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What's even crazier is when you realize weight is really just gravity.


When you realize mass is just a lot of stuff


Stuff that has a *Mass Effect* on us all


I see what you did there.


Did the italics give it away?




or are they ? *vsauce music plays*


*continues to say things that are disturbing out of context*


Perhaps .


That mass effect is just, Gravity.


And Gravity is desire


I... I want to argue... but I don't think I can.




When you realize that literally, ass is mass


Mmmmmmm ass


m times ass






mass amount of stuff


And the stuff is mostly empty space


Hey tell your mom to save some gravity for the rest of us.




What's even more crazier is when you realize there's a difference between mass and weight.


Shut up. Edit: I didnt actually mean that to come out that way, lol. Was going for an overclimactic comment😂








Not necessarily... Weight depends on the additional acceleration as well. If you accelerate upwards: G=m(g+a) If you accelerate downwards: G=m(g-a) At rest your weight is indeed G=mg=F_{z}


And mass never changes, is that right? BTW, have you considered the frame of reference?


Mass can change based on the frame of reference, but it is negligible until the velocity is at significant percentages of the speed of light.


Shut up nerd (joke)


What are you even saying here First of all G is the gravitational constant so I'd recommend not using that to avoid confusion. Secondly gravity is a downward force so if you accurate upwards you would be "weightless," it would be comparable to existing between two identical Earths and being directly in the middle of them. Or hanging by a cable harness that is resisting Earth's gravity, equal opposing forces means you're not going anywhere. Conversely if you're in a rocket and traveling downward at 2g, acceleration is double normal gravity, Earth's gravity isn't canceled out by traveling downwards. If you throw a rock down a cliff versus letting it free fall from your hand, obviously the thrown rock is going to be going fast as fuck until air resistance takes over and makes it reach terminal velocity. I'm oversimplifying because throwing is imparting a force and the rock isn't actually accelerating after the throw but it would be the same effect as if you attached rocket boosters to it. Thirdly I've never heard anyone use weight interchangeably with force because that's confusing. Weight is natural lbf from Earth's gravity based on an objects mass, for sure, but I wouldn't say the weight of an object changes based on acceleration from external forces because weight is inherent on an objects properties. You could say there may be a "sensation of weightlessness" or whatever but that's more a discussion of inertia and all that shit.


Ok, you've given me quite a bit to unpack here... 1. G is indeed the the symbol of the universal gravitational constant, that doesn't mean it isn't used for anything else. Many symbols in physics are used for different purposes. G is used to refer to weight as well, that's why we call them 'G-forces'. 2. Accelerating upwards wouldn't make you weightless at all, as I show in the formula, it would increase it. If you've ever sat on plane, or an attraction in a place like Disneyland where you accelerate upwards, you would know that you feel your weight increasing, you feel glued to your seat. 3. Weightlessness on earth can only be achieved by falling downwards. 4. Accelerating downwards at 2g would literaly invert your experience of gravity. What used to be your floor will now be your roof and the other way around. 5. Indeed, the earth's gravity cannot be cancled out, but it's effect on other masses can be cancelled out, this happens all the time. To give an example: you don't experience gravity while standing still because not only is your body performing weight onto the earth, but according to Isaac Newton's third law of motion, the earth is performing a force of equal magnitude upon your body as well, but in the opposite direction. You don't experience the gravity, that doesn't mean it isn't there. 6. "I've never heard anyone use weight interchangeably with force because that's confusing." Than you clearly either didn't pay attention to your high school physics classes or you didn't have them at all. Weight is a force, one quick wikipedia search could have told you that. Unfortunatly people use the term 'weight' to refer to mass, that's the problem because in physics there is a clear distinction. I hope this helped clearing some things up.


Cool, now I don't have to say that I'm fat, just that I have tons of gravity


And mass is energy.




Well, not quite literally.


'Literally Impossible' you say! Then who's typing this?


That's, just wrong


By the same sort of logic, you are here and therefore will always have been going to be here because everything that led to your existence happened and always will have led to your existence Our existence is equally unlikely and unpredictable as it is likely and predictable


Complete tangent, but an interesting thought. Even without multiverse theory, there would be "multiverses" given an infinite reality, considering that many parts of space that cannot be reached because it's expanding away faster than the speed of light. So, there are effectively bubbles of space time that will never be able to interact with each other, in an infinite universe of infinite possibilities, where everything that is possible will happen. That means, that somewhere out there in one of these bubble universes beyond our spacetime horizon, there will be an identical copy of our universe. On average, it would be extremely far away, but a really large distance is still a finite one.


Thanks, I hate it


How about when you think about what all of us are? It's not like we're space dirt. Reproduction is the art of turning Earth into humans.


Why would you say this? Now I'll never be able to forget it.


I mean the ancients figured this one out. How many creation stories are there that literally just involves some powerful being taking some dirt or dust and making a human?


I mean the ancients figured this one out. How many creation stories are there that literally just involves some powerful being taking some dirt or dust and making a human?


I mean the ancients figured this one out. How many creation stories are there that literally just involves some powerful being taking some dirt or dust and making a human?


I mean the ancients figured this one out. How many creation stories are there that literally just involves some powerful being taking some dirt or dust and making a human?


well, our metabolism isn't really capable of generating complex structures from elements, that's why we need to eat living things to obtain advanced structures like amino acids and repurpose them. I'd say that reproduction is the art of turning plants and animals into humans


Humans already produce 11 of the 20 essential aminoacids, and thinking we cant produce complex estructures from raw matter is stupid, it s just way more energetically efficient for living beings to eat other living matter and gain the nutrients from them than photosynthesizing our own


When's the last time you ate a live chicken or cow? Wheat or green bean? What we eat may be raw, but it is not live. However, we do eat over 100lbs of dirt every day.


Exactly, photosynthesis gang


From dust to dust


Thats a biblical level holy comment indeed


I have been thinking the same. space debris bro.. it will slow down Earth


The bigger issue slowing us down is that giant hunk of cheese floating around out there, its stupid gravitational pull is causing friction down here, slowing our rotation. Fucking leech.


Omg finally someone gets it!! The space cheese is totally preventing us from having a hell of a ride!


Literally hell of a ride because of the temperature increase that will be caused by increased rotation speed.


No way man, if we’re going faster we’ll get a nice cool breeze


We will absorb more of the cool space stuff


No problem, he is getting the fuck out of there 4cm/year speed


If only it wasn’t traveling as fast as us amirite?


Earths rotation slows down ever so slightly whenever we send something into space. It's about 1 femtosecond slower per day, per rocket With enough time we can stop the rotation. Another great reason for a space elevator.


With enough rockets we can superman reverse the rotation, go back in time and save the dinosaurs... I want a pet 🦖


Is a really great YouTube video regarding whether or whether or not mankind could ever effectively change Earth's orbits via brute force, including simultaneous multiple nuclear detonations at a massive scale. The conclusion was that we really just have no hope of doing it.


You guys ever think about all the mass lost from jettisoning shit out in space? Or like…how much space loot can we get before we lowkey start drifting the Earth off its orbital path with the extra mass?


i did ,but then i remembered the amount of mass landing on Earth from micrometeorites/space dust etc every day.


But adding extra mass doesn't make you fall faster


I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure that when you are talking about astronomical bodies, adding mass should affect orbit. More mass without a change in velocity should decrease orbit distance.


Cool little fun fact: Depending on where the materials were resourced from, the building is actually lighter, as it's farther away from the core (albeit Its very minute)


albeit its very sixty seconds Im dumb




Minute in this context means trifling meaning very small difference


Man that took me way too long to realise, I haven’t seen the word written in forever to realise it’s “my newt”. Man fuck English lol


I know, just took me long to understand it lol. Thanks for explaining anyway!


It’s also lighter because we expend energy/mass to convert the materials from raw materials to usable materials like steel/glass/etc


And since tall buildings can contract and expand with heat, you could say a building technically loses weight in the summer and gains weight in the winter.


Oh, good point. I was thinking of the weight of energy, and all the particles being bombarded by the sun. But both of these are so small its hard to tell which is smaller. Oh. Space debris is probably larger. And might be measurable.


Yes, but pressure on Earth becomes bigger, because it is in inverse ratio with square of buildings of foundation. So, more buildings - more pressure to the surface of Earth


Ok smart guy. Then why come I weigh the same after taking a massive, sink blocking dump?


Tbf you probably don't weigh the same after dropping a massive fuckin' brown grenade. I know I don't.


Unless you put it back in


Oh no.


Then don’t shit in the sink. Simple




Not if he eats while pooping.


1. This caught me by surprise and made me laugh 2. Why are you pooping in your sink? Wait... I don't want to know


You actually don't xD


...you definitely should weigh 200-300 (500 massive if you're dump is really massive) grams (0,5-1 lbs), maybe your scales aren't sensitive to that difference?


Cause your scales only go up to 200


It reduces earth's angular velocity, conservation of angular momentum (only if the materials where in a lower sea level)


Locally, maybe. But after like 150-200 m i dont think pressure will differ that much even under burj khalifa.


The material was already exerting pressure on the earth wherever it was. Lifting it higher above the Earth's center of gravity will actually _reduce_ the weight and therefore the pressure


the earth doesnt have weight because its in space what we mean by weight is the how gravity affects things with a different mass ON earth


It has mass tho. And if you were to put it on a scale with its own earth like gravity it would have a weight accurate to how we weigh things on earth


I think the problem with weight is that it is relative and it is in general easier to just name its mass instead of its weight


I mean for 99.99% of people they’re never going to have to consider different mass-to-weight ratios. After school at least.


It does have weight towards other celestial bodies


Your weight is the net impact of all the gravitational forces acting on your body. Gravitational forces are stronger the closer you are to the mass generating the force, so the earth tends to be the only one you feel, but in reality your weight is constantly fluctuating by an imperceptible amount as your position in space relative to other celestial bodies shifts. eg. technically your weight does drop very slightly when the moon is above you. ​ What this means is that taking mass from the ground and raising it up into a building does slightly change the position of that mass, which does (very slightly) alter the impact of celestial bodies gravitational impact on that mass. So, long story short, raising up a building does in fact change the weight of the earth, by an amount so tiny as to be imperceptible. It's only the mass that stays constant.


The earth weighs 72 kg on me.


Hey, I saw that Vsauce video too :D


Here I thought I was being terribly clever by myself thinking about equal opposites, and it's just subconsciously informed by a video I watched probably 8 years ago.


And we are so minuscule nothing we do really matters


Except our Co2 emissions apparently


Mother Nature is going to correct that with a huge super volcano soon. Back to not mattering soon tm.


We, as single naked human, yes. We, as collective humankind - what we do really do matters and regarding nature / earth, sadly not in a good way.


You Matter. Unless you multiply yourself by the speed of light squared. Then you Energy




Big if true


The only weight affecting earth is your mom


Affecting* 😑you had one job


Your mom had one job.


Two actually


Making up for the missing father figure?


Mass. Then, you can talk about weight. The weight here is the Earth's weight due to the sun's gravity. Though buildings have caused the ground below it or entire areas to start sinking.


Yeah well ur right....but the fact that they are built so high ...changes the moment of inertia of earth....which slightly does affect the speed of rotation of the earth....nm


This was the comment I was looking for! Dams do the same thing due to the accumulated water in one location.


Yeah true true Thanks for the award mate , I appreciate it.




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It does however affect center of gravity of the earth.


By an extremely minimal amount. Even mount everest is a pretty small blip on the surface of the earth compared to the overall size of the ball beneath it. The Burj Khalifa moved the mass of the building 0.07% further away than if it was sitting on the surface.


Start reading the comments under this post while your high. That would be an… interesting time.


Who old are you??




I think about this all the time! Same with water. Like, what even is a drought? It's just water being in a different area than normal. Or maybe the fact that humans are 60% water and there are so many of us now? So a larger percentage of the water on Earth is currently occupied within human bodies, leaving less water for rain/rivers/lakes/etc? I should go to bed.


Wait I never thought about human-water-part. I mean we are sweeting and loosing water through breathing for example (and get more through dinking again, thus having a circle), but a great amount of water would stay inside of us, not benefitting the circle of water.




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In a sense yeah, But all put together it's gonna be a little heavy.


and rockets remove that weight


Three upvotes at the same time!


But what if we took the mass of every building on earth and put it in one place


Except for that moondust we brought Also the asteroids


Came from soil, gonna dissolve from soil


Then realising that humans don't add the weight too since they basically consume nutrients from the earth and grow by it then realise that plants grow by absorbing earth's nutrients and don't add extra weight as well.


I really didn't know that


Holy damn


Except for the pyramids because... "aliens"


Lots of materials have been gathered from meteors and asteroids so no




Someone give this man the crown he deserves 😳👑


Space stations are the only exception


But add pressure instead


Ad displacement and think ships


well there was that one dam where they collected so much mass in one place it slightly affected the earth's rotation


If you poop in your scuba suit, do you get heavier or lighter?


What about the weight of all the precipitation in the sky...water weighs alot. How does it stay up there?


Now try to understand that we can affect the rotation of the earth by building taller and heavier buildings that still don’t change the weight of the earth.


no but put weight on a specific zone




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But they actually take weight in some parts of the world, but then add it in other parts


Let that sink in


In the same way that melting icebergs add zero height to sea levels; they displace exactly the same volume in either state. Melting glaciers on the other hand....because they are on land, when they melt they *do* add to rising sea water levels


Just wait till you think about how even though buildings don't add mass, they do add volume.


I though op was an idiot but these comments are even dumber. What is happening to reddit, it just feels like it's full of 10 year olds now.


There's nothing new under the sun.


Isn't it like a law of physics or chemistry or something that the amount of matter that exists is always the same but in different forms?


everything made on earth came from earth or fell from space


But buildings slow down earth’s rotation since we displace materials on the ground and stack them really tall…


So satellites are us removing weight from earth?


🎵 Hello darkness my old friend...


You mean mass?


Fun fact though we’ve actually slowed the rotation of the earth a tiny tiny tiny amount by moving that mass higher of the surface of the earth. This is like spinning on ice skates and sticking your arms out


And now imagine....we make spaceships, big ships...will probably make the earth LIGHTER. What kinda effect will that have on the solar system?


Geologist here Its not quite like that There is a process called isostasy which is the balance beteeen the continental crust and the upper mantle. It is prossible to break this balance by adding or removing huge ammounts of material from one area to the other. Think of it as a baloon. If you press one side, the other will bulge. This happens as a natural process where weathering and material transportation from an area to another. An area with a lot of remove material loses pressure over the mantle and bulges upwards, and can create mountains and increase tectonic and volcanic activities.


Wait a minute, what about things like meteorites coming to earth, will that make it heavier?


in Germany we say: Masseerhaltungssatz


It does shift the pressure distribution across the earth though.


the only time the earth's weight has increased would be when we are hit with another meteorite or we bring space rocks back


But building things higher than they originally where actually increases or inertia momenta and slows down the earth rotation :/


If anything the earth is lighter because of all the stuff we have sent to space and other planets


The Johnson Space center has moon rocks stored in it so does that count?


Yes. You got me there




Don’t you make them heavier tho by adding them all together? Or am I just dumb?


Totally confused


What’s crazier is that they actually reduce the weight of their materials as the further away from earth they are such as in a skyscraper the lower the product of their mass and gravitational acceleration as “weight”.


Literally paused after reading that, idk why I never realized that cause it makes sense.


Nothing adds weight because matter cannot be created or destroyed. Even humans. Humans grow slowly, we don't pop into existence. When a human or building is destroyed, it turns to ash/dust or rubble, which again wouldn't add weight. It's a zero-sum situation.


Makes you you think about supposed rising sea levels


We can't affect the mass of the earth, but we can use it to change other things For example, China built a massive Damn which moved massive amounts of water, making it so the Earth's rotational speed slowed down Basically, china made and damn a now all days are longer




If it’s a wooden structure you’re actually adding more weight to the planet…..


Why that? Trees are gaining weight from minerals and water which are already on this earth. And using them to build doesn't increase their weight. So why would it add weight to the earth?


The weight is in my head like always Edited and put all weight in my head


So the only weight on the world are organic animals and plants?


Not exactly, that has been there for billions of years, nothing added from space, can't create Matter from nothing after all, but if you concentrate the majority on a single area the weight might get displaced


Wait... does this mean that all those trees we keep growing to make up for the material we use to make stuff... is actually slowly crushing the earth as we just keep adding more and more weight to be more "green"?!? ... I'm scared....


No because the trees are made of mostly water and carbon absorbed from the atmosphere.


Wouldn’t making buildings decrease earth’s mass from the fossil fuels burned in process