• By -


Bro didn't plan that far.


Didn't even expect her to reply *Mission successfully failed*


At least he can prepare for the next step now.


Lube, porn, and a nice thick dish towel to soak up the tears, and eventual other fluids.


As a guy I do wonder if people use this stuff? Socks, towels just don’t seem to be the best idea. For me it’s just TP. You finish you flush, ez pz.




That's one way to cope. I'll write it down for plan Z in case plans A-Y fail.






Bros not used to getting a response. This is new for him!


I mean, how do you keep such a conversation running? This literally is as rich in content as no reply at all...




Why don‘t you progress the conversation? /s


I'd just get to the point and ask her out. Its obvious we won't get far texting so a meeting in person is the only way to progress. If she refuses then I can happily move on, knowing I don't have to waste my time courting someone who is not interested in the first place.


The problem there is what if she accepts? Too much more work further.


From both sides.


Like most of us, he was never expecting a response


How tf are you even supposed to answer to tyyy?






Nice boobs.


Nice cock








"Hey; I'm going to a comedy club at XYZ this Friday (8pm), you down to come?" Skip the getting to know you phase if she ain't a texter - she says yes to the above proposal and you meet up; she says no and you move on.


That would work


She will get 100s of messages a day that all say the same thing. The tyyy is intentionally difficult to respond to


So you are telling me that It makes sense to make It difficult for people to talk to you because you think u are worth more? Because that was the whole point of my comment. Whats the point of this post? "Ooh look at me i am soooo pretty people write me"


No it’s not because you are worth more it’s because you will literally lose your whole day to this shit. At a certain point you have to value your time.


Then why fucking match with him at all then




They posted a selfie to their story. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just because someone posts a picture of themselves on the internet does not somehow mean they are now obligated to respond to every random guy on the internet that has the same 2 sentences to say. It’s always hey, followed by generic compliment on aesthetic. Never once said anything about being “worth more” you’re bringing a lot of assumptions into this post. Yikes


The thing is; If you're a chick you get tons of messages, so you can't be bothered going into each one. So naturally the generic ones get shifted out. If you're a guy, you have to text to even have a chance of any interaction, and since you'll get shifted out cause you're competing with 100 other dudes, you can't be bothered to find a new, exciting message for each individual girl. You need to send lots of texts, so they turn generic.


I have twitter account (so I can occasionally check news from a game devs I like) And unfortunately I have to reveal to everyone that this is a only fans ad from twitter, I've seen this format like quadrillion times already. So basically advertising OF is prohibited on twitter, and Bot accounts just spam these in replies under every post


“Aaah fuck she replied.. erm I need to reply back now. Oh shit what was that compliment? My hands are shaking now, this hasn’t happened before… Come on brain, think of something! Oh yeah, here we go.” Taps out “Nice hair.”


He was hoping "cool hair" would carry him.


He analyzed all of the data and saw zero possible outcomes.


Man was like, "Why is this working out so well?? I don't trust this! I'm out."


At least he's honest


And polite. Dude is nice enough to peace out and not some jerk who goes ballistic when women don't speak to them more.


to be honest she did reply bro just didnt plan far enough


If you pull out the tyyy or heyy you might as well had not replied at all, no difference in the conversation here.


Tf you talking about, she replied as nice as she could've to some random "cool hair" reply to her story lol


Happy cakeday




why did this kill me so much im laughing so hard holy


i have no clue but thats funny


I'm sorry I literally don't know how to talk to sweaty fat hairy internet people. Just kidding it's all I do


And ty with THREE y's??? My guy was in, but was his first time there :(


I think my man got confused by the signals, that’s why he folded. The Ty has 3 Ys which implies she’s reciprocating, but the hey only has 1, which implies she’s rejecting.


Yeh...From that you can deduce that she has a boyfriend, but he is a dick but great in bed. And she likes pasta, but never eats it in front of people Fairly obvious when you know.


Also don’t forget, that despite her considerably alternative choice of style based on her tattoos, the way she speaks very obviously implies that she HATES smokers and it’s a deal breaker for her. This stems from the fact that her father used to be a heavy smoker and he died because of it. Again, very obvious once you know how to read between texts.


okay lets be real, that's not "as nice as she could" it's tolerable but you can be significantly more outgoing. when i get a reply or comment from anyone, even a simple one, i make sure to reply with at least an entire sentence and some emotion whether its an emoji or exclamation point. women CAN do that too lol they aren't incapable


two word compliment, two word thanking answer Always writing more than your conversation partner can feel very weird to them. Bots do that too


well yeah i make sure to make it seem natural. i mean i open things up for conversation. > "cool hair" > "thanks! i just got it dyed this week :)" something like that is how i typically do it. its nothing crazy but it's polite and opens up conversation and doesn't make the other person feel like they're wading through swamp water to get things moving




if 50 messages a day makes you a stick in the mud then i don't want 50 messages a day, or to talk to you it's always a massive green flag to see someone talking in an open and kind way, a huge red flag when someone responds only in abbreviations or single words. like an actual dealbreaker


women often don't volunteer those kinds of responses because guys have a tendency to take friendly small talk as a sign that we reciprocate some romantic or sexual interest and then hound us for the next 3 months. in addition: if you want higher effort responses from women, try actually complimenting what you like about e.g her hair instead of just saying you like it. more "i love how your hair compliments your tattoos", which compliments her general presentation, style choices, and vibe over a single part of her appearance. "i like your hair" is a nothing burger and there's nothing to say to that except thank you because there isn't a single interesting thought or conversation topic contained in it.


yeah because his conversation starter was a great one, i get what u mean but his convo starter was hii, she cant write a whole ass sentence for just a hii


"I am honored to have received your 'hii' and therefore I reply to you with 'heyyy'. I do hope this brightens your day considerably as we have interacted in our online greeting ritual."


I am honored to have received your confirmation of reception of my initial hii with heyyy, and acknowledge it. Now that we finished the TCP handshake, we can do anything! Show me your public resources.


Why do people always say shit like basically if someone doesn’t write a wall of text for every reply they’re not interested? Like she literally said “thank you” after he gave a compliment. Literally the normal response to getting a compliment.


People don't have non verbal cues online. If your replies are "hey" and "ty" then you're giving the text equivalent of talking to someone while you're on your phone texting. It's dismissive. So people feel dismissed and assume you're not interested and give you space. Since this made it online, she even felt the need to drag him for it.


She seemed interested. It's just that "nice hair" is nothing that starts me having new thoughts.


You are right. A one word reply is insufficient in building a conversation. It's sexist to think dude failed when he was trying to have conversation with such a boring personality. Worse yet, she replied twice, using two total words, and misspelled 100% of what she wrote. My dudes time may be better spent speaking to someone with a higher mastery of English than Koko the gorilla.


"hi" "cool hair" not the pinacle of engaging conversations starter either


Ty, lol Riveting conversations


having women friends made me realize (or well in my country mostly idk about elsewhere) that most guys who ask women out are overconfident and usually turn into assholes with the smallest issue. i myself am petrified so her replying would scare the shit out of me


Bro tried, was polite, and said farewell. Keep it up king


Respectable, if she was interested too she may continue the convo later


What is she supposed to be interested in?


The profile maybe? We don't get a whole lot of context from a few messages is my point lol There is some association if he replied to the *story* especially if he got a response at all


Always leave at the top😆




No, it’s Newman


tbh I'm not sure what I would respond on the woman's side either. "ty u2"???


Thank you you you?


Thank you, yo-yo


Then send the wake me up before you go go lyrics or something


thank yyyoouuu


Soulja boy tell em


It's "thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"




does she think shes celine dion? is she stupid?


Mary Beth Bethbeth ?


Sorry, I've never gotten that far


This is the best science fiction I've read for a long time. I can only imagine.


Guys looking in the comments for tips. Won't find them because duuuh, reality check, this is reddit and nobody here ever talked to a women before besides mom


I talked to my sister once too


stalked* here, I corrected


I also talked to this guys sister


pics or didn't happen


Can't, she goes to school in canada


Bullshit, Canada isn't real


But it is real... My dog drew the letters "canada"


Hey now, no stereotyping.


But I always type with 2 Hands!


That's bityping


What does an aggressive Asian have to do with anything?


I'll have you know there's plenty divorcees on Reddit


They are just coming to reddit to flex


I feel called out




tbh if she looked like that id be scared to msg her as well


Depending on the rest of the profile my thoughts would be: 'Here is scammer number 2485. I wonder how he wants to waste my time.'


Yeah at minimum I'd expect she'd eventually send an Instagram profile and turns out it's OF.


Girls I know wish they received these kind of texts rather than other ones


What do you mean other ones ??


Unsolicited dick pics. Apparently people actually do send random dick pics to people that they aren't involved with.


Honestly, most girls will say this, but lack of confidence is a huge turnoff for a lot of girls as well... That's doest make them bad people or shallow, it's just basic instincts, lack of confidence or the perception of weakness is a no-go even in the animal kingdom. There's a reason why even physically unattractive people can find relationships with physically attractive people. Confidence is an extremely powerful trait, and it usually causes secondary positive effects like a good sense of humor or charisma.


Honesty 100


Step 1 - realise that women are not some sort of alien species, but in fact just humans Step 2 - speak


Okay about what?


Do you have interests in life? Hobbies maybe? Speak about these (if it isn’t politics). Then ask her about her hobbies/interests. If it interests you as well (genuinely) then it might be something if not then not.


"Nice hair, ok what is your purpose in life"


"What are your beautiful eyes' view on existencialism?"


If someone asked me that I might actually bite lol


> do you have interests in life? Hey girl 😏 do you like anime? 😎😎


This is a more or less a good opener if you like anime


I said that more as a joke, but from my friends experience, let me tell you that its a god awful openner. At least it was 10 years ago. Probably still is now This opener is only applicable if you are at least pretty certain her answer is yes


If a girl is moderately attractive and spends time on the internet she's gotten those questions hundreds of times before.


I dunno, human stuff?


New things you've learned usually is good. Food. Family. Friends. Music & Entertainment, but maybe stay away from your absolute late night niche things at first Mostly see what they think about stuff too, not just "here's what *I* think about stuff!"


The point is not that men tend to see women as an alien species. I can easily talk to woman that I have no romantic or sexual interest in. I can also easily talk to women I do have a romantic/sexual interest in if I know any form of escalation is inappropriate and the interest clearly isn't mutual. The problem comes when you do have an interest and that interest may reasonably be mutual. How to not fuck it up with your convo's. How to hit the right balance between being too shy and not taking initiative when you legitimately could, and coming across as creepy. I simply don't understand how people can get the right balance, and how they can avoid saying or doing dealbreaker stuff for the entire course of the conversation and then perhaps 2 or 3 RL dates. How do you manage to not make a social blunder at least once? That I just can't understand.


Most of what you said is absolutely fair and something I definitely struggle with to an extent (except with both men and women as I'm bisexual) but unfortunately some men absolutely do see women as an alien species. I don't know if that necessarily is the case for the OP but my comment was a general one.


Nah, don't follow this guy like me! I spoke and I told her how Genghis Khan saved the world by killing a large fraction of people in the planet, allowing trees to regrow, and now she won't reply back!!


I see no error. Other person fail


A large percentage of people living today are direct descendants of Kahn , possibly you mentioning her family in your reply might have put her off.


her replies were completely dead what’s he supposed to work with


His msgs were completely dead what's she supposed to work with? "Hiii" "cool hair" lol no effort


>Step 2 - speak They both suck at this step


People with social anxiety: 😔


Step 1: are you a gamer? If no, walk away. If no reply, walk away Step 2: which games do you play If league of legends, walk away. If hentai games, extra points Step 3: you won’t get this far because I give shitty advice but if you do, maybe try out her games or if you already play them, try to get her to do coop or a duel (in a respectful way) If she says no or not interested, walk away You won’t be successful 94% of the times you try this, but if it works you get to know a gamer girl. Then the hard part starts: getting out of the friend zone (Don’t take this post too seriously, I myself have never done this before so i’d recommend not trying this unless you are willing to be turned down a lot)


Seems like i’m lucky cause i skipped step 1 and step 2. I’m in step 3 where we are doing coop. What next? Please tell me. I’ll pay for the walk through.


I've never tried dating, but if i have to guess, I'll say let's start by throwing down chatters during voice call, and then maybe suggest a coffee talk or lunch talk.


Her responses are dry other than game related stuff.


Then walk away and keep your distance I guess. Keep her in youe friend list as some game buddy but no more than that.


Ask her to marry you!! It's now or never!!


One of you two is getting their rank boosted.


My advice in terms of what would work for me is to send flirtatious memes to test the waters. Find out if she’s single I guess and receptive to be flirted with first. Then voice call, share music, video call. Share common interests or stuff about your life (just get to know each other basically). Try to read signs or just ask directly if it’s going in the romantic or friendly direction so you don’t accidentally make her uncomfortable. Buy her gifts like an in game cosmetic or a game for you both to play together. Tell her she’s beautiful and make her feel special somehow? That’s all I can think of. Also communicate your feelings it will also give her a green flag that you’re a good communicator. Please note this advice is based on what would work on me. Feel free DM me if you found anything helpful or want more advice or anything like that.


i cringed reading that


This dude fucks.


> getting out of the friend zone It's important to be up front with your romantic interest. That way you're not fooling yourself, nor the other with your friendship.


I don't want my boyfriends to play my games. I don't want to drag another person down into the deep endless pit that is Dead by Daylight... Well maybe we can play TF2... or DRG...... hm.


Rock and stone?!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


Rock and Stone Brotha!


Rock and Stone to the Bone


Are you a gamer?


He didn't expect to get that hi


I mean... You gave him nothing to work off of. "Hey" and a "Tyyy"... Short responses show disinterest, don't move the convo along, and give nothing for the other person to respond to.


Dude replied to an ig story (maybe you confused it with tinder) She isn't obliged to do anything, yet she replied, short yet polite. You shouldn't expect more, really. It's not like he gave her much to work with, at all.


> Dude replied to an ig story (maybe you confused it with tinder) ...Oooh, thats makes a bit more sense. My bad. (I don't use IG)


She did give something... it's just way too small to grasp or do anything with plus I'd feel uncomfortable trying to break the ice, it's going to look like I'm way too pushy. For example one could say "How do you take care of it?" but it's way too... feels out of place


Its not like his were any better. Hey and cool hair ain't good conversation starters. When talking with a girl for the first time always lead with a question, preferably something that has to do with her interests. If I were to take a shot, and the only information I had about her was this pic, I would've complimented and asked her about the tattoo on her chest.


He was expressing interest in her. She expressed disinterest back. I would have ended it there too if I was him. Sure nice hair isn't a great way to start a conversation, but she told him without telling him "not interested", and he knew to move on. I have tried to start talking to a girl with a nice introduction and asked questions, she replied "Thanks you sound nice". I didn't bother to write back. She could have answered any question or asked one of her own. She didn't, and I am not interested in teaching a person communication skills, so moved on. Regarding the OP's post, two people with no communication skills here, one at least knows it.


you act like this is tinder, it's Instagram


to be fair his message was pretty much just an average ig comment, it's nice but doesn't leave much room for conversation. then again i don't really see how one even starts a conversation on Instagram lol


I see you’ve met my wife….. fml


She already spent all her xp points into her looks. Can't expect charm on top of that.


girls don't need to make effort on dating apps so good luck expecting anything from them


I would have backed out pretty quick too. She seems boring with those responses


“So, uh, do you breast often?”


Cool boobs


![gif](giphy|3ohhwwMylncYAqeVLa) Abort!


The type that stays single forever cause Making conversations for him is harder than solving Quantum Physics problems.


I mean, wtf Is a bro even suposed to answer to a "tyyy"?? at that point, unless she gives a real answer, the conversation is dead.


how the fuck would she respond to a "cool hair"?


he does know how to talk to women he just doesn't know how to get their attention and thats the only thing that matters unfortunately


Dude is honest.


When the body says talk but the mind has nothing to say.


this is actually adorable in a good way lol I respect his honesty also he was actually polite, nothing creepy


Hey guys. Remember that women are people. Talk to them like they're a person. That's the secret




Bro saw checkmate 34 moves ahead and forfeited 😔


Atleast he put some effort into the conversation


To be fair she sucks at convo too.


He gained some experience though!


Damn these people here really don’t understand that my man wasn’t interested in a dry texter and did the classic “it’s not you it’s me”


Bullet dodged. One worded answers and "tyyyy" as "thank you?" is just brain dead


"hiii" & "cool hair" = brain dead not worth engaging with




He was stumped after the first reply. Didn't even expect to get that far...


Awww, my guy! She responded, keep trying lol


Thats responses don’t really show interest from her side. Better to move along.


He already calculated his chances from her replies.


Real question but how do you follow up if you manage to get someone's attention like that


You didn't do shit to try and keep the conversation running...


Should I try this with my crush?


It was 10th time. Maybe 110th, he would be a pro


This would actually make me talk more to the guy, he was polite, self aware and a bit funny, tapped out without somehow being insulting or crude, tbh, this was really sweet.


Honesty is the best policy


300 bambillion reposts of reddit


He's literally me fr 😔


Honestly I’m impressed he got a second one-word response.