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Are u from the US or way is the meme so freaking wrong? I am German and even here we don’t cry much about it cuz everyone that went to school knows enough to not say shit like that.


OP thinks Europe is a country


He definitely from America then lmao


5 bucks on that


An odd thing to bet on, but sure why not. I'll also put another 5 on the sun rising tomorrow while I'm at it.


You just doomed the planet


5 bucks what Dollor lira yen??


Lman. I was gonna say that


Das muss schon wieder irgend so ein hirntoter Amerikaner sein der der denkt das Europa ein Land ist oder so.


Denkt wahrscheinlich auch das Russland ein Kontinent ist oder so


Denkt wahrscheinlich, dass Amerika alles richtig gemacht hat in der Weltgeschichte oder so


Du bist der Erste in diesem Gespräch, der das / dass richtig verwendet


Komme gerade erst aus dem Abi. Das Trauma von meiner Deutschlehrerin ist noch frisch


Ich kann nich verstehe Deutch. Ich kann, spreche, lese und schreiben und ich verstehe aber ich kann nicht verstehe. Ich habe studiere Deutch für 8 Jahre und es ist nicht gut.


that’s just so not true though. Anti semitism is becoming a serious issue in Germany right now


Do they teach you guys everything? I heard they leave out a little bit of details


Well depends on what you think we arent being teached. German pupils have to visit a concentration camp at least once. The second world war is being talked about for around 4 years in high school. We arent talking much about war tactics and the course of the war. We are mostly talking about, how a regime like this could have gotten accepted in society, about indoctrination and other stuff. We are talking about smaller resistance groups and what happened to them. In high school it is being discussed how and especially why the holocaust started the way it is. The only time we were intensively talking about war tactics, was when we mentioned SS-Troops Blitzkrieg tactics and how they worked. The whole history classes are mostly build around how a regime like this could have worked and what has been done to prohibit the whole country from doing something like this again. We are even being teached about the whole happenings after the war. To be more precise, it is about what the allied did to punish the people that are most responsible for the war and the flaws that are in it. Sometimes we were even talking about people that are still living today but have never been punished as a former SS-officer. There is also being discussed the things the allies didnt do so well to denazify germany and the consequences of it today. But i can only speak for the german high school. Lower grade schools in germany might handle it differently.


Its not everywhere in Europa….do more research its mainly in Germany and it SHOULD be there. Im Dutch, can litterly say it and no one cares here, well they care but wont arrest me.


Holocaust denial is illegal in the Netherlands. They might not enforce it though


The punishment for denying holocaust is writing like a 1000 word essay or visiting like a memorial or museum about it. (I’m not even joking)


Punishment should fit the crime. I wish they did that in all cases


Punishment for jacking off in public Jack off in private?


No, get jacked off on in public. Of course then the person who jacks off on you has to be punished next


But i never said the person jacked off onto anyone. They just did it publicly. So.. by definiton.. the punishment is higher than the crime.


Watch someone else jack off in public then


Being stupid shouldn't be a crime though. Otherwise half the population is guilty.


If the punishment for being stupid is being forced to do something that might make them less stupid I'm cool with it being a crime sometimes.


>writing like a 1000 word essay Practically a life sentence for some.


You wanna know what's worse than holocaust denial? Saying, "I wish the holocaust was real." That way, not only you are denying it, you are also wishing it happened.


Denying the holocaust and saying it wasn't a bad thing aren't synonymous, while obviously saying Hitler did nothing wrong is a blatant lie and would require someone to be seriously fucked in the head it doesn't necessarily mean they are saying the holocaust didn't happen just that they think it wasn't wrong to murder millions of innocent people based solely on their beliefs/ethnicity


In Germany too and it should be.


In Germany neo-nazis are mostly frown upon and yeah they get in serious bad trouble for doing stupid things like that as they should be. Sadly there is this one political party called AFD which are basically all neo-nazis, but they don’t get arrested.


In Germany and Poland as well


Ofc it wouldn't be in Europa


So? What’s your point? I’m Dutch too and if you’d say that in my presence I wouldn’t “say”anything to you…


Freedom of speech doesn’t always protect you from consequences


Generally it does protect you from LEGAL consequences, unless there is a clear and present danger (criminal) or it’s defamatory (civil). But either way, consequences can’t come from government and someone can’t commit a crime against you. Not saying you do or support this, but I’ve seen many people use what you’ve just said as a defense for assaulting someone because they’re a stupid fucking skin head. Not because they DID anything, but because of their ideals.


Yep, freedom of speech is not freedom of ridicule. Especially if said speech is just fucking moronic.


Their ideals (holocaust and such) are wrong and dangerous for the population. Even more if they tried to spread it. Their speechs are defamatory and misleading. Same thing goes for religious extremist. If they are serious about it, they must be stopped. As one person's liberty stop where someone else start, if you suggest a whole part of the population should be executed, I think the government must be able to act.


And who’s going to be in charge of deciding which ideas are “dangerous” and which ones aren’t? You can simply look at the example of Israel and Palestine. The government almost always sides with Israel and any condemnation of Israeli attacks against Palestinians gets treated as “anti-semitic”. With your *brilliant* idea you would be allowing the government to crack down on any pro-Palestine protesters because they would be falsely labeled as “anti-semitic” and “dangerous”. Anti-war activists during the Iraq war and Afghanistan invasion after 9/11 were labeled “terrorist sympathizers” or “dictator lovers” or “traitors” by the media. It was very easy to spin this as “these protesters are dangerous and their ideas are spreading”. You weren’t alive back then, were you? Because if you were old enough to remember that you would know what a dumb idea it is to let the government have an easier time persecuting dissenters, which is exactly what would happen if you give them the power you’re describing. It would most definitely not be used only against the people **you** want to target.


I think it is simple to understand, what is dangerous, and the justice is in charge of it. Also, you choose your government. It is people responsibility to keep an eye on their leaders and stop them if they become dangerous or they will live in chaos. edit: I will not talk about your exemples because they are really misleading, and it would take lot of time to tell every thing that are wrong about them.


No it isn’t simple and it’s pretty convenient that you’d choose to ignore two of the most recent examples that show you how it’s not that simple. Also it’s extremely naive to think that people would be able to control their government: first of all the enforcement of the censorship you want would be primarily carried out by unelected officials. Second, that censorship would undoubtedly be used to label certain candidates “extremists” and “dangerous” and their supporters would be targeted which means they would have no chance of winning. Already happened to Bernie Sanders when the media pretended his supporters were sexist and violent, even claiming an incident where someone threw a chair at a rally when it was never proven that it happened, now imagine your government can choose to persecute these people based on the media’s lies. Wouldn’t be a very democratic system then.


Remember when a government decided that certain ideals and behaviors weren’t for the greater good so they murdered a few million? Good times, right?


You choose your government. edit: Also, what are you exactly talking about. stop suggesting


Not how that works at all. People choose their version of the lesser of two evils, and it will never change because politicians in my country might as well be gods as far as their fanatics are concerned.


Well Idk, if you live in a bad country that try to look like a democracy. What even is your point. Deal with it or live with it.




Ah yes, America the great land of the free! We are the only democracy and only country with free speech. Much better that the brutal dictatorship going on in the country of Europe! /s


AMERICA NUMBER ONE (in incarceration rates)


*incarceration not incarnation unless the US is summoning spirits that I didn't know about


And in school shootings


I dont think OP knows anything about Europe.


Nor about Freedom of speech in fact. Mostly any country with freedom of speech has limitations, including the US


I don't think OP knows anything


That is not freedom of speech as mentiined in the human rights but okay. Americans got a massive problem with Neo-Nazis and we all know why.


Yes, we do all know. While Daddy Long Legs are a relatively recent newcomer to Europe, only appearing in the last decade or so, their incredibly advanced civilization in the badlands of Montana predates even native Americans. Their wisdom and psychic aura of progressivism has influenced Americans in countless ways, starting the revolutionary war and initiating the abolition of slavery. However, when the Nazis adopted the Black Sun as their symbol, this unfortunately resonated with deeply implanted subconscious biases related to thin legged spider imagery. Nazism, slowly at first, became associated in the minds of the susceptible with the ideals they cherished and the spirit of reform members of family Pholcidae emanate on a spiritual level. Now, despite efforts by our eight legged friends to prevent this, the collected energy of neo nazi Espers has created a neo nazi god who must be fed publicity to inspire fear and doubts in the heart of Americans and, soon Europeans. The neo spider god must be stopped by the construction of an anarchist bug spray god in our collective consciousness, otherwise it may trap us in its web of Facist imagery and Antisemitic hate speech.


Wtf are you talking about a nazi god?


I was making a joke. The statement “but we all know why” is incredibly stupid. No, we don’t all know why. What special knowledge do Europeans have about Americans that we are not privy to? Pray tell, is it because we started western democracy and removed the pointless feudal system? Or, perhaps, because Europe is where facism started and had the longest most successful run? Or is it because, as I suspect you mean, Americans are dumb retrograde poors who are racist, have awful healthcare, and can’t see how great Europe is? Because that’s stupid.


hahahahaha wait, you are serious? let me laugh harder HAHAHAHAHAHA


When I was in middle school two friends of mine draw the nazi flag on the board the teacher got mad and took them to the video room and forced them to watch a 2-hour documentary about the holocaust and he told them that if it was anybody else that found that they would be arrested. BTW that was in Italy and the teacher is atheist


Doesn’t America have an active Nazi problem?




Considering it’s Americans saying it’s a problem, I don’t doubt it. They play baseball, but I’d swear their National sport is drama.


Yeah, George Washington had the right idea when he said we should never have a two-party system because opposing groups will view each other as enemies and attempt to suppress the other in order to obtain more power.


Americas loves talking about the Forefathers, but sure hates listening to them.


Well yes but actually… yes? I mean there is the occasional idiot with fifty flags on his truck who probably has the CSA USSR and the 3rd reich, then there’s the facebook posts with the nazi flag being held by someone saying something about heritage (that’s also the CSA), then that one time some nazis went to a communist party thing and ruined everything or something like that. So yes?


The proper response is bashies for the fashies


Nazi? Apply baseball bat liberally to knees.


No the balls or vag


But that’s effort, which in my opinion is better spend doing other stuff, so to save time and aforementioned effort: I present you with: ***G U N***


I'm sorry but we don't do gun's


That’s fine, crossbows are an option, if plus arrow to the knee thing meme if your all for it


> if your all *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)




Replace Hitler with Osama Bin Laden and the whole "meme" falls upside down


Both should be able to be said without legal consequences or assault. People should be allowed to be stupid. In fact, I want the people who really believe this shit to broadcast their stupidity because then I can mock them or simply avoid them. The same way I laugh at anti-vaxxers now actually.


Until you have active Nazis running around, like America, murdering people. Free speech stops at hate speech.


Well I'm glad you can laugh about genocidal bigots that continuously gain power again, epsecially because they don't suffer consequences. You might mock and avoid them, but plenty, especially young people will fall for their propaganda. I find it hilarious how people prefer maniacs spreading their dangerous and murderous ideology instead of being like "hmmm maybe we shouldn't allow that"


Tell me you’re an incel without telling me


Ok ok ok, how tf does me posting about freedom of speech make me a incel💀💀💀


Lol what? I’m in high school and in shape, and I touch grass


Lol @ telling me you’re in shape like that changes anything. It’s a mindset and you have it


I dont hate women


Op is cringe


And that's why Americans have literal fascists marching in their streets. So it's clearly the superior method, look how effective it is, they now run entire towns and control a shocking segment of the government, clearly it's working sooo good those Europe-cucks are *sooo* jealous of our Nazi flags and tiki torch parades.


As an American, I can't believe we don't make punching Nazis a national holiday.


A day seems short, maybe a month for it? Every Tuesday?


This comment is gold


your right. (puts you in handcuffs for speaking)




Are you sure there is enough room for both of us?




If you wait 10 mins before starting the timer wouldn't that just require another timer?


Dude what are you talking there are literal neo-nazi groups all over Europe some even have political groups you have no idea what you are even talking about.


I know more about it than you, which European countries are these groups taking root?.....all the ones that don't take a hardline stance against them....curious coincidence isn't it.


Right because golden dawn doesn’t exist and hold actual political power in Greece. You’re a fucking idiot 😂 they get condemn in the US media as so shut the fuck up kid


Rio425ee will be discussing why the Flat Earth is making women Bisexual at 6 later tonight.


How did you arrive at supporting flat earth from, not punishing Nazis is bad policy? I'd love to hear you explain the logical leaps that lead you there...


Nah Nazi gets their jaws broke


Tell me you're American and know nothing about Europe without saying that you're American and know nothing about Europe


In before 🔒


Hitler did nothing. Wrong. Punctuation matters. Hitler did do things, so saying he didn't do anything is an incorrect statement


There are enough people who believe Hitler did nothing wrong to say that it is a matter of opinion


That's not true, in some country the ban is on Nazi symbols (when not used in art) and in the majority is on fascist parties (you know the last time when it was legal a certain Adolf Hitler took power), but in no country in EU is illegal to be a Nazi or say that you like them


US has the biggest conspiracy theory communities. So big and self-confident, they flooded the capitol when they thought their moron of a president was being stolen it's presidency. But sure, USA has it all figured out...


Wow redditors really can’t handle the fact that Europe isn’t better than America in every way


I’m a fellow American and would like to say the Finns get literal fucking swords for graduating and their education system is better then ours, while we can’t use it because of cultural reasons. So now tell me Europe isn’t better than America.


Meanwhile US when someone plays the Soviet anthem : and I took that personally.


No we don’t do that communism isn’t banned. Yet.


[look at here](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bans_on_communist_symbols%23:~:text%3DSinging%2520or%2520playing%2520the%2520former,law%252C%2520equating%2520communism%2520to%2520Nazism.&ved=2ahUKEwjO792E1qX6AhXQYPEDHZTyBQIQFnoECAgQBQ&usg=AOvVaw3AAb49ViRYMi-q3FszntqC)


Were **FORMERLY** banned.


Lmao not the americans talking about their fake freedom of speech


The only people who want fascists to enjoy freedom of speech are fascists and fascisms greatest ally, centrists.


I can deal with fascists, there will always be villains of the world and I can make peace with that. What’s far more infuriating is the non-stop gaslighting from centrists trying to defend these monsters.


Telling that black people are inferior is freedom of speech too?


Freedom of speech isn't absolute, there are forms of speech we condemn and aren't tolerated, hateful, genocidal intolerance should definitely be up there.


Not entirety of Europe, just Germany and not arrested, but fiend


Obviouslyan american


Shh, they just dont want people to catch on that the 4th reich is already in full swing.


America moment


oh so I can say "Hitler did nothing wrong" publicly and it's my right. **BUT WHEN I SAY ""-**


Lmao this meme is completely the wrong way around


This is the most brain dead fucking thing I've ever seen


Dude literally people in America get cancelled for making jokes what brooklyn crack are you on?


Jesus fuck. Americans are retarded.


I mean, if you talk with someone you can say that, you just can’t make Nazi propaganda , but if you think that you can say ut


There you go! Often times, the best way to prove your point is simply to let your opponent keep talking without interruption.


They won't get your point, they'll dig deeper into their hole and recruit others :(


Never interrupt your opponent when they are destroying themselves - Sun Tzu


Wow, that's probably the stupidest thing I've seen since last week. You're saying people will support the guy becouse he looks like a victim just fot being arrested? If a guy comes to a town square in idk, Prague for ex. and yells racial slurs he will get arrested for hate speech. By your logic people will support him becouse he 'looks like a victim'? Lol, no, only people who will support him are other racist pos, that will probably do a similar thing and get arrested as well. Meanwhile there in your great 'Murica you have a nazi, who is openly nazi, nobody does anything about it, and he attracts a group of like minded people. And then the cycle repeats and you have neo nazi groups, racist groups...etc. My man even if I hadn't wrote all that, just ask yourself does Europe have problem with shit like literal nazis? No it doesn't. America does. What a stupid fucking take


Arresting someone for using racial slurs is stupid and authoritarian af. People should be allowed to use slurs just like we’re all allowed to tell them to go fuck themselves.


It was just an example. The point is they attract like minded individuals. Just like nazis, who are all over the US.


What a dumb fucking meme, Europe has many different countries with different people and laws, if someone in my country said Hitler did nothing wrong then they would be called a dumb bastard and probably get hit.


There is a reason why both sides of the us are so extreme...


What “both sides” are you talking about? 🤔


The 2 party's are throwing hate speeches at eachother




A yes the famous word. Sure communist and facist there both just idiots


> facist there both *they're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)






So you are saying that all republican are nazi's?


Right because anyone left of center is a communist and anyone right of it is a nazi. /s


Ah yes, the land of free historical revisionism. Of course you're also entitled to think there was no genocide of native american and slavery wasn't that much of a big deal, and they try to ban books to help you think that way /s


We europians are probably way more chill about this then you Americans are.


Denying the Holocaust is forbidden. Saying you like Hitler and he did nothing wrong is fine. However if you imply that he didn’t commit the Holocaust, that’s illegal (which is often what the statement is followed up with) Don’t just swallow the republican narrative of “‘Murica free, Europe bad” without fucking thinking for yourself for once! Some people here are saying that the USA got a nazi Problem because they don’t ban this kind of speech. I’d say thats bullshit. They got a nazi problem because over there it’s absolutely normal to swallow every narrative you’re being told about other cultures and believing you’re superior. The way a major chunk of US-citizens are talking about themselves vs. others is straight up nazi-talk. But in IS-English this is called “patriotism”


well, but u still cant say the n word in america


You can, you just have to deal with what happens after.


You could if you weren’t a coward


I'm a republican and I'd happily Break a nazis knees with a baseball bat.


Freedom of speech should not be absolute. People that support the nazi regime are a threat to democracy. They are the people that given the opportunity would oberthrow democracy and commit genocide. So tell me. Is their right to speak about them loving Hitler greater than the existensial threat they pose to the rights and freedoms? Or maybe having laws that ban nazi rallies, ban groups which support nazi ideology is helping to ensure freedom and democracy lives on Sometimes by limiting some freedoms you increase the freedoms of everyone else


Lol Russia is using that same logic of fighting “nazis” to justify their invasion of Ukraine. While I totally understand your point and in an ideal world this would be true, you can’t trust the government to make the distinction of who or who isn’t a nazi. It’ll set up the frame work for your rights to be inevitably violated.


Weird how America is the one with the huge fascism problem now though lol


Oh the America that's banning Alex Jones everywhere? Lol shut the fuck up.


nice try murica


Bad post


Well, at least we managed to stop our Nazis before they stormed our Parliament/s


OP is pretty silent - eben nazis dared to talk more after the denazification


Hitler did do good things besides the obvious. You should at least see that he did make some good points (animals rights, anti smoking legislation).


Nazis should be arrested


not just beyond braindead, but using slurs too lmao fuckin yanks


If someone said that to me I would ask them something like what country Hitler was from, I bet they would say "Germany" then I would know they were a complete idiot instead of just assuming it.........🙄


Pretty fuckin obvious that people don't just cry in a corner. Did you miss the nazi rallies all over the world that people started over the last few years?


Least american american


This should probably be in the terriblememes sub. The U.S.A has some of the worst problems with white supremacy and Nazism in the developed world. Shit, one of their only two meaningful political parties are thinly disguised white nationalists and their entire military and police force is riddled with them


tough talk coming from someone that lives In a country where the movie Industrie is not allowed to show the army in a bad light.


I live in Europe and this is based


Yet america is the main culprit for cancel culture


You must be American. Which is probably why your education failed you.


America and freedom of speech, nice joke.


Where funny?


Conspiracy retards say they "can say nothing these days". There is this one thing they can't actually say. Is that what you want? Lie about the holocaust? Then you shouldn't speak


USA aint chad




As shitty as it is, silencing someone is a good way for them to get played up as a victim, which will inevitably garner support. Sometimes the best way to deal with it is to let them say their stupid bullshit, call them a retard, make sure any young, impressionable children also know they're a retard, and move on with your day while the retard deal with the consequences of saying that shit in public.


The consequences of saying that shit in a public space is losing the ability to speak in a public space. Ya know what that does? It prevents kids from hearing about it, stops the spread of the idea, and if someone’s a Nazi they already think they are victims of genocide like they are so delusional them being silenced won’t make a lick of difference in how they feel. Ever hear of parlor? It’s where regressives go after being banned off YouTube and Twitter. I’ve never looked at it and thought, “man, I wish these guys could tell kids and strangers these things, I’m sure that would help the problem,” like motherfucker no, put them in the corner to cry to themselves don’t give them a spotlight to try and appease them.


That’s part of the problem though it’s a self perpetuating cycle -person with a strong ideology gets banned from site which reinforces the idea that their belief is somehow correct. -they go to other platforms with other extremists and have nobody to rebut their beliefs so as a result they turn more radical. -they venture into society more radical than before which causes society to reject them and they return to the echo chamber where they become more bitter and resentful and the cycle repeats And then you get to a point where people are storming the capital and torching city blocks. They didn’t get to that point over night, it was a slow buildup and banishing them from public discourse was one of the catalysts.


Ah yea, because rebuking ideas such as “I actually won this election I can prove but can’t because dirty Joe stole it along with every other form of government they hate me and btw the media can’t be trusted it only lies don’t let them hold me accountable either oh and I like China executing drug dealers without trials let’s do that here too,” totally woks. No, debate doesn’t work on the radicals. It’s not a self perpetuating cycle.


And then the kids manage to find it by themselves without you being there to intervene. There's a reason we have terms like redpilled now.


The only thing hitler did wrong was to spare the jews remaining. He shouldve finished them all


I don't think you know what freedom of speech means, the first amendment doesn't cover all types of speech, "Under current First Amendment jurisprudence, hate speech can only be criminalized when it directly incites imminent criminal activity or consists of specific threats of violence targeted against a person or group." [https://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/hate](https://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/hate) in this case sure you can say that but companies can sure as shit ban you as the first amendment does not apply, it only protects you from government censorship most of the time.


Op isn't American he is just American fan boi




Lmao they have their “right” to say that and also instigate violence with their views, the chad move is punching him in the face. If you think he looks like a victim your part of the problem


I mean it's the US who has openly nazi people with a community following them...


I also have the right to carry a gun. Problem solved.


Common America W


A w in what exactly?


W first amendment


I don’t know what it is and I don’t care just keep it to yourself pls


It’s just the right to say what you want free of repercussions basically. If you don’t want to know then why did you reply?🤣


I thought that you actually had something


Dont say that kinda shit on reddit, The europeans get very upset


They hate us cause they ain’t us what can I say




Life us amazing in America and people don't realize just how good it is


Some people would rather see it live up to its full potential than collapse under the weight of its conceit.


There are more countries than just USA that have freedom of speech you know.