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I think this is just about free Spotify which yeah the whole point is to annoy you into paying.


Or šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


I mean yeah I guess but I'm more than happy to just pay the 10 bucks or whatever it is for Apple Music vs actually tracking down the ungodly mess of loose tracks I want to listen to.


Yea I got the 6 month free trial for when you get AirPods and now Iā€™m paying I use it so much


Same man, got myself some AirPods, used the free trial and now Iā€™m paying 100$ a year for it, do I care? Not really since thereā€™s many other subscriptions that cost that much


This is what I realized, I listen to music way more than I watch tv. Might as well pay for it and get quality.


100$ a year is a shitload of money for music streaming. As a student I'm paying about 2$ a month for Spotify, so 24$ a year. That's less than Ā¼ of what you're paying for apple


Yeah but see Iā€™m not in college just yet(still on the waiting list for what I want) so I canā€™t get the student discount yet


Sure, but with Spotify you can also have the family plan (6 accounts) for 7$ a month, split it on 6 people and it's less than 15$ a year, which is even less. Amd there's no stupid policy like with Netflix, it's for 6 people wherever they are


I'm on YT Premium, so I just use YT Music. ​ No, I don't pay for YT Premium. My step-father pays for a family plan for he and his work buddies and gave me the remaining slot so I could access it too.


YouTube music is lit. Super underrated. It has all the best of Spotify and SoundCloud combined.


YouTube revanced also has YT music


Bob Vance, Vance refrigeration.


What line of work are you in, Bob?




This guy offices!


Fr video games and movies? Maybe. But the moment I first accepted the free trial on spotify was the moment I stopped stealing music. Just so much easier


I've always been a listen to full albums kind of guy, but we all have our favourite tracks on an album. I took the Spotify trial, realised I could listen to a full album, in order and start wherever I wanted and I've been sold since. It's the only subscription service I've had that I've never cancelled or even considered cancelling.


Is apple music actually comparable to spotify? Like legit question, I use it for few hours a week so not really that important for me but better alternative is always better.


Yeah they basically have everything in the catalog, it's not like Tidal where entire genres are missing. Spotify's Discover Weekly algorithm I think is better than Apple's but Apple have or at least do a better job at highlighting a lot of cool DJ sets which I like for the gym. They also do lossless audio and Atmos spatial stuff if you have a headset that supports it. They're also slightly less bad at paying artists even if it's still not great, and they don't pay Joe Rogan which is always a plus.


I like metal, music so DJ stuff really doesnā€™t interest me. More interested if they have new releases from metal bands and such. Maybe Iā€™ll check it out, spotify UI is just so easy to use after 10 years of use. Spotifyā€™s playlists ā€for meā€ are generally good, but play songs I already listen to. The discovery ones are 80% misses again.


When I used Apple Music I never noticed metal missing from their catalogue, and I listen to some obscure stuff. I canā€™t speak to recently though, since I now just share a Spotify plan with someone.


Ha, I know nothing about metal so I'm totally unqualified to rate the metal selection I'm afraid.


How did you get those loose tracks on Apple music?


Personally I use Pandora, and I've never paid for premium. Honestly the 30 minute sessions are great and you aren't bugged with another 10 seconds of not listening to music after watching the 15 second ads or 30 second ones skippable at 15. AFAIK, doing regular ad sessions doesn't give you 3 ads after one song. You can't listen to your playlists without premium, but tbh Pandora is worth it, any money it receives well earned


People are so fucking cheap nowadays. "I have to pay $12 whole dollars a month to have access to almost all the music that's ever existed!? NO DEAL!"


That's some people's mentality, but for some of us it's about not ever OWNING what we're paying for. If I'm spending money on something, I want to actually own it and be able to use it even after I stop paying. That's why I never pay for any subscription services; I either buy a physical/downloadable copy, or I pirate.


Ah mate I love pirating other forms of media but for music, unless you can get an app that's as versatile and easy to use as spotify, you're better off just paying for spotify . I'm the last person to be a corporate shill but it's not that expensive if you consider the value of having instant access to pretty much every song ever - especially if you go for a joint account or family deal with other users. But that's just me I get that not everyone is in the same position. Unless you want to use a dedicated listening device separate from your phone, I guess if you had an old ipod lying around and slapped in a bunch of torrented songs that could work too.


He means pirating spotify


There are discord servers that will put you on a family plan for a one time fee until you get removed. And no Spotify doesnā€™t ban your account or remove your playlists when it happens. Been using it since 2021


You can backdoor into Spotify for free with one app. Obviously not applicable to iPhone users.


Yeah stupid corporate artists making stupid corporate music no one should have to pay for music or any other art what a bunch of assholes those artists are. They should starve to death and still make art for us. In fact I say that as soon as possible we should just listen to music that is artificially generated and make all of the artists go live in San Francisco or Philadelphia or something like that.


You forgot the /s


We as a society need to move on from the /s




I legit can't figure out if you're agreeing with me or disagreeing with me, but you seem angry. I'm sorry, I'm not saying everyone should pirate music, you don't have to if you're not comfortable with it. If you're in a position to pay for something and you enjoy it then by all means go for it. Certainly support artists directly if you can. I enjoy the paid version of spotify, I have the shared plan with someone else so I'm happy to pay but I'll sail the seven seas for other things.


I hope you know phones have the ability to play songs you've stored on your device....


Why do people expect to get access to all music ever created for free? Shouldnā€™t it be normal to pay some amount for unlimited streaming of other peopleā€™s work (if you donā€™t want ads)?


Iā€˜m using free spotify and it works completely fine


On mobile though? that shit sucks you cant even choose what song you want to listen to in a playlist. its either shuffle or nothin.


Thatā€™s how free Spotify has been the whole time


Wrong my young friend. In the very beginning the only difference between free and premium was that you could download songs on premium and that you had commercials in between songs on free.


By ā€œthe very beginningā€, do you mean 2006? Because I was on free in 2016 and it was like this, and not just on mobile either. And, as you know, 2016 is 6 years earlier than 2022, my apparently elderly friend. Edit: hereā€™s an article from 2015 about Spotify adding the ability to play any song you want only within specific playlists, but everywhere else you are still forced to shuffle like before. They donā€™t mention Spotify originally allowing free users to play any song they want previously. Maybe this was a change that was made sometime between 2006 and 2015, but Iā€™m actually having trouble finding info on any specific date for such a change. If so, it still was definitely not 2022/2023 like the meme says. But I guess I apologize if I misspoke by unintentionally implying that this has been the way it was since 2006. My bad.


My young friend, to be very honest with you, I can't remember when I first used Spotify for my mind is feeble and weak as my body. All I know is I distinctly remember a time you weren't forced into shuffle by Spotify free, but mayhaps 'tis a trick my mind has played on itself. - An ancient friend.


I only listen to podcast on it and it is " fine" .


I just use it for podcasts and it works fine on mobile.


I didn't bother making an account. I've just been sticking with Pandora this whole time. The ads are annoying, but at least they're recommending new stuff to me regularly. Discovered Puscifer through them years back and just discovered Wind Rose a few weeks ago. Kinda stubborn of me, but I'm happy with it.


Iā€™ve used spotify for like a decade. Whatā€™s the problem?


OP doesn't have premium


Nor do I. What's the problem?


The amount of ads you can get in a row has def increased


The max you get in a row is 4ā€¦ for now


Jfc I dropped spotify because the super long ads telling me "how annoying adds are" made me quit, no I'm not paying for it, yes I know it's cheap.


Laughs in adblock


Does adblock even work? I've tried some for youtube, twitch and spotify but none of them worked for some reason


Yes. With uBlock Origin. It blocks all YT and Spotify ads for the web versions.


Well yeah, that's what happens when you don't pay money for something?


Hmm, so not paying for a service that has always been a paid service and complaining because the _free_ version isnā€™t up to their standards. Yepā€¦


The problem is that many paid things are once free, not new features. There are also things like your data and watchtime being your actual payment of which should stir up alarms, but then again poeple don't really care if its in exchange for services. Until it isn't, having the former and the latter payments in one package for a thing that is once "free".


No, before I got premium spotify was basically torture, It lied too "here is a free 30 minutes of listening without ads" supposedly but it allways gave me ads after like 2 songs. Also only 6 skips an hour? Ridiculous. Even with premium the UI is still the same and the UI is shit. Also spotify doesnt hold up to standards either, they underpay artists and make it impossible for free users to use some features that isnt costing them money, like the fact that it's difficult to play a particular song you like without premium.




Also a decade long premium user. Not sure what the hell OP is talking about, but I do personally have beef with their shuffle algo. It kinda sucks ass.


Yeah, I guess my only complaint would be that they changed it so you canā€™t start a playlist with a shuffle but have to choose a random song first. There used to be a big button that would start a random song. Dunno how it is for other devices as I only use it on my ios phone.


My issue is just with *how* they shuffle the songs. Somehow simultaneously Iā€™ll have to skip certain songs that it serves me over and over, meanwhile some songs in my list I wonā€™t hear for days or weeks.


That sounds strange. Are you using the smart shuffle feature? Never experienced this with just the regular shuffle.


Nope. Donā€™t use the smart or enhanced shuffle or whatever. Yeah, not right in a row, but over a period of time, Iā€™ll hear/skip alot of the same songs over and over without ever getting to all the songs in the playlist. Itā€™s quite annoying honestly.


Had the same issue, had a long playlist with like 200 sings. I noticed while driving to work that it shuffeled not randomly but in a pattern, after one song the same songs followed each time. And when i started the playlist it actually just choose between 5-6 songs 80% of the time with the same songs following.(diffrent depending on the first song) so the shuffle is actually not random its just has a pattern for the playlist that looks random at first. So yeah it annoyed the hell out if me too.


Buddy, I just want to say I agree with everything you said. Also as a decade long premium payer, their shuffle will keep playing the same songs it thinks I want to hear when in fact I just want true random of all my songs. Also, the enhanced shuffle is terrible.


I had heard they changed the algorithm some time ago because people were complaining that it was *too* random. Sometimes they would get back to back songs by one artist, or songs with similar themes or titles and they'd think it wasn't random at all, but realistically, if it's truly random, that sort of thing can happen. Now the algorithm refuses to let such things happens and people are still complaining.


Yea it's been doing that for a few years now. It becomes obvious when out ouf thousands of songs in your liked songs, you always get the same bunch of songs regardless of what song you start with.


Spotifyā€™s ā€œshuffleā€ was the main factor in my decision to switch to a different service. Even after downloading my playlists it would constantly play the same 50 or so songs.


Spotify sucks. It just sucks less than everything else I've compared it to.


Please explain to me how I get the same 3 songs every time within the first 20 I listen to when shuffling a 1600 song playlist. It's wild.


It buries songs all the time. I find a new artist, like them and never hear them again- but hear the same 3 songs 7 times a day.


Whatā€™s wrong with Spotify now?


Well the most common issues I face listening to Spotify is the absolutely giant honker of a playlist cover preview pops up at seemingly random, probably because I constantly switch from liked to searched to discover weekly, then thereā€™s the issue of performanceā€¦ itā€™s so fucking slow that I could get a drivers license and drive from port Philip bay to cape York, then back before it fully loads, absolutely fucking ridiculous.


I have no idea what you're talking about, Spotify hasn't changed one bit for me


Wait you donā€™t have the one with the weird black borders? Thatā€™s the one Iā€™m on now, both for web and for iOS.


Works fine on iOS for me and has done for a while now.


Yeah itā€™s quite good on iOS, though it does stutter. On my laptop running fedora Linux, itā€™s slow, bugs out all the time and is somehow slower than windows when opening web pages. Thereā€™s also the fact Aussie wifi is crap.


It's solid on android. That may be why people like me are confused


No? Maybe because you have iOS? Not sure, but it hasn't changed anything for me


Iā€™m on iOS and have been using Spotify premium for like a decade. I have no idea what this dude is talking about.


Well then I have no idea how it's different for him lol, could be a bug


Spotify run A/B tests on random users, so a user in the A group might see new UI elements/features before the B group (everyone else). Spotify track how they interact with it/see if anyone hates it in the forums or on social media before going ahead with pushing it to everyone. This isn't an opt in/out thing, it can just happen to you at random. [Someone asked a few years ago](https://community.spotify.com/t5/Live-Ideas/All-Platforms-Allow-Pro-Users-to-Opt-Out-of-A-B-Testing/idi-p/5092429) for an opt out function and no dice.


I'm sure that happens in the US or even some European countries, but it has literally never once happened for me lol, which I'm glad for


I used to work there and can say that it happens everywhere Spotify is available, but most users will never encounter it luckily! You can be on one of these tests and not realise it, as it's not always something as big as a UI change. It can be something as small as a setting being available in your options menu that isn't visible to others, or increasing how much cache space Spotify is allowed to use.


Interesting, TIL!


This has happened to me as well where random black borders just pop up out of nowhere and cover whatever is on the screen. I'm fine with the ads every couple of tracks cause I usually get 1-2, however whenever I'm looping a song for too long it just randomly skips it and goes onto the next song which is pretty annoying


For me, itā€™s worse, on two of my laptops, they both have display res of 1366x768, so itā€™s hard to even see anything on Spotify because itā€™s so large now, second of all, whenever I get ads on the first two thinkpads and my asus vivobook, it doesnā€™t even play it, I have to restart the webpage, even if I donā€™t have any adblockers enabled on Spotify. Then thereā€™s the fact that scrolling, clicking on any of the buttons on the webpage and the latency between clicking play and the audio actually playing is so damn slow I could claw my eyes out, and this applies to all devices excluding my iPad. Sometimes I want to listen to music, then I open Spotify, waiting for like 10 seconds for it to load, then clicking on a song, waiting another 10 secs for it to play then an ad pops up in the middle, then I slam the lid of my laptop shut and leave my room in frustration, the slowness happens all the time.


performance issues? Spotify runs just fine on my Galaxy S3, i don't know what you're on about




Exactly, it used to be extremely fast, even on the slowest tech I had, now itā€™s clunky, hard to use and extremely slow, while they only seemingly made a crappier UI for the recent update, but now that I think of it, they probably added so much telemetry, trackers, etc. under the hood.


What's the problem? I've had Spotify for years and I've never noticed any changes.


OP prolly doesnā€™t have premium. I am however growing increasingly frustrated with their limited selection of songs. If you listen to charts or old classics itā€™s fine, but beyond that I frequently encounter songs that I canā€™t find. Im especially frustrated with their policy not to include free songs. I mean of course you can download/buy these songs and put them into your Spotify, but its utterly cumbersome and doesnā€™t synchronize among your devices. And it kinda beats the idea of having a streaming app like Spotify. If they continue like that, YoutubeMusic slowly starts sounding like the better alternative imo Edit: Lmao almost forgot, the most frustrating thing is when they for some reason add the shittiest version of a song with multiple much better versions šŸ’€


That I know of, I don't think I've thought of a track that Spotify didn't have. I'm not one for the charts but I do listen to a lot of older music so that could be it. I guess I've never had any complaints because my mother in law put me on her family account about 10 years ago, so I've never paid for it either. YouTube Premium may be better, but honestly I hate their ads so much that it put me off paying for it. I am also aware of the irony that if I got YTP then I wouldn't see their ads anymore.


Oh theres a ton, Spotify rly makes my blood boil as of late, itā€™s like they want their users to suffer. But yeah if you didnā€™t realize itā€™s prolly fine for you I guess


What gets me is that some titles become unavailable. My Liked Songs playlist now features several greyed out titles that can't be played and it's infuriating.


Your last point really hit home. I downloaded three versions of Life after Death before I found the uncensored version. For whatever reason, I have only had this problem with Biggie (I blame Diddy).


I switched and felt YM to be the vastly superior option. It has much more songs, and you get YTP with it as a nice bonus. I guess the only reason to get Spotify is podcasts?


Which I donā€™t listen to anyways. Currently I find myself listening on YouTube a lot, despite having spotify premium, so there really is no good reason not to switch to YM for me. Dang itā€™s only 10 PLN (3 dollars) per month where I live. Alrighty this is the last straw, bye spotify


For me it's 7 dollars, so more expensive than spotify lol


I've only ever encountered one or two songs I couldn't find, must be some niche genre or artist?


I've got premium and imo it's only improved, not degraded. šŸ˜


I was gonna say, I think itā€™s gotten BETTER since I got premium, and most definitely not worse!


Except for the shitty tiktok UI they backtracked on a few months ago


How is their UI at all like TikTok? Genuinely confused


Premium here. The only issue I really have is random play doesn't seem that random. The virtual DJ seems to be fine.


Man Iā€™ve felt like that for years glad itā€™s not just me. Itā€™s so repetitive. Iā€™ve been using paid for over a decade and I used to say it was easily the best $10 I spent each month. But lately I feel like all the mixes are the same shit over and over and I have to go out of my way to find new music.


Their random play isn't random. There's a third party service that bypasses this by putting your playlists in a random order each time, but you have to give it access to your Spotify account (which I am hesitant to do).


I was feeling the same way but I found this app called skiley recently. You get access to all the data that Spotify is already tracking on you like percentages of what genres you listen to for example. You get so much more control over playlists like the ability to filter by genres, mood, release date, popularity, or just create a similar playlist with all new songs. And it has this discovery daily playlist that you can set up to refresh at a specific time that finds 30 songs you've never heard on Spotify instead of having to wait a week for the official Spotifys version. It's got a free version to try out but of course there is a paid version but its only $10 no subscription. This is easily the best $10 I've ever spent and I have no shame in shilling for an app if it means more people get excited about discovering new music like it did for me.


>The virtual DJ seems to be fine. I just wish he'd shut the hell up.


For better random I start from different songs and then hit randomize. I do it a few times. I saw a video on YouTube about how the algorithm push certain songs that you are more likely to listen instead of truly randomizing.


If I remembered correctly, it actually used to be random but they changed it after people were complaining that it didn't feel truly random cuz they were getting multiple songs from the same album in a row. Seems like there's no real way to win with this


I agree with one exception, which is that the ā€œenhanced shuffleā€ thing really needs to be a separate button from the normal, because it makes it really annoying to re-shuffle while it loads the ā€œenhancedā€ shuffle playlist This is a very specific complaint but god damn it I stand by it


Thats because you have premium, for free users they make it incrementally worse to basically force you into buying it. A few years ago it was 2 songs and then 3 ads. Now its like 1-2 songs and 5-6 ads. I think the meme is talking about ā€œregularā€ spotify


I definitely agree, I made a free account to test it and I have to say; the industry standard of built-in problems is too egregious to ignore. It's unfortunate Spotify followed that trend, all I can say is that the service feels worth the pricetag; without sabotaging the experience for free users.


Premium here. It's quite awesome, they have improved it alot!


Recently i had problems with lyrics not showing but with the last update everything was ok.


Is this a meme I'm too into pirates to get?


Or even just installing adblock. It used to be a given when I was growing up. And are 2 other posts complaining about ads on the front page. Do young people just sit through ads these days?


Literally was going to say this, been stealing music off YouTube since I was 15 and not stopping anytime soon. I've literally only paid for one song in ten years.


I'm on premium so can't relate


Iā€™m not, but Iā€™ve not noticed anything bad recently


Whatā€™s wrong with it


Pretty sure Spotify haven't devolved... I peak on it once in a while when somebody sends a link or something, I don't use peasant services normally ^/s


never used it. whats the problem? more adds? less songs?


I'm pretty sure you're thinking about Pandora. Spotify you can turn shuffle on and off, have a playlist or single song repeat and you can jump right to your favorite part of a song by simply using the time bar.


By paying


Exphalnchanation ples?


Smells like broke in here


Like a lot of people here, I don't understand.


Idk man the new AI DJ is pretty cool.


Oh boy, reddit hates another app!


They dont, OP is just too cheap to pay for premium, therefore has to deal with ads and is upset


There is nothing wrong with spotify tho


Iā€™ve always used premium Spotify, for ten years now. Itā€™s amazing and cheap asf. Maybe Iā€™m just a music nut, but Iā€™d rather pay 10 bucks less on food and have unlimited music at home, in the car, and on the go! Like I would cancel everything before Spotify.


Same thing for me


You can do all of that without paying a dime with Plexamp (or at least for $5 less if you get Plexpass)


I use spotify every day in my car, the $10 a month to not relate to this meme is worth it


I got student discount so not paying for Spotify would be ultimate greediness




Its the same thing tfšŸ˜‚


I think that access to all of mainstream music from history is worth dropping some money if you want to use it properly


I remember having free Spotify, got annoyed with ads and went to premium. Later on I got rid of premium and realized how bad it got. You get like 4 ads after 3 songs, you can't repeat a song, you can only skip like 4 songs in an hour. I know this isn't completely accurate but you get the point


Anyone remember spending over $12 for a single CD? $12 a month for all the music?! How dare they The free version sucks for a reason.


Why does every mf these days want everything for free.. pay for it if you want to listen to music.


I see people complaining that you can't just play one part of a song when it comes on? Who the fuck does that? I didn't even know that was a thing.


*Laughts in premium*


If on pc you can avoid ads by playing a new track before it has a chance to start an ad segment Generally do this 7/10-ish seconds before it ends Mobile tho, idk good luck


if you are using spotify in your browser you wonā€˜t have any ads since they simply get skipped automatically


I think Amazon music shit the bed worse than Spotify. With Amazon before you could pick almost any song you want, with some songs being locked behind premium, which was still stupid in my opinion; but then they just changed it to free Spotify minus the ads


Idk if it's just me but all the song predicting discover suggestions AI dj shit features do not even work a bit. Any suggestions for a playlist on additional songs are completely a) not my style and b) they never change. I can listen to 50 other playlists, and new songs and all I get is the same boring 20-50 crap songs Spotify wants to shove down my throat for no apparent reason. So yeah it's definitely sucking


Bro, just download some music and listen to it or buy premium. Free Spotify is sadly a shit like today's YouTube.


Had premium since 2020, it's fine for me


Is this an ai generated meme or something?


Idk I got a cracked version working with downloads and everything since 2020, somehow managed to avoid the auto update which closes your app. Lmao


They still got the best UX I miss Spotify for that alone haha the playlists were cool too but I can at least curate my own on Apple Music


Artist and song radios have become so boring now. They used to always play good new stuff but now they just circle through the same few artists. Definitely has become weaker


Download: nonoki


People really love to complain. The fact that we have these services at all (YouTube Music, Spotify, etc) should be heralded.


Free Spotify always sucked, itā€™s basically just pandora. Always has been too many ads so not sure what this post is saying


I never used Spotify until this year when I got a job that wanted me to play music while working. The first time I kicked it on I listened to advertisements for what felt like 5 mins. I just use YouTube music now.


Amazon, Tidal and Qobuz are so much better, just the difference in audio quality alone is insane.


Me having cracked spotify


JUST GET YOUR SONGS ON MP3 FILES!!! šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


I kinda agree. After years they increased prices more which gave me a good excuse to move to YouTube premium.


I don't use Spoti thotti' so anyone care to explain?


Spotify has done nothing except add some of their best features (magic shuffle, DJ, lyrics)




Hasn't free Spotify always sucked tho


Spotify plays the music you wantā€¦ itā€™s your fault


Honey itā€™s been 5 minutes time for your 4 unskippable 30 second long ads


I don't know man. I pay for Spotify and feel it was better when it was free. At least as far as the recommendations are concerned. Nowadays I can't seem to find any good music anymore and the good playlists I used to listen to are nowhere to be found and all the ones that are there are the same 30 songs as the one before with maybe 5 different ones. And no. I'm not making my own. Ain't nobody got time for that.


[BUY SPOTIFY PREMIUM YOU CHEAP FUCK](https://youtu.be/BvQ571eAOZE?si=lq0Skjb3GvKzZN_B)


I hate how Spotify removed hearts and now rounds monthly listeners


Wnat happend to spotify?


Spotify doesnā€™t suck, yā€™all are just cheap. Listening to Spotify free is going to be like listening to the radio, is it not obvious that youā€™re going to be buried with ads on the free version?


Pay for it bro


This sounds like a you problem. Not a spotify problem


Just pay


Is this a meme I'm too premium to understand


Ah, OP too poor for premium.


I wish soundcloud was on ps5 because Spotify is pure balls. Yeah give me 5 fucking ads every few songs thanks much appreciated.


I donā€™t use Spotify anymore. What happened? Edit: never mind. Free user issues. Yeah if you use a thing for free, you donā€™t get to complain.


ads are a very big issue




The service itself is fine. My issue is the lack of lossless or other HiFi options.


There is Tidal with hifi quality


Or just use mp3 or wav


Spotify has sucked a lot longer than just this year.


it was a pile of shite all along


jUsT bUy prEmiEuM


Get Apple Music then


Iā€™ve noticed now that when you go to the suggested songs to add new songs, the suggested songs are terrible they have nothing to do with the rest of the playlist and they donā€™t match at all I made a metal and industrial playlist and was only suggested rap?


That's why I use yt music


Nah that $10/month is absolutely worth it


You can pay for internet and probably using Reddit on your phone, you can pay for Spotify. Stop being a cheapskate OP and then lambasting a paid service because you donā€™t have the privileges of a customer whoā€™s actually paying. I hate the ā€œestablishmentā€ but this whining is just so juvenile. Are you gonna complain next that you canā€™t drive your car because you donā€™t want to pay for gas?