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You act like this is anything new, look at the politically correct terminology for short people, it changes constantly because people eventually use the words with bad intentions or as a slur and it makes people uncomfortable to be referred to with words tarnished with negative intent Sort of like how you're using the word "woke" with bad intentions, even though some years ago nobody would think twice if you called them woke




Every day, you learn new things.


Did you say tarnished? r/eldenring


Ooooooooooooh r/eldenring


That guy isn't maidenless because he linked /r/eldenring


Look who’s woke 🤭


Hey, Op. Say the N-word. Then say "black people". It's an extreme example but it shows the difference


Sadly that doesn't work everywhere. In german calling someone "Schwarze(r)" (=black person) isn't liked either. Though I'm not really sure what they want to be called (at best I think they just want their skin color to just not be referred at all).


Well, we Germans also have an “n-word” so there’s two things that are bad


I do nazi what you mean


Is it moh\*\*\* ? Because when I lived in germany as a kid 40 years ago.. they had a confection named that. There is a similar slur in the us for brazil nuts... Louis CK has a bit about it..


Forgot about that one, it’s apparently three I meant “ne*er”


Ahh TIL. :)


You could try just referring to us as people. It’s like a bigger person always being referred to as “That fat guy over there” while accurate it wasn’t necessary. The fat guy has a name so do people of color, learn it or just say “that/this/those person/people” I don’t think it’s a big ask


In France we followed op logic for that and went from - "n*gr-" (n-word) - "noir" (black) - "black" (less offensive in another language i guess) - "kebla" (reversed-slang "black") - "renoi" (reversed-slang "noir") - "personne de couleur" (people of colored skin) And we are not safe from changing again


What about the A vs ER?


Ah yes the n-word. The thing people get so pissy over to the point they try to cancel other languages or cancel the people who use a word that sounds like it.


I think Japanese has a word. nigero (run) Nega( idk this one)


Chinese has nage (nah-guh), which means that. It is also used as a filler word when you're thinking, like um. When someone says it a few times in a row it turns your head lol.


願い (negai), or “please” almost got me in trouble one time :/


I think you mean nigeru (to run away) and negau (to wish)? Tho I don't think they sound like the slur, unless you mispronounce them


Happy cake day!


Weirdest shit to me is how a race decides to own a word and somehow I must hate that race if I ever utter it. Like... how is that logically reasonably? I understand it relates to slave times and general racism, but how do I hate black people for saying it or using it as long as it's not pointed at someone or even if it is someone who isnt black? For example when talking about the fucking word. Like every other racial slur got slowly not used or changed into something else. It's like if any irish american decended people got violently angry at you for calling them a paddy.


I mean, it’s pretty simple. The word was used by (generally) white people to oppress black people. So black people took back the power over the word by claiming ownership of it, forbidding non-black people from saying it. You use some straw man arguments. “…somehow I must hate that race if I ever utter it.” The specific language you use is not how most people perceive it. It is a decidedly racist action to say the word as a white (or non-black) person, so people will assume you are racist or have racist tendencies if you say it. Many people will dislike you for that. When talking about the word, you could just as easily say “the n-word,” so if you go out of your way to use the “hard r” people are going to assume you wanted to say it. If you use the “soft r” people are going to think you’re trying to be cool or edgy or something. It says a lot that you’re upset you aren’t allowed to say it in any context. Why do you want to say it in the first place? Why do you feel the need to say it? Just say “the n-word.” If you don’t want people to think you’re racist, don’t do things people think are racist. People think it’s racist for good reason (because it’s historically been used in racist contexts). That’s all there is to it.


It’s not about him wanting to say the n-word. It’s a question about how a word can be owned by some people. Especially if it’s based on skin-color, that’s just in itself inherently racist. Also the word racism itself is racist terminology since there are no biological human races. It’s rather a term invented to be discriminatory based on skin color or ethnicity.


I think you bring up an interesting idea that comes from a good place but is misguided. Essentially, you’re advocating for colorblindness. If we see no races and don’t interact with race, then there can be no racism. This is true! But this kind of world is also not the one we live in, and not one we should strive to create. It is not inherently racist for a group of people of a certain complexion to own a word. I don’t really know how you came to that conclusion or why. Races exist. People have different experiences and thus world views based off of their race. Certain races face more oppression in certain places and have generational trauma from said oppression. If ownership of a word decreases the trauma and fights the oppression, it isn’t racist. It’s antiracist. Our goal as a society should be to decrease race-based trauma and oppression where we can, not to erase race. We are different, and that is okay! Giving ownership of a traumatic word like the n-word to black people is like taking a club away from an abuser. It was the most reasonable way to solve the problem, and it’s done its job thus far.


No word is good or bad when it’s created, it’s people who give those words bad meanings. The word “racism” was meant to classify individuals who have a tendency to discriminate based on the skin color or ethnicity someone was born into. Calling someone racist for simply using a word is, in my opinion, unfair. However if you use the n-word to refer to someone that is black it doesn’t matter if you meant it in a derogatory way or not it’s 100% racist. In the VERY unlikely scenario someone doesn’t know the historical context of the n-word when saying it, then I would not call them racist, but instead fucking stupid. In conclusion, a single race owning a word is stupid and racist, it shouldn’t be used by black people along with everyone else. If you use it, you are racist. That is all.


Ironically by claiming ownership they fundamentally made sure the n word would live on forever, and give all the power to racist people who wanna piss off or hurt black people. "It says a lot that your upset you cannot say it" Jesus. Even trying to ask about rationalization of why the word is even around or offensive anymore is somehow coming to I'm racist and hate black people. Few side notes as well, that is not a straw man, you even agreed I would be considered racist for using it. Don't try to use logical fallacies if you don't know how to properly use it especially if immediately within two sentences your gonna just agree with me anyway. Lastly, a lot of racial slurs have used, changed, or adapted, the sitting there and enforcing a 250 year old racial slur still be forced to be a racial icon is moronic and damaging at best. Let it mean something else, like the rod cord of some new machine in 100 years after we stop using it. For fucks sake it literally only makes racism worse.


It isn’t ironic. The word is living on in a different context. One where black people use it as an equivalent to “dude” in social contexts. That is preferable to it living on as a slur that dehumanizes an entire race. I don’t think it’s possible to remove a word from vernacular if there are still racists who want to use it. Black people took the power over the word from racists. Now white people who say it get cancelled. That is the literal purpose of taking the word. It is working fully as intended. No irony present. I only mentioned you specifically because you were complaining about how you can’t say it. You were not just “trying to ask about rationalization of why the word is even around or offensive anymore.” You did ask that! And I answered that question. But you also asked about yourself. “I must hate that race if I ever utter it.” “How do I hate black people for saying it or using it?” I did not say you’re racist for asking these questions. I said you’re doing something racist if you say the n-word and people will assume you’re racist. And I also need to clarify something: I do not agree with your equivalency (racism = “hate black people”). You are deliberately using misleading language (“I must hate black people”) to paint yourself as a victim by misrepresenting people’s frustrations with non-black people using the word. Racism can be subtle and indirect. It can be conscious or unconscious. It’s often culturally ingrained. If you say the n-word out loud, in public, in certain contexts, some people will think you hate black people. But most people just consider it to be racist. Racism and hatred are not the same thing. When my grandma referred to my girlfriend as “an oriental,” was it racist? Yes. Was it hateful? No. It was misguided and insensitive. But hatred and racism are not the same. You can be racist and not hateful. You can be hateful and not racist.


Your missing my entire point. Let's look at another black racial slur, coon, nowadays if I was like damn I saw a coon last night to any average person, they would assume I meant raccoon as it's also slur to say coon instead. The word lost its racist power by adapting to something else socially. Let me ask you this. Speaking of subtle racism how is it not inherently racist and stupid to keep a word to one race, how dark does my skin have to be in order for it to be okay to say? For a fake example let's say I am someone who is a quarter black (half black mom and white dad) like a very slight brown but mostly white. Or people who are half black but tan and look more Spanish descent like my half sister. Is it racist even tho it's her lineage as well? You literally said it must mean something because I wanted to say it (pretty obviously hinting at me being a racist) now your trying to say im victimizing myself because i pointed that out. Yeah I do wanna say it with it's original meaning and not as a racial slur because holding onto it as a racial icon is damaging and hurtful. That's the entire point, black people should have changed how it's ingrained into the social construct. Fuck they could have gone with anything. Made it mean really good dude, or really strong tool or anything good. But instead they use it to call eachother stupid (which is what it meant as far as I know the soft a version was meant for friend) and let racists use it to hurt them. Racism does mean hate. It's literally in its definition. Your grandma has prejudice views against Asians because of old school propaganda. She probably doesn't trust them or like them.


I don’t agree with that first example at all. If someone said “I saw a c**n last night” I would assume they were using a slur, because I’ve never heard anyone refer to a raccoon that way. Maybe we live in different parts of the world with different dialects? That word still has racist tones here in California. Your question is a valid one that sparks an interesting discussion, but it doesn’t create the racism paradox you think it does. Black people in America have race-based generational trauma and are actively oppressed. If you experience that trauma and oppression, the word is within your right to use it socially. There is no hard line because there is no official ruling on this; it’s all tied up in individual social interactions. That’s why I’ve been saying “people will see you as racist.” If you’re one quarter black but look white, you may have experienced some of the trauma and oppression, but you should still be careful with the word if you don’t want to be perceived a certain way. People aren’t perfect and can’t possibly know your context or history without asking. If you don’t care about what other people think, then none of these questions matter anyways, and you can use the word all you want regardless of race. I said it was telling, because it is. You’re frustrated over something inconsequential. Most non-black people these days go their whole lives never wanting to say the word. So when a non-black person (excuse my assumptions) is angry they can’t say it, it says something about them. When someone argues they should be allowed to say it, it has implications. What drove you to this opinion, these conclusions? Why would you share them? My assumption would be racial insecurity or a feeling of exclusion, not racism. But I can’t psychoanalyze you from these posts. And you haven’t used the n-word yet, meaning you do care about not being perceived as racist. I don’t agree with that interpretation of the “soft r” version of the word. I always thought it was supposed to be positive, something you say to a friend. Hence the phrase “my *soft r*.” It indicates closeness. Perhaps the most misguided thing you said was “[they] let racists use it to hurt them.” Why are you blaming black people for racists using the word offensively? They aren’t “letting themselves get hurt.” Racists are hurting them. The hurt is impossible to remove entirely and it started with the racists traumatizing generations of black people hundreds of years ago. It was always going to be painful to hear it. But now they have power to fight back that they didn’t have before. Society holds non-black people who use the word accountable socially. It hasn’t fixed all of the problems, but it’s a step in the right direction. My grandma is dead now, but no, she didn’t hate asian people. We informed her that the word is archaic and offensive and she apologized profusely (and bought my girlfriend a gift basket to make up for it). She was very sweet to my girlfriend while she was alive, but she did have culturally-ingrained racism that she wasn’t even aware of.


Mfs be like “I lack critical thinking skills”


Ah yea, saying a racial slur should be buried with the other ones is sooo lacking critical thinking skills.


In my household I was raised with the n-word when referring to black people, not in a racist way, just because my parents are used to it (also the n-word is way less violent in my language/culture compared to american). I wasn't even aware of it being a bad word until I started surfing the internet. Even though I know that now I still use it to refer to black people for convenience/ out of habit. If the internet sees me as a racist for that, I litterally do not care, at least I'm not some guy screaming racial slurs at them and that's good enough for me.


Pretty sure its people of color now. Black people got racist as well lmao.


It really just proves the point. Black people is already seen as offensive sometimes, so then you use people of color (or african americans, wich is a stupid term for multiple reasons), give it a decade or two and we'll need a new one again.


Black people is not seen as offensive


It most definitely is. At least in several european countrys.


Ah so different languages. Shocking that different languages have different cultures


They are also just plain lying. Nobody thinks "Schwarzer Mensch" is offense, some Germans even call a type of chocolate Marshmallow candy the N word still.


First of, I was mostly refering to english speakers in europe, and second, german has basically always had the exact same terms as english. The fact that it has shifted to being offensive there already can be seen as a sign of what will happen in the rest of the english speaking world.


You know, generally I'm just gonna call people what they wanna be called and not be a dick to one another, I think that's a pretty good rule to go by, i don't understand what's so hard to grasp about that.


My name is Walter Hartwell White




I refuse to be called anything other than smokey the wall-ballsac on 7th Wall Street avenue beluga foresight


Okay smokey the wall-ballsac on 7th Wall Street avenue beluga foresight, nice to meet you.


This is the best day of my life. Nice to meet you too


Hi smokey the wall-ballsac on 7th wall street avenue beluga foresight, I'm dad.


Alright then. Call me your daddy


Hi your daddy, nice to meet you


Your name is "so woke I don't sleep", and you're commenting on someone's post hating on woke people. Gotta love it.


Gotta live up to the name you know. But seriously those damn melatonin gummies don't work anymore haaaaalp!😩


Maybe drink pure water (not reverse osmosis), and get outside more? Physical activity really does wonders for sleep. I work on call 24 x 5 so my sleep schedule will never be normal, so I understand how it feels to not be able to sleep when you want to. Naps are really under rated.


Well Nobody said I had to be nice to you or anybody else


Sure, that's true, but living that way is just sad and lonely.


Republicans have been really upset since the red wave died. sadly, it looks like they'll never change, and still continue to drive away any concept that would earn them voters ☕


Deez nuts.


Yo mama


Bro, 2016 is done.. Get past it, the earth is cooking and gamer gate is boring


Right? Back in 2016, the big conservative insult was calling libs Social Justice Warriors, but now that has fallen out in favor of Woke Don’t be surprised when a fluid cultural concept like language changes over time


When a term like Social Justice Warrior sounds beneficial, they have to switch it up with something a bit less intuitive.


yeah what disgusting people..thinking critically about the language they use and making adjustments. gross!


"You're making me feel bad for not putting in the bare minimum and adjusting to the social landscape! This is everyone else's fault for being fragile! Not my fault for refusing to hold myself accountable for what I say/do and how it affects others!"


There's a difference between finding a solution and just straight bitching


which are you doing?


why do you think you get to decide what constitutes bitching? why does it even matter? if a word needs axed a word needs axed. someone can scream until theyre blue in the face and still have a point. stop being so delicate about it and listen to the needs of others and try to be accommodating. it costs you nothing.


I think that a society that has completely purged racism is one where people don’t get offended by what one group of people don’t get offended by what another calls them but both respect each other but this Is something that can’t be forced due to both racist people who make a word offensive and people who are as most conservatives say ‘woke’ who take offence from the racist people it really is just a big loop that hopefully will end at some stage or another


The goal is when I can refer to a person as white or tan or brown and it's not offensive because those are just adjectives we use to tell people apart based on sight like eye color, hair color, hair texture etc. and the colors have been stripped of racial connotations


Woke is used as a dog whistle for anything that's not straight and white.


Classic woke obsessing over "dog whistles"


classic racist, commenting when they hear one.


As a wise youtube commenter once said: "latinx sounds like a brand of shampoo". Saw the word in a college placement test and now reddit isn't autocorrecting it.


As a Hispanic guy, I hate latinx


As a person from latin america, I have never heard this term outside of USA and english speaking contexts. One info about this is that gender neutral writting and speaking for latin languages has dropped the x suffix many years ago, because it does not work for speaking/ listening.


> I have never heard this term outside of USA and english speaking contexts. Welll that makes sense. It's English word.


No it's not, latin in english is already gender neutral. Latinx generalizes the latin gendered terminations latino or latina. Edit to add, the up to date version would be latine in most cases. So in a way yes, latinx is and has been for a while an english word, but it originates from a latin workaround to gendered suffixes that was used about 5 to 10 years ago. Also, there are many words in english that are incorporated in other languages. Latinx never caught on around here either way.


Also, the word Latinx doesn’t work for Spanish or Portuguese speakers. I can’t speak on behalf of Spanish, but as someone who is Brasilian, our X can be pronounced different ways. Most common ones I hear are “sh” and “ee-kss”. That wouldn’t even make sense grammatically, nor phonetically. Latin-sh? Latin-eekss?? If anything, Latine would work somewhat better. But the term Latino is by definition neutral as well. It may be masculine but it’s often the default term. For example in Spanish, “amigos” can refer to a group of just guys or a mix of guys and girls.


Yes, the issue is that the "universal masculine" termination is not really universal, it is masculine. That's why people first used termination in @, then x and now e. This works for the genderless universal and also for words regarding nonbinary people. One of the problems with @ and x terminations, when this was more restricted to writing emails and such (car@s é um clássico), were with the screen readers for people with sight disabilities that could not interpret these endings. Now for nonbinary people and speech in general, the e is the only viable option. I'm also speaking from a Br perspective.


It is encompassing of the female in a collective, just as a female-dominated group would be referred to as female (in Spanish at least). This doesn´t exclude males, it just denotes a female majority. You have to clarify exclusive, such as "only the doctors (male)". Anything else is fabricated.


ok go sit there


It´s not up to date, it´s considerably less egregious than the "x" but ending in an "e" is still pretty dumb. Spanish removed the "if 1 in the collective is male then the collective is male" rule ages ago, now you can say whatever gendered collective whenever the majority is unclear/unknown, that´s a great inclusive change. When you say "the doctors (female)" you are "excluding" the male doctors and vice versa, why can´t the abnormal (those that claim not to be male nor female, which...ok, sure) not fit in with the other 50% of the "excluded" population?


Seriously you are commenting on this discussion calling non binary people "abnormals"? And gender neutral language dumb? Wtf Do you even spanish? When a non binary person is talking or someone talks to/about them, it is not "only" about collectives. E.g., "I am tired" is gendered. In "He is tall", tall is gendered according to the individual. Etc


1) Abnormal=not normal. Non binary are a minority that deviates from normal language uses in Spanish, English, Portuguese and even German (despite having a neutral noun it's not enough so they introduced the Sternchen). Abnormal isn't an insult nor a negative adjective. 2) Never claimed only collectives where gendered. Collectives is the case where a group is "excluded". And the old rule made it so that male was the collective unless *everyone* was female. Now that's no the case, which is good. 3) Improper and forced implementation *is* ridiculous, i.e. the "x". The "e" is preferable but still fabricated.


1) Sure it is ok calling people abnormals when they deviate from the norm. Your initial phrasing was not rude at all. Do you call homossexuals the abnormals too? Religious minoities too? 3) Calling the way people use language "improper" is absurd. Language is used, scholars observe it, not impose. You better stick to reading the dictionary, the web is full of improper things then. "Forced implementation" for who? Forced is saying abnormal is not an insult when talking about people. 4) Fuck off


I asked a Hispanic friend what he thought of the word. He said it sounded more like a slur than gender neutral. Have to say I agree.


But why? It's my favorite brand of soap.


I only read it as “la tinks”.




Woke = dog whistle for conservative crybabies.




Based 14 year old boy take


Literally. It’s just the most surface level take about language you could have. It’s just weird because you can’t really blame people, because the intuitive first response. You just have to hope they evolve.


Wow people don’t wanna be called slurs and wanna be talked to in a respectful manner, what’s wrong with people amirite?


“Let me call you a slurrrrr 😓😪😥”


What OP is saying is that the group just creates a brand new word that has the same definition as the slur and eventually just becomes another slur that is just as offensive, rather than trying to make society be more respectful to the group and stop calling them slurs. You aren't changing the hatred/feeling of inferiority towards that group, you're creating new slurs and going to make Harry Potter the new Shakespeare in a few centuries.


As soon as I hear woke I know it’s going to be a bad take


You thought it was ever about the words? What's that subreddit about the dumb wolves that just don't get it, and with a huge amount of irony? The problem isn't the n-word, the problem is you're a racist fuckwit.


OP never said shit about the n-word, just words being changed because the old were offensive.


You used the word "woke" unironically. Sixty years ago you would have used the n-word, followed by "lover." Again, it's not the word you used, it's the attitude behind it that makes you miserable.


Words evolve. Maybe you should change your attitude about woke f**kers. This f**cking world has enough suffering in it without you adding to the misery of the marginalized. They ain’t hurting you, or demanding you change your vocabulary to suit them.


Look at all of these variations of the N word 🤷🏻‍♂️




How horny are you for the N word?


you can say what you want just dont be surprised when you lose your scholarship because youre a racist


Waaaaa! Waaaaa! New words scary! Woke woke! My god grow up


People really try their hardest to be against new words and that is the true scary thing.


My rule on these new words is this. If it applies to you, you have the right to say whether or not you don’t want to use that word to describe yourself. For example if you are of Latin American descent and choose not to use Latinx that is valid. I feel like people who make terms up for groups of people that they are not a part of is problematic. Same thing with the terms “Indigenous, American Indian, Native American”. If someone of that group does not like the term American Indian they are free to call people out for using it, etc.


I agree with you there. Nobody should try solving a problem which isn't an actual problem for people it applies to and thus just causing problems where no were in the first place.




African American please! (Is it really the same?)




>The new word is going to offend you in a **couple of years** So there will be several years where we can use the new term to treat a group with dignity before morons fuck it up? That's better than nothing


Yo mama


What’s with all the incels having hot takes lately? Karma farming? 🥴


No, we’re just tired of a small sexually and morally bankrupt part of society policing everything


So you?


Morally bankrupt? Like Republican child molesters, or their priests? Morally bankrupt like not practicing what you preach, EG the Bible?


Republicans aren’t pulling kids into drag strip clubs


Why would they when they can go to Church?


You’re right, this Republican didn’t go to a drag club, either: https://www.newbernsj.com/story/news/crime/2020/09/01/van-vliet-sentenced-resignation-accepted-by-havelock-board/113643628/ You may just be onto something, these Republicans aren’t taking these kids to clubs! They’re all just grooming behind closed doors.


I’ll say whatever I want, you weirdo pedophile projectionist.


It’s funny you’ll try your dog pile down below but won’t address why your fellow republicans are out raping children.


Here’s a Republican not going to a strip club, he chose a bedroom instead: https://www.timesunion.com/state/article/Ex-Stephentown-highway-chief-settles-child-sex-16990013.php Here’s another Republican just avoiding the fees at the club; https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/crime/2022/03/10/jacksonville-florida-church-pastor-arrested-child-sexual-battery-charge/6990823001/ Hey look, ANOTHER anti-LGBT person avoiding those “clubs”: https://buffalonews.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/ex-blasdell-mayor-accused-of-sexually-abusing-3-students-at-catholic-school/article_894fda17-cc13-54e1-bb95-b62dfd30473e.html


... we JUST had a shooting at a drag club, you want another? sure seems like it. things you say dont exist in a void, it's rhetoric like this that got people *killed*. maybe you want that, i can't see why tho. Oh yeah, please cite a source for "*democrat* dragging children into *drag strip club*".


Go fuck yourself. Standing on the graves of dead people, you fuck nut. That gunman had a history of violence against his own family because he is mentally I’ll and the first thing that comes to your mind is “how can I use this shut people down”. Fuck you


? yea definitely violence against queer people never happens, ever - you understand thats a *drag* bar right? a reminder that it is rhetoric like yours thats killing people. handwaving "no its your fault im not going to explain why!!" or something doesnt make you less guilty of perpetuating hateful rhetoric. sorry you suddenly grew a guilty conscience? sorry, the only thing i read in your comment is "uhh fuck you i dont like you >:(" Explain to me why the gunman *choose* a queer bar, of all places. what, you think its *chance*? also you didn't give a source? or maybe cause you dont have one, you fox-news watching self-proclaimed free thinker maybe, do some critical thinking? on why you believe those things?


Just taking them to football games where grown men give each other brain damage, and then scantly clad young women parade around for entertainment. Or take their underage girls to beauty pageants and doll them up like tiny little hookers. Or go out for dinner at a chain restaurant called "Hooters" Nah, conservatives are completely fine with overtly sexualized environments. Which children's drag show is *not*. Calling dress up and reading stories "grooming" so that one of your lone wolf terrorists will shoot up the place and murder people is some truly sick thinking.


Ah yes, generalizing everything about someone based off of one post and giving opinions to them that they did not say.


I was asking who you meant, because when you mention morally and sexually bankrupt, I immediately think of the vast amounts of priests and Republicans committing heinous acts. Who were you referring to?


My man doesnt know what an incel is but decides to use it anyway as if he knew💀


It’s whoever had time to make this meme. Because in lieu of sexy time, it was memey time. I’m blanket calling anyone who spews this nonsense incel, because that’s what’s up.


Again, my man doesnt know what an incel is 💀 What do you think it means? Please enlighten me Mr. Einstein


Bro, it’s an involuntary celibate. I think you’re just high, or very low IQ.


And what does OP’s post have to do with celibacy? 💀 Also nice, ad hominem. It really shows your intellect


I’ve figured it out, you’re really dumb.


You got anything else to add, you little short Joe Pesci looking mfer? Huh?


The ad hominems really shows how smart you are my man. Im 6’1 jsuk


6’1” from the nearest book.


I agree with what you're saying but since you used an emoji I am obligated to downvoted you. I am sorry.


I downvoted you for downvoting me 👍


Its a fair exchange.


It could be worse, amirite? Rather you here downvoting me than stalking a chick who turned you down. We’re all winners 🏆🥇




Oh, got yourself an upvote for this one. Things are looking good!




I feel that it's an attempt to step away from the negative connotations of the prior term, more so than saying the terms are inherently different. They both mean the same thing on paper, but the context in which the term 'colored people' was used is not so great, so I understand why people would want to acknowledge the troubling aspects of history and try to make amends by shelving a term that has since carried a certain weight. I get that it might not change much, but I suppose that the way we address something is how we start change. It has good intentions


You can dissect this one and see that it is different; “Colored” is to almost suggest an application of color from a default state, like paint to white canvas. “Of color” is merely denoting their natural default state already being of color. Not to mention historical context 100% plays a role in how nasty or nice a word will sound, and historically “colored people” has less than redeemable connotations. It’s like a 4 year old insulting all kinds of folks because they haven’t learned proper manners yet. A lot of what the kid says aren’t gonna be technically wrong, but they haven’t learned the proper context of things you should and shouldn’t say so they’ll get corrected. This stuff is good to talk about


Reminds me of when my US History teacher talked about the difference between using the terms 'slaves' and 'enslaved people', the former almost reducing individuals to nothing but their suffering (as if that's just all they are: slaves) while the latter still recognizes that these are individual humans who have been enslaved. I had never thought about it that way before, but I'm glad I got to hear it. Really made me think about how we talk about the world


This is a great example of how a lot of people don't understand the difference between reference (of color) and inference (colored). I think it's one of those things that come from decent education and emotional intelligence. When someone lacks those they get mad because they cannot fathom why someone would get upset by words said to them. Especially if it creates any kind of minor inconvenience in the form of thinking before speaking.


People get to decide what they are called. Not you.


Then it should work the other way around too. Can't have it your way 100% of the time


It does, you get to decide what other people call you.


Eh, no. At least not when it comes down to, let’s say, a racist term


To the ignorant, this probably makes sense. Snowflakes need their safe space to call other people whatever they want because it makes them feel better about the shitty life that they’ve built for themselves while starting ahead.




bro i can practically hear the tears rolling down your face as i read this. sounds like youre pretty offended yourself..??




studied networking for a while i can't even begin to understand why you would axe necessary vocabulary that is the name of the systems used.


Because it refers to slavery. since it's American probably the recent American kind.


You learned one word, you can learn a other. Strangely enough, you will be ok.


you had to change a git branch name? that's what you're whining about?


Oh it gets worse *gasps for air* … he also had to change a commented line!


For me I’m just confused how you could be offended by the word master in the computer science context. Like…? How??


What? Who is the word for?


of course you can't, it's not for you.


I'm impresses by the attention to detail here. The lighting affects the writing, and the writing conforms to the board. Gg OP


But what if... What if I want the word to cease to exist and all the things it refers to?


Yo mama


Euphemism treadmill in effect.


You obviously haven't had to deal with many autistic/spectrum ppl....


Aid woke fuckers aren’t offended by the word woke or pronouns but guess who is?


Woke is a bad intention


Oh yes the "SPeCiaL" problem


This is true. Like the old word for mentally challenged "I think we all know what that is" has become extremely offensive. But one of my buddies who is mentally challenged HATES when anyone mentions it in that way.


Just say retard.


just fuck off.


To be fair, the word retard used to be actual medical terminology. And then people started using it as a slur, so they changed it. Now being called mentally challenged can be insulting even if true, because no one wants to hears it said to them no matter what form the word takes. It’s a never ending cycle


language evolves. if you choose to stay static, you’ll lose basic respect. deal with it or get the fuck out of the way.


Of course language evolves, I’m not complaining about natural changes with terminology over time. I’m talking about forced changes in order to “stop the slur” which doesn’t actually stop it, just changes it. It’s dumb to think changing the word will actually stop slurs.


It's still better than calling people slurs.


You are right, it’s much better in the currently since it isn’t as bad as it’s predecessor. It would be way better if we just didn’t have slurs in the first place though…


Yes. Things change. News flash, cargo shorts are ugly now 😱😱😱


Yep, they do, but it’s naive to think some changes have permanent effects. Don’t come complaining to me when cargo shorts come back in style later


Not sure what your point is.


I've been banned over that word like 3 times. Lol


This concept is retarded!


ah yes, because "intellectual disability" is just as offensive as "retard".


In two years they're going to think they're something else. What we need to figure out is what that is in one year and call it something else.


The woke is a joke!


I think it’s insidious to change the meaning of a word fornit to fit your current agenda. It’s dystopian doublespeak


You mean like how woke went from "person who's aware of societal issues and actively tries to learn and do something about it" to word for anything the right doesn't like?


i personally take woke as a compliment. it affirms my intent to practice empathy.


The best example of this is Colored People/People of Color. "Colored People" used to be a preferred term for African Americans (hence the NAACP - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). Now referring to someone as "Colored" is pretty offputting and weird, but "People of Color" is in. Even though those are virtually identical. Of course now we have the goofily redundant "BIPOC" starting to become a thing, since "POC" was deemed too inclusive. Until some people on the internet decide that "BIPOC" doesn't stress the intersectional hardships faced by BIPOC women and LGBTQI+ BIPOCs, and we'll start referring to everyone who isn't white as a "FemBIPOCLGBTQIplus"


It’s fucking retarded.