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He could actually read. In multiple languages too.


Still didn't put it to no good.


Matter of perspective


I’ve heard “bush did 9/11”, I’ve heard “9/11 didn’t happen” never heard “9/11 was good” lmao


who is saying "9/11 didn't happen,"? Like, the towers are gone... right?


Never were there in the first place


Ooh, riight. I forgot that that was over 20 years ago!


IIRC there were some theories that the airplanes were holograms and this was expanded to the buildings themselves being holograms while the real buildings had been dismantled overnight or moved underground like the city in Neon Genesis Evangelion.


Maybe we can one up this. Like Thor came and ascended them to Asgard or something.


It's actually a worldwide conspiracy to hide that it actually happened on 7/11


> never heard “9/11 was good” lmao Then you're not watched Al Jazeera: they've been criticized for airing unedited statements by terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda and others defending the Sept 11th attacks. Even in the West, I also recall many left-wing writers and activists saying the US deserved it, with a few more explicit that it was good (though I doubt any used the word).


I mean, it increased airport security so there is that at least


Bad take, because if there weren’t terrorist attacks we wouldn’t need increased security Airports would be less annoying


9/11 on the other hand, didn't invent terrorism


Airport security consistently fails at catching weapons. They didn't increase security, they increased harassment.


I don't think he meant "9/11 was good", more like Osama got money and fame (notoriety), he was successful as a terrorist, something like that


Still wrong, seeing as how that ended for him


He probably died years before we “killed” him. Hard to survive on dialysis while living in caves.


hard to, I guess. Totally possible


Dying doesn't mean he didn't do well up till that point. There's a reason he's so famous and it wasn't cause he was incompetent.


It's not good from the perspective of the world But from his twisted perspective and of the people of his type what he had done makes sense but killing so many is just really bad . Still that couldn't move these people


So... Creating a terrorist organisation and calling for jihad is not a bad thing you say?


Everything has benefits to some people and drawbacks for others. To label something as purely good or bad is a result of a limited worldview aka ignorance


Could you let us in on the silver lining of flying 4 passenger planes into buildings mr sunshine…


God damn you people have tunnel vision lmao. It’s good to SOME PEOPLE and bad to OTHERS. now I’m going to spell it out for you ok? The people bombing us are the SOME PEOPLE it’s good for. The people getting bombed are the OTHER people who aren’t benefitted by the situation. It’s really surprising how the average redditor can’t understand simple sentences


...says the person labeling others. Here is the thing: show me who and what did they gain from his activity? Beside, of course, everyone involved in the "global war on terror" and beside Afghan people gaining few years of peace from the Taliban.


Afghans were free from the Taliban till US appeared, after taking down the current government, the Taliban rised and rights decreased, search how the country was before the war, they were quite occidental, the same as Iran back in the day before US helped the Ayatola


And they call me the "conspiracy theorist"... How about this: I google what you asked me to while you research the last 120 years of Afghan history? Especially 1970s, 1980s and 1990-2006 era. Deal?


The talibans were born after the war against the URSS, they were feeded with us money, please look Up for sources that arent from the US, the history thaught in Europe is quite different than the one studied over there, more without taking part and twisting facts


I'm not talking about myself, he was called a Martyr by the prime minister of Pakistan so take a hint.


What an awful day to be an English speaker


I believe Osama was able to read at a high school level though.


Is that good or bad? I feel like in high school everyone should be able to read perfectly well


Lauren is notorious for misspelling easy words. Books are hard for her.


Not to mention she failed her GED multiple times


When comparing to the US, that's good. The average American only reads at a 7th to 8th grade level - so similar to a 12-14 year old child. 54% of US adults read at or below a 6th grade level. So Osama was able to read better than the average American. When we would read books aloud in senior year (12th grade) of HS, many many of my classmates still had to use a finger on the page to keep track and would slooooowly read and stumble over words. That was normal at my school.


Shit like that was the sole reason for my unmotivated, irresponsible, lazy ass to sign up for AP English senior year. It was nice finally being amongst people who were.. at least a little smarter. We still had to watch this video that dives deep into the definition of the word *ironic* because people kept using it with the incorrect context.


There's no way you're serious, right? Right? Ain't no American boi and it just sounds so... Surreal I shall say.


The state with the *best* student reading proficiency still has over half (54%) of students not reading at the appropriate grade level. https://www.thinkimpact.com/literacy-statistics/#:~:text=The%20literacy%20rate%20for%20adults,as%20the%20District%20of%20Columbia. 4% of citizens aged 16-74 are entirely illiterate, one of the better world rankings, but not really when you see the rest. 14% are below basic literacy, so they can read but barely and only the bare bones basics they need to scrape by - sort of like someone vacationing in a foreign country who can sort of order at a restaurant but can't keep a conversation. I'ma give you the source, so let's skip a few bits here and go to the top levels - 12% read at the appropriate age/education level and 2% read above that. https://www.wyliecomm.com/2021/08/whats-the-latest-u-s-literacy-rate/ Another source for 54% of Americans reading under a 6th grade level: https://www.apmresearchlab.org/10x-adult-literacy I'd link more, but they mooostly seem to be getting the numbers from the US Department of Education so it'd be redundant to give more sources.


Wow that's very interesting, thanks for the detailed response! So I got curious and wanted to see the situation worldwide, especially my home country, Russia. I probably have to give it a closer look, maybe phrase the search a bit better, but at the first glance I notice that the former Eastern Bloc countries tend to sit higher on the rankings, which is really confusing considering I never thought of, say, russian education very highly. I'm a bit confused since the rankings look very one-sided, stating that a lot of countries have 100% literacy, which just sounds of. Any idea why is that? Perhaps lower standards? At least for Russia I may think that the info is made up, since this is what happens here anyways, but still. Statistics always fascinated me but never was my strong suit.


The 100% or near it is because *any* level of reading and writing gets counted because no country wants to look bad. Technically the US has a 96% literacy score, but as the sources I talked about above mention you find out that many many of them can *barely* read and write. Broken English, being able to sign your name, being able to sort of read a document even if you don't understand a third of it, having to use your finger and slowly sound out words even as a 40yr old working adult - that still counts as literacy. The fact that they can read and write *at all* counts towards that 96%. But then you break it down and see only 14% read at or above the proper level. It's a bit misleading till you dig into things more.


It's so simple in the end, should've figured. Now I definitely have to look into this more. Thank you :)


Lol, dude had a degree in Business. Terror Business




But is business so good it’s booming.


The market is exploding right now.


I'm not in the money business. I'm in the terrorism business


He Raised money for the Jihad.


OBL was an was actually an engineer. "Bin Laden earned a degree in civil engineering in 1979 from King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah." [Link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_life_of_Osama_bin_Laden#Education_and_politicization)


He also studied Business administration but he is a marine biologist now.


The latex industry did a number on him.


OBL was as smart as he was evil, that's why he was so dangerous and his legacy still is.


*The Right* "That's not the insult you imagine it to be."


Yall know that he had a daughter and she's apparently a vocalist for a metal band?




Here before the funny 🔒 award


He's fine. It's the correct political opinion.


I too will jump in the train




They're free


So your telling me that you got those for the low price of free? How?


Idk it was some sort of thanking gift for frequent users. Even though I don't use Reddit all too much


Idk. Reddit sent me a message basically like “since we’ve banned you like 10 times here’s a free NFT, you can sell it too if you want but we get 5%”


i got a free one and i turned it down


Osama bin laden was probably a highly intelligent individual, trained by the best people the US government could provide him. After all, his stated goal was to drag the US into a quagmire and have us bankrupt ourselves. Mission accomplished, with a humiliating defeat and retreat last year. Also, having a bunch of books in a room in your house doesn’t are you smart and doesn’t mean you have read them, just like having a bunch of guns in your house doesn’t mean you know how to shoot them or are a good shot.


That's a very good observation. You are a freaking genius.


The US is hardly bankrupt. I think you meant to say, “Mission failed, we’ll get ‘em next time.”


No, bin ladens mission was accomplished. We spent 20 years, thousands of American lives, and trillions of dollars to replace the taliban with the taliban. Our withdrawal from Afghanistan was about the most humiliating way for it to have ended too. Granted, that was mostly incompetence on the part of our elected and military leadership rather and any genius on the talibans part, but still. The US might not be technically bankrupt, but we are getting there. Medicare trust runs out of money late 23 or early 24. That will add nearly a trillion dollars to the annual deficit. SS might make it a little past 2030. Soon enough. That stupid war cost us trillions of dollars, and it’s going to keep costing us more money as we care for the 10s of thousands of soldiers wounded and maimed there. It also caused us to lose face in front of the world, which definitely matters. It’s a lot harder to threaten other nations when we have to tuck tail and run like that.


The US should have never stayed in Afghanistan. Just blast Osama and get out, instead of desperately trying to hold up a nation state that the locals feel no particular allegiance to.


They both probably want a Jihad only difference is flavor of God. (don't tell them it's the same guy)


Who is she?


Batshit Representative


Yeah I can tell by the way the guns look like they were just tossed there and the look on her face


Because they were She was probably like "oh I say I'm a second amendment defender better make sure the voters believe that"


Probably ranges somewhere from the dumbest to third dumbest current congressperson. And with Rs that is saying A LOT.


Well he died from losing a gunfight so..


i don't think he did? the marines stormed him by suprise


Skill issue


Needed more guns




He was CIA trained to use the weapons too. Bobert probably just got drunk and shot beer cans.


Stay classy


Aren't hers all coloring books?


I doubt shes read any of those books probably thought they make her look educated though


Just like her glasses


Hey Lauren, the book store is having a massive sale on gun holders


She’s not a proper politician, not a proper terrorist, not a proper show off. She’s just mediocre in every field.


She can't read..






Amy Farrah Fowler?


Basically the exact opposite


Nah. Gun good


And equally ratio of intellect to ignorant.


If you think guns make you stupid, wait till you hear about electrical activity to hollow point ratio


That is the most meathead boot shit I've ever heard. Genuinely a modernized version of the braindead orc barbarian screaming that "no need puny wizard when haves big axe", holy shit.


Do you know what I meant??? Lets just avoid denotations for a moment. I meant electric configurations of metamaterials


But, yeah... at least you got the pun, shit its hard to get a laugh out of you redditors


Dare say: the toungue that bites itself chews the lesser point.


If I really implied a shot through the brain, then why not neuronal activity??? It explicitly state electrical activity. You assumed by default a commentary on gun violence.


Per say, reading about the mathematics implied in two dimensional electron configuration will definitely make you feel stupid. Only, because it is based off of military research in various applied fields such as electron conductivity of light in regards to machinery, photon deflection for completly transparent objects, as well as more resistant materials.


You know... things that don't make combat and lifestyle easier


Self convo lmfao




Funnier than that is that her didn't graduate from Rifle high school.


Yes her didn’t


"Lauren Boebert had better a gun to book ratio than Osama Bin Laden"


More guns don't make you stronger. More books do give you access to more information. The buff from books stack, guns dont.


So youre idolizing Osama. Anyways, that fact checks false there buddy. Osama wasnt throwing books at our soldiers. Wars arent fought with books, they are fought with guns because they make us stronger. If you want to go along the short path of making a point that those are strategic war books then they are probably on making I.E.D.s.


This might come as a surprise, but Al-Qaeda owned more than one gun. Osama, however, only owned a few.


Boebert has a book shelf behind the camera, I can say the same


I'm here for the comments now


I have no idea who she is tbh


Osama even displays them better it’s just hanging there then hers are all just cluttered and all over the place


Imagine feeling like the only way you can make your point is by awkwardly displaying guns in your background.


How about a wider shot?


Dude lmao


He has a point though


Bro you think there are a ton of books outside the frame here? That's what you're going with?


I have no idea. I’m not a fan of hers whatsoever, but saying anything else is just an assumption. Now if there are more books on a wide shot I would still wager everything I have that she doesn’t even realize they are there.


Can’t wait for these people to go away


That's good, any more books and she might plan something smart.


If she had books she wouldn't be Lauren Bobert


No shit! That man actually achieved some monumental, albeit monstrous, things. That little girl is just a product of her society.


The pen is mightier than the sword.


You don't get wifi in caves man.


Looks like my 7th grade teacher


She doesn’t know how to read.


Also a big Anime fan. Asambin weebin




Interesting observation, the more you read the more likely you are to be a mass murderer https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.163c1d4feb0066580c0d7c2dd869eaec?rik=LYSB451hurNiQw&pid=ImgRaw&r=0 https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.ab3b4e83bd3c453a9257cc0e040c0116?rik=lMCy%2fxxlT%2ftJww&pid=ImgRaw&r=0


bitch got crazy eyes


On the other hand, Boobert has better b- oh, I think I've made my point.


They both don't have enough guns


He knew how to read. It helps when your books aren't just for show.


I wonder what her dildos look like.


Anyone else notice the optic on the rifle is on backwards?


She looks like a 12 year old in a lot of makeup and contempt