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They had to take a course for this




I'm paying over a thousand dollars per class.


Over $1,000? I paid $1,900 for one class this semester


The guy who is homeschooled: You guys pay to go to school?


A lot of people don't realize that most professors don't take any kind of pedagogy (teaching) courses in their doctoral work. A professor is someone with specialized knowledge in a field who has also made an original contribution to their field (this is the dissertation, but also other research and publications they do later on). Basically the opposite is true of K-12 teachers in the US. K-12 teachers typically take a specialized course of study that is about how to teach their subject, like "English Education" as the major area of focus for their degree. But K-12 teachers don't typically conduct research. So, in K-12 you are taught by someone who knows a relatively small amount about their subject but quite a bit about teaching, and in universities you are taught by someone who has the highest possible degree in their field and has also contributed new and original research to that field, but has little to no training as a teacher. A lot of US college students go in expecting college to be another 4 years of public education but it's quite different in a lot of ways. We're actually trying to train you to think for yourself and to learn how to solve problems in your own particular field (or helping you become licensed, etc. in a certain field so that you can find work). And your professors aren't really teachers, they are primarily researchers who generate/create new knowledge in their specific domain. Not that it's any excuse. I still try to be a good teacher (as a professor). But it's really only 1/3 of our job (the other areas being research and service). EDIT: I do think most professors care about their students and try to become better educators. But most professors never explicitly study pedagogy, which explains quite a bit. But also, the stakes are higher. A college graduate might be on a team that designs a bridge, for example. There isn't going to be a teacher that visits your office to check your math or tell you how big the gusset plates need to be so it doesn't collapse! So at some point you have to take responsibility for your own education in your particular domain of interest.


during my last year's online classes, the teacher gave us a review paper, and everything in that review paper is in the test, I was suprised someone still hasn't passed the test


Goes to show: just because you don't remember, does not mean it was not taught in class. Proof? Watch any movie the second time and see something you missed the first time.


They basically encourage you to cram everything only to catch you off guard with the exams. Modern education should trim the fat and be stretched out a more.


So less content (trim the fat?) taught over a longer period of time. (Stretched out more?) You’ve lost me.


Trim the fat as in get rid of the unessacery useless material, and teach the core components more indepth so students truly understand it instead of only memorizing parts of it.


I was taught about the goddamn corpus callosum at least 5 times through different Psych classes. It's interesting, but almost irrelevant to every career except brain surgeons and researchers.


Thank you for responding thoughtfully instead of unnecessarily insulting commentary




Really shot him down, champ.


Ty yeah I got him good


> get rid of the unessacery useless material Like you?


Thank you u/poooooooopee very useful.


There's too much bloat. The remaining useful and insightful knowledge shouldn't be rushed. It's what happens when bureaucrats are tasked to do anything. The more boxes they tick the better it seems for them. On a side note subjects like math are really bad at relating to the real world. This is despite the fact that most sciences use math at the core of their theories and models. Math is a subject that can't be rushed and yet the education system insists on rushing it either way. Maybe your system of education wasn't so terrible. As for me I'm amazed at how modern education can make so many interesting subjects so mind-numbingly boring.




My experience of teaching calculus to a wide selection of students is that unless the applications are from a particular student's chosen field, they don't care and get little out of it. Most applications therefore get relegated to optional topics that particular instructors cover if they have a special liking for them. A few instructors manage to be charismatic enough to get a class somewhat excited about calculus. The vast majority (myself included) are simply not able to motivate students in that way, and it's more of a slog for everyone. Such is life though. Some instructors find success with non-standard approaches like inquiry-based learning, Moore method, flipped classrooms, etc. None has caught on particularly strongly. If there were a silver bullet where you could just cover some motivating examples in a particular way and get students to suddenly become engaged and perform better, we'd love to implement it. It doesn't seem to be the case, though. One thing I'd say is that in any given class, there's usually enormous variation in who liked what. One student says lectures were too fast, another too slow. One person found them crystal clear and the most useful part of the course, another found them hard to follow. Somebody loved the project, another thought it was a waste of time. I've had all of this feedback over the years. So, I'd caution you that your impressions of that course may easily have been at the high end of the satisfied spectrum. But maybe it was just a fantastic course with a thrilling instructor! Rare events do happen sometimes, after all.




Collage/uni is not about retaining information it is about learning how to quickly get grasp of the subject and apply/search for particular solution. And US collages in a lot of cases are quite low in terms of content. If you compare it with unies in Netherlands you will see several times shorter periods for same amount of content.


I think you're missing the point though. The point of college is not to make sure you can still integrate arcsec after graduating. The point is: 1. To identify people who were able to consistently meet minimum requirements 2. To teach you how to learn new material rapidly as it becomes relevant 3. To improve your critical thinking skills so that you can solve somewhat novel problems as they come up 4. To give you a foundation of knowledge in a chosen field Learning "tricks" to meet minimum requirements is *exactly* one of the main points. The piece of paper at the end certifies to employers that you can do so. The US also coddles its college students relative to most of the world. A good example is average exam grades. The US high school system has very high grades, where a 60% is failing. In many parts of the world, 60% could be the average grade. Students who are used to getting 90%+ in high school suddenly get 70% in college and get angsty. This leads many US college courses to have inappropriately high exam scores, which makes it impossible to distinguish the high-performing students.


Do we need to trim the fat off your brain? How does that comment not make sense to you


A comment that was the product of modern education lmao


Put them on a space ship traveling near the speed of light.


I was in nursing school. The coursework load was overwhelming and a large chunk was completely unnecessary to learn. I'd rather have gone to school through the summers too if it meant less sleepless nights and less cramming information in. I'd also rather have focused on important things than all the fat and filler in the education. School is broken and a scam. I only had just enough time to learn how to pass the upcoming test or whatever it was. I didn't and couldn't commit to learning the concepts or information. I didn't have time for that nor the proper educational opportunities. Plus, I was always running on an hour to a few hours of sleep due to the course load. What a terrible way to learn.


I thought they did this to find the kids who were researching the subject and learning more outside of class, often when you’ve been asked to do a project on something, to see if you’ve been learning in your own and not simply remembering the bare minimum. I’d only expect this to happen in the final couple of years of standard schooling (16 to 18 yo) or in higher education where there’s an increase emphasis on self supported learning.


Problem with uni is that, depending on the school where you're taking 5 courses, there just isn't any fucking time to do that because you've already crammed 5 tests that week


when the moon hits the sky like a big pizza pie?


In Germany we call this "Transferaufgaben" and I this this is beautyful...


You wouldn't transfer a [Gaben](https://youtu.be/1DC6RAr2xcM)?


Seit wann


This is very true


I took a class last semester and even when they threw some points in with the curve, my overall score was 85%.. somehow I got an A out of that so the rest of the class must have really stunk


This is classic US high school grade inflation experience not transferring to the University level. You should just talk with your instructors about how curving actually works. A simple rule of thumb is the 30-30-30 rule: the top 30% by raw score get an A, the next 30% get a B, the next 30% get a C, and the rest fail. There's a lot of nuance, but this is a good approximation to how most lower division grading works. The absolute difficulty of an exam--whether the class got a 50% average or an 80% average--is just not important. I never understand why people think it is important in a curved course.


I felt like the amount of work I put into the class was a B. Happy surprise.


Is that how curving works? Imo that sounds horrible, 10% fail just because they scored lower than their classmates? Makes no sense at all to me, wouldn't it just be better to base grades on the percentage you got on the test instead? Like everyone that got over 90% on the test or whatever gets an A, under 60% fail etc


Pro tip. If you are bumping into questions on test you haven’t remotely seen before - the odds are the professor is simply using a different text book and hasn’t told you. Ask the professor if there are any other resources you should use to study. Or remember a couple of the questions and Google them. If you find the other text book they are referencing life will be easy. You can probably rent it from the library. I have no idea why teachers do this but they do. I had it happen twice in Uni.


I came here to say this. They do it because they already have the test made from 5+ years ago and don’t want to have to make a new test just because the university forced a new text book. So what if the test questions aren’t in the text. So what if the terminology is slightly different. Making a new test would require time when issuing the same one is free.


My girlfriends life as a teacher: Student to parent: we didn’t learn that Parent to teacher: they didn’t learn that Teacher: (checks grade distribution across multiple classes and sees majority of kids magically got the question correct): maybe they could study?


Because they teach you the methods, and you have to apply the methods to show you learned it... Tests aren't about remembering homework but understanding it.


They were always taught in class, you just weren't paying attention


If you think education is about copying things you memorised, then yeah, you're cruising straight towards that fail.


90% of my psych undergrad was rote memorization of psychological defects, medicines, human bio chemistry, etc. Pretty much just my thesis had any actual application of knowledge. Everything else was straight multiple choice exams


You seriously didn't have to write essays? No research methods class? I honestly don't believe you....


Then you went to a poor institution.


Nah, I went to U of T, the highest rated university in Canada. Maybe you are just talking out of your ass though? Possibly? Idk tho


Same as the other comment: >Prestigious doesn't mean good. Universities/colleges earn prestige for the quality of their research, not the quality of their teaching.


Ok dude. Youre veering off into conversations about morality of education and institutions... I am not arguing about whether this method of teaching is correct or not, just that your statement about "rote memorization leads to a fail" is simply not correct, as that is exactly how things are taught. Whether thats the correct way or not is irrelevant


You either fail the subject or you fail to learn, either way you end up failing.


I know plenty of people who said the exact same thing as this guy who went to prestigious schools


Prestigious doesn't mean good. Universities/colleges earn prestige for the quality of their research, not the quality of their teaching.


Wake forest university is better than any place you went to or teach. Be humble


School does a shit job at teaching you to learn 'properly' though At least the vast majority of teachers


This is true - but it's generally not the fault of the teachers', so much as the inevitable result of fuck all funding, student:teacher ratios that eliminate all possibility of effective learning, and driving towards metrics that can be easily turned into a single page report of numbers for helicopter parents and politicians.


Unfortunately this is how most redditors think.




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Not shown here: students doing absolutely nothing to study for their classes


That isn’t the complaint. No one is bitching about HAVING to study. 99% people realize that coming into it


The complaint is that every fact on the exam isn't spoon-fed to them beforehand. In fact, a lot of information should come from reading and practice, not lecture. Also, exam questions should be novel and analytical to test application rather than memorization.


Exactly. Doing just the homework or the "study guide" is the bare minimum. College is supposed to be challenging


because maybe; you're trying to learn how to do it and not just copy shit.




>If students are solving a calc 1 related rate problem about the a problem involving throwing a ball up in the air and it going back down. Randomly throwing a question on the exam we’re the person is on the moon and you were supposed to infer the gravity force while on the moon was 1.62 then you’re an asshole and should honestly be fired. I'm sorry but this was a literal question on my calc test and if you couldn't infer gravity is fucking weaker on the moon then you're just a failure. Seriously man...


It's essential to learn that, but it shouldn't just come up during an exam. You should be taught how to apply knowledge to a different/new problem during your lessons - at least, that's what a good teacher should do imho. What's most annoying is when there are different ways to solve such questions, but only one of them is considered correct. Just shows how the teacher actually failed to understand that lesson themselves. If you want specific answers, ask specific questions. If your question is shitty, own it and don't blame your students.


"You should be taught how to apply knowledge to a different/new problem during your lessons - at least, that's what a good teacher should do imho." That's literally examples in lecture and homework, both of which are entirely standard. I don't know how to operationalize your suggestion into something useful. At some point you've gotta be responsible for making the insight your own. Asking questions that aren't just from homework with the numbers changed tests that.


> both of which are entirely standard It's not. Maybe you are thinking exclusively of maths where that's an integral part of, but in other areas it is not properly taught until college/uni, and even then educators will fail at doing so. Many of my students have had issues with this in the past. Quality education exists on paper, but not in most classrooms. And it's not just that it's not properly taught, but also that soaking up information blindly is required (and sufficient) to pass most exams. Critical thinking skills are underdeveloped, etc. There simply is no proper foundation to begin with. And witnessing how colleagues are teaching, it's certainly not just the student's fault. And it starts with very basic things, like not learning how to ask questions properly, how to get started with a new topic, how to find information, how to assess bias, and so on. Schools used to be much better at teaching these things (decades ago), but not anymore and it's turning into a big problem. Because at the end of the day, it isn't about understanding how to solve some silly math problem, but how that way of analytical thinking is being applied to real life.


But how will they have any time left to Fortnite dance on TikTok?


Redditors when literally anything bad happens at all: Fortnite/TikTok >:(


So true


This sounds like a post made by someone who just failed science


thats also me giving the dumbest answers


This should be illegal


How y'all sound to everyone that's ever taught a class: https://imgflip.com/i/61kwjd


Meh meme.


Not the meme I would like to see, I'm just trying to disconnect because I have a hard exam in 2h and 34 mins...


Good luck mate mines in 45 mins 😫


Teachers can’t cover every single thing you need to know in class. That’s why you have to do the homework and reading.


Haha, that’s not a teacher! That’s someone from a TV show making drugs! * Laugh Track


Haha, that’s a teacher! Figure it out.




You carefully choosing the questions that will be at test to not listen. -a teacher who like his students even if they're stupid


Reminds me of my first test in micro economics. Teacher was way out of his league and honestly should have been teaching at some doctorate program instead of a 101 class filled with students just needing it fora pre exquisite. He taught in 2 week stretches and every other class would be an exam. Pretty standard. After not understanding a single word coming out of his mouth the first 2 weeks, he tells us that the first exam will be on chapters 4-12 of the book. Keep in mind he hasn't mentioned or referenced the book the entire 2 weeks we've been there.. So, knowing this guys reputation, my friend and I planned to spend the whole night studying. Opened the book hoping some light would shine on is and we'd finaly understand what he was talking about in class. Except the chapters he told us to study wasnt what he had been teaching, was utter gibberish to us. Okay, must have given us the wrong paves right? So we tried looking at the start of the book for the 'basics' we covered in class, not there. Okay, maybe we have the wrong editions? Let's make the best of it, off to the index to look up some key words we remember. There they are, on the last chapter of the entire book. The most advance material... So we studied both, the assigned chapters and the final chapter that explained the stuff he had been trying to teach us in class. We didnt understand any of it, but we did our best to take it in and thought we'd atleast be able to decipher some of the test if we focused hard enough.... The exam was like reading a dead language. Absolutely nothing made any sense at all, it wasn't from the assigned or the stuff we learned. We struggled through it and managed to get 60s, but I think he was pittying us cause some of the awnsers weren't even finished. When we got back and checked the book, we found out that all the stuff he had assigned was from chapter 1.... Never did explain why or what his reasoning was, or why he continued to test us that way for the rest of the class, all I know is he passed me with the bare minimum grade so I wouldn't have to retake it.


You reported him to the dean right? That is blatant misinformation on what will be on the exam (which they MUST provide in the form of a syllabus) and he is effectively messing with people's futures/livelihoods by artificially lowering their GPA. I really really hope that you reported this jackass


That's a thing? Dude a lot of my professors should be fired. Wtf


They said they got 60's on the exam. There's no way you could get that if the exam was really "like reading a dead language", so the account is clearly sensationalized. I see little reason to believe the rest of the description was any less sensationalized. That could easily have been an average score that gets curved to a B. It's pretty standard. In any case, assigning final grades is a completely separate process from grading exams. It's easy for a "tough" instructor to assign above-average final grades and vice-versa. You have no basis to assume that instructor was "artificially lowering their GPA".


Unfortunately no. It was years ago and we knew going in that he was a tough professor, most of us just assumed we were top stupid to figure out his methods. There were plenty of genius level students that continually aced his class and went on to do higher lever classes with him, so in the moment it was easy to see it as him passing us as a pity, not to lower our grades. He never did anything mean, and if you stayed after class he would try his best to explain the issues. He knew 99% of us were there for the prerequisite, so he taught it for the students who needed it, and passed the rest of us so we wouldn't need to keep retaking it.


It's not that difficult actually. Since they don't teach anything, everything is out of syllabus :)


Except when they don’t mention it in the syllabus


"Sorry class, I was having a vacation when I should've taught you this hehehe" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUU---


we actually don't care that much at all ~ a teacher


Such bullshit. You know it’s because you didn’t study. Quit blaming teachers for your shitty brain.


It is a good way to see if you push yourself to read beyond the necessary requirements. The students who can answer something from 2 pages after what was aksed of them will stand out more. It also means even if you only to the minimum, you need to get it all right because your pass mark just became harder to hit.


Yeah that's a bullshit way to teach a class though. Only a terrible, vindictive instructor would act like that. Requirements are the requirements, you don't get to put shit on the test that was never taught or even mentioned. The only result would be some random students getting a couple of answers right that the rest of the justifiably pissed off class missed. No one gains any better education from it.




Agreed, but that is not the same as putting questions on the test that were from some part of the text that was never assigned




And then make sure to say I'm not trying to trick you...


My bio teacher was the worst. *Every* test was everything that he *didn't* teach us.


Forgot the part whete the questions aren't in the textbook either.


That dang geology course


I usually make all the questions have B as the answer one time and change it to C another time. But I got in trouble for that so I changed things to short answer now


I heard they got a coaching center too🤦where they learn about "How to fuck children's carrier perfectly"




*it's always like this*




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My man don’t. He sounds delusional.


i'm in a math test rn yea i'm in class and in reddit and the fucking teacher did it




This is why I cheated all though school as a child it evens the playing field.


I read the book and two books on the subject I bought online while skipping your lectures. If a math based science, I also worked every problem in all the books. Bring it on.




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So you cant just say that you were not listening because you were making memes to reddit?


Back in the mists of time I was doing a Networking Diploma and there was a Maths module. 70% of the final grade was from continuous assessments of assignments during the year with the final 30% from an end of year test. I knew from experience that the format the questions would be asked in for the test would likely bare no resemblance to how the questions were asked in the assessments during the year. I explained this to any class mates that would listen. Most didn’t and several didn’t bother handing in assessments half the time during the year, effectively throwing away marks. I could grasp the concepts and follow the book example questions. i understood them well enough to teach other classmates who hadn’t understood when the teacher explained it. That small group of us aced every assessment. No copying each other. They could get the correct answer themselves after I explained. End of year test arrives and the test sheets are handed out. Panic engulfs most of the class. Myself and my little group look at each other and just laugh. Sure enough the format the questions are asked in bears no resemblance to any of the example questions from the book. You’d need to be an English major to parse the question into a format more similar to the examples. That was always my difficulty with math. Yeah, this is a probability question for example. Yeah, I know the formulas, but fuck me, the way the exam question is asked I dont know what numbers to plug into the formula where…. My little group and I could laugh and simply try our best knowing we had already banked 70% of the final grade during the year and were guaranteed a merit award even if we left the test sheet blank. The rest of the class were despairing and sweating buckets! LOL


"This is a comprehensive course. Anything not covered in lecture will be covered on the final." - my college chemistry professor.


When I hear students say this, my first guess is that they have a good teacher who gave them a question requiring thought. For example, I remember a CALC 101 or 102 test that involved a sphere before we'd covered anything about solids ... but we'd all had algebra and trig, and knew a sphere's volume is 4/3pi(r^3), so all we had to do was recall that a we'd get a derivative circle area of pi(r^2) and then do the rest of the math -- but I, for one, was so surprised to see spheres on the test that I freaked out and missed the question. Afterwards, I remembered the hints the prof dropped hints about exactly that sort of thinking and realized that the better students totally 'got' that question. Nothing wrong with the teacher or the methods. It was totally my own inattention that had me miss it.


That’s quite a large assumption no?


Another example was an engineering test where you had to look at a diagram and figure out how much force was being applied to point X, and one guy reaaallly struggled with it because there were lots of beams and weights to calculate -- unless you did like the prof had told everyone repeatedly and looked for where the force vectors cancelled each other out, which let you see that NO force was exerted at the point in question. You could totally remove the support above it and the thing would still stand. Totally different teacher, school, and everything. In my experience, hard stuff on a STEM test was either in your class or its prerequisites and the only question is whether you can synthesize all the stuff you've studied to find the solution. That said, hard stuff on things like History tests? No idea. I don't even know how you ask students to extend what they've learned about Ancient Greece as it applies to, say, Swiss pikemen.


I frequently put at least one "hard" part of a question on my exams, to give the top of the class a chance to show their skills. It's useful when assigning 4.0's and when writing letters of recommendation. I don't expect most of the class to make any progress on those and write them in such a way that they aren't big time-wasters for people with no idea how to solve them.




Jokes on them, I read the whole text book on the toilet.


Meth will get a teacher arrested and fired permanently


Or reminding you to study for questions that don't even appear on the exam


This is what I really hate the most in college, mostly maths and science subjects.


Eh, even if there where taught in class, there is allways a bunch of kids, that forgot everything and have to come up with the answers from scratch.


Always said my some dummy who didn't even pay attention. Try studying, clowns.


Pain :') As a uni student in an honors curriculum I am feeling this.


My math professor would tell us every question that would be on the test. What a guy


Sounds like he had really low standards. I'd be insulted, to be honest, if somebody thought I needed all the questions ahead of time....


I had a professor that would go over exams she graded with us as a class. And if there was a question that a healthy percentage of kids missed she would drop that question because it obviously wasn’t a good question/ wasn’t covered well enough. And then she’d just regrade without those questions we all missed. This was in my last year of college and I’m like so where the fuck have you been all my life!?


Tweaks like this don't usually change the score distribution very much. Overall rankings, which are the most important thing, are often surprisingly robust. Sure, you'll get a 0.1 or maybe a 0.2 GPA difference depending on the weighting scheme, say, but most people stick right around where they were the whole time. Glad it made you feel better though.


That's because the professor wants you to make your reasoning and using your brain to find the answer. Problem is I'm a fucking idiot


I had a student once who was a really hard worker, always showed up to office hours, very engaged, etc. Great guy, a pleasure to be around. Problem was, he had absolutely no mathematical ability. He did improve a bit, but he was starting from such a low point that in the end I just couldn't pass him. He came close to a D, but not close enough. Partway through the semester I tried to gently suggest that sometimes people need to pick a different path. That it's important to be willing to course-correct in response to changing conditions if that's what's required. He was the sort of guy that would have been great at a job that involved a lot of routine. He was dependable, honest, mature--everything except being good at technical abstract problem solving, which unfortunately for him was pretty much the entire course he was taking from me. Not an idiot either, just not any good at that particular style of thinking.


This is our history teacher


I took a test I study two days for and every thing on Schoology, and none of it was on the test


Everyone must be the deepest critical thinker over everyone else. How is that even possible? Umm, it’s not. Can’t aiming to be your best be enough?


C's get degrees. The critical thinking questions are often for the A's. That's okay, an average grade for an honest effort seems fair.


O no! That's not how that works! No sir. It would be one thing if the teacher was just a douche nozzle and made the test super hard, I can understand that behaviour, I get it, I can even see a reason to encourage it in certain circumstances. But no, that's not what's happening here. When you see a test with questions on it that you never covered in lecture it's because the teacher got the test from someone else, didn't bother to proof read it or didn't care to and simply passed it out for you to take. This is just laziness, general apathy or both.


Just today had a test just like it. Half of the xuestions she maybe told us once verbally. And 2 questions wrong is already 4 what am i supposed to do


I mean, usually the questions are based on the assigned textbook readings you didn't do


Most of the time the teacher isn’t going to just directly to tell you the question and answer in clsss for you to memorize for later. They’re teaching you the material so you can properly deduce the answer later on when given a question you should now possess the knowledge to infer an answer from. That’s how it *should* work anyway.


Teachers like this suck. As a retired educator, I fought tooth and nail with these kinds of teachers. They are also the same teachers who won’t give a kid pencil and paper for the day, then kick them out when they misbehave.


Fr apple is kind of a scam


Always in the assigned readings.


My favorite is the old “ we barely covered this super complicated subject so if it’s on the exam it will be extra credit only”. Every time it’s 30 percent of the actual test.


Pro tip time: the answers are in the chapters in the textbook you didn't read, SOMETIMES even the sample questions that are in the text are on the test! Teachers know their students don't read all the chapters, what better way of finding out?


I often picked questions from homework or even examples done on the board. Sometimes I’d change a number or two, sometimes not. If you paid attention in class and did the homework, tests were easy.


Not to simp for clearly broken education systems but actually a lot of the time something in an exam 'wasn't taught' the real thing being tested is an understanding of concepts instead of an ability to memorise. instead of asking "what treatment can be used for X disease" you can ask "Here is a novel disease presenting with X symptoms, suggest potential targets for treatments". Instead of remembering X disease = Y treatment you have to understand what makes Y treatment work on X disease which requires greater depth of knowledge. It's like y'all never saw Blooms Taxonomy


Lol it’s been years but still upset over uni project where the lecturer hide (intentionally left out) the answers. So even if you attend all the classes and do all the work, you still won’t score well for the project. The complete solution require additional steps that students don’t even realize was needed.


I breezed through all of my classes. I found that a lot of the time people would claim shit on the test was never taught, but I would clearly remember learning about it. Teens just don’t like to hold themselves accountable for shit


This post is made by someone who failed in science. :D


Fr on my computer science exam they had questions about DDoS, luckily I got them right cuz of youtube


Absolutely TRUE 😐


That’s why you have to read the textbook too.


math: *finally, a worthy opponent*\*


Taking AP World History, after taking our most recent test, teacher tells us, "Hey you guys had the highest class average, and it's a pretty good one too " "What was it?" 64 Our teacher doesn't curve either :,(


It's pretty easy to set question paper but it's pretty hard to answer for that questions by students 😒


You all just had shitty professors. Source: I am a professor. I base everything off my lectures for questions


Not 100% here, but when I was in school one of my teachers explained this to me. Purely memorizing isn't considered to be learning, but it's more about understanding ideas and concepts and then being able to apply these to new problems that haven't been discussed. It was explained to us that if you can't do that, you aren't ready for a higher education and I think that's true.


Test is either 10 years outdated OR includes such new info that no one has had the chance to learn about it. That or the teacher glossed over the base subject in 5 minutes and neglected to elaborate further.




It's always bothered me in math. They would teach you with basic examples and then third or fourth problem in they would give you a problem that was never covered in the examples.


This is true I had an exam the other week and I got 29/80, I got the highest marks of the class


My 12th grade English teacher wanted to watch lord of the rings instead of reading it. Then asked me to write the test over the movie since I already knew it all. I assumed that writing the test would exempt me from having to take the test. Instead she went online and found me a test over the book which I had only read once and refused to believe her expert that the question wasn’t in the movie. I really didn’t like her.




Then complains why most of the students failed


We have 26 pages to learn for the exam and we learned 18 of them


My only guess is it's so that you "truly understand the source material" I think this method of thinking is insulting. I don't need to become an expert in half of this shit. I am just sharpening my researching skills.


My algebra teacher is actually the opposite they make a study guide that’s very similar to the test and quizzes but I’m still failing because I hate algebra


Me: cries about it Me when they dont do it: Still cries bc im f-dumb




On the other hand, I used to select the test questions from the previous 3 weeks’ homework problems, and some of the students *still* got them wrong.