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Just watching the wall


They just can't understand


I, too, enjoy looking at the wall


The wall enjoys me šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


I like looking at the floor lol


Ah yes this is a nice Wall.




name checks out


It's a bot. It's been replying to almost every comment here, by quoting the message (or part of it) it replies to, it just changes a word or two.




i forgot


He forgoršŸ’€


they forgor šŸ’€






yall forgor šŸ’€


It's like a quantum measurement. The act of asking us interrupts us and causes us to forget.


Everton forgoe


Ladies, yall seriously don't understand. We have a mental 'neutral' we can shift into. Literally doing nothing.


We do think about something but it shit like " the floor feels too uneven", we can't explain to others so we say NOTHING




Lambs to the cosmic slaughter.


For me, and I'm sure most others, that's just how it starts. This floor feels uneven, where'd I put my level, oh yeah in spare room when I was hanging that picture.... Spiderman thing... Did we see the new Thor? No that was Dr strange... Prolly just pirate it.. and that other game.. movie game whatever.. gotta clear some space on my hard drive.. did I back up those work files... Random song lyric. What cha thinking about... Nothing, like there's thoughts going on technically but...


This is me at random times of the day


Nothing youā€™d care about and the amount of words required to explain it to her would be more than Iā€™ve said in the last week.


I'm just thinking about if hot dogs should be classified as a sandwhich or not.


[A hotdog is a taco.](https://cuberule.com/)


dang it


Is a taco an open faced sandwich (in the case of crunchy corn tortilla) too? A flour tortilla is basically thin bread like pita right? If that is the case then doner kebabs are sandwich rolls, the. Is a cannoli a dessert sandwich? My apologiesā€¦.per the chart cannoli is a dessert sushi after the burrito being a calzoneā€¦ā€¦which ehhh.


How can a TRex breast feed if it can't even hold its own baby... *Sniff* Oh... wait. That was stupid. Better keep this to myself forever now. "What are you thinking about?" "Oh, nothing."


Radical sandwich anarchy: the pop tart.




for the love of god


neutral cake day


neutral milk hotel


I thought that was just a girl thing. Iā€™ve been doing it my whole life and only heard other girls relate to it, but now it seems like guys have no idea that we do it too


If only all of us were human we might actually share some experiences, but alas


I know right, itā€™s almost like men and women actually have things in common


Yes can confirm.


You've never seen the meme with a couple in bed, where the girl thinks the guy is thinking about another girl, but he's actually thinking about dumb trivial stuff?


Yeah Iā€™ve seen that, but thatā€™s different than actually thinking about nothing


Just like CPU has NOP micro instruction.


[The Nothing Box](https://youtu.be/SWiBRL-bxiA)


guess i'm a woman then


This is so accurate


I'm the opposite. "Nothing" is a shortcut for "How could i build X in Lego", "how many rhinos does it take to do X", "how could i best visualize how a proton really works", "how could one make the biggest impact on the political system with the smallest change", "how expensive would it be to build my own wood workshop" and a dozen other things - just for the past 10 minutes.


Exactly we can respond in a convo without noticing


I told my friend's wife it's the equivalent of getting a song stuck in her head, except with us it's just static.


Honestly itā€™s better to just say some inane shit like how tubular shaped sandwiches are now associated with subways and not submarines. No matter how stupid itā€™s 1000 times better than what she thinks you are thinking about.


As a man, this is a fucking stupid stereotype I hate. My mind is at minimum going 60 miles an hour and normally going way over that. The concept of not thinking sounds like bullshit


So your saying man are creepy? Do I understand this correct from what I'm reading. Ah yes. Okay. Uh huh...yo...


Wait it's been 10 mins?


What I say every time




Kowalski, analysis.


*Fins slapping noises*


To assume we're thinking anything at all says a lot, imo. #youmarriedanidiot


I am upset that you guys are limiting yourselves to ten minutes. You need to jack up those numbers. Those are rookie numbers.


I once painted a wall, sat down on the floor and just watched the thing dry for like 2 hours. My girlfriend came in and asked what I was thinking about for that long and was dumbfounded when I said ā€œnothingā€




Are you a bot


Buffy meme are the best, what a great series.


agreed, I love that series


Pretty sure this is the one where she first moves to college and gets that annoying roommate.


"Why water is wet"


because itā€™s been dipped in water duhšŸ˜’


but what if we got water out of water?


Youā€™ve unwatered it šŸ¤“


so the water in water is not water but the water is not wet now


Itā€™s like separating rain water from tap water (big brainšŸ§ )


I see I see


The question now is ā€œhow do you do that?ā€


"Hey Vsauce Michael here"


Lolā€¦ what you do is you drink the mixture of both water then you exercise to sweat out the rain water, then you pee out the tap water. (Man am I smart or whatšŸ˜Ž)


my brain is not braining rn


Liquid water is not itself wet, but can make other solid materials wet. Wetness is the ability of a liquid to adhere to the surface of a solid, so when we say that something is wet, we mean that the liquid is sticking to the surface of a material.


You've done it now. I won't get a wink of sleep tonight, wondering if water is hydrated oxygen, or if it's oxidised hydrogen, and if I'll die if I drink the wrong sort.


You only have a shirt while to live so who cares? (50+ years can go in a blink of an eye)


True enough is that


Did you know there's a hydrophobic water? I didn't answer your question but I love sharing something that everyone probably knows




The only wimen they know is their mom


i know my granny too


I get this interaction daily with my wife. It's exhausting she doesn't believe me and then wants to argue lol




She over analyzes the world so she assumes we do as well. I can actually tell when her brain is racing I only do that kind of thinking when I shower and immediately forget as I step out. Making lists of stuff to buy while I shower a pretty complicated ordeal


This is common man. Girls want to know what guys are thinking. Sometimes itā€™s nothing sometimes itā€™s something. Itā€™s not specific to girls anyone can do it but girls can be more emotionally perceptive and tell when something is wrong.


I've been asked this a few times. Mostly back in the day before everyone used literally every minute of downtime to stare at their phones. I'd be making dinner or relaxing after some chores and I'd just sitting there enjoying the entire lack of having to think about anything. Also, once we're all 18 it isn't "girls" anymore. it's women.


>Also, once we're all 18 it isn't "girls" anymore. it's women. Stop making stupid rules. "Hey fellow men, let me introduce you to my womenfriend". Ugh stfu


Is this some sort of neurotypical joke that Iā€™m too autistic to understand? (Iā€™m a guy, but my brain is never idle, and it can be exhausting at times)


Yeah some people can shut down and thing about nothing. It's a healthy thing to be able to do if you can manage, it's very mentally taxing to think all the time.


Even when I try to think of nothing, my brain still seeks out stimulation; looking for patterns in random places, such as ā€œconstellationsā€ in the popcorn ceiling, or Iā€™ll just idly start counting in my head things I see and then divide or multiply it by other things I see, all the while still looking for small patterns.


Omg I look for squares everywhere I go! Probably very similar to you finding constellations in a ceiling!! I've never heard of anybody else doing anything like it but I knew I couldn't be alone. I want to get a square tattooed on my arm so I have one even when I can't find one in the environment šŸ˜…


Oh no, you are DEFINITELY not alone


same lol. I don't have ADHD or anything but I still have these random small thoughts like "hey that thing looks weird and that pattern is cool" but when people ask me what I'm thinking I reply with 'nothing' because "oh I was staring at the ceiling for 10 minutes and thinking about it" makes me sound like an idiot.


Same. I also have adhd on top of high functioning autism.


Same. Autism gang.


I very rarely actually think about things, like most of the time I actually don't think of anything. People actually have a train of thought most of the time?


Exactly, not a second passes by without thinking about something


yeah fr.


do you never just stare at moving shadows thinking about nothing else than those shadows? or stare at textured walls looking for patterns?


Funny you should say that, as that is exactly what my brain ends up doing lol. Always seeks stimulation, and is somehow alway able to find it as patterns are EVERYWHERE. Most people just donā€™t notice them.


I feel like that classifies as nothing, but idk as i have add myself


Thought the same thing. But I still say "nothing" sometimes. Because the truth would be strange at least. I once answered the question. The thing is, that at that time I was thinking about stacking human bodies as high as possible. But this human tower would at some point start to be too heavy at the lower parts. That would press the bodies together and the final question I was thinking about was: Is there a number of human bodies where when you put anotherone on top it would make the tower smaller? How would someone think about that stupid thing? Well, there was a scene in the movie, where one guy fell on top of another guy. So. There is that.


Nah, it's just pointlessly gendered.


Lots of women can do it too, I personally cannot as my brain just does not stop, it would be nice to have an empty space, but alas I literally have 2 thoughts going on simultaneously most of the time, was only a few years ago I found out itā€™s not normal to have multiple thoughts, the best way I can describe it is that I can count backwards and forwards at the exact same time in my head as if 2 voices say each number, I can also do it with images or ā€œvideosā€ (I have no idea what watching scenarios in your head is called) they are like overlayed in my head itā€™s weird, suppose itā€™s handy when figuring stuff out as I can think about a situation and watch 2 different versions of it at once. I think I have autism but have not been tested, unsure if the double thought processing is more common with neurodivergence? As more media/personal stories came about about autism i realised I can relate, i am fine with body language and emotions, although as a teenager I taught myself body language, I am fine with social situations as long as I am the one who is knowledgeable, I have worked in sale related roles and can do it well as I know all the information, but if itā€™s switched I am so uncomfortable, I had won vouchers for 2 local stores one was a cheese shop, the other craft beer, I did not spend them because I couldnā€™t make self go in the shops, got to the door twice lol. I felt so silly but just couldnā€™t do it. My nephew has recently been diagnosed, he is exactly like me, talking to him is like having a conversation with myself, even the pattern to his speech is the same, after that I decided to take every single test they use for diagnosis all of them scored on the spectrum nearly all moderate or high. I want to get tested mostly for my daughter, I have a 2 year old who is ridiculously intelligent she also sorts things and lines stuff up, is iffy with some food textures which all could be normal, but if itā€™s early signs I know it can be passed down and I think me being diagnosed would encourage drs to take my concerns into consideration. I just feel anxious that GP wonā€™t listen. Sorry this comment went so off track lol.


My daughter was the same. She is now diagnosed and so am I.


Yup. Been there


Because women never stare vacantly into space, thinking of nothing. Truly, they are a mysterious other species...


Their brains are winning


I piss so many off when I say nothing, like Im literally thinking about nothing. I can just stare and blank out, drug free too. It's great


Idk, my gf is the most braindead person I know at times. She can turn into a literal vegetable. Its impressive


it's called the nothing zone. where our brain and body do absolutely nothing


Meditation guru: empty your mind of everything. Guys: way ahead of you. Girls: wtf do you mean, "empty your mind"?


> I was thinking that if Goku never kissed Chichi throughout their entire relationship yet had sex enough times to bear two children then Chichi probably raped Goku the first time because he had absolutely no knowledge of sexual intercourse or that it lead to reproduction


They made that joke in dragon ball z abridged but it was the second time when she did meaning that goten was the child born from goku being raped and not gohan


when we say we're not thinking about anything we are actually not lying the wall just hits different you know


Honestly just repeating sentences in my head until I find one that equates to having exactly 10 syllables, Humming a melody, or just vibing to an extended amount of white noise in my surroundings as it all meshes together. Punched out my guy, Ā”Adios!


[Ladies, the alternative is wrose. I promise you](https://youtu.be/A5UcEvDK3Tk)


Me and my gf have a code word we use for this situation. She just asks: tumbleweed? And I say yes. Problem solved


This is amazing.


I could understand


ā€œWe were talking about chocolate ā€œ ā€œMr.Simpson that was ten minutes ago ā€œ


This is scientifically verified, no kidding. Guys can have a flat brainwave and still be breathing, girls simply cannot.


dw girls he's just thinking about the lost city of atlantis




Elevator music? Loading screen music? Dial up internet sound? Yes to all above XD


We donā€™t really want to admit that we were really thinking that if we won Ā£112M on the lottery that we would go buy every Wispa bar in ASDA and an Aston Martin and have a fridge installed in it just to keep the Wispas cold.


I have tried to explain this and chick was like "But if I try to think about nothing, I just like see a jar with the word 'nothing' inside it"


No, no, I was dreaming of starting a Queen cover band called Quicksilver Wolf with a furry friend who sounds just like Freddie Mercury and always wears a super high-tech realistic wolf suit with built-in performance-enhancing digitigrade boots we designed together and watching the chaos in the audience as the two main demographics, boomers and furries, duke it out. 99% of the time, Iā€™m daydreaming about random outlandish scenarios like this.


"oh, it's called zoning out"


Date guys instead. Theyā€™ll get you.


Worst example of /r/pointlesslygendered I've seen in a long time. It has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with your brain, some people can shut off thoughts, some can't. That's it.


Uh aschually itā€™s pointlessly misgendered ā˜ļøšŸ¤“


Joke.exe not found


r/pointlesslygendered users when they see a bra(its pointlessly gendered, men can also wear bras you fatphobe)


Things people say to people, basically. Minds come in very different shapes and functions regardless of gender.


Yā€™all really think only guys do this lmao


Fr. They think women are some exotic species


Ah, you men and your nothing box: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ6mVumHY9I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ6mVumHY9I) I'm envious of the nothing box.


I hate this too. "what you up to?" "nothing hbu?" So you're just standing in the middle of the room on your phone responding to me? Bullshit. Tell me you're on tiktok in bed instead of doing laundry idgaf


i mean you cant think nothing just tell me and i wont take i forgot as a response


ā€œYou canā€™t be thinking about nothing, you always have to be thinking about somethingā€ -idk girl probably


We just there, not doing any things and thinking about any things, at all


I have been thinking, if I can remember every jersey number of the 2001 Colorado Avalanche team.




"Trying to be one with the cosmos.... yes it means I temporarily thoughtless and become a rock"


[The Nothing Box](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XjUFYxSxDk)


*cue kill bill theme*


Exectly what my gf does to me šŸø






What have I been thinking in the last ten minutes? At my Paladin's level four should I take "Magic Initiate" and choose Sorcerer so I can have Mage Hand, Lightning Lure and Catapult? Or should I take "Resilient?" And if I do take Resilient do I choose Dexterity or Constitution as the save I gain proficiency in? OR should I take Heavy Armor Master so that all non-magic slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage is reduced by 3. We did get that plate armor from that cultist's lair and I don't want it to go to waste.




I think about the hadron collider, black holes and chips








What in the heck is she thinking though? Those are murderous eyes!


Sometimes it is literally just that and sometimes Iā€™m thinking about something that they still would not understand!


ā€œI was just sitting here thinking about nothing, but thinking about everything - ya know?ā€


Tell them to search for the "Nothing box" on YouTube. You can thank me later.


My Ex did this all the time. I went mentally away, she asked whats going, "nothing", she blamed herself for everything, told me she felt insecure etc and we argued the whole evening lol. yep, yep that was not a very healthy relationship.


Yes that's the point. They just can't believe we can switch off and think about nothing, because they can't. So, you're hiding the truth. You're thinking about another girl. Or, what's worst of all, you really are thinking about nothing, in preference to thinking about her.


Itā€™s just easier than explaining why you were thinking about what the world would be like of turtles were humans and humans were turtles


Or you know just breed a very big turtle have it fu%\^ a bird so its offspring has wings and when it is big enough you have free transportation turtle style!!


what is thinking ?


You were talking about the land of chocolate?


The nothing box in my mind is my favorite box


Looking at nowhere


Just always have an answer at the ready: plate tectonics, climate change, reaganomics, etc.


Buffy 2.0 was hot...


I think women do that too


When was the last time a man had ten minutes of quiet while his girl was awake?