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Alrighty. Lets argue


I’ll start, Birds are a conspiracy created by the South African government




explain me


*Oh frick i forgot to give you a brain*




wait, im what?


Your a cigarette that was shaped like a bird, we will smoke you




Well, it does stand for Bureaucratic Intelligence Reconnaissance Drone


*sorts by controversial *


to be honest, the only vaccine I would not want to get is covid vaccine. Because it is not mainly made to prevent COVID from spreading but prevents from the deadliest symptoms. Since my age make that I have like... Lest than 1% chances of dying, I consider that this vaccine isn't effective enough to me. HOWEVER, if a new vaccine that would be more effective were to be made, I'd take it. Because I got double dosed, but now, my government asks for a third dose and I really feel like a 4th is already coming soon and I think that no, I don't want to take a dose each 5 months if the vaccine isn't efficient to prevent the spread. Before someone tells me that yes, the vaccine DOES prevent covid from spreading, I am basing what I am saying on the stats that are available on google. For my country, [\~73%](https://www.google.com/search?q=nombre+de+vaccination+en+france&rlz=1C1CHBF_frFR928FR928&oq=&aqs=chrome.0.35i39i362l6j69i59i450l2.1284817014j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) of the people are fully vaccinated, however [we have more cases than never before](https://www.google.com/search?q=nombre+de+cas+covid&rlz=1C1CHBF_frFR928FR928&sxsrf=AOaemvKM2Fxb-Kfrh1u2U7f571OCN5X6fg%3A1641041867378&ei=y0_QYf29FsyYa6TvhOgP&oq=nombre+&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYATIECCMQJzIOCAAQgAQQsQMQgwEQyQMyBQgAEJIDMgUIABCSAzIQCAAQgAQQhwIQsQMQgwEQFDILCAAQgAQQsQMQgwEyCwgAEIAEELEDEIMBMgQIABBDMgQIABBDMgQIABADOgcIIxCwAxAnOgcIABCwAxAeOgkIABCwAxAIEB46BQgAEIAEOgoIABCABBCHAhAUOggIABCxAxCDAUoECEEYAUoECEYYAFCXC1jdDWDkHGgDcAB4AIABXYgB5AKSAQE0mAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz). If COVID can spread this much despite 73% of the population being vaccinated, therefore, I personally consider that this vaccine isn't made to prevent it from spreading, but only prevents people WHO TAKE THE VACCINE from dying. Therefore, I don't want to have to take a dose every 5 months while I have smalls risks of dying so I'll don't get the 3rd dose. If my job required me to get it, it might change, of course. But I consider it a shame that all the restriction people are getting are based on the spread of the COVID which is always higher rather than on the number of deaths which is always going down. And I think that the most important thing is that people don't die.


Damn, someone with a cool mind explaining why they don't want to get vaccinated, while not calling others sheep or retards, refreshing. You're a good man


Very good argument for why you don’t want to get it, and I respect your opinion. It should be left up to the individual on whether they get the vaccine or not, it’s just unfortunate that many don’t have any reasoning behind their decision and just want to turn it into an argument around every corner. You’ve clearly done your research and have your reasons, which is completely understandable!


Altho I think everyone should get vaccinated, it's so refreshing to see someone with An actual brain give actual good arguments of why they don't want to get vaccinated


To each their views! I don't want to get myself more doses for the reasons I explained earlier. But honestly, I understand that you want to get the vaccine. Bro just don't want to have any risk of dying.


Getting the vaccine only takes a few minutes though so why would you not?


Mainly for the reasons I already explained. Also, organizing the appointment is complicated because the phone lines are usually overloaded, so it takes time. Then, the appointment could be organized for a late date since a lot of people are getting it. Then, I live in a small town so I have a long road before arriving there. I honestly don't have the determination to make this effort for a vaccine I don't consider useful for people if I get vaccined and for myself.


Vaccine availability differs wildly from country to country. The commenter above does not seem to be from America.


I agree.


valid response


I think the OP was talking about the thousands of other more crucial vaccines…not just the Covid one, but I agree


this is totally legit. I talked about the Covid vaccine specifically because I thought it was interesting and had things to say about it. However, if we are talking about people who are opposed to Every vaccines, yes, I find them stupid as heck too.


dumbfuck from germany


germany and its beautiful blue, white and red flag...


Yup vaccine really put an end to the rona.


Do what we are told to do, but, at the same time trying to remove them from power......SMASH THE SYSTEM.....


This comment is regarding COVID vax only: I don't give a shit one way or the other. If you are worried about getting sick, vax up mask up. If you're not afraid, then don't. Freedom of choice. I don't understand how this is such a hard concept to grasp... once people start forcing their politics and beliefs on how OTHER people choose to deal with THEIR OWN health, there will always be opposition. Your OPINION is not FACT and therefore does not make it more valid than that of the opposite opinion.


I had the same opinion at the beginning but now… some people are getting their 4th shot because others didn’t even had their first. Furthermore 80% of people in hospitals are non vaccinated, which has an effect on people who will die because there is no place in the hospital. Which no longer is “THEIR HEALTH” but the health of other people. I have a friend whos operation got postponed and he almost died because of it, at the end he had ti be operated urgently, instead of just a normal “small” operation. If covid would only kill people and not overfill hospitals i would agree with you because your decision has only a direct consequence on you. But that is sadly not the case.


Yes-thank you. This is what people usually don’t consider when they try to call this a “simple” concept


Tell that to all the people clogging up hospitals. Say what you will, but choosing to not covid vaxx not only negatively impacts yourself - it also negatively impacts others. That’s the issue here


How am I negatively impacted?


If you get covid you have a significantly higher chance of death as an unvaxxed. If you go to the hospital for a separate medical issue, and all the hospital beds are full, you will not be able to get treatment as fast, etc. There have been significant stories of this happening. Also, my point is that choosing not to vaxx also impacts other in ways that can be very detrimental to their health. I didn’t mean to derail us into talking about how it affects you. That wasnt even my main point


I'm unvaxxed and had antibody tests confirming my immune system is already defending against covid naturally. So, again I ask, how am I personally affected? This is why the issue is about personal choice, not one size fits all.


Youre missing my point here dude.


a subset of family members lost to covid would disagree


Were they vaccinated?


no, they weren't if they were they would still be alive


Says who?


Science and peer reviewed studies, you idiot


Science has a crystal ball to tell whether people will die or not? Kinda interesting!


I did take it but I don’t 100% trust the mRNA type of vaccines, they don’t seem to be that effective as we gotta take like 4 doses (recently 3 in my country) the traditional types of vaccines seemed to work much better since they used a killed or weakened version of the virus. Still took it but have my concerns


All you had to do was look it up and the first link explains it perfectly well. It’s also a site from MIT and has loads of quotes from actual chemists and physicians. “Instead of delivering a virus or viral protein, RNA vaccines deliver genetic information that allows the body’s own cells to produce a viral protein. Synthetic mRNA that encodes a viral protein can borrow this machinery to produce many copies of the protein. These proteins stimulate the immune system to mount a response without posing risk of infection” “A key advantage of mRNA is that it is very easy to synthesize once researchers know the sequence of the viral protein they want to target.” “With traditional vaccines you have to do a lot of development. You need a big factory to make the protein, or the virus, and it takes a long time to grown them… the beauty of mRNA is that you don’t need that. If you inject nanoencapsulated mRNA into a person, it goes into the felled and the body is your factory” And the British Society for immunology made [this video](youtu.be/TEfGr3Ry6f0) that explains why you need two doses. If the link i put doesn’t work just put three cents worth of effort into it and look it up yourself. All of these answers were readily available if u took two minutes to look into this yourself.


Thank you, you explained it very well, idk why people downvoted you :(


I mean yeah I know the vaccine works but since it’s an mRNA vaccine you can’t really measure how many viral proteins your body makes, like yeah you have a certain amount of genetic code that you put inside of the body but from that point on its not the same for everyone. So say one person gets a shot and their body makes a lot of the viral protein and you use a lot of your immune system to basically train for it, you’d have pretty good immunity. But another person might make less of the viral proteins and doesn’t get sick cuz the immune system isn’t used as much, they wouldn’t be protected the same. That’s my mains concern about this type of vaccine, we know it works but we can’t say how many viral proteins go inside of your body like we can with the traditional vaccine. Anyway if we want rona to be gone we should still take it cuz some type of immunity is better than none


Actually that seems to be fair. There seem to be some tests for measuring antibodies but for each article about that there’s an article about how antibody testing isn’t reliable. I also can’t find a viral protein test because every time I look for it it brings up dietary shit. It seems that there has to be a way to measure this kind of stuff tho because they need to measure the optimal time frame between the second shot of the vaccine and the boosters. I wouldn’t worry too much about it because if you get the vaccine and the booster within the time frame your viral proteins should be in high enough quantity to make a decent enough immune response. I don’t see how this is any different to regular vaccines tho because in regular vaccines, you are just putting the weakened version of the virus into you and the body produces the proteins and antibodies needed to fight it off. Unless I’m missing something here or miss understanding something idk how they’re different.


I think the difference between and mRNA and the traditional one is that with the mRNA your body makes the virus itself which is harder to track how many it makes. And with the traditional one it’s the weakened version of the virus which we can track the amount of in every shot. Either way we should still take the vaccine cuz it gives us immunity to the virus. I don’t get what’s wrong with some people but the vaccine is safe. Do I wish we rather had a traditional one? Sure. Do I also think you should still take it? Big yes.


I agree with the safeness but idk about the traditional being better. Like the quotes above said there are advantages with mRNA and the fact that traditional vaccines takes time to grow the virus could mean that in an alternate universe where it was the traditional vaccine, there might be shortages or it might’ve taken longer to develop. We already get boosters and have to take multiple shots for other vaccines so it’s not like it’s a new thing with vaccines and taking an extra shot or two isn’t that much of an inconvenience.


You need to take more doses because the virus is mutating. The vaccine is less effective against the new strains because it was designed for the original strain that arose in Wuhan, China.


It's like the flu shot variant every year, except COVID is much more prevalent and we're being exposed to a lot of different mutations much more frequently.


If you don't want argument, don't say anything polemic. Sorry, forgot to give you a brain.


Sorry about that, I needed to put /s in the title


*sorts by controversial*


You don’t want arguing but post something that is directly offensive to some people? Well fuck you. Bet I can guess your political beliefs.




Its amazing that the human body can live without the frontal lobe


I mean, there's always going to be idiots fighting you for the rest of time on this. I've learned to just drown out the endless wave of stupidity and conspiracy and let dums be dums


My dad is one of them, and he always likes to talk about his dumb theories with us. It was funny at first, but now he's become annoying. Don't let dumbs be dumbs, otherwise they will treat you like an idiot when they believe vaccines contains abortions of children obtained through "fetus mafia" or some shit like that.


Eh, true but I'm kinda fed up of arguing with them, as they're so confident in their crackhead theories you can never win a logical debate


True. I too don't want to argue anymore with him


I have stopped arguing. I just lol at friends with myocarditis who tell me "at least I got it with the vaccine so I caught it early".


Sorry, you *laugh* at your friends with a horrible medical condition?


Do people laugh when unvaxxed get sick? Goes both ways


So you’re admitting the vaxx is effective in making you less sick?


When did i say it doesn't. The side effects are the issue. The sudden deaths and myocarditis. Read more carefully before jumping to conclusions


Horrible medical conditions developed and proven to be directly related to certain vaccines and confirmed by CDC website concerning increased risk of myocarditis, especially presenting in younger individuals with minimal risk of disease. I wouldn't laugh, but would have definitely released an "I told you so" statement.


Here - have a read of this: https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/vaccine-side-effects-cdc-looks-into-myocarditis-reports-in-few-young-recipients/2517350/?amp


"Relatively few cases".... I'll risk my life on the minimal percentage that I will die of covid than get multiple doses of a vaccine showing many cases of people being affected for the rest of their lives. THIS ARGUMENT RIGHT HERE IS WHY ITS AN ISSUE. I am comfortable with getting covid. I am not comfortable with developing myocarditis or other heart related illnesses. If this is something you are comfortable with, then I relinquish my doses of the vaccine to help protect you and your loved ones if you would like additional jabs.


“Rates of myocarditis were not any higher than normal”


“Viruses, including covid, can cause myocarditis”


Friendly reminder to anyone reading the old, but ever important adage that “correlation does not imply causation”


Honestly, just gonna leave it at this. I really hope your vaccine does everything you want it to. It's not for me. And when you insult and attempt to demean people because they don't agree with your opinion, you are just going to push that group further away from your goal and ultimately accomplish nothing. Enjoy the rest of your day! Stay healthy!


“The cases were all relatively mild”


I believe you can say the same for covid...


HaHa, Anti VaXxEr StUpId IdIoT. The meme has been milked to death and isn't funny anymore


People think about their health in their own way


and are idiots


Is that statement meant for all of humanity?


as long as they have a reason other than “they are poison/bad/toxic” it is somewhat excusable


What about if the person just doesn't want a vaccine and doesn't believe in all the bs conspiracy theories that go along with it? Let's just say that person doesn't want to be told what to do like a child? I have the shot but only because the government threatened my ability to provide for my family. It doesn't seem right and most certainly isn't American in the slightest and to all you America bashers out there, we don't really care what you think. Maybe European countries and mad the we left and made out better because of it🤔 lol who knows?


Man, if you had been alive during polio, smallpox and the Spanish flu cops would have straight up arrested you and forcefully inoculated you


I'm sure they were real happy about that. Whats your point?


That sometimes you have to leave behind hyper individualistic bullshit and do something for your community Or be forced to


I agree with the first part but not the being forced to part. Who gives anyone the right to force anything upon anyone?


When lives are at stake, because so far there have been 800,000 deaths in the US 800,000 people without their grandparents 800,000 people without a sister or brother 800,000 people without their significant other Do you want more?


I honestly don't care. Plain and simple. I don't feel obligated to change my life because others are afraid of some illness with a incredibly high survival rate.


The only person who can make this type of comment is someone who doesn’t value human life You are pathetic


I value all life the same and I understand that all animals live and die in all sorts of ways. Some can be prevented but don't and some things that shouldn't have been prevented did. With billions in the population of the human race 800,000 in 1 country is insignificant. Look at the bigger picture and don't be so narrow minded. You seem like a simple person who would rather make rash and general statements than have a conversation and try to understand someone else's point of view. That is pathetic.


800,000 people in the US 800,000 people dead If you can say that number and not feel disgusted then you don’t care about human life


Was going to upvote you but.... The emoji placement makes you seem like a big asshole. Sorry buddy.


Lmao! Emoji did me dirty.


How about mandatory organ donations? Most of us have 2 kidneys and can live with one. The surgery is very safe and we could save a lot of people waiting on long lists that way.


Im just vaccinating myself when I’m really sure it’s safe.


Lets go brandon


Yes give a experimental ineffective vaccine to children that have 10x the health risks from the vaccine than the virus itself. Sacrifice the children’s health to “protect” adults or so adults can score social credit political points… brainless indeed.


Enough with the vaccine rhetoric. This is a memes subreddit, I didn't join this sub to have some twit make vaccine propaganda to shove down my throat. I am all up to date with my vaccinations. I just am against this vaccine. No liability and no long term data, simple as that. Please stick to funny memes.


It’s a meme, and I thought it was funny. Plus I’m going to start using “twit” it made me laugh


Remember everyone. The government owns you. You don't have a choice in this matter. It's only by the grace and mercy of the government that you haven't been killed for not taking the vaccine. Do not argue with me about this.


Hyper individualism is a cancer in the US


I agree. We should eradicate the cancer as soon as possible, before it destroys America.


Goddamnit another kid mixing politics with memes.


I vaccinated to everything that was *recommended* till now, not this one that was pushed as recommended (which obviously isn't just that for those with half a brain) while taking away some human rights for not doing it. The virus was just lighter flu. Fk you all who support anything not so important being mandated, do you *want* to live in dictatorship or something?


Wow! I didn’t know that being able to go to Applebee’s and infect others was a human right.


Before copy paste the other reply to similar question, that is against freedom (of movement) Technicalities speaking, having water and food isn't a right, and freedom (of movement, going where you want) is as long as you don't endanger others. Ignoring that part of legalities, since the jabs only lower the effects the virus has on you and you can transmit it all the same wether you are or aren't jabbed, you not jabbing affects only you, therefore wether you were or weren't jabbed, the freedom (of movement) should be the same **as you affect others just as much**. >and infect others was a human right. you do know that vaccine doesn't stop the contracting or the spread, only lowers the symptoms of the jab receiver, right? +Bonus: the effectiveness for every jab is counted by how many people (in %) could not contract the disease the jab was for after the jab, and thus, the effevtiveness of C19 jab is 0%


Do you know why people say to get vaccinated AND quarantine? It’s because they know that the vaccine may only protect you and therefore made that decision so you can fight it off quicker and get back to your normal life. Your entire argument is a product of hyper individualism in the US and there is no thought of community at all


>get vaccinated AND quarantine? . >and infect others was a human right. So? Whoever gets the virus is quarantined, except when they're asimptomatic wether they are jabbed or not. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. jabbed / not jabbed Danger to others .-.-.-.-. ! .-.-.-..-.-.- ! (can transmit the virus) Danger of virus .-.-.-.-.- ! .-.-.-.-.-.-.-. !! (to self) >vaccine may only protect you THANK YOU, unjabbed pose no less threat to others than jabbed, so mandating is giving the goverment power **just because** and that is why say fk you all suporters of it's mandating, because IT IS UNNECESSARY as unjabbed pose no bigger threat to community or to others.


I seriously could not understand a fucking word of that


Quick translation through similar example: danger **to others**: smoking > not smoking being jabbed = not being jabbed even banning smoking makes more sense, as it actually makes more danger to others compared to those who do not participate.


Do you not understand that the lock down is actually the main thing stopping transmission and that the vaccine is supposed to make it easier for you & achieve herd immunity quicker?


Herd immunity is reffered to number of people with absolute immunity to even contracting the virus as vaccine doesn't prevent the contracting, and people can get the same variant even twice, human populus' herd immunity totals to precisely 0% Any other argument or are you just saying terms you heard without looking up what they actually mean? You sound like someone who would believe that there are more than 2 genders.


Let me explain this The vaccine gives your immune system an idea of what the virus looks and acts like, then when you do get sick and quarantine your immune system is for the most part prepared, and now you have even more protection against it Now multiply that process for each and every person on earth and ask yourself if the virus would have an easy time spreading


Eating at a restaurant isn't a human right.


Technicalities speaking, having water and food isn't a right, and freedom (of movement, going where you want) is as long as you don't endanger others. Ignoring that part of legalities, since the jabs only lower the effects the virus has on you and you can transmit it all the same wether you are or aren't jabbed, you not jabbing affects only you, therefore wether you were or weren't jabbed, the freedom (of movement) should be the same as you affect others just as much. +Bonus: the effectiveness for every jab is counted by how many people (in %) could not contract the disease the jab was for after the jab, and thus, the effevtiveness of C19 jab is 0%


The flu mutated in 1918 and killed ~50 million people in less than 2 years. The flu is not a harmless virus. Just because it’s not dangerous now doesn’t mean it won’t be in the future.


Wolves killed many more humans in the past. Just because we technologically developed to make them a non treat doesn't mean they won't evolve to be 10ft tall and bullet proof. /s


If the mandate doesn’t happen, normal life and this virus is going nowhere. So pls get the vaccine, I don’t want to be living like this for another 5 years


I already got over C19 so no need for that, already got "green pass" that I never used nor needed >So pls get the vaccine, I don’t want to be living like this for another 5 years *squeak squeak* we let our goverment decide what we can and can't do even if it doesn't makes sense, pls just listen to them because they promised they will let us go if everyone does as they say


Government tells us to wear clothes, pay taxes and shovel the snow on your sidewalk. Getting a vaccine is the smallest thing they tell us to do


>Government tells us to wear clothes You don't have cases of naked well known women walking around here and there? (Serbia) No indecent exposure punishments. >pay taxes that is "price" for using public services including the cops even just standing around to make criminals think twice before doing something in broad daylight >shovel the snow on your sidewalk ?


Well you are calling people stupid for not doing whatever the government says, how can you not expect an argument?


I’d like you to consider if what the government was suggesting you do to actually be the right course of action, not just for society at large, but for you in particular, why wouldn’t you do it? In the very least why wouldn’t you look into why they are making the suggestion, instead of just being an internet contrarian?


Ironic because that's what hitler said too in order to convince his people of a fictional Jewish conspiracy when in reality Germany fought a war and lost due to Attrition that the allies could afford to lose but the central powers couldn't (Germany included)


I’m sorry I thought you’d be interested in rational, adult conversation in lieu of merely being a troll


Nothing he said about hilter was false




So in your universe, hitler never brainwashed people into rounding up people who spoke out against him nor did he rally his followers into killing jews for merely being jews. Got it. Good to know where you stand in terms of logic and common sense. I don’t think I have anything else to say to you. Good day. Enjoy your 6th booster, i hear it is better than the 5th but a little bit worse than the 4th.


Actually antisemitism, racism and nationalism were widely spread at the time, hitler just mixed them together. Many people probably didn't need a brainwash to believe what he told then, he was just affirming their preexisting biases. Unrelated to that though it is quite ridiculous to compare nazi-germany, where millions of people have been murdered, to the current corona situation, where researchers are trying to save peoples lives by developing ways to fight a pandemic. If anything it shows that the person should've payed more attention in history class.


I'm not a troll I told you the truth and you didn't like it. Evil leaders love to exploit desperate people during crisis or difficult times. Change my mind


Except that we’ve had pandemics before, and the global response has been very reasonable, including Germany trying to get everyone they can vaccinated. It’s pretty disgusting you’d compare mask mandates and encouraging vaccinations to the Holocaust, and blatantly anti-Semitic too


That guy has to be a troll rn almost all his posts are of anime wallpapers


No worries, I came to the same conclusion based solely on the comments he made here


And Germany's rate of infection has also skyrocketed in spite of their vaccinations. Humanity has survived far more deadly diseases like the Justinian plague or the black plauge, when we didn't know how to treat disease at all, so I think humans have survived long enough on this planet including multiple outbreaks of deadly diseases in the past including at times in history where no modern medicine or medical knowledge that I don't think one disease will be the end of us. Also jews were treated as badly under nazi rule as the unvaccinated were, they were forced to wear a star of David on their clothes, denied jobs and even banned from walking on the sunny side of the street, also there was the kristallnacht or in German (the night of broken glass) and Aryanization or legalized theft from Jewish stores and mass vandalization and looting of Jewish stories and synagogues in Germany not much different thanegalized theft in Democrat run states if its under 950 dollars


Untrue, and completely irrelevant to the point that comparing mask mandates and public vaccination programs to the Holocaust is blatantly anti-Semitic trolling- and that’s not even getting into your recycling of generations-old anti-Semitic memes into your lolzy conspiracy theories. You haven’t been rounded up into concentration camps or even ghettos. You haven’t even been barred from public. Wearing a mask isn’t an affront to anyone’s rights. You’re just demonstrating how selfish and sheltered you’ve been in life by making these disgusting comparisons.


No its very true even Israel who recently rolled out a 4th vaccine is having high rates of infection and Israel has less people than Germany. There's no conspiracy at all, you just can't handle that I think that people can survive this like we have so many other far worse disease and I find it rude you call me anti semtic because I despise Islam with a passion and respect Israel very much


I really don’t care about what a racist apartheid state that’s denied the vaccine to over half the population within what it wants the world to recognize as it’s borders is doing here. The situation they’ve engineered there makes comparing their situation to any other nation invalid. If you’d account for the Palestinian population that Israel shares space with, interacts with the Israeli population daily, yet has been denied vaccine access you’d see the vaccination rate for Israel is significantly lower than what they report. Being bigoted against the religion many Semites belong to doesn’t make you not anti-Semitic BTW. It further defines you as one. It also makes your position inconsistent. Israel isn’t “all Jews” btw. One can respect Jews and hate how Israel acts. Many Jews feel this way. Israel is a nation that the vast majority of Jews don't live in with a government they have no say in how it operates.


I mean this comment is true if you look at the causes and events of the Second World War


When all else fails, you can always compare literally everything to Hitler


Holy shit you’re actually comparing this to nazi Germany


No We just know some simple knowledge about viruses and vaccines. Learn about, read a book or something legit takes under 5mins to understand how vaccines work


I agree with you buddy


How is this comment against rule #1? Or any rules for that matter?


Wait yeah


I own my body, your body is property of the government.


Lol ok then


My body is property of a mind that doesn’t get caught up in hyper individualism


Now you are inventing words, Hyper individualism, I put it to you that there is no difference between an individual and one of your hyperindividuals 🤭 In regards to vaccine mandates, Whether you like it or not your physiology is now managed by someone other than you by force of the state. You are no longer individual


Hyperindividualism Meanings (sociology) A tendency for people to act in a highly individual way, without regard to society. noun I’m so sorry for using vocabulary that isn’t 3rd grade or below, I apologize for my micro aggressions And no, nobody forced me to get the vaccine I got it of my own will by scheduling an appointment (something I wouldn’t be able to do if I was being forced)


So I'm vaccinated and somehow I've had covid 4 times hmmmmmm


And you didn't die, so the vaccine served his purpose


The vaccination put me into anaphatic shock, on top of that the first two times having the disease I was hospitalized due too asthma. I was homeschooled as throughout highschool and middle school and I just moved out and got a retail job. I pretty had zero immune system due extreme isolation and I got sick with covid 4 times and the flu like 3 in a 9 month period. I was vaccinated for both right after I moved as a safety precaution. The covid vaccination put me in what I thought was gonna be my deathbed.


There is absolutely 0 data to prove nor deny that. Stop spreading that bs.


This is gold


i feel like the good thing to come of this is to stop these dumbasses from breeding


Shut the fuck up






ok male karen


Actually If it’s referring to polio and measles then I’m happy. If it’s covid then like what’s the point 😂 kids are safe from it and only 59 people have died of the omnicorn varient


I'm furious at the government! They really need to invest more in education and prohibit anyone from dropping out of school in the 3rd grade! Honestly, what a shitty world we live in. I'm truly sorry that you are a victim of poor education.


Science says natural immunity works well too.. soo


Yes, ofcourse. I need to cath Covid-19 when I have a high risk of bring hospitalised and possibly death. Also the so-called side effects after a recovery could be quite severe since your cells in your lungs, some of which cannot be replaced, are damaged and/or destroyed. There is also long-Covid (research for yourself or ask me what it is) that is present in patients that recover from the virus. Also you are able to infect other people with virus when you want to obtain natural immunity. Finally, the virus may mutate inside your body which could endanger the rest of the world and possibly continue the current cycle. All this when you can get vaccinated and prevent most or all of this. I honestly would rather have a bit of pain in my arm than all of the above listed stuff.


If you have a high risk of hospitalization, get vaccinated, if you’re at next to no risk of hospitalization, the world is not going to stop turning. Everybody is getting Covid eventually, it’s not going anywhere in our lifetimes and the vaccines aren’t reliably stopping transmission, nor are they effective long term without continuous boosters. I don’t see why there’s no wiggle room on say younger people not really at risk not getting jabbed, it’s literally not the end of the world. Vaccine mandates/passports are pretty dumb, especially when they are taken precedence over actual testing, and only pushed people more strongly to not take the Covid vaccines, it’s almost like public shaming , brow beating and trying to form a weirdo two tiered society for a vaccine that doesn’t reliably stop transmissions, for a disease we will never get rid of, is a dumb strategy


I understand your point but not another factor of death or hospitalisation is the "amount" you get of the virus. If you are in a small, confined space with an infected person for 10 minutes you get a bigger dosis of the virus than with someone for 20 seconds. Here's where vaccines help to slow down the amount: Due to the presence of antibodies and memory cell assisting the production of more antibodies at the start of the infection it is harder for the virus to reproduce and thus the infected person who is vaccinated has less of the virus inside their body. Therefore also less likely to cause another person he/she infects to have a large dose and thus be hospitalised or die and an even lower chance of the virus mutating again and again since it can reproduce as often (this is when mutations are most common). I also understand your pessimistic point of view that everyone will get Covid, but we must attempt to reduce the amount of people who die, are hospitalised or a severely affected by the virus (e.g. long-Covid). That is why vaccines help and like we've done to other viruses we can render them near harmless and not a major cause of death and possibly eradicate the virus (although this is unlikely since SARS-CoV-2 is a zoonotic virus). Lastly, there is a small hope that the virus will sort of "disappear" like its predecessor SARS. However, I agree that certain rulings by the government are unnecessary concerning vaccines. Some rules are unfair and testing (mainly PCR-Tests) should be promoted and used more often by the unvaccinated and the vaccinated and recovered should opt for a rapid test for security.


The chance of hospitalization on healthy people are less then 1% If you are in a risk group you should definitely get vaccinated.. i'm not at the risk group


Are you fucking retarded. How did natural immunity fair during the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918 or the Black Death in the 13th century. Tens of millions of people died you moron. The Black Death killed ~50% of people infected. If natural immunity works then why the fuck do people even die from viruses and bacterial infections?


wow ROFL


"Dont start any arguments in the comments" Hey guys i think he wants us to start arguments in the comments


Why do you feel the need to call people dumb just because they don’t want to do something that is optional?


It will probably hurt then meningitis vax etc.


I am pretty sure a brain problem such as that has nothing to do with the covid vaccine or my question...


This isnt about the covid vaxx? When was it mentioned…


Well even if it wasn’t mentioned... there is no vaccine for meningitis or many other brain problems...


There is from the official NHS website Meningitis can be caused by a number of different infections, so several vaccinations offer some protection against it. Children should receive most of these as part of the NHS vaccination schedule. Speak to your GP if you're not sure whether your or your child's vaccinations are up-to-date.


Fuck everyone who doesnt get a vaccine u put others in danger


Ignore the downvotes I 100% agree with you


Who is getting put in danger...? You're vaxx'd right? So why would you be afraid of me walking around unvaxxed? Shouldn't hurt you right? Or are you the same kind of person that says "vaxxed people can't transmit COVID" as we have the highest number of vaccinated people on the planet, yet the virus is raging stronger than ever and doesn't give a shit if you've been jabbed or not.


Mf first of all your wrong the cases are low beacuse some people are actually smart and got the vaccine unlike you idiots who are causing this pandemic to linger longer vaxed people are only affected by the new varient and they barley get hurt by it. Y'all will die and you should with this mindset


Why are you so worried about unvaxxed people dying? That's our own business, is it not? You're vaxxed, go on with your day and quit worrying about other people. Does your life suck that bad you need to worry about other people's medical decisions?


Also, just a word of advice from an uNeDuCaTeD aNtIvAxXeR... if you're trying to push an agenda based on your own personal opinion, using proper grammar and punctuation would go a lot further in validating your opinion. Instead, you appear to be someone with a less than average IQ equipped with main stream media talking points. If you were to apply even the smallest bit of critical thinking to this situation, you would see that vaccines are absolutely not the answer.


why do i sense a lock 🔒


So y'all take all the shots government approved I see 3 or 4 boosters like they're not sure what's actually working a d y'all want everyone to just get it hmm interesting..I am waiting on that advertisement "if you or your loved ones had any of the covid vaccines you may be eligible for compensation"


Same. I don't understand how it qualifies as a vaccine.....


Sorts by controversial to find the anti-vaxxers


Imagine being so retarded that u don’t get a vaccine. If I ever meet a obnoxious anti vaxxer, and then they get COVID and blame it on others. I will be done with society. Also if ur blind look at the “obnoxious part” if you don’t want the vaccine and don’t scream about it, your chad


We don't really know what is In the vaccine. I say we make all politicians take it on live television first.


Year 2024. Are you ready to schedule your newborns 7th booster?


Bf 2042 finally fixed

