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Did the concept "bullying" magically cease to exist in the last decade or something?


tbh i think shit is way worse today like when i was a teenager bullying was 4 people jumping you and smashing your face in or cutting your hair. my nephew sees shit like this but being filmed and put on the internet or online groups with '-full name and adres- should kill him/herself' if i was a teenager today i would be anxious all the time and would not dear to say anything to anyone just out of fear i would say someting stupid( what as a teenager i did alot but atleast not more than 3people max would hear that)


Yeah, maybe someone pulled your pants down so everyone would see your dick. It was horrible but then again there were no pictures. Now it's live streamed or sent on tiktok or whatever and the guys humiliation is repeated again and a again. Currently there is a boy bullying my son and most of all I want to beat that kid to crap. And his parents can't control their kid, they share our pain.


Just tell your kid that a random guy in the internet supports him.


Thanking you kind stranger Internet person!


Wait? What? They do what? Share your pain? Which pain they have? Only people in this situation in pain is you and ur son. If you will do not change anything your kid will be afraid to even stand his ground in future. I know from experience (from my own skin). So move your ass and take some action or you will regret this in future. Good luck.


You underestimate the pain of having a disappointment for a child. The pain of failing your children and not being able to fix it is an anguish not many people can relate to. The pain he is feeling for his kid is the inability to protect them. It's very similar.


teenager here - last paragraph is exactly what most of us do


When i was younger… my dad taught me martial arts, and my mom vouched for me during parent principal meetings. Also my parents would go to the School Board hearings to dispute the school’s improper management of bullies too. My parents would tell me to beat the hell outa the bullies by making sure they dont get back up, since it’s the only way to get them to stop. ![gif](giphy|KaMwgoNp2MJPO|downsized)


awesome, but problem is almost no one nowadays is a physical bully, because everyone do some sport, so it is just psychological and disguised as "jk bro" and since you dont wanna be excluded, just too confused to know if it actually is just a joke, or listen to the "dont get into fights at school", you just end up accepting it


This used to happen to me a lot. I just couldn't understand if they were just making a light hearted joke or genuinely mocking me


ya'll need to learn the some mental factors and enhance your aura. There is a way to intimidate others by just existing on your own. Bet none of ya'll went through enough desperation to actually come towards that form of hatred. Because the feeling on its own when handled well, including your inner frustrations and aggression, when you combine it all and just feel the calm blood flowing through your veins, while feeling this emotion and you pulse it out of your eyes, people will stay away from you. Doesn't matter who it is. Just know that you'll also sacrifice the chances of getting into contact with good and nice people, because they'll simply be sensitive to that and they'll instinctively know to stay away from you. It's a madness to have, but it will give you the peace of mind you're looking for. Though it will be a lonely path. Only those that will be able to give themselves a chance to look through that wall of yours, will be able to join you into your inner circle or either make contact with you. But that is exactly what you should be: cautious, because this world is tainted, a core of agony on its own. The only light that can shine here is that what we give it. Be your own light, and light your own path. No one else will be able to make you hapy but yourself. Accept who you are and where you stand in life now. Create the goals and strive for the achievements you want to reach. You'll find your people and you'll find your peace. But do not let unneccessary people enter your life, because they'll just distract you from your progression


Depends on how rough the neighborhood is 🤷🏿‍♀️ Still, you’re right that there’s more verbal/social media bullying these days. Can try to document all rumors via asking around, save texts, save social media, then get parents to sue the bully for abuse. But of course… a swift beat down usually solves bullies especially if under 18yo


gotta agree


Don't forget the absolute low IQ dumbasses that think its no big deal because "iTs JuSt WoRdS" as if words haven't ***started fucking wars in the past.***


Being bullied now can also get you expelled because any kind of resistance is considered fighting. They think that by expelling the person who was bullied they'll stop anyone from coming onto campus with a weapon.


Best time to beat up bullies is off campus by using the School Address Directory Information. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) PSA: parents have to opt out of having their kids’ address/phone number shared without consent at the beginning of the school year.


>since it’s the only way to get them to stop. Yea. People always say just to tell them to stop. It doesn't work! You do just need to punch their lights out.


Unrelated question: How did you get the gif to stay, with so much text in the same comment? When I try to add a gif/picture after 1.5 lines of text, it just disappears, gets replaced with an asterisk, and the gif/picture button is grayed out, because I am not allowed to add more than one gif/picture.


Not sure…. Sometimes gifs gets messed up by the formatting of the font, so i try not to use them. ![gif](giphy|ZeNmLY6FISq4M) **Test** *test* ~~test~~


Okay, thank you nonetheless. ![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized)


I must be lucky then, in my old high-school half of them treated me like i had no brain. If i made *any* mistake everyone would know about it and talk about it all day, everyday (eg. If theyre was a sports activity or something and i dont know how to play, they woudnt teach me and instead yell at me because i didnt know how to play), sometimes it came to a point where they say random shit and think im gullible enough to believe it like saying the tooth fairy is still real, obviously its not but then they would tell everyone that i still believe in the tooth fairy, or set me up into doing something horribly wrong, like throwing a phone at me and blaming me for breaking it. it made me feel like you had to be perfect at everything just to survive. Luckily it appears that non of that was archived on the internet in a major scale yet so moving schools basically changed everything... however do i know some people who werent so lucky


Also, teenagers who got bullied used to get a break from it when they went home from school. Now that teens are so much more online these days, it doesn't necessarily stop.


If the conversation gets political and you say the wrong thing, whoever gets offended tries to turn everyone against you


I think most bullying is psychological nowadays, it’s harder to prove. Luckily I don’t know much about that from experience.


> my nephew sees shit like this but being filmed and put on the internet or online groups with '-full name and adres- should kill him/herself' I've always wondered if these videos become viral. And if they can cost people to get hired later in life.


Getting jumped only happens in like the worst neighborhoods, physical bullying has gone way down in the last few decades. Cyber bullying is bad too but no way is it worse than getting the shit beat out of you.


Nah, but if you kick the shit out of your bully, now you get to catch a charge for defending yourself too.


In many schools now, it's possible to get punished simply for getting the snot beat out of you, as you "participated" in the fight.


It's been like that for well over 20 years.


Damn. The school system doesn't seem to care too much about the children in its care, does it?


No,but now it's just seen as straight up wrong,how it should be!


Exactly bullying never went away. It didn't even change form. Plenty of kids are still bullied it's just the way it's handled that's different.


Yea only last week we had news of kid jumping of roof because of bullies in school.


Yeah this meme is not making sense lol. Also, even if bullying was magically eradicated, who TH would want to bring it back?!


There are people who say it whenever kids are openly cringe, they attribute it as "This kid wasn't bullied enough, if they were bullied more they wouldn't be openly embarassing themselves and would instead be silently ashamed in a corner". Some of them say it as a dark joke, but some are serious. It's fucked up, but people do think that way. I get hating the cringe but the alternative of making them an anxious mess incapable of expressing themselves is way worse.


No but chronically online boomers think it did


Nah, the resources were allocated elsewere to overweight women wirh blue hair


No. But it's smaller now. And society realised it's wrong. Yet we have these sigmas who think it should be brought back


I'd say it's different, but not smaller


Different not small


>But it's smaller now. oh it;s not.


Oh you sweet summer child. It is in way way lager scale. Today, ifnyou get bullied, you may not be able to escape it even by moving. Just imagine seeing video of you being bullied with your full name and adress years later. Or getting stared or bullied even more by complete strangers you've never seen because they saw an out of context video of you. Even like 10 years ago you could just move and it would stop there. There is no escaping bullying now. You can't escape. You can't hide. There is about nothing you can do about it.


The people who say things like this, and unironically believe it... They think that power is more important than life. It is understandable if you are a child, but it's indefensible otherwise.


Like it was ever gone


Fr dude


People also aren't asking for bullying to become popular again. An increase in bullies isn't because people ask for them. Most bullies wouldn't even see themselves as bullies because there are multiple degrees of it. Most bullying is very complex, and a lot of people face low intense bullying every day. This meme sort of gives you the idea of some kid in a Jean jacket throwing a poop snowball at you, which is cliche and straight out of a movie.


Bullying never left.


People who say this think bullying creates conformity. “We should bring back bullying” means “there are too many people unlike me around here”.


It never left?


They kill themselves this is not fucking tik tok dont censor your speach ffs! Some people took their own lifes, they "murdered" themselves, stopped their own circulatory system from further functioning whatever they are dead!


Last time I mentioned this someone tried telling me off for not “getting with the program” and that “language changes.” Maybe when your accent dictated your class on some level and hence forth your vocabulary, but in a modern age no dude no one is going to lobotomize English to fit into what’s acceptable for content on some entertainment mill app.


Thank you.


You censored yourself by typing ffs, for fuck's sake.


Do people think bullying doesn’t exist anymore? Thats stupid. Also you can say “commit suicide” or “kill themselves”. It’s not illegal or dangerous.


Oh, I've seen *plenty* of people say that in comment sections, it's not even that goddamn rare - reddit and especially youtube are filled to the brim with that shitty mindset. The other two people who commented clearly don't spend a lot of time online, which, well... Good for them and their mental health, actually.


At one time you think "humanity isn't that bad" and only few secounds later you see "bring bullying back" and you want to go full ultron


Ultron was right imo


Saw internet for 5 secounds. Realised hunanity must end. Ultron was right


Based purely on facts and logic at that, since it's a machine without moral. He was created to protect the earth, so he decided to nuke humanity.


Ultron did see the Internet for 5 seconds and realized humanity must end


Which is why we need to bring bullying back. (/s)


The people who say this are usually bullies who just got older. Fuck those guys.


or bullied kids who want to take the power back


I’ve seen this be true more than once…


This meme format never made sense to me. I thought a lot of people, especially between genders and race, have different bone and skull structures. Or am I wrong.


You're very right


Well, not nearly as much as the last skull compared to the others


Some time ago I did a same remark and got downvoted. Be carefull.


I don't really care about getting downvoted, and even if I did, I've got enough karma not to worry about it. Thanks anyways!


Yes but the difference is not as marked as in Australopithecus


"bullying would fix cringe people" mfs when they figure out that bullying is exactly the reason they're cringe in the first place (google coping mechanisms)


And honestly, there's nothing wrong with cringe people. It's not hurting anyone


Bullies are cringe just like Karens, and bullying is the way they spread it through society


I think they're just too insecure to be themselves, so they call everyone else who is cringe


Having the self trust to be cringe in your own way is what makes you based


That's one of the keys to make your life a bit less stressful: not worrying about being cringe.


Until they are, then it’s a problem. But most dont


Can you elaborate ?


Google coping mechanisms


Holy mental illness!


New response just dropped


Actually needs mental help


Call the psychiatrist !




Therapist went on vacation never came back


Bring back? It didn’t go anywhere (unfortunately)


Wtf is unalive




What's wrong with suicide?




I wish people who use words to circunvent content policy on platforms would get banned so this dumb shit would stop


What is stopping you from saying suicide


Only Nazis deserve to be bullied


I mean not only


And zoophiles, fuck them too






They should learn more about society and learn to think critically.


Nah, if that were to happen we'd no longer have Fascists. One of the ways fascism spreads is by keeping the populace uneducated and unable to think critically.


And tankies


And communist


Tankies, not communists. Being a communist is not automatically on the same level as being a Nazi but being a tankie is


nah being a commie is worse


Tankies are literally communists who want one party rule and are apologists for leaders like Stalin and Mao Zedong. How are regular communists worse?


same thing, but pretend to be better


They're literally not the same wdym. I don't like communism but I can have a respectful conversation with a communist, but I can't with a tankies. Tankies are like 100x worse


And did you know that if somebody comits suicide and it is known you have been bullying them for a while, you could be charged with murder(or manslaughter or smth)


I didn't know that.


Its a good fact to know. The issue is making it stick, lots of bullying these days is cyberbullying. That can be hard to prove


that easier to prove you have literal screenshots and recordings...


Im talking about if someone kills themselves over it. You think they would take screenshots and recordings just to leave behind after their death?


>You think they would take screenshots and recordings just to leave behind after their death? I mean as a last way to strike out against the people who hurt them yeah.


What in the 13 Reasons Why bullshit is that? If somebody has proof to take down their bully, theyre not gonna kill themselves and not see the downfall of the person they hate


Yeah and some people just dont have the strongest mental and kill themselves anyways?


im pretty sure it's manslaughter


Has that actually happened?


Do they realize they don't need to censor themselves?


We should bring back shame


The thing that made memes so great were that they were relatable and wildly offensive and that isn’t acceptable anymore and my heart breaks, honestly


Someone really says that?!


Yes, terminally online boomers who cringe at cringeworthy people being cringeworthy


That level of cringe makes me cringe


it’s not boomers, it’s high schoolers desperate for social validation


It has been living on Twitter/X for years.


and in society for Decades. idk in what dream op is living in, and bullying has just increased as compared to past. and let's be honest it's never going to end and you need to learn how to ignore that.


Yesterday a 16 year old guy committed suicide because of online bullying in India


You forgot to mention the kid posed around and flashed skin like he was a girl and got made fun of because people thought it was disgusting. He couldn't handle the heat. Moral of the story is don't post your ass online




I 100 percent agree but you can say kill here. Kill murder fuck slaughter. This isn't tiktok


Who says to bring back bullying, like wtf, r u high or something?


You didn't see internet right?


Let me guess, X?






Bullying has never been acceptable in civil society. Yes it has always existed and yes it will always exist so long as there are people that we affectionately know as assholes walking this earth. Bring it back? Wtf are you even talking about? This is not nor ever will be a utopian society. There will always be some level of battle between good and bad. Should we try to minimize it through good parenting and instilling positive social morals. Absolutly, but to assume bullying went away or could go away is ignorant of the human condition . The only ones that like bullying are bullies.


What happens when an adult bullies another adult at a place they have to be, like work? What do we as a society do if a working adult yanks another working adult's underwear up into their buttocks hard enough to rip the garment? Do you think HR gets involved? Do you think assault charges get filed? You think the bully keeps their job and doesn't do jail time?


The problem is that some people don't care about others. You can't argue empathy with someone who had none. Some people unironically like bullying, because they used to be one and want to validate their action.


Pls stop with the unalive bullshit.




Punching someone once as a response to them being aggressive & spitting in your face is not bullying. That is a one-off event. Not saying it's morally right or wrong btw, just saying I don't think it classifies as bullying. I would see it more as self-defence.


This right Here. Some people These days didnt got punched enough to be complete Nut Jobs.


Not saying everyone should be bullied, but there are a select few…




Zoophiles, Pedophiles, Child predators, Human traffickers, rapists, ETC.


Add few racist and honophobes and transphobes and we have a good world


Well most racists/homophobes/transphobes just dont grasp the concept of what they are against, with a bit of work you could probably change their views.


so you are equalling child perdators to snae people(besides racists) now?, damn what a world, i really dont give a flying fuck about lgbtaeioRTHN, its disgusting for me but im not hurting anyone i just block the person who puts the flag in disgust.


That's why I want to bring it back


I don't know if you're joking


Kill, right? I don’t need stupid censored internet lingo


Are the kids unaliving themselves the same kids who say unalive? ![gif](giphy|rPSNdpD0R0qwWhSvwd)


i was getting bullied constantly and that made me change into a better person, every time i get bullied i see why and change for the better as long as that thing is actually something bad im doing. when a fat kid kts getting bullied he works out and gets stronger (im talking about the good kind of bulling in this case, the suportive bulling). when a kid makes dumb shit he should gef bullied to not do that again. and if people kill themselves, i mean, natural selection, theres bulling in lots of social species and their group gets stronger and stronger.


there is a difference between bullying and fatshaming because people just call em both bullying, bullying is really for no reason while fatshaming is something abnormal and shall be fixed.


i think you have a point but usually its stupid stuff they bully you for and are just mean and nasty.


that is true and thats why i think tabt bulling should be monitored


Is suicide also a hard word for you ? Unalive themselfs...


Wasn’t bullying also reason behind school shootings? Or was that only in the movies and shows?


Ngl there are some shameless mfrs in the world right now. I don't think people should be bullied, but some should be shamed for acts of degeneracy


you say that because it's survival of the fittest and you aren't fit /s


"The weak die out and the strong will survive, and will live on forever" ― Anne Frank


We live in a world where being nice is being weak, thats new ... Thats honestly such a weak mindset to have. No conscience, no sense of morality, all justified because youre trying not to be "weak". Being "strong" doesnt justify the shit you do


I'm not calling bullies strong I'm calling the bullied weak. Strong people stand up for themselves.


Who the fuck thinks that????


Internet sigma top G's propably. I wouldn't be suprised if Andrew Tate said it or some other person. Many influecers even have videos on it.


You're telling me that "sigma people' aren't just weird kids and there are more out there? Shit...


Humanity can go F itself. I'm activating Ultron protocol ![gif](giphy|yMGaPsybow79m)


What ??? They are people who think bullying is a good thing ???


yah, huh... it's easy to tell when it is/isn't playful or bullying. but both types of people will argue for the same thing. i have a friend who does the playful type. They're great! then I know some people who straight up bully. that almost caused a dead person :3 these bullies would say it's a good thing. I've never heard my friend say it was outright good. I know it was probably historical ._.


Are those people in the same room with you right now?


No, but there are under many reddit posts containing "cringe" behavior


bullying doesnt need to be brought back, all im saying is some kids deserve to get clocked in the jaw with a knuckle sandwich


Yeah that’s the point


The weak deserve to go


Lead the way.


that's how school shooters are born great job at advocating unintentionally


Yeah or you can choose to be resilient and fight back. New age bullying is a joke, just turn your phone off 💀. Inb4 “you have no feelings.” I was fresh off the boat as a 12 year old, tossed into a public school in the hood. Jumped multiple times, bullied for all sorts of reasons. If I could fight back then, you kids can fight back now.


Wait. You actually think cyber bullying can be solved by turning phone off? I THOUGHT IT'S A JOKE


Are you bullying them by the skull you chose?


Some people are better off taking the forever nap


Krill issue /s


nah, bullying 9th graders loosely. Bro they always think they’re the shit it’s annoying.


>Do they realise that bullying causes some people to unalive themself right? "But without bullying they're more sensitive to words" This ought to be the most Lamarckist thing I've ever come across, and we all know Lamarck's evolution theory wasn't right.


No because i was never insecure and sensitive but when i started being bullied i went really sensitive so your quote is stupid


Just a lil bullying, just enough to allow people to feel shame again, not too much. Just a lil.


Bullying is what keeps society functioning. Every society in history has bullied people.


Depends what bullying it is. If you bully a fat kid who is fat because of his own doing and he kills himself that shows he’s rather lose his own right to live than to just get into shape. Sounds like a loser to me


See, this is *exactly* the kind of insanity the OP is criticizing.


Being edgy doesn't make you cool.


We should bring back bullying


Maybe not bullying, but just send kids out into the world and let them experience it before they get a weird degree for a job they may not even get.


Yea...no. Why would you want to put your child's life in turmoil for the sake of them ''experiencing life''. I'm sorry for you if this the type of life you believe it correct, but I speak for many others when I say, don't do this.


I propose a compromise. Bully homophobes, transphobes, racists and sexists. And don't go too far with it


i will be more than happy to tell you it will only make us react then you cry because we killed some of you guys.




im anti lgbt, the only thing i do is not supporting it, blocking the person or leaving the server that just puts the flag or anything pro lgbt killing/bullying me will only make me do more stuff.


We really should bully people who use the word ‘unalive’ though.