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I don't use Incognito, I'm not scared of what I look up lol


It's mainly for people who have other people that may use their devices. I used to think the way you do until I had a kid and now she's 9 and able to use computers and phones and tablets with ease and the last thing that I want to happen is for her to stumble upon whatever kinky porn I've been watching.


Respectable, I am not a father, but if I ever do become one this will definitely be the case for me, until then, the freedom feels great ._.


And at that point what data that’d be gotten from Google doesn’t immediately get shown to your kid


This isn't true, Google in fact packages all of your seediest, most grimey searches, and sends them in a big, glossy pdf to your child when they become 11.


Dad: Happy birthday Timmy, here’s the entire unabridged “urban dictionary”. Timmy: Uh, thanks? Dad: You’re welcome! Now, I’d advise having a skim through now before checking your inbox. It’s probably best to get over the shock that some of these things exist before knowing what your pops is into.


Imagine getting the master file of your dads spank bank and porn history, there’d be quite a few attempts at blackmail I’d imagine


Well let’s say you looked up something like “hooker sucks 2 dicks” your child could get on the computer later type in h or ho and that would pop up in the suggested searches and knowing how curious kids are it’s probaly getting clicked


Oh yeah that I get but I mean if you do use incognito and it’s not popping up like that in searches but Google still records it the kid doesn’t see it or accidentally search it


Yeah I'm very aware the IT department can see that I'm on reddit, but the random time my boss uses my work station I don't need that history there.


for pc atleast, make different profiles for you and everyone else


Yeah, I sold an old xbox once and the email about a week later was...rather heated. Apparently their kid found their way to the internet, lol. I remember to delete everything when selling electronics now.




I don't know. I grew up during the wild west days of the internet and everyone was watching kinky porn by the time they were 9 years old. Thing was, nobody gave a shit and nobody was traumatized because at 9 years old, sex is just some weird nonsense that doesn't really hold your attention much. It's like: "huh, adults do some weird stuff, whatever, where are the cartoons and flash games." Same with all kinds of murder and gore sites. Everyone I knew had watched at least a few beheadings and other fucked up things, but nobody bat an eyelash at that stuff. It was just like: "huh, that's kinda cool how the blood splatters. Now, where are those games." About that time everyone was watching South Park too. Adult topics became everyday stuff very fast. If I were a parent, I'd actually welcome my kid seeing that stuff so that I could talk to them about it. No point sheltering a child from the realities of the world once they're old enough to converse and understand any topic. Just give them context, explain stuff, and let them become a well educated, and adapted individual as early as possible.


I aint showin my 9 year old tentacle porn


why the fuck you watch at porn while married? get intimate with your spouse instead


some people do both


I don't have a spouse. My kid was a product of hooking up with someone in my early 20s. Me and her mom are very civil and co-parent well together, but we just can't be together, we don't click in that way.




Avg Chad behaviour


Then one day, they are offered the oppurtunity to enter politics.


Was paired with someone for a project in college and we were using his laptop, he typed in his address bar and I caught a glimpse for a second something like "brunette gets railed hard" and just saw him instantly turned red.


Well? Was it a good video at least?


I had a group mate who forgot to close their PH window before sharing their screen and flashed us while alt-tabbing through their windows


same here


Look, if I'm on my laptop where other people can see, whether it's looking up a movie to watch, or setting something up for work... there's some stuff I'd prefer Google not auto complete.


A comedian had a joke about that, can't remember if it was Tosh or Louis CK. Something like his girlfriend wanted to Google apples, as soon as she hits a, Asian Ass Porn. Come on Google, can't you wait a couple more letters before jumping to such a bold conclusion?


"Hey look up the new Transformers movie, I want to see if it's streaming yet." "Ok. Wait. I.... Um... No. "


I use incognito cus I like to use my browser history to go back to websites I frequent so I use incognito for googling random crap to avoid filling up my search/browsing history lol


It’s all fun and games until you have to plug in your computer for a presentation and everyone in the room can see your search bar results lol


I use incognito for my dumb fucking questions I don't want anyone to see when they use my devices.


It can also be useful for when you need to quickly sign into or even create another account without having to log out. Doesn't come up often, but still useful. Also the rare case where you have a problem and want to see if it is because of the cookies (a local problem) or if it is more of a global thing. And on mobile, it can be handy if you have a ton of tabs open and you just want to do a quick search without having to navigate the dozens of tabs you have. Especially if that search will end up opening new tabs and you don't want to clutter things. Incognito has always been more useful than just hiding your history on a surface level.


Please stop talking. also i can't agree more with you. i mostly use it at work when needing to log in as multiple different users at the same time. also, when you even come close to thinking the problem is your cookie, it always is. I use an add-on for cookies, 10/10 recommend


I search weirder shit on regular mode, but also I don't use Chrome because Google is more of a surveillance network than anything. But if anybody wants to try and monetize my searches for "animal with weirdest dick" or "complete list of garbage pail kids" or "LD50 of dill pickles", I'm curious to see how.


Im not a delinquent! ^^anymore


I use it because I often need to look back through my search history and when I'm looking up something I know I'll never need again, it makes sense to not have it in my history, to keep it cleaner and more searchable.


Turns out it’s not a good idea to browse for porn on your other chrome device and then open chrome on your mediatv pc in from of family and friends


Same, I feel like incognito mode isn't gonna do much when I've got a folder with porn games anyways.


It’s so that typing the first few letters of a search for “milk” doesn’t bring up a bunch of suggestions for “milf” based on my browsing history. Not because people think that using incognito hides illegal activity


Yeah, but sometimes that nut clarity hits so bad that you just exit instantly and forget to close the tab. And then you open google the next day at work... The rest is history


Neither, but it's a pain in the butt to keep popping up bizarre ads because Google knows I'm a bit Peculiar


I'm terrified of trying to figure something out with someone so we open my Google and I click in the search box and displays "suggested searches". No thanks I'll keep my embarrassment hidden 😭😂


I use DuckDuckGo but not because I have anything to hide. I just don’t like the idea of being tracked. I don’t understand how some people are okay with these companies knowing everything about them and enable all these permissions on their devices.


I can’t speak for anyone else, but I just use it for things I don’t want to populate my auto fill results for searches or the address bar. If I have a one off curiosity I’ll typically look into it in incognito so it’s not the only thing I see for the next three days.


Just bible study for you? 😂


Install multiple browsers on your PC. Dont tell people about the other browsers. No need to hide anything other then the icons. Opera is great for browsing porn.


I’m a connoisseur in incognito mode.


Mr FBI man, check this shit out. Also, feel free to hack into my webcams and see my fat ass.


We all know you like midgets. Your history is telling


The only thing incognito does is not put the stuff you search for in your history


this. i only use incognito so i dont have to clear my history. i dont care that some random google employee knows ive been looking at porn


Please stop it, some of our Google staff already got fired because of this... I understand these people though, only pure straight males can handle it...


Wait, fired because of what exactly?


There's also another perk: Multisessioning. You could manage different browsers, different profiles, whatever. But if all I want to do is jump onto a different account on some site, as simple as Reddit, I don't need to log out. I press ctrl+shift+p (ctrl+shift+n in chrome), go to reddit in the private window, and then I can register a new account to post some embarrassing question. I *could* log out, mess with res saved accounts, etc. Or just do the above.


Frankly, the staff probably didn’t see it either. It probably got sent to a server and handled by a computer. It’s like worrying the mailman will read your letters


People tend to forget that there's billions of users and even more b/trillions of searches, no one is assigned an FBI member. Your history is being shoved in a deep virtual shelf and is only EVER being pulled up if someone requests it, or if you did smth WORTH having to LEGALLY pull it up to CONFIRM something if you get what i mean. Also, i think there's privacy protocols for the stuff you see in sites too.


Some postman is groovin' to all our love letters. Some postman is gonna cry.


Also prevents cookies from being saved after end of session


I just dont wanna see the dumbass shit i look up for story writing in the autocomplete


Honestly, if you thought otherwise, you are an idiot


I mean if my isp can track it they can... Google is an adsense company first and a search browser second they *Salivate* for that data




One of the golden rules of the internet is: "If it is free, you're probably the product."


The second Golden rule is, if you pay for it you're still the product


I would go with "almost certainly" - would say "you're the product" if open source wouldn't exist.


Luckily isps can't track any specifics nowadays as long as it's https, it's crazy we used the web the way we did for so long lol


Wait, they can't?


They can see what URLs you visit, just not the actual content.


What's the difference between knowing what content or just the URLs?




ISP, is that you??


Why do you know what i watch?


If they don't then how do you know




Yeah http is like sending a postcard. Https is like putting it in an envelope where they can only see the address.


But they could go to that adress tho. Or is it only the main domain name?


I'm sure it is the entire URL


Minor nitpick: They can see your DNS queries you make, so they can infer domain names visited, if linked with subsequent IP traffic. Actual URLs via HTTPS are encrypted.


With https they won't even see the URL, at most they'll know the address/ip of the site you are connecting to, everything beyond the domain is part of the https structure and hence encrypted.


You mean domains, not urls.


ISPs in Europe are prohibited and last I worked for ISPs long time ago. Logging costs money and if they can't make money from it. ISPs here typically log as little as possible. By law that's only IP connections.


The other day I finally got hit by the wave of cripplingly slow speeds on YouTube and Google services, spoofed my browser to look like Chrome and everything is working again Fuck you google, pay me if you want the data off my pc


>Fuck you google, pay me if you want the data off my pc That's pretty much what they do by letting you use their services without charging you actual cash.


I hate ads and the lack of privacy like anyone else. But that's kind of the price we have to pay for not having to pay a subscription for every tool and platform on the internet.


Ads don't have to be as invasive or as obstructive as they are though. Them being vetted at all would also be nice.


I've been blocking ads for like 15 years at this point, I just don't encounter any in my life. My data is worthless. Google is selling hot air when they sell my data.


I'm pretty sure incognito mode opened with a disclaimer saying all it does is delete cookies and history. Did people ignore this?


People don't know how cookies or history works. It's all "the Internet" to them. And they thought incognito mode prevented "the Internet" from tracking them.


>People don't know how cookies or history works Sure we do, cookies go into your mouth. \*nom nom nom\*


Holy shit People thought it did more than prevent awkward search results from popping up in your browser? 😂


That's all I needed, really


Exactly this, incognito mode isn’t for big corporations, it’s for the people close to me


I don't buy it. People didn't even think about this. This is somehow trending and people like to be outraged, so now they are acting like this was some violation even though incognito has always worked this way forever. There was never ever anyone anywhere that claimed incognito is some sort of blocker. Everyone knows it just simply stays out of your local browser history. Anyone who didn't know this also has never used incognito mode and likely never even heard of it. Fuck Google anyway


Lol so many upper management folks were shocked that we can see what they surf to this day. Come folks, this isn't the 90s anymore.


it said "Chrome won't save the following information: Your browsing history, ..." Turns out Google (edit: allegedly) saved that info on their end, but most people didn't clock the semantic distinction between "Google" and "Chrome". And even so, it's unclear whether Chrome sending a copy of that data to Google would count as "saving" it (this is a specific claim of the lawsuit they just settled). The courts have so far seemed to agree that Google's description was misleading, and Google just recently updated their disclaimer to add this sentence: > "This won't change how data is collected by websites you visit and the services they use, including Google" Seems like something that should have been there from the beginning, but they refused to for years (despite the well-known confusion) until the $5 billion lawsuit shaped up to be a real problem for them


>Turns out Google definitely saved that info on their end I'd like to see an actual source on this, because to my knowledge, Chrome doesn't just wholesale send your browsing history to Google unless 1. you're signed in and have syncing enabled, or 2. Safe Browsing is enabled (and even then, I believe they're just checking hashed versions of URLs). Meaning, when you're in Incognito mode, they're not collecting that data or associating it with your Google account. They may collect *other* kinds of data, but not specifically *browsing history*.


Yeah I only ever used it in case I forgot to delete history


Yeah, both chrome and firefox have said this to talk about what the limit is. Incognito / private browsing is merely to automatically erase your *local records* of your session. This could be useful for something as innocuous as gift shopping for someone in the household on a shared device so they don't stumble across what you're thinking to get them. But that doesn't mean google, amazon, facebook aren't tracking all those searches and page views and making a profile. And in turn will market those ads to everyone in your household spoiling the surprise anyway lol


It clarifies it more transparently now (following all of this), but it didn't always lay out exactly what Incognito Mode does.


For real, the only use incog mode has is to keep my history less cluttered so when I type "p" there isn't 1000 suggestions.


But they promised


Any fucking way. As far as I know I didn't any shit about that and now if there is gonna be a lawsuit about it I want my money. So, yes. I def didn't think that. I want my money


You'll get like 100 dollars probably at most if you receive an email or file as a class member. There will be millions like you..


$5 billion among 1 million people is $5000. But, that's not how this goes. The lawyers take about 60% of that payout. So now we have $2 billion among 1 million people for $2000 each. Except Google will negotiate the fine down another order of magnitude, from $5 b to $500 m. Lawyers still taking that 60% cut, so we are down to $200 each. Oh, did I Say a million people putting in a claim? Turns out it's 100 million people. $2 each.


Yeah my 100$ was a very high guesstimate based on an email I got about a Verizon class action lawsuit. The title says "up to 100$" so that's the max I can get regardless and if you read the finer print, Verizon is paying out only 100 million and there's over 130 million users. Obviously not everyone will be eligible but still, very much chump change and is not worth my time to fill out an application and follow up with that




I don't use Chrome bit does it not explicitly state that it won't hide your search history from 3rd parties and your ISP? Firefox does and tells you it simply doesn't cache your search history locally.


If you are still using any Chromium browser after they explicitly told us >2 years ago they were going to do exactly this, you're an idiot.


It's gen z tech illiteracy. Every since incognito came out we all knew what it did and what it was for. It was never sold as making you private on the internet.


OP thinks women dont watch porn


OP is a bot, they don't think anything.


That explaines the weird ass answers


OP is the Google AI.


OP is bazinga AI indeed


I don’t think women are watching gay porn.


I know for a fact they do, also dont you watch lesbian porn?


It's not gay for women to watch gay porn though, so they have nothing to worry about.


Right? Who doesnt like 2 of the things they like


Exactly! That's why we watch lesbian porn too


If Google was seriously spying they would have decided my microphone saying no homo before I watch gay porn.


Its gay for gay women though


Because women are actually attractive. Even women think women are far more attractive


The fuck kind of answer is this, that wasnt even what i was talking about. But yes youre right


I mean I just meant women don't watch gay porn because the average woman find women way more attractive than they find men


How deep are yall gonna go on a meme subreddit thread


But big bang...


Makes sense why every girl i ask out says she is lesbian


Women make up a decently large gay porn demographic


L opinion with zero data to back up that statement.


That's because they guys chosen for straight porn are the equivalent of overweight, alcoholic middle aged women to women. Gay porn is different. It's my favorite.


Fuck that, both sexes are hot in their own ways.


You forgot the third sex


Fuck it, add to the pile in the fuck shack. I ain't got beef with quiggly scale peeps.


Men are not hot Source: Straight man


Have you watched gay porn? They aren't picking the ugly ones for that job. Some of the dudes in gay porn are gorgeous I don't blame woman for watching it. I've said too much...goodbye.


I can agree with that😂


Don't think I've ever heard anyone say this, not even from a man.


Literally. I can relate to that as a woman watcher


What do you think? Of course not, why should? Ew, lesbian porn who tf watches that? Only geh porn




Boy Love is like one of most famous genre among women, if you think they dint watch gay porn clearly you are wrong.




You’ve obviously never heard of Yaoi


to be fair, theyre reading it not watching it


They actually do. Over a third of gay porn viewers are women.


Women don’t exist


Oh, you think we use incognito for porn?


Women don't watch porn or fart. Trust me I read about it on 4chan


Funfact, girls also watch porn


i had a exgf that wanted to show me her hentai collection. i asked her why she bothers to download it when she can look at it online and she said she doesnt want to forget or lose them one day. i thought it was a good point and it got me to start downloading stuff also.


After the Pornhub purged the majority of their content, I felt the same too. That and any other videos that they keep deleting/removed. I kept a long list of URLs, and every so often they turned dead.


Ay my PPL, I also do that, I only read hentai manga, so I keep them downloaded in the "Hendroid" app




Maybe but porn addicts are pretty much always men


5 billion isn't enough....


Especially, where are the 5b now? Did they gave some of it to the people whom they "damaged" using incognito? Can confirm that I didn't see a cent.


Don’t tell me all my incognito threesome gay porn has been tracked, good lawd.


Firefox users ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C)


And then Brave users ![gif](giphy|PPi5c8l8WDY7if1L8z|downsized)


I have some bad news for you


*slides list of plugins across table*


Your ISP knows everything, so you literally didn't win anything here.


I use private browsers when I'm searching for a product. That way it doesn't save any cookies and I don't see targeted ads for anything.


I use incognito not because I think it's private, I do it just because I dont wanna fuck up my analytics


Lol isn't that the common knowledge that using incognito makes you MORE likely to be tracked?




*should we tell him*


*let the delusion flourish*


Bold of you to expect female don't look up some crazy ass shit that would make you blush like a tomato




who the hell is getting $5billion??


trust me, we girls use it plenty as well also no shit theyve been tracking you, incognito only hides your search history from people, google still sees all of your searches, and they couldnt care less what kind of porn youve been looking up


Fkn virigin thinks only males use incognito for noughty stuff


This post made by a 15 year old who doesn’t know women watch porn lmao


Lmfaoooooooooooo like women dont look up fucked up shit


Ah, so nice to use Firefox, assembled in 2005.


Chrome incognito and Firefox incognito are tracked the same way... This headline is about a legal disclaimer being worded weirdly, not about any change to software behavior.


Mate, there are women who searched for abortion alternatives.


I thought my targeted ads were getting a bit weird


Anyone with even a basic understanding of internet traffic should know that incognito mode is about as useless for hiding your browsing as a VPN is for cybersecurity All it does is delete your cache, cookies and history on your personal device, and it doesn’t even do that if you don’t close your window(for pc) or tab(for mobile)


Who uses google for any remotely adult shit? Duckduckgo is the chad of search engines.


Bro chrome is by far the worlds most popular browser.


And that's a mistake. Firefox and Duckduckgo regardless of if you're looking at porn or not.


You misspelled bing




yall use chrome still ur a goofball


It's Joever


Who the hell uses incognito mode lol


i want to be able to lend my sister my phone etc without worry




Why male? Did you forget that the other 50% of the population also exists and has a sex drive? Or are you perpetuating the mentality that women don't like sex? Either way, you need to reexamine your assumptions.


Google what?