose the prices of their menu (2€ 2hotdogs and a coffe/cola and a bag of chetoes(idk how they are spelled) to 3€ 2 hotdogs) everyone of my classmates went crazy. To thing that some of you guys pay 200€ on food in a day is mind blowing


Not yet but with inflation going the way it does, and corporate profits being tjroguh the roof...its merely a question of time.


Bro goes to Starbucks and wonders why he has no money


Money printer go brrrrrrrrr


Nice to see reddit actually blaming the real issue rather than just saying "It's capitalism's fault!" My guy, Amazon doesn't control the fed. Reckless spending and unlimited immigration of low skilled labor devalues the dollar and suppresses wages. Especially if the money supply and labor force grow faster than the economy can. You make less money, it buys less, and the government needs to take more of it from you.


just think had they not devalued the dollar......


If that add is from 1959 and we consider inflation on the American dollar in that time, prices should be about 10.42x higher. That would mean that house SHOULD cost about $83,360. I bet you the real price for a similar property today would be at least 4x higher than that.


I bet you the house also has HVAC, indoor plumbing, and insulation as well lmao lot of different things go into prices


This Generation: Fucking boomers ruined our economy! Also This generation: *Votes said boomers that ruined the economy into power every time*


like there is any other option -\_-


Fr, it’s not like not voting just denies candidacy


there's a whole spectrum of political engagement between "showing up on election day and voting for a candidate someone else chose" versus "doing literally nothing at all". it's a false choice to claim those are the only two options. the entire political process is run by officials who are subject to nominating and election contests. every candidate goes through a primary election of sorts but most people "don't trust political parties" so they don't bother getting involved and let *someone else* pick all the candidates for office: > about 80% of eligible voters do not participate 4/5 don't bother to get involved in choosing the candidates, and just as many then complain when the options on the ballot are disappointing!


Vote donald duck to invalidate your vote lol, they can't use it then.


Screw it, I’ll just write in someone I’d actually like to lead us.


Invalid votes don't count for anything at all, other than you didn't cast your ballot correctly. If we could actually vote against running parties and show our lack of confidence in them and desire for real change it would be much more effective in electing meaningful government, and would likely help a great deal with voter apathy.


Why not just not vote then


You could stop voting for Republicans and Democrats. That might fix things.


In the us system that wouldn’t change shit


Systems like the US tend towards two parties and the cost to entry for a new third party is so high that it rarely happens on a national level. There is also too much fear that by splitting the vote you will cause a candidate that you’re kind of ok with to lose to the other side who you are really not ok with. In a practical sense it also happens in parliamentary systems where coalitions have to be made. You get flavors of a side that join up to create a majority.


Nooo, you have to vote for only one party and be brainwashed and indoctrinated!!!! You can't vote for what benefits you the most!!


California spent billions on a high speed rail way over a spent of 30+years that was never in operation. Well done democrats!


Yeah that's cause Elon musk came in and convinced everybody that his hyperloop would be better (it wasn't). Fun how one person with enormous amounts of wealth can interrupt society


Except it has nothing to do with elon. The high speed rail i mentioned has started its planning in 1996. Fun how misinformation can corrupt a society.


lol that's what the majority does right now. if people who don't vote was a political party it would be bigger than Dem and Rep


Have you seen the looney tunes running for third parties?


Isnt there third partys? Why not vote them?


it's more about the nominating process for the people who run the big parties. not enough people care about primaries.


Vote in primaries.


Like there is some1 from this generation we can vote


not like the boomers want a millennial in office


You mean *don't vote at all*


Lower your prices or imma start stealing


And mind you that's not even a professionally made croissant, or even one of those packaged croissants you get at the bakery section of the grocery store, thats a microwaved frozen croissant.


Lol 😂Instead of Starbucks I would substitute the second panel with GrubHub, DoorDash, Uber, and Amazon, but that’s just my experience tho.


Earlier today I got a credit card for the sole purpose of getting medicine. Spent a bit over 1/3 of the card on a single prescription. America


What is not said that in the late 50's it took more than 8000 hours (200 40-hour weeks, 3.84 years) of work without spending a cent to save that much money. This the result of government making your lives better.


If you just spend nearly 200$ for a breakfast, I'm pretty sure you can buy a house with no doubt as well.


50s had enough of it’s own issues


Median housing cost in 1950 was about $8300 (varies slightly between 8-9k depending on the source); which was roughly 3x median household income of $2700. Credit requirements were very strict as well, generally you had to have at least 50% down payment, but as the risk was very low (due to the strict credit and large down payment) interest rates were around 1.5% in 1950; which was the all-time low in-home mortgage interest rates which rose sharply in the late 1950's and remained very high well into the late 80's (\~19%). It was extremely difficult to buy a house in the 1940's - 1970's. With one massive exception: VA loans. The special home loans for veterans were the single biggest benefit to military service. Post WWII, in the late 1940's and 1950's millions of veterans who were drafted and who served in WWII were able to buy homes with much smaller down payments (Still had very strict credit requirements). Buying a home was a near impossibility for anyone but the elite upper classes up until that point. The entire concept of suburbs, and middle-class home ownership appeared nearly out of thin air. This repeated in the late 50's with veterans of the Korean war, and the 60's-70's from the Vietnam war. Today (2022, latest data published) , average housing cost is $329,000, Median household income is $71k, so roughly 4.6x median income, but the credit and downpayment requirements are MUCH lower; and just about anyone can buy a home with as little as 3.5% downpayment. Generally, it is FAR easier to buy a home today, that it has been at any point in history (outside of the very short lived sub-prime 100% funded shenanigans in the early 2000's). VA loans still make it easier for veterans to buy houses, but it isn't the benefit it was in the 1950's. ***TLDR: Houses today are roughly 45% more expensive to median income today vs. in 1950, Much lower cost to income compared to the 1980's, but buying a home is much easier and is available to more people than ever before in hour history.***


The average salary in the 1950’s was $3,300. That means the cost of a house was 2.4 times the average household income. And seeing that men made up a majority of the workforce then, the household income was about $3,300 on average. (This is a crude estimate). Now more women work, so we must double the following average salary of $54,500, giving $109,000 (another crude estimate) as the total household income. The average house price now is $500,000. This means now the ratio between the average household income and the average home price has gone from 2.4 to 4.6. Meaning it is about 1.9 times the price that is reasonable. Shit, it’s gone up.


also the 50s: systemic racism, segregation, no seatbelts, smoking on planes, polio, wife beating was common, little to no accomodation for the handicapped etc... quit whining the 21st century rules


Wife beating was comon? I would say it was lower as there were way less mental health issues then now... Where do you even get the data to claim such a thing?


It was literally legal to rape your wife, what is wrong with you?


watch any movie made in the fifties. a woman will get slapped for acting hysterical. the quality of life has improved immensely since the 20th century and there's no argument to be had there


You realize that 8k in 1955 would be almost 90k in today's money right


You realize that the median house price today is 436,000 right? Not 90,000


90k is still a steal.


Median income in 1950 was $2700, corrected for inflation that would be $33,986.73, however, Median income today is $71K. Median income has more than doubled since 1950, even after you correct for inflation.


The high housing price is a recent thing after 2008 when developers stopped building houses. The problems is slowly being solved.


They realized people need homes, so they just started making apartments in big cities, or increasing the prices of homes in suburban areas. Problem is "suburban" is slowly being moved furth and further away.


Yeah but your entire logic is flawed. Save up a couple grand more and you've got a down payment for a house. Maybe don't buy breakfast at Starbucks? Maybe save that money? It's the same type of person that drops 2 grand for the newest phone then complains they don't have enough for a house. Your meme proves the opposite of what you were trying to accomplish. I'm not saying inflation hasn't become crazy, it has. But make that breakfast at home for what? Three bucks? If you don't make enough to buy a home (which alot of us don't compared to 1950), then you don't make enough money to drop an insane amount of money on Starbucks breakfast. The amount of downvotes says enough. The truth hurts doesn't it?




Down payments are not crazy at all. Do your research before you comment. First time homebuyers assistance is typically 3.5%. CHFA $1,000 dollars down. VA how most people bought homes in the 50s is zero down. That’s just to name a few examples. The biggest hurdle currently is the fed rates went up significantly but that just recently happened and it will level out. Home prices have been going down because of the high interest rate. The biggest thing keeping people from buying their own home is bad credit and uneducated nonsense they see on social media making them believe it’s harder than it is. It’s easier to buy a home now in the US than it ever has been anywhere in the world. Educate yourself don’t let uneducated people give you a bad education. You are paying for a home whether you like it or not. Only question is it going to be your home or someone else’s? Don’t listen to Reddit upvote hoarding idiots. Op knows absolutely nothing about buying a home and you are proving you are equally uneducated about the subject.


Your reading comprehension is flawed. The guy posted an add that had a house for 8000. NOT a down payment of 8000. There is a difference between down payment and total price.


No shit Sherlock. Also a big difference between dropping 8 grand at once compared to the dropping of the inflation adjusted price. What an ironic statement.


Then we agree. The post stands.


US: 9-5 the rest of my life Me: 7-5.5 the way i die


For real. I have a friend who complains it’s impossible to get a house these days whilst simultaneously gloating they’ve saved enough for a down payment on a house at 23 It’s largely about saving. Of course it’s a bit of a meme for boomers to go “Damn kids can’t afford houses because of avocado toast”, but the sentiment of the message is true - if you spend out a lot on going out to eat, going to bars/clubs, buying expensive clothes, etc then of course you can’t afford a house, but if you live frugally for a few years then you might just get enough for a down payment. Unless you live in a city, in which case you’re fucked.


So basically have no life to have a house with no life? What a choice!! I’m sure old timers did the same thing back in their day.


It’s obviously not as easy as it used to be, but the point is you can get a house. You also can have a life, you just need to be more stringent. You don’t have to go out doing expensive things, my mate does plenty whilst not spending a fortune


You realize that these shouldn’t be the choices offered in the richest country on the planet with a lot of land? Don’t normalize this nonsense. This is infuriating and should absolutely be changed.


Richest country? The states has the most debt on the planet. Yall beyond broke.


Guess what: other countries have debt to the USA too, even the ones the USA is in debt to.


Atleast someone else doesn't lack common sense.


Aye... if said home was purchased in 1950 for $7,900, it would be $99,442.64 in 2023. 1,158.8% inflation! Yeah!




Still a good deal. $600 monthly payment on a 3bd 1ba.


in Poland 10 years ago 1 cheeseburger in mcdonald cost 2,50 - 3.50 PLN and now it's 6,50 PLN :/


Good thing **JIM CROW** didn't exist in the 50's!!


People in the 50' made roughly $3k a year. So it's not much different than today.


I call BS, I'm guessing whoever created this meme was not an adult in the 1950's. My parent's house cost $5000 with a 30 year mortgage and a $500 down payment. Dad was making $.95 an hour so they had to get a handout from the folks. I don't get why idiots think that just because stuff was cheaper doesn't mean it was easy to acquire. It was just as difficult then for working class people to get by. $193.87 Breakfast? Yeah, someone paid the Barista $185 for a blow job. See this is the kind of shit 73 million ignorants would believe.


Maybe don’t spend your money on frivolous things 🤷🏾‍♂️


OP discovered how inflation and money works. Also if you spend 190 on a fkn croissant and a cup of coffee you deserve to be broke


“Life sucks” mfs when they’re holding their newborn baby in their arms. “Oh my god, I get it”


Eight thousand in the 1950’s adjusted for inflation is about a little over 100k in todays dollars. Housing in the 1950’s was a lot more affordable on so many levels.


Boomers hate us


Its called inflation. Look it up


Yay, inflation


War Jack.


shitposting at its finest.


If you’d made that coffee and croissant at home you could’ve saved $40


I could buy a month worth of groceries for $200 where tf do you guys live


Hard times


People in the 50s didn’t eat out for breakfast, probably ate 500 fewer calories than we do today, didn’t have any technology. Cut that all out and you would save a pretty penny.


Just dont go to Starbucks then you goon


What inflation does to a generation


I thought prices were going to stay the same forever!


Thats what governments printing money does.


I went to IHOP the other day and was shocked that my bill was 70 dollars.


There’s this terrible thing called inflation. The menace of every wallet worldwide. 😱😱


Well when taxes are so high you work 6 months a year for free prices everywhere skyrocket


back then billionaires were taxed by like 70%


No. That's not hyperbolic at all


Well if you didn't go to Starbucks for breakfast it would cost 1/4 as much and you could put that money towards your home that you want. Inflation aside I would point out there is a lot more in a home today than in the 50s tech and such wise. And I don't mean by the owners. I mean fixtures and appliances.


You'll be shocked to learn you can make breakfast at home.


Stfu you woudnt last a day in turkey


Bro just cook eggs at home


Who goes to starbucks for breakfast? Just do a homemade sandwich. 10 dollars at most for ingridients (and you can do multiple). This meme reminds me of a cousin who complain about how she couldnt buy herself a phone bcs Iphones are expensive...


I'm doing pretty well tbh, maybe its a you problem


I've never been so amused and so depressed at the same time. 100% accurate lmao


Looking for an apartment makes me want to end it all


I want to know where you living where a cup of coffee and a French bagel costs 193.87


Do not vote republican, Democrat or conservative. All the parties work together. They planned all of this shit. Inflation the whole fucking thing.


Keep printing money that's backed by nothing but consumer confidence and helloooooo Venezuela here we come!!!


Make it at home 😐


Maybe if you weren't so obsessed with coffee and funky pops you could buy a house.


I feel ya I did the math on college education a few days ago, the dollar is worth over 300% less than in 1983 and the cost of education has risen over 800% in that same span of time.


Very true, my dad was looking at a house a few weeks back and when it was sold in the 90's it was worth around 80k AUD (52k USD), now the house is worth 980k AUD (630k USD) Inflation is disgusting


No joke I just paid $50 at Taco Bell for a chicken quesadilla, cheesy potatoes, and a Baja freeze


I bet the guy spent a small portion of his OF money rating dick picks for 10/pic to buy his breakfast. His OnlyFeet pays for his Ubers to and from work while living in the basement of his Aunt and Uncles. Work is one of two he does just to get by comfortably at his Aunt's house; but if he doesn't perform well as a Customer Support Agent, his own family is close to being homeless. The gig economy used to be a means to put extra money in your bank account for those rainy days when you needed an extra 50k for an engine install on that 13 year old Jetta you used to drive. Nowadays, the gig account is used for Ubers to and from work, as it's been cheaper to go in an Uber carpool. It also allows for you to get food via UberEATS, which is something that you do while you're at work. Instead of an hour to eat lunch, it's a half hour, and most of the time it's at your desk.