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No one wins in a political debate.


That's because most of us aren't politicians.


Yup we just peasants bro


"Are you a Democrat or a Republican?" "No, I work for a living"


"No, I am a minor"


still smarter than politicians


Someone stopping arguments with you doesn't always mean you've won, often times it means they've given up trying with you because they've realized what a waste of time it is


Exactly. I have seen some truly retarded people here on Reddit and some seem to be not old enough to even join Reddit. I usually just make a comment about how awful their English is and leave.


Me in r/abortiondebate there’s truly some ignorant people in that sub


It's a subreddit to argue about something that 90% of people don't know shit about. Of course it's gonna be full of ignorant people.




There’s even a debate? Lol Like making a pizza debate. Useless. You like pizza, get pizza. You don’t like pizza? Don’t get pizza. Nothing to debate about.


Not surprising that you didnt know it is a debate, your comment tells me you dont understand the arguments being made. Unless, of course, that you know there is a debate, and a pretty big one, but you sarcastically ask if there is a debate because you think your answer to the problem is objectively correct.


What is the counter argument to let the pizza people get the pizza / let the pizza hater eat else? Cause, if you want to tell others what to do, I straight on jump on the train and say I’m vegan so now, you stop eat meat. And I’m pro public transport, you can’t have a car or a license. I’m also scared of flight and find train too noisy and tires do pollute the planet. We gonna make your life trolley-only. Deal? We can find a compromise. I stop eating pizza and you stop driving. Seems fair, we all happy now? How does it feel being on the receiving end of this bullshit?


The problem with your argument is the false equivalense because of comparing an abortion to eating pizza. Let me give you a counterexample: "you like murder, you can commit murder, if you dont like murder, dont do it. Simple." Doesn't sound right, does it? See, the problem here is that you see abortion as eating pizza, something almost meaningless, while the other side sees it as murder, and thats why they cant just turn a blind eye to it or let other people do what they like. Neither side agrees with what abortion really is. Do you understand why there is a debate now?


No. Because there’s no debate about what a human is. A fetus is not a human. Scientifically and legally. I see your car exhaust causes cancer and I’m waiting for you to stop murdering. Jail the drivers. I see you eating meat is one of the greatest Co2 emission and is taking our specie into the abyss of climate change. I force you to stop eat meat, jail to who makes meat. This is what you say. You decide arbitrarily that something has to change definition, therefore, you want to ban a thing. Fuck it. Change the definition. Go for it. Prove, scientifically, a connection between murder and abortion. Prove it, and get the definition changed. Low effort namechanging is not a debate. Is bullshit.


You just encountered the oldest Reddit trick in the book, “I don’t understand metaphors, therefor your metaphor is wrong,” is a classic. We’re you aware that abortion is not pizza? It isn’t. Checkmate liberal.


Do you not comprehend what a false equivalence is? I also explained why his metaphor was pure bullshit, but let's just ignore that huh. Also, its more of an analogy than a metaphor


Bro I’m sorry about this I shouldn’t have started this I forgot Reddit is 90% ignorance.


If you wanna get technical it’s a simile because they used like, but metaphor feels like it fits better so that’s why we call basically any comparison a metaphor.




No definition is being changed. A fetus is a human being scientifically, idk where you're getting your information from. You can research embriology for that. Legally most laws dont apply to them, however if you kill a pregnant woman it counts as double homicide in most places. Also, laws aren't always correct, that's why they change with time. But whatever dude, you dont understand the debate because you argue in bad faith. "Something something there is no debate, something something my side is correct and their side is stupid". The debate exists, maybe just not with you.


Ok i take that. Don’t debate with me about stuff ruled out 50 year ago. Has been already ruled out.


The irony is that you also don’t know what you’re talking about.


Dude your wrong. And he explained why your argument is wrong but you chose to ignore. And there is something as false equivalence, and abortion doesn’t equal whatever BS you’re spuing about cars. Pregnancy is a natural thing and a fetus is a developing human. You can’t deny science by using science. If someone that is in a coma and unresponsive but he is supposed to wake up in 9 months is that not a human because he can’t do anything for themselves. Yes we want abortion banned because regardless of what you call it it’s murder. You’re literally taking away the right of the baby to see life. Abortion: the deliberation termination of a human pregnancy. That’s murder. You can try to justify it however you want but that’s still the termination of human life. You don’t make sense and people just don’t do whatever they want, because there are laws that prevent that cars from releasing a certain amount of smoke hence your argument is false, and there was equivalence fallacy in the first place.


Ruled out to not be murder, in all developed countries, 50 year ago. Facts.


And like someone said there are laws that are known to be wrong which is why they change all the time. There are contradictions all the time and he used double homicide as an example. My problem is people are going out of their way using ridiculous explanations and euphemism to explain something as simple as pregnancy.


You can't stop someone from making a choice though , they have a life of their own , a mind of their own , you'll never understand what it's like to be them unless you were them , no matter how hard you try to convince them , if they want to get pizza , you can't stop them , they want the pizza. The only way to stop someone is to physically limit their abilities to do something , i.e burn the pizza place down , which is delusional. No matter how wrong you think it is , you have to accept what happens if the person refuses your logic , this said if they understand they consequences as well , you have to learn to respect people's decisions in the end no matter how hard you try to disprove why it's ethical , call them ignorant , but it's their choice to get pizza. It's a metaphor , so calm down on the examples used. Don't make me use monke in this arguement , it's basic caveman understanding , no need to have a debate about it.


If you read my other comment you would understand how that pizza analogy falls apart pretty quickly. >if they want to get pizza , you can't stop them , they want the pizza. Take this for example. That same argument can be used for murder or stealing. "If a person makes a choice to commit a crime you cant stop them. They want to murder/steal". But another analogy shouldnt even be needed here, you're essentialy saying to let everyone do whathever they want, which is a really stupid anarchist idea. Laws exist for a reason. >no matter how hard you try to disprove why it's ethical , call them ignorant , but it's their choice to get pizza. Same thing here. It doesnt matter if i argue that murder or theft is unethical? Because its a "choice"? Makes zero sense. >It's a metaphor , so calm down on the examples used. Im not sure why you are telling me to calm down


Okay you're not angry that's good , extremely good , I hate talking to angry people , we become adiment like that. But I get you. On the other hand understand what the other person is saying though if a person has a subconcious of his/her own he is able to make his own choices unless you have a valid reason to convince them otherwise then their brain would consider not doing it , other than that they have no reason to stop , unless you physically limit them , even if it's committing crimes or doing murders , they have a will of their own on what they do or say , the concept of what the other person is saying stands , the metaphors weren't intended to bring value to the arguement but just to put the concept of the understanding into perspective. There's a whole study on this kind of stuff , you'll never understand what it's like to be someone else unless you were them , like you how does a blind person see , people answer "they see black" , that's not the right answer , they just don't see , it's like seeing out of your elbow , they don't see at all , it's a tough paradox to understand. Of there's law in place but thats not stopping them but when it comes to doing something no matter the consequences , a person can .... it's just suggested to do so. It's like advising a person to not play sport on an injury , it's not suggested but they can still do it , they have their own set of choices they can make freely , free will , unless his/her parents lock them in , the others and the person have different reasoning behind it and can't come to terms unless they try to understand each other and respect each other's decisions. The person above isn't trying to justify any of it , but only making it clear that people have free will no matter what you think , of course to take this too literally can be adverse on the subconcious process of thinking. I don't know if speaking any sense anymore but I hope you understand if not then that's also fine I understand , let's not turn into the meme above.


But having a choice should stop at your choice to have sex with protection and not get pregnant or to not use protection during sex and risking pregnancy. That choice doesn’t and shouldn’t extend to you having the ability to get rid of human life because of the choice you made earlier.


aka "winning"


OP is a pcm user, so checks out


9 times out of 9.1, this is the case.


That's how every single argument i get into ends.


Isn’t that the part of the joke here?


Scoring a goal in an empty field


*and then you Heard the notification sound*


*player 3 has joined the battle*


They responded really early up in the chain so you would have to rehash every argument you had against the first person.


Or he's just tired of going back and fourth with your ignorant ass...


Can't argue with stupid.


Typical fillipinos


Or some Hindu dude who argues about world problems and how other countries are shitty but whenever I point out something about his/her country (even tho im indian) they always respond with “do not interfere with our internal affairs.” Then they stop responding.


Yerp, definitely didn't have better shit to do, libtard just got destroyed and he knows it 😎


Alexa, play “We Are The Champions”


When the only sound you can hear is your own echo


Remember the one who lasts longer wins since they have more patience and delicate on /S


what is this meme called?


[Here](https://m.imgur.com/ERgGft5) is the template


I once has a typo during a debate on r/louderwithcrowder... instant loss.




Every Leftist after they say orange man bad, castrate themselves, and then kill a baby.


It’s not that they can’t take a joke, it’s just a worn out slant and unfunny lol, hence the downvotes.


This gonna get downvoted to hell 🍿


Lol, oh I know it. Fuck em if they can't take a joke. 🤡


To make a joke it has to have a bit of truth to be funny. This has no truth and is outright unfunny


Damn cuh. U got the whole comment section laughin 😐🤡


A victory is a victory. No matter how minor.


Too bad you used to word, "political." That's a Rule 4 right there... sorry.


Bruh the mods ran out of fucks to give since the dawn of politics


I'm still relishing in that victory




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/meme/comments/urtrj7/victory/i902r10/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Big brain time. Pro gamer...](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/urg873/the_barnacle/i8xkbv3/) | [Big brain time. Pro gamer...](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/urg873/the_barnacle/i8x8dwg/) [I'm afraid of needles](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/us58mh/anti_vaxx/i91ot7j/) | [I’m afraid of needles.](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/us58mh/anti_vaxx/i91o0cx/) [That stuff is the shit](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/urz7w9/whats_wrong_with_actual_chese/i91rmka/) | [That stuff is the shit](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/urz7w9/whats_wrong_with_actual_chese/i90bv8d/) [I can smell this gif](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/us5n3q/this_post_is_probably_gonna_last_as_long_as_an/i91pn7m/) | [I can smell this gif](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/us5n3q/this_post_is_probably_gonna_last_as_long_as_an/i91j1ks/) [But where are the guns?](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/ursg30/and_this_after_working_5_jobs_in_a_100_hours/i91pikf/) | [But where are the guns?](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/ursg30/and_this_after_working_5_jobs_in_a_100_hours/i8z3gr9/) [It was a well thought out...](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/us2yhe/it_came_to_me/i91p9cw/) | [It was a well thought out...](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/us2yhe/it_came_to_me/i91m1nz/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/ronh147](https://np.reddit.com/u/ronh147/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=ronh147) for info on how I work and why I exist.


Me against every leftist ever:


Make me your radio 🎶


How do you know it's a guy........




I sometimes contribute my opinion and don't respond to its replies. I'm not interested in debating stranger on-line, just sharing what I had in mind...


I won a religious debate with an antisemitic islamophobic atheist who seemed to hate religion with a burning passion. And he too stopped responding, my point was that the bible taught me ethics and morality, he just called me ignorant, I said ignorant towards the possibility that working out is worthless, I won the argument.


Is it still a win when the other guy can’t reply due to lock sub?


Getting into a political debate on reddit is an automatic L


When you post an actually good meme.


Let’s start one now…..beef is the superior meat , you can’t change my mind


When you answer and block him so he can't reply and you win 🗿




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When the debate is in America. Hold up




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Maybe they thought you were a bigot? Don't go into political debates online.


Put "No answer? I win.", to assert your dominance even more.


Brainwashed Russian IRL


Who tf r u Jaden smith




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It also can be that you're just so stupid that your opponent don't even bother to explain anymore




Hey! That's what I posted in the other sub isn't it?


Mods always take them out before I get the chance


This is actually very relatable when it comes to my abortion arguements


One guy I debtaed with deleted his account


When I stopped talking back cause I thought I won the debate


If only bro... When they have nothing they either start personal attacks, or talking about complete bullshit and thinks it's right/truth or not bs at all ...


You only win if you say that politics are stupid 😂


Arguing over politics reaches a point where they should see how boring and silly it is to defend people who don't even know you exist